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The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 26 Jan 1932, p. 7

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IHE COLBORNE EXPRESS, COLBORNE, ONT., THURSDAY, JAN. 26, 1933 NURSE LOSES 7 LBS. "i weighed 145 lbs.," writes - nurse, "when 1 bought the bottle of Kruschen Salts which I have just finished. J have taken a good half-teaspoonful in a glass of hot water every morning. Now 1 weigh 138 lbs., a loss o 7 lbs. 1 am very glad to have lost weight, especially without trouble."--Mil.R (Trained Nurse), Unlike most salts, " mply i lalivr Whi Kruschen Salts you not only stimulate your livei and kidneys to function naturally and perfectly, but you sup ply every internal organ, gland, nerve and fibre in the body with Nature's own revitalizing and rejuvenating 'Get a bottle of Kruschen Salts to day, and take one-half a teaspoc in a glass of hot water ;very morij be fore breakfast. Before the bottle is empty you'll -feel years ; ounger--eyes will brighten -- step grow springhtlier -- nerves steadier--you'll sleep sound, enjoy four meals, and after a hard day's work you'll be ready for wholesome recreation--one million women already know all this. White Dover Cliffs The town of Dover is like other seaport towns; but really much more clean, aud wth less blackguard people in it than I ever observed in any seaport before. It is a most picturesque place, to be sure. On one side of it rises, upon of a very steep hill, the Old Castle, with all its fortifications. On the other side of it there is another chalk-hill, the side of which is pretty nearly perpendicular, and rises up from sixty to a hundred feet higher than the tops of the houses, which stand pretty nearly close to the foot of the hill. I got into Dover rather late. It dusk when I was going down street towards the quay. I happened to look up, and was quite astoni: to perceive cows grazing upon a spot apparently fifty feet above the at the houses, and measuring 1 sontally not, perhaps, more than or twenty feet from a line which w have formed a continuation into I t up > the s , tht myself; and you actuall look down upon the houses, as yo look out of a window, upon people I the street. The valley that runs dow from Folkestone is, when it gets t Dover, crossed by another valley that runs down from Canterbury, oi least, from the Canterbury direc It is in the gorge of this cross ve that Dover is built. The twj cl hills jut out into the sea, and the water that comes up between them forms a harbour for this undent, I interesting, and beautiful place, the hill to the North stands the Castle of Dover, which is fortified in the ancient manner, except on the sea side, where it has the steep cliff for a fortification. On the south side of the town, the hill is, I believe, rather more lofty than that on the north side; and here is that clifl, which is described in Shakespeare, in the Play of King Lear.--William Cobbett. "Rural Rides." Summer Stylet Set in Winter Miama Beach, Fla.--The winter lab oratory of summer wear--thats whai ^designers and manufacturers call Miami Beach. For the beaches here are a continual fashion show from early November until May as the new styles In bathing and beach wear are introduced for thellrst time and tested for Use in the north the following summer. In addition to this casual parade, two elaborate fashion shows, one early and the other in mid-season on the grounds of local hotels, not only attract thousands of feminine observers, but noted designers and fashion experts who come to compare and often copy the new wares. "Henry, what were you conversing with the ashman about?" "Why, Helen, I was trying to coax him to smoke those cigars 3TOU gave me for a Christmas present." "Call him hack, Henry." "Ah, you would like to see hirH take the cigars?" "No, I want him to take some .perfume to his wife--you know,. "j|ear, the perfume you selected for toy Christmas gift." ^Teacher -- "Why were you not at Mool yesterday, Johnny?" Johnny-- H?l«tse, miss, I was convalescing." Convalescing! From what?" "Three »ple dumplings and one of father's JHgars." Australia Cuts Living Ccsts .The cost of Hying in Australia has BClined 20 per cent. In three years. Canada Reduces Buffalo Herd Great Herd in Alberta, Ha; to be Kept Within Grazing Capacity of Reserve Ottawa. --Upwards of half a millior pounds of buffalo meat was placed oi the Canadian market during th< autumn as a result of the slaughter of some 1,200 animals from the herd v Buffalo National Park at Wainwrignt Alberta The disposal of these mem bers of Canada's great national herd was made necessary by the grazing limitations of the immense fenced serve at Wainwright and the 1, slaughtered are the equivalent of the 1932 increase. This reduction brings the herd down to approximately 6.300. The annual reduction of the herd at Wainwright, Alberta, which is administered by the Department of the Interior through the National Parks of Canada, calls to mind Canada' cess In bringing back the buffalo. The herd at Wainwright developed from the Pablo herd purchased by the Do- of 716 animals were bought from the shrewd Montana half breedmd 631 ot these were established in Buffalo National Park while the remainder formed the nucleus for the present herd of over 1,000 in Elk Island .National Park. The animals placed in Buffalo Park have increased rapidly during the twenty-five years since the establishment of the . ark. A total of 6,673 was shipped north to* Wood Buffalo Park near Fort Smith, Northwest Ten tories; including this year's number total of 8,680 have been slaughtered and the meat, heads, and hides di posed of; which together with the 6,300 still remaining in the park a total of 21,653 animals. The practice followed in this disposal of the surplus animals Wai i the 1 yes herd bee well being The entire herd was rounded Up and.the animals selected were separated and placed in special corrals conveniently close to the abattoir. They included 500 over four years of age, 400 three year olds, 250 two year olds, and 50 aged buffalo. Each day since November : 3 when the work began, a certain number were slaughtered and the carcasses inspected and placed in refrigerator cars for shipment to the larger cenres of population throughout the Dominion. Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Regina, Winnipeg, Toronto, Ottawa an. Montreal all receive allotments and there-by_ citizens in every part of the Dominion were given an opportunity to enjoy a real treat. Buffalo meat has all the juicy tenderness of the finest beef and is highly - u'ded as an article ot food. Ninety ' the carcasses from the slaughter, including the fifty aged buffalo were set aside to be dried and later distributed among the Eskimo to relieve cases of distress. The buffalo heads are mounted tor sale, while the skins are made up in to robes and rugs, and coats for both ladies and gentlemen. By careful treatment the weight of the coats has been reduced so that they compare favourably with other ' :ns in this respect. For warmth, durability and appearance they rank with the best from other Canadian fur-bearers. Injections for the Drowsy A woman of forty-five was always tired. She had to sleep about thirteen hours out of the twenty-four, and a last getting up in the morning beca n an agony. Four weeks of treatment b injes tion with gland extract enable he now to get up every morning early with ease. This and other cases of the kind, says Dr. Jean P sais tout (Paris), owe everything to a recent discovery of Dr. Leopold Levi, pioneer of endocrinology in France. His knowledge of the internal-sect* tion glands prompted him to eyper. ment until he had tejted extracts for sleepy-heads. A suprarenal gland extract seems most potent with those who want to get up early. We read; An Egyptian woman, in a condition of profound weakness, was able, after fourteen injections of. cortico-suprare-nal extract, to get up at seven in the morning instead of at ten, a result unattainable hitherto A young woman, an invalid, was affected by a persistent sleepiness. She went to bed without waiting to eat her dinner so intense would be her desire to sleep. A multiglandular treatment, with suprarenal extract, made it easy fro her to get up in the morning at a quarter past six, ridding her of her drowsiness besides. A doctor, having passed his fiftieth year, could not get up early. After a course of treatment through the energy glands--from the ninth medical visit, in fact--he could get up early without difficulty, and at thJ same time he was freed from nervousness and pain. What's Wrong Puzzle There are from fifteen to twenty which will appear weekly on this page. See if you compare witb list which will be published next week Answer to Last Week's Puzzle. Woman would not wear even In) wrap in bakery. Clerk wearing dress suit. One of the dogs has no ears. Cake is falling off top of show case Bakery does not sell vegetables. Ear ring is not fastened to ear. There is no hole in one doughnut. Bakeries are not in country a lakes in each of the cartoons bem and then For Daily Wear By HELEN WILLIAMS. Two farmers had many arguments as to which could grow the best produce. One day one of them sent his to borrow the other's cross-cut "What might he want it for?" the latter asked. "Well," said the boy, "he's got a cabbage so big he says he'll want the saw before he can get it into the barrow." "Go back and tell him he can't have it. I've got it fast in a potato," was the reply. Simple becoming lines, so conservatively smart for day wear. Here you have today's model! It combines the two surfaces of dark hyacinth-blue crinkly crepe The shoulders are given fashionable width by an unusual cape ar-..angement. It is softly falling and graceful too. The gored s.'.irt is decidedly slimming. In grey rough cre^e silk* with the vest, collar and cuffs of brown crepi this model is lovely. It is also chic in woolent. Style No. 3278 is designed for size: 14, 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38 and 40 incited bust. Size 16 requires 3% .-ards of material with % yards of 39-i.tch contrasting. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and addrsts plainly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 15c stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number, and address your order to Wilscn Pattern Service, 73 West Adelaide St, Toronto. hown from window. One loaf of bread is not wrapp Glass in show case not transparent, ir man's arm would show. Word "Bakery" mispelled. One tree has not a trunk. Man has only half a mustache. Part of man's hair is dark. Half of man's tie is black. Part of window pane is not painted, Ancient Marine Life In a Yugoslav Lake Odd forms of ancient marine I in the lake at Ochrid, in Yugosla\ have led to the calling of a congn of biologists which is to meet there in the spring. The lake is on Albanian frontier. Scientists from Germany Yugoslavia, working at Ochrid the last year, have discovered fish, crusfaeeans and certain kinds of worms said to be Identical with pre-glacial forms 500,000 years old. i be'ief has consequently been expre ed by soms of the investigators I! O'luid is a kind of reservoir wh< there is still survive some other tinct species. If the theory advanced is com the explanation for the strange s vival may be found, it is pointed c by the barrier of the Albanian mo lay Lr,ke mi Approve Engine Designed in United States The first airworthiness certificate issued by the British Air Ministry for an aircaft engine of American design was recently to Canadian-Wright, Ltd., of Montreal, Canada, agents in the British Empire for the Wright Aeronautical Corporati approving the nine-cylinder Whirlwind model for a rating of 300 horsepower at 2,000 revolutions per minute. The approval of the model by the British Air Ministry was the result of a series of exhaustive tests conducted in the laboratories of the aeronautical division of the National Resf Council of Canada. Friend -- Has your wife lost much weight?" Mr. Stocksandbonds--"She has fallen off about 3 points but conditions are favorable for a sharp recovery." ---V:<H X7 Spanish Woman From the adobe bouse on the v Past the green ocotillo hedge, She strolls among the palo v Red peppers in her hauds-- The shifting strands Of half-forgotten memories Edge Closer: green lands, Palo verde, red peppers -- and she stands Dreaming in the sunshine. --Peter A. Lea. Keeping His Promise Mrs. Briggs had been attacked by a >rce dog while out for a walk with :r husband. To her disgust, Briggs had immediately taken to his heels, leaving his wife to her fate. "You're a coward!" she told him later, when she had made her escape. 'Fancy leaving me to he bitten like that! Why didn't you grab its collar?" Briggs looked meek. "Well, dear," he pleaded, "when we Dt married we agreed never to keep uything back from each other, didn't ART •t is order, method, 1 results, obtained by fine s ful principles.--Tancred, New Type Fuselage | Passes First Trial Stability and Ease of Handling Main Factors Noted Rome.--Preliminary tests which are taking place under the auspices of the Ministry of Aeronautics in Rome of an airplane with a tubular fus'-'at, seems to open new possibilities in aeronautic progress. Dr. Luigi tipa'j model plane has already given evidence of unusual lightness, lifting power and stability. This passenger plane ha~ a completely hollow fuselage froji vhic'.i the wings spread. The engine . within the tube, while the pilot and passenger--in a single-motored plane--will sit on top. In a plane of two cr m:>re motors, the places for pilot, and passengers will be between th engines. Dr. Stipa has been working on his idea tot several years, his plane having been built by the Caproni factories, which will have the development of the project should it prove successful. After an exhaustive theoretical solution of the problems to be met, Dr. Stipa was able to» u a nu ber of different small models to rig tests in the wind funnel of the M istry of Aeronautics here. These tes demonstrated that a tuou' fuselage not only does not offer resistanci when the propeller is going but causes a reaction in the form of an upward thrust which adds to the propeller' power. "The models :" showed greater stability in meeting air rents and pockets, and an unusual of handling. The tests alsx, showed that a hollow propeller is best to this type. Finally, a full-sized plan; wa and has been flown frequently with excellent results. The engine used is a De Haviland Gypsy III, 120-horse-power inverted type. The plane is about 46 feet from one wing tip to the other, 18 feet long and 10 feet_high. Fully equipped the a eight is about 1,760 poun Viewed from the side, the plane is quite short. In fact, Dr. Stipa holds it is perfectly practical to make a tubular plane without tail. The dimensions of the propeller are intimately connected with the size of the tube, the diameter varying according to the power of the engine, though increasing only slightly from one of small to one of great power. A small low-powered tubular plane would have a fuselage almost equal in size to tha of an ordinary machine with a high powered motor. Watching the Stars Alexandra drew her shawl cl about her and stood leaning against the frame of the mill, looking at the stars which glittered so keenly through the frosty autumn air. always loved to watch them, to think of their vastness and distance, and of their ordered march. It fortified her to reflect upon the great operations of nature, and when she thought of the law that lay behind them, she felt a sense of personal security. That night she had a consciousness of the country, almost a new relation to it. . . had never known before how n the country meant to her. chirping of the insects down in the long grass had been like the sweetest music. She had felt as if hei heart was hiding down there, somewhere, with the quail and the plover and all the little wild things that crooned or buzzed in the sun. Under the lone shaggy ridges, she felt the future stirring.--From "O Pioneers," by Willr, Cather. (Boston: Hough ton Mifflin.) > ■ Dominion Ranks Fifth In International Trade Ottawa.--A preliminary survey by the Dominion Bureau of Slatistics indicates that Canada in 1932 will once more occupy fifth place in in ternational export trade and wil improve her position in total tradi as well. In 1931 due to unstable trade conditions, the Dominion occupied seventh position in total trade and total exports, having been displaced in exports by Belgium and Argentina. Recurring Weakness Irs. Carr Finds Dr. Williams' Pills Wonderfully Beneficial Restoring Strength II that sluggish III feeling Put yourself right with nature by chewing Feen-a-mint. Works mildly but effectively in small doses. Mod. era--safe--scientific. For the family. Feenamint Pink Pills aud they have been a wonderful tonic to me. Afler taking three boxes. 1 feel quite improved and am able to walk again. I consider Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a great blessing to humanity." ■ Mrs. Cart's high praise of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is typical of what thousands of other grateful women have written. These pills actually create the rich new blood which Is lacking in run-down, exhausted sys- ■ ems. Growing girls in great numbers have found Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a veritable blessing. Older people have equal need of them. Get a supply from your druggist. 50c a package. Dislike New Uniforms Ever since the new BrIUsh Army uniforms have been introduced, they have been the subject of both criticism and praise. Old soldier* dislike the soft hats and the open ecks of the tunics. Lt,-Col. A. A. Irvine of Rye expresses his displeasure by declaring the uniforms must have been , esigned by a Geneva pacifist, who figured the new clothes would be the best possible way to discourage recruiting in England. At the same time the -pen necks must be a great relief to the men who have been harassed so long by the tight collars of the old uniforms. Classified Advertising 'KER TO EVER1' INVENTOR, on sent tree. The Bamsay Join- STORIES ARE WANTED powt-r and lead you to success. VVr tor Free Ability Test. SHAW SCHOOLS, Lir.ii.tea, Dept. A, 1130 Bay Street, Toro RE-TINNING Milk Cans, ice Cream Packer;., C' Hoops. Your old can.s made 1 ke new for less than half cost of new. ^'as- Toronto Cadmium Plating- & Tiniiing" Co. Ltd. 190 Edwin Avenne, . Toronto T.B.--A FREE BOOK 5,000 TO BE GIVEN AWAY Any sufferer from this disease who uas not yet read the ~ook recently published at 3/6d, by a.i English physician, on the treatment and cure ol Tuberculosis, may have a copy whilst the supply lasts, sent free of charge to u.ny address. Applications to Enoch JrZwicker, Mew pel-many, M.S. OPPORTUNITY Become a part owner in a ousi-ness having no competition. Manufacturing under patented process line of chemicals now being imported from foreign countries. Sale of output assured. Opportunity for large profits from small investment. Write tor particulars. Chemical Producers Limited, WILSON BUILDINGS, 73 ADELAIDE STREET WEST, TORONTO, ONTARIO SOURED ON THE WORLD?--THAT'S LIVER Wake up your Liver Bile --No Calomel necessary Many people who feel sour, sluggish and eenerally wretched make the mistake of taking chewing gum, or roughage which only move the bowels and ignore the liver. What you need is to wake up your liver bile. Start your liver pouring the daily two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels. Get your stomach and intestines working as they should, once more. Carter's Little Liver Pills will soon fix you np. Purely vegetable. Safe. Sure. Quick. Ask for them by name. Refuse substitutes. f Shampoo Regularly with CUTICURA SOAP Precede by Applications CUTICURA OI3WTME3T Soap 25c. Ointment 25c. and 50c. FOR CONSTIPATION "NOW I FEEL FULL OF PEP" After taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound That's what hundreds of women say. It steadies the nerves... makes you eat better .. . sleep better ... relieves periodic headache and backache .. . makes trying iJays endurable. If you are not as well as you want to be, give this medicine a chance to help you. Get a bottle from your druggist today. ISSUE No. ^--'33 . j

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