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The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 1 Nov 1934, p. 1

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This Label is Your Bill or Receipt -- Read It Please ! THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1st, 1934 $2.00 a year in advance; $2.50 to U.S.A. DUNDONALD October 30th, 1934 Hallowe'en will be celebrated here as usual With "pumpkin face grinnin' and spooks a hidin' low." Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pomeroy, Castleton, visited Mrs. L. Eddy and Mr. and Mrs. Austin Eddy on Sunday. Mrs.. W. E. Olnsterfield is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. Cowie, for a few days this week. iMr. and Mrs. Roy Chapman enjoyed the Anniversary Service of Colborne united Church on Sunday evening. Mr. Reuben Herrington of Trenton spent the weekend guest of his cousin, Miss Violet and Mr. C'arence Herrington. A numiber of young people attended the dance in the Orange Hall. L'.ttle Lake, Friday evening, returning in the early morning hours. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chapman, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. E. Turney of Colborne spent Sunday in Belleville, where they were the guests of rela-tivs. Mrs. W. Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Peterson, Mr. Gerald Peterson and Miss Tamlin of Oshawa spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mutton. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Spafford and son of .Belleville, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy 'Finkle and children of Sidney were guests of Mrs. Harry Mutton, Mr. ■and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dunnett on The Eden congregation were surprised and interested when Rev. Armstrong announced on Sunday evening tiiat members of the Oxford Group would hold a meeting in Eden United Church in the near future. People in this vicinity were greatly shocked on Monday morning to hear that an old and esteemed resident of the adjoining neighbourhood. Joseph J. Onyon. has suddenly passed away! . during Sunday night. The bereaved ; relatives have the sympathy of all. j The birthdays of Messrs. W. Samons and S. Puffer, falling on the same day, were celebrated at the home of Mr. Samons. on. Sunday. October 2! MRS. JOHN DALE There passed away at Belleville Hospital on Sunday, October 2st, 1934, one well-known and highly respected in Brighton, In the person of Charlotte Gunyo, beloved wife of of John Dale, in her 63rd year. Mrs. Dale had been ill tor some time and in the hospital for nearly four weeks, so her death was not unexpected--but none the less hard to bear. Mrs. Dale was the daughter of the late Asa Gunyo and Phoebe Quick, and besides her brother, Mr. A. Gunyo, leaves a husband and four children to mourn their loss. The children Mabel (Mrs. Martin) and Arnold of Toronto, both of whom have been >me much of the past month or d Albert and John at bonne. The funeral service, which rgely attended, took place from her home on Prince Edward St., on Wed-isday afternoon and was conducted by Rev. E. A. Slermln. Interment at Wood's Cemetery.--Ensign. MRS. JOHN WILKINS .After an illness of only about three days. Mrs. John Wllkins of Orland, died from pleur-pneumonia, at the e of her daughter, Mrs. Ralph , Brighton, on Saturday evening, October 2'Oth, 19i3i4. in her 61st year. was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Lennox, of Edville. She nd her husjiand. John Wilkins have lived for some time on the. Latimer homestead at Orland, but when her llness proved serious it was thought jest to move her to Brighton to her laughter's home. The funeral service was . held in .he Baptist Church on Wednesday afternoon. Rev. Arthur Hale of Colborne conducted the services. The pall-bearers were old neighbours from the Fourth Concession who very thoughtfully sent a lovely wreath of flowers to show their esteem for their former neighbour. Burial took place at Waite's Cemetery. A brother Jason Lennox of Oshawa attended the funeral. Besides her husband and daught- er (v . thei 3 one s , Clare and ;sembled. and with feas v congratulations and best at their last days might be onse to the call from the arge quantity of vegetables ■n. A very generous suppl: es. the best WESTERN RELIEF CARS There was a large attendance at tw town hall, Colborne. Monday evening, October 29th. 1934, to hear the youthful contestants in the annual Public School Speaking Contests under the auspices of the Northumberland Trustees and Ratepayers Association. There PERSONAL 'Mrs. Harley, who has spent the Summer in Liverpool, England, re turned home l|ast week. Capt. Henry I. Matthews of Co V-ourg attended the funeral of Capt. R. Snetsinger on Wednesday. Mrs. Rene Taschereau of Montreal, speakers the win-i *vno nas been spending a month being John Bradford first, Mar-jFair Haven, has gone to Ottawa, garet Hall, second, and Mabel •Rei- Norwood Register: Mrs. c.liffe. third. All the speakers dTd O'Conor-Fenton, also Misses Dulcie remarkably well. Mr. J. F. Wilson j and Le,ona O'Conor-Fenton, of Pres- were visitors in Norwood acted as chairman. Mrs. S. W. Sutton delighted the audience with two vo'i,-. selections. Mrs. C. L. Keating actia,;: as . accompanist. Inspector Mar!,,: gave a brief address in which ho congratulated the youthful orators. The winners were presented wi; i silver trophies, donated by W. fc. i Fraser, M.P., and Colborne Scho'TrDetroit. who was called here bv th. Bo&rd, while all the speakers wfc-sj,|eath of his sister-in-law. presented with prizes of fountain pev^heii, has returned to his home, after 1 books. . j making short visits at the home ol John Bradford will represent Cot- bis sister. Mrs. Barnes, East Colborne; borne Public School at the County j his brother, Matt McDonald and his final to be held in Colborne on Frid,.;. ! siter-in-law, Mrs. George Piester. at November 16th, 1-934, at 8 o'clootlBrighton. About fourteen speakers, winners -ai their respective municipalities expected to take part in the fin: He-Pc Mom_ Meredith, who h summer months, reiurned this week to New ley. with his daughter. Mrs. Whi Be. who motored over for him. Brigrton Ensign: Mr. J. McDonnell. TRINITY WOMEN'S AUXILIARY j The regular monthly Devotional i and Business Meeting of Trinity Wo-I nen's Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. S. W. Sutton, on Thursday, October 25-th, 1934, with a good attendance. The President. Mrs. R. R. . ^.,0-1, | Joslin, presided over the business of Northumberlaad : meeting, and the Devotional Exercises County gathered to bid good-bye to ; '.vere taken by the Rector, Rev. P. Mr." and Mrs. Walter Smith. The ! \V. A. Roberts. A special appeal A very enjoyable social evening w pent in Brighton on Monday eve',-ing, October 29th. 1934, when people I - The committee in charge of the loading of the relief cars to the West, | wish to thank all who helped by cash "i:->ns, produce or clothing, to it possible to send two cars destitute friend: >vho through no fault if thelr's arc -^iln'fiinTiie neeerPrfieR of me.-OarS donald always glad to help, regret that no apples could be sent this year. The Y. P. L. on Tuesday evening was largelv attended -and enjoyable. , this : Total early, evening was spent in cards s duiicing. and after the lunch hour ddress Was read by Mir. Hamilf .nd a presentation of a lovely fli lamp and clock to Mr. Smith, am' beautiful bouquet of roses to M Smith. A bouquet of roses was a presented to Mrs. • Arthur Clare Belleville (formerly Pauline Tinso ho has been associated with I gricultural office work until 1 laniage. Miss Lorna Hubble. 1 iccessor, made the presentation .,. iter which Mr. Smith gave a shovff' ddress in which he thanked tVe| people for the gifts and for the spl< tt did co-operation they hlad given hi.-n ; during his term in office here. ijr. j: introduced Mr. Martin, the new R"-;>|. n-sentarfve. and spoke- very highly ,f j < bis ability to carry on the work at <M: if the people gave him the sa; £rl splendid support they had ^alw;.^1 ?iven him In closing. by the Rector for all W. iers to attend, if possible, dy Devotional Meeting. The nber-meeting will be held at the of Mrs. C. Smith. JOSEPH j. ONYON ; *: A well-known and highly respected dfamer of Cramahe Township, Mr. ^J, ;.Joseph j. Onyon died unexpectedly at lis'home at Edville, Sunday evening, ober 28th, 1934, of an heart affec- Mar orie Mutton, it, presided. One of the most ng features of the programme e speeches of three of Dun-si 1 ooV^s.tndents, who were in for the Oratorical Congest and rthi Mr. Martin. Provincial Constable McBrien, who :as been stationed at Haliburton for ess than a year, has received notice avineial Constable t Minden instead ause of a large mployed at road i Hal TIMOTHY SEED The total othy seed 5,000.000 lb: the past fi .-(lit. eld in Canada of tim-1934 may approximate | s against 4.000.000 lbs. | > for ars of 2.000.onn lb; „„.iual consumption ... ated at 10.000,000 lbs. and 7.000.-1 o 8,000.000 lbs. of tliis has been ' rted annually from the United s to meet domestic needs. V< ikely be i r-ted ■y the 1934 crop failure in the United States. There would appear to be a shortage of timothy seed for normal domestic requirements next spring. OLD STANDARDS DISAPPEARING The meetings of various Church bodies lately have revived the question asked frequently in the last few years. "What is wrong with the Churches?" The Protestant Churches have lost greatly in attendance in the last decade and this fact is worrying those responsible for the continuance of this age old institution, Some writers think it is not the Church that is publisher of the Port Hope Guide, daily and weekly newspapers, died at Port Hope Hospital, on Sunday. Oct. 28th, 1934. He was ill only a few hours. He was the third generation ot Wilsons to edit the Guide, which has served the community creditably for 101 years. The funeral, largely attended, was held Tuesday afternoon. REDUCED FARES for REMEMBRANCE DAY Round trip between any two points in Canada at regular one-way fare and a quarter. Going Dates from Noon, Friday, Nov. 9 ntil Noon, Monday, Nov. 12 Return Limit UNITED CHURCH, COLBORNE Successful anniversary services were held at Colborne United Church on Sunday. October 28th, 1934. The special speakers were Rev. Thos. Wallace of Newtonville. in the morning, and Rev. James Semple, Ph. D., of Belleville, in the evening, who gave interesting addresses. A quartette of Newtonville singers assisted the choir in the muical part. Good attendance at both services. A supper by the Ladies' Aid. Tuesday eyening. was ^also successful, the proceeds amounting to $120. Bees that are to be wintered in cellar or dug-out should be carried in immediately after the last good cleansing flight they are likely to get. At the experimental Farm this is usually during the first week in November. Read conde:. ads on page 5 Deceased, who Vas in his 78th year, as born and spent all his life in the : ijrhbourhood, being a son of the late iseph Onyon. While keenly interred in public affairs and community •fivities he never aspired to office, i politics he was* Conservative, was smber of the United Church, and nfber of Colborne Masonic Lodge. •iff -f--.V'."fiHy TfiUf MinnieyCociV1 predeceased him two ye|.u.s ,.e survived by a son, Wallace Onyon, nd a, rtii mill I er. CAPT. ROBERT SNETSINGER The town flag has been lowered half-mast this week, in tribute to cne of Colborne's leading citizens and businessmen, Capt. Robert Snetsinger. whose death occurred at his home ft-arly Monday morning, October 29th, 19-34, after two weeks' illness. Deceased, who was in his 78th year, was born at Salem, Cramahe Township, a son of the late Matthias Snetsinger. In early manrood he was a lake mariner, becoming owner and in|aster of sailing vessels. For about forty years he has lived in Colborne, engaged extensively as a grower, id exporter of'trpples:-- -All his dealings were characterized by fair-,nd uprightness. Snetsinger was interested in public and comunity affairs. Time land gain he was elected a member of the Ullage Council and several Reeve, and in 1912 he was elected Warden of the United Counties .of Northumberland land Durham-. All these offices he filled with zeal and efficiency. In politics he was a Con-», and in religion a Presby-He was a memlber of Colborne Lodge. A.F. & A.M.. and Past First Principal of Colborne Chapter. R.A.M. Of a 'buoyant and cheerful disposition iiis greetings will be missed by a arge circle of friends and acquaint-Besides his wife, formerly known as Mary A. Dougherty, he leaves two =ons and two daughters, Dr. A. H. James M., and Miss Clare Snetsinger of Toronto, and Miss Helen Snetsing-home; also a brother. Mr. M. Snetsinger of Thorn-bury, and a sister, Mrs. Harriett Dick of Winnipeg. The funeral services, conducted by the Rev. C. G. Graham, assisted by the Rev. Archdeacon Warren of Toronto, were held at the family residence on Wednesday afternoon. The interment Salem Cemetery, where the church committal services were followed by the ceremonies of the Masonic Craft, conducted by Wor. Bro. ".' Broomfield, WjM. of Colborne Lodge, assisted by V. Wor. Bros. H. Keyes and J. F. W^olfraim. The llbearers were Bros. A. E. Donaghy, Sam. D. Dudley. W. F. Griffis. J. E. McDop'ald and J. F. Wilson, and Mr. \ P. Strong. The mass of floral tributes, and the ery large attendance of friends and cquaintances bore testimony to the high regard and universal respect in which Capt.' Snetsinger was held in " e Village |and County. Among relatives and The Trustees' and Ratepayers' Association of Northumberland will hold its Oratorical Contest for the Public School Children of Haldinmand Township, in the United Church, at Centreton, on Tuesday, November 6th, 1934, at 7.30 p.m. All children, parents and ratepayers are cordially invited to be present. Chas. Rutherford, Representative for Haldimand Tp. 1 Mi COMING EVENTS The Redheaded Stepchild, a play in three acts, Victoria. Opera House, Colborne, Wednesday, Nov. 7th, 1934, under auspices Base Ball Club. Members of the Oxford Group from Belleville will be at the meeting of the Young People's Society of the United Church, Colborne, to be held in the Sunday School hall, Tuesday evening, Nov. 6th, 1934. All welcome. Mr. S. B. MoCready, former teacher in Colborne High School, is broadcasting over radio station CKNC. at 7- p.m. next Saturday, Nov. 3rd, 1934. an account of the Danish Folk High Schools as he saw them in operation this past summer. Air transportation for freight and passengers is now an accomplished t. Passenger plane flying has been vogue now for some time and no longer excites comment. Freight by jlane has been demonstrated in the carrying of machinery and supplies ;o isolated mining camps in Canada :r.d elsewhere, the first big feats in his direction being the transportation of gold mining mills into New Guinea. here no roads exist. Detective Izard of Belleville, who has just returned from California, is enthusiastic about the speed and comfort of the passeng-planes out of Chicago. Eleven hours from Chicago to California at cost of only $115, meals served on board and Pullman sleeping accom-lodation if required. MARRIAGES HART-BAGGALEY -- Married, at Toronto, on Friday, October 26th, 1934. by the Rev. James Gregory. Edward John Hart, only son of Mr. and Mrs. rey Hart, and Emily Jane Baggaley. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Baggaley. of Vernonville. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Llye Brock wi nk the friends and neighbours Miss J. Hubble, Reg. N., for the the homestead, and a daughti Mrs. Gerald S. Philp (Josephine), of Cramahe Township; also a sister. Mrs Thos. N. Scripture of Toronto. The funeral services were held at the tjamily residence on Tuesday afternoon, conducted by the Rev. A. Armstrong. The burial took place at the Salem Cemetery, where the church comitttal service was followed by the ceremonies of the Masonic Craft, conducted by Wor. Bro. E. M. Broomfield. W.M. of Colborne Lodge, assisted by Wor. Bros, M. C. Broomfield and Milton MacDonald. The pallbearers were Bros. W. J. Cochrane, C. G. Gummier. Ernest MaoDon)ald. Herbert" McDonald, Lome McDonald, and W. W. Mutton. . • . There was a large turnout of the Craft, neighbours and friends, which together with the numerous floral tributes testified to the high regard in which deceased was held. M. Snetsinger. IV the Rev. Archdeacon Warren. M; Mrs. Myles, Mrs. Jock Robertson, all of Toronto; Capt. J. H. Peacock and R. J. Clarke of Port Hope. Mr. Harry B. Phillips of Brighton, and others. I. Miss J. HuM NOTICE NOTICE ! Will the party who has he plian of Lakeport Cemetery kindly •eturn same to F. P. Strong. Colborm To b . 13, 1934. midnight, Canadian Pacific dif- the standards of morality ha-1 or disappeared altoget the parent has little co is or her offspri 55 his and her Sprague Cleaners DeLUXE SERVICE of Belleville Calls on Colborne residents on request, through JOHNSTON'S DRUG STORE Colborne Three Times Weekly Prices and lists may be had at Johnston's Drug- Store, or phone your order to 45, Colborne. Hoi les will have a personal call n our representative from s to tiire for special infor-ion needed. mSleow The Anniversary Services and Supper of Old St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Colborne^ will be held on Sunday & Monday, November 11 & 12/34 SERVICES conducted by Dr. K. Hunter Palmer of Port Hope Divine Worship at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. We are pleased to announce that Mrs. C. H. Byers of Oakville, and Mr. W. W. McGlennon of Toronto are the soloists for the day. Monday, November 12th, the Willing Workers will hold their Annual Thanksgiving Supper IN THE S. S. HALL Supper Served frcn 5.30 to 7.30 p.m. Admisssion 35c A kind welcome awaits you Rev. C. G. Graham, B.A., Minister Subscriptions taken at the Express Printing Office for •he l.c-d'.--g Newspapers and Magazines at Club Rat ill Cheese Sold at 9% Cent Belleville, October 27, 1934- ButteT Wrappers at Express Office ONYON, Joseph J. -- In Cramahe Township, on Sunday. October 28th. 1934, Joseph J. Onyon. in his «78th iSNETSINGER, Capt. Robert --In Colborne. on Monday, October 29th. 1934. Capt. Robert Snetsinger, in his 7Sth year. Interment in Salem Cem- The Redheaded Stepchild A PLAY IN THREE ACTS will be presented under the auspices of Colborne Baseball Club IN VICTORIA OPERA HOUSE, COLBORNE Wednesday, November 7th, 1934 Doors open at 7.30 p.m. CASTE : Mrs. Edith Russell--Richard's secorfd wife-Mrs. S. D. Dudley Mrs. Oliver Woodruff.......... Mrs. W. H. Colton Mrs. Emroy Scott.............Mrs. J. F. Wolfraim (Society Matrons, her friends) Briggs--The Russell's butler............Bill Griffis Lucia Russell--their daughter........ Noma Miller Dudley Russell--their son.........Jack Armstrong Riehard Russell--a financier......Rev. W. Sterling Elizabeth Russell (Bess)--Richard's daughter from the West--Eleanor Strong George Garrison--presumably Lucia's admireK. A. G. Cracknell Ethel Ashley ..................... Mrs. Treherne Lucille Christy....................Helen Usborne (Young society girls) Flora Farnum---Dudley's inamorata--Mabel Usborne MUSIC and COMEDY BETWEEN ACTS COLBORNE HIGH SCHOOL ORCHESTRA Admission: Reserved Seats, 35c; Rush Seats, 25c Plan at Griffis' Drug Store "GOD SAVE THE KING" "Don't go Outside Your Home Town for Things Your Own Merchants Supply"

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