E X P ENTERPRISE E S S COLBORNE CHRONICLE SUCCESSOR TO THE COLBORNE EXPRESS (Established 1866) THE COLBORNE ENTERPRISE (Eatafc Vol. 4 -- No. 21 Thursday. May 24th, 1962 $3.00 Canada -- $4.00 U.S.A. --t Local Band and Baton Corps At Toronto Opening Ball Game Candidate Cites Sad Record of Conservative Government Speaking in a crowded Brighton High School auditorium, on Saturday evening, Dr. Pauline Jewett, M.A., Ph.D., the Northumberland Liberal candidate cited "the sad record of the past five years of Conservative Government": economic stagnation; deficits which have amounted to a million dollars per day; bad monetary management which led to high insterest rates, the squabbling in the Bank of Canada and the devaluation of the dollar; no substantial trade expansion cept in the government wheat deal with China and trade with Cuba; and the lack of real concern on the part of the Conservative government regarding public health and social security. Dr. Jewett maintained that the situation could be improved with public spending for public employment and greater initiative in expanding foreign trade. Dr. Jewett said that if the Liberals had been in power during the last five years lasting public works along the lines of the St. Lawrence Seaway would have been created to bring about a full employcment society. "Education is the very foundation of economic growth." she! added, and advocated more fin- j ancial support for students in col- j lege. was conducted by Bill Reid, Liberal Publicity Director for Northumberland, and accompanied by Brs. Baker of Mrighton. The Bell-airs also entertained.--Sentinel-Star. Hi-C Club The last meeting of the Hi-C's met in the Sunday School Hall on Sunday evening, May 13th, at 7.00 p.m. It was a Family Night the parents of the Hi-C's came and the teenagers put on the worship and programme. The President, Maureen Parker, opened the meeting with the Apostle's Creed. Ann Ferguson I read the minutes and Richard I Pacey gave the Treasurer's port. Richard French welcomed the parents. Marjorie Shepherd gave the call to worship followed by a hymn. Kathy Williams read the scripture and Gordon McDonald gave t h e meditation on "There's No Place Like Home" Offering was received and offertory prayer given by Maureen | Parker followed by prayer given by Charles Conquergood. The 1 programme put on by Mary Pacey, J Ann Ferguson, Glen Rusaw and Richard French. A buffet lunch was enjoyed by everyone and the meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. On May 9th at 9.00 a.m. forty-ne members of the Band and Baton Corps left for Toronto by bus with four chaperons, Mr. John Bell, Mr. Bernard Fox, Mrs. Bill Mrs. Tom Armstrong and two assistants, Mrs. Sophie Ball *nd Mr. Jack Frietag. This was the first outing of the new gold and- blue uniforms bearing the crest C.R.B.&B. (Colborne Recreation Band and Baton) with the new shakos and gold plumes. These were taken by car in individual plastic bags by Recreation Director Wayne Ring accompanied by Band Leader, Karen VanMeeuwen. Upon arriving at Maple Leaf Stadium, the boys and girls changed into their uniforms in •essing rooms provided, and ere taken by bus to the park where they assembled with two other bands for the parade to City Hall, accompanying the Maple Leaf Ball players who were on view in open convertibles. After returning to the Stadium by city buses, the members of the bands were served a very tasty lunch with cold milk before the opening ceremonies. Colborne would have been very proud indeed to have seen their boys and girls marching field in perfect unison and taking their formation in the centre, standing at strict attention throughout the ceremonies. The blue and gold of the new uniforms was outstanding against the green grass in the afternoon sun and the pride felt by the boys and girls themselves could be sensed their performance. After their official duties were , the boys and girls were free to enjoy the ball game until they left for home. Brian Troop was he envy of all when he was lucky enough to get a baseball batted nto the stands! The bus arrived home in Colborne af 8.00 o'clock and for many members of the Band and Baton Corps it was the seventh time they had been present at the opening baseball game in Toronto. I Family Night On Saturday night, May 5th, approximately thirty families of the members of the Band and Baton Corps were present at the Legion Hall to enjoy a social evening of dancing. The music was played by Messrs. Jack Lynn, Jack Armstrong, John Armstrong and Wayne Ring with Jack Lynn as the vocalist. Mr. George Donovan of Grafton kindly filled in when Drummer John Armstrong took time out for dancing. Prizes were won by the following: spot dances, I. Jim Peebles and Billie Ball, 2. Rick French and Judy Campbell (shampoo and set and head massage donated by Howard Grosjean), 3. Charlie Kearnes and Margaret Lynn; twist (judged by Mr. and Mrs. George Donovan), Rick French and Pam Armstrong; mothers and son, Vi and Jim Peebles; father and daughter, Tom and Pam Armstrong. Sandwiches, soft drinks, tea and coffee were served by the auxiliary during intermission. When the "Home Waltz" was played at eleven o'clock, both the young and not-so-young were sorry to see the evening come to a Auxiliary Meeting: On May 10th, the Band and Baton Corps Auxiliary held their regular meeting in the Council Chambers with nine members present with. President, Lorna Campbell, presiding. The minutes of the April meeting were read by Secretary, Eunice Blythe, together with a letter from the St. Lawrence Cement Company enclosing a cheque for $100.00, being a donation towards the new uniforms. A further donation of $50.00 has been received toward the uniforms in memory of Mr. Bob Turner, the founder of the Band and Baton Corps. The Auxiliary is indeed grateful for Ihese donations. The financial report was given by Treasurer, Ann Colling, and appreciation was expressed f the efforts made by everyone raising this money. Various matters were discussed. Plans were made for catering to the High School "At Home" on June 30th, and Auxiliary members will be contacted by their Counsellors. The uniforms are to be picked up at Lorna Campbell's and a posit of $5.00 is to be paid by each family. The next regular meeting will be held on June 21st at 8.30 p.m., and all members are urged to attend to discuss the final arrangements for the High School "At Home" and the summer activities of the Band and Baton Corps. indentifying the three faiths were so in attendance. Visitors from all corners of the province toured the building which revealed unique treatment facilities and rehabilitation programs. The Centre has been designed to accommodate 105 resident patients and a maximum of day patients, all of whom are admitted' on approval by the family doctor. Each patient must be physically handicapped and under nineteen years of age. The Ontario Hospital Plan will absorb most resident patient charges where enrollment is in effect. Day patient care and treatment charges will be met by the local sponsoring service club, tj#3 Ontario Society for Crippled Children or the parents. Presbyterial Local Intimidation Is Scored at Rally There are many people, Liberals in particular, who are afraid to attend an open Liberal meeting because of local intimidation," said Dr. T. W. Hawke at the Liberal Rally in Brighton on Saturday evening. ; Dr. Hawke expressed concern that the Conservative leader had intimated that he was the only true foe of Communism among the party leaders. He reminded the packed East Northumberland District High School auditorium of the illicit gambling in Ontario and the findings of the Royal Commission on Crime.-- Sentinel-Star. Crippled Children's Centre Opened On Wednesday, May 16th, 1962, the Ontario Crippled Children's Centre located in North Toronto, was officially opened with the unveiling of a plaque by the Hon. John P. Robarts, Q.C., Prime Minister of Ontario. Timmy assisted Prime Minister Robarts. The Hon. Leslie M. Frost, Q.C., assisted by Miss Pauline Landry, a patient at the Centre, presented a gold key for the building to John David Eaton, Esq., Chairman, Board of Trustees, Ontario Crippled Children's Centre. Several prominent officials representing government, civic and municipal boards and clergymen In the absence of the President, Mrs. J. R. Waldie of Port Hope, the Past President, Mrs. R. J. Randall of Cobourg, presided at the executive meeting at 10.30 a.m. and the morning session at 11.00 a.m. Mrs. Percy Campbell of Warkworth was appointed delegate from Presbytery to W.M.S. Training School in Belleville on July 9-13th. Mrs. Fife and Mrs. Hill, delegates to Toronto-Kingston Synod-ical presented reports, minutes were read and adopted. The Fall Rally to be held in Bowmanville on Wednesday, October 3rd. Hymn 449 and closing prayer by Mrs. W. Sayers concluded the . morning session. Dinner was served by Millbrook Auxiliary and the afternoon session convened at 1.30 p.m. with Mrs. W. E. Sayers of Colborne, 1st Vice-President, in the chair. Norwood Auxiliary was in charge of the afternoon devotions and Rev. Gerald Graham of Millbrook brought greetings from Presbytery and as minister of Grace Presbyterian Church. Treasurer's report was given followed by roll call with ninety-seven answering "present". Mrs. Sayers introduced the guest speaker, Miss Louise Ruth, M.A., Executive Dlrectop of Organization, discussing the work of the Women's Missionary 'Society in Canada and her work with all missionary organizations. Miss Ruth also discussed the Anniversaries' Projects and the plans for the Anniversary to be held in Montreal in 1964. Mrs. Sayers thanked the speaker for her enlightening address. Mrs. M. Ferguson of Bowmanville, accompanied by Mrs. Eby, sang a solo entitled "Come Unto Me", followed by the offering and prayer. Thanks of the Courtesy Committee was presented by Mrs. Reynolds. Hymn 395 and prayer by a member from Burnbrae Auxiliary closed the afternoon session and after tea was served in the basement to all present. The Executive met for a short period at the close of the afternoon session and Mrs. R. J. Randall, Cobourg, was appointed delegate to the Synod Advanced Leadership Training School in Toronto on June 17-22, 1962.