Page Six THE COLBORNE CHRONICLE, Thursday, April 12th, lfif,2 Business Directory FUNERAL DIRECTORS BARNES' FUNERAL HOME MODERN EQUIPMENT Funeral Home Accommodation at No Extra Charge PERSONAL SERVICE Day or Night Phone 111 -- Colborne J. M. BLACKLOCK Grafton MOTOR HEARSE IN CONNECTION ly or Night Calls Promptly Attended Phone 38, Grafton Parkway=Motors (Licenced Bodymen) COMPLETE BODY SHOP! SERVICE _____ion, I] Paint Jobs from 49.50 24 Hour Towing Service For Prompt Attention Phone 122 Colborne AUCTIONEERS A. D. HALL, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Office and residence, King St., Colborne] For Farms and Town Properties -- consult GEORGE WM. COVERT Real Estate Broker Division St. Colborne Phone 235 Farm Properties a Specialty . J. Covert Saleman for Castleton Area Phone 38-r-5 W. QUEEN'S HOTEL COLBORNE Comfortable Rooms Excellent Meals First-Class Accommodations At Reasonable Rates Garage in Connection Chas. D. Wood, Proprietoi DEAD STOCK SERVICE BURRETT FUR FARMS A New Daily Service in Removal of Dead and Crippled Farm Animals Prompt Calls Appreciated Phone Peterborough Collect 28827 PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO Collector's License No. 151-C-621 Phone 1229-r-13 Ray and Roy WILLIAMS' CAMPBELLFORD Phone 483 or 1095 WM. L. BIGFORD AUCTIONEER R.R. 2, BRIGHTON me: Brighton 1029-r-2 (Collect) CLIFF DENNY AUCTIONEER COLBORNE, ONT. Phone 236 WASHING MACHINE SERVICE (any make) New Automatic Washers Dryers, Ironers Refrigerators, Deep Freezers DeLaval and Beatty Pumps and Stable Equipment WM. GORDON SMITH Phone 169 Colborne LAKEPORT (continued) business was discussed the ladies enjoyed a social evening. Mrs. George Peebles gave an interesting address on passages from the Bible. At the close of the meeting a lovely lunch was served by the hostess with assistance from the lunch conveners, Mrs. H. Oke and Mrs. Delbert Peebles. The Northumberland Poultry Association held their meeting) at the home of Mr. John Brown, Brighton, on Friday night. There were thirty members present. In the absence of the President, Mr. Audley Terwilliger, Vice-President, conducted the meeting. It was decided to have their first show at Norwood in May. More particulars will be giVenj over Channel 12, Peterborough. A lovely lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by the lunch conveners. The next meetini will be at Mr. Jim Palmer's Lakeport, on Friday, May 4th. The regular meeting of the Lakeport Community Club will be at the home of Mrs. Viva May, Lakeport, on Tuesday, April 17th. Ladies! Don't forget your Easter hats. Miss Jane Roddy, Peterborough, was home for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Lapp spent a social evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ren Joice, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Tapley and family visited her mother, Mr. and Mrs. F. Greenwood, Cobourg, on Sunday. Mrs. Neil Fiddick, Toronto, was home for the week-end. Mrs. M. O'Connor is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Reynolds and family, Scarborough. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Anderson, FOR SALE Red clover seed and a quantity of potatoes. Albert Arthur, phone 253 R 41. BIRTH Betty Lou and Bill Purdy of Sarnia, announce the arrival of their daughter, Rebecca Lynn, on March 5th, 1962. A sister for Judith Anne. WORK WANTED Septic Tank Cleaning with modern equipment. Call Sid Andrews, Brighton Dec. 61 Classified Ad. Section FOR SALE Complete line of Seed Grain, Grass Seeds, and Fertilizer. Place your order now, and avoid the rush. Grafton Co-Op, Phone 67 Approximately 1 acre of land with small building in Haldimand Township. Good well on property. Box 442, Colborne P.O. Power and Hand Lawn Mowers Repaired and Resharpened GRAYDON ELECTRIC Toronto Street, Colborne Phone 239 tfn WANTED TO BUY For scrap -- cars, trucks, cast iron, radiators, batteries, brass, copper. We are the only licensed salvage yard in Cobourg. If you have anything call FR 2-7733 for pickup. Mclvor's A Wreckers. COMING EVENTS Having week-end visitors? Add to their enjoyment by bringing them to Mecking' Dance Pavilion Saturday evening. We know they will appreciate a social evening spent Tn pleasant surroundings. Centennial Tea in Colborne United Church, Saturday, April 14th, 1962. Sponsored by thej United Church Women. Sharon Community Club are having a Euchre in the Community Hall on Thursday, April 12th, at 8.30 p.m. Everyone welcome. Prizes and lunch served. Admission 50c. Reserve tlte date, Wednesday, April 25th, for an Easter Ham Supper sponsored by the Sharon U.C.W. in the Community Hall. Serving from 6.00 p.m. Tickets] now available from members. Adults $1.00, children 12 and under 50c. apr 12,19c I CARDS OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks and our appreciation to our many friends, relatives and neighbours for the many floral tributes, cards, words of comfort and numerous acts of kinitness received during our recent bereavement in the loss of our dear wife and mother, Dorothy P. Simpson. Special thanks to Dr. Presutti, Rev. James Gibson, Rebekah Lodge and Baptist friends. • James Simpson and family Registered Ponies available for stud. Apply to Glenn Peacock, phone 254-r-6, Colborne. IN MEMORIAM BUGG -- In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Charles Bugg, who passed away April 15th, 1954. Sweet memories will linger ever Time canftol change them, it' true: Years that may come cannot sever Our loving remembrance of you. --Ever remembered by his wife and Jessie and Ted al2 BUGG -- In loving memory of | „ dear father and grandfather, Chas. Bugg, who passed away April 15th, 1954. He bade no one his last fare' well, He said good-bye to none, The heavenly gates were opened A loving voice said "Come". -Ever remembered by Bill, Luella and family of Trenton. Aprl2p BUGG -- In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, Charles Bugg, who entered into rest, April 15th, 1954. How very close to us, Dad's memory is to-day, For tho he's gone, These thoughts will never fade away; They grow still dearer as the days and years go by. In our hearts the memory his love will never die. --Always remembered Polly, Jim and Jimmy of Inger-soll. aprl2p BUGG -- In loving memory of a dear father, Charles Bugg, who entered into rest April 15fh, 1954. Everyday in some small way, Memories of you come my way, Though absent you are near, Still missed, loved, always dear. --Always remembered daughter, Agnes, Toronto. aprl2p ever FOR RENT Floor Sanders. Frances Sash & Door. Phone 283W, Brighton, Ontario. Aprl2,eow Small house, all modern conveniences, built-in cupboard, tile! floors, mostly furnished. Refer- Love and remembrance ences please. Apply Wallace forever. Herron, R.3 Colbborne, or phone' --Daughter, Annie. Colborne 180-r-21. I , aprl2p WARNER -- In loving memory of Mother and Dad, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Warner who passed | away, Mother, on April 24th, 1957; Dad, sn April 2nd, 1958. There is a link death cannot sever Kingston, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Irvine. Mr. and Mrs. V. Courte-manche and family, Kingston, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Carey on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Delong and family, Port Hope, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ren Joice. Mr. and Mrs. Lapp, Sr., Ux-bridge, Mr. and Mrs. Bekkvold and Robert of Pickering, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Lapp on Sunday. .; More than 3,900,000 cars and trucks have been built at the huge assembly plant of General Motors of Canada in Oshawa. SPECIAL APRIL 12 to 19 Bran ..................... $57.00 per ton Shorts ............... $58.00 per ton Ontario wheat $58.00 per ton Western barley $62.00 per ton Western oats $62.00 per ton SEED GRAIN -- RUSSELL, RODNEY and GARRY OATS -- GRASS SEED All at Regular Prices Grafton Farmers Co-op fight CANCER with a check up and a cheque KNOCKS ANSWER THE CALL AND GIVE TO THE CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY VM FOR RESEARCH, CANCER Wk ♦ iS&i**] EDUCATION AND WELFARE SERVICES COLBORNE BRANCH FINANCIAL CAMPAIGN Monday, April 16th We Need YOUR Help