THE COLBORNE CHRONICLE,*. t ebruat* Xst. 1962 Business Directory FUNERAL DIRECTORS TAXI SERVICE Bud's" Taxi BARNES' FUNERAL HOME MODERN EQUIPMENT Funeral Home Accommodation at No Extra Charge PERSONAL SERVICE Day or Night Phone 111 -- Colborne J. M. BLACKLOCK Grafton MOTOR HEARSE IN CONNECTION Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended Phone 38, Grafton LEGAL A. D. HALL, Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public, etc. Office and residence, King <ft., Colborne For Farms and Town Properties -- consult GEORGE WM. COVERT Real Estate Broker Division St. Colborne Phone 235 Farm Properties a Specialty W. J. Covert Salesman Castleton Area Phone 38-r-5 QUEEN'S HOTEL COLBORNE COMFORTABLE ROOMS EXCELLENT MEALS First-Class Accommodations At Reasonable Rates Garage in Connection Chas. D. Wood, Proprietor WORK WANTED Septic Tank Cleaning with modern equipment. Call Sid Andrews, Brighton. Phone 1229-r-13 Dec. 61 (G. B. "Bud" Barnes) PROMPT and COURTEOUS SERVICE DAY OR NIGHT 526 --Phones - 111 Parkway Motors (Licenced Bodymen) COMPLETE BODY SHOP SERVICE Collision, Insurance Work Paint jobs From 49.50 24 Hour Towing Service For Prompt Attention Phone 122 Colborne AUCTIONEERS Ray and Roy WILLIAMS CAMPBELLFORD Phone 483 or 1095 WM. L. BIGFORD AUCTIONEER R.R. 2, BRIGHTON Phone: Brighton 1029-r-2 (Collect) WASHING MACHINE SERVICE (any make) New Automatic Washers Dryers, Ironers Refrigerators, Deep Freezers DeLaval and Beatty Pumps and Stable Equipment WM. GORDON SMITH Phone 169 Colborne COMING EVENTS Having week-end visitors? Add to their enjoyment by bringing them to. Mecking's Dance Pavilion Saturday eve-ig. We know they will appreciate a social evening spent Tn pleasant surroundings. Plan to attend the Bridge and Euchre parties in the Masonic Temple, Brighton, on Friday, January 19th, February 9, and February 23rd, at 8 p.m. Sponsored by Colborne Chapter O.E.S. Good Prizes, Lunch Admission 50c. Euchres will be held on January 26th, February 9 and 23, in Trinity Anglican Church Parish Hall, at 8.30 p.m. Admission 50c. Lunch will be served. Reserve the date, February 10th, 1962, for a sale of Home Baking to be held at Deegan's Clothing Store, 3.00-5.00 p.m Sponsored by the Auxiliary to the Recreation Commission. The U.C.W. will hold their Valentine Tea in Colborne United Church Sunday School Rooms on Wednesday, February 14th, from 3 to 5 p.m. Tiny Tot hion Parade at 3.30 p.m. Sewing and Bake Table. Burle Summers Writes from Australia Mr. and Mrs. Mac Campbell received a Christmas letter from Kay and Burle Summers, formerly of Colborne and now of Australia. 179 Jessie Street, New South Wales, Australia. Dear Lorna, Mac, Judy, John and Sally: Once again the calendar tells ; that the Christmas Season is just around the corner; although is the beginning of our second ar in Australia we find it hard get into the spirit of the sea-l witout snow and cold weath-We are now eagerly awaiting the flow of Christmas cards and home, however, we thought we would send you a brief account of our activities er the past year. Kay has been keeping fairly busy keeping house and working and recently started teaching three Physical Culture classes Presbyterian Church, which she is thoroughly enji ing. Sharon Community Club are holding a Euchre in the Community Hall on February 8th at 8.30 p.m. Prizes and lunch served. Admission 50c. Everyone welcome. There will be a bus leaving Colborne February 10th at 1.00 p.m. for the Golden Plough Lodge, Cobourg. Anyone interested contact Mrs. Cox, phone 436 or 120-r-3, Colborne. (Sponsored by the W.I.). The Mothers' Auxiliary tc Scouts and Guides will hold ar auction at Mrs. Jack Armstrong'; home, Division St., Monday, February 5th, at 8.00 p.m. Please bring a new mother or outsider and something for the auction. Classified Ad. Section IN MEMORIAM FOR SALE Complete line of concentrates mixed with your own grain. Grafton Co-Op, phone 67. 6-week old hound puppies, crossed with Red Tick and Blue Tick. Apply to Fred Ball, Division St., Colborne. 1953 Pontiac Sedan Delivery, good condition. $125.00 cash. Phone 86-r-12. Piano (by Heintzman) finished in Sandlewood Roxatone, good condition. Phone 112. Combination radio and record player and a mixmaster (new; Phone 119. FOR RENT Floor Sanders and Edg< Francis Sash & Door Phone 283W Brighton, Ontario E.O.W. Small farm with 6-room house, oil heated, 3-piece bath, immediate possession. Apply to Box 10, Colborne Chronicle. CARDS OF THANKS We would like to thank all our friends and neighbours fc»-cutting and drawing our wood, and for the help at our sale, while Ross has been ill. Violet and Ross Wright. I wish to thank all my friends and relatives for cards, letters, flowers and the many telephone calls received during the three weeks I spent in hospital. Gordon Honey., HANSELL -- In loving memory of my dear husband, Albert George Hansell, "Bert", who passed away February 4th, 1961 O, for the touch of a vanished hand, And the sound of a voice that is stilled. -- Sadly missed by his wife, Florence. BIRTH DAY--Donald and Roberta are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Shirley Marie, Thursday, January 18th, at Cobourg General Hospital. A sister for Donna. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All persons having claims against the estate of the late Elsie Rush, formerly of Village of Colborne, in County of Northumberland, who died at the Village of Colborne, on the thirteenth day of December, 1961, are hereby notified to send particulars of the same to the undersigned on or before the fifteenth day of February, 1962, after which date the assets of the estate of the deceased will be distributed. Dated at Colborne, this fifteenth day of January, 1962. Opal E. McGlennon, Executrix, Box 327, Colborne, Ontario. Feb 1 Registered Ponies available for stud. Apply to Glenn Peacock, phone 254-r-6, Colborne. WANTED Old rifles, revolvers, Indian relics, military medals, swords, knives, etc. Highest prices paid. Phone 263 or write P.O. Box 283, Colborne. mar62 LOCAL MAN REQUIRED To be our Representative this County, pleasant, dignified work with top earnings, full or part time, repeat sales year after year, no lay offs, no slack seasons, age no barrier, car needed. Territories are filling fast, rush your name and address for full information. No obligation. Development Director, Box 817, London, Canada. To Whom It May Concern I appreciate everything my friends and neighbours have done for us when we lo: much by fire. But I would appreciate it very much that the person or persons who borrowed my chain saw on or about December 3, 1961, would they pie; return the same or come and cut some wood for me. John Dunk. APARTMENT FOR RENT Brighton; two-bedroom, bath, living room, kitchen, garage and private entrance. Heated. $70.00 per month. Phone Cobourg FR 2-9661. Give your teenager an advanced course in driving by teaching him or her to drive safely on snow and ice. Burle received a scholarship to attend the Armidale Teacher's College in February and v complete his first year there December 14th, with another year to go. It has been a most n joy able experience at th College with a comprehensiv course of study and a variety of activities. We have been really accepted and welcomed at the College, with the highlight being Burle's election as President of the Students' Representative Council -- truly an honour and greatly appreciated. The added •esponsibilities have been off-set by the experience and fellowship favoured with. This is " dicative of the hospitality and id-wijl we have encountered everywh"ey»fcjln Aus- Speaking of where we have been reminds us that we have had two very exciting trips this year. The first took us to Sydney on Easter week-end to attend the Royal Easter Show which we found to be very interesting, and much cheaper to attend than similar shows such as the C.N.E. at home. After a thoroughly exhausting day we managed to find our way back to our friends' home where we were thrilled to discover that they were taking us to the Jenolan Caves (125 miles west) in the Blue Mountains, the following day. The scenery was beautiful and for the first time since we came to Australia we saw large tracts of pine and spruce in reforestation areas. They looked wonderful to us, though slightly out of place with the gums and eucalyptus in the surrounding country-side. The Jenolan Caves are world famous for their stalactite and stalagmite formations and with effective indirect lighting are something to see. Having three weeks holiday in August and having acquired a V.W. we set out complete with camping gear, on a 4,000 mile trip into the tropical part of Australia. Travelling north from Brisbane to Cairns and Moss-man we slowly investigated all the wonders of the coastal and managed launch trips to two tropical islands -- Magnetic Island and Green Island -- in the coral reef. Green Island is a government reserve and we observed the intricate shapes and delicate pastels of the coral formations from an under water observatory and a glass-bottomed boat. We had heard a great deal about the reef but it lived up to every expectation. On several excursions in the Cairns area we enjoyed tropical ery and weather, and managed to gather some coral and shell souvenirs for ourselves at low It's pretty hard to convince I tide off Port Douglas. These the kids that the shortage of | treasure and hope to get home teachers is a calamity. safely. From Cairns we travelled into central Queensland -- the land of huge cattle ranches, and scattered country towns that the property owners visit about once a month. In this area the Flying Doctor is a regular call-, most properties would have pedal wireless and properties are measured by the 100's of square miles rather than acres. The roads are not super-highways by any means and we had flats to prove it but the Pic-c Races we were invited to attend and the people we met made up for the roads many times. Property owners and hands come hundreds of miles j spend two weeks at the Pic-ics where they live in camps ith most modern amenities and have a real holiday. The races take place on the last three days and altough it is in the bush the ladies could be dressed for Ascot. We were sorry to leave on Saturday afternoon for the dance lasted all night to signify the end of the Picnics for another year. On our way back to Rock-hampton we visited friends on another cattle station and as well as having a wonderful visit we learned a great deal about normal life on a large station. One interesting feature is that the lady of the house has to teach the children with the help of the correspondence school, for there are no schools on these huge properties. Although there's really nothing could ever take the place Of seeing you in person and meeting face to face . . . Still, special Christmas greetings can help us keep in touch, And bring the old-time wishes that always mean so much! Season's Greetings, Kay and Burle. P.S. Hope you are all fine. Guess mom is passing on any news from us as we don't seem to find time to write you. We think of you often and sometimes wish we could drop in for coffee. Love Burle. Use the Colborne Chronicle Classified Page for fast results Good Reading for the Whole Family •News •Facts •Family Features