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Northumberland Enterprise (18910430), 20 Dec 1900, p. 2

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< L «,*• • ■ : ' ■1 r-». ■ ■: ' ■«. ::l ■ ^ - .• « '*r . _> 5=:\.T; THE LEMON AMD HANDKERCHIEF TRICK. This was one of Herrmann's favorite tricks, and it affords a very good exam­ ple of his style of working: The per­ former comes forward requesting the loan of a lady's handkerchief. While it is being procured he produces fi6m the hair or whiskers of one of the spec­ tators a lemon which he carelessly thrusts under somebodys nose in order to prove its genuineness. (This lemon which, of course, was palmed, is a pre­ pared one from which the pulp has been scooped out, and which contains a substitute handkerchief, so cannot be handed for examination.) Turning for an instant towards the stage, he tosses the lemon on to his assistant, who catches it, and places it on the table The momentary turn from the audience enables him to get from under hie waistband, and to palm, a little bundle of pieces of cambric, each about four inches square. Taking the borrowed handkerchief he rolfs it into a ball be­ tween his hands, and hands it (appar­ ently) to some one to hold, in reality substituting the torn pieces of cam­ bric. He then turns, and takes a few paces towards his table, meanwhile tucking the handkerchief under Bis waistcoat, and taking therefrom in place cf it a etrip of cambric, about tour or more feet lon\ and four inches wide rolled up into a small compass. This he palms. Suddenly turning baSk he exclaims. My dear sir, what are you doing with that handkerchief? I nev­ er told you to do that! The innocent holder looks up in astonishment, but the performer continues: Will you have the kindness to open the handker­ chief? He does so and finds it all in pieces. After a little chaff about mak ing him pay for the damage, the per former siys^ Well I suppose I mus show vduhow to restore it. Here h< again /takes the pieces qlnd folds then: together, saying, See you must take them as I do, and rub them very gent ly with the left hand. Substituting the prepared slip he hands it to him; but, when he begins to cut exclaim^ again, Dear me, what are you doing now. F told yOu the left hand, you are making matters worse than eve: The handkerchief is now found to be a loud strip. The performer endeavor to induce the owner to accept it in tn shape, which he answers her is th newest style, but she naturally object: and begs that it may he restored It Its original condition. For that pui pose, the performer rolling the slip in to a ball, places it in his magic prtitul and rams it down with his wand. A,- pearing to reflect for a moment, h says, Where shall I fire it? Ah! sup pose I aim at that lemon on the table . Bang! goes the pistol, and the pe former, taking a knife cuts the lean all around (flinging the rind careless on the stage), and produces the subsu tute handkerchief (professedly the u Iginal). He comes forward to the a dience with it, and after thanking i owner, makes a gesture of returning but as if struck by a sudden thought checks himself and says, I'm afraid i smells rather strong of lemon. Wi. you allow me to scent it for you? have some capital cologne here. G: ing back to his table, he places <ti.* handkerchief on a plate, and pours u it, turning as he does so to the owner ami saying, Please tell me when yo: think there Is enough. While his bat i, is turned, the attendant, who has beet standing by holding a lighted candi*, with a mischievous wink at the con: pany, tilts the candle and sets th* handkerchief on lire. The perform*, apologizes for his assistant's stupidity but appeals to the company to bear wit ness that it was no fault of his, and bringing forward the plate, with tb* handkerchief still blazing, offers it U the owner. She, of course, declines L take it, and the performer, remarking You don't like it in this condition well, then, suppose I put it in pape. for you, places the plate on the floo- telllng the assistant to put it on tb table, and runs off to get the paper The attendant tries to lift the plate but finds that it burns his fingers However, after several attempts, get ting the plate a little nearer at each, be manages to place It on the table. ThL tittle by-play an!)uses the audience, and •gives the performer the few moments prhtch he requires for his preparations behind the scenes. Coming forward (with a sheet of clean white paper, he wraps therein the still blazing hand kerchief, crushing it together so as to extinguish the flames. He offers the packet so made to the lady, who, ht llevtng that it contains nothing bu. ashes, declines to receive it. When lb* professor, tearing the paper a pa: : pulls out the handkerchief perfect!, restoicd, while the burnt fragments have vanished. The effect last roci tioned is produced by the use of a don ble paper, pasted together round lhre< of its sides, and thus forming a kind of bag in the centre. In this bag the. pc. former, during his momentary at> sence from the stage, places the genu­ ine handkerchief, folded so as to oc­ cupy as little space as possible. The handkerchief, therefore, lies between the two thicknesses of the paper, and when the rolled up packet la torn open from outille, may be removed without disturbing the burnt fragmenta, which •till remain Inside the paper. Where It Is necessary, as for the pur­ pose of this trick, to Introduce come article into a lemon, the necessary preparation should be made as fol­ lows: A lemon with a thick hard rind should be selected, and a plug­ shaped piece abqut an inch and a half In diameter should be scooped with a sharp knife out of one end. The pulp i may now be removed leaving the rind a mere shell. While the piece original­ ly cut Out will form a stopper, which j may be secured In place by thrusting ! a hairpin or a piece of wire through i the fruit and plug from uide to side, and ripping off the ends flush with the outer surface. When the performer ex­ hibits the lemon, he takes care to have the c«t end towards his palm. THE ANIMATED CIGAR. Among the least know n hat tricks is a good one known as the "animated" I or "dancing" cigar, wherein an ordi­ nary cigar is made to stand upright, ! balance itself, bow to the light and left, and so forth, on the crown of a I borrowed hat. You begin by saying "I am about to ! show you a curious experiment, in anl- ! mal magnetism, for the purpose of j which I must asR some gentleman to ; oblige .,9e with the loan of a hat. Thank you. Kc-w will some one else c ii:ge me with a cigar? 1 am not go­ ing to smoke* it, I am merely going to 1 make it stand on end. and balance its­ elf on the crown of this hat. Will you assure the company, sir, that this Is a common cigar! I don't mean a very common cigar, you know, but an. ordinary every day cigar, without any mechanism or preparation about it. You are all satisfied that it to so? Now then to make It stand on end." Df course in a natural way, it would be quite impossible to make a cigar do anything of the sort, but with the aid of a little animal magnetism, it is easy enough. I'll show you how it to clone 0 First I describe a magic circle on the crown of the hat, the nearer the cen­ tre the better. Then I breathe gently on the crown, and also on the cigar, sc as to establish a mesmeric relation be tween them, and then I place the cigar erect within the magic circle." (This if done but the cigar falls) "The influ­ ence la hardly strong enough yet, but it will soon develop itself. That is bet ter, the cigar stands erect, you see self-balanced, and' you will find that It Is now under complete control. Come! cigar, bow to the ladies." (The cigar Inclines gravely tcv the front.) "Now to the ladies on the right. Now to the ladies on the left." (The cigai bends each time in the direction Indi cated.) "If the conditions are favor able and the influence is strong en ou g: perhaps the cigar mi ;ht be induced V favor us with a little dance. "Do you think you could manage i cigar? (Cigar bends thrice) "You see it bow: three times, which according *0 th* approved spiritualistic code means ye Will the pianist oblige with a litt! music? " The performer grasping th- hat by the brim, moves it round an* round in horizontal circles, keepin time to the music, the cigar swayii with the motion. "You see the cigar keeps time in th most obliging way, but I feel that th- power is beginning to fail. Will th* owner of the cigar take it from the ha himself, and see that it really is hi own, and not a mechanical Imitation ' You will find it smokes all the bette sir, for having gone through this littl- experience." The secret lies in th- ise of a very simple piece of apparatus; SCIENCE NOTES. The sewers of Parle are row being searched for treasures, owing tv the re­ cent discovery by workmen of a handle containing 1120,000 In securities. "The latest American idea for the sheathing of vessels to prevent foul­ ing and corrosion Is to sheath them with glass plates, which Is said to be entirely feasible." The above item is from The Engineer, of London. While this may be true, we have heard noth­ ing about it, and it sounds suspiciously like paper bicycles a.ftd other things of like order, which seem to exist only In the minds of newspaper reporters. The British Eastern Aus'ralasian and China Telegraph company filed a claim with the State Department of the Buffed States for 236.000 damages for riittir,«r Its cable by Admiral Dewey at Manila last May. The United States Attornev-Genera! has now rendered a decision finding that, according to in­ ternational law. there was no ground for a claim for Indemnity where a military commander cuts a cable with­ in the territorial waters of an enemy. Petit Hleu. of Brussels, recently had a curious experience in which it was shown that no one Is iudlspenslble In this world. The eomnositors having struck, the tfext accompanying the 11- lush»t!ons was written out on the typewriter; then the typewrit­ ten sheets and the copy for the pictures were pasted on large sheets of cardboard and the whole was reduced by photography to the requir­ ed size. From this negative a photo­ engraving was made from which the paper was printed. The authorities of the Southern Met­ ropolitan Gas company, an English corporation, have added workingmen directors to the t>oard of the company. The report stated tnat the profit shar­ ing system, which was Introduced In 1889. continues to Justify Its existence, as it Induces a generally intelligent in­ terest In the welfare of the company on the part of its officers and men. Two of the workmen were elected by the workmen shareholders to sit on the board, and the result so far has proved very satisfactory. According to The Medical Sentinel. It has been ascertained by careful ob­ servation that certain families in a village of St. Ourn, France, enjoy ab solute immunity from tuberculosis They are gardeners of excellent habits who intermarry among themselves anc keep apart from the immigrant labor era. The latter suffer severely fron the disease. II is considered probabl* that hygienic conditions are not the sole cause of the difference, hut tha' by a kind of natural selection a race Immune from tuberculosis has been de veloped. Caisson disease, or compressed ai: disease, Is a malady which is ofter contracted by those who are engager' In engineering work in positions wherr they are subjected to great air pres sure. Dr. Thomas Oliver has observed several cases of this kind, and he has arrived at. the conclusion that the symptoms are best explained by thr theory that the malady Is due to in­ creased solution by the blood of the gases met with it in compressed air and the liberation of these gases dur­ ing decompression. The increased so lution of the gases is due, of course. t*~ the greater pressure upon the perso:-, of the caisson worker. The old "Physic Garden," at Chelsea which was leased to the "Apotheeari»?' Company" In 1673, and presented tc them by Sir Hans Sloane in 1722, Is tr be placed under a Committee of So defies and the garden is to be main talned for promoting the study of bo* any with special regard to the require mente of general education, eclentlfi* Instruction, and research in systemat' botany, vegetable physiology, and in struction in pharmacy, as concerns thr culture of medicinal plants. New of fires, lecture rooms, and laboratories nre to be provided. The old "Physic Garden" was one of the oldest, if no' the oldest, botanical garden in the world, and Is of considerable histoileal importance. NOTES OF NOTABLES. * *C I rod of hard wood Ms Inches long an** Ove-elxtcenths of an Inch thick, with a little cup or thimble at one end and a strong sharp needle an inch and a quarter In length projecting from the other, (See Fig. 4.) This 1s placed needle downwards, In the left slleve 01 the performer, and after the hat I- borrowed la allowed to slip down I, to It During the performers first pre tended endeavor to balance the ciga on the crown of the hat, he applies th* needle (with the left hand, which hold, the hat) to the centre of the crown In side, and presses the needle through 1' This, however, la done very gradual!- eo that only the extreme point sh:i pass through In the first Instance. As soon as he sees the point etner;*- from the surface he covers It with ti: lower end of the cigaf, and thrusts home within the body of the cigar. Tb hat may now be transferred from hai to hand, or tilted in any direction, but the cigar will still remain upright, Ik weight being counterbalanced by tha* of the wooden rod within. (Fig. 6.) I* the hat be moved round an-*, round In circles, the rod sways from side to side an<W»on..ciunl< atae a corresponding movement to the clgju*. By Inserting the middle finger of the hand which holds the hat Into the thimble at th» lower end of the rod, the cigar may be made to Incline In any given direction I and so to bow vo the company and so ! forth. When the owner of the cigar P'** forth hie hand to take It back, the performer at the seme moment with II hwb she needle from below, and leti the litt'e rod again drop Into h!s sleeve wken both cHrar and hat will of course eland any amount of examination. WRECKED BY ELECTRICITY. ■ow an Antiquated fridge Was Got Bid e Easily and In a Hurry. When the old woedeu bridge iïtci tha Wabash River at Clinton, lnd., Is* with a crash last week a new use wa; demonstrated for e.ectrlcity. A nove expe. iment had been tried and provet remarkably successful. It w*s wreck ing a bridge by electric current The old bridge at C. I ft ton was bull in 1853, and v.-a* a fr me tt-u tine sup ported on atone piers, it wns.sted o. thi'ee spats, with, a l tar ie.g.b °* 735 feet. Originally the bridge Peking ed to a stock company, and enjoyec the distinction of being the only tol. bridge In the State of Indiana. Bui lately it had passed into the control ol one man, and became rather uncat« flh- uee. -When with the progress of time tht ok! bridgé became antiquated it was decided to replace '.t with one of mort tr, dern design nni of durable covet 'ic tio*.. The county authorities purchased the appioaches, pie'- and abutments and entered into contra*.* for a new stce! superstrtift'"» to be erected on the . : pi r- an--' bu.»: n s y '*•' f ample st.aagtb and In • ..on. 7 he ow .of the old bridge agreed to eaiove the fi -me structure w ithin trirty days. He found, however, that this was no easy Ii« -traveled about, consulted bridge anfl hmi*=e wreckers, wrote letters, and sent telegrams, but all to no purpose. Nc company or Individual wan f und that would agree to take down be timbers leading the masonry intact, in the time avail- ble. The thirty days passed, anc the old bridge still stood. The owner succeeded in getting an exte sion of a week, but he was at hi? wit's end. The structure could be blown up with dynamite, but th° ex­ plosion would destroy the piers also It could be set on fire, but that would cTacl; or Injure the nvsnnry. Sé other plans were sugges ed, but thr only sure way seemed to be the erec­ tion of false work, and that method was o"t of the question, '-wine to th* shortness of time allotted for the work At this juncture, H. N. Mills, an elec trichn living in Clinton, sugge vd the use of electricity. He agreed to wreck the wooden bridge structure without injuring the piers. Although the un­ dertaking was a nove' one, Mr. Mills was confident that his method mus prove successful, and he was right His offer was gladly accepted. (Each span of the bridge was com­ posed of nine chords, each consisting of three timbers. Therefore if those twenty-seven ellls were cut simultane­ ously the span would drop between the pfers to the river beneath. This was what was actually done, the cutting being accomplished by bu-nlng through é\a wood by loops of iron resistance ^STre made red-hot by the passage of an electric current and weighted dowr by sash weights. The timbers were 01 yellow poplar and nine Inches square feach one was burned simultaneously fn two places. Thus the mass *f uni here dropped inside the piers without Injuring them. It took one hous and forty minutes to wreck each span. Examination after <he fall of the bridge showed that all the sills were burned by the wire loops in exact the same * manner--five inches d*. e; from the top and three inches dr>p the sides. When this death was e -ob ed the weight of the span frac it. e the remaining wood. The cut mad by the hot wire was quite sharp and e'ean, and the wood was not ebarre more than an inch from the place f fracture. The plan was successful In every j particular, and Mr. Mills was the re cipient of many congratulations. The current was first turned on about 5 o'clock in tbe morning on the day nf the wrecking, and at 2 o'clock in the afternoon the last span crashed to th river bed and a great shout of admira-* lion went up from the throats of about 2,000 spectators who witnessed th*> feat. This is the latest and most nov el of the many uses of electricity. DOES PAINT INJURE TREES! Robert W. Fnrtiee of Neareeke Writes • Ml» EzpsrleHoe. It has bflen taught that an applica­ tion of oil paint to the bark on the trunk of a fruit tree will Injure the trees and finally cause Its death. Until recently we have never seen this questioned. Robert W. Furnas, ef Ne­ braska, an enthusiastic fruit grower of reliance, writes to the CoUntry Gentleman as follows: Some twelve or fourteen years since rabbits gnawed apple trees in my rur- eerV rows badly. To induce rapid and eoimd healing, I had painted with common lead and oil paint all the trees where injured. The .result waa to my perfect satisfaction. The wounds were not only painted over, but to prevent further rabbit depre­ dations the bodies of trees were paint­ ed from the ground (wo feet up. Two years afterward my son called atten­ tion to the superiority of the trees painted over those standing side by side not painted. They were more vigorous and showed a belter growth. Since then 1 have painted all my young orchard trees, for two purposes --to prevent rabbit injury, and o stimulate the tree. Rabbits will ..ot touch a painted tree, and I am con­ vinced that trees are stimulated In growth and health. Do not under­ stand that I paint the tree body with a heavy coat of paint as I would wood- wrrk--only a slight coating, *_no lgh barely to cover the bark. For many years when pruning trees, fruit,, lawn or street, 1 have painted heavily and thoroughly over the ■wounds of all limbs, large or small, with ordinary cheap lend nd oil paint. I have found nothing to produce such rapid and satisfactory healing where cut. I can show where oak limbs four Inches in diameter, thus treated, have healed over entirely in eignt years. I formerly used, to paint tree wounds, gum shellac dissolved in al­ cohol. That is *00 expe sive, and do*c- not serve the purpose cr! it cracks and falls off, leaving w vn.1i bare. Do not fear to use oi pai..t -*>» trees. OUR NEIGHBORS IN MEXICO ■ei. Queer Wee» or Doleg Verloe» Kind* ef Work. It is strange that we know eo little of our neighbors, the Mexican*. (Years ago we were at war with these people. We are now occupying some of their territory. Their farms ad­ join ours, and yet we know as lit them as we do of the people end possibly less. The Mexicans are a peculiar___ and have queer ways of doing var.oue kinds of work and attending **» b"Sir nese. 1 Mexican Poultry Carrier. Our first Illustration represents the Mexican poultry carrier on his way about the streets of the city selling spring chickens. Our second illustration g ves an ice» of the peculiar plow used in Mexico. Rude as this plow appears it Is a hun­ dred-fold better than the plow used in Palestine, or In the Philippine island». y Is-(FloThe remarkable story is- f- told of James E. Fennessy, a ClnciUi at e- atrlcal manager, who has a p., r/ farm at Culbertson, Ky., that he o,. a a hen that lays two eggs in one every time--one egg inside of the other. The outside egg Is as large as a turkey or a goose egg, ana the inner one Is of the usual chicken egg* size. Both have »seoeee<fteee»cess.j-e-»s*«efr»»8 Mexican Plowing. The improved plow Is more In evi­ dence In the United States than lu any other portion of the world. Even in many parts of Europe rude plows are Still in use. hard shells and both are perfect as re- Colonel Edmond Bainbridge, the Superintendent of the Royal Labora­ tory at Woolwich, who has been made head of t.he ordnance factories, entered the Royal Artillery In 1860, and has been associated with Woolwich In var­ ious capacities for many years. M. Ernest Legonve has completed his ninety-second year. He is the sen­ ior member of the French Academy, both by election and by age. Crowned for the first time in 1829. tie was elect ed In 1854, and only a few days ago received the "Prix Jean Reynaud." The request made to Mr. Ruskln thaï Mr. Holman Hunt should paint hit- portrait has received a negative. His present state of health, say those who know him best, would not permit hltn to face the fatigue of sitting to so laborious and conscientious a painter as Mr. Holman Hunt. Lady Georgians Grey, daughter of Earl Grey, tbs famous English states­ man, has Just celebrated the ninety- eighth anniversary of her birth. Lady Georgiana Is the oldest resident of Hampton Court Palace, where for some years she has occupied a suite of apartments. Considering her age she enjoys remarkable health, and takes drives almost daily. Fraulein Elsa Neumann was "pro­ moted" to her degree of Doctor of Phil­ osophy In Berlin University the other d 'y, the first women to be so honored. She obtained It In the studies of chemistry end mathematics, which she had pursued ed Gottingen and fin­ ished at Berlin. The hal.* 1 II where the ceremony took place wee irowded to suffocation, and the young Woman received great applause from the gen­ eral public and the students present. gards yolk and white. The hen iis 1 been laying these fresh eggs for ix ; weeks, at the rate of three a week. Mr. Fennessy will place a number of them In an Incubator and expects that twin chicks will be hatched out of each egg. The hen is a prize-winning fowl, is true to blood and points, and In every way seemingly ae healthy as any other hen. Cecil Rhode*'* Idea. In connection with the foundation of Cecil Rhodes's colossal wealth, there is a etory told by an old fellow miner, himself lately a Colonial Minister of Finance, which illustrates at least one trait In the character of the. great South African financier and pufltician. During the early days of 1* Kim­ berly diggings it was the custom when a miner found a particularly fine gem to invite thoe» about him to tbe cere mony of "wetting the stone," 1. e*.-- drinking champagne at the finder's cx- * pense, with the idea that It would bring good luck In the discovery of another treasury* In the adl 'lnlng claim to that first taken up by M*\ Rhodes. In the very centre of the crat­ er holding thr precious blue tlirt, tiff. Invitation had upon a certain occas­ ion gone forth, and the men were g Ing their way . to the hotel when i; was noticed that Rhodes stood aloof. "Hullo! Come on Rhodes!" shouted the lucky finder of the gem. "Aren't you coming up to 'wet the stone' for food luck?' To which, however, Cecff Rhodes only shook ble head. "I say, come on; there's a good fel­ low," persisted his neighbor. "What are you going to do?" asked Rhodes, looking up. "Wet the stone with champagne, of iouise." "Well," replied the futur magnate, decisively, "I did not come out here -0 drink champagne, but to make money," and then went on with his stork. That Mr. Rhodes has succeeded In hat purpose, probably beyond all lights of his Imagination, la now a natter of history. How Many Hen* In a Flock. Xhere has always been much discus­ sion in regard to the number of liens that may be kept in a flock and a ill have them do their beet. Of course much depends upon the limits of the range given them and the size of the buildings. Sometime ago 1 started out to observe the degree of success attained by my neighbor.-, who keep poultry and I almost invariably found that those matrone who sold the mast poultry and eggs and in every w y seemed to be the most successful were those who kept from 100 to 150 hen . A flock of this size would lay enough eggs and produce enough surplus Stock to make Its owner take a pnds and have a lively Interest in Its wel­ fare. Such a flock where well taken care of will bring in nearly or quite $10» per year and that is a sum for which most farm wives will do con­ siderable work to obtain. Of course this is not expected to apply to tno e yards that are run for the pro luc it n of fine stock, but as regards to the general farm flock where It 1, not yarded but allowed the tree range oi the farm. In keeping a flock of this site one c. n afford to spend some time each day to feed and water, as It takes no m >re time to feed 100 than to care for -0. But In most cases where parties, elatetj by success with this number, attempted to enter a larger field and built extensive houses and enia ged their flocks, disaster seemed to come, disease quickly made appearance and laying qualities decreased. R'.«rk-Knot. J B.ack-kno; is a fungous dWea**» af­ fecting th» plum, cherry and kinu.ed tree fruits. The damson among plums, and the morello class among cturrLe arc the most susceptible. Beginning with the growing season the knots develop rapidly. They should be cut off as soon as seen and burned at once. The badly lnfectpd branches should be cut off below point of I ectlon and burned, not left un- her the tree, noi piled In heaps and left In the orchard. Should sny remain after the lenv»» liave fallen ifiey should be cut off anl burned, anti badly affected bran lies also, not later than February 10, as the spores or seeds are then ripe Milk in Furrow i owe. The milk of sows that have, long passed the season of greatest produc­ tion, which is soon aftÿ faraov/ing. Is much richer In bur£t fate than that which the give soon after dropping the^Prelves.- If they have not been bred the mlUy Isa usual­ ly contains more of thel^Bùmenoide also. For this reason it ■harder to digest, and as cows' mllkM^at best unsuited to the stopiach of ^Rhung in­ fant, that from new miWr cows, where procurable, le always to be pre­ ferred. The milk of the cow is too rich In fats, causing the infant to throw It up, soon after taking a quan­ tity. It may be Improved by diluting It with warm water made quite sweet with pure sugar. Even farrow cows' milk thus reared may be used witn safety if the Infant Is obliged to eucfc it through a tube, through which it cap only get a small amount at a t m.\ The milk from farrow cows Is ex­ cellent for making Into ice cream, it is richer In cream fats than other milk, and Is nearly as good as ci am. Some people spay their cows whan they do not want the trouble of breed­ ing and raising calves. A spayed ccw that hae this operation performed when the flow of milk is greatest will maintain her milk flow two, three or even four years if thoroughly mi ne 1 so as to get all that she produce . if milk is left in her udder the cow w ll soon dry off and become loo fat tor further milking. After being spa ed; she is no good for breeding, and when fat enough to kill she must be tu n ,-d over to the butcher. A spayed young cow makes as good beef as a steer. There are few places in this country where it is an advantage to spay cows. All the best cows should be bred to bulls that are of good milk stock, while the poor cows are not worth keeping as milkers under any circum­ stances If others can be had. Wormy Apple». There is nothing new about wormy apples except the way to avoid hav­ ing them. There are several spa 1 s of grubs or worms which work In ap­ ples, but the one which does nearl/ all the damage is the core worm. Tha core worm Is the offspring of the cod. lln moth, and this Is the Insect which a man wants to fight in hie apple trees. The best general remedy for the core worm or codlln moth, according to information furnished by the Ver­ mont experiment elation, is Parle green. Some apple growers use Lon­ don purple, others use white arsenic, but they amount to the same thing. They all poison the core worms. Oth­ er Insecticides like hellebore, kercsene or sulphur are not effective in this case. In the hands of the average man "ar­ ia green Is the best medicine fo, ae codlln moth. The poison eh ou d ;o thoroughly mixed with wafer at the rate of a quarter of a pound to the barrel,--that is about one pound of Paris green to 160 to 200 gallons ut water. About a pound of lime ougiit to be added to each barrel cf water, which will prevent Scalding of he foliage. It should be applied a spray pump aad fine nozzle. In case bordeaux mixture ie 1 e;d on the tree the Parie green may be added directly to that solution at tue rate already recommended. In the average fashion periodica! the pictures of women In the latent mode have little that le human about them and lees that Is divine. What man of sense could love a woman w th a waist ae small as her neck, and her shape as uncouth as b*r shahowt lï l

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