Thursday, June 5, 1969 COLBORNE CHRONICLE • . Castleton Pentecostal. -. CHURCH ' The Friendly Church' 9.45 a.m - Sunday School 11 a.m.-Morning Worship 7-30 p.m- Evangelist -- Ralph Winters Tuesday Bible Study 7-30 Theme ' A glimpse thru the New Testament' For Counselling Phone Mark Wade and Wendy Burns-- 344-7453 The Church that preaches what God's Word teaches You are Invited to attend EVERYONE WELCOME. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA OLD ST. ANDREW'S Minister: Rev. J. Mackechnfe M.A., B.D.. B.L. COLBORNE 11.00 A.M. Onanist: Mrs. G. B. Barnet Lakeport. Organist - Mrs. S- Spence 9-45 a.m.--Church Service Brighton -- 12:30 p.m. ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Rector: Rev. L. M. Ware TRINITY CHURCH COLBORNE Oi-ganist Miss I. Corbyn Trinity 1 June 8th 9.00 a.m.--Holy Communion A special memorial serv. commemorating 'D' Day landings 25th anniversary Church parade for all Veterans ST. GEORGE, GRAFTON 10.00 a.m. Mattins Special presentation by the Young People Wed. June 11, The Feast of St. Barnabus- Holy Communion 10 a.m. THE GOSPEL OASIS Elgin Street N., Colborne, Ontario -- Minister -- Rev. David M Duncan Sunday -- Worship 10:30 a.m. Wednesday -- 7 30 p.m. "Listen to 'Break for Strength' Monday thru Friday, 7.50 am. over CHUC" COME TO CHURCH THIS SUNDAY UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Minister: Rev. It. W. French, B.A., B.D., S.T.M. Organist and Choir Leader: Mrs. W. G. Irvine COLBORNE-- , 9.45 a.m.--Sunday School 1100 am Worship DUNDONALD 9-45 am Church Service 1045 am. Church School SALEM-- Church School -10-30 a.m. Pastors Pen PROSPECT Missionary CHURCH COLBORNE Minister: REV. W. CECIL BROWN 9:50 a.m.: Sunday School 11 am 'Keeping God Bottled Up' 7 p-m. 'The Greatest Love Story' ............. A Full Gospel Church Support the Church with the Light and the Open Door on Sunday Night (By Rev. G. Peck, Grace Missionary Church, Port Hope) There is an old story about a dog that boasted of his ability as a runner. One day he gave chase to a rabbit and failed to catch it. The other dogs ridiculed him because of his boasting. His reply was, "You must remember that the rabbit was running for his life, while I was only running for my dinner." The motives of our lives will determine the effort we will put forth. If you are in the race merely for your dinner you will not put the same vim and energy into your running as you would if your ambition were deeper, more serious. The Apostle Paul writing to the church at Phillipi wiote "For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain". 1:22. This was his motto and motivating force. He had met Jesus Christ on the road ts Damascus and his life was changed. His lift had been filled with hatred of Christians and his motive was to persecute and imprison them. COME » SING PRAY BAPTIST CHURCH Colborne PASTOR Rev. Keith G Cooney B.A Cramahe Worship service 9 :15 Sunday School l'):15 Colborne Worship service 11:30 Sunday School 11:30 Eddystone Sunday School 9:15 Worship Service 10=15 A Warm Invitation... ■-.. A Friendly Welcome -- When a person comes to meet and know Jesus Christ and to accept Him as Saviour, there comes a new purpose to living. The newfound joy and peace of the soul makes one want to share it with others. Paul was one of the most influential men of his time. His life was spent in service of Christ preaching the good news of the Gospel. His letters to the churches he saw established comprise the larger part of our New Testament. His was a life of purpose, joy and fulfillment. Jesus said 'I am come that you might have life and that more abundantly." To be a Christian is not to lose any zest for living but to find a Life spelled with a capital 'L". For some people life is jusl a mere existence to be endured with as little discomfort as possible and to hope for something better in a future life. Some people would say "For me to live is to have a good time", others "money" or "to be popular". All of these are lesser motives than for which God made us. None of these could say like Paul ".... to die is gain". BAHA'l FAITH Private Investigation of the Truth GOD IS UNKNOWABLE Only try his Messengers Can we Comprehend God! God's Messenger for today is "Baha'U'llah" Baha'U'llah means "The Glory of The Lord" Fulfilling all the prophecies of all religions Discussion groups: Saturday 815 p-m: 410 Division St- Cobourg 6 Addison St- Brighton For further information Phone: 475-0914 FREE LITERATURE This is the time to sell! Buyers waiting for all type of property! Acreage - Homes - Farms PHONE 475 - 2024 Gordon & Helen Atkins To die with only a life behind lived for selfish purposes would not be gain. For the one who lives for Christ it is to gain to die. For the Christian death is not an enemy but an open door to be "with Christ which is far better." No man is ready to live until he is ready to die. Paul found the answer to both in Jesus Christ the one he loved and served so well. Beside the body of a college student who had taken hit: own life was found this note "Life has gone sour on me, I have found no purpose or reason for living, all the causes I have lived for have crumbled." The tragedy of this young life is that it was not directed to Jesus Christ who has given salvation and purpose to men from the shores of Galilee and the Damascus road to the youth of today who look for the answer to life as it really can be. Real life, the kind that counts is centered around the Person of Christ, He said "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life." He invites you to find it in Him today. COLBORNE PERSONALS ............ Mr., Mrs- Frank Morrison and Wayne attended the graduation excercises, Trent University, Friday-Mr- Robert McGoldrick Toronto is visiting niece Sandi and husband Paul, for two weeks. They visited Gananoque at weekend a lovely time was had by all. ............. Mrs. Maurice King, Peterborough and Mrs. Roy Arsenault, Oshawa, visited Mr-, Mrs. Alf Dove Wednesday. Miss Marg Wadsworth, Stockdale spent the week end with Miss BiUie Ball Mr., Mrs. William Frau-ts, Trenton visited Mr-, Mrs. John Shepherd for the weekend. Mr., Mrs. Wes Shepherd and Mr-, Mrs. John Shepherd visited relatives in London, Sunday-Mr., Mrs. Gordon Ramer and Mr-, Mrs- Alvin Ramer attended the funeral in Hamilton Monday May 26 of his sister, Mrs- Theodore Wardes, who passed away suddenly, May 23. Mr., Mrs- JR. Davis spent the weekend in Whitby at the home of Mr., Mrs-B-J. Davis. Mr-, Mrs. A.R- Davis and children, Campbellville, spent the weekendi at the home of Mrs. Alex Rutherford Sr- Mr . Mrs. A.R. Davis and children, Campbellville, v^ited Mr, Mrs. J.R. Davis on Monday.