THE ENTERPRISE of east northumberland Volume XLVIll.-.No 14 COLBORNE, ONT., THURSDAY OCT 5th, 1933 $1.50 In advance, or $2.00 at end ot year GROCERIES SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY ONLY No 1 Creamery Butter ...........................................per lb 22c Pure Leaf Lard, bulk......................................................2 lbs 23c Corn Syrup, 5 lb pail, Extra Special...............................35c Crother's Meadow Cream Soda Biscuits.....2 lbs 25c Prince Toilet Paper........................................................3 rolls iog f Millionaires Sardines......a Real Treat, reg 18c tin Extra Special...............................................................2 tins 25c i - i Try our Chase & Sanborn's Coffee, for a real breakfast treat, fresh ground, and only 35c. Ib S. P. Picnic Hams.........................................................per lb 11c Bring your coupons here for Calay Soap and Oxyodol HARDWARE i Galvanized Boilers, Extra Special..................each $1.19 | Cobbler's Sets, complete....................................................$1.35 § Stove Boards, fancy.....................................................................$1 35 Coal Oil IhFuu;egray110„Bfo' only 17c gal [ a Fancy Bread Box, finished in cream enamel i ...................................................................Special $1-00 each g I Apple Rules, ......................................................................95C each g 3 Apple 'Snips..................................., 75c each 9 Tea-Bisc Cake Cutters............. '......'...............ioc each c _ Apple Picker's Cotton Gloves, Extra Special 15c pr jjj Reynolds & Keating, Phone 49--Colborne ^EQQQQEGQ^EEQQQSaQQEE^SESEF2QQEZEE2ESEEEQEEEE3aE2E^2e2QSQHEE NORHAM Mrs. Archie Barrett and Cecil visited Toronto and Long Beach friends at Miss Ethel McKague is teaching at Pine Grove, Miss Mildred Cur is at Fraserville, Miss Vivian Huycke at Sydney, Hastings Co., and Mr. Purdy of Colborne at White School Percy. Mrs. Blair and daughter of Toronto, are guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Huycke, at Norham. On Sunday our Sunday School convened at 10.15 a.m. followed by a baptismal service at 11 o'clock in charge of Rev. J-. W. Piatt. Service was withdrawn in the evening on account of Meyersburg anniversary services. LAKEPORT WARKWORTH Mr. Clifford Perry of Toronto has been holidaying at the home of Mrs. Jas. Perry. Mr. W. H. Nelson is acting as Judge of beef cattle at Millbrook Fair. Mr. C. J. Boyce is erecting a store house adjoining his hardware .shop. Mr. Harry Wade has secured a job in Toronto and left last week for the city. Mr. Harold McPherson of Toronto was a recent guest at the home of his uncle, Mr. W. J. Baker. Miss S. McComb has returned home after visiting relatives in St. Catharines and friends in Jordan. Miss Aleta Donovan of Tamworth is a guest at the home of her cousin, Mrs. A. M. Smale. Mr. Kent Buchanan returned to Toronto on Tuesday to take up his second year's studies at Victoria College. Rev. Dr. Smith, pastor of the Wark- orth United Church, charge and Rev. Dr. Cooper of Columbus are exchanging charges. The change will take place early in October. Married--In Campbellford, by Rev* H. P. L. Seymour, on September 2nd, Luella Pearl Grills, youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Grills, and Hugh John Petty, son ol Mr. John Petty of Percy township. Mr. Ken Moore, Port Hope spent the week-end at his home here. Mr. and 'Mrs. Howard Swain and son, Donald of Salem spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Thos. Coffey. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Irwin of Trenton visited her mother, Mrs. M. Kernaghen on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McMurray of St. Catherines are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Winterbottom. Mr. Harry Winterbottom is visiting friends in Toronto. The Y.P.S. of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church held a weiner roast on Monday evening. VERNONVILLE Coll^rMjMeat Market j We handle only the choicest in Beef, Veali j Pork, Lamb, etc. and Cured Meats i You will find it a pleasure, a satisfaction and j profitable to trade at our meat market ! Following are a few Specials we are offering this | week. Rib Roast..................................................................10c lb Pot Roast.......................................................................... 9c lb Arm Roast....................................................................10c lb Rib Stew......................................................................6c lb Pork Shoulder.............................................................12c lb | "If we please you tell others, if not, tell us" I FAljlI^nLdu g~h7 Phone 42 We Deliver Colborne I OUR BREAD Is known for its quality-- Made from the Best Ingredients money can buy--Baked a golden biown it is delicious to the last crumb--Your children will be sure to ask for an extra slice Boost your Home Industry--Buy Rowsome's Bread --Ask for it at your Grocers--the four stripe white wrapper--it's the mark of quality Try our Pies, Cakes and Pastry--You'll be pleased with them A Fresh Supply of Box Chocolates Just Arrived 50c to $1.00 Ice Cream, Ice Cold Drinks, Tobaccos, Wedding Cake Ornaments, Novelties, E. W. Rowsome's Bakery Colborne, Ont. Phone 150 CRAMAHE COUNCIL Cramahe Council met in the Council Chamber, Castleton, September 29th at ten o'clock. Members all present, Reeve Quinn in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. Orders were then drawn on the Tn|«5i::Tr as fo!lows:-j-J. W. Peacock Leg. Grant "* S.S. 4 ...............'............ $193.02 Ross Walker, Leg. Grant S.S. 9 234.34 A. McCracken, Leg. Grant S.S. 10 .........210.6J W. E. Chesterfield. Leg. Grant S.S. 13 ......................... 181.60 F. A. Black, Leg. Grant S.S. 14 ..... ...... 213.97 A. N. Bray Leg. Grant S.S. 16 .... 206.43 J. B. McKague Leg. Grant I S.S. 17 ................... 187.84 :W. A. Morrow Leg. Grant I S.S. 18 ...... ......... 295.31 E. A. Rutherford Leg. Grant I S.S. 25 .......... 197.47 H. J. Mutton Leg. Grant j S.S. 21 .......................... 367.49 |A. E. Jones Leg. Grant | S.S. 22 ........... 614.18 | Clare Jones Leg. Grant S.S. 23 235.98 G. Vanblaricom Leg. Grant j S.S. 26 ............................ 262.04 ' J. F. Haynes Leg. Grant i S.S. 24 .......................................... 290.17 Counties Treas. re E. Terry, Mrs. I D. Quigby and Mrs. V. Grant 53.88 F. S. Lawson re Mrs. Lapp ........ 3.50 G. E. Dunnett San. Inspector 2.40 JP. A. Thompson care of hall ...... 1.25 P. A. Thompson building ! cement sidewalk ....................... 49.32 H. A. Grant, cement .................. 52.55 j Jay Warner cartage ............. 10.00 |J. F. Haynes, gravel RB 37 1.05 i J. D. Adams, supplies 9.98 Cleve Andrus, work .................. 16.50 Chas. Greenley work ................. 21.15 Ross Whitney, graveling ....... 62.15 Howard Philp RB 24 15.87 Geo. Mutton RB 24 4.20 E. Mutton RB 14 ...................... .90 Fred Pearson work 4.50 A. B. Vanblaricom RB 26 .......... 6.00 Frank Taylor work ................ 6.90 F. Buchanan RB 19 ................. 1.50 Roy Benedict, drawing gravel 25.00 C. E. Huff RB 4 ....................... 32.00 E. A. Sharp RB 26 ........... 4.50 Jay Brown, on salary .............. 72.00 Howard Philp, 1 lamb 5.00 A. Cochrane, legal advise .......... 2.00 Telephone System ..... 300.00 M. C. Broomficld re J. Mitchell 6.25 H. G. McKay re J. Mitchell ........ 2.75 A. E. Donaghy re C. Carter . 3.00 Council adjourned to meet the last Friday in October at ten o'clock. Mrs. Grant Hart and children have moved to Baltimore. Mrs. S. Wilson and children spent a day with her brother, Mr. Jack Mas-sey last week. The school fair in Grafton on Friday was well attended by both young and old. Vernonville pupils made a very good showing. Although they did not win the prize they did very well and we hope will win next time. Mr. John Pennell spent a few days recently with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Turk. Mrs. Clarence Fitchett spent a day recently with her mother, Mrs. Alee Clark. | Mrs. Norman Turk and son, Albert spent Saturday in Cobourg. I Mrs. George Burleigh and children j spent a day last tteek with Miss Mag-j gie Rowe. I Miss Bernice Larry has spent the last week with her parents, Mr. and ,Mrs. A. Larry. Anniversary services will be held in the United Church on Sunday. Rev. iMr. Barrett of Brighton will be the speaker both morning and evening. A , quartette from Colborne will supply the music. A fowl supper will also be J held on the Wednesday evening fol- ! Mrs. Clarence Fitchett spent one day last week with her grandmother, : Mrs. N. Gaffield, Castleton. CASTLETON Dominion of Canada •933 Refunding Loan Prospectus on page 3 SPECIAL RESIDENT HUNTING LICENSES For Sale at GRIFFIS' DRUG STORE Miss Bessie Hinton of Fifes Schoo), Hastings, visited her parents at the Pnjrsoriage o'er the week end Jry+J^m on had charge of the ^^▼^^ .or ham on S" d^v morning „I s and Airs Robert Graham and ('laughter of Peterboro were week end visitors of Mr. ard Mrs Geo Graham The teachers from here attend the Convention at Colborne (his week Mr and Mrs K^n Sommerville spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Fred Warner. Mr. and Mrs Theo Jones visited relatives at Toronto over the week end Mr and Mrs Albert Hawkins were eailed to Gores Landing on Saturday owing to the serious Illness hi> sister. They will rcmam for a whi'e Mr Cecil Stevens spent the week end at Cobourg Mrs Alex Warner returned home on Saturday, her son Mr Ford Rogers and family of bront, accompanying her for the week end Mr Wm Coleman is visiting relatives in Toronto Miss Marion Greenley visited Miss Esther Prosser last week. Mr and Mrs Jack Stlhnnn have moved into their new home recently vacated by Mr and Mrs Harry Lane We are pleased to learn that Mr Wm. Baxter has been successful in passing his Queens University Examinations and has been awarded the Degree of Bachelor of Arts Two accidents happened in this village during th^ week. Little Carl Moore, two year old son of Mr Fred Moore, was playing with several other children on the'sidewalk when he jumped on the fender of a p assinp car and was thrown against the rear wheel and fender, receiving quite a nmber of severe bruises Mrs Frank Isaac was thrown from a bur-ty.v by a frightened he se lighting on her head. She was riding with Mr and Mrs Harry Isaac from choir practice. She is able to be around at time of \ ri( ing but suffered quite badly with her head The Castleton Dramatic Club met Tie- lay evening for election of officers, which nre as follows: President--Mr H Baxter Vice Pre?--Mrs C Carlaw Secretary--Mrs H Baxter Treasurer--Miss M Massey Convenors--Mr C Stevens, Mrs H Jones and Miss Stuttaford An interesting program followed including an address on "Drama" by Miss M Massey and an educatfve talk on "Printing" fey Mr CStevens The next meeting will take the form of a Kolloween Masquerade At the rnter School meet at Wooler on Friday,Castleton school pupils were suoeessful in winning four medals name-lv Isobel May, Donald Quinn, Madaline Covert and Helen Haynes The Castleton Womens Institute will meet Thursdav afternoon, Oct 12th, at the home of Mrs Fred Black. Program Convenor Mrs Max Harnden. Paper-History of Thanksgiving Dav Paner--Our duty as a Canadian citizen in 1933. Roll call. What I most dislike doing in housekeening Exhibit pumkin pie with prizes. a hearty welcome is extended to all. The Rally Day Service was well attended and an interesting program was given by the Sunday School Eye Sight Testini We have been specializing in Eye Sight Testing and invite you to see our line of Eye Glasses and Spectacle Ware Our Prices are very reasonable and our stock of Eye Glasses and Spectacles is large We can promise satisfaction H. J. MAYHEW Jeweller Optometrist THIS WEEK OCTOBER 4, 5, 6, 7 One Cent Sale AT THE Rexall Drug Store WE ARE LISTING A FEW OF THE 200 WONDERFUL BARGAINS OFFERED AT THIS SALE $1.00 Beef Wine and Iron Tonic............2 for $1.01 $100 Comp. Syrup Hypophosphites........2 for $1.01 $1.00 Puretest Norwegian Cod Liver Oil____2 for $1.30 75c Rexall Milk of Magnesia, 32 oz.............2 for 76ft 25c Boots Meloids.......................... 2 for 26ft 25c Rexall Orderlies.........................2 for 26c A.B.C. & C. Tablets, bottles cf 300............2 for 26c 50c Rexall Bronchial Syrup..................2 for 51ft 15c Puretest Epson Salts....................2 for 16ft 15c Puretest Boracic Acid....................2 for 16ft 25c Klenzo Tooth Paste......................2 for 26ft 35c Rexall Shaving Cream...................2 for 36ft 25c Stork Baby Powder......................2 for 26ft 50c Jonteel Cream..........................2 for Sift 25c Tooth Brushes..........................2 for 26ft 50c Jonteel Face Powder....................2 for 51ft 35c Bottle Tincture Iodine, 2 oz...............2 for 36ft 15c Adhesive Plaster................... 2 for 16c 60c Fly Kill ;...............................2 for 61? 15c Gauze Bandage.........................2 for 16ft 25c Belladonna Plaster......................2 for 26ft $1.75 Major Hot Water Booties............2 for $1.76 $1.00 English China Cup and Saucer.......2 for $1.01 Lavender Bath Salts in Pottery Steins......2 for $1.38 50c Box Stationery.........................2 for 51ft 15c Writing Pad............................2 for 16ft 25c Writing Pad............................2 for 26ft 1 lb. Box Peppermint Patties..................2 for 41ft 35c lb. Peppermint Humbugs ................2 for 36£ 75c Box Georgian Assorted Chocolates........2 for 76ft Special Attention to Mail and Phone Orders They will be held or delivered. W. F. GRIFFIS, YOUR DRUGGIST, PHONE 85W COLBORNE--WE DELIVER ATTENTION! Apple Growers of Northumberland Do not fail to see my Apple Barrels and get my prices before ordering > our require ments. Our prices are the lowest for the last twelve years. Package and delivery guaranteed. IRA EDWARDS Phone Res. 63 Office 83. I