Downers Grove Reporter, 13 May 1897, p. 3

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maahmmmum hrother. that you are robbing only one pronâ€"Ina thot II yourselfâ€"of one of the most comforting, bountiful. po- thetlo ood triumph-rat lo-om In on tho oxen. I can tell you who tho-e purveyors were-they were rum I an tell you who heighten them with omenâ€"God. I can tell you who launched them-deed. I can tell you who taught them which why to flyâ€" God. 1. cu; tell you who tom thorn et whot can to noonâ€"God. I can tell you who Introduced rue: to prophet 1nd prophet to ravenâ€"God. Thorn In one pounce I will. whuper In your oer. tar I would not wont to utter I: stood, lest mo one ehoaid drop down J not It: powerâ€"“It up w mu, um “mum” in my text on}: to In. been manned “Al-Ibo; " n It coin! in. ma: '1'» Ant:- 'bmnz Mummnilthonmm‘m and And can in the mm." A”. thin; but adult the Bible to In tun. Rn 1'11 :2 thin mind. In!" 3!! [to miracle In mo. 00 on with the In} .6an not mute- 3: 23K; “. 5..., and that mm. in 3-1, ”ambwnndlult. Basement 1.. who]. am I! Improbam; for cm were «minim Man, “a a... food my curled m the torn lull 0! mm ms, nnd therefor. euro- II I can by It. Drool of marlin an I Ilni-m- of cod. limb, will“ for counting to not. My did to not so to m mutton? her. an no Danton: ii in I Iilm Why did Ionoipiclmoofmm? Thrower. none. lllbmluliom in, would in" boa Ind In. W one morning n m pull of In one. ihpropboiuunlockotbimor pro-chins. 0|. if (boy our. oil, uri- riagu. or it to only in: :- snow with which io bring "to. do"! But a it" com outer. I. am m: (in an moi cone-tibia, Int nelson, and no aim at lio- mid to aim“: «am The yin-m ot man but. the hull of their wins. it. [alcoho- 0! their color. not: loud. um 'croekt crock!“ mm the. in Do an... M nirr around M Ibo ml- .“ Ind. and lion tho com. on lot- uric: 'Iu nil you. on the love! of u. up. nod no at tho rum bring: brood. Ind Another rum bring- no“. and um liner Ion ammo ihoir any cargo they wheel pm, “a other: mo. In“! um twill. the prophet in enough. and “in. block urn-u of the wilderness labia no mg, for on loans, “ll some on A whole your. morning and evening, 3 my. flat and a "we? boll minded as these nvm rang out on and Mr their “cruel! met!" am when they gm lilo food from. The old rabbis. on, may got it from tho kitchen at King Ahab. Other! I! that the rum lot their food fro- piooo chant, 'ho m in the habit of feeding tho m at“. Sam I, “It In. I‘m fim‘. tlclr_tood (LIP-qr ’m‘ m o! a. world. 1'30 ml- W had Man Tim I- n lawn: In In an m: Dana I" In. 0:.“le mam 1 mini: liked to have been with An- luhon as he went through the woodl. with gun and pencil, bringing down and ehetching the towie oi heaven. his unfolded portfolio thrilling ell Chris- tendom. What wonderful-mun"! 01 God the birds are! Some of them. thi- norning, like the eonge oi heeven let too-e. burning through the eaten of heaven. Co'neider their tenths". which are clothing and conveyance at the same tlme: the nlne vertebrae of the neck. the three eyelide to each eye, the third eyelid an extre curtain tor graduating the light of the eon. Dome of theee blrda eavenm and lone of them otcheetre. Thanh God tor qunii'e whistle. and larll'e enrol. and the twitter 0! the teen. called by the ancients the hill; at birde. heeehee when the toeta ot heaven went. into a eontett an to who ehoold fly I!” hleh- eet. end the eaale "mu unmet the mavmoothehachotthem. alter the cute m exhausted. earn! to lunch Matter. end no wee called by the eecienle the king at him eon- eidel' thoee ot the. that hen coldea mm and create. showing the. In N teethend inperiaia. And listen to the hunting NM‘I eereude in the ear of the hooeyeechie. book at the belted kingdom. etrihiu ilhe e Cart no- the at! to ram. Listen to the voice of the out. uviu the hey-note to all eroahm Ana behold the condor anon. the Anaee. battling with the eel-deer. i do aot hoow whether an marten or eviery Ie the heat elier tro- ehith to wee-hip 0d. HE ornitholou or the Bible is I very interesting study. The stark which knoveth her up- polnted time. The common apex-rows teaching the la:- eon 0! God'- prov- idence. The oe- trichee of the dee- ert; by careless incubation. Illustrating the reek- lenneae of parents who do not tote enough pain- with their children. The angle lymbollue riches which an wings and fly sway. The pelican em- blemizlna miltnde. The bet. u III“ or the darkness. The night hawk. the unlimge, the cuccoo. the lllefl‘- “10 “Prev. by the commend of God in- Levltlcus. hung out or the world's hill at are. TALMAGE’B SERMON "THE BREAD QUESTION" SUNDAY? SUBJECT- Ion-lac, Ind Brand and nut In tho muchâ€"1. Klu- um. ro- tt- ‘l‘m “And the Inven- lltoulu I“; I!!!“ and than an tho LAST Nov 1 all an: on manna mun, 1nd I all am brook um ho- nn to to“ than. 1nd I- romu am. (In brook Chm-1th: And no Inn to mmmmmlariglg'l. 3... why go to far? I an giro m n unity incident. Some manual: but than 'u I mt drought in Gon- neetlcnt, new Built-d. no water disappeared from the hills, and tho inn-er- living on the hills drove their cattle toward the "lien, And ind the!- supplied It the well! nnd tonn- iaino oi the neighbors. But there alter awhile began to fail, and the neighbor: old to Ilr. Bird-en, of whom I shall Ipedh, "You mm not lend your dock- nnd hard: down here my non: our well: In giving out." Ir. Birdie". 1 the old Christin than, authored his funny at the Altar. and with his ml- ily ho whet-9d the slim o! the home- hoidâ€"for bondage m then in vogue In Connecticut-Ind on thcir heal bo- toruOodthcyeriod fornmund the null! Rory in. thnt than V“ my- in‘ Ind grunt Iohbing At that altar that the fully night not perish for lack oi vatar. and that th- herda and lock: might not perish. The funny rule from the sitar. Kr. : Bil-dun, the old man, took his CM and ranted out our the hills. Old in I plnco where he had been scores of times. without noticing mythlng par- ticular, he saw the ground was very dark. and he took his stafl and turned up the mud, and water started; and he beckoned to his servants, and they came and brought pm: and baskets uatll all the family Ind all the flock: and the herd- were cared for; dad than they made troughn main; from that pines down to the home and ban, Ind the water flawed, and it in 3 living tonntnin to-dny. huidnd inmm: and tin. wan bio-mm mu m mm“ a thou! that. History tells Ill mu In 18“ In Insane then n- 3 (mt mum. Tho crop. (and; In: I. E:- m, on tho roch. In I place when they I“ ”an m not cultured. - me m a nu gm until they Iliad a mu non-oh a; mu m. not. my: God In III-In In mm Win [In on! o! Rochelle 'n butts-ll and (In Inhabitants were (nu o! the tun- Iummumuponthbuch “I Inn commanded the rum that they teed thee,” to and God mm In an autumn. me. They did no! com on: at mo «not an. The, am not not human Io gum than. God Wad than. and lunchod then. and 00‘ tom un- by '3“ an Io swoop. ml In the um and that Is (on: to .0wa m H. In your Putter. You would Inn lo I“. an mm“ calculation baton 701 could tell no how many pound- of food and how any nm at clothing mm to m [or you and you mm; but God km: “than: any meal:- uou. You Ian a pm. 3: Mn um. no you in com to to WIN“ upon. Inla- m net III. a nutty and. and not, I“ sen-Mo. Ind pond null: the mu. m m to up“: than. Notice. In tho In: pm. In m not! of my to“. mu Ham ”and alarm «no to Elijah dine: "on God. Sentimentolietl sit in a cushioned chair. in their pictured etndy. with their nilppered feet on a damask otto- man. and any that thin world in a great scene 0! ever-ice and greed. It does not seem so to me. it it were not for the absolute necessities oi' the cues. nine-tenths or the atoms. facto- ries. ehopa, banking houeee o! the land would he cloned toâ€"morrow. Who la that. man delving in the Colorado hilia? or toiling in a New England tactory! or going through a roll of hills in the bank! or measuring a fabric on the counter! He in n champion eeht forth in behalf at home home-circle that he! .to he cared tor. in bah-it oi aotne church of God that he: to be eup- ported. in behalf ot aome asylum of mercy that has to he contained. Who in that woman bending ever the eew- in: meehtne, or earl-yin. the bundle, or sweeping the room. or mending the ”meat. or eweitering at the waeh- tnh? That in Deborah. one of the bord'e hemioee. hettllnl aninet Amaleltltieh want. which ootnee down with iron chariot to melt her and here. The great question with the vast ‘ mlloflty at people to-day ie not “theme role." but whether there ehali he any home to rule: not one of tertil, but whether there ehall be anything to tax. The great qneetlon with the net Ine- iority o! peonie is. “How ehell 1 any port lay family? How shall i meet my notes? How ehali i pay my not? llow ehail l 3m food, clout-e end education to than who are dependent upon no?“ Oh. it Got: would help the today to aeeiet you in the eolntioo at that problem the happiest loan in thin hoeee would he your weather! 1 have ”he out oil a cold morning with ex- pert eporteaua to heat tor pimm: l have me out on the neadowe to heat for mil; l have me out on the marsh to hunt tor reed mm; but today i am out for neena. 0n the banks or what rivers have been the great battles of the world! While you are iooklng over the map of the worldfllo answer thlt, I will tell you that we great confllct to-dny In on the Potomac, on the Hudson, on the Mia-lulppl, on the Themes. on the Savannah, on the Rhine, on the-Nile. on the Ganges, an the nouns-Ho. It In a battle that has been going on for 31: thousand years. The troops on- gaged in It are sixteen hundred mn- llahs, and those who have fallen by the way are vuter I-n number than those who march. It In a battle for bread. While. than. we watch the ravens feeding Elijah. let the awm dove of God‘a spirit sweep down the Iky with divine toad. and on outspread win: pause at the lip of every soul hunger- lns for comfort. "-7 In: pan out at we book or nu Ind out o! the Holy City." r. .15 hiu‘laalalzollz g a! 4.: 0; do! induct-.2! .5: an! E3... ‘ all 3% .352. .231! .g .8 lot '30 d "Oh, m He will fetch your in I! you whtath,” all the mine-Dub- lln World. A can. In... "Nzce dog! Hue you mum him any trick: since I m hm lat!" Inn-cu l- Inna. Th. little republic oi Haw-ll in em- inan by In extraordinary Influx oi Janine-e Immimtn. stimulated in 1 Immigration necktie: vetting with tho 1 encampment“ not many u unit. at the monument at “on. Tho Inâ€" pill”. In the Inland. nimdy an mom numerous tinnn the utopia of In! other nationality. «not the nntm Hawaii- m Various torm- of nut-Minn im- posed by the anniinn mt were untied by tho tannin-nab. until at last the comment («mamma- In: of n ship Iona oi Janna-o. and or- dered them out but, unan'cininm the unmissa- or In. Immigration III- der nn old treaty. nnd Input. to bo‘ min; then to carry out I plan 01 vi:- tul coioniutlun. who-o name 1 mid give you. had 0.! ~41 never before and never aimâ€"g mpply of coal. You cannot um It. I do. Runs! Ravens! Then they stood and prayed for the coal. One hour after that the m thm open the_ dog: and and. ”no which God uttered the m at that woman. “e- by It... It.- I) “on. One day. "In: fro- m n.- Ily nut. the servant aid, "You In” not and for com, and on coal In her hmhml a wldow 'm on dollar mud a com... n. m plaid. 1nd lml n mother ninety m at u- to mmfl. The widow-d soul out) day and cod too all that was nodal In the househogd. “Id tho mu. m and I! "up ovorylhln' om. I“ thou you um to my. aim unmholywdonoomoo‘h- (In to ho lull. Monaco .Ill I“ cry out [or (m II “no. Th Moot mum mum Iloo. 'no out. Moo. mind! you "III. not which m to h born no Ion- ud w no your [mien mom. [I m o rum Then on o child born ll your loan. All your Mud- counmud you. no other chmm o! on my and annual looking on no now-coon, and and I you! may cloth-o. [n- uknlal no chronological YoI‘ cold-mod you a“ mutiny-(m I ‘ ohm me! In through an. roo- all m m mm on (hero. M "Mo on. stood out no two M In I). very sanctuary of your axon. and VIII In no hood: It tool loll o! it. olmotyoorml. Duo-0mm com on of tho mm m d an. arm-warm (not. or mop. or up.- (hoflo-ood I" um WI 1 coon no- Iohod. no eta-(toting. m in. caution. the pulling at tho at... yoo m the floor-an «not In Juno Pulaey, or Chic-0o. o won- known 9314th '0.“ _w I.“ by i 5; 00‘. m :0! 50.1. no fool (“I 1“ pm", "am no m- M! I! My haul.” In MOM“ for M N mm" m. ammoauludnl nap. notional Woo-Q. wImMIMMhnlhr Henlavhmwoulmhm m..u¢cmuunnmum orolood'l amide-u. AIM“ wow Idonneonutouudnw.“ III-mm!” Thu-black mmwuflumum.“ h Ila-m1” The 'hlu mm 5 You think some you-nun“, m- eroua nun will come don; and 3m you hi- unmo on the but 0! you no“, or he will go "cull, lot you in Iona mu oniorprin. No, lie will not. God will open the hurt at some Shy- lock tow-rd you. Your nil-i will come from the no“ unexpooiql «W- Tbc providence which would union. will be to you non than me which loomed nu-piciou. it will not he I clufllnch with m m will W with whit. ml brown :34 elm-1mm it will be 3 him run. Agnln, this story or the text in:- preseee me thet relief nine to this prophet with the meet unexpected end ‘ with seemingly impoeeible conveyence. it it had been e robin-redhreeet. or a musical lerk, or n meek tnrtledove. or a sublime elbetroee the: bed brought the load to Elunla. it would not have been so eurprlelns. But, no. It wee a. blrvl e0. ilerce end lneuepicete that we heve fashioned one of our meet forceful end repulsive worde out oi it ~mvenoue. That bird has n peulon for picking out the eyee of men end at enimele. It lovee to menl the elet end the dying. It ewellnwe with vul- turoue guule everything it cen put in beak on; end yet ell the food Elihu gets for elx montlu or e you in iron: revene. So your enpply le mine to‘ come from en unexpected eouroe. ] E etancee pray and dig. dig end prey. and prey and dig. How doe: thnt pel- use so? “The mountain shall de- part and the bill: be removed. but my loving kindness shall not full.” If your merchandise. it your mecheniem. it your husbandry tail, look out for re.- vene. It you have in your desponden- ey not God on trial and condemned Him ue guilty of cruelty. I move to- day for a new trial. It the biography of your lite is ever written. 1 will tell you what the iiret chapter. and the middle chapter, and the lust chopter ‘ will be about, if it is written It:-1 curately. The first chapter nhout mercy. the middle chapter about mer- cy, the last chapter about mercy. ’l‘he mercy that hovered over your cradle. The mercy that will hover over your grave. The mercy the: will cover all between. GROVE bill authorizing the West Park comâ€" missioners to Issue bond- to the amount of $300,000 to reimburse the park tmmry for the may last through the [mm o! th'e Drayer hunt. The following mm were valued: Hr. Chlmsn’m (or the "cumin: 0! W Ir. Harm's, to ml: in: dinner- to collect Ila-Dy lou- in the house the enticing cisuse was stricken from Mr. Ferrell's bill u:â€" ins domestic insurance computes 2% per cent and foreign compsnies io per cent on their gross earnings. it 'ss held that it would vimnii, her for- eign companies from the state. Mr. Fuller's bin to prohibit the coloring yellow of any substitute for butter was made A special order for next Wednesdny, as was the uniform text~ book bill. 80 was the Humphrey hills. in the senate Ir. Case Introduced s Representative Ichnhlan olared a resolution relatias to the eoal-lslaars oi lllisois which was adopted. The resolution is as follows: “Whereas. A large reduction per ion is being oi- iered. at some points amounting to "it costs; sud. whereas. As i-lielss strike la nicest sure to follow this proposed reduction; thereiore. be it resolved. That his excellency. the governor. is herahy requested to send out the stats hoard oi arbitration to investigate the cause ot the present trouble. to the end that a just and speedy and suitable adjustment may he made between coal operators IIJ coal miners all over the state: and. 'hereas, it is alleged that discrimination in coal freight Is being made by the railroads to the detriment oi many of our coal fields; therefore. be it resolved. That the rsilroaal and ware- house commission of this state is here. by required to examine carefully Into this matter. and. it found necessary. have it properly adjusted." The ioi« lowing bills were pamed in the senate: Fitzpatrich's. creating the oiliee oi Ire- escape commissioners at s mlary oi 81.- 000 per annual. and an assistant at a salary of 81.000. to be paid out at the tees received for the lnspertlon oi are escapes. Netterstrom's. increasing the number at Unmln park commissioners iron: hrs to seven members. Anthony‘s. vesting in the widow the absolute title to the homestesd when the same is n‘ortll less than 31.000. Seihy's, re- quiring trust companies in cities out- side at Chicago to deposit ”0.000 with lihe auditor at public accounts. Chap- msn‘s. making appropriations for the improvement of the grounds and erec- tion of new buildings on the state fair grounds. Stuhbieileld's, appropriating $28,000 for the Illinois State Normal University, slid also his hill making an- propriations tor the Soldiers' Orphans' home at Normal. Campbell's. provid- ing that professional public account- snts shall tint receive a certificate tor qualification from the University at Illinois. ‘ In, I. The male mum the mm M" 101,: Mo ol 21 to It. 0! thou "IUD. {or who libel WI all but an voted [or In: "nanny hm- Ind on. a! "me. In- honor, world (or «he Humphny Mll- un to (to “no a! an In! mil all up- OI lb... The olhorl are Bog-Mun. Din-a. [Aldrin- and Mum. In no bou- Klncholoo'l hm mtlns A“. nil Inn-m nonnat- up» at. Mldol chum In baton. The boun- md Inhuer'l unto lull con- cerning IIMI. tho ohm at which I. In randy «lb caused by IM pun-n ol the alkn Id of "15. Inn! on In N In mm .1 bank. but mum vu poolponod null In, 14. 'nm In cannot-red u annuit- Iu to a dual 0! the menu". m In W. In the home Ilr. Avery‘l bill requiring the teaching in the public schools 0! Ibo elect: oi‘ pl- coholic lm-mm on tin hum-n In- ion was sent to third reading In" the adoption of minor amondmull. M a meeting o! the npubiicu aneu- com- mittee If!" the unit. adjourned the house moiniion tor nine dis adios"- Senntor Crawford's bill to enable the South Park commissioners at Chicago to construct the proposed driveway from Lake Park to Jackson Park and to confirm the land titles came up as a special order. but consideration was postponed until next Tuesday. Sena- tor Littler's bill amending the anti- trust law so as to provide that in the mining, manufacture or production of articles of merchandise. the cost of which is mainly made up of wages, it shall not be unlawful for persons. arms or corporations doing business in illl- ‘ nois to enter into Joint srrangements ‘ of any sort, the principal object or ef- fect of which is to maintain or increase wages. was defeated by a vote of ill ‘yeas to 24 nays. A motion to recoll- ‘slder was postponed until Thursday. The Chicago real estate board revenue hill providing for the appointment of three supervisors of assessment in Cook County and ranking the county treasurer in other counties ex~oflicio supervisors ot‘assessmeut was passed by a vote of 27 to 2. Senator Munm's bill amending the parole law so as to exempt prisoners guilty of manslaugh- ‘ter or assault and habitual criminals trout the benefits of parole and vesting the state board of pardons with the right to grant paroles instesd of the board of the penitentiary commission- lily. i. The governor sent to the senate the following appointments, which were confirmed: Trustees of the Industrial Home for the Blind at Chicagoâ€"49. L. Smith or Chicago, to succeed Henry Cashing, resigned: William Ludewlg of Chicago, to succeed Edward 'i‘liden. resigned: Francis s. Peabody of chi- cago, to succeed C. S. Darrow, resigned; Jacob H. Hopkins of Chicago, to sue- ceed Belle Hyman. resigned. Public administrator of Peoria Countyâ€"JV!!- liam W. Whitman of Peoria. tmmuxxmmmummmmua ILLINOIS LEGISLATURE REPORTED BY A SPECIAL GOREEBPONOIN‘f. Immimwwwmmmmm She-n must hue tutu I in! deal «per-Memo! yourmtolunco play an violin no you. 30-40. M. l m top} cannon: and lo!- In A fuel. Mite Lniy Reed" of naming. Wit, was much monhhed recently when she got up to look in the gin“ to lid in“: during the night her ion; heir had been cm 0! clone to her head. She wee positive that no one mid hove cut it oi! as she slept. and we: much mystified. When the many went downstairs. however. the mystery was expillned. Lying on the sitting room floor. with the shears on ton. in: the young woman'l hair. She had been walking in her new and cut her hair oil without knowing it, the mm of the sheen showing on her thunk. A mllllnery house whlcl no nub- Ihhed In Pm: In 1831. with n capital 0! $40,000, Is now being converted Into a mock concern. and In stock, to the amount of 82500.00). I: ofl’ercd to Im- ‘ don Investon Although the mm of the first twelve months showed but $8,000, In the In or nix mm of m extstence the concern cleared over ”00.000. In the newly cranked con. my the annual mm nn to re- ceive $00,000 In minors than 81.00.,- m in preferred shares, or money 1t a. option of the mummy. $400,000 In common them. and no employ“ a manner! of the concern at In nan. at $12.00!) per Innaâ€"Exchange n. W. Hudson of low: tom the CM- tagu pom-e In! ml: that he had been Mlleved of $800 by a confidence nine. 1!an says he was “and!" am one of the autumn to the vital stock yarvls Tummy when a manger lermhod Mm, and. utter mums I conversation. «locum! he was t bank- er from the comm! par! of 1m Hodâ€" m had heard of an banker, and the uncut tallml In web a «mamm- wnrrl WI] thu he soon mmnmated I Icon 0! 8M with Hudson. Ha ha not bean seen (Inca. Mm - 9:91th «mm. In the Damon-Ik- mm-l convent!“ for the new seventh district mano- county threw In vote to Judy 0'" P. Thmnpuon of Inch-ammo Ind be In deal-rad one of the manna. Gold Democrats Ion mu hard. They an acting with Republicans. Charla Tract-flan of Kmm, the oldest lmn In IIIIMII and would: Ibo oIde-I In Ito "and mm, In dead. Me In hon II cachet-"cit February IO. I825. Ind has in mm worm mm «to. ma .3 «may mud Irelum In IM early dun of In. wary In [III-on. The Republican dclmtlon fro- the any judlclnl dtntrlcu not a Pun tut week to nominate thm “Am tor that rlrrult. hut upon Inning ol the docto- lon at the "mum court "will“ It. valldlty at the luv mum "pol-t- umment act adjourned without no- "on. Judge 1. 0. Thompson. who I: un- Iu Mn mud term .0 county Mac at leltlon county. neotnd n tol- man In: Wuhlutol lg-t wen u- munclnfi that It Ill extremely nob- ubta he would be ”pal-tad n lid-I- nt 00 the nttorno-y pm! at m United Hutu. a.” lu- TM Donner-IR: judloul convention (or am. the no! claim. «Io-ma ood- od .1 Mount Sterling luv. week In (In noulnullon at John C. My 0! Adam manly, "any "In” o! "to 3nd Thoma N. Hahn of Inna. There were no gold Donner“- unl- Senator l-‘ort'u bill fixing the sallry of the managers at the Pontiac relorlna- tory at ".200 per annum Ind providing that the managers may trmni'er laconic glble children to the penitentiary was passed. The bill providing for the as- tabllahmeut or day school: tor the deal was amended no In to provide that classes shall be established when the board of directora loo tit. and that pupils may lie lent to school in “Join- ing counties. It then advanced to third reading and wax made a special order (or next Tut-allay. in the homo the appropriations committee made II III- vcrso report on the bill oppmpriotln‘ 813.000 to H. W. [toner I 00.. tor stoic printing. A motion to mean- cur In. Iout. Among the hill: Adv-need to third reading In Ir. Motrin“- flxinx penalties [or the loaning or pub- lic (and: or the investment that.“ by the custodian at such 1m. ed in excess of it) per cent of their cap- ital stock. Mr. Wardar's, extending the minimum term of public schools from live to six months. Mr. Fitzpat- rick's, providing (or the Incorporation of pawners' societies and limiting the rate of compensation to be paid tor advances, storage and insurance on pawns and pledges. M33. 7. Governor Tanner sent to the senate ‘the (allowing appointments: William ‘ C. Exgert of Chicago to succeed himself as commissioner of the West Chicago parks. Trustees at the iiilnois State Historical Libraryâ€"Hiram W. Back- with of Dauvilie to succeed Lambert Tree, resigned; Edmund .1 James at Chicago to succeed Robert A 0211!. re- signed; George N. ulnck oi Sprlnuiield to succeed William H. Snyder, resign- ed. Public guardian [or La Suite Counâ€" tyâ€"Harry (3. Cook of Ottawa. '1‘. 0. Johnson of Oregon to succeed ’l‘homu R. Ridgowsy as trustee of the Southern lllinois normal school. Money In "no. fl” JR 5? ' nummmmuum‘ the mum mum m" the mini- )3"anle mammthomm . ' flu-bunch ' ' public. naming . Thwmaiunflflfi MMmMM M800“ In dbc‘uin‘ the an.» m thanmdmthomm“ benilnlndthltunmm dolhnmdomlmhm lawlnymuflmhnm lumncutlutm. Tonia." with: In lust-marl.” three donll'l mu- lam-r- h nmdollafthflmtm nuance-mum an 3.- "me-hoolnnynulothhu- lemon?" "Proof!" exclaimed the ham 3m; "v”. be an I I". on Iii hem nlre and It I:- m the elm h In. vat pocket." "But the mot.” “He showed me the bull-had c9 parâ€"Christin Won. In any unl- p It clam some 01 than ml. on In a my. will. other: mun only mouth. A mm" m the male, upon! by than an at 82.00 I mt. the total not“ of America: am act "35,000,000. 2;. ;?:§E E I g! :3 Nilâ€"III; 43>!13I-53025? origizesâ€"vogr. =3 3:33.832 35:33.8 .9 .38.}...oufligg .13 .- 933. as... .33.... i "nun-not Ian much! ratio-01mm lo {and or diam-tuna. III “human-law” "-th s mil-r ”och-ll I. In ml at tho m :3. round Vania-occ- "II-oh ud nan not rub. a unllmlth-no...‘ Th mm b lull. Inn-hull hm. 1 2.5353 mum .mmmm ”mmem mtmmm m WmmgmwmamMMan»Mnmmmmm mmmmmm - NWmmmm "mmm mmmm mam“ m m mmuuwuwwwmmmummmmmmmuuMmmwum nu ma nuwu.. u-um.u.uum - wwmw «mmmeMMWMMWmummmmmmmm unumchwmuu It lo one-mud I. m M one I» note. ' When we wonder that the mottled or Europe. where grape-mm end wine-making h'u boon a heredltnry In- dustry tor centurie- end tone of oeu- turieo, ere continuing the nee o! wtne he a neeeeenry port oi alimentation." it is ludicroue to We the VIM. 0‘ prohibition doctrine- in this country. eeys the Amerieon Wine Pro-e. Doubt- lm the contueion at out linea with alcoholic dietillotee nrieee horn the simple (not thot our total nbeidnere never learned the art of prover nutri- tion. When you meet an ignorant:- who bun wine to have 1 good tilteâ€" to get drunk on itâ€"and theretore pre- fen e highly elooholleed wine to 3 simple, well-fermented notnral wine. you have the newer to your wonderlu et hie expreeeion in o nuuhell. nu- mother never told him. heeouee ehe did not know it. thet wlne ought to no- oompony the meal. How many mothere ere there, end through the touching. or school text books. how many dnulhtere and none, have been prevented iron: conaideriu thnt a thousand millione oi wine-oouunllnc people. end the moot refined notion. among them. uee wine at the non" Where the vinoaity of the wine nllm it. tbeee people mix it with water, In order to obtain the tartaric wide of the grape. no the heat aid in discount the eolid toad. nod not for the aloo- ‘ boiie element. There hove been any number oi diecuaeione. Inoetly on the port at prohibition people, who. ah- etalnln‘ from the bee of wine, procv ticnily know the ieut or in proportion. The young men and women of Prone. In itoly and Spain nlwm have et their male claret dllnted with drink- ing water. They do not relieh or erove etronc drinha. Thin b the elperienee oi thou-end- a‘nd nllllone o! “phl- people." who hove never touched o die- tillnte and homily ever need water etroixht. THE DO! 0' (RI-AI".

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