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MAIL COUPON TODAY Please clip list of Magazines after checking 3 Publications desired. Fill out coupon carefully. Gentlemen: I enclose $............Please send me three magazines checked with a year's subscription to your newspaper. NAME ........................................... STREET ......................................... TOWN AND PROVINCE......................... Csmpbsllford He-aid: rnus: I? getting^better.^ C While proceeding t way No. 2 just on fci Trenton, ea Wednas the car driven by l-.jlio Cecilia J. Clarke, Toronto, struck cr_o tump in the middle of the road, r..werved 210 feet down the sidewalk, struck a fence and eventually landed up against a tree. Miss Clarke was taken to Dr. Johnson's effr-.e where it was found that she was suffer-in:- from a scalp wound and numerous body bruises. When the accident occurred, Miss Clarke was on her way to Mon_ treal to meet a boat and some relatives. Two men, Mr. V. T. Bartran and Mr. V. W. Bartran, Toronto, following behind the Clarke car, were also on their way to Montreal, and after aiding Miss Clarke, they volunteered to drive her to Montreal. Her car, strange to say, was not damaged to a great extent. Customs Collector J. E. McKib-bon is now able to show what improvement has been made in customs returns for the past year. The end of the fiscal year has come. Mr. McKibbon's figures show a big increase over the returns for the preceding year--*urely an indication that times are improving: 1934- 35, total collections, $95,203; 1935- 36, $136,813. Or an increase for the twelve months of $41,610. Figured out in percentages these figures must be between forty and. fifty per cent, increase. The six hundred and forty acre tract of land, owned by Mr. W. A. Fraser, MP., in Northumberland', has been set aside as a game preserve and notices forbidding trespassing on this property have been posted in the most conspicuous places. One of Mr. Fraser's men has been sworn in as a deputy game warden and the district game and fishery overseer has the property under observation. Mr. Fraser, who is a great lover of living things of the wlild, has taken these steps only after poachers have overrun hds property and destroyed pheasants that he raised. Black squirrels have been shot in his woods and trout have been taken from his stream. So bold and daring have been those poachers that they have even cut down trees in hds woods. From childhood, women are made to feel they are not on a level with men. The more educated and socially active they become, the more sensible they are of inferiority. There is no biological basis for it. An inferiority complex is manifested by fear when one faces difficult problems and by a disposition to lean on others. It is common to every country, but most prevalent during good times. F. E. Chase, R.R. 1, Prankford, has completed his second year at the Ontario Agricultural College Guelph, with the highest honours. He won the Governor-General's silver medal, general proficiency prize, and a J. J. Fee scholarship. Colborne and Salem United Churches --PA3TOR-- Rev. Roy H. Rickard, B. A., M.R.E. m.--Sunday school 11a. m.--Morning Worship 7 p. m--Evening Service Seats free. Everyone welwcome 180 p.m.--hunday School 2.30p.m.-PuiMic Worship. COLBORNE BAPTIST CHURCH REV. ARTHUR HALE, PASTOR 2 pm.--Bible School. 3 p.m.--Afternoon Service. The Homelike Church with the Hearty Welcome. PRESBYTERIAN SERVICES REV. C G. GRAHAM, Pastor Old St. Andrew's, Colborne .11.00 am. St. Andrew's, Grafton ............2.30 p.m. St. Paul's, Lakeport ..................7.00 pm. ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. P. W. A. Roberts--Rector. Regular Hours of Service Morning Prayer 11 am. Evensong 7 p.m. Holy Communion the first Sunda f each month. Lakeport -- Afternoon Service at CASTLETON CIRCUIT United Church of Canada REV. M. L HINTON, Pastor wastleton 10 30 a. m. Sunday School Morganston ). m. Sunday School p.m.--Public Worship. S p.m. -- Y. P. League. Oak Heights . Publie Worship EVANGEL FAITH MISSION CASTLETON Services 10.30 and 7.00 pm. every Sunday. Prayer Service Thursday evenmgs at 7:30. Everyone cordially mvited to attend these services. COMPANY Pm only a telephone . . . but with me for company, you're never lonely. You know that at any time of the day or night you can chat with friends or family, far or near. And what's equally comforting, you know they always can reach you when the need arises. If I do say so myself, you'll really enjoy my fresence. Fm there when you want me, yet never obtrude. Ask me to come and stay with you; I'll gladly accept your invitation. A TELEPHONE COSTS ONLY A FEW CENTS A DAY A Cut In Prices ON Flour Bran Shorts Rye Mids and Screenings' A Full Line of Poultry Feeds AT THE COLBORNE MILL I. PALEN, Colborne Phone 97 New Barber Business The Undersigned has opened a barber business in the Opera House Block, Colborne and invites the people of Colborne and vicinity to call and try his service. He is thoroughly experienced in all departments of the trade and guarantees satisfaction to every customer. The Following New Low Prices Will Prevail Hair Cut, Gentlemen 20c, Ladies 20c, Children 15c Shave 10c Bring us your razor--We can make it like new GEORGE BOWEN rcf!*^¥. Opera House Block, Colborne 1