Downers Grove Reporter, 26 Jul 1895, p. 8

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Contractor - and - Builder. Wuuotontauuuuutuuunuucuuomw :§O::OOOIDOOOOOO :00....QIOOIIOOOOOQOIQIOOaé Nothing in This World Downers Grove. I" Editable! Furnished W. J. Herringfl‘ W CARPENTER, General All Kinds of Build- ing Work. “ANDâ€"- Contractor. Prof; T. J. Hatfield of the Northwestern University says: “THE CHICAGO RECORD comes as near being the Ideal daily [our- nal “We are for some time likely to find on 01‘ mortal shores.” $011 by madealers everywhere, and sub- scription: received by all postmasters. Address THE CHICAGO RECURD, I81 Indiana-st. (a) O. J. DAILY, I: so cheap as a newspaper, whether it be mead by the cost of its production or by ils value to the consumer. We are lalhing about an American. metropolitan, daily paper of the first class lihe TIIB‘ CHICAGO RECORD. It's so cheap and sogood you can'tqlordinthisday ofprogress to be without it. There are other papers possibly as good. but none better, and none just like it. It prints all the real new: of the norld -the news you care forâ€"every day, and prints it in the shortest possible space. - You can read "It CHICAGO RECORD anddoa day’s work too. It is an independent paper and gives all political news free from the taint of party bias. In a word-it’s a complete, condensed, clean, honest family newspaper, and it has the largest morning circulation in Chicago or the vestâ€"140,000 to 150,000 a day. ONE GIVES RELIEF. Far BONNERS GROVE, Contracts taken for all kinds of Cirpentering and Building. Satisfaction Guaranteed. -vvvv'v atrium m MWMME rw'iawcn?) (9mm qumn 5n. MR5 GROVE ILL Gasoline Stoveu. Ftoctrlc Light and Bell erln¢.m Sula agent fur the 'uucmu'nm J xwz I. l’mtclmsfitoves. BICYCLES W. E. Farrar J.B.Mosg.; éBLIJILDER. â€".00000000"‘. General Repair Shop . . . well oiled, "no, la" without mytbing but I flight scare than"!!! MN “In home I H. (hummus, when they ’ some plunder. John fichmdl. u farmer livil nouns-Ito! Gannon : rm, r purchned by him of Chan. 8. was Instantly killed 1 few days falling from a loud of hay in a He had been misting in putt tholoudaud uoton ton-Motcflm The wind was blowing quite ha a. .L‘ A..- -‘-.L.J h.â€" ‘L- L-â€" mu Bacterium! o! Downers Grove m A guest of G. B. Hoar“, last week. 1 Tholovo fem Sunday was a good old-fuhlonod “no. The not-amount of tho Im-d'n supper was administered by our pastor. There In some rumor o! John fichml. n farmer living just northeatof Gannon n farm, recently purchased by him of Chas. B. Kelley. wee Instantly killed n few daysagu by felling from n land of hay in the field. He hed been misting in putting on theloalnnd proton to Hdetctho barn. The wind wee blowing quite hard end a the teem started for the barn he at tempted to suck his fork into the hey India some way lost hh hula-Ice end‘ fol! over backward and when his son ‘reeched him he was deed, his neck heving been broken hy the in". Coron- er Hetdemnn held an inquest and the verdict wne wcidental death. He was 67 years 016. The ow morning abut 3 o’clock burglenbmkoinhthe store or]. W. York on Oollqo avenue. but. as the burglar dam, : dog. was in order and well oflod, they Ion without taking anything but . slight scum. They durum visited “in homo of H. H. Gamma, when they secured moplnuder. 1 Thor. will b. n mung or the vice Mont-sol flu (hing! 00W“! A?” cultural My on lot-day. MW 5’ u l.” 9. II., to m. final arrange- ments (or the can!” hi"- The flue I'd-s 00’ hot week have set everything in the vegetable line um Ind "fem kflto grow, to Mom- l-g and the wt [or pummel: has doubled in n few an”. Whoro's choir practice this week? Clan. um" u; “n bass builder. “on” maiden“ M n. 8. Patrick on lain street I: mung mmpletlon and will be III man!“ to the village. K. I]. M. and In Ella R. Rayburn m mam-d last Thursday W100». a limb; Wis. ‘flnh'. II. C. flaunt. punk» of “IQ W church. and Ilka Ella Caner. teacher of made, are reported an «and- lng In the madman! flue. In Bot-an did an fl-umlay‘ JnIy nu». Tho unall- um Mlle-n to Nap- «vllle [or human. I. z. 6.9.... r vol 2. :5 F... 3.: 3.13.15 3.53 2.25:": 3:30. 5. 3 F3 P i. z a; «a. “’11:. 32.. I! it.“ if g C’sâ€"up a...â€" 3:0 .3 3103. ulna. lb Alk‘ mun In gone .0 "M“. 0nd. Itch. I“ last wool. [conuoumd adding um h-vl. Thu mun“ Truman In jump mul wm Home lot “to 3.0"” onto «me at ululnmwu. who". though "a an: Ital 'n-Im tumud 06.: Hay Rum null mammal. Tin mm Dunn-d Ind Ibo an. I'm-l to the “will. «in. The fly u! "n! help? can. no. tum-3M um»! 0' Ho- “0‘“..- bon to lb. lull-um o! Ilu- I'Mrlrh and us. lun- vtm noun “unguwml. ”at“ nu not until I" "w mulwmh In an Illa-bu Inn churn-l and mu- A life which might. have prom: wry alumnus, VII the mull. o! the can- lo- use of gmlino ni. the home of Ir. Handel. two doors north of the German church. Hominy morning. About a quarto! put tau, Ir. l‘ainck'n Inaâ€"your- ‘oid non. Truman. alarm] in mi Um unit a! I mall ‘WOvburilvf glwliuo‘ flow from? live-gallon mn. le [my III baniooiod uni while he «no: uh Mil filling the unit. one 0! hi- youuflr Milieu nun-“mi I :5th MM! Mrs. Wm. Johnson was severly imm- ed las Saturday evening while deucnd~ lug the cellar stairs of her mnideuce on Garfield avenue. The accident oc- curred about 8:30 p. "I. when Mm. Johnson was carrying a. lump down stairs. The lamp slipped from her hand and was broken on the lament floor. The oil,pnrt of which beepmr bored her dress. caught tire and in a moment she was wrapped in n sheet of "antes. ller hnxbund was upstairs when the accident occurred and upon hearing her ncremnn rushed to her as- siulnnve. At llmt he tried to mveep the flames from her clothing with his hand. but only unneeded in burning ‘himuell‘ neverely almut (he hnnds. Finally he succeeded in getting his wife ‘whoue clothing mm by this time ablaze from heal to foot. under the [uncut and extinguished the llnfiee. Though no- verely burned, in. the [MM writing the iv doing a. well uconhl be expected. 7nd Kuhn "(and (mm Calm-c The oonsumnmtioa ofa pinn whereby the village of Himlalo shun own, con- troinml and operate nu eloctric light. plant, for the purpose of lighting the streets of the village of llinmlnle, and furnish light to its inhabitants has presumed so {an that there is now no question but what electricity will soon bathe agency of turning night into day in this village. Addltlona to the public library are right in order now. A hundred dollars worth of new books were ordered this week and will he on the shelves next. week. WHEATUN. CASS. HINSDALE. ” don. in the m- WWIEIS GROVE g NURSERIES E GRANITE A SPECIALTY (Min and Rattle-av. Ilma lhflvling. I. DR. (5. A. SIDIMNH nonmm'rmc PHYSICIAN :. ml .:. summon. "m ' DINI- M;dnâ€"od m»a.a;1t.::i:11."' Pork. minim-nod. p" hIId.. 7b lump"!!! ....\.......ll. In! "In. our land ........... 7LAIO Val. “has. [In hut-d” ...... NAM Inflow. pot Maul. M . . . 34.65 '5‘ Lamb- pm ImId ...... mam “Ike’s. prlb Mn. ............... I-j mw'i'mbn (Nu. “ I». Ouldwafl'n Hymn Pug-In h In plmu! In who and um“! no “huh-o In mulh that who: ma "in! nothing «a! min Into: an ply-o. For 00.- nUg-mou. [mum-lion. Chm“. Nd "omha'ln. Rum-or Complaint at any lmulvlo of “no Hound! of [lo-oh. N load- all who! nun-flu. You don't have to span! I dot!» to try IM- m‘ ct}. It In 90! up In Mu tom:- on.“ "with [or “an" an un“ In a tuna" u n In," mummy. mm” m:- IN and CI, For ul- toy W. R (kn-om. Till IDCAL HAIR". f‘nllmflu‘ will In; Vim“ Ibo Dov-l lath! nl an um «I going In pm: Rana.urn......m...........,lawn- AL'AYI Ill 0' I‘ll! Llal. m Mungnwlnhbhflm Duluth Imperial In ”M hql. flour on mm». A um will prove It. For mic lny Nat-In "m Chas. H. Kayler. In Virgcn of Oak Put has been unending a for cluyu with In. Waller Willmd. J. C. Hatch ha been quite nick (or the [nut week, but I: now Impcovlnx slowly. hauls Schultz was quite sick Tuesday but is nmv able to be about again. Ills: Imam Nomad. Au! and Ed- ward "nu-h visited J. C. "and: last week. A number of Linda folks spent Rumluy in Milwaukee. The Epworth League voted favor- ably Sunday evening to the proposition of Rev. Saunders o! Downer»: Grove, that he give us two lectures on his trip to the E. L. convention at Chutunooga. Thin ronvention is u. subject of intemt to every Epwurth Lenguer and we hope that many may hear these lectures. Geo. Chaplin. who was hurtlut week at Lamont by jumping from his wagon while his horses were running away. is doing as well as might. be expected. Dir. Chaplin had a narrow 08.]10, the nerkyoke coming down at. a place where it was next to an impossibility to stop the team. Many people going to see the drain- age maul again reminds an that some- thing is being carried forward at our very door which 60 years from now will he considered a wonderful work. Any- one who fails to we the machinery on the drainnge canal will miss a. rare sight. Rev. Sedwoek continuing for anothnr year. Mrs. Henry Smart has fully, recover ad from her recent Illness and is able to be out again. LISLE SIFTINGS. larble Worm Io vows Io cm. ling. I. n. Knot, [hm-«Ii alive, "I. ;n Iv- But the host remains to he told. Mrs. Hilton had suffered 'lth severe \ervoua tumbles for thirteen years and had been treated by several physi- ;ians. who stand high in their profession, without any perceptible improve- nent. Seeing how the Nervlnc had so effectually cured m she commenced using it and is now in excellent health. We never fall to recommend It." Loam-Inns, Jan. 22, l895. D. W. Humor. Dr. Miles’ Nervine Mm. When in this mndlblon. n seemed like a proudenml dremnstanoe that. I earned or Dr. Mllcs‘ Restorative Nervine, for in two dlys after I commenced sing It, I began to improve and In one month‘s time I In \irtually med, In] very much to the surprise of everybody who knew of my condition; for one of them believed I would ever recover. I have been In cxoellent mm: mm: and have recommended your remedies to many of my Manda, not om fwham has failed to thank me for doing so, yhen I have mot them gain. There is one nemedy that will rophce this mu, tissue; um will re- new this km. vitality and result-e mm; Read what Mr. D. W. “Hun, sun went of the Mutant Life Insurance 01.. of Kentucky, one of the hen km naurzmee man in the man, and whme portrait. appears above, my: about In. )r. Mlles' Nurvino Restored him to health when all clan had failed. "In 18!» and '90 I had two severe attack: of [nan-lane. about emu. ountlm intern-Mug between them, the last one ccnflnlng me to my bed for our months mu] attacking my nervous system, wlth melt severity that my in: was dospnircd of. I had not slept for more than two months except by he use of narcotics that stnpetled me. but gave me no rest. Fdl more than lght long weeks I was only minus of intense mental wanes, agonizing odily pain and the fact that I «an hourly gmlng weaker: 0 DISEASE has cwr presented at: many Immunities. developed a! many aggravating symptoms and mm": so many phylum II marina N0 disease leaves its victims so dobf’tawd. I“. nieeplm, narrrltm, as Lafitippe. It. is a disease of the horns. It m up the tissue. the vitality. the life-giving non-e force that. feeds “he brain. How Dr. Miles' Nervlne Brought One 0! Kentucky’s Foremost Busi- ness Men Back to Health. uiiikafl§§§§§ufl§§§yfl§§ufl§§§~3ii White 8: Williams. Ad Bulldoro.‘ ummmvmmmwwwmmmwuwmmuvmvmfl Advertising‘g M50 Croc kery. Glassware. , Lamps, and many others articles. Men’s, Boys’, Ladies, Misses and Children’s SHOESQ" Thatcher Q Crescy From Lafirippe. J udic ious judicious advertising means several things. Not only in composition and display has there been marked im~ provement in advertising, but among other things, juv dicious advertising means to advertise the right thing at the right time and in the right medium. The Rt:- mm'uzu reaches nearly all a! the people in thin vicinity. We have had years oi experience in preparing adver- tismncnts and can assist you in preparing trade catch~ era. We charge nothing [or writing advertisements. Have marked down their entire line of g In the magnet that draw. cash :1 fro.“ the pocket. otthe publlc. K at their stock and note prices. It will be for your interestito look

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