Downers Grove Reporter, 9 Jan 1896, p. 5

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.".'.R. T. MORGAN.'.‘. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT V _ 0F SCHOOLS. in The COURTHOUSF A'l' wan-row. mono-conq- the one Enter- ' duel ever: nonth. We: July. Ann-est. :D. Dw= = Contractor and Builder _ Annorkgiveepronipteed peneoel et- ...W..- -" nownus onove. - - 11.113015 C. A. PROUT. WIVEYOII. Work done in nu pen. or the met, “Maul"- Monoy to L0.“- WEIA‘ION, - oer-tone. It‘ll"! UFFIOE, tenure Grove. All! “I7! IO. 0! am CT. coerce. ARCHIE MARVIN, lootonol - Parlors, line-r Ier-ve nee lsvreentennne. Dev-eve Grove. 1‘ aim-gnu llelr Cutting in the ht deed Inst Approved litvlee. "NOW IS THE WINTER OF OUR DISCONTENT!" “6 .. OILS rnnee woheve to one Aedeeooll erticie in heal to magnetron-um thntleherd ioheni. lanveor- oeree Onrpeele'e Dam store. 133;: CRAIG. WHEATON COLLEGE. Wheel-n. ileels. " A School lot Ion end Women. " 'leler ter- onews “new. Jen. 2. Three college cannon. Ciel-steel. Scien- tilonnleternry. Wuhan-sores- l-dln'ioenrhol theehove. Hormel nurse for thou-e wishing to tench. Itedenle ltted ior other college-inert erwun. l‘ovcntelognenddrnnr menus A. MICIIAID. wen... - . DR. G. A. SIDDONS WATER} PHYSICIAN -:- end :- BURGER. Mennodllddenee, Illicleildlng. Elm lm ho mmmlm by it: comm summon, AMT. RUSSELL Cannon Tune Fonda meow. nonsmo. MACK. anemone. PLAT‘PIIO. noun mm. M. m . GET THE 'nfim. ' (there-rennin In. I. «more. wen en eelsonlvn. neoeerslirl ensure unen- mam-sum WW noun-me- wseohlieedtoelveenhiehei- non. 'l'heetuohonlnennon hie: elatio- quoetn‘nely. Onounoemnn‘huneonrrt- muwmmmmnm street. Once he tell done n shit in the meow-nanny proving-inlet Ir. mmmmmmuee Mmeonemnhereblethenefl- ieptlee. Formyenrelsnleredwltheyllep- Helmhflnsuhlzhnelvoiuononlthtl tried no: number at mmmin‘to one elone. e lee of m end hove does Miran-nineteenth hi to help no. end here tehee ell the lending Whtrecelvedhohendthmep my ears. MB. Gelleher. (Ir-“ht nt Ill Reel 0L. Innnkee. gnvn Inn Dr. like' We! Irvine. end I tiled it with mutual“. llnve lied but two lb slnoelbopntekinlit. le-hettornowln mmthnihnvehesnleliyeere.‘ Dr.Iilnn'Ieesedienerneold by m unpoeltlnmrnnteethstthelrst bottle 'wiilheneltorseieereluedod. Bookonthe ll-Iteedlerveelree. Address. or.nuuw<h.mmu mung-menu NDERTR E All) tlinnler'r Wort end ell Kinds 0! Furniture itepnirll‘. WWII” (IDOI’K. ' Chronicle thOrsntlenssrels menu-q finkâ€"tmumnflorennlbr eleventh 33:90. SOUND DEIOCRACY All) ALI. THE NEWS “nonhumanâ€"fin“ dentinlyeeretthnv-h One Cent a Day remind-elevate“ ”tantrum a PARTS or Vilma- ILLIWM with the J. P. Dnvenport left-Tuned” {or hie home in PIn'no. 0. G. Grove- in oonllnnd to his home through illness. llrn. Cm'y returned Bnturdny from her visit to Rockford. lire. floors oi Clyde visited lira. Puke over Sunday. W. C. Bertie enterteined n nephew during the holidays. Try e Ion! oifieydon’n lnxnti ve bread. Kory Diener neile it. “Andy" And-non loit llondey in a. trip through the went. I". A. Brode'o brother of Harvey, is visiting liltll this week. ' We understood that there era a few cases of measles in town. lery Dinner now heudleo anervlllo linked modeâ€"Heydoo'n beet. Emmi. H. Windsor will supply the Congreantionel pulpit next flehhntli. F. J. Lovell oi Dnnville celled on his perenle. Iir. end Ire. T. 8. Lovell lest Beturdey. Ir. Wright of Fenian. ill. visited his doughter. lire. Will Colville, duo- lng the holidnye. lire. Spencer Wheeler of Chiongo, wee the gueet of Ir. end Ire. Ilery Wheeler over Sande}. Bentuel Smith oi St. Joseph. la. in here ioree “heeled visit with his brother. W. D. Smith. A series of union revive! meeting of the verloue chi-whee one being held in the lethodiet church. \ Ir. Deleon lot! It. Nellie npent New Yenrnlu Iookiord. lien bloom will rennin never-l weeks. IbAllteBleuley. who wee on the dot Net lent week went to her dent in the city Ioeeey eeorning. Bets-sent Pei-oer ere ole-leg out theiretochelnho-etn greet seerliire to note roorn (or new stock. III. A. It. Che-here and In. Rinse. of (Monaco. toot dinner with Ir. end Ire. 1.. l’. Kenmore Int My. Ir. end Ire. I. Cluster of Phlledet [mind’s-them week oi the new yeerwlth Ir. end Ire. J. Worth an eehee. Ir. end Ire. llhenler end Ml Sheet- ier, who vlnlted et Ire. Ioflnh‘ht'e 1'. ii. Lovell went to Anrore on host: nae meet-ted with .inhliehing n uni-noon ior theJohe Churoh (30.. The choir ol lit. Andrews Hinton. will meet nt the (1an room on hide, evening st It o'clock. A fell etieed. none in enreeelly reeeseted. m Benzâ€"Good inr- ol ll! none Two Illusonthw-toi Downere (trove. Micro-eh. oroe hum-oil nur- ohneer. Inquire oi John I. Nelle. Prol. ileneeeed donehier oi Jenn- eoevllle. who here teen visiting Ir. Renee‘s sister. Ire. I. A. iirede the peel went. returned honre Bet-my. rm doiiern rewnrd h clued for the uresteedoonvioiion oi the port, or pnrtiencengllt hrenhieg m in the street In-pe. w. ll. Menu. 1 oler for snle I, two lee hwiirllng loin In bent loontioe on the north side. nndwill throw lephnn for home. 1. ll Hollng. Ieplenve end Worthington street. eend.whohenreeently recovered from neeverelilnu. [multireecydsnlreeto express humid! tile-h to ell neighbors endrrientiorâ€"nnyeclnoikindne- nndeyesnnthyie her time of sorrow nndherenve-eet. “rootloerhsoldhy'.fl.col- vilhlhensrtheldegroosr. ill-ebo- letelytheh‘utflonrier genernl loo-e eneonthe-erhel. “loam-rel, Onpontuuterh- estrncoplaol ihellonrnevery weekforthe noon-muttoeewho leilto leeelvslhslr’sregnlnrly. I! lhepneer lsnotle yonrbx who-“shonldhe, slim-(ores. nonhuman-um mm hevelnoldod to glvelnnohnlhieee-on. the-ene- theydld int. he Iret one will he givenntlheho-eoflre'.n.ld- werds, on Thirty, Jenna 10th. Innehwillhessrredntoneo'eloeh. lev.1.l.lldlnsrsolinrehlnhnrnrn hnlnhlgwnleh their toll: lire." A.- end M 'nnd tensity of the villege. ' - 1‘0 M none: on indies: men's end chlldoen'l ehoen you should investigate thee, .‘el‘ilntemen o Pointer. The oelehre , Phelpn, Dodge Co.’s shoe will he told cheeper then you could ever hope to buy them in Clamp. Next Monday evening will be the annual meeting of the Baptist church. There will be aroil call and letters will he read noun ex-pneloln. no address will be delivered end an enjoyable evening will be spent. All friends one oordinlly invited. Epleoopel chumh, 8t. Andree-s Ille- nion. Services on Sunday as follows: Early celebration of the holy commun- ion nt 8:95 a. m.. Sundey school or. ill“ a. an. evening preyer with utnuy nt 8:30 p. In. A full eétondnnce in requent- ednt each of these services. A cor- dlitl inflation is extended to I“. Our fellow townsmuu, Ir. Jensen Pridhnm, wee maemiy the recipient ol e very hendeomo bouquet leap end eisoeheeutiini 84in, clock from the ettendnntn of St. Andrews lleslon. Accompenylng the glite wee e lenti- rnooiel signed by every nttondent. ex- preneing sincere edntiretlon end love for the recipient. Ilr. Pridhern el- thouxh token entirely by surprlee. re encoded in e feeling end suitnhie nann- LACE. lire. J. H. Miller of llinedeis in vie. ltlnx reletlves et been thin week. Ill-i loulen Beh- npnnt the holideye with her (rendpereete. Ir. end IreA. liohnrer. . Don't iorget the neeqeereos et (toweroethe llth. A good time in “pooled. inep’enr! Beelueiore better he on the eiert. en thh will he their lest chem-e lor eight your!» The mid were wee predicted the lore pert oi lest week so severe! eloer young none am home with "aisles on. " 'lant lletnriny onrieohe, wentlothe horee whet nt leper-ville. bet he neee't in it. lie couldn't get e her ”in. plseeleeiothe ion In. lee-eottlng leininll progr- lhln went. the ion hole“ nhoet lIor ll inch. in thin!- Dene. A "WAY mum-v. 'l'iiexreetent event at the omen in Vole eeethe hirihdey eenlrevnry oi Ir. Jeane (beveree which ooenrred et hie homeon wander. Der. ll. when his children. Miriidrnn, noel-ewe end nieceegnthered in e ie-iiy reunion tooeiehrnte hie ‘llih Hrthdey D in non. hererneltireh invlni ,in "unreal; ”A“ ”gill; nor to . m t rant ire. Downer’sflrevewere In. onenlrineAnetln end one. Ire Willie. mwerlenddnogntsr. Ire. Be- One- . Ir.end Ire. Converse on): m. Ir. Ire Clevelend end r.- nril . Ir. end Ire. Oliver Boot, Ire. I. “neon. Ire. Wellington Oom verse Ir. nod Ire. John (beverne. Ir. end In. Wettle (women. Ir. nod Ire. 1. ll. Weltee, ne-i ln-illy. Ir. nod Ire. Jeanne Dowell end feel! if Ir. end Ire. Willie-i Gllhridge of Anselm, lli., writes: "(hidwell‘s Eyrep Pepin inthehctre-enylheveevnr needior stoned: tin-Hen. inever felt hotter in say lilo, end I think every ln-lly shonidhepitoeheed. It do. here then in do!“ for it.” menu. ”W. Thinprleelorone Thee-end Orovshr-edInt-fl-neeem. penywlnbsheldinthe hell st Lees, oantnrdny,Iseliih in, of Inner, LD.Mntlo'eloehn. I. “Amstereiu-y. CefifmhuMMeoe-V denature Gino every Vole- onN§wYenrsdemlrrM I . Cole. end dnn‘htsre Alice 'fromOttan. RE. Skill)!“ hrlstmelj We have made epeclnl prepsntiou end inuseeev m chosen lor the Hoiideys. Givenhle till-(e. on. ' ‘- beeuty with utility. ouch en locking Chnlln in _ Reed end Oak. Nothing reors sppropriets es s an v ,. eny member at the totally. Inny other Chm-e“ . in lumitnre elno. The pricee ere no low M Ill mh‘f hero. cheeper then in the city. Come endeee. C. F‘. Davis, 1' ”M”... E STANG â€".. Keeps-Choieelbeeliheleetflt‘ Clem - mm nzws harm. snuonner, venom Amtlprthew ' ' : “ORANGE LAUNDRY. Lnuedryworieeilsdioreedlelivsred. fishnet» oiworlx deeesedntleteotiongeereetsel . .i.‘ O. F What do you Expect to fin - lnnfiretcleselnont Inlet? TheImMIlhn oimeetleptin nookâ€"whether it in lion. w juicy, or ion I: es s toe-yser‘old Tune relished on in point. yon 'e to clennlinessolthe mint. oocnllnodpotestothe no first clnsn end the ' will elwnye he loend loot right. John H DI G. GRAHA NOTARY m

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