THE COLBORNE CHRONICLE, Thursday, April 28th, 1960 The Voice Of The Church a/Y/te CHURCHES Anglican Church Of Canada Trinity Church, Colborne Rector: Rev. J. A. Roney, B. Sc., L.Th. Organist: Mrs. N. Cunningham St. Philip and St. James-Second Sunday after Easter May 1st--9.30 a.m. Morning Organizations-- Ladies' Aid--1st Thurs., 2.30 Woman's Auxiliary--3rd Thurs., 2.30 p.m. Jr. Auxiliary--Wed., 4.00 p.m. Eve. Guild--2nd Wed., 8.30 p.m. Choir--Thurs., Juniors 7.15 p.m. Seniors 7.45 p.m. St. Peter's, Lakeport Minister: Rev. J. A. Roney Organist: Mrs. I. F. Flanders Sundays: 3 p.m.-- 1st & 3rd--Holy Communion. 2nd & 4th--Evening Prayer. Presbyterian Church In Canada Minister: Rev. W. E. Sayers, M.A. St. Paul's, Lakeport Organist--Mrs. Ivan Flanders. Public Worship 9.45 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Old St. Andrew's, Colborne Organist: Mrs. G. B. Barnes Public Worship 11 a.m. Sunday School during service Choir Practice, Thursday at United Church Of Canada Minister: Rev. F. W. Taylor, Colborne United Church Organist and Choir Leader: Mrs. W. G. Irvine Sunday, May 1-- i.m.--Sunday School I a.m.--Worship Service Thursday, April 28-- 7.00 p.m.--Choir Practice in the Sunday School Hall 30 p.m.--Two coloured films on Africa (See Ad.) in the S.S. Hall. The Couples' Club will meet afterwards at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wednesday, May 4-- 15 p.m.--The Hustler's will meet at the home of Mrs. Keith Redner Salem United Church Pianist: Mrs. Lloyd Deegan Sunday, May 1-- 1.30 p.m.--Sunday School 2.30 p.m.--Worship Service A WEEKLY MESSAGE BROUGHT TO YOU BY YOUR LOCAL MINISTERS " Preached Among All Nations " Luke 4:16. Jesus went to the synagogue, as His custom w on the Sabbath Day. (R.S.V. United Missionary Church Minister: Rev. E. R. Spar Sunday Services: 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7.00 p.m. -- Evangelistic S« Wednesday: 8.00 p.m.--Prayer Service Sunday School Rooms. By Rev. F. W. Taylor Luke 24:47 -- And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name among all nations beginning at Jerusalem. These are words of our risen Lord and as such they should have more then their usual weight and significance for us. They should have an undeniable authority for those who claim to be His followers. On Easter Sunday there were many who commemorated celebrated the resurrection our Lord Jesus Christ. After His resurrection there were a number of appearances to His disciples. The words of the text were spoken on the occasion of one of these latest appearances. It can be seen that good as it is it is not enough just to gather in the Lord's house on Easter Sunday. If we rejoice he resurrection, and worship sincerely on that day, there will surely be a commitment and consecration and obedience to His word, command and will. To worship and then to refuse to hear His word or indifferent to it, would make our worship almost a farce. But instead of being a farce it ought to create and generate a spiritual force for forwarding the Kingdom of Lord and Saviour. FIRST of all then our r Lord said, "That Repentance And Remission OF Sins Should Be Preached In His Name.' Here we see again, so soon after the resurrection, that sin is recognized as a fact and had to be dealt with since sin disobedience to the known will and commandment of God and His Son Jesus Christ. Jesus in His life upon earth saw in sin the deepest evil in '." source of our most tragic woe and hopelessness. It was really sin that put Him to death upon the Cross. It was really the sinner whom Jesus came to save. The Gospel Oasis Baptist Church Colborne Minister: Rev. James Gibson Organist: Miss Edna Rist Sunday: Morning Service 11 a.m. Sunday School at 11.30 a.m. Thursday: 7.30 Prayer Meeting at the Parsonage. Tuesday: 7.30 B.Y.P.U. at Parsonage | C. Davis, Tillsonburg, Ont. W.M.S.--First Tuesday of each Wednesday-- month. i 8.00 p.m.--Midweek Service K. Harris Redfearn Pastor: Rev. Pianist: Mrs, Sunday: 9.45 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00 a.m. & 7.00 p.m.--Rev. A No wonder then that Jesus stated so soon after His resurrection the necessity preaching repentance and mission of sins. It is the only way that the wrong of the past can be dealt with and that a really new start can be made. And so the gospel calls men to repentance, turning away with sorrow from sin and turning to God who alone can forgive in Jesus' name. SECONDLY: Jesus said this repientance anjd iremlission of sins "Should Be Preached Among AH| Nations." Notice the universal note here. Christians or church members you would think preaching the gospel to all nations was man's idea minister's idea or the church's idea or maybe the idea of few fanatics or enthusiasts within the church, (Whereas it is the risen Lord's idea and command. And because the church confesses Jesus Christ its Saviour and Lord and Master it must carry out the Master's wish and command. Naturally there are many criticisms and objections to the church taking the gospel other lands and people. These criticisms and objections ought to be given serous consideration. They shou,l|d /lead to a constant examination of the true nature of the gospel and methods of presentation. But such criticisms are not arguments against the preaching of the gospel to all nations, but rather reasons for greater sincerity and greater emphasis upon Jesus Christ as Saviour, Lord, Master and Friend. It is true that we should begin this ministry and proclamation where we are. But W£ cannot limit it to our owr church or community or country or continent. The words of our Risen Lord still stand and the Christian and the Christian Church have no choice but to obey. Evening Guild St. Andrew's WMS The regular meeting of the Evening Guild of Trinity Anglican Church was held in the Parish Hall on Wednesday evening, April 20th, at 8.30 p.m. Myrtle McMurray's group took the Devotional period. During the business, the members voted $75.00 to the choir to help replace some of their cassocks. Following the business meeting a most successful auction sale was held with a j The Easter service of worship splendid job of auctioneering was tnen enjoyed by those pres-done by Mary Cunningham. j ent in unison. Messengers of the The next meeting will be on first Easter were given by Mrs. May 11th and will be in charge Dixon and Mrs. Wannamaker. of Mary Cunningham's group. Also taking part in the service All members are requested to was Mrs. Post, Mrs. Sayer, attend and to bring their completed questionnaires. The W.M.S. of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church met on April 21st, 1060, at the home of Miss Ida Peebles and was opened with Devotions by the President, Mrs. B. Rutherford with Scripture reading and prayer. The Secretary, Mrs. McGregor, gave the minutes of the previous meeting and business followed. St. Peter's Guild, Lakeport Miss Enid Rogers was hostess to the Ladies' Guild of St. Peter's Church, Lakeport, on Thursday evening, April 21st. Mrs. Maskery, Vice-president, was in charge of the meeting which she opened by reading from the Scriptures Proverbs, Chapter 31, verses 10-31, followed by prayer. Mrs. James Palmer gave the Secretary's minutes and Miss B. Smithers presented the financial report, followed by the usual business for the evening. Members of the Guild each chose a book from Mrs. Fland-er's library of books dealing with prayer and signed for the same. The next Guild meeting will be held at the home of Miss Betty Smithers, Colborne, May 19th, at 8 p.m. Mrs. Maskery closed meeting with prayer followed by the Mizpah Benediction. Delicious refreshments were served by Miss Rogers. j a gift by Mrs. Ivan Flanders or i behalf of the Guild, in appreci-j ation for her faithful support | and keen interest in the work of the Guild. Old St. Andrew's Y.W.A. The April meeting of the Y.W.A. was held at the home of Aileen Rutherford on Wednesday, April 19th, with a good attendance. The President, Jessie Hubble, opened the meeting with Hymn 734, followed with the Scripture reading St. John 21:1-14 read by Mrs. N. E. Sayers. A reading entitled "The Mood that Defeats Us", was given by Hazel Roseblade followed by a prayer to close the Devotional period. Colborne WI The annual meeting of the Colborne Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Harry Rush, Tuesday afternoon, April 19th. Mrs. MacGregor opened the meeting with the Ode and Creed, followed by the roll call Pay Your Dues and Give a Suggestion for 1960 Programme. The Secretary gave her report following the reading of the minutes. Addressing the members, Mrs. MacGregor thanked them for their co-operation during the year, commented on the happy times we have had this past year during which Colborne celebrated its CentenniaL It was suggested by Mrs. H. McLaughlin that W.I. members and friends collect sheeting, etc., for the Cancer Society. Small individual donations brought together 'would make a useful quantity. Mrs. Alex Mackie reported on the District Executive Meeting at which the desirability of a second scholarship for Northumberland County 4-H Club girls was discussed. We voted to approve and support such a scholarship at the District Annual to be held on May 19th. The annual reports of the conveners of standing committees gave a thorough and interesting review of the past year's activities and of the gifts and provided by the Institute. Mrs. S. Cox sent in a report that she had inquired as to whether or not the Colborne Women's Institute might have use of Council Chambers that the Library is in other quarters. It was moved that we thank Council for permission to |*use the chambers and do so when meetings are not held in private home. This will be particularly appreciated during the winter months. The election of ofRders was conducted by Mrs. T. M. Gjes-ham, District President andjthe officers returned for anT Other year with one exception. Past • President, Mrs. Harry Rush;' President,, Mrs. G. Mac-Gregqfi- 1st Vice^presidenL Mrs, Alex Mackie; 2nd Vice-president, Mrs. S. Cox; Secretary-treasurer, Mrs. T. M. Gresham, Assistant Secretary, Mrs. J. A. Corbyn; District Director, Mrs. Harry Rush; Branch Directors, Mrs. S. Cox, Mrs. H. McLaughlin and Mrs. J. W. Evely instead of Mrs. P. Smith whose resignation was regretfully accepted. The conveners of Standing Committees are as follows: Agriculture and Canadian Industries, Mrs. Max Telford; Citizenship and Canadian Industries, Mrs. Alex Mackie; Historical Research and Current Events, Mrs. J. A. Corbyn; Home Economics and Health, Mrs. Delbert Peebles; Resolutions, Public Relations, Mrs. Harry Rush; Auditors, Mrs. Peebles, Mrs. McLaughlin. The minutes were read by the Secretary, Orletta Kernaghan and seconded by Kathy Mac- At her home in Lakeport on j look into the matter. Wednesday, April 20th, Mrs. Noel Maskery entertained the I The meeting closed by repeat-members of St. Peter's Guild, lnS the Mizpah Benediction ' after which a delicious lunch was served by the hostess, Jean i Chapin, Hazel Roseblade and Mrs. Mazurek, who with her Mrs. W. E. Sayers. The May Mrs. Hollingsworth and Mrs. husband and family, is moving meeting will be held at the Little. to Toronto, was presented with 1 home of Marguerite Learmonth. I On Friday, April 22nd, three members visited the G. Plough Lodge to present an electric razor electric hair clippers and barber's shears for use of the residents and to deliver two gifts for the next birthday party. We spent the afternoon visiting During the business period it and going around with the decided to modernize the j Travelling Cart from the Can-kitchen of the Manse and a 1 teen which is greatly enjoyed committee was appointed to j Dy those unable to come down to the Canteen themselves. Blessed is the man that hath not walked in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stood in the way of sinners: and hath not sat in the seat of the scornful. Psalm 1:1