Eliza J. Padginton (1862-1961) served the Colborne community as postmistress for over 70 years, beginning her career in January 1883 as an assistant to the Postmaster of Her Majesty’s (Queen Victoria
Eliza J. Padginton (1862-1961) served the Colborne community as postmistress for over …
No date on document. Eliza J. Padginton (1862-1961) served the Colborne community as postmistress for over 70 years, beginning her career in January 1883 as an assistant to the Postmaster of Her Maje
No date on document. Eliza J. Padginton (1862-1961) served the Colborne community …
Cramahe Archives does not hold the original item in its archives, but has a digital image. Typewritten caption text beneath image is from the collector.
Cramahe Archives does not hold the original item in its archives, but …
Charles Cameron Philp's service records were downloaded from the Personnel Records of the First World War at Library and Archives Canada. There are 54 pages in total for Charles Cameron Philp, Colbor
Charles Cameron Philp's service records were downloaded from the Personnel Records of …
Charles Bugg's service records were downloaded from the Personnel Records of the First World War at Library and Archives Canada. There are 96 pages in total for Charles Bugg who was born in Colborne,
Charles Bugg's service records were downloaded from the Personnel Records of the …
Thomas Phillip Ashcroft's service records were downloaded from the Personnel Records of the First World War at Library and Archives Canada. There are 57 pages in total for Thomas Phillip Ashcroft,Col
Thomas Phillip Ashcroft's service records were downloaded from the Personnel Records of …
Richard Gordon Terry's service records were downloaded from the Personnel Records of the First World War at Library and Archives Canada. There are 50 pages in total for Richard Gordon Terry, Colborne
Richard Gordon Terry's service records were downloaded from the Personnel Records of …
James McGlennon Denike's service records were downloaded from the Personnel Records of the First World War at Library and Archives Canada. There are 56 pages in total for James McGlennon Denike, Colb
James McGlennon Denike's service records were downloaded from the Personnel Records of …
James Mathias Snetsinger's service records were downloaded from the Personnel Records of the First World War at Library and Archives Canada. There are 58 pages in total for James Mathias, Colborne, O
James Mathias Snetsinger's service records were downloaded from the Personnel Records of …