MnstetaMi-ojiQ -7 Pi *A SIMPLE little thing," declared Prof. W. B. Cartmel, of tBe XTL University of Montreal, sitting in tie book-strewn study of his Westmount home where, for some months past, since his retirement from the Northern Electric Company, as mathematical expert, he has worked out the highly complicated mathematical formulas by which he attempts to disprove the Einstein theory of the non-existence of ether and the constant speed of light. Addressing the American Physical Society in New York re* cently, he took his audience by surprise when he showed them that the slight difference observed between the velocity of light m the two beams reflected upon the interferometer in the original telescope experiment many years ago was not an error as Einstein maintains, but was just what should be expected, and indicates J an "ether drift" and proves Newton's third law correct and jj logical. "In any case," says the genial professor with a merry s twinkle in his eyes, "they have got to 'show mo' by better proof 3 than they have yet brought". The Lure of Montreal in Winter •"THE great snows are on * the way once more and the home of Winter sports calls to you. Housed in the largest hotel in the British Empire, you will be but a step from the glistening slopes of Mount Royal. Warmth and hospitality within, with excellent cuisine and all the comforts of metropolitan hotel service, will enhance the joys of the gFeat out-of-doors. [©tin! Royal Hotel MONTREAL HOTELS COMPANY OF AMERICA. THE PROPER CARE OF YOUR AUTOMOBILE Sport Model Tops TnyHILE they are made of a dif- '» ferent material and are hot coated with a varnish, as are the tops of closed cars, a ceifain amount of inspection and care is necessary to the upkeep of the sport model top. This style of top is made from a gray, tan or khaki coloured fabric called tea' or Bur-bank cloth. It usually consists of two layers of closely woven cloth which are fastened together with rubber cement. When this material is new it will resist weather. After the Car has been in service for a year or two, however, the top material sometimes loses, ~» 'i Next; "Care cf Fenderi its waterproof qualities and leaks develop. When this occurs it is useless tc try to waterproof the material with a coating of varnish, lacquer or any other kind of surface finish. They are not suited to material of this type, and are liable to cause it to stiffen, pucker, or become discolored. The proper compound to use on sports model tops to renew their waterproof qualities is one which will sink into the eloth and waterproof tlu dbres without changing the color or appearance of the material in any way. _ COLBORNE BRANCH East Northumberland Women's Institute 1936--1937 "Jfor Pome txub (Eomtirg" Meetings Held Second Tuesday of Each Month, at 2.30 p.m. Sharp Everybody Welcome OPENING ODE A goodly thing it is to meet In friendship's circle bright, Where nothing stains the pleasure Nor dims the radiant light. No unkind word our lips shall pass, No envy sour the mind; But each shall seek the common weal, The good of all mankind. INSTITUTE CREED Keep us, O Lord, from pettiness; let us be large in thought, in word and deed, let us be done with fault finding and leave off self seeking; may we put away all pretence and meet each other face to face, without self pity and without prejudice. May we never be hasty in judgment and always generous. Teach us to put into action our better impulses, straightforward and .unafraid, let us take time for all things; make us grow calm, serene, and gentle. Grant that we may realize that it is the little things that create differences, that in the big things we are one, and may we strive to touch and know the great woman's heart common to us all, and O Lord, let us not forget to be kind. Our Aim: The greatest good to the greatest number. OFFICERS Hon. President--Mrs. Wm. Colling. President--Mrs. Gordon Metcalf. 1st Vice-Pres.--Mrs. W. A. Moore. 2nd Vice-Pres.--Mrs. R. J. Armstrong. Sec.-Treas--Mrs. E. Yarrow. Branch Directors--Mrs. Metcalf, sr. Mrs. W. W. Rose. Mrs. H. A. Grant. Mrs. W. A. Moore. Pianists--Mrs. W. Buchanan, and Mrs. S. J. Cox. Press Reporter--Mrs. E. Irish. Sunshine Committee-- Town--Mrs. Buchanan. Lake Shore--Mrs. Cox. North--Mrs. G. McGregor. Welfare Committee-Lake Shore--Mrs. Blake E. Colborne--Mrs. W. A. Moore. Salem--Mrs. C. Oook. Town--Mrs. Noble. Auditors--Mrs. E. Irish, Mrs. W. W. Rose. Representative--Mrs. J. Waite, Mra W. A. Moore. MAY Hostess--Mrs. R. J .Armstrong. Convener--Mrs. C. O. Cook. Current Events--Mrs. Howard Swain. Topic--"Flowers," Mrs. Bert. Moore. Roll Call --Exchange of seeds, slips or bulbs Demonstration--Planting of slips--Mrs. G. Metcalf. Cake--Mrs. P. Armstrong, Mrs. F. Blake, Mrs. G. Beavis. Sandwiches--Mrs. Bland, Mrs. Buch. man, Mrs. J. Bell. For the May meeting each member is asked to bring a wool quilt block worked for a crazy quilt. JUNE Hostess--Mrs. S. J. Cox. Convener--Mrs. Hubble. Current Events--Yvonne Rice. Topic--"Music", Rev. J. P. W. Roberts. Roll Call--My favourite song. Demonstration- Musical contest. Cake--Mrs. R. J. Armstrong, Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Chas. Edwards. Sandwiches--Mrs. Everly, Mrs. Chas. Goodfellow, Mrs. H. A. Grant. JULY Hostess--Mrs. W; A. Moore. Convener--Mrs. F. Armstrong. Current Events--Mrs. W. W. Rose. Topic--"Women's Political Rights," Mrs. Bland. Roll Call--A Canadian woman of note. Demonstration--Fire building. Cake--Miss Doris Grant, Mrs. I. R. Goheen, Mrs. P. Hart. Sandwiches--Mrs. Hubble, Mrs. Kirk, Mrs. Miller. AUGUST Hostess--Mrs. Hubble. Convener--Mrs. W. Noble. Current Events-^Vlrs. Kirk. Topic--'-Friendship," Mrs. W. A. Moore. Immigration--Mrs. H. A. Grant. Roll Call--Verse on friendship. Demonstration--"Canning," Mrs. E. Irish. Cake--Mrs. Irish, Mrs. McManus, Mrs. Mackie, sr. Sandwiches--Mrs. W. A. Moore, Mrs. G. Metcalf, Mrs. G. McGregor. SEPTEMBER Hostess--Mrs. Oliver. Convener--Mrs. Blake. Current Events-r-Mrs. Cox. Topic---'Balanced ration of work, pleasure, exercise, rest," Mrs. J. Waite. Roll Call--Dents for the sick room. Demonstration---'Caring for home ac. cidents," Doris Grant. Cake--Mrs. Metcalf, sr., Mrs. McKay, Mrs. Noble. Sandwiches--Mrs. Peebles, sr., Mrs. C. Peacock, Mrs. Roberts. OCTOBER Hostess--Mrs. Metcalf. Conveners--Mrs. Mackie and Mrs. G. McGregor. Current Events--Mrs. McManus. Topic--Mrs. Mackie. Roll Call--Scotch joke. Demonstration--Mrs. McGregor. I Cake--Mrs. Rose, Miss E. Strong, Mrs. Sidney Turpin. Sandwiches -- Miss I. Peebles, Mrs. Oliver, Mrs. Roney. NOVEMBER Hostess--Mrs. W .W. Rose. Convener--Miss Ida Peebles. Current Events--Mrs. Irish. Topic--"Thanksgiving," Mrs. I. R. Goheen. Roll Call--Thanksgiving thoughts. Demonstration--"Patch work," Mrs. Beavis. Cake--Mrs. E. Turney, Mrs. Chas. Turney, Mrs. Cliff. Turney. Sandwiches -- Miss Marjoris Roney, Mrs. Tye, Mrs. Waite. DECEMBER Hostess--Mrs. J. G. Waite. Convener--Mrs. Buchanan. Current Events--Miss Bernice Buchan- Topic--"Christmas," Mrs. R. J. Armstrong. Roll Call--Ideas for inexpensive Christmas gifts. Demonstration--Exchange of Christmas gifts. Cake--Mrs. Yarrow, Mrs. Bland, Mrs. Buchanan. Sandwiches--Mrs. Mackie, Mrs. R. Armstrong, Mrs. Blake. JANUARY Hostess--Mrs. Chas. Turney. Convener--Mrs. Miller. Current Events--Mrs. W. A. Moore. Topic--"They who use what they have seldom want," Mrs. Rose. Roll Call--What grandmother missed. Demonstration--Display of antiques. Cake--Mrs. J. Bell, Mrs. Everly, Mrs. H. A. Grant. Sandwiches--Mrs. Beavis, Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Chas. Edwards. FEBRUARY Hostess--Mrs. H. A. Grant. Convener--Mrs. Chas. Edwards. Current Events--Mrs. Fred. Arm-' 6trong. Topic--"Dentistry," Dr. Robertson. Roll Call--Do's and don'ts for Institute. Demonstration--Spelling match. Cake--Miss Doris Grant, Mrs. Goheen, Mrs. Hart. Sandwiches--Mrs. Goodfellow, Mrs. Hubble, Mrs. Kirk. MARCH HJostess-^Mrs. Cook. Convener--Mrs. Metcalf, sr. Current Events--Mrs. R. J. Armstrong. Topic--'-Planning a menu for a family of different ages and occupations," Mrs. H. Swain. Roll Call-^n economy wrinkle. Demonstration---'Uses for milk," Mrs. Cook. Cake--Mm. Miller, Mrs. W. A. Moore, Mrs. G. Metcalfe. Sandwiches--Mrs. Irish, Mrs. McManus, Mrs. Mackie. APRIL Hostess--Mrs. McManus. Business Meeting--Election of officers. Roll Call--Paying fees. Cake -- Mrs. McGregor, Miss Ida Peebles, Mrs. Oliver. Sandwiches--Mrs. Metcalfe, sr., '. Noble, Mrs. Yarrow. . Used Auto Parts! For Ml Popular Cars Can Now be Secured in Colborne (General Repair Work at Moderate Prices j Agents For Used Gairs QUICK & MciNMIS SHELL GARAGE PHONE 19 COLBORNE Warning Notice!; CORN BORER ACT is in force in this County this spring ^and that th^ Provincial Entomologist has instructed all Inspectors to enforce it stiictly, ar.d see that all corn fields and plots are properly cleaned up bj May 20th. H. USBOiiNE, Inspector. Installation of Coal. Saving Gad-rets WiU Leave You With Money To the Good A local resident, who was worried over his fuel bills, started reading the advertisemente and- from what he could gather from these, plus information supplied him by friends, he worked out the following, which we cheerfully pass along to any of our readers who may find it of value to them in solving the high cost of fuel. Last season's coal, seven tons at $14.50 per ten ....................$101.50 Install a blower and save . $3.50 per ton ............................ 24.50 $ 77.00 Blower uses a ton less .......... 11.00 $ 66.00 Put air regulator trap in pipe (saving one ton) .................. 11.00 $ 55.00 Caulk all doors and windows (saving another ton) ............ 11.00 $ 44.00 Weather strip doors and windows and put on storm doors, saving one ton ........................ 11.00 $ 33.00 Insulation on rafters in attic (saves one ten) .................... 11.00 $ 22.00 Take coil out and save another ton ............................ 11.00 $ 11.00 Buy coke instead of coal and save one-third ........................ 3.66 $ 7.34 The insurance risk with all these gadgets and (msulating sjtunts is therefore cut in half, saving $7.50. Therefore, under our scheme you realy have a credit of 16 cents.-- Wiarbon Echo. When the Wife's Away Campbellford Herald: No matter how much a man neglects his wife, he still feels abused when he comes home and finds she isn't there. All heads of families on relief in Colborne are hereby warned to put in gardens sufficient for their needs. If land is not available, or if seed is required, this will be arranged for on application to Chief Jos. Farrell, or to the undersigned. _f A. GRANT, Reeve. Colborne April 15th, 1 EASTCOLBORNE MILL CUSTOM GRINDING Cash or Toll NEW CIDER EQUIPMENT AH Orders will receive Prompt and Careful Attention. TEAL BROS. COLBORNE ONTARIO. Notice to Owners of Dogs! Owners of dogs are hereby notified that on and after Tuesday, May 1st, 1938 a numbered tag for 1936 must be securely fixed on| every dog in the Village of Colborne at all times of| the year, and until new tags are procured in theg following year. I License Fee for Dog $2 -- License Fee for Bitch $51 to be paid on receipt of tag, which must be procured! from the undersigned. Owners of dogs are also notified that on and! after said 1st day of May, 1936, the By Law pro-| hibiting dog? running at' large in the Village of| Colborne will be strictly enforced. By order JOSEPH FARRELL, Chief Constable