The Answer to this Question How much Are you worth ? It Depends on how much Good you do. We now give you a chance to do an act Of kindness to a suffering friend. A remarkable remedy has been di«corcied| For that moat loathsome of all disertes CANCER. We ask you to send us the address of any Persons suffering from this disease, that we May be able to send you full particulars Of this valuable and painless remedy. Address, Scott & Jury, BOWMANVILLE. PILES AND iRECTAL DISEASES. Dr. wm. bessey, consultingPhysician, Orificial Surgeon, and Specialist: (member of the American Asso ciation of Oriiicial Surgeons), 102 King street west, Toronto, will visit Colborne. for consultation, on Friday January 2nd, He invites specially the following class of cases: Piles, rectal diseases, bladder troubles, female complaints, chronic and nervous diseases, lung troubles (asthma and bronchitis), disorders of nutrition (dyspepsia and constipation), heart affec tions, general debility, rheumatism, sciat ica and neuralgia, hydrocele, vancoceli and rupture. No charge for consultation. No secret methods. Practice strictly ethical. A' communications strictly confidential. Send for pamphlet, giving full particu lars. MONUMENTS. MARBLE! GRANITE! Colborne Marble Works G.W. BATTY, Monumental Architect & Decorator, Is prepared to supply Monu ments of all descriptions, fi shed in the best manner, at reasonable rates. MONEYV cnn he earned et our NKW line of work, J re(iidly and honorably, by those of either sex, you up or old, and In their own localities,* hererer they live. Any one can do the w ork. Kaay to learn. We furnish everything. We Mart you. No risk. You can devote your spare moments, <>r all your time to the work. This i* an entirely new lead .and brings * on dvrful success to every worker. Beginners are earning from ft!.1» to per t\ eek and upwards, and more alter a little experience. We can furnish you the em ployment and teach you r if KK. No space to explain here. Full information Flint.. I'M UK «V VO., AlUlHTA, MAINE. w iTlSfv- FREEMAN'S ------- WORM POWDERS Are pleasant to tale. Contain their.r. :-.i I Purgative. Is a sefe, sure out effectual destroyer of worms in Children or Adults.1 FLAX-SEED ■emulsion COMPOUND BRONCHITIS 186 Lexington Av New York City, Sept. 19,___ I have tned the Flex-Seed Emulsion In severe! ve., ». 10. 1888. i of Chronic Bronchitis, and the early stages of Phthisis, and have been well pleased with the results, JAMES K. CROOK, MJJ. CONSUMPTION Brooklyn, N.Y., Feb 14th, 1886. I have used your Emulsion in a case of Phthisis (consumption) with beneficial results, where patient could not use Cod Liver Oil in any form. J. H. TJROGîV, M. D. NERVOUS PROSTRATION Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 20th, ÎS88. I can strongly recommend Flax Seed Emulsion as helpful to the relief and possibly the cure of all Lung, Bronchial and Nervous Affections, and a good gcu- -*1 T1LH<CE „ D GENERAL DEBILITY Brooklyn, N. Y„ Oct. 10th, 1888. I regard Flax Seed Emulsion as greatly superior to the Cod Liver Oil Emulsions so generally in use, D. A. GORTON, M. D. WASTING DISEASES 187 West M-n St.. New York, Aug. 8,1888. I have us» I your Flax-Seed F.muliion Compound in a severe ewe of Mal-nutrition and the result was mote than hoped for--it waa mnrveloua, and con tinuous. I recommend it cheerfully lot he profession and humanity at large. M. H. GILBERT, M.Ü. RHEUMATISM Sold by Druggists, Price $1.00. FLAX-SEED EMULSION CO, 35 Liberty St., New York. THE WEEK'S NEWS CAN AVA IL S. Secretary Foster has instructed im migration inspectors along the Canadian liorder to report on the subject of immigra tion into the United States through Canada. The Dominion Trades Congress will peti tion the Dominion Govermnsnt to prohibit the importation of Chinese labor. An accident on the Columbia & Kootenay, road, a branch of the C. P. R., resulted in tiie death of three men. Considerable loss has lieen caused at S places on the Lower St. Lawrence by t The water is reported to be unusual ly high. It is reported from Ottawa that there is a proliahility of the carriage of the Canadian mails to Great Britain being resumed by the Allan Company. A despatch from Tickle Cove, Newfound land, eays terrible destitution prevails that district, and that ten or twelve families are actually starving. Capt. McKay of Montreal, a distinguished graduate of Kingston Military College, died From African fever on Thursday as he was about to leave Africa for England on sick leave. Last Thursday a man named King was ar rested and sent to the Sandwich gaol on the charge of drunkenness, whereas he was suf fering from fever, from which he died from want of medical treatment on Saturday. The Newfoundland delegates to Britain in an interview admitted that recent events have caused a friendly feeling in the colony towards the United States and estrangement from the mother country. Lady Dufferin, the wife of Lord Duflerin, the British ambassador at Rome and former ly Governor-General of Canada, will shortly Sublish a work entitled " My Canadian ourneys, 1872 and 1873." The Roman Catholic authorities of Quebec intend to co-operate with corporation of Montreal in making the celebration in honor of Maisonneuve, the founder of Montreal, a very imposing event on May 18 next year. The employes of the Montreal and Sorcl j railway, whose wages are in arrears, on ! Wednesday seized tliccngines and prevented trains running, to the great inconvenience of Montreal merchants living at Sorcl. Five ringleaders have been arrested. Owing to the immense quantities of logs which are being rafted from the Canadian pineries on the Georgian hay lo he converted into lumber in the States, there is a possi bility of the reimposition of the duty oh logs during the next session of the Dominion Parliment. Judge Falconbridge was presented with a pair of white kid gloves at Sarnia Monday, there being no prisoners in the jail for trial. The BritislpColymbia Legislature, after a tiring which 99 bills were ed Monday. a silex mine has been ilgrim Island, seven miles Loup (en leu). persons arrested in Mont- was 9,087, of whom 7,941 Mi females, 7,410Cathelice and l,lil7 Ifrotestknts. Tire famouVjoe Reef canteen, in Montreal, which was formerly the favourite resort of the wharf roughs, has been transformed into a temperance canteen, and was opened yes terday by Mayor McShane. A million whitefish fry wete deposited on Monday in the waters of Matcliedash bay, an arm of the Georgian bay. The Governor-General has received a re solution passed by the Legislature of British Columbia asking that the Chinese Act lie amended with a view of still further restrict ing the immigration of the Chinese. The Grand Trunk railWay report which was adopted at the recent annual meeting shows an increase of L 16,513 in the passen- Î;er traffic for the half year ended December ast, as compared with the corresponding period in 1889, and a decrease of £95,313 in the amount of freight carried. GREAT BRITAIN. The steamships P. Calland and Glamor gan came into collision in the English Chan- •ncl, the latter being sunk. Influenza is epidemic in Hull, England. The death rate has reached 4(i per 1,000. Business of all kinds is retarded by the ill ness of employees Capt. Verney, a member of the English House of Commons, returned to London on Saturday and surrendered on a warrant charging him with having caused the abtvlc- tion of a girl lor immoral purposes. He denied the charge, hut was committed for trial, hail being accepted. In the action for breach of promise brought by Gladys Evelyn against William H. Hurl hurt in 1-ondon for breach of promise of marriage, the jury on Monday brought in a verdict for the defendant. In the House of Commons Monday Mr. W. H. Smith stated that the reason Mr. Michael Davitt was not on the Royal Labour Commission was because of his having lieen convicted of treason-felony. Influenza is raging in London. One-tlnrd of the members cf the National Liberal Club and the majority of the inmates of one of the largest hotels are down with the disease. Telegrams from Leeds and Sheffield report a similar state of a flairs in those places. The 3rd Battalion of the Grenadier Guards, at present quartered at the Chelsea barracks in London, yesterday morning refused to attend morning parada in full marching order. The men complain of ex cessivc and unnecessary drill. Several of the mutineers were arrested, and an invest igation will he made. AMERICAN. The loss by Thursday night's tire in New York is placed at #000,000 A Chicago paper announces the formation of an oatmeal trust in that city. Gold exports from New York to Europe last week amounted to #3,500,000. Three hundred lathers of Chicago are on strike for an advance in wages of from 80 to 75 cents a day. The coke strikers' riots in the neighbour hood of Soottilalc. Pa., have broken out again, and the presence of troops is to Is on ce more asked for. The Mansfield, ()., presbytery of the United Presbyterian Church ou Wednesday deposed Rev. John Garley from the minis try on account of drunkenness. least In Cleveland, O., list week there were 169 deaths--the largest number of them were from lung diseases caused by the grip. Charges of the practise of horrible brutal ity have been preferred with specific details against Warden Cassidy and the keepers of the Eastern Penitentiary at Philadelphia. During a thunderstorm at Trenton, Mo., on Thursday, William Huffman and William Ferguson wcre struck by lightning. Huff man was killed and Ferguson fatally injur ed. Policeman William Smith of New York lias been convicted of manslaughter. Last New Year's eve his wife called nim out of a saloon and he struck her with his baton, killing her. Six postal clerks and two engineers were killed in a collision between a fast mail and a passenger train on the Lake Shore road near Cleveland. Dennis Sheehan, a Democratic election judge of Chicago, was indicated on Saturday for breaking open one of the ballot boxes at the recent election. Mr. Stanley, on his departure from New York for England, took with him #110,000, as compensation for the hundred lectures delivered by him under the direction of Major Pond. The tables were turned in Daverport, la., on Friday, when Mrs. Nesbitt resented a rude reflection on her conduct made by her hustund, whom she shot in the head, in flicting a wound that will probably prove fatal. The treasury department at Washington is of opinion that British immigrants are evading Uncle Sam's law by landing at Hali fax and crossing from Canada ley the rail ways, and efforts are being made to secure evidence in the matter. The steam yacht Alva, belonging to Wil liam K. Vandeihilt, which has just arrived at New York quarantine, after a cruise, was detained there on account of smallpox on hoard. Hugh Halpin, an oiler, is suffering from the disease. The new mayor of Toledo lias inaugurated a war against gamblers, and KM) of the fraternity were jailed on Wednesday night as a beginning. The sales by the United States whiskey trust last year aggregated 44.748,171 gallons, an increase of 4,050,000 gallons over the pre vious year, and nearly 9,00),000 over ISS9. Owing to despondency caused by la grippe, Major Benjamin F. Talbot, a pro minent Philadelphia man, shot himself in Boston, where lie was visiting Thursday. He was 07 years of age. The people of Rolla and $t. John, N. IX, are terrorized by a band of Indians, most of whom are said to lie British subjects, though drawing their rations from the United States. The German Emperor has ordered that a list of officers who took part in the military races Sunday lie presented to him. He is very indignant over the matter. The Italian Minister of Agriculture pro poses to divert the stream of emigrants flow ing to the United States from Italy to the Roman Campagna and Sardinia. The commercial outlook in Buenos Ayres is not encouraging. The army and navy arc at loggerheads, and uneasiness prevails every where. A Lisbon despatch says it is stated that the delimitation dispute, Portugal and the Congo free state, will be submitted to the pope for arbitration. Premier Mercier is to have an audience with the Pope on next Tuesday. It is stated that all the Jews residing in St. Petersburg have been ordered to leave that city by Maÿ*3. There are serious riots in different parts of Italy arising from the opposition of the peasants to the poll tax. , B. & A. Homarj". Parsee bankers and merchants, of Boiuliiy, India, have failed, with liabilities of m arly half a million pounds. The failure is due *o wild specula tion in exchange. . The Europ. »u Anarchists are busy mak ing preparations for their May-day meetings, and are distributing fiery circulars in Paris, Vienna, and Madrid. All outdoor demon strations will he prohibited. Prince Bismarck thinks it would be a mis take for German manufacturers to refuse to exhibit at the World's Fair in Chicago tie- cause of their dislike to the McKinley tariff. Religious disorders have been stirred up at Benares, India, by the local authorities commencing to demolish the temple in order to furnish a site for a now waterworks plant. Several thousand of the poorest Jewish families will emigrate from Western Russia ' * BICYCLES--New boys, for a first-class wheel cheap. The undersigned kee|* in stock wheels of all kinds and is pre pared to sell them cheaper than you can buy them direct from thu factory and give better terms. Now is the time to strike a snap. 11. W. Ireland Colborne. (10ft, Money to Loa 4. THE CANADA PEUMANFi* . LOAN and Saving Company. P e cheapest and best. G. O. FOWLER, Appraiser Colborne D. CAL(L|ANAN KEEPS IN STOCK WINES AND LIQUORS Of the very best makers also ohoicviat brands of ALE AND PORTER^ CALLANAN BLOCK COLBORNE of most of them being the Argentine Rc I public. In the • leestcniundc election Prince Bis marvk polled 7,557 and Kchmatield, Socialist, 3,928 vo*cs. A second ballot will lie neces sary. The non-election of Prince Bismarck is attributed to his own policy, as he neither solicited votes nor issued an a people. The Get man Reichstag has rejected the first part of the Socialistic hill, which pru- I-vides that the maximum work-day be imme diately fixed at ten hours, and that the maxi- i mum lie reduced to nine hours in 1894, and to eight hours in 18!IS. it appears the German Government exer cised strong influence to prevent the election of Prince Bismarck for Geestemimdc, but, alarmed by the strength of the Socialistic vote, an effort will be made to return the ex- _ , , , ! Chancellor by an overwhelming majority on George and Fred Dunawap were hanged at thc secoml ballot. Tahlequah, I. T., on Friday, for the murder of Wash Lee, a Cherokee, in September, 1890. The steamship Fulda, which arrived at New York Friday from Braden, had a case of smallpox on board. he saloon and second cabin passengers v ere landed the steerage passengers being jl< tabled. W-ut H. IVES. - Builder k Contractor, Manufacturer and Dealer IN Sash, Doors, Blinde, Frames, Brackets, Turned and Scroll Work, Hand rails, Newells, Balusters, Fencings, etc. , „ .... i Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Wood, Plaster and Russian Poland in May, the destination | pari port|and and Napanee Cements, nt ITWtfil fit 1 bam lioinir flxi A voont ■ no Ho. _ . _____ .. . ... 1 _____ - Lime,* Fire Bricks, Plasterers' Hair, anti everything in connection with the build ing trade. Agent for the Byam Common Sense Sash Balance, and other window and curtain fixtures, address to the 1 Builders' Emporium Colborne, Ont. tirver Parrot*. Charlie has a great fondness for thc paste ' of which pie crust is made, and, this being known, he was often treated to a piece. He naturally looked for this, and, when forgotten, he would invite himself to some, Three hundred coal heavf '.n at the Cleve- ; *n l^e *orm °{ wliich had often doubt- land docks have struck foTUT WTetie ot l1668 .bX He would wagC8 If Ray : " Charlie, do you like paste ? \\ ill m, i , , 4. . 1. x- i u you have a bit?" This would be said inThe number of deaths m Hew \ ork Mon- voice of hia miatreaa or her daughter. day was 130, of which 1-3 were from la He would then add, in quite a changed tone, 6r'PPe- <• Oh, rather !" Thieves went through the Plateau hotel j a,„ inclined to fancy that parrots lcarn at or l'riday night, end perhaps understand phrases relating to securing $8,000 m money and diamonds. eatin£ a„d drinking almost sooner than any Argument in the case of the scaling ; others One of my feathered acquaintances schooner Say ward before thc Supreme Court was in the habit of inviting visitors to take at \\ ashington has lieen postponed till nex- refreshment. " Won't you have a cup of Monday because of the illness of Attorney tea? Do have a cup of tea," she would General Miller say ; and sometimes it was really awk- Jay Gould denies that he is trying to dis- ward, as almost compelling the mistress to rupt the Western Traffic Association. H. extend her hospitality to visitors for when says also that the Vanderbilts can never get control of the Chicago and North-western, and that it would not surprise him if they built branches from the Cana ban Pacific. Manitoba Excursions ! M.H. PETERSON Is prepared to supply Tickets and all in formation in reference to the C. P. R. weekly excursions to all points in the North West and British Columbia Ry Tick its suppliai ny point Life Insurance taken in all the best companies Office ol Oft W Telegraph -----"VJNDSltFUL----- Great Clearing Sale. The subscriber now and until the 1st of Jan. uaryloffers for sale his entire stoak of j SUPERIOR STOWS at prices which distance all competition, as they must he cleared out by that date to make room lor Other foods. 1 am also still prepared to fur nish all kinds of AGRICULTURAL! IMPLEMENTS at;the lowest pricesjpossible. Flour and Feed for Sale as Usual. All kinds of farm produce taken in [exchange for goods. O-A-ILIL. A.TSTD SEE. C. E. DREWRY. Colborne, Nov. 17th, 1890. Mrs. Mary E. Gough, aged 71, widow of the late John B. Gough, died at Hillsdale farm, Boyleston, Mass., on Monday of para- lhat parrot aid not know that this'was the | proper thing to say, and that this was the Thefirst contingent of thc Roman Catholic proper time for saying it, I am no judge of order of the Little Sisters of the Assumption, parrots. to the number of six, arrived in New \ ork j This bird had lieen taught to count up to on Sunday frmu France. 1 • ■ such an invitation had not previously been intended. This bird was also fond of say ing " Good-bye !" and never said it at the wrong time. When the visitor was aliout j to depart,, he or she would be startled by a ] voice from a personage hitherto unseen | / / / /~1 / / A H /I if A A / saying, " « ell, good-bye ! rood-bye !" If j ^ yk| ly] # Carriage Maker OF COLBORNE, begs to return thanks to his many friends . , , , , _ , . . in Colborne and vicinity for the liberal u. . . . ; six, but she could rarely say the numbers all ; litge hti haa received. I keep on Six hundred of the 950 laborers engaged in order. She often nvssed one--not the, jrUKj a ciAS8 ai '* -same figure, however ; three, four, nr five '"'"o " "loy cm.o «usortmtiit of Lit ios of were, but only one at » time, her usual ; " kmda- £1»tfor™ Carnages and Lumber omissions. She was always conscious that ] ^ agons. Ordered » oik executed quickly, she had made a mistake, and on "skipping" 1 All work guaranteed. in grading Jackson park, Chicago, for the World's Fair, have struck for an increase in wages from $1.50 to $1.75 per day. And old lady and a young man boarded .•__ _ ..., . .... , - r ■,, ... i .. {„ • • . ,,r , 6 ., , ... a tigure would give a shrill comical whistlethe \\ abash ferry at \\ indsor Sunday night.' P, . P ,, , ■ . ,.... . „ _ _ 3 ,,7 and begin again. Some kind of thoughti*'-'1 caUtlon must have passed through mu ; iii . ;P her mind during this performance,man. 1 he pair were locked up at Trum- " r bull avenue station, and gave the names of ~ Lee Jui and William Wright. Wright is War Talk. Rcpaiiing of all kinds done on short notice, including painting and trimming. J. H. CHAPMAN SEND 5Sc 1 mply s clKoodfa charged with smuggling Chinamen. The British steamer Hryartli, from Rio Janeiro, is detained in quarantine at New York bee<use her chief engineer died at sea it is difficult to say. The chief significance Apprehension has suddenly sprung up in various European capitals. Whence these annual or semi annual war panics originate :hie' ' of yellow fever. The unpaid employes of the Kentucky Union railway have wrecked 25 miles of the road,and caused damages amounting to#50,- 000. Signor Cote, the Italian consul at New Orleans, insists that all but two of the of their constant recurrence lies in the fact that they indicate that, in spite of all that has lieen said, the peace of Europe is on a very insecure foundation. Not long ago the storm-center was in Paris, where the entirely friendly visit of the ex-Empress Frederick suddenly brought to light the lepth and intensity of the smoldering ani, | . . ... . . . . **111» Iiua.ii.ui_y vs» via*» oiuvmivt lllk mil Italians who were killed in the parish prison j mosity between the French and (ïermana. Now it comes, as it has so often come lie- fore, from the Balkan regions. Two weeks ago an attempt was made to assassinate the Bulgarian Premier, M. Htambouloff, hut in the dark the assassins made the blunder of killing his colleague, M. Baltcheff, the Minister of Finance. It was instantly sus- jiected that a Russian intrigue lay behind this incident, and that the assassination waa part of a plan to secure Russian control of He' *' - .................. on March 14 were Italian subjects. Vesselmcn at Racine, Wis., are having a hard time in securing help owing to thc stevedores having formed a union and de manding a one-third increase over last year's wages. Seven car-loads of Pinkerton's detectives passed through Pittsburg, l'a., yesterday morning on their way to the Connellsville coke regions, where serious riots are ex pected. Bulgaria. M. Str.mboulot! is the principal At Liberty, Mass, on Sunday night a mob obstacle in the WIW of that control. Russia, of 75 white citizens took a negro named "'oaiiwhile, is moving large masses of troops Charles Curtis from the jail, hanged him to a true and riddled his luxly with bullets, fo attempting to assault a white girl. in general. King Humbert has sent #100 to each child left an orphan liy the steamer LTtopia disaster. to thc southward and westward, and is con centrating a considerable force on the Gali cian frontier. Last week the Emperor of Austria made a very pacific speech, and there is no doubt that the Emperor of Ger many firmly believes that he can preserve the peace of Europe : bnt Russia is, after all, the source of danger, and no one can . predict Russian action. It is believed in many quarters that Russia is steadily mak- ■ ing preparations for war, and that those not later than The strike at Essen, Germany, effects 15 collieries employing *2,(XX) men. A bill is to be presented by the Govern- preparations will lie complete ment in the New South Wales Legislature, ti10 end cf this year, providing for the enfranohi>ement of women. - The Empress of Russia i*seriously ill, and I '1 lie bow-legged man is ha tlicsjp'd thc Queen of Greece has I>4,-11 summoned to life's journey St. Petersburg, ■ it is difficult tor him 'o walk 1 m the way he should go. as a .10:1. , I:;oiKl fallhj to us, and we will . i . Uy express U.O.D.. this elegant watch which you can exi.uirie.ana if you ilo not find it all and even more than wo claim for It D3 NOT TAKE IT, but if perfectly sat isfactory, pay the Express Agent OU* SPECIAL CUT PRICC OF $5 36 and taka thc watch. .Sueli a chaîn e to secure a reliatilo timepiece, ot such a ridicu lously low price is seldom, if ever be fore, offered. This is a genuine COLD FILLED WATCH,made of •_* plates of gfluo CllO over composi tion metal. It has solid bow, cap ant. crown, huntiutc case.beout ifullr en- vod and is dust- proof The wort* nrc Waltham style* richly jewelled, with expansion balance, is regulated, am! we w arrant it an accurate time keeper. It is suitable for either a Indy or gentleman. A guarantee is sent with each wat.-l. Address CEO. W. WYATT <fc CO., Watchmakers, Peterborough, Out. send us sT.66ss5mk5we will send you uoctnaid this eleurant fcUMtAOO OlAMONt 80l!B COLD FILLED HINt These rings nro no** worn by Indies and gentlemen in the best society, anil have the s .me appearance a* a riv.-.-ensiing SttijXL We g>.e ran' v a perfect fit >at;.faction. Addv.'SS 6ia. VV. Wyatt & Ce. Jewellers Peterborough, Ont 1