Downers Grove Reporter, 28 Jun 1895, p. 2

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f Tho Ian 1- In fueommnhle Mr W. Little Timntne. do- #9 Muck the book from W 2,!!!0 francs. given by her m in your nlme today. 80, my , litue girl. when you are old ' h to think of a husband. you Ml Menuhin-ad A great lunch in if. villagepyml will law 3 fine mar- “We owed you a visit. little dankey- Mm,“ In aid gully. "and we bring . souvenir. Here Is a saving: book. Sister Viewing hu de- fin 'ntehed Inc which mar young Domino called home, Ind Medan do (allowed hy her two children. “thud from It. Seated nnr the fire, when the upper, n cabbage soup. was noting. the mktm of the hovel. lac Jean. wan {milling her hhy while two sturdy urchins of’ I .01! 5 yarn of In were phy-I flying in the middle of the room? with some potato paring; Tram-no! '- lkhflngnmfiy her-metre lump. The (rent Indy gutted on entering M wretched strain and looked u if film nboutto rent-L T'mmnne. “used at the unexpected hnnor, W cooler her 3 rickev chdr, which me elepnt visitor refused. late Jamqnite with air. . did not stir. In his funk, "y, Quill-um broke the Quinn-d Iilenee, telling Titan-lane M on their return {run their sflcr‘ Icon drive. his mother wished In me htmtqp-yadepg Mamas delicacy of are]: In It her thm visitor- stood on the threshold high) unite them in bid .dontion. nnd burst into ”hm-ever but... like I" (homo! "and. tho In!" wry you-1. an in n It“. i It l- cm was ”an of the C..- d In" nanâ€"rah. inflow-t. mainly occupied with lb. an 0! ' ' "n "I Am. mun." k Vm Inn“ And vny alt-Halo. this pm, Huh tooth" has! um “u u! .d lam of 5 young 3|le our, one fl Mr ft: in chlhlm'n older Ibâ€"l D". A mu" 0! Myrna. 0! Armin. “'W! mndun! ho “Chow I w (003 ’0“ love yamâ€"how I love hi o! the mum; boy. with- mm; the nine of the ,ym’WVi-uu _the kind fludunc dc Nannies loaded her with ”macs )lnritm reproduced «m I minhlum scale her mother's splendid Lent}; the wmo halr, the “nu-eyes, the tune complexion. the same per- bctlon of linen. even the mum uncon- lclotu ntntolineu of an Hal. ignorant, of pnclicul lite, and fully per- Iludrd that. the World wan art-Il- 0d oulv to nerve and adore CHAPTER l\'.â€"(m.\'n.\'lrr.n.) Tionmnc guessed rlghlly that the trolled child hesitated at the sight of her old dross. more faded than ever from lho salt. water of the day before, and 5h.- under-Mood her hesitation without, however. let-ling any resent.- Inent. 'l‘he humble lltlle donkey 0. river fuund hora-l! suddenly elevated to the rank of n lwroinv 'l‘ he eleguut idles. and genth-mcn prvmllrunud Lat. ouch wylng It kind “0rd. “tile one," murmured Marlene “My lief. The greet sway with her I {Polling m. winch harem-ed um nae-e. to the breve little Mod her own "feta pf M idolized dengue: {allowed bound Tio- dual: to her new I. .u_poonu Guil- may» unto l ‘ [Ta-EV : , IUf’J'él .; "nrrnun mm "sienna-L" latter was in mm: of the written consent of the ofllcluls of the asylum. together with the most minute infor~ mntion with regard to her little pro lege. whose real name wee Amanda Laurie. Her “theta professor of math- ematics at the Lyceum of Bonlogne, had named a young girl without for tune. He htd died two years after his mnrringe In a few months urns-ump- tion hell carried ofl the grief stricken young mother, and the infant. without relatives, without any lee-urea what- ever.had been received Into the asylum by me good Sisters of Cherity. madame de Sol-M taking the little orphnn in her arms. invited her to come and live 1 with her nlwuyu as n sister to Guil- laume and Marita. Tlornane was mhleea at the vision oi such an un- dreauned of lunches. and it was I i. task for the {airy godmother toeonvlnee the poor little one that it was no‘dream, but a «mum mm, All the Menu were quickly eun- cluae‘d'. ts'M-dnme de Sougnee was to leave Derek the next day. Sister Vie- toire communion“ to _ Pere Jena the decision which would deprive him of his faithful '1'.th eervunt. and as he mwell paid. the peasant was quite resigned to his loan. That evening Tlomnne undo her entrance into the new world in which ahe m hence- {orth to dwell. Slater Victolre hid taken upon herself the tall: of purcha- ing the necessary outfit at one of the shape. Certainly the little donkey driver. in her elegant white mnulin drone, would never have been taken for one of the young fanhionnblee nt the betel}, Ind her Millet firm Invite the little donkey driver to the cottage. Madame (de Sorgues made her talk. laughed at her strange patuis. and day by day became more and more interested in this unconscious misery which the little one. courageous and devoted us she was. bore without complaint. One afternoon the three children were lunching on the terrace. while (lrise. unhar- nesaed, was strutting about in the sand. enjoying her fret-dun]. Madame de Surgnes, mnuking cigar-0t after ‘ ciguret. (unused herself in cramming her protege with dninties. while 'l'io- mane. ntill timid. felt obliged to re strain the gourmnndisc of her healthy young appetite. "New." ssid the conductor. I don‘t read msny novels: they are all trash snyhow.” “Hold on." said the joumlist, “Did you ever reed ‘Dr. Jekyll and Hr. Hyde? He wrote thstelso.” "What?“ ssld the conductor. “Did I resd ‘Jekkie ‘n’ Hyde?” Well, I guess I dld. Couldn't sleep the night I flnls'hod. I seen it played st the the- ater, too. It’s great, ain’t it? Well, that men I: s dsndy. sln’o. he? He can 3 an smokeâ€"he an; ’uin’t whst you call smokingfls it? Sick. is be? He does look sick. I'd like to see any one object to msn like that taking his medicine.” “Nan,” said the conductor. “1 don't care whu he is; he has got In obey the rules." The journalist. persisted. “Did you ever rend "Treasure Island?" The conductor seemed interested, but only for s minute. “I don't care," mid be. “It doesn‘t. mutter who he is. lull It smoking, cud he‘s been u it after I told him not. to.” The journalist tried tnotber tack, ”Did you ever read ‘Kidnapped?’ he "He in noi smoking," said the journnlist; “that is some device for carrying medicine. in the form of: “puffivhich Isaiah-lea in his lung; He in an inniid. That is Robert Louis Stevenson. the novelist." "I‘m going to put that man with the long hair OR the train. He is smoking. I asked him not to. hm. he's been at it lgain while I've been out of the an" flow the Imus: I‘ll-o Hoar lulu: he "I . fish for looking. During his Iast visit to (his country ‘ Robert Donia Stevenson embed I very nnplmunt experience uml never [mew it. “cording m a story told in Harper's Weekly. A journalist. who knew Stevenson by his published por- trait... entered a flilfl'l’ car u Long Branch. Ind saw the fathom: author seated In a corner. with a bitch square box on the oppmite sat and a rubber (nbe dangling from it. The condictor knew the journalist and said to him. pointing to Mr, Stevenson: widen "u- henvy'l-rnich nf her bind} {3.1mmm'33ymg: hair rolled. conducted T'mmano In a ' hennlihl «lupin: man and mulml ; 2: .mg’ 333:3;d: her. lhl Hu- liule donkey «Irin-r "shod amount 0! found the pmfioml aid inn! In amm. . arMevevm-m n»- pan Lilre everything else. violin nml lnx- “M" ""‘Y ""3"! in II” mm! how a warmth. "0"" "f ""9 """1 " Alan." ‘A-‘ ‘I.-_ A _ 0! «£le luv-ma! . .I-h man no.“ “Milan-n and Mum-n. Under Ibo «manual "uh "uh mum in M Ito nut-"Ha mink-Non a! timing M I lug" mm». mm! the Iowans! tin-[Mn n "we u-vmnnl»flfl- tn] a! ham. nrmmlnl hr {Mm-my lnnry ry. Long“! an awkward mm m Md iguana olnmly. 331.! wife"! Kifm I ymmgumk of “In“ 1'" rlul in (he h~lniou nf "w "men of Ad- .‘Hnor. in a Mutual skirt- eho-iq-uonf silk under the Aim" "at emhruivkml in «flu-r. 3 ml “Rum, I long Mm- !nfarl. nmlon of than now. «an mum-«lam. Thu-u clicked one n. which was lo he Ibo wk! 0! day-nun In I" hr. hum» of Nb The are}. 0' 0M M (mud . nhnh mu "fiumnumvf" vrlml \lmlnmu «In Human wwrrly. Hut llw rrhuka- mu m nc-ll merilnl Hun nlu- mmld an! mprru a slight nmllv. « Mvh was new: by Ilw run-"mu. nml uuuln Tlumno nur "w Inuit u! hulrrd in Um ulna] «yet. «Me-h nun-"ml to Immlv \Mn new dbqrm to Mr. All llw mum.“ of thin biennium. mnnnI-m hm! mu lo do ham" to [M lust Dumn ul Madman doflw‘m‘ II. at llorvk. A- may Neil b. haul-ed. I n In”: dummy driver‘s. wonderful [nod Incl: \vu Ibo principal ugbjgcl of mvmtkm. In the Mum STEVENSON‘S ADVENTURE. "Ah! Much-mulwllr.” Huilluuml' u!- pllml, "m2 matter what (In! \wnIIu-r l». you are Ilunyn gm-clh-ung anurm.” Dinner was unnuuneed. lie drew her gently into the dining room, and placed her at his side at. the table. it seemed to 'l‘iomnne that an extrava- gant drenln hud suddenly trimmer-ted her tun fuiry land in which she felt bewildered and lost In the midst of numerous distinguished guests. who looked urunnd in a sort of ntupur. not during to eat. ller keen intelligence gave her the lx-reeptinn. u re indeed in I child of her age. of the immense div tam-o whieh uepxu'uled her [run] this refined nlnl brilliant sueiely. ll terri- fied her. However. her friend and neighbor. Unllluunu'. euntinued lu nlmw her the lllllhl thoughtful ntten-' tiunx lt wms he u lm served her. for he knew that she would not dun: lunch the dinhes prewnled gravely hy the white gim'cd butler. .\t dwul'rl. there mu. a wumlullrrrnlion lu‘l ween the lull-Ilhlve, genera-um hearted [my and "Jlluleuu:iwlle." us every one called the gun-rue». in the I nnne 0! the mmvernutinn .\lmlrmui~elh~ l'nwule mid. "Uh. I told 5m: il mu mun-.ulent‘ in let the rhlldreu gu :niune. I ex- pected ”mm Inidurlune. ' i Tiomnne looked with keen interest It the person so severely rebuked. Mademoiselle Emmeline Pascale. Marina’s governess,wns about 40 years of age. Tull. thin, phenomenally ugly. her angular face was nevertheless intelligent, and not. without distincp. lion. She laughed an affected little laugh at. the noble hearted boy's repli- fixed on the frightened ‘ liule girl the stony smre of her ag- gressive gray eyes. 'l‘iolnnne felt her heart sink with u presentimenl of son row. but Guillaume put an end to this painful scene by seizing her in his arms in n brotherly way. and saying in a, reassuring tune, "Don‘t worry about it, 'l'iunmne. Manx-nu will buy eVerythingz {or you in Paris. Film clothes are plenty there. and you will soon learn to wear them prupcrly." “This is v; ry wicked in you. Made moiselle." cried Guillaume, in a severe tone. “It is not the cowl that main-s the friar, and a silk dress that I know would not plunge into the ocean to save Marina‘s life. ” could not refrain from. little grln'ncc. while. mocking laugh {rum a corner at the room voiced the comical impres- sion made by Tiomane in this toifet. (to at. n-x ",1"th The North-Western Lino (Chicago North-Western Ry.) Is now selling va curslon tickets at reduced mien to St. Paul. Minneapolis. Duluth. Aphiand. Bayflold, Marquette. Deadwood. Da- kota. Hot Springs. Denver. Colorado Springs, Manitou. Salt Lake City. and the lake and mountain resorts of the west and northwest. For rate: and full lnformntlon apply to agents of connect’ in: lines Illustrated pamphlets glv~ lug fun particulars. will he mulled free upon §fopiicuiion to W B Kninkern G. A Chicago Norih- Wesiom Ry" Chicago. In. ' Call upon ticket agents of this com- pany for information, berth reserva- tions. etc. mm. L930, This popular line has arranged to run through cars complete with every mod- ern convenience. to accommodue it: patrons. On account 0! the Nam-ma] Educa- tional Annotation meeting at Denver. Col,. July 5th to 12th. ‘he Chlcngo Great Western Railway '1“ sell excursion tickets at one first-class fan, plus $2.00 [or the round trip. Tickets on sale July ml. 50: and MI and on ma 7th for trams arriving In St Joseph or Kansas Guy on thnt date. Ticket. good returnin- un‘tjlr Sept. }. 1995. A ‘ On account of lhe mount of tho Naiional Educailnnal Amiation ai Denver. Col. July 50. in mm. [89.3. mp North-Western Line will so" cvursI-m ticket! to Dcnrer. Puebla. Colorado Springs! and Mnnitnu an a rate not to exceed one fare for the round trip (with 32.” added for membershlp fee). The time limit of those tickets will be ex- iremoly lilwrnl, and an 910:."ch oppor- tunity will be allowed for a summer sojourn in the "Rockies," or enjoyable aide trips to (he Black Hills. Yellow- stone National Park or the Pacific Coast. For full Inform-Hon aaply to agents of connecting lines. or address W. B. Kniskérn, General Pamngpr and Ticket Axon! Chicago a; North-Western Ry., Chicago. Ill. Tho: art-aunt of this mix-mun» I! pub- llslml In a boaumnl mmphkl and Mr, (than. 8. Pro. tho nr-neral Pass. Alton! n! (he Northom Pacific M 51!. Paul. Rum... will find It In any address upon receipt of slx mm: in stamps. It Inn A 'rwmmlous 3"“:qu In roach "ml mm. hut who How u! ".‘Iamm's wild magnmnmn" frnm a height of Ive- twun H.000 and 15.000 {wt Mmm "no. son. ”an! In have «Ml rt‘pnld me five men who “get Nwro." "no night was panned on {he rocks and In an Ice «rmâ€"o, M an elevation at mare than “.000 rev-l above the sea level. "shod amount at [Ma aura-sat"! arhievemem Im- party we" woll repaid WM" "my finally Mood upon IM- Ivy dome 0! (Ms gram! mnumaln. with m» (49th More than n mlle holmv "mm. "II! | nuununu l' mu"... View (or llIIrlwn mun-a duwn the river. lnalvutl a! bolus vnnllnrd In Illa hm! ammo lluu- uble In I»- almul llu- form In dln-u Illa man rmI-luyrd "II‘I‘U and In,- In l’llll hn'r alum- !nr lIIm. ’ ‘l‘ln-w~ l-llla un- muuufm-Iurrcl by lhe wM-ara‘da-Vu Dr. Wllllama' )Irdlrlnu rumI-ary. N'lw- m-vuuly. N. Y.. aml nrv m-ld nnly In [mac-a ln-mlm: Ina llrm'l mule mark and anu-Iwr. IL .10 n-nll a box M II: lmxn Tnn-y may ln- Inml u! ull arugula" nr dln'cl lay mail from Dr. \\'llll.Ima’ Alt-dl- ciao cummny. A (‘afloaa Fro-l. Um- nl Ilw mull van-m- llumnn Irv-alu- ln rllllvm‘c In" In Maull-un rmmly, In ilII- Main». The (null In a mum lmy mm our 2| yrora u! nan. le lmy‘a hand I- of Immrnu- llli‘. lwlna Inlly lllly Inch" In rln‘llmlvn‘ncn. llr In alvnul Inn. lac-l In mum and mu nvnr talud. allnman hla llmha arom m- fully funny-d. Ilui. alinmmn no dm nni wall m cm abmu hrs-lily by rolllna «Wu and our. II In a novel alanl In m on. buy man Nmull lnlo a hall and [n lambllna aboui Ina nnuoa. 'l'lIo My II wry Inlollinnl and dollanla In Ialllan In alranpn. Illa main" nan lndlan blond In not win- and baa mined MI- iorly all allompla nl moannn moo lo at run Mr no for uanlblllon plum- ? rlnmla TImca-l-‘nlna. A m Adv-calm li mlanl hat! lawn In: lnai rally soul ml by Ina Knnnorn I‘aclllc nailmad In ‘ In. "mum-r 0' IN in rllmn "man! llalnlor, A rllmh up Noun! Waanlna- I Islands. In incl Min-r St. Lawrwu-o. I‘m-ro- (rum Illa; hlxlwfl land of ”I! [arm lu- rnmmamln l . and alxly of the Timumud Irlnnda can 5 Mr. (‘immln III "HIV and Inn! lm-n lur‘ Ilmuliful (at what I". \\'llllama‘ Huh I for 81M and Mr nrwr an“ In hulk; l i I The Llatencr has always been In- cllnod to regard the whlppoorwlil‘a Honk na melancholy; but a Halo close uludy haa convinced him that the mol- ;ancbolv of OM Inn. la la tho azu- n! the bearer. and not In the voice of the ulnar. (III-ea nlxhl and dlulauca and almost any aouml mm: "lam-mam." l'roplc lu-ar the song of Ibo whlppoor- ; will only at nlxht. and widen: new! at a diumnbo, and (My grow Io Iblok ol ' II M a molantlloly thing Immune of It- m-Ird wlliaa: or poulbly Ibo-y auo~ . rlale Ii wllla wamlvrlag allohl. In aoll- 'ludo aad datum-u. um. Ilu-lr oaa - Iwam haw- bcea achlnu. anal ilw anall- moml of ”low mourulal mouwnl: ba- lx-rn Impound lo Illa non; ol the hlnl. llcvally ll ll a hlllho now. and weird only In Ihoao mauled uadrrioara ahlch loo unload-r baa lull opal-m at. and (now an aoi aodly. but rumor nano- alaly. trim. The I00. la qulrlt; ll omla * allla a groom-nerd and rlm'rlul rldlnn loot-Nico; and ii In rapidly remain], Approarh Mar to the bird and you por- colvo (an no la happy In lain alnalna. I’crhaaa our mum an mpoaalblo for Halo aoiloa 0! (no 'hlpnoorwlll‘a melancholy. It would In hard. mr lu- auaro. lo [at larva more proaouomvl niaalalouaala with word- aa war-I ac- co-pllahod by lrvla. ia m- OHM In. bla ”Slam: Book:" "The noaa of Ila vllmlll tro- ll. ”1de: Illa hadiaa m m- m nae-load; loo dreary kaolin of Ila snack-owl." Irvin. «loam lad a laadaolo and ; area a raroloiloaary laioailoa la writ- ; ll. lMl. Ila aaniad io to the Ira: Mae-noon anlnor In mllon aa Alan-L on bird. lonead ol "Illa; alt-ml ally- Iarlu and alghilmloa. In rondaacemi- ed lo am: about vhlpmwllla aad '0', 0",, mm M,‘ “My, m, ”m M m. ‘ mrmhmls. not lie would ban done l‘lko'l l‘oal rm a rally-mil. la nut murn M an undulating nwnpmwl wllnf rllmhlnx on [not run ”adding on nnr'a hark. nvor in and! anna- fur noarly int”. milm. vnrrlmlly. Rum] mother so um II nne man In": the other may lmlvl him. an. slip al plan-a mlxni bring drain In all of "win. Hui mulling from the pub- lisher! amunl of "II: sari-«still arnlévomeni KM mriy «on roll rrpaivl : whom "I?! finally Mood upon the Ic‘yf dome of this grand mnunlaln. with the damn rnnro than a mllo l-nlmv Inpm, l I better lo allcl He would than merely have ‘ vmflfl'm! 0"" ' acl'mml Englishmen. and would not have Ilni alumna-r nelaa- I lonely our fancy may din-cover in the l ‘ 'wnlppoor'lll'a no“. lo Inc lurks and algal- lngalea. gone far astray. ii Ia mrialaly nothing like a moon. The Im-ioad'a merry chirp has naming "hurling" la ll; and no acrmn-owl was over tnnvn In hoot. LII"; llm wnlmrwlli'a. his arm; would he amounted a merry , (Max In llIe dayilmo. I I: f ‘ E A can... fro-I. 0m- n! "w mull run-ma human Irv-sum In rltllvme In" In Mum-an mumy. m lhl- III-Ir. Tho ("alt In a mum hay mm mvr 21 run «I nan Th» hv-y‘n twat! in of Immune llll‘. twin: fully M01 Inch" In rlrvumhrv-nra. No- Is alrnuI "1".le In mum and mu nrvrr "mod. almmuh hla llmha not» not- I'cny formal. Nut. although M dm mu wall M "In aboul hrs-Hy by roman mm and own. II In a novel mm m an on. My man tumult Into a hall and [a “mum. alum "no Mun. 'I'M My ta "r7 Inlolllnm and dvllgnla m calling 'n "nun". ma man has Indian Nana "I an "In. and has mmad bl!- Iorly all allompla u! "wanna m Io or run Mr mm [or «ammo» 9mm- NnrMa Tlmn-I'Mnu. rm- :mvr alum- !nr Mm. Tin-fie l-llll urv mnuufnn-lun‘cl by the Dr. Wllllnml' Mrdlclnu rnuu-ar)‘. Nth»- mvluu)‘. N. Y}. um! nrv mm nnly In Ian-m lwmim: Im- nrm'l Inn-Iv mark and Inn-p". u. .10 null a box c-r nix lmxn for s2.» and an urn-r In“ In hulk. Tin-y may Iv Dun] u! all ulruculnll nr «“1ch by mull (rum Dr. mum-m Alrdl- ciao commny. perintendent of the E. Remington 8: Sons‘ great factory at Ilion, N. Y. After leaving there he refused a tempt- ing otter o! the Chinese government to go to China to aupcrintcnd their gov- ernment tactories.â€"-â€"snd acrepted in- stead the superintendent-y at the Win- cheater Arms 00.. at New Haven, at a salary of 87.500 11 year. It was after this long term or active labor as a business man that he found himself incapacitated for further service by the embargo which rheumatism had laid upon him and resigned his position more than two )Qnrs ago, and returned to lieichertown, Muss. where he now lives and owns the Phelps farm. Being a man of means he did not spare the cost and was treated by lead- ing physicians and by baths of cele- brated springs without receiving any benefit worth notice. During the sum- mer of 1893 and the Winter at 1694 Mr. Cin'zh was confined to his house in iielchertnwn, being unable to rise from his bed without assistance. and Butler- ing continually with acute pains and with no taste or desire tor toad. nor was he able to obtain sutlicient sleep. Early in the year mu Mr. t‘lough heard at Dr. Williams' Pink l’iiis tor Pale People. He began taking these pills about the tin-1t at March. in“. and continued in an so until tinl first part of September following. The tlrst cttect noticed wan u better “pix-lite and he began to note mort- ability In IN‘III himv 1 self on tin- bed and in be ln-ttt-r gcn- i erally. La»! August (i590 in- was able to no alum- to his summrr rt‘l‘idt'nt‘t‘ uml turtn or 163 acres on tirrnadh-r island, among the Thousand islands. in tho lti\'cr St. Lawrence. win-re from the highest hind 0! his farm ho cmnmuuuin a view for lhirlwu lullva down the titer. und sixty of tin: 'l‘ltuusunul irlunds can be m-t-n. instead of brim: m-nllnml to his luml .‘Ir. (‘iuuuh in now and lmu l-rrn to: run)» tilm- ul-le to ire nimut lilv tut-m to din-u the mm c-mpiturd tin-re and hr in i ‘nittul for «but ltr. Williams“ l'init : a kitchen window. The Woods behind the house were last year the favorite singing-place ot a pair at iwhippoorwiiis, but last year they did i not come to the very doors of the house .‘ and sing. as they have done this year. : The Listener watched tor this bird, and :saw him in the uncertain light as he sat on the woodpile: he heard the liquid {“cluek" ot the beak, which is always i heard when the whippoorwiii is near. I but never when at a distance; he heard , also another little muffled sound which ‘ accompanies the song. but which is l impaipahie and indescribable. and is so weird and unearthly a note that it is impossible to tell where it comes in in = the song. Then the bird stopped sharp~ i ly without finishing the songâ€"just on Ithe “poor"â€"â€"and in another instant it { flew away on noiseless wings to an ap- ’ pie tree not tar away. and resumed its ,song. The other whippoorwill was ' singing at the some time down in the ! hollow. and the two seemed to turn all ; the night air into a sort of see-sawing I tumult of music. What other bird isings so loudly as the whippoorwili'.’ ' His song seems to justify the adjective , in what the Cape Cod lady called his ;"hotanical nsme“â€"â€"Antrostomus voclt- erous. Heard near at hand the whip- poorwili's is a prodigious voice. Mu< ' sirai the bird's voice is, too. as well as , powerful. it is as clear as a robin's. ’ and as bell-Hits as n thrush‘s. i The Listener has always been in- fciincd to regard tho whippoorwill‘s song on melancholy; but a little close study has convinced him that the moi- Voucholv at tho sons in in the our at the humor, and not In the voice at tho- . singer. (liven night and diutancu and almost any sound scents "low-sonic." l'mpie iu-nr the song 0! tin- whippoor- Being a man of means he did not spare the cost and was treated by lead- ing physicians and by baths a! (-eie- bruted springs without receiving any benefit worth notice. During the sum- mer of 1893 and the Winter at 1694 Mr. Ch'zh was t‘unt‘ined to his house in Belehertuwn, being unable to rise from his bed without assistance. and sufier- In: continually with acute pains and with no taste ur desire (or food. nor was be able to obtain numment. sleep. n,,, _ uvuuu u-c ”yin-gurus, mun“ union.) There isn’t a gun manufacturer in the United States, who does not know Jelâ€" ‘ (ersor‘i M. Clough. He has been intimste- ly associated all his life with the de- velopment of the Remington and Winchester rifles. For years he was su~ perintendent of the E. Remington 6: Sons‘ great factory at lliun, N. Y. After leaving there he refused a tempt- ing ofler or the Chinese government to go to China. to superintend their gov- ernment fuctories.~â€"and am-epied in- siend the superintendoncy or the Win- chester Arms 00.. at New Haven, at a salary of 87,500 a yeuin Ill- llellth Wu 1'06 Poor to Admit At- tentlon to llnalnen. Bummer Tani-In Intel. JEFFERSON M. CLOUOH RE- FUSEB A TBMPTINO OFFER ' FROM THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT- The Gunmaker 0! "ion. iWHIPPOORWILL SONG. (11mm ttflgASprlngflt-ld. Mass“ Union) Low Run- in Colman. Denver. I an. Chlclgo. Currant Humansâ€"Nothing in tho» garden is no uniiomly mistreated as the entrant bushes. I! profltless, give them a little heroic treatment. Prune the tops and roots thorough ly. encour- aglng the growth of live or six canes. These will bring large clusterl and large berries, worth more than all the struggling cluster: heremfore pro- duced. Karim-o them well. ,thinz tn the daytime. hi Another thing that makev the whip- q 5 morwill'n song so Wf'il‘tl is the extraor- , dinary distinrtnms with whirh in» i seems actually to pronounre the words " ‘ "whippour-wili." 0i (nurse urn “port , fhim to say them. nml that helps ‘hr- . illusion; but one rnnnot by any effort " make the crowing of n cork sound like {idiflerent thinzswne we. for insrtnro. ,‘ make the rooster crow, "cork-animal”- *r‘mo." and the firm-h make him rrmv ;“co-r‘o~li-m,” and the Germans "itthi- -ri-ki." and no or. through all tho lan- snag". pool-will speaking any other language than English; and if he sang his ions; as he does now through the May nights before ever white men mime to this country the Indians must have recog- : nized his language in the speech of the ‘; first Englishman who arrived. in his song. indeed, the “whip" is not very; distinct; but the poor and the "will" i are miraculous. Out west they have' a bird that sings "poor will" with al- most equal distinctneee. but not the "whip,” and in Florida there to "chuck- wiil's-widow." it is hard to imagine a bird's notes sounding like those last words. The "chewlnk" does not really say "chewink." but "too-whee;” the "phoebe" does not say "phoebe," but "pee-wee"â€"â€"though we must call him phoebe to distinguish him from the; t 1 i i I i wood pee-wee, whose "pee-wee" is much longer and more pronounrevl. We all know the "Peabody bird" whose pronunciation of that honorable name has struck the popular imagination, and Mr. Burroughs, by no great eflort of the fancy, hears the words, "Hear me, St. Theresa," in the notes of one of the warhiere. But the whip- {poorwiil will certainly surpass all the ‘ native articulators of our woods. Per- haps it he would be content to submit himself to n more domestic life. instead of being so shy and retiring that tow ever get a glimpse of him (there are farmers' boys who still think he is identical with the night-hawk) he I in! expectation make him say anything' 3 else, as one man make the ticking of n : dork say what we like, or as peopln ' - rt» I You cannot Imagine the whip‘ , ‘ M." ‘ Ito-to hov- .« 10E“; ‘ g; Martyn“; ' ‘ Alecia- nun who! tidaâ€" two-- I? s we- COCC many “nevi-Io not M low who.“ to fit vom- aw i o r h a n it n I Int-Jule". Inn. flf.‘ his“, to; ‘0' ins-«ill 0‘ til-nu O‘N'l ru, Adam I- " lf‘. 0... P. 0. log :3, out." in. Eggâ€"P! W A, no “I“ ”I W""’“"“ "" t tho-cot. ' A Nth not out and send this Mv "LINERS” are the Coil-n and Com mm“: cloth. both olden oat-nod alike. and h onomllarhequnltotwoof might be made in time n more necom- M h”, m u 3 piished talker than the parrot or the Meoflmoénnl’zlrsomfinf sterlingâ€"Boston Transcript. Cent; A haml- mm“ .-1 ILL A... . HE LISTENER has had a somewhat clone acquaintance with that fascinaz~ ins bird, the whip- poorwill, in years past, but never un- til the present spring has he known one to come into the dooryard and sit and sing on a woodpile under Q i 5 5 .m w:- w 27m¢*°.°n::*nrh2:.:~'~; war m u" . x t (1:!- garage! I'm Pancreas. (orTwenty-Fiv’e an A Sample Con-r und PI]! of cm 121 man for Show . N a lo mum Address nngvnngfim’miun mm may. 71 Funk?!» St. New Yo . 271619 St Bow» "v â€"‘ vâ€"- v I.‘ 'wlu [or . a I. u" ! up" ”3:. '33.; ‘2~.........,.. I lIII on manual- I A an In!“ on ‘ Wu?" :fiaoanilfo" run, out and and (Ms “mum-mt Hartforwicycles The only true b130d purifier promi- nently in the public eye today. Hood’s Pills FOOD FOR INVALIDS Q MN CARLE A SONS. New VMR. i Hood’s §arsaparilla Upon pure. rich. healthy blood. Thon- froreJee that your blood it made pure by Your Health Depends * A5K YOUR DRUGGIST FOR * *THE BEST* VHA'li m't lmrmonlausl wnh Ilwd'n Inna-purl II. He.

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