Downers Grove Reporter, 25 Feb 1897, p. 2

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My John-on. one oi the most men. crook: in this country. died My 0! consumption It Blackwell's “build. Ho we: 75 years old and he‘d med our 3 third at his life in prieâ€" .. Jam‘s gmtut exploit 'u the m oi I tin box containing over 0”,“ worth of nannies from the the Mount But in an. I. lawyer. u-pmMe-t of the y.- Meh mate, in deed. I". .1].nt Co: a! the committee to It)?!“ m "lined the reduction uk- h. he center of the lie-um house in mint a committee to visit tile Oahu-lineman- um unruly 5!} 5‘“ We! the resolution. Iur-Ad-tnl Edmund R. amoun W) died niacin] at m m: It Washington of heart failure. in mi 7! yuan Wane! chlulcy Ins tok- A “much to 0m London Dally lull m- Baru- un mu Emperor Will- It. la confined (0 Nu man by muo- ol n nhu-‘u on M. mm In". It. will mhlbu‘ In m and mubkv to In" (M W [or nut-l days, ‘: ch Rn. Chuk- lhrutd. D. [1. N Ian! 09 you: lmly ml. “I d I. Chrln' Gallon. mum cm. It. and warrior 0! "u! m. Bul- fla 0rd" II America. dlc‘d at "um. 00!... from mammoth». Th lute carpet Goth, the MN". and worn, Ind n:- W flare camps", at Bloom-burg. I’m "finally one eoncern. mm, with mums. .1 $100,000: use" not given. An Autumn buns hall team has de- m to make a tour of the United Int. and will an on the 1|qu . thn It Hayden. president of the MM Lumber company of St. Louis, which has urge will: u Neeleymle, Art. m killed at the Inuvr place. Ir. Hayden was «light In the mill mn- cMnery Ind boy-run, crushed. no vii. "mud n millionaire. A! A Mr"- “Ir ltroumvillc. ‘hnn. I “to. ol the rhvuod mt: ml- hpfl. mum!" loo ml In It. Wad. II: In die. lady "to non or bu humus. H I: claimed by a. dam- mm‘on that one of m up. m cat. A. n mm:- o! the nun-Hon u Ono-l. and the downturn o! the King 0! Gm: [run tho Rug-Ian lognuon. on. Russian warm” u manly) Inc «mum-d #337 m- vmh a an to Room. The Dnltlo Mlormnhrn' l'nlon or- derwl 3 3mm! strike In every lmflalo tho, but out. and out no men ban «It work. The union Is very strong [I the city. ‘ The Southern mum. mlll :1 Terra Ila-ta. 1311.. named up, giving em-l ploy-pelt to new"! hundred Inn. The ‘ Men mm, owned by the name com- ”.1. curled up In! Monday. A'. Cotumbnl, 0M0, Ono Knuth o! lllvluco nun-d "mm In both Im ad will die. No bad no money. In out at cm. and Ind [and to me do who. for Info Inning. .‘ lit-Junk: n. Boron. who a You! yam m In one o! the weullhlent and mat bro-loom tux-luau men In KAn-n Clly. com-nun! nukido at Ila Ilkflnnd Mud. Helen, daughter or John H. Dichl, toll headlonamo-t n dluurwc of three m. at South Bend, 1nd,, lnfllctln‘ mmu nun Injuries. he: skull being mated. 000m B. Ryan. prtnclpn! of school- It Ruin: Bun. Ohio, And member of I!“ county bond of examiners, mu ' Illed near hour-9y by u Hocking Val- ky lnln. Dr. H. C. Dnnlels.‘ realm-at 0! Na- porvllle. Ill. since 1832, and one of the olden practicing physlclunx In tho country. II dead. _ At the European bole}, lnCrosue. wu, Edward Folsom, Grand Mandov, col-muted suicide b; taking morphine. lit-Judge R. W. Sndler. aged 41, died 0! Injuries received In a runaway at Akron, Ohio. His skull was [rectum]. The children of John Cain. of Perry, 0. 'l‘., not fire to the grass in the door- yard and both were burned to death. At Dubuque. Iowa. Lorenz Haber Choked to death while eating bee!- uuk M. the family table. Illinois state camp, Patriotic Sons 0! America, convened at Monmouth Holiday morning and elected James II. Calhoun. Chicago, president. Other oflcern were also chosen. Walter Hartwell was crushed to (at!) by falling slate and coal at Me:- Ico, lo. Philip Clark, the last survivor of the Black Hawk war, was buried Sunâ€" day In Clinton. "I. He was 85 years old'and served In the war under Clpt. Abraham Lincoln. THE NEWS 0? SEVEN DAYS UP TO DATE. DO‘VNEEB GROVE. I ILLINOIS. “Ink-l. Edith-I. loch] Ind Mull-I w a "no link World Oman: W tar on Wu. Ar 3mm 6mm 3mm”. HISTORY OF A WEEK. wagiumnmumm umdmtlns mama». mu! m. Mm “Hid Haul 3, WHITE WILLIAMS. 10h Beck-tron or DeKnlb. IIL, com- mitted "icicle by plunging a knife Into MI Must. TM- h the thirteenth nt- ‘tom at annual Ml miclde’m am an during file In! two months. ’ mu giving In tune a: Stillman he ‘ tel 3t Grand 1 “I! m ”It. surmised it Inven- ”My-gammy ad in an Ire. flu Shelton. or Shelton. Aged 43, who In said to be the divorced wife or n wealthy Chicago denier in railway applies. commuted suicide I! the Ho- ael lenlo. In New York any. by taking 3 done of while add. Joseph Inn-dock at Scott county, Vir- ginie. supposed to have been murdered twentyâ€"five you: ago. for which up. volume- crime Bud Lindsey served (weary-one you: In the Virginie pent- mutiny. has returned to his former lanai um died recently. Tim- 1mm. colored. was hanged a Newcaltle. DeL. for the murder of MI Infant and. Rupert Jone, William Let-kins and m Lyons of Plymouth. mm... were held withent ball. econ-ed of the menu at Kermit Jame- Richard; the Wanton-w ednnty miner. Henry Schm, city marshal of Bream, - minim: town near Culyle. Ill, was bully mm by Joesph Kum The miners Ire um, um I pane of 100 mad man I: In pun-mu of the nut- The Pangaea. a tribe at Indian in Mexico, are aid to have taken the warp-[h to new the ninth of their principal duel. Publo. who was kiiied while confined in the summon“ at El Plano. sixty miles west of Nouns. Tha Berlin [40an Anleiger an that Dr. amnm, the chess expert, I: nut term: from mental disorder and has been placed In the Mormon private hospital at Mmcnv. Al 3 meeting of the republican a: Mndrkl. Spain, the anniversary of "1" pneumatic. o! the republic In v.73. (her. were 4.000 persona present. The-- leuden used the necessity of a union of the rvpuhlleoum Their remark.- Mu frequently Interrupted. nml Un- ntmnde of the cm") was hmme. Blr Anna Minor bu been appoint- ed governor of Capo Colony. to we. coed Lord Ros-mad, bcucr known as Sir Horrulea Rom-sou, "0 "IBM" on account 0! In health. Hm Wen". «mot ol the Berlin Who Tum-Imus. In: been non- lenred (o (to mount lamina-cu: tor Ill mm. min. (In tho («mun our. mom-d um par-graph nanny; not an cu «II-muted (run Malling Prim nhmml by advice from m- [:1th govunmvm quarter. The "on. Ron. pnu punt: com We." «nun; (In: 325.000 Inhalat- lulu Mn Infl Bombay on acrmmc 0! III. III”. II h add that (humus. (England; when“: will cont-r Ibo deuce 0! LL DL 0‘ Anibal-dot Bayard won Nance um nacho nu mm honor a: a. nm “In According to n onml Ill-patch nu «Ind u Colunnllnoplr. the Crown In- mrmu have mannered at am: 100 Turn. mm. women and rMMu'u. Ann-undo: UM denies the nport that be will be I gunner In the [Inn at Chmhnd, Olacy I. lfhl. A dispatch to the London Dally ”all tro- l’nru any: that Dr. Bit-lulu ll dud n Iloscow In. Charles ll- lefli‘rrof Andrews. "L. while hunting be: lucky tell orcr dead of bun (allure. A! Rock Island. UL. Wiillum Melon. I laborer. wan klllml by an embank- ment of clay sliding dawn unon NI“ while he and two other: were mnkinis' an excavation. John Von: and Martin Then. were seriously Injuiwi. I‘vreucc (inn-inn wu drivlul near 10"“. "L. with a load of com. The mm run "my, throwing him under the wagon wheels, crushing out M: We. A freight wreck occurred on the un- noll Central road near Honky Dell. I". “0 engine and (autumn cars. with contents. were demolished. The ensl- neer. fireman um one Makeman were killed. Evan John Williams, 330d 16. W88 mldenlnlly killed whne hunllns near “FPS"‘P- Knn., m: shotgun exploding. At Marlon, nut. Nelson Ano, an In- mate M the soldiers' home, Wu run down and killed by a Big Four passen- ger train. At Leavenworth. Kas.. Mrs. Thomas J. Mollow'l clothlng caught fire and she died In great agony. The husband and two children were badly burned in trying to save her. H. H. Lueker of Worden, Ill. was struck by a Wnbnah train. sustaining myerc Internal Injuries. At Falls City. mu, time n A. Thomas was run over and killed while Ellshtlns from a train. Prat. W. Wallace, professor of moral Philosophy In the Unlveraity o! Oxtom, England. was killed by a mu from his bicycle which fractured his skull. l The county Infirmary. two miles south of Warsaw. 11:01.. was totally de- stroyed by the Saturday. The building waa Just completed at a cost at $40,000. and was the finest structure at the kind In the state. The inmates were got out safely. While Elmer Francis of Summer. Wm. vu running a toad mlu he had his left hand caught in the gearlns and IL was so badly mangled that am-“ mutation was necessary. ‘ Inhoninx county’s inllrmary. about six mile. (tom Youngstown. Ohio. was entirely consumed Sunday morning by are. The inmates nil escaped with the "08min: 0! one or the insane patients, who rushed back into the burning building. CRIME. FOREIGN. CASUALTIEB. Corn. new No. 2.. Out... No. 2 unite. . 81'. LOUIS. Came, all grades ........ Wheat. No. 1 In Con, No. 2 ...... Oats, Rio. 2.... cum, all grades. Hogs, nll aides” Simon and hubs. CHICAGO. Cattle, common to prlmeflfio H083 ail grade- ....... . 1.93 sheep and IIIBDI ........ 2.40 Corn. No. 2 ........ .211 Wheat, No. 2 red... ..... 0am. No. 3..... ..... .15 Hogg ail grades ....... . 1.95 03.5255 sheep and lamb: ........ 2.40 $5.10 Corn. No. 2 ........ 11916 .22 Wheat. No. 2 red... ..... 34* 0am. No. 3..... ..... .15 0 .155. Mm J. Ric, No. 2.. 31 Potatoes .u o .3 nutter ....... . , .08 O .20 Charles Pinkerton subbed 2:!- nepheu, Charla rinkeflon. to death Nth a skinning Imifo. line murder be- ing mmmitted Al South Bend. Ind. T'm uncle alleges thn the nephew threatened to lull hlm. 'iiw iswiith annual union oi (he National Editorial amiation ad- journed Friday to meet next year'at Dmvor. hauls Hellman. Democrat. Brazil. ind. was elm-led president. The. Rhodes-Morton (‘onvany ol llonrrwflc. W. \‘n.. ”I. lax-gm! dealer; 0! amoral men-hand!” In that notion *v! "w unto, has ”sign"! In Jnhn W. Harris of Lowlshm-g. ll la understood ’hm (ho. llaNlHes Ire burnt: 330.000 and sumo. and the manta then! In" as much. Tho am 0! ll. 6: J. Humlrick. boot and thee mmuhflurvrs n! Sloughloll. “um. tau ”and It» hwmry lnr an III‘ deflnlw period. otln‘ to napkin-s re- fusing m nrcopl n cm in rain. Aunmt nouns, Hm Imam; Nothin- o! Vina-Inn, lint. In: man my»- “mum: [or the bend“ o! M: rndlt- on. And- about 820.000; llabllluen, “5.000. TM noun bu 3990mm! John J. Mom-av o! moomlnmoa. lll.. noon" of mo «mum.» um": Inn or Inn “to Mm. may O Co. Alum! A. Monroe. 0 student A! IN Sodium Indium; normal uhool, took an ovcrdmr a! morphlna'. by uni-law. to man lawman. "a ran l0 run old and M. home In at Arron. m. Cheater (3. Duck. (or lorry you" a number a! the banking an» a! IInrl: a Toan. Plymouth. lnd., am! a! heart disease. while manning «m: n Mend. Ila run 6: your: old. LATEST MARKET REPORTS. Spa-lulu from “warmer and Iron Mountain. MM... announce that Ilm Bundny Luke and (‘huplu uum-a have mdum'd mum». M) Mr nun mull mm the l’ewnhlk and l’onnlylwnlu Iron rom- mny mines. near Iron Muumzzln. will ‘prohahly do ”10 same. They all un- uluy 1.200 men. “an nth’kt-n from Cuzm alum on Feb. 5 Laure, n pro-moan" lawn eigh- lcoa mllml from Palm. um destroyed by a sudden and dim-tram rlae m I near-by river. According to the l'em- nan mmm 1,000 33:1qu were Ion homolrns by the flood. The wrumiasiomrs ot the Joilei. "1.. penitentiary appointed Major R. W. Md‘laughry. ni menu: superintendent of the state rcnmnaiory {or boys, at Pontiac. warm-n ol the [auxin-mini?- The German tank steamer Dlnmum. Captain \Vlachnnsun and thirty-five men. was probably lost with all band: 280 miles southeast 0! llnlUnx, Feb. 17. or also she has been drinlug at the men-y of um elements eu-r since. Fourteen persons were seriously pol- 30an at the Russell house in Hum- boldt. Iowa. by eating canned rasp- berries. Those affected are Frank Avery, proprietor of the hotel. and his Irma. three diningâ€"room girls, five boarders and tour traveling men. The Iowa State Young Men's Chris- tian association closed its come-man Sunday nixht. The committee has not yet made known the place for the next convention, but It is generally believed that Perry will be selected. Dr. 8. Gran: Moses, one of the oldest and most. prominent physicians in St. Louis, ls dead. aged 85. He was way. aician to Joseph Bonaparte, the elder brother 0! the famous Napoleon. John P. Merrill, treasurer of the Crown Point. Ind., city when] board. ox~postmaster, ext-county treasurer and a very Influential business man, dropped dead a! his home. At Marinate, Wis.. Joe Mathlson not several beans Into his windpum. They worked their way to film bronchial tubes and caused such inflammation that the lad died. It. Is denied that any decmlon has been given by the Vatican on the lub‘ Ject 0! the Manitoba schools. The Wisconsin State Epworth lugue elected wnus W. Cooper. Kenasha. president. A monument is to be erected at Bal- timore over the annulus or Francis Scott Key, author of the famous an- thea. “The Star Spangled Banner." IILWAUKEE KANSAS CITY. DETROIT. MISCELLANEOUS. PEORIA. YORK. DOWNERS GROVE REPORTER. I.“ 05.00 3.00 03.45 no 05.40 .35“ .1995 .nm 1.25 3.10 ‘1 YR 4mm J9 1 U 1* .11 1.30 66.15 1.95 03.5255 mo 65.10 .219i9 .22 04.90 03.35 04.50 4.75 .18% .19 .171‘ Tte house annuities on labor :11- um a favorable report on the tall! to prevent conspiracies to blacklist. n mudg- that : eomblnulon m prevent the employment of «my verge! on n mspovuuon line because of particl- mlon in my trike or labor trouble. or when» In my lawful labor union or mutation, dull be an un- lawful call-piracy. sud will“ u no). unla- lllml aet- wm mull!â€" wl In column vlth the mm «I II- Judge James A. Guy. who II talked of for mmnm‘naem In the no» Klnley cabinet. in no of the out (lla- uaaulahed Mum In Maryland. HI- M"! an. «Iglnuy Iron- man-- um. and tho judge cannot be In“. More. to be : souther- nul. In politics: he in a Wills and glued Henry Clay before him as his Ideal of x. mm in was an abolitionist by instinct. nd he was one of the thug adept“ m Howard mnty in the Mg union convention of 1881. which Cu held at the Ilarylnnd Institute. The Innate adjourned at 8:15. am.- hnvtng weal nlmml clam hour: In continuum- "mun avg-Inn on (he ulnltnllan treaty. No result mm m:- compllahm! bcyoml voting down L'm } motion mudv‘ Thurulay by Hounmr N»!- Ion to wtpono [urine-r conuldermlon ! or the lmly mull March 5. you on "no Lam! M". Immune-«l, n (o wand-flung Inn" umlu‘r. Am! “r. mu. ler (N‘ (‘J nnnrmnml that In- wank! nuke - mummy report. Hr. snwnn 1'!» «math man! In an! hour In Ila. Ionian lo “'nchIngmu'n [unwoll ud- dnu. ml by Mr. Dunk-l (V-J. “d M “mod In “Italian Io IM Indun appromuon un. Tho clan-0 cam-rt- lnn lmmnry mm". with ”curl-n nthools. whrn l0 Kant-mom school: wore null-bio. us urn-d to, at to I. A prowl-Ion w" added tin-lulu u (a ho (be nulul pollry of tho ‘nwrnmnl banner to unit no nopropflnthnn whatu'or [or (M mpvort at mus-In whoolu. Hr. ("h-mun lulu-nun! a m loath). Polt- IS. The home pnml tho guawml dr- Idem-y appropriation Mn and line- nl tho mnuidemllnn o! Ihr um of tho money Mm. that providing {or flu- IIM'II enablhmmm. sum-n ot the tony-alum mm of Ibo maul bill were completed. Friday, Feb. IO. l-‘flday, Feb. 19. a very spirited de- buo on the general subject at the payment of claims mum! to be due against an» linked Slates mu indulgod by the house during the consldvmn-m o! the grneral deactonvy appmpriatlun bill. I: wan null-d um 1|:er chums Inlnsl Iho gm-vmmont, Instead a! up smxmlnx hundreds of millions. :m was (mm-mu nun-d, could he .erlmrgwl \‘llh 310.000.0190. The bill (11?er sin (H.027. The senate adjourned at 6:30, after spending slxjoun in executive ses- sion. Senator Sherman gave notice that he would Friday at 12:30 move an executive session {or the purpose of considering the arbitration treaty alone. and that he would ask that the session behind closed doors be con- tinued until the late of the treaty should be known. Upon this announce- ment the senate adjourned without di- Vision. The house by a vote 0! 191 to 91 re- versed the findlng o! a majority of the election: committee, and decided the, contested election caso or N. T. Hop- kins vs. 1. M Kendall (tom the tenth Kentucky district In favor of the re- publican contestant Wain-clay. Fob. 11. The lmmlgtallon bill now goes to the maiden, the last legislative step hav- hur been taken In the senate by an agreement to the conference report on the blll. Strong opposition was made to the report, but on the final vote the friends 01 the measure rallied a small majority, the vote being: You, 34; naya, 31. Senate Pl.“ Matt 01 fl- Tlio l- Ix.- ouun Businuwflonml Donahue, Ap- proprhuo- Bill Man II: “I. Home â€"â€"80cuuhn Schools. LEGISLATIVE PROCEEDINGS AT WASHINGTON. WORK OF GONGRIS. A PROBMCTIVS POSTHASWR GENERAL. 'l'lmruhy. Fab. fl. {5/ , :. .,46--‘$-7’.‘\ You" 'llflllm Killed In the lung. Ban Coleman: wn killed In a prize int n the “alumni: Athletic club. Clnclnuu. Ohio. Thundir night. by wmm m Rum escaped. In! m Blues). '1. IMIL ' v I'M-t nae-Iro- Wu loo-no. A postmortem culmination of Dr. Dmmw‘s brain was mode by I num- ber of specialists. 11m examination re- united in 1 conviction nmoox the phy- sicians am the brain was in an abnorâ€" mal condition. After the war the Republicans were very name In Maryland, but Ir. Gary no true to his convictions. He‘ was a detenle to the convention of 1872 tint nominated Grant. and he in. the chir- mnn of the Mai-yum! delegation. Since that time he has let-wed his pnrty with unhillng odor and has out In may conventions. ante and nation“, a the representative of the Repubiieons of the oid ante. He takes a keen Interest In mnnlciml politics. He in a honor. I businenn man and one at the moat polished gentle-en of flarylnnd. Sc. rum- Trap“- Maul. Pymhn- (man all pan: 0! Winon- nln cm» at Mitt-Ink”. Wit. Monday to ”am "Mr Dara! hunt-nu In 40."- mllm: tho hnmhmnr- not "mm. in the l'mm. MIMI“. _ "All“ ..I'I ”awn Illa Pulh". M. A. Hanna. .;|x nklux Ngardinx thr nnuuumwucm that Gov. Bushnell hm! «Imam m nmmlm him l'niunl mam i wnnwr to mun-ml 8|. x'nlnn. mid: “I : Iii-all Ilu all In my pawn-r to ho worthy of "In hunur. So fur a: my policy gum ll wlll he In aid the .‘HKlulvy adminis- tration. and In punk-Mar lo Mun: In [running at 00.1' a Inf"! blll whh-h Wlll . heck In rvuuro munch-navy lo the ('ullll- j try and give a stimulus ,lu our mam. ; lrha. 'lh‘l ta now me u M»! mm... c u.’ f my HP." Phat!" ll. I’ll-Hum“ Inn Man urt- omty m for at" a want In M: bolu- u Now Your. Tin-n In a mum rhnnn tar 1M mm In Hm dorlnr'n madman. hm Mu mrnml MM pawl"! madman on- nmtrly nun-(M. and II will M I ion: lime Inform be can return 10 Ma pulpit. bloat "run-ml Thumm I. gzrarv‘v to." mmly blnhop u! 3:. Paul. man” and law-fly ”mm IuhMuh-m at Hmula. ullcd u! I o‘dorl Monday at tho our 0! K3. Hr mun-u- | “film In lawns-hm: llloul ulx wret- um. Illd unit gradu- ally and rnlnlruly llll. uuuulrd lay the darn at Ibo cm“. in puma “my. Anna-l l‘ungreu or loll-en. The national congress of mother: opened Its session at Wanhlnston Wednesday. Since It: inception. less than a year ago. the organization has attracted widespread attention all ovet the United States. Invited, as It h. by some 0! the moat luflnenttal women In the country. The m-ssluns of the con- gress are hold in the banquet hall of the Arlington. Many dmmguishml women um‘uph‘tl flats on the slwukt‘r'l platform. A number 0! Inn-renting pa- pers warn read and dim'usm-d. "When Senator Sherman resigns to enter the cabinet of President McKin~ lay. 1 will appoint to succeed him. the Hon. Marcus A. Hanna or Cuyahogu county. to serve until his successor is chosen by tho LXXilld general assem- bly of the state. i trust this action will meet with the approval of the people. Am 8. Bushnell." "It has been my intention to make no announcement in relation to the action I would take in the matter of an appointment to fill the prospective va- cancy in the Ohio representation in the United States senate until the va- cancy actually existed. But. on amount of the manifest interest or the people and their desire to know what will be done. I deem it best now to make the following statement: Gov. Bushnell In Doc-lam In - alyned ' unto-noun. Gov. Bushnell of Ohio Sunday night gave out. the following to the press: oppose the mu by every poulble means. Mr. Butler and the bill was "Infam- Dun.” and i! the people understood It they would not tolerate It. (New) made It known that he would hm FIND-n! luv-la ”a... HANNA TO BE SENATOR. AnhM-hop flnn brunt. pen lately. entitled "The Children,” in malted m the Nickel! It should have been credited to a. Mason. m of the leading may manila of Illustrated Ingram ‘11. article m published In the it null-t. ., . A buutlmlly summed 1m Minted In several hundmd western pn- got records In as number at m my me. so alloying has um In- bonn am me cltlum In that on: no» mdmwwnmumdamm to the mummies. her. are two policemen In Oun- pfidp, him, who hue been strivin- but“ In the Buck Hllll of South m- kou have wonderful medlcfnu propor- ml tor the cm of I’m-111-.“- 31a. and than! nine-n, and null he Investigated In all nfleflng no. such troubles. Flat-cla- hotelm - muons and baths. Tenn-t “etch angle any and casually low run htmammmm'rmuotm month. Full information furnished a mind“ to field agents c. t N. w. 11. mm" from Pm I.” inane. hours. or more than In tom'- ndcr the '11.!th um. fir. layin- me New York Sunday omlrm u 10 o'clock on Pennsylvania nlled II response to "mini m m (In! Ms son. William 0. lay- an. II! lying at me [mm of mu» t Denver. M Fort Wayne Ir. flay- nln became convinced In! tho ordi- nry trains would not Cake Min to the side of M: m In nun In close In .yen In death. and M promptly wired he Chicago, Bnrflngton Quincy road a have In radius 1 Inch! "III to m Inn through m Denver ll urn I to Red Oak. Inna ”In. m k II n In" .Inulm Over long “mm M road [when «Cook and mer I). Inl- mach um I In» a minute [or an. com 0! [my to any nun. an e.- Sleon look the (ruin from (Mayo to Duvet, mama to Items: 0! I10 . "a to and run. Ltd Dav". mun-flu In nil uny- oIr IIIIMPI. The loans: no. tn put. at lid on. It. when out... you chord on “count at n but met. M Ills Mm Ila mum ml ( the m. In undo. aooo met Inv- Iu (‘mhn u no dl-«onml that a but 0. on o! "no "not much In mun. but In mm 0! (Mn fact a. o! "um-m I"?! 'u mo in Harrow Ins-Meg M Vilma a rah can” I“ nhmlhunl and no sou-zed. M Ant-mu Ibo mmou o.- ,glmor won: an mama Io look no no kin our and lb. "all: ma mum 0 to. ram lit-don In rout-d, who In. alum not. Im coon-ca la in u. ”no... A «am at unnu- ,‘pno M. In undo bum Chic-go Average Hue, excluding noon, 6!.“ mile. per bunt. t TM am nap made by Ibo tnll mot 'Invln (‘hlcnu can I! film-cull: In”! in" "mum. um (our plume-I rm ‘a race which surprised railroad men ho world over. Tho engine which took the train on film ilm run out of Chicago to (Euler PM": bad Just come in iron Aaron pulling a regular passenger train. No time III spent in cleaning up, but it has quickly turned around. Attached to film special train and manned I)!!!” pause engineer who had bronchi. ii to Chicago. No! more than a hall dam: pillclnls or employee or the road know the trip was to be made. This fact in tho most important in the history of the great (out. as It demonstrates lb. 'lufi‘rb physical condition 0! the rum! { and the perfect management which cw Mable: such n‘mnrkablo limo to be malntaium (or mum (lmu a “wound \ miles. The llmo mmlo by me record-brut- in; train ll a: (oilown, including all ’Olllp‘.’ From Chirngo )llln. Tlmr. To Gale-hum ....... 18:! III. “a. To Burlington :N 3h. «in. .To I'm-ilk Jet. . . . . . . . . is! its. Sq. .Ti) Llnroln ........... Ml ink. “in. (l'o llumlnn ......... m lL'h. In. To . .. 170 llh. III. To Dcoror .. 10:1 lsh 53a. L Arena- lime Including Hopi. 3i.) ,mllru per hour. g It Vin made in a. race against death to carry Henry J. Mayham at New. ,York to the bedside 0! his dying son in Denver. ‘ The distance from Chicago to Dan- 'ver. 1.025 miles. was covered in ex- PCtl! l 069 minutes' actual running dime. Thin in only n small faction es: than one mile a minute (of tin uses: continuous run ever undo by. y railroad in the world. It was a run made in the ordinary course of business. No special previ- !ion whatever had been oontenr kted for me trip in exactly toru- {onr minutes from the time the order 30f the train was received the throttle 9! the engine was pulled open sud tho grain glided out oi! the Union Depot on THE RECORD Baum; ,1 W- . The Chicago, Burlington Quincy. Railroad has Just accomplished tllo greatest teat the world has ever known {of long-distance fast running. Special Tall: 01 the Burlington m Run. [lull thmo 1. Donut. 1M. lulu-I. a .- Jun-ago Snood of Ill-fl, 5' lulu .- lion's ‘32. B. b O. ACCOMPLIQHBBA GREAT FEAT. :83

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