THE COLBORNE CHRONICLE, Thursday, March 1st, 1962 Page Five Colborne Chronicle Established in 1959; Successor to the Colborne Express, (Est. 1866) and the Colborne Enterprise, (Est. 1886) Published every Thursday at the office of publication King Street, Phone 44, Colborne, Ontario\ WILLIAM T. HARRISON -- Editor and Manager Member of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Assoc. Member of the Ontario Weekly Newspaper Assoc. Subscriptions Payable In Advance In Canada $3.00 In U.S.A. $4.00 (Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Dept., Ottawa) DUNDONALD by Mrs. Gordon Honey Service next Sunday at 11.15 a.m. Sunday School at 10.00 a.m. Mrs. Frank Dunnett, Brighton, was a Wednesday dinner guest with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Chapman. Mrs. Kenneth Mutton accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Waite, Hilton, and Mrs. Glenn Waite, St. Catherines, tc Peterborough on Wednesday and called on Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thome, Millbrook. Unit Two of the U.C.W. held a: dinner and business meeting on Friday at the home of Mrs. Archie Samons. We are glad to report Debby Trottman was able to return home on Saturday from Cobourg Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Herbie Trottman and Bob were Tuesday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Simpson, Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Waite and family, Hilton, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mutton. Mrs. Gordon Honey held a pot luck dinner and quilting on Wednesday for Ridge Road W.I. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Chapnian and Philip, Mr. and Mrs. John Day, Castleton, had dinner at the Golden Miller Restaurant on Sunday, the occasion being Mrs. Chapman's and Mr. Day's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Mutton and family of Hilton spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Chapman and family. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stimers entertained their family, Mr. and Mrs. Alf Feather and Brenda of Belleville, Mr. and Mrs. Adrain Stimers, Cobourg, few friends to dinner on Saturday night, the occasion being Mr. Stimers birthday. Mrs. T. Everden of Salem, Mrs. Gordon Ellis, Scarborough, spent Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Frank Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Pearson, David and Cherry, of Sharon, called on Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pearson and Mrs. Pearson, Sr., J on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mutton, Shiloh, celebrated their fifty-second anniversary on Friday evening having dinner with their son and daughter-in-law and family, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mutton and Garnet. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Herrington of Hilton spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Chapman and Philip. Mr. Glen Waite and Connie, St. Catherines, spent the week- end with Mrs. Ross Wright and Mrs. Waite. Mrs. Waite returned home with them on Sunday after spending some time with her mother, Mrs. Wright. ; Mr. and Mrs. A. Feather and Brenda, Belleville, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stimers. Mrs. Ross Wright accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Waite and Connie to Kingston on Sunday and called on Mr. Ross Wright who is still in the hospital. Miss Beryl Dickens, nurse-in-training, Toronto, was home over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stimers were Wednesday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Cochrane, Sharon. week-end with Sharon Peacock of Colborne. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cable of Cobourg called on Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hadwin and family on Sunday. Mr. Eddie Ruttan called on Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stickle and family on Sunday evening. Several from this community spent Wednesday at the pot luck dinner and quilting out at Mrs. Gordon Honeys. Mr. Wilfred Sheppard called cn Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Metcalf and family on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Calbery were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Warner on Sunday. Miss Gail Watson of Kingston spent the week-end home with her parents. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Pat Hobbins is in Cobourg District General Hospital. EDVILLE by Mrs. Dean Chapnian Service at Sharon United Church next Sunday will be at 7.30 p.m. Sunday School at 10.00 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Chatten, Hilton, called on Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Chatten on Friday after-Mr. and Mrs. McGregor, Wil-lowdale, visited Mrs. H. Gaynor over the week-end. Several from the neighbour-bourhood were guests at a birthday dinner on Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stimers, Dundonald. Mr. Stimers was the guest of hcfn- oufr^v^-^iw -I Mr. ancT*Mi«s.. Lorne McDonald spent the. week-end visiting relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stewart, Gary and Bobby, Belleville, were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stickle to Toronto on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Sharpe and Mrs. Annie Sharpe, Hilton, called on Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chapman on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Albert Hoare, Hastings, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Owen Tripp. Miss Arlis Chatten spent the week-end in Toronto. Mr. Gordon Mutton, Shiloh, was a Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Chapman. RIDGE ROAD by Mrs. Harry Stickle Mr. Wilfred Sheppard of Toronto spent the week-end home with his parents. Mrs. Ray Mutton spent Thursday evening at Mrs. Jack Mut- Miss Mary Stickle spent the SHILOH by Mrs. Lawrence Mutton Service at the Shiloh United Church will be at 9.45 a.m. next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mutton and family visited Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mutton on Thursday evening. , Mrs. Len Turk and family, Vernonville, spent several days with Mr. Robert Darke. Misses Gail and Cheryl Chapman were Sunday dinner guests of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mutton. Miss Wendy Mutton was a week-end guest of Miss Corinne Reed, Colborne. Mrs. Walter Ferguson and Philip spent Wednesday afternoon with Miss Nellie Mutton. Miss Jean Steenburgh was i Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Dunk. Messrs. Bert and Roy Wilce, Oshawa, were home for the week-end. Several parents attended the Public Speaking Contest at the South Cramahe Public School on Friday evening. Congratulations to the winners. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mutton and Ross and Messrs. Gordon Mutton and Ernest Pearson attended the Northumberland Farm Forum Rally at the Agricultural Building in Brighton on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. Purdy were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Purdy, Grafton. In the afternoon Mrs. Purdy visited her sisiter, Mrs. Jim Purdy Port Hope Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Swain and family, Kingston, v/ere week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mutton. Mrs. Len Turk and children and Mr. Robert Darke were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Darke, Hilton. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mutton were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mutton on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hartford and son, Colborne, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilce. Farm Forum was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mutton on Monday evening. short prayer closed the worship period. The President welcomed all present, with a special word of welcome for our visitors. The reports were read and approved. Several items of business were discussed. The chairman of each committee reported on plans for the Turkey Supper of February 28th. Mrs. Jack Hutchings reported on the purchase of dishes and two san-iples were on display. These were voted on by the members present. The President reported that we will be entertaining the Historical Society on the evening of March 28th in the church. The March meeting of the Salem U.C.W. will be held one week ahead of the usual date -- on March 21st, 1962. Mrs. Al. Smith reported that our next objective for Canada Packers labels will be 5,000 for stainless steel flatware. The President closed the business part of the meeting with a short reading so appropriate for our group. The program took the form of a panel discussion on the topic of Christian Education and Mrs. Ralph Barnes gave a humorous reading. The meeting closed with all repeating the Mizpah Benediction. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess and the committee in charge. JEWELLERY Watch Our Windows and Come In for Gift Suggestions E. M. RIMMER Phone 349 Your Local Jeweller Colborne School this summer. Our minister, Mr. Gilman, expressed his hope that we secure as many subscriptions as possible to the United Church Observer. The program was then turned over to Mrs. L. Chatten. Mrs. O. Tripp gave a reading about "Mother and Father". Mrs. Chatten a reading entitled "Do what you want and live longer", followed by a "T.V. Quiz, Password", which was enjoyed. The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction, followed by lunch, served by the hostess and committee and a social hour enjoyed by all. The next meeting on Wednesday, March 21st, will be held at the home of Mrs. G. McQuoid. Sharon UCW The regular monthly meeting of the U.C.W. met at the home of the President, Mrs. D. Chapman on February 21st, with 12 members, 2 visitors and 4 children present. The meeting opened by all singing the Theme Hymn followed by prayer in unison. Mrs. Sydney Pearson was in charge of the devotional period. The Scripture lesson was read from Romans, chapter 8, verses 14-29. The lesson story was "The Church and This Day". The Hymn 386, "O Lord of Life and Love and Power", was sung, followed by prayer which closed the devotions. • The Secretary, Mrs. H. Stickle, read the minutes of the January meeting and was approved as read. The Treasurer, Mrs. J. Whitehouse, gave her report. Two thank-you notes were read and several items of business were dealt with. There was some discussion on ways of making money this year and was left for further thought that we serve a Ham Supper Easter week. More definite plans to be made at a later date. The quilt committee to plan a date for a quilting in the near future. It was decided that Mrs. L. Chatten and Mrs. D. Chapman meet with two members from each of the three other appointments to discuss the possibility of getting a Caravan Summer Salem UCW The second meeting of the Salem United Church Women was held on Wednesday evening, February 21st, at the home of Mrs. Ralph Carman. There were twenty members and two visitors present. The President was in charge of the meeting which was opened with all repeating the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. Jack Smith was in charge of the Worship period. Hymn 196 was sung by all. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Ken Bellamy. The lesson story, "How to Define God?" was read by Mrs. Patchett. Mrs. Tom Everden, Mrs. J. Smith, Mrs. W. Hill and Mrs. A. Bellamy then sang Hymn 208 accompanied by Mrs. Ashbridge on the piano. Mrs. Jack Smith read a poem from the book "The U.C.W. at Worship". The singing of Hymn No. 20 and a Discipline for the Classroom "First, send your child to school every day. Everyone knows that even a good studen* 'gets behind' and may become lost and discouraged after repeated absences. "Second, send him to school rested . . . The place for him on school nights is at home, and early to bed. "Third, send him to school disciplined. By this I do not mean beaten of cowed or afraid to speak. But I do mean he should understand and obey such simple language as 'Please sit down and be quiet for a little'." That was the windup of a wise speech by Charlton Myers, a former juvenile court judge now president of the Ohio State Board of Education. Myers laid it on the line: "We cannot afford the undisciplined child to-day . . . Study halls should not be race tracks In this area parents alone can effectively operate. "Unfortunately we are passing through a period in which many parents who should know better and who want to be 'good to their children' forget their moral duty to rear their offspring and confuse the gift of a motor scooter with the gift of good home training. I "We lose teachers regularly I who finally tire of having their nerves frayed by the constant confusion caused by students who should have come into the classroom with a decent respect for the right of others to peace and quiet." And: "Many student, as the result of organized school activities, are too tired to concentrate. Others are too excited to give attention." Myers noted that there are too many basketball games on nights before class sessions and too often school bands are kept out at night, for "good causes" which seem to justify anything. -- The Cleveland Plain Dealer. Week-end Specials THURS., FRI., SAT. March Jb 2, 3 Libby's Orange Juice, 48 oz..................... 43c Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour, 16 oz. 2 for 39c Bee Hive Corn Syrup, 2 lb. tin....................29c Del Monte Tomato Catsup, 11 oz............. 17c Weston's Brown & Serve Rolls............doz. 25c Pork Loin Roasts lb. 59* (Tenderloin End) Loin Pork Chops lb. 65* Loin Lamb Chops lb. 49* Cook's Groceteria Phone 56, Colborne WE DELIVER