COLBORNE CHRONIC LI Successor to The Colborne Express (est. 1866) and The Colborne Enterprise (est. 1886) SIu0RD ALYE^ ^fptoThursday, November 27, 1969 7c per copy -- S3.00 Canada -- $4.00 U.S.A. and Abroad Glamour in the Home R^rJ *50? Prov.-Finals Next For 'Miss Hope' The last meeting for the year of the Colborne Horticultural Society strained tho capacity of Trinity Parish Hall to the very limit. Young marrieds and young people were especially made welcome. Almost 150 attended from Colborne, Grafton and Brighton when Mrs G Brooks, Toronto of Toronto Garden Club, made 'Glamourizing the home for Christmas' looks so simple, that eager customers kept her busy, buying the mechanics for making the home truly beautiful. Her bouquets, hanging baskets, swags, sprays, centre-pieces and mantle decorations kept the audience enthusiastic. Many of the creations were made from materials from gardens and accoutrements in the home. Mrs Brookes displayed creative ingenuity with sprayed clones and dried artichokes, dried flowers and weeds, corn husks and blossoms and grapes made from pecans. Ideas for gifts, glamourizing garden gloves, aprons from table napkins, ribbon roses, and snow men from siyrofoarn made the time go swiftly for the appreciative audience.. Mrs T Gresham, President of Colborne Horticultural Society introduced and welcomed Mrs Brooks and Mrs B Chapman thanked her for the most enjoyable and inspiring evening. With such a large crowd, Mrs Cecil Reed and her committee did a tremendous task of serving such dainty and luscious refreshments. The second Horticultural chambers is May 17th. do go it's worth it!! The next meeting wilit be Monday January 26th, J970. It will ba tha annual meeting and take the form of rj Po". Luck Supper. All who have attended! this annual affair knows how very enjoyable it is. Under the leadership of Mrs Gresham, our Horticultural Society has indeed had a good year., how about joining? To Hospital Rotarian Don McNeil was scheduled to provide the programme for the regular Rotary meeting, Monday. Winners of the *150' Club draw w re George Blyth, Gladys Terwiliigar. Audrey Terwiliigar and Camer-c.i Moffat. Each received $25; Roland White brought a swivel office chair to be auctioned off and President Wes Shsppard was the lucky purchaser. Proceeds to Cripphd Childrens Fund It was voted that $500 be donated to the Cobourg District General Hospital Fund. Bruce Spencer won the dinner prize. Alf Dove was reported sick in Cobourg Hospital. Two $"00 draws will be held on the Monday before Christmas. All ticket holders must be paid up to date in ore'er to participate in this draw. Warkworth Nominations Nomination meeting for Warkworth police village trustees will be held this Friday, November 28. Trustees Doug Laver, John Bow-en and Bob Edgar are expected to seek re-election. NoLights-U.C. Northumberland and Durham Counties Council at last week's meeting reaffirmed its policy of not providing street lights on suburban county roads. A request had been received for street lights on Joc-elyn Street in Port Hope -buo U. C. Council restated that street lights would be too expensive to maintain. 'Value Festival' Continues he shopped in a store with poster -- 'K5A' in the This week's winner of $10.00 in the 'Festival of Values' is Beatrice Waller of Coiborne. Colborne. "It wont tak3 me to Florida" Bea said, "But it will get a Christmas prescent. The merchant 3 taking part in this gocd w 11 eh;rt to promote the -- Brif/ton -- Gr-o'tcn region ?s a firstrale shj-pping area, i e determin.-d to supply tVir cuiitome.s with a wide variety of goo's and ser-v'.re3, with high quality at low prices. The pre-Christmas valuer being off/ed will continue right through the festive season. Another lucky customer will win $10 this week. Get your tickets from merchants taking part in this Festival, displaying the yellow Festival Posters. There will be another lucky wi- nner drawn next week, in the 'Colborne Chronicle' office. More customers W'U be winners when the 'Festival of Values' continues at the beginning of the January SaHes. $100 in cash prizes to be given away. .Miss Mary Packard, formerly of Colborne, and now a student at the Edith Cavell School of Nursing in Belleville, is the Cancer Society's Miss Hope 1970 for this district. Miss Packard, 19, is the first Miss Hope to be chosen from the Belleville area. Mary was the winner in Belleville November 17, in a contest at Education Hall ahead of two other student nurses, Miss Margaret Hale and Miss Edith Tufts. The girls, all 19 years of age, were judged on four separate categories; appearance in uniform; intelligience; personality Investigate Whiterock Records Investigators frr the provincial government have seized records of a land development company which has been active in Northumberland county. W. J. Kucherepa, registrar of real estate and business brokers, said that an order from Hon. Leslie Rowntree, financial and commercial affairs minister, had given him authority to investigate Whiterock Estates as well as other companies and including Gary Blue^tein and Monty C. Beber. A development company operating in Simcoe county is also under investigation. Mr. Kucherepa said officials are analyzing records to construct a picture of the Whiterock operation. and a three minute address on the Cancer Society and Cancer Nursing. Judges for the event were Philip Rickard, Administrator of Po'leville Gen. Hosp: Miss Hazel Naudett, former administrator of Trenton Memorial Hospital and Barry Grills of the Intelligencier. While the judges were deliberating, nursing students and Cancer Sociei.y members, watched a 29 minute film about the disease. Miss Packard was presented with a boquet of carnations upon winning the competition. Mary then went on, backed up by a large number of friends to be chosen winner again in the next contest held in Kingston November 2-4. This leaves only the finals in Toronto ahead for Mary. The provincial competition will have fourteen district finalists and will be held January 24. A prize of $200 will be awarded the winner; $100 to the first runner up and $75 to the second runner up. The winner of this Ontario Miss Hope contest will travel around the Province to promote the campaign. She will also appear on television and radio. Mary received letters of congratulations from the Mayor of Belleville and the head of the Cancer Society. No Election In Cramahe There will be no election in Cramahe Township. All incum-bants were acclaimed to office at the nomination meeting on November 21, at Castteton. Reeve, J.F Cochrane, Deputy Reeve Harold Bedford, Councillors Alex McComb, Howard Oliver and Lyle Chatten. No Election In Haldimand There will be no election in Haldimand township this year. On nomination night, November 21, all incumbents were acclaimed to office. They are Reeve Edward Roddy, Deputy-Reeve Grant Massey, and Councillors. Gordon Broomfield, Donald Campbell and Earle Helps.COLBORNE CHRONIC LI Successor to The Colborne Express (est. 1866) and The Colborne Enterprise (est. 1886) SIu0RD ALYE^ ^fptoThursday, November 27, 1969 7c per copy -- S3.00 Canada -- $4.00 U.S.A. and Abroad Glamour in the Home R^rJ *50? Prov.-Finals Next For 'Miss Hope' The last meeting for the year of the Colborne Horticultural Society strained tho capacity of Trinity Parish Hall to the very limit. Young marrieds and young people were especially made welcome. Almost 150 attended from Colborne, Grafton and Brighton when Mrs G Brooks, Toronto of Toronto Garden Club, made 'Glamourizing the home for Christmas' looks so simple, that eager customers kept her busy, buying the mechanics for making the home truly beautiful. Her bouquets, hanging baskets, swags, sprays, centre-pieces and mantle decorations kept the audience enthusiastic. Many of the creations were made from materials from gardens and accoutrements in the home. Mrs Brookes displayed creative ingenuity with sprayed clones and dried artichokes, dried flowers and weeds, corn husks and blossoms and grapes made from pecans. Ideas for gifts, glamourizing garden gloves, aprons from table napkins, ribbon roses, and snow men from siyrofoarn made the time go swiftly for the appreciative audience.. Mrs T Gresham, President of Colborne Horticultural Society introduced and welcomed Mrs Brooks and Mrs B Chapman thanked her for the most enjoyable and inspiring evening. With such a large crowd, Mrs Cecil Reed and her committee did a tremendous task of serving such dainty and luscious refreshments. The second Horticultural chambers is May 17th. do go it's worth it!! The next meeting wilit be Monday January 26th, J970. It will ba tha annual meeting and take the form of rj Po". Luck Supper. All who have attended! this annual affair knows how very enjoyable it is. Under the leadership of Mrs Gresham, our Horticultural Society has indeed had a good year., how about joining? To Hospital Rotarian Don McNeil was scheduled to provide the programme for the regular Rotary meeting, Monday. Winners of the *150' Club draw w re George Blyth, Gladys Terwiliigar. Audrey Terwiliigar and Camer-c.i Moffat. Each received $25; Roland White brought a swivel office chair to be auctioned off and President Wes Shsppard was the lucky purchaser. Proceeds to Cripphd Childrens Fund It was voted that $500 be donated to the Cobourg District General Hospital Fund. Bruce Spencer won the dinner prize. Alf Dove was reported sick in Cobourg Hospital. Two $"00 draws will be held on the Monday before Christmas. All ticket holders must be paid up to date in ore'er to participate in this draw. Warkworth Nominations Nomination meeting for Warkworth police village trustees will be held this Friday, November 28. Trustees Doug Laver, John Bow-en and Bob Edgar are expected to seek re-election. NoLights-U.C. Northumberland and Durham Counties Council at last week's meeting reaffirmed its policy of not providing street lights on suburban county roads. A request had been received for street lights on Joc-elyn Street in Port Hope -buo U. C. Council restated that street lights would be too expensive to maintain. 'Value Festival' Continues he shopped in a store with poster -- 'K5A' in the This week's winner of $10.00 in the 'Festival of Values' is Beatrice Waller of Coiborne. Colborne. "It wont tak3 me to Florida" Bea said, "But it will get a Christmas prescent. The merchant 3 taking part in this gocd w 11 eh;rt to promote the -- Brif/ton -- Gr-o'tcn region ?s a firstrale shj-pping area, i e determin.-d to supply tVir cuiitome.s with a wide variety of goo's and ser-v'.re3, with high quality at low prices. The pre-Christmas valuer being off/ed will continue right through the festive season. Another lucky customer will win $10 this week. Get your tickets from merchants taking part in this Festival, displaying the yellow Festival Posters. There will be another lucky wi- nner drawn next week, in the 'Colborne Chronicle' office. More customers W'U be winners when the 'Festival of Values' continues at the beginning of the January SaHes. $100 in cash prizes to be given away. .Miss Mary Packard, formerly of Colborne, and now a student at the Edith Cavell School of Nursing in Belleville, is the Cancer Society's Miss Hope 1970 for this district. Miss Packard, 19, is the first Miss Hope to be chosen from the Belleville area. Mary was the winner in Belleville November 17, in a contest at Education Hall ahead of two other student nurses, Miss Margaret Hale and Miss Edith Tufts. The girls, all 19 years of age, were judged on four separate categories; appearance in uniform; intelligience; personality Investigate Whiterock Records Investigators frr the provincial government have seized records of a land development company which has been active in Northumberland county. W. J. Kucherepa, registrar of real estate and business brokers, said that an order from Hon. Leslie Rowntree, financial and commercial affairs minister, had given him authority to investigate Whiterock Estates as well as other companies and including Gary Blue^tein and Monty C. Beber. A development company operating in Simcoe county is also under investigation. Mr. Kucherepa said officials are analyzing records to construct a picture of the Whiterock operation. and a three minute address on the Cancer Society and Cancer Nursing. Judges for the event were Philip Rickard, Administrator of Po'leville Gen. Hosp: Miss Hazel Naudett, former administrator of Trenton Memorial Hospital and Barry Grills of the Intelligencier. While the judges were deliberating, nursing students and Cancer Sociei.y members, watched a 29 minute film about the disease. Miss Packard was presented with a boquet of carnations upon winning the competition. Mary then went on, backed up by a large number of friends to be chosen winner again in the next contest held in Kingston November 2-4. This leaves only the finals in Toronto ahead for Mary. The provincial competition will have fourteen district finalists and will be held January 24. A prize of $200 will be awarded the winner; $100 to the first runner up and $75 to the second runner up. The winner of this Ontario Miss Hope contest will travel around the Province to promote the campaign. She will also appear on television and radio. Mary received letters of congratulations from the Mayor of Belleville and the head of the Cancer Society. No Election In Cramahe There will be no election in Cramahe Township. All incum-bants were acclaimed to office at the nomination meeting on November 21, at Castteton. Reeve, J.F Cochrane, Deputy Reeve Harold Bedford, Councillors Alex McComb, Howard Oliver and Lyle Chatten. No Election In Haldimand There will be no election in Haldimand township this year. On nomination night, November 21, all incumbents were acclaimed to office. They are Reeve Edward Roddy, Deputy-Reeve Grant Massey, and Councillors. Gordon Broomfield, Donald Campbell and Earle Helps.