THE COLBORNE CHRONICLE, Thursday, December 29th, 1960 Page Seven EDVILLE by Miss Nina Lacey Service at Sharon United Church next Sunday at 11.15 a.m. Sunday School at 10 a.m. The neighbourhood was both surprised and shocked last Friday when the fire alarm was given that Mr. Lyle Chatten's house was on fire. There was lots of help and the fire engines from both Colborne and Brighton were out but in spite of everything that could be done it was completely burned. They have the sympathy of the surrounding district. Mrs. Dean Chapman and daughters attended the Christmas Party at Shiloh Hall last Tuesday and report a nice time. Mr. Clarence Reddick, Mrs. Lorne McDonald and Mrs. Oscar Morgan of Brighton were at Kingston on Thursday to see Miss Dora McDonald and also called on Mrs. Cecil Trenear and found her suffering from a fall. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Cochrane and baby daughter spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmy, near Castleton. Mr. Dean Chapman was an over night guest of his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Chapman and family, Toronto, last Tuesday. Dr. Case, Mrs. Case, Steph-eney, Stephen and Sidnie, Waterloo, spent the long week-end and Christmas with Mrs. Case's mother, Mrs. Gaynor. Mrs. Mulhall, Toronto, spent Christmas with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mulhall and family. Mrs. Ed. Hinman left last week to visit her son, Dr. and Mrs. Harold Hinman, Washington, but owing to weather conditions her plane did not go so she had to go by train but word has been received that she arrived safely. Mrs. Roy Brown and Allen. Hilton, enjoyed Christmas with Miss Maude and Ray Hoare on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Rouse, Charles and Janet, Union Neighbourhood, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Chapman and family, Toronto, and Miss Nina Lacey. Miss Evelyn Nobbs, Toronto, spent the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hoare. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Pearson for Christmas were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pearson and Russell, Dundonald, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hoare and Miss Evelyn Nobbs, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Chapman and family, Toronto, were Sunday over night and Monday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. George Armstrong were Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sherman, Brighton. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cochrane entertained Mr. and Mrs. John Young, Trenton, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Cochrane and baby on Friday night and on Saturday. They went to Clayton, N.Y., to spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. K. Greenizen and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stickle went to Belleville on Saturday to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with their children and grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. John Purdy and family, Milton, and Miss Nellie Mutton and Mr. Hugh Mutton, Shiloh, were Monday Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Chapman and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Armstrong entertained a number of guests on Boxing Day. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Tripp spent Monday in Peterborough visiting his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Tripp. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McDonald entertained their family on Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Walters and family, Belleville, and Mr. and Mrs. George McDonald and sons, Toronto. Mr. Webb, Trenton, called on Mr. an dMrs. Dean Chapman on Sunday afternoon. NOTICE! COLBORNE LUMBER WILL BE CLOSED from Dec. 19 to Jan. 9 find.) FOR ANNUAL HOLIDAYS SHILOH by Mrs. Lawrence Mutton There will be no service at Shiloh United Church next Sunday, as it is a spare. Sympathy of the neighbourhood is extended to the Rev. H. H. Mutton, Whitby, in his recent bereavement. The late Mrs. Mutton passed away suddenly at the Women's College Hospital, Toronto, on Tuesday. The Shiloh W.A. held a Christmas Party in the Hall on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Swain and family, Ottawa, spent Friday and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mutton. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mutton and sons visited them on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Purdy and family, Milton, were holiday guests of Miss Nellie and Mr. Hugh Mutton. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson and family were Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert McLaughlin, Colborne. Mr. and Mrs. J. Purdy were Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Purdy, Grafton. Mr. Claud Burliegh, spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Gillespie. Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mutton were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mutton, Mr. and Mrs. John Purdy and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mutton and family, Miss Nellie Mutton, Mr. Hugh Mutton, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Chapman and family, r. and Mrs. Dean Chapman and daughters called in the evening. Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilce were Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Eddy and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Lee and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hartford and son and Mr. Bert Wilce. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Darke and Diane spent the Christmas holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Osborne, Golden Valley. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mutton and Ross spent Boxing Day with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mutton. Miss Jean Steenburgh and Messrs. Gerald and Ronald Steenburgh spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. John Dunk. Mrs. C. Irish, Miss Anne Irish and Mr. Frank Scott, Peterborough, spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mutton. Bob McLaughlin spent several days with Ronald Ferguson during the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. John Mutton and family, Colborne, were Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mutton and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Dunk and family were Boxing Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Steenburgh, Hastings. Mr. and Mrs. John Purdy and family, Miss Nellie and Mr. Hugh Mutton were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Chapman on Boxing Day. PLUMBING and HEATING CLARE HECLA FURNACES PURIFIERS -- PRESSURE SYSTEMS WATER SOFTENERS DOUG HAIG Phones: Office 21, Res. 388 Brighton, Ont. GEORGE EDISON RADIO & T.V. Sales and Service SPARTON T.V. -- ANTENNAS Hi-Fi -- Radios -- Tubes Tested Free Service to All Makes of Radios & T.V. COLBORNE, ONTARIO PHONE: OFFICE 369; HOUSE 182-r-23 Store Hours: 8 a.m-6 p.m.; Fri. 8 a.m.-9.30 p.n Mr. and Mrs. George Warner and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. Moffat and Glen of Trenton, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Warner and family, Cobourg, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Warner and family were guests of Mrs. F. Warner on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dingwall and children of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. D. Dingwall, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Boes and family, Brighton, visited Mr. and Mrs. D. Dingwall, Jr., on Mon- day evening with a good attendance and a very nice service conducted by Rev. Griffith. Mrs. Long is spending a few days this week with her daughter at Oshawa. Mr. Clarence McKague is in Toronto this week attending the O.S.S.P.S. General Assembly at the Royal York Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilson, Toronto, and Mr. Benson Runnels of Dartford spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McKague. Greetings from Hon. W. A. Goodfellow CASTLETON by Mrs. F. Warner Mr. and Mrs. Russel Baker and Elaine of Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. G. Carr and Mr. and Mrs. D. Dingwall and boys were Christmas visitors of Mrs. D. Arkils and Mr. Vanwicklin over the week-end. Mr. Elwood Moore and Mrs. A. Gillis of Toronto spent the week-end at Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moores. Mr. A. Wolfraim has gone to Hamilton to spend the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Young, and son of Kitchener and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pomeroy Esther Florence of Oshawa were home on the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Black and family of Toronto were at Mr. and Mrs. T. Black's for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. R. Baker and Elaine, Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Welton and family, Morganston, were Monday visitors of Mrs. M. Welton. December 19th, 1960. Mr. Wm. Harrison, The Colborne Chronicle, COLBORNE, Ontario. Dear Bill: It is always a pleasure to have the opportunity to extend my best wishes to the readers of The Colborne Chronicle as we approach another new year. While the advent of the New Year is a joyous occasion, it is also an appropriate time for stock taking -- it is a fitting time for a review of pur successes and failures in order that we may profit in the future. During the past decade Canada has become a powerful and influential force in world affairs and it is a source of great satisfaction that the farm and urban people of Ontario have played such a large part in the development of our country. The loyalty and industry of the people of this great Province have provided a firm foundation on which we shall continue to build. We in Canada, and particularly in Ontario, have been bountifully endowed by nature with productive soil and the wealth of our forests and mines. We are fortunate too, in that we have been blessed with peace and plenty in a world that has seen far too much of war and too little food. I would indeed be remiss if I did not make some mention of the industry that to me is of paramount importance -- that, of course, is agriculture. Generally speaking, 1960 has been a satisfactory year for the Ontario farmer. While seeding got off to a late start owing to unfavourable weather conditions, a good growing season and an open fall compensated for the unfavourable start. It is anticipated that final production figures for the year will indicate that the farmer will be in a somewhat better position than in 1959. While steady progress is being made in agricultural science, there still remains much to be done. As each day passes it is evident there is ever-increasing recognition of the economic importance of our agricultural industry. We must maintain this appreciation by continued improvement of quality products accompanied by sound marketing practices. May I wish you all a very happy and profitable New Sincerely yours, BILL GOODFELLOW DOVE'S LUNCH Day and Night Service Phone 131 Colborne Try Our Lunch Room for good food with prompt & courteous service 24 Stools and Tables A Full Line of Soft Drinks and Smokes ALL POPULAR TYPES Generator & Regulator Exchanges EXPERT REPAIRS ON Automotive Electrical Units, Radiators Electric Motors GRAYDON ELECTRIC Phone 239 Toronto St. COLBORNE