Local Purple loosestrife beautiful but destructive Purple loosestrife (lythrum salicaria), a beautiful but aggressive invader, arrived in eastern North America in the early-1800s. Plants were brought to North America by settlers for their flower gardens, and seeds were present in the ballast holds of European I ships that used soil to weigh down the vessels for stability on the ocean. Since it was introduced, purple loosestrife has spread westward and can be found across much of Canada and the United States. The problem Purple loosestrife ; is a very hardy perennial whichcan rapidly degrade wetlands, diminishing their value for wildlife habitat. Wetlands are the most biologically diverse, productive component of our ecosystem. Hundreds of species of plants, birds, mammals, reptiles, insects, fish and amphibians rely on healthy wetland habitat for their survival. However, when purple loosestrife gets , a foothold, the habitat where fish and wildlife feed, seek shelter, reproduce Purple loosestrife and rear young, quickly becomes choked under a sea of purple flowers. Areas where wild rice grows and is harvested, and where fish spawn, are degraded. An estimated 190,000 hectares of wetlands, marshes, pastures and riparian meadows are affected in North America each year, with an economic impact of millions of dollars. Purple loosestrife also invades drier sites. Concern is increasing as the plant becomes more common on agricultural land, encroaching on farmers' crops and pasture land. The challenge Many organizations throughout North America have taken action to control the spread of purple loosestrife. Their response has been characterized by unparalleled co-operation. National wildlife services, state/provincial natural resource and environment agencies, universities, nursery trades associations, and conservation and community organizations have responded to the purple loosestrife invasion by raising awareness of the threat posed by this invasive plant, and how to prevent its spread. Individuals, resource managers and community groups can-make a valuable contribution to conserving our wetlands for future generations by acting on the information here. How to identify purple loosestrife Before control activities begin, use the following diagram to be' sure you are correctly identifying purple loosestrife. Flower: Individual flowers have five or six pink-purple petals surrounding small, yellow centers. Each flower spike is made up of many individual flowers. Seed Capsule: As flowers begin to drop off, capsules containing many tiny seeds appear in their A tenacious loosestrife plant grows among the rocks ^ Spending on where you at Niagara halls. Uve plantg m&y gQ tQ geed ag REALTY INC. IPTOPi 355-1555 REAL ESTA TE BROKER Serving Northumberland County »Depaepe, George LAKE VIEW Gorgeous lake view home on 5 acres. Has a fully functional in-law suite with separate entry. Nicely landscaped with plenty of mature trees. 5 be' central air, functional woodstove and many new windows. MLS030967 A GREAT GETAWAY! Great 3 bedroom waterfront cottage on Little Lake. Hydro, right of way (20'), drilled well, boat house, deck and a great view! Deck has shade from trees - very relaxing. MLS 2034425__ WATERFRONT [This Lake Ontario waterfront lot has a number of mature trees. Enjoy a gorgeous the lake. Established area, hard lopped road, hydro and bell ilable. Victoria Beach Road, Cramahe Twsp. MLS 024170 COUNTRY SETTING ce country home on a lovely lot, just 2 minutes north of the 401. UV light m, 3 bedrooms and a porch along the front and east side. N~ -:l' i starter home. Easy to view. Hilton area. MLS03091.7 HARDWOOD FLOORS This lovely 3 bedroom home has hdwd. floors on the M/F & pine flows upstairs. Recently renovated and updated. Jacuzzi style tub, oak kit. cabinets, central ' Close to village stiops. Colborne. MLS 031200 VACANT LAND 90 acres; 80 acres of farm land and 10 acres of mixed woods. Cramahe Twsp. $159,000 1.39 acres Crandall Rd., Cramahe Twsp. $21,900 12 acres of Mount Pleasant Rd„ Cramahe Twsp. $49,500 2.5 acres on Red CLoud School Rd., Cramahe Twsp. $19,900 Small town subdivision with 8 lots - buy 1 or buy them all. Lull town services. Colborne. Starting at $29,900 I acre on Parliament St., Colborne MLS 2033455 1.47 acres on Morganston Rd., Cramahe Twsp. $28,600 ATTRACTIVE HOME This 1.5 storey home features a large front verandah that is great for relaxing. 3 bedrooms, eat-in kit., large back yard and gas fireplace in L/R. just 3 blocks from shops. Park Street Colborne. MIS 024100 APIECE OF HISTORY t in 1820, as Keeler's Inn - nicely renovated to iplure and fit the original character. Nice sunroom off kit. Detached workshop/garage with woodstove -"" nace. Large corner lot. Colborne MLS 030189 early as late July. Seed: Each mature plant can produce up to 2.7-million seeds annually. As tiny as grains of sand, seeds are easily spread by water, wind, wildlife and humans. Germination can occur the following season, but seeds may lay dormant for several years before sprouting. Leaves: Leaves are downy, with smooth edges. They are usu- [ ally arranged opposite each other in pairs which alternate p , loosestrife is beautiful, but aggressive, down the stalk at 90- aa degree angles, however, they may appear in groups of three. Stalk: Stalks are square, five- or six-sided, woody, as tall as two metres (over six feet) with several stalks /on mature plants. Perennial Rootstock: On mature plants, rootstocks are extensive and can send out up to 30 to 50 shoots, creating a dense web which chokes out other plant life. Purple loosestrife can take over an entire wetland area, choking watercourses and degrading the area for animal and plant life. Call Coldwell Banker COLDWELL BANKER TIMOTHY POST REAL ESTATE TIM POST Broker/Owner GREAT LAKE VIEW 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW ON ONE ACRE LOT WITH LAKE VISTAS. MAIN FLOOR LAUNDRY ROOM, UPDATED KITCHEN AND FULL BASEMENT READY FOR FINISHING. $115,000 LITTLE LAKE ROAD OPEN CONCEPT BUNGALOW ON 1.4 ACRE TREED AND PRIVATE LOT SKYLIGHTS AND CATHEDRAL CEILING, TERRACED PATIO, GARAGE. ONLY " YEARS OLD. GORGEOUS $220,000. START HERE $83,000 SEPARATE PRINCIPAL ROOMS, DINING ROOM HAS HARDWOOD FLOORS, WALKOUT TO DECK FROM EAT-IN KITCHEN, MINI BARN. GARAGE, LOVINGLY LANDSCAPED LOT. IMMACULATE EXCEPTIONAL FAMILY HOME, 4 BEDROOMS PLUS DEN, HUGE FAMILY FRIENDLY EAT-IN KITCHEN, PERGO FLOORING. ALMOST 2,000 SQ. FT. WALKOUT TO PATIO AND ABOVE GROUND POOL VILLAGE DUPLEX OLD CHARM 2 STOREY DUPLEX, 2 AND 2 BEDROOM UNITS, WOOD FLOORS, HIGH CEILINGS, FRONT VERANDAH AND REAR DECK. REDUCED TO $120,000 COUNTRY PRIVATE RAISED BUNGALOW ON 3 ACRES, OPEN CONCEPT LIVING, JACUZZI TUB, WALKOUT TO DECK, SEPARATE 30'X30' WORKSHOP WITH 14' CEILINGS & POWER. $169,900. 3.6 ACRES NEAR THE LAKE, TREED ACREAGE WITH LOTS OF PRIVACY, COZY 2 BEDROOM BUNGALOW WITH CATHEDRAL CEILINGED LIVING ROOM, FIREPLACE, DETACHED WORKSHOP WITH POWER $149,000. BOARD & BATTEN CENTURY 4 BEDROOM FARMHOUSE ON COUNTRY ACRE LOT. LARGE MASTER BEDROOM ON UPPER LEVEL, MAIN FLOOR FAMILY ROOM. DETACHED GARAGE/WORKSHOP. $121,900 A LITTLE SLICE OF PARADISE LANDSCAPED LOT, GARDENS, YEAR ROUND STREAM WITH BRIDGE OVER UNTROUBLED WATERS, 3 BEDROOMS, NICELY RENOVATED, WOOD aOORS, NEW ADDITION. $117,000 905-355-2437 PROVIDING FULL SERVICE REAL ESTATE FOR 16 YEARS TO COLBORNE AND AREA PLEASE RECYCLE THIS NEWSPAPER