Downers Grove Reporter, 12 Aug 1897, p. 3

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"Bill the that point, In all thm Increuea Is the not that may romp at a time than the farms: holds his products and that he mmvuuany wm “All along the line of agricultural production, including all live stock. there is a general steady increase. Large new flocks of sheep are conâ€" lemplnted as r. rault at the wool lariil‘ and the demand has increased the value of the sheep holdings of the country $10,000,000. in alumina prices in rpm. Lam year at this time prices were shrinking at the prospect of a. lame crop; thls war the tendency is upward. Millions of Misheis of old mm now lie in "in cribs in ihe went and with rising pricas for this all well as the new crop, there can be but one result." "Mon gratifying. Although the spa~ not: started late tlw yield will he large. 2.M.000.000 bushels In a fair estimate as the screams In the largest «var planted. Every Indication palms Snow?" year." of the farmers lhmugh their wheat holding: thronghmn the mm": In at: «humus man. What Is worth how about 20 rents a bushel more than tho «my; last year and 'ho advance for this year has just begun. The mun-lat wfll continue to rise». The [narrated ramp of the wheat crop of Kansas alone this you In comparison wnh hm amounts to nearly 0: qnm 325.0004)”, while the Increased value of the coun- try’s crop at present prlra is in ex. "h is. and "up qualm- i.- of me an» "I. In 'lnler lulled "810“! "u- whom brat-«l up wonderfully. Helm. in Illinois when plnwlng umlor Mu- mnlemplalod early ln the nelson have made very hlr ylrlrla and other: with a snppmnl mall field haw shown hr mo thrash" enormous rpmrna. Tho- urinal Innate In money In the hands "I: not the wrnom crap la'rnr than was "node! manna ago, HI. Snot?" "Harvesllug is so far advent-ed, Mr. Snow. that It I: no longer a matter or osllmnle and conjecture as to the yield. but In many cases you have the actual approximate figures?" "Yes. The crop scum: ll now so lar Idvanud that the final results an be ukly promised. Nevertheless. the rev null In no less pleulng than the cnrller prospective hope: 0! (hr. most oph- mlnllr. In no line of agricultural pm- dm-Ilon l- lt 1 light your and In mom lhc Hold: are heavy. Hly bu nroh‘ flourished u I! bu lhlI yar. Th:- lbundnnt rains hue nvon m a very unusual emu nod hay ls I more. Im- portant crop lhnn nun-lly Ihoushl. The mm o! lht' new lull! luv thou-g mum; prouc. our farmers in (MI "-.. vperl. The year's what "on In ll'." «mm! luau! ln lho hlllory 0! ll“- umulry. wnnlnx award. 0! 500.000. 000 bulholl Ind toll «ll-tribunal or" II» munlry. The rorn c-rop prowl». m 'm- 4 var) Inna one. Thv mu crop in nlm m-ll nlxn'u the new". A" ll"- mlm-r rmw nr ' In pmmlulna lmm. "flu- lmll cmp yam-null)" nrnmlm loud rr' ml“. llul lhm- flu-la n! largo 55:10 and [mod urnnmu dn um Irll lh!‘ wlmlr nun nl pmporlu‘. l'rullllv mum hau- boc'n Lannie-l Iwrmm. lull m nomr nu". law fur mm! M umIllmplhm and clvmnml. prmvu n hunlrn rumm- Hun n Mmulm l. Inn A rommm urlu: mm llu- hum" mmhl rul'lu' hnw .rmnzl . row. ‘H'I gum! w’q- m mun Inn cram! am! an pt‘r'x. ll-u Hm rm: 'nmn llu almlnlmtl rrnm and hip! mltn. A mw mull‘mullnn and MW ralmlnlnl ln mum llm “(Mrs M "w lwnr: 0! Ike Ihrllu larmrr‘ l'rv-s rrr hlch and lm‘llulnn upward. Thvrr l:- nu tn-amn In [par 10 wanlon mm Hump lwralllo n! lhu- nrlunl mlnlmnnn at lhr 'nrld'n Irum. ‘l‘lw l'nflnl slaw: Imldn Ibo to; In wins. Tin thnal «~va 0! "N- Iurld ls hnmrn m ho alum" Imam”) hmhvll uhur~ Arm-Minn. lnnln and Amumlln haw rm surplus and nun-la pranlenlly nonr, Grvnl Immln. rmm- nml Germany arr lnr Ilmrl ln llw-lr modm'llon n.‘ their homo demand. Then» was an Amorlran mmlu n! last yvnr'n cm «I :n, bush”: and the forum-la lhlnx in that lhln ln ln (ht hands of "or farm". The Mane"! pmlllnn u! when (I've-loved hefon n"- lam»? luul dupe-ml of Mn when In buyer: and not lw till my IM- hnll bone”: at the adrann‘,” "What are the corn outlooks. H:- Mr. I]. W. Snow. the ex-asslstnnt sta- tistician of the dvpartment ot‘ usricui- ture, who is still making at sptcinltl' of agrtvultuml stnttsttus. said. In speaking of the great agricultural wealth oi the country at this timc: "With the bountiful crops throughout the Unlted States not. in pronpoct but actually in hand, with increased and inrroaslng cansnmptiun at honu- and a larger forelgn demand [or American products and with [wires on the up Fmde even whlle the crops are still on the farms. lhifi your 0! "(97 will he remomhvred as a year 0! great agri- cultural prosperity and plenty." Washington, D. C... Aug. 1, 1897. It In seldom that the entire country In blessed with such an abundance as this year. In no section is there re~ Boned “no owns." Illinois has pelmps the poorest wheat yield but her corn crop ls magnificent and the small losses from wlnter killed wheat aectlons do not amount to any- thing In the grand Iolnl yield. PROSPERITY RAPIDLV RETURN- INC TO THE LAND. GOODCBOPSAND PRICE I'Illl With p DlltIlgullhOd Inks-III. . mud Agflcultunl lulu-I".- |V. Shun III: 30-. Intqmtln‘ V“. II Con- dition. aud I'm-poun- smo,m,ooo over that of Inst We are indeed very glad to hear It. and madly do our part toward car- rcctlng the mlsapprehenaian by giving the above Democratic statement the widest possible circulation among our exchanges and through our various pun sen-Ices. Tin-re are a great many edflors and a few public men who have deceived themmlves into believing that the democratic party is a free trade party. We need not pause here to Inqufire how so confusing an error got afoot. It is aumcient to say that the time has omnc to correct it.-â€""Consmutlon," Atlanta, Ga. Tint ‘1‘:an rial.” Sun-hut. Th0 nnrnm 0t importan- tn end. tho new tnrlfl had one noteworthy ro‘ stilt. It smashed the Ctr-"land inven- tlon. that tho drain of mid tmm the treasury was (101‘ to our run-envy, which t‘nrnhhod an "endlm rhaln" for ‘ tht:l drawing am at mm. The mrroncy ls tho same «why it was when Henna. (floretand and Cat-Elsie were ranting about for any reason but tho true one to acronnt for their bond sales. The currr-rry is the same and the trrasury Is not drawn nmn for gold "mutton- ally. The reason is the treasury has money enough to met the govern- ment's expense“. Republican: said at! the white thr- drain of gold and the hand sales wet-v due to the turn! for deflrtt and would roan as soon as rev- 1 onur roveipta eqnaXed PXFFnEQ!.â€"-l‘“€l, N. Y.. Herald. V! H In Mamie on r-nikr! a duty up- on ull foreign «no! lmmrtnl In nmk-Iâ€" palm of the martian"! n! a [mm-r- Hro "rm. aim" In such manner as has horn unmask-d by Senator Wnnrn nr h! an Inurnal rowmw tax. than Hu- lmprmemom m the outlook for all Aim-Man wml Interests II" he even quirk", strongm- nnd awn-r. a wry weal mum In ml was or the rolony. TM- h-d season will al- m mimulr lamfy «3|an the "ups." "up" to arr panning ""0th n M“ ‘0" dmnum mu at me n m "pr-ri- mud {or many. many pan, and ! "mm the nearly nw chow cm of Palms um '00 lot: and mm; olgl' m In mllllom mar» shun. so that ymn may look for the nmnhrn In this rol- mu’ (Row Ron". Wnksl no!" down [mm 41 millions- “ MM 2! but year to nhrml 15 In .17 millions u I» Marl n! this your. [hr-"w, "on though run my mm now. mon- mum he a Irmomlmn monnllty an "to own are numbing Ind the "wry! ”anally are In m on m nlmnpr mnnmnlkm u! the cmhvnrnhlv mulook («r tin Mmrllkm nah. "uh I mnnmmt darn-w m lin- pmdm-tkm M Auntnunn tool. I- on: mun-m "and {mm a print“ Mm dam] u mam-y. anm. 3hr I: Tho- mum.” [IMMIMI nlm‘m Ihruuuh. mu Amlrulm H u! "rm-rm «m at It"! zrurm‘. Ilw rmrrlu ur 0hr drought In Mann-l as m-mr an H l- Ihlnvrmd. Tho "nun-Minn 0' uncl- trqlum m- tru-am mm. and mun-my In turn.»- mu ‘uh pan-ml rumdm. (hm "w "mum-u n! a lnmhlna unnm haw m-I- dum. I! rwr. luv-n mm «apron-Mn; Tho (halo-t In Hut. “'9 ronfinlulaw the American Wool (rower: upon their outlook. Mlor nonrly Mo your: 0! Mandy dl'pl'l'ch- "on In the value 0! 1|th and wool, brought nbom mloly by the llrmocrat- k- pour, M 011- Imclv lu wool. our Am- «rlcnn film-p owner». will lum- mutt-‘- Hum rrmm-«l m (Mir ugrln-nlmral In- dII-lry and «uh It. Iu' Ira-Lam mum“ In llw nnmlwr um! mum of Ihnlr auxin. Whilv w» Huh nu harm In Mmmllan nun-v (mnrru. Ilw lollntlng PIlfII'l [mm llw monthly loo! «luulur of Hunt» lznlllslxmuuh. Marl ( ('u.. M \lu-llumrm. «lnlnl Mary 7. I; M "NH”â€" Ml: Wheat ' .58 .77 Corn 235% .2136 Oats .18 .17 Rye .29 .39 Barley ‘27 .31 Plaxseed 73 83 Hogs $2. 90 to 83. 20 S3. 40 to $3 60 Cattle 8395 to u 30 $4. 40 to 81 90 Sheep $2.00 to $3.80 $2.35 to $4.00 “In these articles named, with the single excemlon of flaxseed this year's supply ls larger than that of lust and the supply. an I have said, is in the hands of the producer." "Cum: In Hut. of the W0: Johnnh.” mp we lull benefit. I have a little table here prepared some days ago tor pnbllcnuon which shows the 1m- provement In each values 01' leading farm products. They'are rrcznt Chl- caxo qmtallons (or 1897 In compari- son with those exactly one year as“. 1896 1897. Wheat ' .58 .77 Corn 235% 191% Oats .18 .17 Democrats NM I‘m Tndm G. H. \VII.L] A MS. Precisely so. because the poilcy n! protection in Germany. Belgium mi the United States improves the comi.L tian of vase earners. British free trade on the 0th. in»! impoveru- as their condition The Inc of (luv kam. In the United States, an we” as In Germany and Belglum. the lot a! the workers is, upon the whole, more fa- vorabie than thnt of the British iron Ind steel womenâ€"Newcastle, England. "Journal.” Thorn an I» an doubt that n» 1(- mnry M m. natmml. Th» hunch I'm [unpaved and fined In“ the all for: n! the club at! ("mod our in him. and some M "om haw ”Dru passed” lam the hands of nun-r mm" who now mm them. No: unit an Mm bonds um nun! and "30in ammâ€" nhlo by "mu who dam m rum um antenna. but a sun man mrmanm: and nn'mmcbnble "cord of 1M: Iran. sarllcn In found noon thp 01mm ”finds of me Distrlrt 0' Columbia. Th0 do. la": n! the 9mm lnmnlnu M'Wn Mr. Mrlnn and [he Cohlmhia Athlpfip club are not forth in I mpg M a deed of mm given in cot-mum with ”mi transaction. I ‘ln "w lanhionnblo Mrm‘rosl no" a! Wan-Magma. [mar the War. slur. um! Navy "wanna-an. and mod lh'rr- nm a «mmadknu and «mm rlub loan. "at mm M m- Inml um 1M club hm" living $70,000. This now" Ibo- club am! to my m or lat-taro "n In! of Mun-b. 3M. and "cum! howl. pay-Mr In John ll. ”T'l'fln, mm; In: um um am In". Thou beau M mmm! "w club 00 um In pay In "mid mil 0' tho l'lhul Ham 0! IM mum much"! 0! mm: and an». nets." “to malflng It in pay "in "In- let!“ mm In mu- xnld min." TM- lr-mmunn mum to tho mn- umrnon of n Huh tumu- lnr IN! (ur- "mum. tho (‘ulnmbm .mm-ur rlnh at "w III-um n: (‘nlnml-lu. In "m ynr It unm- an nun-"mm In": "no data by um. hr Mild m I! wrlnln lots Tho lnuucllnn in ant-Hm: u HIM o! a mint-t undo lay Mm with I?” t'ul- mam. Mbhllo rlub at nm rm‘ In mm H: vhlrh no require: that umanlmvlm m mnkc uumlry ohllxaumu. nmmmllnc In “0.000. vii-Mr m hlm lndlndunn) In :nlal mm, mm priuvu-nl «ml inn-r- The" am- p'enly at rlrvumstnnrn of club kind which might be donned ln thaw Mr. "cu-urn porwmu Imam (or [hr yellow Inn-I and Mn unwilling- nan m arrow «bug-Hon: whit-h could be paid In lllVfl’. or which In now mu u I rhumplon‘ Whlln than we lawn-mu: Ind plentllul. they are omllv led on this ownlon In an!" In uh‘e wow {of an mum at I ninglr "an-ar- Unn thawing Mn hmduru {at [old and «mm: at lbr mm-r rluum o! rurrvur: which he And [all "norm“ In Ohio an MI will!“ In («no upon mr man". There are plenty or evidences at this in Mr. McLean's business transactions in the District at Columbia. in his inâ€" vestments. which have liven numerous and large here, he has, where possible. selected those payable in gold. and has even gone so far as to discard any sil- ver obligations which may have inciâ€" dentally taileu into his hands. so soon as he found opportunity. An instance is rclalcd in which a tow yours ago it“ purchased a number or bonds of tho District of Columbia 0! two classes. These purchases were made indiscrimi- nately without reference to the classes of bonds. but were soon {allowed by a sale by hit-Lean of a number of those which be had uppzircntly bought as a permanent tnvcntmcnt. Observation as to the (‘lfll-lti oi bonds oi which he was disposing disciuscd that he invariably 11"!”an the gold bonds and disposed: of those which were not specificalh'l made payable in gold coin. although- lht‘y wcre guaranteed by the United States. Mr. hit-Lean has made no canâ€" cealment of his motive in thcse transom lions, saying frankly that he wanted the obligations which he held as on it'- veatrnent payable in gold. (in anothvr m-cssion, when one ot Mr. Biand's sil- ver measures was pending in congress. and there sec-med a probability that it might become a law, it is related on K0011 authority that Mr. Mclnn hurâ€" riedly disposed at line qtiantltiss of United States bonds. taking gold coin in Clt'hln" [iterator and depositing It in the vaults of one at the gust halo deposit establishments at this city. pil- lnx up many thousands 0! dollars at the yellow metal against the possibility of legislation in favor or llh‘er, which. hon-"r. did not isle plum. Hr. McLean. it appears. has swim us great a tondneas ior gold as those otlur gentlemen with whom he vies in his ni- iesed friendship (or silver. While he evidently considers silver good enough for the poor man. he does no! conaidcr it good enough for John R. Memo. Tammi 0”! a Sow Inf. M'LEAN A GOLD BUGA DOWNERS GROVE R EPOR'I‘ER. Not" Dame. Indiana. M Mum Mic-er. Law. “VII. .0- omlcnl m mantle-I lmnmn‘. thorough Puma-nun, In! Commercial “III... mam: nan-nonw- “ ml nun. loo-I JIIlor or senior v-u.cmh.uu Coon-t It. Mn InllJm boyl nan-Is: 133,10 t: Ten- VIII 0 n Won't”: "In. . ammo-ml. monawk‘o onto lav. A. lama-«y. 0. n. c. Prune-t. UNIVERSITY or NOTRE DAME. Then I: more or In» unlly wrapped up In eurymtnx I man or woman an. I w b.‘ and]... hmgmuzMJ-m ll‘u ’57:: hint “Alla-puma.- think. ”ml-Challis ' When mum people mule. they noon to any, "WM-n I mule, they Ill love The Ian 01 Chm; In the key to nature. ll-II'. Chun- cur. In a constitutional can. Price. The. “Ir-tol‘nr ”and... I“. Cant-mu. ('udrfiuhullr. rmo urn-alumna lunacy. 09:. II If. r. t,‘ tan. “mun" wand may. Why h If. they call a man "the law" when ha ha: been dead ten or ”teen years? Noâ€"To-flac for rm: can“. Guumnlrul Inbuvu mum cure, nuke! weal an: pun. 501- Ml dnuzglsu. August Belmont has ordered a 35,000 statue of his favorite horse. Henry of Navarre. [Um-l1 (‘I-phor In Ill. (“mu-o Cum (‘Io Ill-4|.“ l'uv. Tm or “on Vat. om, Ila. fie. L‘. 0. dart cm. lt' “URI. (It. l beliue PM)“; C are Is the “My mom clue that will run, consumption ~Auuu ll. Ross. Williamsport l’n. Nov. 1" '9.) Pruidoal. lamb 8. 1897: Do Not Be Deceaved. Domenangnthelikdmtchlldbymndmpnhfim vhkhmednggiamayoflam(mhemkulhmm :- It), the inpatient: at which cm he does not how. I. on. “NUEL PITCHEH, of ”yuan“, ”MM. .00 (In "$th 0/ "PITCFER'S CASTOHIA," at! It!” that Nu born: and «Inn now W on «vary but Mo fu-aimlln Jig-alum of wrappu. Thin in the original "PITCHEB‘S CASTWIA," which qu hm loud in Me home of (Ian mother: of Jmert’na for our thirty years. LmK CAREFULLY at tho wmpprr and m that a to g». p.341”. 1.934 always 5a.,» ,{A ”nâ€"r oath. Amerlcaus use annually 350 cublc Int 0! wood a head, while the English use only 18. and Inn tho “gunfire of m.NomMau¢Aortly/rommto hymen»)! Tho Centaur (hum of which Chm. H. M:- to ”'3 Penna-Inn; Cured. 5mm ur unwnssnnn .m- ral day's nu- 01 Dr. lilmr n (iron: hen» "rum-er. Send lor FREE [2.00 lnul Imnlr Ind nus-nun. Du. :z‘ u. Hun. Lulu-3| Am: m. l'hnludcllvhlu. 1'; Windows can In- heauu'fully polished by using a newspaper Instead 01 n cloth (or drylns‘. "“‘hnt some folks call '1-r hopeful disposition." said l'm-ie Elma. “ain't mmm' but laziness un' trlmlin‘ (er luvk." «Washington Star. Yul: hush-r055 and on! «I tune, Why! Because your liver In :«lugxkh. llr. Kny‘s Ih‘nuvmor will reuuvule uud restore it Hue ndvt. Price. 25V. and $1.01!. "You. 'Twas what they (-all the mid- die-weight class?»â€"\\'x\shinglon Star. ”uln‘ Well. "You." said Mr. (.‘nrntoml promfly. "my boy Josiar la duln' fine. He was the best In his cfus at college." "Did he mu you which than?" in- quired the summer boarder. "Mnnilolm Hard" when can!» rowan Well In the All-erndixcrim an in unitohl. The berry In high grade and we uven of Jr. huduln wr urn in one that has not II Murrow-hm! uu [Mk couliueul. For mrflvuâ€" lnn m. to lrnuuporlullou. pump In: on dairyiuu and what raising, writt- C. J. Buuru "10$, 23*: Flu]: NIWPI. Flair-go. flu-aunt "one: In the CIIIIIIII Wool. “The Kind You flgvg Always Bought” FREE FARM! 0? I” ACRES. 55mm Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. AN OPEN LETTER 'I an mm ll 1'"! UNIT! 00! mom-mm moan mm or Tm: \VOID '(mmonu: ”to 'n'rcntns CAs'romA: as om: nuns mu. "n. llAlIll. m "I ".1... cm. '9 WV .0“". m I... 10" Pouc- an! m um vague-emu mmfit or “my In". 11 V:- m ‘ CHICAGO. ‘ - - - I11. I!!!“ 1"“. PM. “Ethan. M ELOOUTIOM WEI. us You m- To MOTHERS. '3 MK a: at ;3- 3:: i Per mafia?” £3;me I'm“ umaw....Ԥ3=..:._.m mama-um m an. Vlmfll'VatAv-n. mum ac. “you PENSllIlSm-u nlnmbiaw.$5- -S|5 flu Whnl fur Oil. "I flu“. In! "L l n n ._ ......--n I‘M-l u now-mm)“. in towns. on. m "L c 0. h. m- . nl. enun- m. lL'nrnnanmnr “Amok-p W. N. U. CHICAGO. NO. 33. IOOT. Sm hum” Manhunt! My lemon his hm. Beautifies and restores Gray Hair to its origénal coior and vitality; prevents baldness; cures itching and dandruff. A fine haiv dressing. 3r.n-Ium.w.xnw-.I.l. -4.) t- - g_.,-4 Vegetable Sicilian HAIR BENEWER was: 0m at can mmâ€"uuwuml 0-0 a In, an. gnu have M Ina-un- Sun-I m; In: flu»- .on (no mhuul-a «ac-EU“ rm; rum OOH-m- 1-)- IM mun-Int punts-i n m h- an drum-n tm m clam mu- 0- n I}: we .1! IIIWWW llflm “.0...“ tutuumanu. unnum- Ivt’ m- mman (hug- Qta. w." mu- Loch 0- ]. m..- W . What a woman needs who is time «- lected in to strengthen the i ate no they wilikecpherorpnein L‘l’hero In nothing better {or this purpose then Lydia B. Pit-Islam’s Vegetable 00- pouml. The (rent volume at testimony which in count-nu, rolling in. prove. nut the Compound is constantly curing thouunde of just Inch CHI. The following letter from Mrs. erlmv ie only one of non, thou-nude which In. l’lnlthun he received this yeur (mom those elm hu mlieved Hotel, ouch teeti-ony i- convlndug: - "My trouble mac-cod utter the birth at my lent child. I did I“ lmow whot was the matter with nu: My huohuulwent toour (wily phyd- den nod describe! my uymptoau. end he said i ind dbpleeenent Ind telling ol the womb. lie not me home Indicine. but it did little good. I letit'lu on ubout two yen-n. and every time I did any had work my etcâ€"m eomc down. Finally I lady friend advised me to try Lydia B. l h Vegetable Compound. which I did. The llrst bottle helped no no much. l on- tiuucd to tulle it right elong. My heck wee almost the none I. so back. I could not litt weeiy any weight. Hy lilo wu juetedroq lo lac. 10-h, l on well oi my womb trouble. and lure a (nod, um! luck. thunk. b In. mama-u vacuum Maul; alum-v. Killed. In "I'm so sratelul to Mr. Chumplelsht (or sending me his photon-pk." "Why. I thought you hated him." "Yes, but just think. he mlght have brought lt."~»llrooklyn Lite. All you on About dlflculty I. u“- ln sun-k ‘remm-ybc wrong. “you wt]: to know the truth. drop a u! to Stu-k Nurse . laulshul. 0..“- Rockporl. Ill Anne references. Cub y to salesmen ouch mum the yur round. 0mm. freeâ€"take- no money to flu’ the work. Also want cum HAKllflk-gol their tree: free. TEACHERS WANTED! t 3 . Nah E yul HALL’S ammmnum iii "wfwnmjfifii ”QM”: M “yarn-iii Why Will a Woman Throw Away an M /'~‘\ Looks-MW? Pertinent Questions. w ”Miami "COM "“9 am: a. "can. IL. m VII. "I“ ”a I’m.“ QTEMS Why, my mm. will you mf- {er that dull pull: In metallic! your back. than barium-(1W3. "" dragging “nation-in the lollll. "7 that. terrible tullneu ln tho lower bowel. «used by constipatio- pro- ceeding tram the womb lying our and pressing on the rectum ? Do you know that. thruc Il’e signs 0! dlaplmmt. all that you will never be well whiln M lasts 1’ we. \me‘ l! :rlcnolmord minor um: II on «whom» Adar diatricu. ml . upuvl-lflmdon to moral ~ _ ', "lend regions which many ban 1 : important uncovering- 0! gold mom now ultuofln noun 0! Mn, hi valor- un'l at on. , 7 M For copies 0! thin valuable mp midn- '4 A. quwu,0. P. A. Salt knotty. Utah. The airship cruo I- laid to b. nur- ly as strong In Germany Ind on tho continent as In thin country. DES MOINES Why will u woman drag out Q aickly, hull-hearted ell-tenet and miss three-quark:- o! ”I. joy a! living. when the his he-lth almost wlghln her (rap 3 n she does nothlue In} go'oa looks. does she not. value but comfort? maymum 908E YWI ALL lulu. '

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