Page Six THE COLBORNE CHRONICLE, Thursday, October 4th, 1962 CASTLETON by Mrs. F. Warnei Mrs. Maggie Haynes of Peterborough visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter McMann over the week-end. The teachers from here enjoyed the bus trip and tour of Upper Canada Village on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ellis and family of Peterborough visited Mr. and Mrs. W. McMann on Sunday. Mrs. H. Ducie is home from Campbellford Hospital and is improved in health. Mrs. W. Dickson of Colborne visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Inglis for the week-end. Mr. Robert Rusk of Edmonton is home for a few weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rusk. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Welton and family of Morganston visited Mrs. H. Welton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Welton entertained Rev. D. Woodhouse on Sunday. He was guest speaker at the anniversary services. Miss Gwen Ducie, nurse-in-training at Peterborough, was home for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Warner and family visited her mother, Mrs. Beatty at Trenton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bush are visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. Jensen at Beaverton. The W.I. meeting will be held on Wednesday evening, October 10th, at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Clarence Nelson. Convener, Mrs. Tom Doidge. Everyone wel- The United Church anniversary was held on Sunday morning and afternoon. Rev. D. Wood-house of Port Hope was the guest speaker and gave two interesting Mrs. R. H. Templer of Cobourg was guest soloist and added much to both services with her messages of song. The thank-offering amounted to well over a thousand dollars. LAKEPORT by Mrs. Fred Clarke There was no service a Paul's Presbyterian Church Sunday, anniversary were being held at Old St. Andrew's Church, Colborne. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Host and Beverly of Peterborough visited Mr. and Mrs. Eric Palmer, also their aunt, Mrs. S. Wasylyk, on Sunday. David Palmer spent last week with his grandmother, Mrs. Albert Morton, Colborne. Mrs. Alec Horvath spent the week-end with relatives in Tor- W. Joice, Toronto, was home anada Savings Bonds 1 easy to buy simple to cash good to keep The new Canada Savings Bonds pay 4 interest for each of the first three years; 5% for each of the next three years and 5}4% for each of the final eight years --an average interest to maturity in 14 years of 5.11% per year. In dollars and cents every $100.00 you invest will grow with accumulated interest to $172.50 at maturity. You can buy a $100.00 bond for as little as 29 j5 a day, through the convenient Payroll Savings Plan where you work. Canada Savings Bonds can also be bought for cash, or on instalments at any bank, investment dealer, stock broker, trust or loan company. They are available in amounts as low as $50.00 to any Canadian resident--adult or child--up to a limit of $10,000.00 per person. Estates, too, may buy. Interest is payable annually by coupon, or on the higher denominations by cheque, if desired. You can cash your Canada Savings Bonds at any time, at any bank, at full face value plus earned interest. Buy new Canada Savings Bonds today--best ever! ith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Joice for the week-end. Miss Mary Baggaley has returned home after spending several months with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Moore, Castleton. Mrs. Ren Joice, her son, W. Joice, and Miss Betty Cummings of Brighton, attended the wedding of Mr. Gary Joice, (son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Joice, Port Hope), and Miss Dorothy Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Brown of Frankford. The wedding was held at Trinity Anglican Church, Frankford, on September 15th. Mrs. H. Lapp, Pickering, is spending a few holidays at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Archer of Toronto spent the week-end with Mrs. Winnifred Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Archer of Grafton visited Mr. and Mrs. Ren Joice on Saturday. r. and Mrs. Harold Vosburg and children of Frankford cently visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Darling. Mrs. Florence Jordon of Suf folk, England, Mr. Bert Rollings Toronto, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. V. Unwin. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Tapley, Ricky ai\d Wayne, visited Mr, and Mrs. Ross Nesbitt, Port Hope, on Sunday. OMISSION In the article about St. Paul's Presbyterian Church at Lake-port, the names of the Quartette who sang at the evening service was omitted from the write-up. They were Ray Blakely, Duncan McGlennon, Jacy Lynn and Jack Armstrong. SALEM by Mrs. J. F. Smith Next Sunday is Thanksgiving Day in Canada. Plan to attend the special service at Salem United Church. Choir practise at the church on Thursday evening. Watch your church calendai time of service. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bellamy and girls were recent week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Chapman and family at Burnhamthorpe. Mrs. Jessie Baitley was hostess to the Salem U.C.W. on Wednesday evening of last week, Mrs. A. Mackie of Colborne was the guest speaker, and in her humorous way described her trip to Manitoba. Mrs. Car-thanked Mrs. Mackie and presented her with a small gift on behalf of the U.C.W. During the business part of the program, plans were made for the auction sale which is scheduled for the third Saturday in November. A committee of four ladies, (Mrs. John Fenaughty, Mrs. Arthur Simpson, Mrs. Archie Bellamy and Mrs. Jack Hutchings) was formed to look after the main details of the sale. Mr. Denny of Colborne will* be the auctioneer for this event. Tea will be served in the hall, where a number of tables will be set up to display home baking etc. An added attraction will be a table of Christmas cards and wrappings. As usual the Salem ladies are going "all out" to make this a worth while project. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dorie and family entertained relatives from Toronto the past week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lohnes of Frankford were recent Sunday guests at the home of her aunt, Mr. and Mrs. George. Kohl-back. The October meeting of the Salem Ladies' Recreation Club has been cancelled due to the very busy season. The November meeting is scheduled for November 8th, at the home of Mrs. Ralph Barnes. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fenaughty of Peekskill, New York, were week-end guests at the home of their son, Mr. and Mrs. John Fenaughty and girls. Sunday guests at the Fenaughty home included Mr. and Mrs. John Bean and Barbara of Belleville, Mr. and Mrs. Will Peacock, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Peacock, Mrs. Butters, and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Peacock and children. Mrs. Butters of Port Hope spent the week-end with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Peacock and family and attended the Christening of baby Glenna Leslie Peacock at the Salem United Church on Sunday morning. Later on in the day, all motored to Toronto to visit friends. Darlene Davis and Diane Whaley have become members of the 1st Colborne Brownie Pack. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bellamy spent Sunday afternoon with friends at Napanee. CENTRAL SMITH ICE CREAM at the SAME LOW PRICE Old Fashioned Creamy Smoothness with the Richness of the Best % Gal. 82C ^Gal. TRY THESE FOR FLAVOUR: Butter Brickie Butterscotch Toasted Almond Peach Melba Caramel Fudge Maple Walnut Chocolate, Cherry Custard, Chocolate Chip and many other tempting flavours Available in PINTS -- QUARTS -- HALF GALLONS and GALLONS Highest Quality -- Lowest Prices Colborne Locker Storage LOCKERS TO RENT FREEZER SUPPLIES FOR SALE PHONE 48 COLBORNE