Cramahe Archives Digital Collection

Turpin daughter, Turpin Family Photograph Album

Media Type
Genealogical Resource
Item Type
Photograph albums
Fifty black and white photographs attached to twenty-two leaves appear in the Turpin Family Photo Album.
In 1927 the Turpin family suffered the loss of their young daughter, Ruth, from an accidental drowning in a creek close to their home. A brief article about her death appeared in the May 5th 1927 edition of Colborne Express.

It is unknown if this photograph depicts Ruth, Reta or Joan.

Leaf 12, photo 3 of 3

Photograph album leaves that have more than one photograph have the following format - a single photograph and a photograph of the album leaf to show the other accompanying photographs. Click on the Select arrow for Pages to see the other photographs on the leaf of the album to which this photograph was attached. The Pages box is located at the top of the page.

The photo album, especially the cover and back, are heavily damaged. Some damage caused by rodent chewing the edges of the album. The album pages are loose. One album page has been cut up and photos are missing. Two of the pages never had any photographs mounted on them.

See a 1932 photograph of Art Turpin in How Firm a Foundation: A History of the Township of Cramahe and the Village of Colborne in Cramahe's Digital Archives (3bk), p.177 and a reference to Sid Turpin, pp.155-156.

Amy Gresham catalogue sticker on inside first page of album: "P0041"
Date of Original
ca. 1927
Personal Name(s)
Sid Turpin, Ruth Turpin, Reta Turpin, Joan Turpin, S.E. Turpin, Arthur Turpin, Vera & Gerald Ross, Mrs. James Stanton, Vera McCracken, Miss Fleming, and Grace Dayman.
Local identifier
Language of Item
Geographic Coverage
  • Ontario, Canada
    Latitude: 44.00012 Longitude: -77.8828
Copyright Statement
Copyright status unknown. Responsibility for determining the copyright status and any use rests exclusively with the user.
Copyright Holder
Copyright, public domain: Cramahe Township Public Library owns the rights to the archival copy of the digital image.
Cramahe Township Public Library
Agency street/mail address:
6 King Street West
PO Box 190
Colborne, ON K0K 1S0
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