Page Six THE COLBORNE CHRONICLE, Thursday, July 5th, 1962 Business Directory FUNERAL DIRECTORS BARNES' FUNERAL HOME MODERN EQUIPMENT Funeral Home Accommodation at No Extra Charge PERSONAL SERVICE Day or Night Phone 111 -- Colborne . M. BLACKLOCK Grafton MOTOR HEARSE IN CONNECTION or Night Calls Promptly Attended Phone 38, Grafton For Farms and Town Properties -- consult GEORGE WM. COVERT Real Estate Broker Division St. Colborne Phone 235 Farm Properties Specialty W. J. Covert Salema Castleton Area Phone 38-r-5 i for Custom Butchering Done at Licensed Slaughterhouse Meat at Competitive Prices G. PETERSEN Phone 59-r-21 Warkworth CONTACT. HILTON WHITE Phone 125 Colborne Classified Advertising FOR SALE QUFF.N'S HOTEL COLBORNE Comfortable Rooms Excellent Meals First-Class Accommodations At Reasonable Rates Garage in Connection Chas. D. Wood, Proprieto DEAD STOCK SERVICE BURRETT FUR FARMS A New Daily Service in Removal of Dead and Crippled Farm Animals Prompt Calls Appreciated Phone Peterborough ZENITH 66550 (No Toll Charge) PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO Collector's License No. 151-C-62 Complete line of weed sprays. For clean corn fields use Atrazin. Complete line of Poultry. Dairy and Hog Feeds. Also Berry Boxes for sale. Grafton Cn-Op, phone 67. tfn 16-foot Paceship, complete with windshield, controls, running lights. Phone 475-1715, Brighton, Ontario. june21,28,july5c WOODED LAKEFRONT LOTS AND COTTAGES On beautiful Gunter Lake, government approved sub-division. Sandy beaches, excellent swimming and fishing. Parking area picnic facilities provided. Roads and Hydro installed. 10 model cottages now available. 10% down--easy monthly payments Drive north from Madoc on Hwy. No. 62 and turn right one mile past Jordan Lake Park at Dept. of Lands & Forests. Follow signs to the best in summer living. Sales personnel on property every week-end or contact Miss Anne Collins, 344 Bloor St. W., telephone 923-2495. june21,28july5,12c CAR FOR SALE 1959 Ford Fairlane 500, four door hardtop, less than 30,000 miles, V-8 automatic, power steering, power brakes. Phone Brighton 475-0623 between 6 and 7 p. june28july5c Wooden Silo with metal roof, also Cockshutt Binder, 7 foot, /) on rubber, for tractor. Apply to Gordon Metcalf, R.R. 2, Colborne COMING EVENTS Having week-end visitors? Add to their enjoyment by bringing them to Mecking's Dance Pavilion Saturday evening. We know they will appreciate a social evening spent Tn pleasant surroundings. Enjoy the Barn Dance at Leo McDonald's Tobacco Farm, 7 miles north of Cobourg on Highway 45, Friday night, July 6th, 20th and August 3rd, to the music of the Country Ramblers. june28july5-19aug2c On July 18th, 1962 Unit Three of the UCW are holding a Garden Party on the lawn of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Michell from 2 to 5 p.m. Everybody Welcome Admission 35c. J12,p Parkway Motors (Licenced Bodymen) COMPLETE BODY SHOP SERVICE Collision, Insurance Work Paint Jobs from 49.50' 24 Hour Towing Service For Prompt Attention Phone 122 Colborne AUCTIONEERS OPEN HOUSE Mr. and Mrs. Roy Packard, Dundonald, are holding Open House on Saturday and Sunday, afternoon and evening, July 14 and 15, from 2 to 5 and 7 to9 p.m., in honour of their Sgt. A. A. Packard and family, who is on a short leave home, after four years in France and is posted at Saskatoon. Afl relatives, friends and neighbours ire invited. J12 DEALER WANTED Be the FAMILEX dealer and rn in your area 40% commiss-n plus cash bonuses in the ceptionally profitable year round business. For information write FAMILEX, P.O. Box 956, Kingston, Ontario. Auction Sales Auction Sale of household furniture, antiques, etc. The property of the late Mrs. C. A. Post, at the former Posts' Groceteria Store and at the same time Real Estate and store fixtures, the property of Mr. Irvine Post, Colborne, on urday, July 7th. (In the event of rain sale will be held under cover). Real Estate: Store 78 feet by 22 feet; 2 store-rooms; doubli garage; seven room apartment with sunporch attached. Solid brick construction with fire wall on both sides. Terms on real estate may be arranged to suit purchaser. Sale commences at 1.00 p.m. sharp. Cliff Denny, ; tioneer, phone Colborne 236. june28july5c REAL ESTATE PRICED FOR QUICK SALE T 3,500.00 with a low down payment buys solid 7-room house, 3 bedrooms up, new 3-pc. bath, modern kitchen, bright living-room, sun porch, utility room, on main floor, all tiled and lino floors. Forced air oil furnace, new gar-large lot 180'x240. Heavy „„__o. Clean decor. Low taxes. Ideal family home, close to school and playground. Minutes from everything in town. See it this week. WANTED TO RENT Cottage in local district for two weeks, August 4 to 18. Phone 382 J5, 50c NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS TAKE NOTICE that all Creditors and others having claims against the Estate of Austin Davis Hall, late of the Village of Colborne, in the County of Northumberland, Barrister at Law, are requested to furnish particulars thereof to the undersigned on or before the 31st day of July, 1962. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that after the above mentioned date the Administrator will proceed to distribute the Estate giving effect to claims only of which he then has notice. THOMPSON & THOMPSON, Solicitors for the Administrator, BRIGHTON, Ontario. june28july5,12c Ray and Roy WILLIAMS CAMPBELLFORD Phone 483 or 1095 WM. L. BIGFORD AUCTIONEER R.R. 2, BRIGHTON Phone: Brighton 1029-r-2 (Collect) WASHING MACHINE SERVICE (any make) New Automatic Washers Dryers, Ironers Refrigerators, Deep Freezers DeLaval and Beatty Pumps and Stable Equipment WM. GORDON SMITH Phone 169 Colborne Berry Pickers Wanted Apply to Charlie Allcorn, Phone 195W J5,p WANTED CARDS OF THANKS The family of the late Fred Herron wish to thank friends, neighbours, relatives and Colborne Rotary Club for floral tributes and the many acts of kindness shown during their recent bereavement. Female Help Stenographer to start approximately July 30th in new office in Colborne. Typing and shorthand essential. High School of Com-;e graduate preferred. Experience not necessary if Commerce training is sufficient. Apply Box No. 30, Colborne Chronicle, giving details of age, education, marital status and experience. june7,14,21,28,july5c NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF: (Mrs.) PEARLE WARD TAKE NOTICE that any claims against the property of the above named,'who died on or about May 31st, 1962, late resident of Village of Colborne, must be submitted in writing to the undersigned on or'before July 31st, 1962. Full particulars and proof must accompany any such claims submitted and no claim will be considered in any way unless submitted within the time and !ie manner as above required THOMPSON, HOWELL and THOMPSON, Barristers, Solicitors, etc., Colborne, Ontario. Solicitors for the estate J19 We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness, messages of sympathy, and beautiful floral offerings received from our kind neighbours during our ent bereavement in the loss of our beloved husband and father. We especially thank Rev. John Roney, Mrs. Flanders, A.F. and A.M, and the Canadian Legion. Mrs. A. G. Cracknell and family. Both Bruce and I would like to express our sincere thanks to all my Lakeport friends for the lovely telephone table and lamp. I'm sure we will use them often, and each time we do, we will think of your wonderful generosity. A special thanks to Calay Fiddick and Rose Roddy for all their work. j Beverley Reid WORK WANTED Septic Tank Cleaning with modern equipment. Call Sid Andrews, Brighton Phone 475-14G1 Harold . Pedwell Real Estate Broker 2-storey, 4 bedroom brick house, can be easily converted to duplex. Heavy duty 'wiring. This property has an additional lot with 66' frontage, low down payment. 5-room modern brick bungalow, centrally located, electrically heated, reasonably priced. Low down payment. $1000 down will buy 8-room frame house, could be easily converted to a duplex. All convenieces. E. Jeffery FOR RENT 3-bedroom house, oil furnace, 3 piece bath. Please write gi' references to Box 2, Colborne Chronicle. june28c Apartment for rent. Six rooms and bath, heavy duty wiring. Phone 313. ; june28july5p 6 room house, heavy wiring, bathroom will be put in. Immed-Phone 366 IN MEMORIAM TEAL--In fond memory c wonderful sister-in-law "Aunt Helen" Teal, who passed away, July 8th, 1958. Always a smile, instead of a Always a hand, when one was down; Always true, thoughful and kind, Wonderful memories she left behind. Always remembered and sadly missed by Jean, Charlie, Bonnie and Ricky Teal p MOORE--In loving memory of a dear Dad and Granddad, Benjamin Moore, who passed away on April 26th, 1944; and for a i" mother and grandma, Amy Moore who passed away July 7th, 1959. Lovingly remembered by Bob, Marie and family. SALEM (continued) Peggy Brady of Belleville guest at the home of Mr. Don Chatterson and his mother, Mrs. R. Chatterson, during the holiday week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Don Swain and children of Kingston visited his father, Mr. Howard Swain, during the past week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Harris of Cooksville were holiday weekend guests at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bellamy. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith and girls of Ottawa were home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alf Smith for the long week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Hoskins and family of Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ireland and children of Trenton visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Onyon, during the holiday week-end. Mr. Harry Sirrett of Brighton visited Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Peacock on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morrow of Hilton called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank McDonald, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Will Peacock were recent guests at the home of Mr. John Gaynor, Bailieboro. They also called on friends in Millbrook on the same afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McDonald accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Will Fiddick to Kingston last Sunday where they visited their brother, Mr. Ross Wright, at Kingston General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hill entertained friends from Toronto during the holiday week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Bailey spent the holiday week-end at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Douglas and children, Cobourg. On Sunday they visited Fort Henry at Kingston, Ontario. 5 room apartment, furnished or unfurnished, modern kitchen, TV and ariel, heat and garage. "Alcohol is a great spot it removes $100 spots, $10 spots, even to $2.25 spots. Alcohol is really a great remover, it removes clarity of mind, peace from homes, it even removes food from starving children's mouths. A battle is a terrible conjugation of the verb to kill -- I kill, thou killest, he kills, we kill, ye The committee in charge of sports for the Sunday School picnic met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith last Friday evening. Those present included Mesdames Ken Bellamy and Ralph Carman and Miss Kathy Chatterson. A splendid program of sports was planned. Don't forget the date, July 11th, at Presqu'ile Point. (continued on page two) Lee Electric J19.P kill, they kill, all kill". -- Carlyle. PHONE 283