THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 27th, 1920 Page 5 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Mail-Express, Daily............ 10.13 A.M. Passenger, Except Sunday ... 4.46 P.M. Passenger, Except Sunday ... 8.33 P.M. Mail, Daily.........................■ 11.22 P.M. Mail, Daily.....3.03 A.M. Passenger, Except Sunday... 8.36 A.M. Passenger, Except Sunday .. 12.27 P.M. Mail-Express, Daily.............. 5.51 P.M. Canadian National Railway Going West No. 7--Passenger..................4.17 A. M. No. 33--Passenger-Express.....8.05 A. M. r-Express.....5.51 P. M. Going East No. !i--Passenger-Express. -.12.18 1'. m. No. 32--Passenger^Express.... 8.15 P. m. Nos. 5, 6, 7 run daily, Sundays included. Others run daily, except Sundays. Business Cards. THE COLBORNE EXPRESS is issued every Thursday morning by H. S. Keyes. Subscription $1.50 per annum in advance. Transient advertisements 10 cents per line first insertion and 5 cents per line for each additional insertion. Business cards not exceeding one inch $5 per annum. Yearly contracts at uniform rates. To Rent ^IX ROOMS over the East Colborn 17' C. SOUTHON & SON For Sale 1 gocd Apply to W. G. GRANT. Phone Castleton. cm at the mill. . MUTTON >rne R.M.D. i For Sale 70UR pairs of young p . per pair. I still have •wa at §,50.00 each. ' GORDON Mai For Sale LOT 714, Block 24, corner of Alexander Blvd and Deloraine Ave. Make MRS. MARGARET RICHARDS, 2827 W. 62nd Street, 20-4x. Seattle, Washington. Insurance. A Ii. JONES, Castleton, Ont. lire 1.icons. G. E. R. WILSON, general Insurance and Real Estate Agent. Money to Loan at 5 to 6 per cent. Office: Rrunswick Block, Colborne, Ont. Legal. FRANK L. WEBB, B.A., LL.B., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, etc. Offices, King St., Colborne, Ont., and 411 Temple Building, Toronto. At Colborne Office on Fridays and Saturdays and Court days. TRICK & McARTHUR, Barristers, Solicitors, &c. Special attention given to collections, Western titles and agency work. 416 Mclntyre Block, Winnipeg, Manitoba, W. L. PAYNE, K.C., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, and Conveyancer. Ofbbe first door east of Registry Of" Colborne. FRANK m. FIELD, K. c, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Telephone 5, Ont. CMJiiUibUIj 1' No. 86, Cot W. G. ROBERTSON, D. D. S., L. D. S., Dentist. Office over Scougale Bros' dry goods store, Colborne. a. c McGlennon, b.a., m.d., cm. Office opposite the Fire Hall, Colborne Telephone No. 123r2. Residence, Kins Street East--Phono No. 123-r3. J. ARCHER BROWN, M.D., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., Edinburgh, Scotland. Office and residence, Division Street. Colborne, Ont. Coroner for the United Counties of Northumberland and Dur- Auctioneers. S. E. ROBINSON. Auctioneer. Farm Stock and Implement Sales a specialty. Sales conducted anywdiere. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address: R.M.D. 5, Colborne. Phone 78r23 Colborne. 1 NORMAN MONTGOMERY, Auctioneer. Pure bred" stock a specialty. Real Estate Broker. Several grain and fruit farms for sale. Box 180, Brighton. Phone No. 101. Notice to Creditors NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the Statutes in that behalf, that all persons having claims against the Estate of Peter Wilber Brown, late of the Township ol Cramahe, in the County of Northumberland, Fanner, deceased, who died on or about the 5th day of February, A. IX 1920, ARE REQUIRED to send or deliver to G. E. R. Wilson, Executor <.f the Estate.of the deceased, Colborne, Ontario, on or before the 19th day of June, A.D. 1920 their names and addresses and particulars of their claims', duly verified, and that after said last mentioned day the Executor and Executrix will distribute the Assets oi the Estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have received notice. Dated at Colborne, May 17th, 1920. G. E. R. WILSON, Executor. MABEL MAY BROWN. For Sale AQUANTITY OF 5-12-0 Harab-Dav-ies Tomato fertilizer; also a" good lumber waggon and springs (3000 lbs) and platform truck scale (6001b capacity) Apply W. A. MOORE, 21-2 East Colborne Store. Entrance Examination THE ENTRANCE EXAMINATION for admission into Collegiate Institutes, High Schools, and Continual ton Schools, will be held in COLBORNE and CASTLETON, affiliated with Col-Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, June 28th, 29th, and 30th, 1920 Jcpmi Court of Revision Township of Cramahe TVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JL> the Court of Revision for the Township of Cramahe will be held in the Town Hall, Castleton, on Tuesday, June 1st, 1920, at 1 p. m., for the purpose of hearing and determining all complaints against e assessment for the current year. All parties concerned will please take iticc. and govern themselves accordingly A. E. JONES, Clerk. May 18th, 1920. 21-2 Court of Revision Village of Colborne NOTICE is hereby given that the Court of Revision for the Municip-alsty of Colborne will be held in the Council Room, Colborne, on Thursday, May 27th, 1920, l 8 p.m., for the purpose of hearing rind etermining all complaints against the ssessment for the current year. All parties concerned will please take otice and govern themselves accordingly H. S. KEYES, Clerk. May 10th, 1920. 20-2 Mail Contract NEWS TOPIK OF WEEK Important Events Which Have Occurred During the Week. The Busy World's Happenings Carefully Compiled and Put Into Handy and Attractive Shape for the Readers of Our Paper -- A SolicUHour's Enjoyment. WEDNESDAY. Man o' War won the Preakness run at Pimlico on Tuesday. The Leafs defeated Jersey City by 5 to 2 in Toronto on Tuesday. The British Trade Union Mission to Russia has reached Moscow, and been received by the President of the Soviet. Union is expected to be effected very shortly between the Methodist and Presbyterian congregations in Cobalt. Premier Drury addressed the Young Men's Canadian Club in Toronto at its final meeting tor the Rev. Dr. O. L. Kilborn, one of the most prominent of Canadian missionaries to China, died in Toronto of pneumonia. President Wilson has appointed John B. Payne as Director-General of Railroads to succeed Walker D. Hines, who resigned May 15. Belleville City Council proposes to exempt from taxation for two years houses erected this year; the land to be assessed at the same figures as last year. Large and important dredging operation at harbors on the Great Lakes are being delayed by inability of contractors to obtain coal to move their equipment. Lord Chelmsford, it is reported, is likely to resign the post of Vicercy of India. A number of names, prominent in British and Indian public life are mentioned for the position. Legislation to empower the Ontario Hydro-Electric Commission to build or purchase steam powrer development plants was introduced in the Legislature by Col. the Hon. D. Carmichael. George Badley, a farmer living near Selkirk, on Tuesday morning, struck his sister a terrific blow on the head with a piece of gas piping, killing her instantly. He attempted to cut his own throat, but succeeded in inflicting only a superficial gash, is now under arrest. THURSDAY. St. Thomas Y.M.C.A. has found it necessary to increase its fees. Brockville district milk producers have decided to organize an associa- Trinity Methodist congregation, Toronto, burned the mortgage on. church property. Gas Commissioner Estlin favors lowing natural gas companies to crease their rates. Retail jewelers of Stratford district have organized a branch of the Jewelers' Association. The Seventh Day Adventists Rill was reported by the Private Bills Committee of the Commons, i^JE The Association of Children's Ai„ Societies of Ontario opened a two-day conference in Toronto. | The Permanencia, the first concrete ocean-going vessel built in Canada, was launched at North Bay, Sydney, C.B., on Wednesday. An Anti-Prohibition League has been formed in Britain to fight the American "Pussyfoot" campaign. Imperial Bank had profits during the year of $1,379,313, as compared with $1,257,516 in the previous year. Queen Dowager Alexandra, who has been suffering from a bronchial cold, is much improved in health, the cable states. The manager of Georges Carpen-tier states that the French champion is willing to engage in a bout before ning to Europe, is understood that Herbert Samuel, former British Postmaster-General, will become High Commissioner of new Palestine. A resolution which paves the way for the Civil Servants' Superannuation Bill was adopted in the Legislature, with only one opponent. The Provincial Treasurer's department announced a heavy increase in >n of amusement houses, which comes into effect on June 1. At the twentieth annual track and field day of St. Andrew's College, To-Grant Stirrett won the senior championship and Albert Rivera the Britanni Hairy Miller and his son are helc j in Toronto for manslaughter in connection with the death of an eight-year-old boy, who was crushed beneath their limousine. During a demonstration Thtfrsdaj at Cartagena, Spain, against the food shortage, a fight occurred between the mob and the gendarmerie ii which three persons were wounded. SATURDAY. A steamer line between Montreal and Italy will soon be inaugurated. The Legislature accomplished good day's work at its first morning sitting. The plebiscite in Nova Scotia prohibiting importation of liquor will be taken on October 25. A tragedy was narrowly averted when a revolver missed fire in " hands of an escaped Mimico boy. Auza, a Spaniard, won the senior championship at the Upper Canada College annual track and field day. The Leafs were defeated at Buffalo yesterday by 4 to 3. A rally in the ninth won for the league leaders. The town of Milford, on the St. John river, N.B., was visited by fire, which did damage of about .$100,000, A large gathering of Methodisl clergy and lay workers attended th* funeral of Rev. Dr. O. L. Kilborn in Toronto. The MoClary Manufacturing Co. ol London has bought all the holdings of the Wm. Buck Stove Co., Ltd., ol Brantford. Five Indian- boys were drowned while crossing Moose Lake, south oi The Pas, in a canoe, encountering a heavy storm. The Governor-General, the Lieutenant-Governor and Premier Drury review the Toronto cadets at their annual parade. Exchange of merchaandise between Italy and Russia is to begin shortly by way of the Black Sea. Italy will send medical supplies in return for wheat. Advices from Chihuahua say Villa, the Mexican bandit, is holding George Miller, superintendent of the Alvara-do Mining Co., of Parral, a British subject, for $50,000 ransom. Despatch from Constantinople state that Nationalists are recruiting in Anatolia by brutal methods. Moslems are brought into camp in chains and many have serious injuries from cruel treatment. MONDAY. Toronto defeated Buffalo on Saturday and Sunday. Gait, Vancouver, and St. John, N.B., have adopted daylight saving. June 22 has, it is said, been fixed as the date for the Nova Scotia elec- Nearly 5,000 Canadians have arrived in London within the last few days. The Christian and Missionary Alliance opened a convention ir the Thrace. Mr. HarryjGiddings' S the King's PlSte at the "V Saturday, r* The results of the ji examinations at McMaster University were announced. A record crowd was present at Woodbine Park to attend the opening of the spring race meet. The twentieth annual convention of the Imperial Order of Daughters of the Empire opened in Calgary. The campaign against the grasshoppers in Manitoba and Saskatchewan has been organized in military fashion. The Falcon hockey team, amateur champions of the world, received a great welcome on their arrival in Winnipeg. t Potatoes sold at $7, $7.50 and even $8 a bag in Guelph Saturday, and in Brockville at $5 a bushel. - In Hamilton they brought $8.50. A meeting of letter-carriers in Toronto decided to form an organization of civil servants employed by the Postal Department in order to secure redress of their wage grievances. Armed and disguised men raided the stores of the Anglo-American Oil Co. and the Shell Motor Spirit Co. at Athlone, Ireland, early on Saturday, carrying off gasoline valued at £5 00. TUESDAY. The Grand Lodge of the Orange Young" " Notice to Creditors I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pur-" suant to the Statutes in that be-in.If, that all persons having claims against tin-Estate of Donald Robertson, Merchant, and Janet Robertson, Spinster, both of the village of Colborne, in the County of Northumberland, deceased, who died respectively on the 1st day of August, 1877, and the 22nd day of November, 1919, are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver on or before the 19th day of June, A.D, 1920, to G. E. R. Wilson. Administrator of the Esiates of the said deceased, their names, claims, addresses aud descriptions and a full statement of the particulars of their claims and tiie nature of the security if any held by them. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that alter the 19th day of Ji Baron Audubon 757--48220 ire--Audubon Boy 41471. Darp--Edu Baron (Vol. 16, p 308, A.T.R.) Baron Audubon is chestnut, 16 hand eighs 1250, heavy bone, trotter, hasgon mile in 2.07, (his sire has a mark < 04); has been enrolled as No. 65! onn T. Will stand for mares for tli •ason 1920 at his own stable, i}4 mil* ast of Grafton. Will meet parlies froi distance. Phone Grafton. W. M. KNIGHT, Owne istrator will p ets of the Et ■e i t tes among th jui FRIDAY. Beaufe died at Sarnia, aged 101 years and 11 months. Dr. Allan Gordon Rice passed away his home in Rosedale, Toronto. The Drury Government's minimum wage bill passed its second reading. A large bush fire threatens several villages in Bellechasse county, Quebec Dorothy Deuch, 12 years, was seriously injured by a motor truck in Toronto. Morris Downing was" drowned as the result of a drinking party at St. John, N.B. The America's Cup trials between the Vanitie and the Resolute commenced to-day. The Leafs were defeated by 7 to 1 in the opening game of the series at Buffalo Thursday. Annette St. Ours, five years old, was fatally burned while playing at her home in Three Rivers, Quebec. J. W. Scott & Son, of Listowel, have sold out their private banking business to the Bank of Montreal. Governor Smith of New York state has vetoed the Fowler bill designed to repeal the daylight saving \&w. A French soccer team from Bor-j deaux is anxious to make a tour of Canada in the fall, and has asked for I dates. i . A copy of the extremely rare two-' pence stamp of Mauritius, issue of j 1847, was sold at Paris for 100,000 ; Rev. Dr. Geo. H. Williams, at the I annual meeting of the Methodist Change in Livery Business Having purchased the Livery Business of Mr. J. L. Peebles, Ave respectfully solicit the patronage of the public. Bus To and From All Trains Automobiles in Connection TURNEY BROS. CREAM We have REAL MONEY to offer you for cream. We are the largest manufacturers of Creamery Butter in Eastern Ontario. Why? Because of the service and returns we give you. We furnish Cans and Pay Express. Profitable Prices Pronptly Paid. Belleville Creamery Limited Write us. 118 Front St., Belleville. 1 Tore Sun'and the U. F. O. clubs are opposing the Civil Servants' Superannuation Bill. "Jimmy" Wilde, flyweight champion 0:' (i.e world, oti! pointed "] Wallace in a ten-round bout Albert Smoke, Peterboro won the trial Ma; ajhon rui Monday. Irish To- an Indian from Canadian Olympic at St. Catharines a trainload of Kingston are dtions landed still stranded then The eighteenth annual convention of the Labor Educational Association held at Brantford. They passed solution asking for stronger beer, t a meeting held in Cornwall the National Lacrosse Union decided to operate this season. Cornwall, Shamrocks and Nationals will comprise the The United States Senate manufae-irers' sub-committee investigating ie print paper shortage will recom- jvernor Smith of New York has signed the Walker Bill, legalizing the ufacture and sale of beer ng r s thai . of COLBORNE CREAMERY CO. Will pay the highest market' price for CHURNING CREAM Our'motor trucks,will collect your cream and deliver cans. Phone orders will receive prompt attention. One can of buttermilk free for every two cans of cream delivered at factory by farmer. We pay highest prices for EGGS and POULTRY Patronize the Home Industry and help your own town. The Colborne Creamery Co. Bowes Company L imited Want Your Cream For which Ave will pay the highest price. We lead, others follow. That is why we get -the business and our patrons are safisTTed! We Pay Express. We Furnish Cans. Our Truck will call for. cream and deliver empty cans promptly. Established 1898 Reference -Your Local B BOWES COMPANY, Limited W. A. SEED, Manager, Phone 74 Colborne Box 209 COBOURG CITY DAIRY ESTABLISHED 1912 MILK PLANT AND CREAMERY Prompt and correct returns for CHURNING CREAM Toronto •Prices at least guaranteed. Qualified and Experienced Buttermakers employed. Samples for testing weighed. Express charges paid on shipments. Cans supplied. Local shipments collected by our Motor Trucks. Experienced and obliging drivers employed. References: Eastern Dairy School, Kingston. Your Bank. AVe invite inspection of our plant and methods of handling cream. COBOURG CITY DAIRY COBOURG apprd Tore : Shoi lcohol by A white granite monument to the aemory of Joseph Scriven, author of the hymn, "What a Friend We Have in Jesus," was unveiled by Premier Drury at Pengelley Cemetery, on Rice Lake, near Millhrook, in the presence of nearly six thousand people Mrs a youi Scranton-F. P. Strong - Coal Quality and Service are two good reasons for contracting for Scranton Coal "Nature Made It Best." Now. is the time to secure your Winter supply. PEA COAL. SOFT COAL. SHINGLES NUT COAJ. . CONNK1. COAL. ll.O. RcnCuwn, Sewer Pipe. F. P. STRONG The Coal Ma.