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The Enterprise Of East Northumberland, 16 Jul 1908, p. 3

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f,ii IE* £*19 GREAT FIRE 15 EAST BOSTON S ' t j£5t>* I - -rf SEVEN KILLED IN COLLISION Two Passenger Trains Met Head-on Near Medicine Hat A despot* from Medicine Hat says: Seven kitted and many inftired is the terr.iblo result of a head-on collision be­ tween the Spokane flyer and the Crow a Nest passenger train, which occurred on Thursday morning at the crossing fit- Pruitt's brickyard, near liera.- The ■dead are:--Jas. Nicholson, engine;t; Howard Gray, fireman; Atchambalt, baggageman; Duncan McEathem, pas­ senger from Bow Island; James Shaw, pass -nger flora Bow Island, Seriously hurt--Bobert Twohey, engineer; Conduc­ tor Ma Hallo, Leonard Black, brakes­ man. The collision occurred when the trains went- going at a high rate of speed. The lcoel passenger pulled out of the yards at 8 o'clock and the conductor had or­ ders to meet the Spokane flyer at Cole­ ridge. The passenger was running into that town, when, without a moment's warning, the Spokane flyer appeared around an abrupt curve and in an In­ stant a cloud of steam toll the tale of the awful collision. The injured were hurried to the hospital, where Engin­ eer Twohey died a few hours later. Brakesman Black is hi a precarious condition and will probably die. The cause of the collision Is not definitely known. Passengers McEachem and Black, two well-known men, were sit­ ting ^together in the passenger coach when the trains came together. They were found dying la 1er and only lived a short time. Baggageman Archlmbalt was killed wlien the cans telescoped. Several passengers had miraculous es­ capes. THE DAIRY INDUSTRY. More of the Product Beftng Used at Home--Big Figures. A despatch from Ottawa say»: Mr. J. A. Ruddick, Dominion Dairy Commis­ sioner, gave evidence before the Commit­ tee on Agriculture on Wednesday re­ garding the progress made by the dairy­ ing industry of the Dominion. He ex­ plained that I he red uc! ton in exports of •dairy produce was attributable to the large'y increased home consumption, Mr. Ruddck gave figures furnished by the census department (o show I hat be­ tween 1900 and 1907 the value of cream- -ery bulter, cheese, milk and condensed milk produced in Canada grew from «29.200.000 to «35.450.000. The annual value to the country of all Canadian dairy products was about $94,000.000. Ten years ago there was no condensed milk produced in Canada; now there are several factories with an output valued ■*t nearly one million dollars. Big • >Y ---------- ------------- CHINESE DRAGON AWAKES. Oriental Merchants to Establish Steamship IAie. A San Francisco despatch says: Tak­ ing advantage of the boycott-declared by China against Japan, Ihe rep resen t- latives of a syndicate of Chinese capi­ talists are on board the liner Siberia ■on too way to San Francisco to make «reparations to -establish a $12.000,uOO steamship line between China and Frisco. The synd cate will not only «un liners between ports, but will establish & system of river routes and by using ♦email boats will drain all I hi shipping of I ho country into transpacific vessels. Sir Lang Chan Doon, the former Min­ ister to America, who was Knighted by •Queen Victoria, is the leading figure in •wakening the Chinese dragon. He or­ ganized the syndicate, which includes ♦orne of the highest officials of China. -J.:. HARVEST IN MANITOBA. Clhdncos Î6»to One In Favdr of a Very Heavy Yield. A despatch from Montreal says: At C.P.R. headquarlens the following sta-fe- luent regarding the western crop was given out by Mr. C. M. Bcsworth, on Wednesday:--"Advices from Winnipeg •re that the chances are ten to one in favor of an excepttonaly heavy yield; one of the old-time harvests in Ma ni to- M. June is the critical men'll, and Drecipitation in June was everything tnat could be desired. The long period of cloudy weather has had the result of giving exceptional root to ihe plant, end what is now wiched for in the west is hot. dry weather during the ncmain- •der of July and in the month of August." STABBED A JUDGE. Russian's Attempt to Assassinate Presi­ dent of Appeal Court. A despatch from St. Petersburg says: At. Dokracieninkoff, President of the Court of Appeal at St. Petersburg, who was passing through the Petrozavosdak, was lha victim of an attempted assas­ sination on Wednesday. Ho was sert; ously wounded by a knife stab tn the' chest. His assailant is a i evolutionary workman. Trial of the people accused of blow ng up Premier Stolypln's house in Aptekarakl tVtrof and robbing the State Bank of *10,000 roubles began on Wednesday. Among the forty-four pri­ soners were five young girls belonging to familiar and high hmctlonaries, the Princess Michelzka and Miles, Klimoff, Markoff, Souhinoff and Emillanoff. The trial is expected to last ten days. ** ---------- *---------- QUEBEC'S SURPLUS. Treasure*1 Weir's Estimate of a Million Dollars Largely Exceeded. A despatch from Montreal says: Some time ago Hon. W. A. Weir, Provincial Treasurer, pieJic'ed a surplus of $1,- COÛ.OOO for this year. The fiscal year ended June 30. After paying all ordin­ ary and extraordinary expenditures for the past year, including items that are sometimes (.barged to capital account, and after paying $50.000 of $100.000 vot­ ed for the Quebec Tercentenary, tiie whole of which could legitimately lia we been bekl over to the following yoar, and after settling up a number of back obligations, which have been kit In su­ spense from previous yeare, Uierc still remains a sum of several thousands in oxce a of the round million, wllh a me further collections yet to be made. A RING IN TIIE CHEESE. Woman Gels One Worth 81,000 for , Eleven Cents. A despatch from Bloomfield, N. J., says: Fritz Weber, a grocer at No. 25 Washington street, Bloomfield, sold ■eicven cents worth of cheese to a wo­ man customer. on Picsday. A few hours taler the] woman returned to the store and asked Mr. Weber if he had lost n diamond ring. He said '\No," for he had never owned one. Then the wo­ man produced a ring, set with three glistening stones, which she t Id Weber eh; found in the cheese he had sold lier. The woman was very happy and told the grocer her find would enable her is lake a needed vacation. The ring is worth $1.000. WHEAT CROP ABOUT AVERAGE. 'ReptflFt pt '(iomdit.loir by the Unite'* Efc'ates Agricultural Department. A despatch from Washington says: Sfffing wheat average condition 89.4 per cent, of normal, 87.2 a year ago, 87.6 ten years' average. Winter wheat at time «f harvest, 80.6 per cent, 78.3 a year ago, 80.2 for ton years. Corn 82.8 pci cent., 80.2 a year ago, 85.6 for ten y.ais, with corn acreage estimated at U0.996.000, an increase of 1.1 per cent, from last year. This was the Agricultur­ al Department's July report announced on Wednesday. Oats condition averag­ ed 85.7 per cent., 81 last year, ten year average 87.5. Amount of wheat remain­ ing on fames July 1 was 5.3 per cent, of last year's crop, equivalent to 33,797,000 buslieis. FHE WORLD'S MARKETS REPORTS FROM THE 9 LEADING TRAD» CENTRES. - i Prier.* of Cattle, Grain, l-ieew Other Dairy Produce at Be*» BREADSTUFF'S. 1 Toronto, July 14.--Ontario Wheat -- No. 8 white, red or mixed, 78c to 79c. Manitoba Wheata-Msrket quotations at Georgian Bay ports, No. 1 northern. $1.07%; No. 2 northern, $1.04%; No. 3 northern, $1.01%. Com--No. 2 yellow, higher at 81c to 82c outside. Oats-Ontario, No. 2 white, 42c to 4Sc, outside; No. 2, mixed, 42c; Manitoba N°- 2, 42c lake porta; rejects, 37c take ports. Barley--No. 8, 53c to 55c. Peas--No. 8 quiet, nominally quoted û»t 90o. Rye--No. 2, none ottering; quotations about 85c. Buckwheat -- No. 2 nominally quoted 65c to 68c. v „ Bran--Quoted at «13 to «16 In bul< outside; shorts, $20 to «21; quotation* for d livery in bags «2 more. Flour -- Manitoba patents, spoctal brands, «6; seconda, $5.40; -strong bak­ ers', $5.30; winter wheat pa'ents sell ng at «3.10. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Bulter--Creamery, prnts, 23c to 24e; creamery, solids, 22c to 23c; dairy prints, choice. 21c to 22c; dairy prints, ordin­ ary, 20c to 81c; dairy tubs, 19c to 20c; inferior, 16c to 17c. - . , Eggs--New-laid are quoted at 18c to $*20c per dozen in case tote. Cheese--Local wholesale dealers' quo­ tations are 13c for -large and 13%c for twins. Honey--New strained is 10c per pound. Beans--Primes, $2 to «2.10; handpick­ ed, $2.10 to $2.15. Potatoes--Old Ontarios are worth 81.- 10 to $1.20 per bag, and new Americans $4 in car tots on track here. PROVISONS. Pork-Short cut, $23 to $23.51 per bar­ rel; mess, $18.50 to $19. Lard--Tierces, 12c; tubs, 12%c; pails, 12%c. . . Smoked and Dry Salted Meats--Lon; clear bacon, lie to ll%c, tons and cas­ es, hams, medium and tight. 14%c to 15c; hams, large, 12%c to 13c; hacks, 17o to 17%c; shoulders, 10c to 10%c; rolls, 10c to 10%c; breakfast bacon, 15c to 15%c; green meats, out of pickle, lc ksj than smoked. MONTREAL MARKETS. Montreal, July 14.--Flour--Manitoba soring wheat patents, $6.10 to $6.20; sec­ ond patents, $5.50. to $3.70; winter wh at patents, $5 to «5.56; straight rol­ lers, $4Jib to «4.50; in bags, $1.95 to $2.10; extra, «1.50 to $1.70. Rolled Bat»--$2.75 in bags of 99 pounds. Oate-No. 2, 49c to 50c; No. 3. 46c <n 46%c;' No. 4, 45c to 45%c; rejected, 44c, Manitoba rejected, 46c to 46%c. ___ , Coipmeal--$1.75 to «1.55 per !»&*..•£ ,5S®S V Mllleod---Oiitarto bran/ in bags, 820.-' lfr< 50 to «21.50; shorts, «23 to $24; Manito­ ba bran, in bags, $22 to $23; shorts, $24 to $25. Provisions--Bills short cut moss pork, $23.50; half barrels, $11.50; clear fat backs, $23; dry salt long clear backs, lie. barrels plate beef, $17.50; half bane!# CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE GLOBE. Telegraphic Briefs From Our Own and Other Countries of Recent Events. CANADA. New streets in Three Rivers are to be 66 feet wide. Land on Yonge street, Toronto, sold for more than $5,000 per foot. H. Chambers was drowned at Port SandlioLd by his canoe upsetting. Ttv C. P. R. will establish Y. M. C. A. branches at divisional points. Twenty ne dr freight cava are being turned out daily for the G. T. P. The G. T. P will carry gram from Ed­ monton to Winnipeg this fall. The C. P. R. are beginning their cam­ paign for 25,000 harvesters for the West. U is said British capitalists aie nego­ tiating for the purchase of the Tilbury Oil fields. There is an enormous growth in the number of students at tiie University of Toronto. The Hudson's Bay Railway will be ■built without delay, says Hon. G. P. Graham. A four-roomed addition is to be built at Orillia Collegiate Institute as a cost cf $10,000. Port Arthur Board of Trade has pre­ sented a flag to the new C. P. R. lake liner Assinaboia. Chas. M. Hays will Increase the facili­ ties of the G. T. R. for handling milk in Mon (real. Wards 3 and 4 of London shew an increase of 1,181 population, and an in­ crease of $456,665 In assessment. Windsor keeps up its reputation as •the Gretna Green of Canada by 672 mar­ riages for the first half of the year. Inspector Dunoan, chief of the City Detective Department, Toronto, is to be one of the personal guards of the Prince <d Wahs at Quebec. Senator G. W. Ross wants the law to compel boys with tobacco to d:sc!oso where they .purchased it in order to prosecute the so", i- A Montreal merchant is suing the city for his lire loss, alleging that the bri­ gade was inefficient and did not take the proper stops in fighting Ihe fire. Tne Immigration Department is ac­ tively engaged in turning Lack undesir­ able immigrants from the United States who are driven to seek work in the Do­ minion. „ , Evidence given before the special commiitec- at Ottawa showed that half a million more would haVe completed the Quebec bridge had the disaster not taken place*. A militia order has been Issued per­ mitting civil servants to attend the military camps of instruction without any deduction of time from their regu­ lar holidays. Loss a Million and a Half, Mostly Upon Boston and Albany Railroad- A despatch from Boston, Mass., says: Fanned by a brisk north wind, a fire, believed to have been caused by spon­ taneous combustion or a locomotive spark, swept nearly a quarter of a mile of the harbor front of East Boston late on Wednesday, causing a property loss estimated at nearly «1,500.000. Much of the lore tails upon the BostanWc Al­ bany Railroad. Daniel SullivaHt a watchman at the Cunard Liner pier, is missing, and it is feared that he per­ ished in the flames. Wednesday's fire was the most de­ structive that has occurred along the harbor front In many yeans. The flames spread with remarkable rap'd tty, and by the time the first tiro-fighting ap­ paratus arrived the fire was beyond cmtnol and leaping from pier to pter. Within a half-hour after the first burst o! Homes was discovered tour pters, three warehouses, a gra n elevator con­ taining 30,000 bushels of grain and many loaded freight cars, had teen de­ stroyed. Several wesete and lighters narrowly escaped destruction. The big Ley land Line steamer Devonian was moored at one of the piers which was destroyed, but the craft was warped out into the stream without sustaining any damage. Less fori unale was lim barque Belmont of Yarmouth, N. 3. The Belmont was moored by the pier where the Are start­ ed, and by the time the vessel was moved to a place of safety her super structure and rigging hud been practi­ cally destroyed. The tire-masted ochoon- e»' Paul Palmer aid the four-masted schooner O. H. Brown were considerab­ ly damaged. The fire started at 4.15 p.m. In a war» house on pier No. 1. filled with combus­ tible material such as Egyptian oottoto and oil. A hundred laborers were at work on the pier at the time, and with all of them it was a race for life. GREAT BRITAIN The third reading of the old-age pen­ sion bill passed the British Commons. The Lusitania, on her first day out wn, salted 643 miles, arç previous record#. (e second reading of the bill giving an eigbWiour day to miners within five years has passed the British Commons. The June statement of the British Board of Trade shows decreases of £8,- 346.000 in imports and £20,789,500 in ex­ ports. The rise and fail of the British limer- do., $9; compound lard, 8%c to 9%c, ! V* craze is shown by the fact that from pure lard. 12%c to 13c; keitle rendered 1,Uiy December, 1907, 10,881,000 six- 13. to 13%c; hams. 12%c to 14c, accord-1 i;cnny R08"1 onlers were issued, while 1o s zo; breakfast baoon, 14c to 15c: ti>:s year the number is under half a GREAT UNION STOCK YARDS. . Threte Bffl Railroads will Uni,le at Win- niiieg. A despatch from Winnipeg says: A movement has been- on foot here for si me time past to establish a municipal stock yard, backed by the Live Stock Shippers' Association. It was given its quotus on Thursday by the an­ nouncement of Mr. Whyte of tne C. P. R to Ihe effect that his company, to gethor with Ihe C. N. R. and G. T. P., were preparing to lmi'd and maintain great union ynids as -o n ns the pro­ ject could be worked cut, in which smart shippers would have inter­ ests fully safeguarded in the'matter <,f charges. This is regarded as one cf the most important announcements af­ fecting the live stock Lndustiy. mt. Windsor bacon, 15c to 16c; fresh killed abatto r-dressed hogs, $9.75; live, $7 to $7.25. Chose--Westerns quoted at 11 %c t 12c, and cask-ins at ll%c to ll%c.. Butter--Finest creamery, 23c to 23%r in round lots and 24c to grocers. Eggs-^Sales of selected stock were made al 22c; No. 1 ate 19c and No. 2 at 16c per dozen. e UNITED STATES MARKETS. million. UNITED STATES. Buffalo, July stronger; No -- Wheat. -- Spring Northern carloads James Hart was arrested at Shreps- h< ad Bay for betting a dinner on a re­ sult of a race. James Hayes, a Westinghouse em­ ploye at Stamford, Con., is a Live after a shock of 11,000 volts. Four children and the father of two of them were kilted near Los Angeles by an electric, car stinking their wag­ gon. Judge Gary of the United Stales Steel .«one, $1.15%;'Winter ffim; No. 2. bed. ' ^ "2 94c. Corn--weak; No. 3, No. 3, corn, 76 to 76%c: JUSTICE IN THE FAR YUKON Russian Murderer Captured by Mounted Police and Convicted in Short Order. 1, Vcliow, 78 %e; ;; No. 3, white, 56%c. Oats--easier; No. 2, white, 58c; No. 3, white, 56%c. Barley--Feed to malting, 63 to 72c. Rye--No. 2 on tiack, 80c; Canal freights, wheat 5c to New York. M nr.eapol s, July 14--Wheat--July, $1.10%; September,Y92%c; No. 1 hard, $1.14%; No. 1 Northern, $1.12%; No. 2 Northern, $1.10%; No. 3 Nor I hern, *1.- 06%. Flour--First pointa, $5.10 to $5.- 50, second patents, $5.'3d to $5.45; first clears, $4.35 to $1.45; second cleats. $3.- 50 tn $3.60. Bran--fn Bulk. $18.50. Milwaukee, WLs., jTtiy 14.--Wheat- No. 1 Nurthem, $1.15 to $1.16; No. 2 Noithorn, $1.12 to $1.14; Septeanljer, 88% to 88%c bid. Rye--No. 1, 75 to 75%c. Bartey--No. 2, 36c; sample, 55 to 67c. Com---No. 3 cash, 71 to 72c: September, 72%c bid. Duluth. July 11.--Wheal--No. 1 liar!, $1.13%; No. i Nor!hern $1.12%; No. 2 Northern, $1.09; Ju y. Si.09; September, 92 %c. New York, July 14.--Spot firm; No. 2 red. 97c to 98c elevator; No. 2 red, on­ to arrive, f.o.b. nlV»at; No. 1 norther i. Dulu'h. $1.19% f.o.b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter. $1.0-1% f.o.b. afloat. CATTI.E MARKET. A despatch from Ottawa says: The Royal Northwest Mounted Police execute epeedy justae in Ihe Yukon. On Jure 8th last word was received in Dawson that a Russian named Elfors shot and Wiled a companion named Bergman twelve miles below Selkirk, and also wounded another companion named An- der^ in. Policeman Thopipecn iwmptly eUritd if) « canne «1 pursuit of Ktfors, end depUnwl tian the following day. On Tuesday Comptroller White received a wire from Commtastoner Woxts of Oawscn stating that Elfors hod bren ocnvictod end sentenced to be hanged on October Olh. The capture of the prisoner, the trial ami Ihe sentence was I'ihus effected wlth.n one month of the crime. But, though the Mounted Police in I ho Yukon, are doing most effective work, Commissioner Wood writes that in view o' the influx of hundreds of gamblers, dis-oiute women, .professional labor agi­ tators and foreigners of the lowest and Ote»! ignorant type, from Ala- lot and jçtlier United States points, Llio i- roe at his'tUbosnl 46 attoKctftqrto met fne demands made up n iL The whole police force of the 4'ukon Terri­ tory now consists of only 75, of whom hut 44 are available for actual police -work. Toronto. July good uleiiiand for al. prices ranging Choice rows are still high at $3.75 o $4.50, but common cows are slow and heavy. Not many Stockers are on I he market, and the range of prices s wu!e. from $2.25 for light up to as high as $3.75 for heavy. Shoe,p and lambs are steady. Calxcs are pcrl*ps n little firmer. In spite of the largo run of hogs, tiie price of (hem was up to $6.85, fed and watered off cars, Toronto, and in in­ stances higher prices than I host' wire pa d for hogs of extra choice quality. business has boen bettor the lost fort­ night. One hundred wealthy lumbermen in States of the south and middle west are planning to form a merger with a canl- tid of «300.000,000. Nathan Levine, a youth of t.wen-iy, eenf-ssed to the New York police that he had robbed nearly every first-eta's hotel in ■tWtaily. William Reiman, a New York jewel­ ler, has ordered a house to be Ludt at 1/ ng Island that will revolve like a railway turntable. New England manufacturers have pro­ tested against ihe Use of khaki ai,tri <-f British manufaclure for Rio un f jrms of United States soldiers. SHIPPING OF MONTREAL. The Port Makes a New Tonnage Record This Y« jT. A despatch from Montreal sayn: Mont­ real harbor has made x new record in the tonnage of seagoing vessels. The number which have arrived in port up to July 1 is 246. representing a tonnage o? 655,155, or an increase of twenty- eight vessels and 79,467 V ns over 1907. This beets ail records excepting in 1905, when the total number of vessels up to July 1 was 253. representing a tonnage of 608,185, this being only an increase of .-even ve sels, but a decrease of 52,- 97C in tonnage. Since the opening of navigation IAc the present season the revenue received by the harbor lOrnm:. - sionei-s of Montreal has amounted to $90.710, as against $76,697 for last year, or an increase of $14,013. In the past three years the harbor has been- deep­ ened five feet. This improvement- has helped to bring larger vessels to the port. , ----------+---------- BIG COAL PROPERTY SALE. Negotiations for Purr hase of British Columbia Areas. A despatch from Victoria, R. C., suy#f I. is learned on excellent authority that negotiations for one of Ihe largest d a is ever put through on Vancouver Island are now in progress, tiie completion of which will mean the passing of the ex­ tensive ooal interests controlled by Hon. James Dimsmuir -inti tiie liands of J<ihn Arbullmot, ex-Mayor of Winnipeg, and a number of New York millionaires, <jt when Luko_ Wishart is one The amount involved is upward of $5.000,- 000. Mr. Dunsmuir Las sgnifled his willingness to sell and only the question of terms remains to be settled. The Wellington collieries, which Dunsmuir controls, embrace large shipping mines near Ladysmith and Cumberland, where the majority of vessels plying on the ccoat till their bunkers. ---------- .?---------- PUSHING NORTHWARD FAST. T be People's Railway Will Soon be Finished. A despatch from Toronto says: The strol has been laid across the' Di iflwood River on the Temiskoming & Northern Ontario Radway to n ipoint within thirly miles of the junction with the National Transcontinental Railway. The bridge across the Driflwood, one of Ihe most difficult pieces of work in connection with the extension of the railway, was completed on the 4th of July. The lay­ ing of the steel, which is now down to a joint 218 miles north cf North Bay, on the last section of the road, will be commenced on the 13to of ne> t mon'h. WEAPONS WERE IMPOUNDED. Italian Laborers in New Bnrr.i-.vick Dte- axmed of Guns and Knives. A despatch from St, John, hj. B., eaysi In oonsoqucr.- e of recent murders, New Brunswick authorities decided to disarm a'l Italians^Aoming V; wirk on the Grand Trunk Pacific. On Tuesday a party of sixty wen; searched and tiie oc ns tables secured enough knives and revolvers to equip an infantry comparijh • The Italians strenuously obj-xtod, but were overcome. CHILD CBLMiN.kLd. An Alarmfctg Increase in the Number In New York. A dropa'ch from New York says: \o- coixling to the rejort issued by Police Commissioner Binghem, lbs increase In crime among Ihe children of the great­ er city Is alarming. So far tins year 2,860 children under sixteen y-tais of age have been arrested, against 1,725 last year. The number of boys and girts from sixteen to twenty years leached too total last - year of 2.319, whilq so far this year 6,133 have boen <m*St£d. _ „ *- KILLED BY HAYFORK. the GENERAL. A revolution has broken oi^l in ropubhe of Honduras. Conn an officers on active service are to wear swords. Nicaragua is recruiting an army to a d Honduras in her fight agaifist rexolu- 1 on a ries. N ariy a thousand Corea ns Imv-- boon muixte-red by C/rean insurgents in the lust four months. The Russian M n <t r of F nunc > will pmbahlv float a noth- r loan of $2;uuX)0,- <KXj in Ihe autumn. tte-tween one hundred and one !:un- KIIXFD CHILD WITH SCISSORS. Waitress in Moose Jaw Hold Commits Crime While Insane. A despatch from M-cos - Jaw, .Sask., says: In a temporary fit of-insanity, on Trovbay nflein on. Mary Gotof-aith, a waitress in Ihe Gc-mmereial Hiitel,'took th life of her new born child with a Minall jii\ir of embroklery roissms. The y. ung woman is a daughter of Andrew Galbraith, a farmer ■ f this district, and formerly of S--aforth. Ontario. Niiss Galbraith is now in the hospital, and has lx en. tonna lb, pia .od under arrest . Little .Sop ,ol Mr. Oliver Burton o| Vaughan Stabbed in Breast. A despatoh from W<xxibridge says: A fatal accident occurred on Thursday on The form of Mr. Oliver Burton, ninth ooncoss,on, tetNo. t, Vaughan lownshtpr' 'While loading hay his little son, six xxars old, was on tiie wagon. The horse started suddenly, overbalancing the hired man. As he f-11 I lie f rk pierc­ ed the child's breast. He died shortly after. ---------- «F---------- MOSQUITOES HOLD UP TOWN. Pest so Bud fit New Westminster That Mills Close Down. A de-patch from Vancouver, B. C., says/A dense cloud of mosquitoes has swept into New Wes'minster and I a ken possession o.' ihe. town. So serious a matter has the pest 1 coo me that the men at some of the lumber rnil-is on too Fraser River were driven out by the slinging hosts, and the nulls have been obliged to shut down temporarily. At "Cloveidate a baby vvis so badly bitten that its life is seriously endangered. DROP LETTER RATE. Will Probably go Into F fleet on First of Next Month. A despat di from Ottawa says: The drop teller rale of one cent an ounce will [uotarWy go- int i eff ct in the cilles cf Canada on August first. LA BOP-SAVING DEVICES. "Do you know, Sam, to at a man dose not have to la a- much wcrkjsow as h; did ten years ago'." "■Yes. sali. I know it, sûh; why, I's boon married n-ariy eight ;,euvs, sail!" NEEDS N1.RVE. "Would advise me. to go into politics.?" "Young man, ' answered S.-nnVt Sot* gjuim, "Ihe mere fa1: that you lire so in dost as V> nsii advice about .t proves that y off are unlit toi tha prof *-**«•. " A WELL-: 4.--There is still goo.1 l-iilchor cati'e j fired and fitly persons were kdhd n tne fr< m St.75 to «5.35. j Paraguayan rev dution. The Swiss referendum ti pr to h t the manufacture and sale of absinthe» car- r:e<i by 80.000 majority. French taxpayers need not disetew their private accounts what income Lux assessments are sought. Ten workmen were killed in St. Pet­ ersburg on Thursday by Ihe collapse of the ioof of a building in course of con­ struction. The man who acts like a mlltauia re i.s n bluffer, for a millionaire never a. ta that way. Cooped in Narrow Space'by Suspended Horse--Climbed Ont Just in Time. Three Annamite officers hav-o be n le- ■uiied MJ"iK-aukd id • Hanoi, Coeh'Ji oompllcity in a plot to French garrison. .CTiiDa, poison Peixple waste a lot of valu; in foolish argumenta. A despatch from Saskatoon, Sask., Says: Hal'd id Rrs.'Ot . of Mo-den, had l son sat to mil escape from .ippa vutly in- oviliiUle death al I lie bottom f a 15-fo .t well, which lie was diggnv. en \\vd- i les ■'ay. Hia l-r- «I her Jim woik-d on the surface, and drove the hvrse which drew up Ihe buckvls of earth. Tiie hor-e prov<xi hard lo manage, and en- iiraplvd tWlf n the runn p-> > r«ai, whereupon it Ir-ckel lowarfis the mouth nf th-- - e l. an opening four foci in <li- am- l. r. Inn clung to Mu' m if* hood, a -'ip ,-d -nor U. I r 1 i- half its k ' . w here p fiung M.-p'. de : by J*cr- lions of I he harness a id turning gear. Hearing 1rs brother's zholds i hove, and >lai*i led by the sudd- n obstruction of Ilia light, too man at the loi om f the w, Il !o kc 1 i: i <|u ckly. Renltzng ha p rd. he pin el h s jiiûl, on end and crouched under d. hoping to ward <>If the lulling Iki *<'. H- Um'ii nvmag d to ratoh Ihe b-a k I. wh uh swung iibmt <-;glti feet fr m ti e well b 'te m and c'lUiheU up th ■ ro. e. nl tiio rrik <.( l-e r g ci us tied by c sudden m"t; n >f Ihe jJ-orse. He jurat iva died lhe lo i wh n 'lb - harness and (ear holding the 1 o.-< gave wax. and Ihe animal foil to tli-c bottom of the well.

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