THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, COLBORNE, ONT., THURSDAY, OCT. 20, 1932 HEADACHE What's Wrong Puzzle @ Frequent headaches mean too much acid. Neutralize the acids with Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. It ends your headache because it removes the cause. Take a little whenever a coated tongue or sour stomach or sluggish bowels warn you of an acid condition. Take it when you've eaten too heartily, or after any meal that "disagrees." Be sure it is genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, in this bottle. ALSO IN TABLET FORM: Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tablets are now on sale at drug stores everywhere. Each tiny tablet is 'he equivalent of a teaspoonful of genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. Decay in Teeth Due to Diet Eradication Seen Possible by-Dean of Dental School, in Annual Report Based on 3-Year Study New York --The eradication of tooth decay may yet become an established fact, according to Alfred Owre, dean of the School of llwiial and Oral Surgery at Columbia University, In his annual report. Results cf the work carried on in connection with the dental school's three-year co-ordinated research project in tooth decay are increasingly significant, Dean Owre says. "Contrary to the opinion long held ,liy the majority of the dental profession and by many investigators, (Cental decay seems to be closely related to some phases of the general kealth," the report reads. "The theory that a clean tooth never decays has been underminded by clinical experience. Experiments Conducted "Extremes of dental decay found In persons of the same age and sex Indicate that there must be other causes of dental decay than the mere lack of oral cleanliness." Diet experiments conducted by Dr. Ewing Cleveland McBeath with experimental and control groups of children between the ages of fifteen and eighteen, numbering from twenty to thirty in a group, indicate that diet and tooth decay are in close relationship, the report continues, citing cases to prove that under certain conditions of diet, decay occurs more quickly and extensively than under "It is true that among the variety ot causes heretofore advanced for dental carles, a number may be contributing factors," Dean Owre says, "but it will probably be found that they all may effect some specific change in the dental pulp, or 'nerve, to interfere with the nourishment of the tooth. The central factor in tooth decay seems to be a pathological or imperfectly functioning dental pulp." Cites Training Inadequacies While little is known of the dental pulp, Dean Owre states that modern science is finding more and more methods by which this factor can be investigated, Rnd in time prescribed for just as any ordinary ailment. The report comments on the inadequacies of the present system of dental training and recommends that as soon as it becomes practical from a financial standpoint, the Columbia School of Dental and Oral Surgery be made a department of medicine and surgery. Citing the educational plan now in operation in Austria, where all practitioners of dentistry are required to be graduate physicians, he suggests that the same plan be installed at Columbia. Tells of Dissatisfaction "The sitution in .research alone," he says, "demonstrates to the informed person the necessity that the man responsible for the oral field have a full background of medical science. Dissatisfaction with the existing situation in American dental education is increasing among educators and others who give the matter objective thought. I am in almost daily receipt of letters which comment on the inadequacy, and not seldom the venality, of present-day education and practice in dentistry. Here and there individuals and groups are actively opposing an extension or even a continuation of trie system. This is true of certain foreign countries as well." Answer to Last Week's Puzzle. Wrong kind of tail on pig. Apples growing on a bush. Ducks do not roost in trees. Wrong position for a bird's feet when flying. Mule's head is so large it could not t through the window. Chicks cannot swim. There are shoes on the pig. Sign misspelled. A man's ear is backwards. Owl out in the day time. One ear on the rabbit is longer than the other. Cow is getting up wrong. Two kinds of leaves oil one tree. Wrong kind of feet on the duck. There are from fifteen to twenty mistakes in each of the cartoons which will appear weekly on this page. See if you can find them and then compare with list which will be published next week. _ Aircraft in Mining Operations Activities in the air by the consolidated Mining and Smelting Company of Canada are quoted by the British Society of Aircraft Constructors as an outstanding example of the value of ircraft to certain kinds of business :hen they are exploited with understanding and courage. In 1929 the company decided that it would employ aircraft for business purposes and purchased three ma-These were used in carrying supplies to camps where the company had exploratory operations in prog-In addition two of the company's mining engineers, who had qualified as pilots, were provided with , de Havilland "Moth" light airplanes I and five other engineers were trained ' and sent out with their own aircraft. They covered the districts in their charge, supervising the prospectors and examining discoveries offered to them by free-lance prospectors, in tl.ese airplanes. During the last three seasons the company's airplanes have operated in every province from Quebec to British Columbia and in the Northwest Territories. Of the original four machines three are still in service and tha fleet now totals eleven. Ventures Limited, and other large Canadian mining companies constantly employ airplanes in their services.--Toronto Mail and Empire. In the power of fixing the attention lies the most precious of the intellectual habits-- Robert^ Hall. Every great and commanding movement in the annals of the world is the triumph of enthusi*s: "The Only Medicine My Children Have Ever Had" "From the day I purchased the first box for my first baby until the present day, BABY'S OWN TABLETS have been the only medicine my four children have ever had," writes Mrs. Harry Pilmer, Cumberland Bay, N.B. "This proves beyond doubt that BABY'S OWN TABLETS, by correcting slight disorders very efficiently at the beginning, prevent more serious ailments developing." Mrs. Norman Langille, New Germany, N.S., says: "I have used BABY'S OWN TABLETS exclusively in rearing my DR. WILLIAMS' three babies. My little girl, who was troubled for a long time with stubborn costiveness, derived the greatest benefit." Give YOUR child BABY'S OWN TABLETS for teething troubles, upset stomach, colic pains, simple fevers, colds, constipation, sleeplessness, or whenever he is cross, restless and fretful. Children take these sweet little tablets as readilv as candy--and they're absolutely SAFE (See analyst's certificate in each 25-cent package.) Over 1,250,000 packages sold in 1931. Benefitted "My Only Medicine" Mrs. McEachnie Says Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Helped Her at Every Crisis in Life "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have been a real friend to me In all stages of life," writes Mrs. Archie McEachnie, Hope-ville, Ont. "I commenced taking the Pills when I was just budding into womanhood as a very delicate girl. I was much benefitted. Then at the critical time of life, I again took Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and they certainly helped me through that period safely. Now at 60, every time I feel a little out of sorts, I take them--they have •eally been my only medicine." Growing girls, and women at the dreaded time of life, have special need of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The rich new blood cells created by these Pills carry to every part of run-down systems the vigor-building properties required to restore health and strength. Try them. At your druggist's in protective glass containers, 50c. It is ridiculous for any man to criticize the works of another who has not distinguished himself by his own performances.--Addison. A word to the wise is sufficient for them--we may be good and happy without riches--Old Curiosity Shop. BABY'S OWN TABLETS Make and Keep Children Well --At Mothers Know Gems from Life's Scrap-book "What sculpture ?s to a block of marble, education is to a human son --Addison. "Love is the greatest of all educators."--Mrs. Osgood. "To form a brave man, educate boldly."--Rickter. "The best and most important part of every man's education is that which he gives himself."--Gibbon. "It is not so much academic education, as a moral and spiritual culture, which lifts one higher."--Mary Baker Eddy. "The true purpose of education Is to cherish and unfold the seed of immortality already sown within us."--Mrs. Jameson. "Into what boundless life does education admit us."--Chapin. Remember:--Though not a highly educated man, John Bunyan's book is Carbon Dust Is Purifier Less than ten pounds of carbon dust | ECONOMY PRODUCTS CO. will purify 1,000,000 gallons of water] 20 Hayter St., Tor'onto WHOLE FAMILY WITH INDIGESTION A mother of four writes:--"Myself and family of four all seemed to suffer from acidity, pains in the back, and other forms of indigestion. I suffered whatever I ate. But since we have been taking Kruschen (for the last three months) we can eat anything, and all enjoy our food much better. We never have a trace of acidity or pain now. 1 think it is wonderful--it has no upsetting results. Whatever we may have to go without, we could not give up Kruschen."--(Mrs.) M. K. Kruschen Salts swiftly neutralizes acid, tav-es all the torment out of it, and gently expels it from the system. And by stimulating your organs of elimination to perfect regular action, Kruschen will prevent this harmful acid from ever accumulating again. After that you'll experience no more misery after meals. Kruschen will keep your inside clean and serene. Pure and invigorated blood will e sent coursing to every part of your body. You'll feel wonderfuly ener-geticrsnd well. As healthy and hearty as it is humanly possible to feel. Mortgaging the Future Sir Ernest Benn in The Empire Review (London) : Whatever may be the rights and wrongs of the questions involved in the many social services which modern democracy has thought it desirable to inaugurate, the financial methods employed in connection with them are deliberately immoral. The plain fact is that while we "enjoy" these things we fail to pay for them. Our grandchildren are already over-mortgaged by our extravagance. Public debt amounting to ten thousand millions is only a part of the burden we are passing on to posterity. The growth of the public service, and the consequent wholesale distribution of pension rights, has created a liability for the future, of which no account is taken and no calculation made. Non-believers in democracy have hire the gravest of the charges against it. Our social service enthusiasms have been satisfied at the cost of the soundest and the eldest of social foundations. Progress in the past has consisted in the, provision by each generation of a surplus for the enjoyment and elevation of the next generation. It has remained for us to find a way of living in comfort and leaving the bill to the future. Within twenty years from now the cost of pensions to officials will exceed the cost of the public debt. WIT Wit is at best a hazardous possession; it is very apt to make enemies, and it seldom secures a friend. The quality of RED ROSE makes it good value whichever price you pay a Red Rose Tea Red Label, 25c. ilb. Orange Pekoe, 38c. Hb. A Saucy Mascot When Jackie McCant's father, an officer at the naval aviation base, moved to Los Angeles, Hawaii lost a cute mascot. The Immortal With dying fire and light, With agony of birds The day defers tonight, And thought descends to words. Immortal might become The poet who could take The rapture that is dumb, And simple music make. He should command the day, And mount his sunset throne To bid the moon delay, And reign with him aione. --Richard Church, in John o' Lon don's Weekly. Old Gold, Jewellery, Etc., bought for cash. Send it to us by registered mail, and we will advise how much we can allow you. ELLIS BROS., JEWELLERS, 98 Yonge Street, Toronto. Feen-a-mint is the answer. Cleansing action of smaller doses effective because you chew it. At your druggists--the safe and scientific laxative. Feen-a-mint FOR CONSTIPATION t ul i<uru Ointment/ To soothe and heal burns, cuts, 1 ' rashes and all skin irritations \ I of childhood. Price 25c. and 50c. Children should not be punished for bed-wetting. It is caused by weakness of kidneys or bladder Mothers will find our home ment helpful for their little ones Send no money, but write today for Free Trial Treatment. Adults with urinary weakness will also find our treatment beneficial. VANDERHOOF & CO., Box 25 ' Windsor, Ont. For Sale by Leading Druggists Classified Advertising A N OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. information sent free. The Ramsay Com- any. World ratent Attorneys. 273 Rank Street. Ottawa, Canada. REMEDIES FOR ALL SICKNESSES. LNY FORMULA, $1.0C EACH. WRITE .Midland Laboratory. 308 Burns dt., innipeg, Man.___ Freedom of thought, being intimately connected with the happiness and dignity of man, in every stage of his being, is of so much mere importance than the pjcservslion of any constitution, that to infringe the former under pretence of supporting the latter is to sacrifice the means "to the end.-- Robert Hall. OFF COLOUR? HOW IS YOUR LIVER? Wake up your Liver Bile --Without Calomel Your liver's a very small organ, but it cer- oreans out of kilter, by refusing to pour out its daily two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels You won't completely correct such a condition by taking salts, oil, mineralwater, laxative candy moved your bowels they're through--and you need a liver stimulant. Carter's Little Liver Pills will soon bring back the sunshino into your life. They're purely vegetable. Safe. Sure. Ask for them by name. Refuse D- PLUMB'S PERFECT PSP e is stamped o the stem--and the word, "PLUMB" is impressed in white on the mouthpiece. ^ BEWARE OF IMITATIONS CHAPPED SKIN Dilute Minard's with one-half oil or cream. Apply 9 day.. For Frost Bite No trouble. Very healing ! MINARD'S LinimenT WEAK WOMEN Take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Have you ever felt that iyou were toe' weak to do anything . . . that you did not have the strength to do your work? Women who are weak and run-dowa should take a tonic such as Lydia k>. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Head* aches and backaches that are the result of a tired, run-down condition often yield to this marvelous medicine. ' 98 out of every 100 women who report to us say that they are benefited by this; medicine. Buy a bottle from your drug, gist today ... and watch the results. ' ISSUE No. 42--32