THE COLBORNE CHRONICLE, Thursday. December 22nd I960 SHILOH by Mrs. Lawrence Mutton Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mutton attended the funeral of the late Mr. Stanley Thompson at the Snider Funeral Home, Brighton, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson were guests at the marriage of Miss Helen Coombs to Mr. Robert Hobart in Trinity United Church, Cobourg, on Saturday afternoon. Mr. Bert Wilce, Oshawa, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilce. Mr. Charles Wilce called on Sunday and Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Eddy and family iper guests. Neil Mutton, n d Mrs. E. were Sunday si Mr. and Mr Bowmanville, Byers, Kelowna, B.C., were supper guests of Miss Nellie and Mr. Hugh Mutton on Friday. Mr. Robert Darke visited Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Darke, Castleton, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Purdy and family, Grafton, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Purdy. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dale and girls were supper guests. Mrs. G. Samson, Peterborough, and Mr. Gordon Jennings, Toronto, were week-end guests f Mr. "id Mrs. Lawrence Mut- ?««««x««'s«!e«*««*ee!e**«*,s««««««g!e«g!g!g««e(e«ie!efe»«'c'€'c!« Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mutton and & Ross and Mr. Gordon Mutton ^ spent Saturday evening with M Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mutton, g Mr. and Mrs. Len Turk and s? sons spent Saturday evening g with Mr. Robert Darke and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Darke. g Mr. and Mrs. Ray Emmory » called on Saturday afternoon. S Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mutton » visited Mr. and Mrs. Douglas § Mutton on Sunday afternoon, j S Misses Sally Taylor, Elizabeth g Dunk and Wendy Mutton attended Judy Mutton's birthday party on Wednesday. Happy birthday, Judy. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Gillespie and family were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Hock-ney, Castleton. Farm Forum held a Christmas Party in the form of a Pot Luck Supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mutton on Monday. Season's Greeting 'aaaaaaaaaaaas^.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai: hoping that this Happy Holiday Season rings in much joy for our dear Friends and Patrons, now and in all the years lo come. PHILP'S SHOE STORE aaaas.aaaaaaaaaaaaaa THE QUEEN'S HOTEL Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood CRAMAHE COUNCIL The Cramahe Council met in the Council Chamber, Castleton December 15th, at 1.30 p.m., with all members present and Reeve Dingwall in the chair. The minutes^f the last meeting were read and adopted. Moved by Honey and seconded by Metcalf that a By-law to change the date of the Inaugural meeting of the Township of Cramahe be now read a first time. Carried. Moved by Metcalf and seconded by Honey that Rule 23 be suspended for the balance ol this session. Carried. Moved by Massey and seconded by Metcalf that above By-law be now read a second and third time, signed, sealed and numbered 1100. Carried. Moved by Philp and seconded by Metcalf that the Council of the Township of Cramahe appoint W. O. Graham as their representative on the Northumberland High School Board for 1961-62. Carried. 'Orders were then drawn the Treasurer as follows: Wm. J. Troop, Jr., Secretary Colborne School Section $4,647.32; Cecil Alexander, Secretary School Section a & 3 $2,292.39; Ted Black, Sefcetary S.S. 14 $828.00; Robert Ecfear, Sec. S.S. Area S. $11,166.00; Lome Darling See. S.S. Area N. $10,728.02; Owen Finlay, E.N.D.H.S. Area $13,-180.40; Counties Treas, re E.N.Ig D.H.S. Deb. $7,013.20; Counties' " Treas., County Rate $22,864.71; Mrs. F. Martin, D.R.O.. Ward I $28.00; J. F. ' Smith, D.R.O., Ward II $2800; Geo. Gummer, D.R.O., Ward III $28.00; Gerald Dingman, D.R.O.. Ward IV $28.-00; Alex Clark, D.R.O., Ward V $18.00; J. E. Cooney, stock valuator $72.40; Mun. World, supplies $4.66; Colborne Chronicle, printing $148.94; N. H. Doidge, School Attendance Officer $77.-50; Cramahe Municipal Telephone System $1,008.45; Elwood Jones, maintaining lights $27-75; Alex Clark, care of hall, etc. $23.00; Road Accounts to the amount of $2,417.32. j Council adjourned to meet on I Tuesday, January 3rd, 1961, at i 11.00 a.m. May the Christmas message of Peace and Goodwill inspire renewed faith in the hearts of mew. LEONARD GORDON In the spirit of the first: Christmas, it is our sincere wish that you and your family will partake in fulest measure of all the blessings of this Holy Day, which for so long has meant so much to so many. Ken McQuoid SHELL GARAGE aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa»aaaa'aaaa 1 Holiday Greetings! POST'S GROCETERIA AND STAFF % aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 1 % I % To the people of Northumberland I I extend SEASON'S GREETINGS Best Wishes for the New Year Ben Thompson, MP. We hope that among the gifts Santa leaves under your tree is a large helping of joy, health and happiness. May this be your most joyous Christmas ever. Season's 1 s i Greeting! We're singing out with a cheery greeting with a hearty wish that the holiday will bring you many happy hours, and with sincere thanks for your patronage and good will. Johnston Motor Sales 3i»aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa2<aaaaaaaaaas