Downers Grove Reporter, 26 Aug 1897, p. 2

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Mal. [Itâ€"Ilâ€" llnnla Bnun, fl.~uvmo, fell w W mo 3‘ M at m In u man; no for in m mum for 1m. She - my .hlfled tn eflmb to the top. Incl-nan“; “Ir-A Chime I Alton m min and a yuan ad": by C. I. Berry, killing him III- .01. He m 1! you: old. lamâ€"At the Cry-tn! pflnco I” m. the Menu-z, with a fly- M covered 3 mile In 11813-5. '_ lam.“ world'n record. ”Hulda. I'llâ€"Gov. Tanner in h- .d a proclmuou caning for n Ive- mmmumammm “17.15.0411 Homzfornmty fl ho nee-oil Judge John mm. H‘VML-A smeinl dispatch from M an then In no douln (he Gullah government will be willing to at.“ m eon-orchi treaty with the W States. Slur-n. Tetâ€"J. w. Bailey, con. man from m If!) district, in W the “Imam! that he will not become a mndldm for I all In a. mate to succeed Baum Kills. hula- Annâ€"It ll unduly n- autical that n my urn no) of ml- h “Muted in the Argentine Repub- he. the min under cultivation cover lulu-normal“ everbefon. The tool clip, it in flanker stated. will be In Orin“. 14â€"1110 former gov- mt but John A. Dix. mull! and our to m Loni-ma In"! re- gal-n, In It (ha foot of 1mm Green Bay, Witâ€"h n In which turned the residence of Joseph [A Chit It any ”filament, twelve mm In. here. In. [4 Chlr In. hurled lo a «in. The fire is supposed to have dated from an Accident to I lighted val fuully would by u Ill-o'- Ian-in, wio hy in WI a few nea- nv- Ilo lone Ind shot M- II the hot. Odo II ”In. ad (here In no any to In mnut Cit-mum. “41¢ uh robin! via m not and killed u (Bi-too. 0.. 81 n police-In u the Canon Sui-cl lint VII George 09th“, at Cit-bon- hrs. Mm known In "Conner.“ Bumâ€"4k. D. I. Burton. name Inu- mum clan hm. In kn My m the. III mm fro- .V-Muun. TI. than. an that I. um m m. Onku. nlrflkhul Cole, a (Ar-or. . Mind. cumm- Ilnry lit-Ian. “that of Rm. 1. K. Ida: of the MIC Mind“! lo-lnry. has n- m m chdr o! not-nor o! lu- M moat-u '- Btu-ford Oliver-fly. “In. Illâ€"A from: "Ill eon-mm d n nun. And all. 0' In an m inch! nu Cut-"mo on the Coal cm brunch at m Allan. Tim In '0. IIJIM. syn-mm. Okla-Tbs butan- por- tion at Gunilla, (valve all” out of Dan. In destroyed by an. The lou Incant- to 013,000. and lnlunnce to but a lunch. film, [ILâ€"~11". unoc- ven la- mm mm and an: Inland by In «pm-Ion o! I holler It the brchy-rd of W. I. mummy. The and In: Inky Bndlq, Gideon Ilclu and lint) Delmar. Pub. [ILâ€"Henry lit-Kinney. tun Hoary Brown. wu "mud on a fun: mu m- dty. He had escaped (max I fill at Greenfield. Ind. Green Bay. WII.-â€"ll| the burning or I Mdonco at. Bay settlement. "In!" nun (ton hon, Mn. Joseph Loch" “I burned to death. liddimboro. Ky.-Oeor§e 11. Steel. exâ€"Ihcrifl, and Sam Young. deputy Ibex-ix of Leslie county, were killed in a combat at Hyden. Debit. Winâ€"~C. E. Willard. a young Inn-tied nun, was killed at the Fair- huh-lone than by being caught in a revolving shaft. Chattanooga, Tennâ€"Master Me- chnlc H. H. Behrieber uw John T. long, I workman in the Cincinnati Southern runny shops, killed by the handle at n jack striking him in the hand. Ecnrieber tell over in a fainting It. And hi. physicians uy he cdnnot lurvive. Dayton, 0h|o.â€"â€"John W. Snyder, while going on an excursion to Iron- ton. {all under the truck: of the rear an and was killed. Rockford, m.â€"A. C. Sputtord, pres!- dent of the Third national bank, died gaddenly while on 3 via“. to Adams, Springfield. Nilâ€"Harry R. Mitchell, ll old newspaper man of this city, In dad or partly“: or the brain. Niles, Michâ€"Jacob Strlba, used 80, committed suicide at his home In Rog- »: Guy by hanging. w Religion!- loan and cumin-l Del-‘- 0! the Who]. W-rld 0mm", Condo-nod for Our Munâ€"I'M lac EVENTS 0? LAST SEVEN DAYS. 110"!“ 0307.. : ILLINOIS. NEWS IOU] ll PflRflGRAPHS. Minor Happenings of the Past Week. 3mm 6mm 31mm. colmo, OIL-Mum; 359 m gnu «mum lup- I, III?! B WILLIAIB may Wu ”3mm mun-wan: mm. Intâ€"Fm: Inna of Wiet~ lino. Ind” in and from a wound ro- eaivcd in a knife duel fought with Jesse Milky. Lune died within five hours. mull-y cannot live. Minn. Gusâ€"W. 8. Band, superin- W of m Gourd: Runny, nu ma. inflow!” the rind m of no mm out: not violation of the law a“ main (aim min on In- Kevnnee, Illâ€"The hf! In the Porâ€" ter cue. wherein lira. Porter wne being tried for the murder 0! her hu- Innd. in rendered n verdict of not guilty. It In the fire! can In the hi.- tory of Henry county where n wonnn was tried on em n charge. Minn, Io.-â€"1'he trial of Ira. Euler Hen-Hora for the murder of Jncob Pon- ter resulted In her flaunt-l. St. Louis. lo.-Julel R. Qulgley, nn exâ€"Irennn, 'u kmed by John O'Don- an. an ex-deputy nherm. In a an: over a tune of qnoiu. O'Donnell knocked Me opponent don end kicked him repeatedly, mum; Gum” so badly that he died upon after being (then to the city hotiilm.1‘he mur- Quincy, Illâ€"Porter Plrka, 11 years old, committed mlcldo by hanging lime" to I doorpost with a 3111'] nap. HI. mother Ind punished him (or me trivial mutter. mum-cm KLâ€"Ekuu Sullivan. conflcted of matting Sarah [AV-on and sentenced to twenty year: In the penitentiary, m mm from jail by a mob and hand on the timber: of the county bridge acro- the Cumberhnd Bella Plain. lo'a.-An the mm]! at a riot u I dance In Van "one, In this county, Initial KM Ile- nt the palm of death. In nae-pal; to make u- rut- Mu revolvers were an: Inn Inn. to In armed out of the room and mud '10 club: and bru- knuckles. [Aldonâ€"l- lurch!“ circles Inc I! In mad that A number of exiled 83mm latching. who recently ar- rind In England, have tuned to! America. u. Mcnhmmmml Nobo- A. Illa of the United Sula "-7 m mu at the lunar antenna which took place More Blunt Help am sad the Sam :1 Cum, Kano. Bennâ€"n. greater pan of 3mm has been "sued by mere name and mm! per-on have been killed by lull-Ins. Mumsâ€"Dr. Jam 3. AI- nll, no In mum sun. Mulder to Why. In urine bore. DuPont-TI. olcul upon 0! the ROM nook II “no" no" (In hat vldapmd and mu «um In sou-an. Bumâ€"Tho 0m Mont In 0.20de tho hooter- Ihlp upon 0mm Man-n. who I! nbo mum" 0! Wu. TIM «him will not be uncalled. calculusâ€"Tho Diem 0mm pub- II-Ion . Ionic-Hon to a. clue! an no harm mun-m 8am nd I‘ll-I! um Ian-nor N prohmnd In. ammu- II lulu. landon.~-Tlo urn-vowel“ or the Daily Chronicle. In a knot "on: Cuba. loll. o! tunic: cruelty and Mama II that “had. Me an In. pelican am dying by the hundred, "their [:0th ulnuu (h. ur clou to n Soul-h tort.” 'Bmuoll.â€"-Dr. Cook. an Auction. will Joln uu luamr mulch. ennui; the Galactic Anlnruc expedition. at Montevideo. I! I. expected mu the Be!- gm. will "rho I! Gnhnm'o LAM any In December. She Is provulonod (or two ’Ilfl. Anna, [ILâ€"Four business houm vera destroyed and one badly (hanged by are here. The blue ll uuppoud to hive origin-ted from a gasoline “on explosion. The ion In $16,595. sad the [nuance 811.200. Hastings, Nahâ€"Will Lin): 0! Hutâ€" !nu. James McCullough and a 10-year- old boy were faulty Injured by (hi.- uploslon of a threshlns engine boiler. An attempt I'M made to run the eu- xlne without a water gauge Ind the explonlon followed. Toronto, Ont.â€",â€"Flve children were drowned In the harbor by the capaixlng o! 1 float. New Yorkxâ€"A tally-ho coach carry- ing a number of members of the John Palmer asscclauon of Brooklyn and their friends was run Into at Coney Island by a trolley car and wrecked. Fifteen of the occupants of the coach were Injured. Newark, 0.â€"-A wreck train here struck and killed Thomas Day 0! Kirk- eravllle. West Superlor, Wla.â€"-â€"Jo Cook 0! lawn. a. laborer. attempted o steal a rlde to the nakota gram fields and tell between the care. He was fatally hurt. Niles, Michâ€"Mrs. J. C. McCabe at Coloma, Mlch., was lulled Instantly and Mrs. R. S. Bailey latally Injured in a runaway accident. here. Brilllon, “Hmâ€"August Somalia, a farmer of Kasson, Mnnltowoc county, was killed by the cars at Reedvllle. Aurora, [ILâ€"T. J. Crooks, a Pullman car conductor, tell (mm a Chicago, Bur- llnzton 8: Quincy train which was ‘0- lug at full speed. He was able to go home. Warsaw, Intâ€"George Sherburne, wife and young child were struck and instantly killed by the limited express on the Nickel Plate near Kinsey, this county. They were driving across the Ottawa, m.-â€"w. Lungs, formerly I prominent architect of Denver. was killed by a. Chicago, Rock Island Pacific train near Marseilles. unzc hid wandered away from his brother’s home in Chicago while suflerlng from brain trouble. CHINE. CASUALTIES. FOREIGN. .. s.‘- HILWAUKIE. “out. No. 1 Mn... Can. No. I .o...~ om. No. 1 white... .. Sheen ..... What. No. fired on]. 00-“. No. 2 each 00m. No. 2 cash... Rye ............. can. No. I Oats, No. 2 whlte Cnnle. .11 [Men Hogs, nil grades . sheep Ind lamhs Wheat, No. x mm... 0m. No. 2 mixed Oltl. No. 2 mixed Rye. No. 2 cash ...... Clout-need, prime Oct. Wheat. No. 2 red am, no. 8 ...... cmcibo. Cutie, common to primal." 0515 Hon. all trades ...... 2:5 04.12% Sheep nnd Inab- ...... 215 0 6.50 Con. No. 2 ............ .2350 .2! Wheat. No. 8 red...... .81 O 17% can, No. I ......... .17'40 .l7fi mum“... . ...... . , Jug Findlay, o.â€"-’M§e Mglhem. at Kel- loI 10-day. agreed to the appoimnem of 3 receiver for the Peerless Refining company. In: In not yet named the an. The receivmhlp proceeding were "on“ by local stockholders. Bantam lamâ€"The chocolnte butl- nm of the Inn of Walter Baler 00.. limited, has been dlnposed o! to u ”Innate n | price underfloor! to be somewhat under $5,000,000. Clinton. Illâ€"Benin“: Hours, of Rana. dlod oi cancer. In lull 78th year. Re m n Inlmn war veteran. hell; . lieutenant l- Conway E, «In Illinois vol-Item He lmln under Gen. Tnylor. Elwood, 1-4.4»th W In, building not. I" unu- ln Pundit; m worn-o- IWM n nub" ct null- and bond. Ind noo- Inn-(lu- llol It In found (In! It" Ind He'd Into u on Daryl-u ground which bu not been In nod for (any nun. m a. usual“ bon- II" In am up and "MM. Ion! Plan-t. meltâ€"“n: Punish lavlnn but of an city closed "I Coon 1nd I- no. II (I. had- ot the con-lulu" of mm... According to the In! lulu-out. made In Jun". (to mom clock 0' (be halt ‘19 .100,- on. with ”0.0.0 In «1mm. Princeton, Ind.â€"~Dr. (none L Dor- uy did Im a! lean dluue. mm. WMâ€"Chnfln I. Ander- nna. of Illvunlea. 'm be anointed not-mt United Sula dldrlct Attor- ney. sad '1“ enter upon Mn «Ned San Francisco, Cabâ€"sully emu. 0: ho- Aunln moo-ted MI porter-Mac. u Rom tour you: and by knocking out Johny Grill: 0! Boston In the aunt round. Pierre, 5. D.-â€"1'he tolal hum of the South Dakota uunmem [or am your we completed And that an n- unable valuuon of 8120.101100, A also or $715,060 on: no mum". o! last year. LATEST MARKET REPORTS. Elwood. Indwall bu begun loop- ln. out of 3“ wells south and was! of this city. and no urong II the oil prcuuro mu the output 01 an In "any lmpeded. Oll openton an an the field and In leulnx laud woven- torr lo drllllnx wells. Winona, mumâ€"Dr. Gaol-3e 0. Vlr- we. Instructor In pollllcal economy It Harvard unlveralty, formerly of the Uulvenlly of Chicago, has accepted the chalr ol’ hlslory and clvlm In wlnonn' Normal college. assuming his new du-I flu October I. Worcester, Massâ€"Bernard I. We!- eru broke the world's record at the oval in this city in the lEOâ€"yard duh. He made the distance in 0:112-5. cut-. ting on two-niche 01 I second from the record. which he already had counted and held in common with: Bailey. the English crack sprinter, and twu others. Cleveland.~’l‘he Union Rolllng mu company has resumed operations again; after a shut-down lasting nearly two; months, owing to the scarcity of coal; and the men refusing to work until: the Amalgamated scale was signed. All departments will resume, giving work to betwucn 350 and 400 men. Eau Claire, WIs.â€"-1‘he Rev. William H. Lockwood. assistant pastor 01 Um Flrst Presbyterian church. 13 dead.‘ aged 72. Buenoa Ayres.â€"â€"Telegrlphic advices from Rio Janeiro, Brazil, state that the oiflcial report on the operations against the fanatics around Canudos during: the last few weeks shows that 2,400_; Brazilian troops have been wounded: Washingtonâ€"The secretary of the navy has ordered Lleut. Nathan Su- gent to proceed at once to the all fields of Pennsylvania where he will make. acuretul Investigation of the various :1'ades of petroleum produced In that region with s. View as to its value to: fuel tor marine engines. Denver. Coio.â€"~The owners of the downtown mines in Leadviiie. which were allowed to [ill with water during the great miners‘ strike and have not been operatpd since, decided at a con- ference in this city to defer the un- watering of the mines until the sinner market becomes more mauled. Milwaukee. Wh.â€"-Charles Andrews. vice president 01 the C. E. Andrew. company. dealer in coffee and spice. was auflocnled accidentally by can In his room. He was dead when found. KANSAS CITY‘ PEORIA. TOLEDO. MISCELLANEOUS. ...... 3.15 LOUIS. DOWNERS GROVE REPORTER. 35%. .9636 05.00 .17 .4715 Dubllmâ€"A potato blight 1- rule In: the counties of mm Ind unor- lei. Prim lnn quidmplcd Ind than D only A supply (or two mm Bran. Ild.-â€"CIIMCO Earl 1. Delta; field It Plan. 11].. on : chm-[o of It.“- in. paper- valned at seven] thousand dollars from J. N, nomad, : lumber denier a! Bran. Pan-nu Would Mn Faucet. The agricultural distress in Italy In: induced a movement among the pen- sntn umlng at the seizure of the great uncumuted panic!” camel. be" our Flop“ nth. A "we sailboat armed out into the Nissan river Sunday afternoon clone to Chippewa creek. wine): In two miles shove the Anni-lean (nus. Three un- known men were In the boat. Voter-m lion Conn-Cor. The National Encampment Unlon Vetems' union elected a comm-Mer- Ila-chief Friday H. L. Street. New York. Illn- Neme Burk of Missouri n- elect- ed daughter of the National Union Vetâ€" mnn' union. Persona who have witnessed all sorts of capital punishment are unanimous in the opinion that garmting is the most revolting and appalling of all. it ie not always an expeditious as its in~ ventor made it possible to he. A vicious executioner can prolong it practimlly at will. and herein is the ayateln's great drawbach as it is now constituted. Cane- are citahle in which the prone: was prolonged twenty. thirty minutes. even three-quarters at an hour. The executioner merely gave twist enough .to the handle. or lever. to choke his victim. Then he turned it back and twisted again. this time a little more than at first. and no on until his mite having been satisfied. or his instruc- tions perhaps obeyed, he gave one final turn and ended the tortured life. Such was the execution of flaioia in Mar tansaa. Cuba, in 1888. The unfortunate In am nude in unit In n chair dimtly under two heavy iron horn. one o! whirl: in Initiated on the but at his neck and the otherâ€"~ vninrly known u the curb-um. or necktieâ€"under Mn chin. Then the e:â€" ecntloner map. the hndie. give: I vigorom twist Ind death in innume- nconn. The entire nuchine. I: made of Iron and ordinarily weigh several hundred pounds. They nre ordinarily of very rough construction. thus adding to the horrifying Impression which the rirmmntnnm ronnmted with that cannot but leave in the mind of any observer. The two poun- o! umllonu rlllmed for flu- nmxc are these: That It an N we Iflh mun-bl;- carc (0 km Instantly Ind that u awn not an dmp 0! blood. Porn (but I: mum-ed by hone power In "no “any ll "union. nod m I": In the bmhlng of the He- u-‘u neck. unu- Ind, mutton. morruul mclhod Ind no! bun «Samurai. "r nun- Ihou‘hl then that too would be Mu one lo Rural-h Mu country will: a noun- mm [or the “Nova. but I!" though! Mum him so tong (bu In It length mu mumlnu ordered (on: In bl- nlnd. Ind In “me (he matron: dun: dealing unruly. "all Im- Illnm‘lllll.‘ III: in Mu munlry came to he :I (m. The garrote. on which Golii died. is named um-r its inventor. a Spanish ironworker. who witnessed a bungling execution of a relative on the gailowa, which was the method employed in Spain up to about thirty years ago for carrying out the sentence of death. Gnrroie wondered that a more expcdlv An executioner from Bourgea per- formed the garroting. just prior to which a prism exhorted the anarchist to repent. to which Angiollo respond- ed: “Since you can not get me out of prison, leave me in peace. 1 mysell will settle with God." Anglollo heard calmly the news that he was to be executed. but he appeared to 'be surprised at and bltterly com- plained o! the lrequent visits or the priests, declaring that they would ob- tain nothlng from hlm. He declined to enter the chapel. saylug he was com- fortable enough in hls cell. Michel Anglollo or Golll, who shot and killed Canons Del Castillo. the prime minister 0! Spain, at the baths .0! Santa Agueda. on Sunday, Aug. 8. was executed at 11 o'clock l-‘rlday mornlng. according to the sentence of the court martial imposed upon hlm. after his lrlal on the prevlous Sunday, which sentence was confirmed Ky the supreme counvll of war. Cundemuml Complains Enter): 0! the Vl-It- or the Ila-y l'rlunv-uucrlw “on of the Spanish [nuns-en: of Dentinâ€"«May Bo lined [or I'm-Our.- MURDERER OF THE PRIME MIN- ISTER OF SPAIN EXECUTED-u DIES BY GARROTE. THE OARRO‘H'I. M Whom Adan-n. The forty-third Wloconstn lmntun ndjoumed one «He at 5:15 o'clock Fri. day Moon. The general revision hm III-ad by the anus VII um penned by the «stably. Ind Him by comma. President'- Health In Den". The presidential party In beck In Washington. President McKinley said that he had never enjoyed In outing more then the present one, and that both he end Mrs. lchlnley bud hu- proved In heath. A great strike in the building trade was begun 1t Baal-Penn: Honda. more thin 20,000 men are Involved. The striker: Ind uvernl pitched hat- tles with the police. Two hundred per- sons have been injured, some dam only. Italy, Austria. Run): 1nd Omen, have necepted the propel-ate at the Spanish government to adopt Interm- Hone! measures unmet anarchy. It to expected, an the dispatch, that the United States. Greet Britntn and Svltlâ€" erlnnd will refuse to «to-operate. Want to no." no '1'. A meeting of over 3,000 people held u Athens Sunday adopted an address to King George. urging Nu m! the government to reject the proposed peace treaty between Greece and an« key “(I to resume the hostilitles which were Interrupted by the trace. I“. Flt. Soar Paul-m I. J. The main bulldlng of the J. H. The.- as Sons company's fertilizer mut- hunting punt, on Manta: creek. near Paulshoro. N. J‘. wu burned Sunday. The km In estlmued at 8250,”, nm which there Is nhmn 8100.000 "mu-- ante. lama ”not I: m. The third biennial union 0! the [9.- en] angelic-l Lmhenn synod. cou- pfllllg the mum of Mkhlul. WI.- romln and ill-no.0“ nod not! at m octane-tern flutes. opened Than!” .1 Wnlono'n. WI; The fella-In; 0.. can turn domed: President. A. P. firm! at Waleflntn; VN‘e-MIML the Rev. C. flannvll: of St Paul; noe- rotary. the Rev. A. Srhroetkll of WI‘ noun. ”Inn; (rust-ref. the Rev. Mr. Knuth of Milwaukee. The plutorm Approves «ho Omaha no! 8!. Louis Pommu plulorm: at film tor the lam-u" and "fenn- dnn; dot-and- !ho emphymonl of the Idle Imllmm on pub": worn. to be paid far In bondl an G per cent. “a demand. "~10er of mm: mu and In oflclul ”lanes. JOWA POPULISTS. Inn tun-Ho- Hui-mu. cunn A. ”on! I" can“. The Inn mlddkM-IM-md Popu- lm convention uomInnml tho rollov- In; field: For qonmor. Charla A. Lloyd. Imam"; for "amount-gov- ernor. D. II. Pntllnl, [goo mull]; lot moronic man. J. A. lnwonbum. Ot- lumun; for runway complaint". I. H. Orlflthn. Cu- connly; lot moorin- mm'ul 0! public Inunmlon. can. wu- lmu Blaine, Knoxville. VIEW OF HARPEULVA. l-Jorlty mun-t to rule-- The county conventions of the Popu- llsts of Nebraska to select delegates to the triangular state convention of the three silver parties Sept. 1 were held Saturday nlght in all the counties of the state. Thr- returns _show a majority 01 delegates opposed to fusion. Flns ll urtonvlllc. Illnu. Orionviile, Minn. passed through a fiery ordeal Thursday night emailing a ions of upward of 8250.000. Nine build- ing: are in ashes and more than thirty firms and individuals are losers in sums ranging from a few dollars to sev- eml thousands. Several small boy! playing started the fire. The nlnlh annual conventlon o! the Young People's Chrlsllan Union 0! the United Preayhterlan Church closed at lndlnnapolla Sunday evenlng. It is he~ lleved that the union of the northern and soulhm-n churches now wlll not long be delayed. The report 0! Rev. W. P. Wuhan. junior secretary. showed a gain of thirtyâ€"nine organizations during the year. The membernhlp has Increased from 8,902 to 10.440, a gain of 1,538. The aggregate contributions of the boys and girls In the junior unions and Endeavor socletles this year amount to $4,529. as against $3,762 last year. Junk! Ioubm o! the Pnsbytul-I church Ila» at Indianapolis. At Thursday's session of the Young People's Christian Union 01 the United Presbyterian church Treasurer W. J. Stewart presented his annual report. The following officers were elected: Chairman, C. F‘. Wishurt; secretary. Miss Elia Collins; press secretary, 0r- ville Wilson; treasurer. W. J. Stewart. YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION. An am: Anni-bu. .33, Pump!- Hun. lawn n-m- on lam-bar. n In reported here that Canadlan lumbemen of liberal politics favor an eflort on the part of the Dominion government In the direction of an ll“- nngement with the government at Washington for lower duties on lum- m Ala-h Inc-eon. Nichol Aumlmo, who shot and killed senor Canons del ammo. um puma minim of Spain, It the bulls; of mu Am: Sunday. Aug. 8. wag mm mu min; Got-on, "I Al-eo-Imlnn. A German diplomat is quoted as say: in: “German will not give up Al- sace-Lorraine without compensation: but have has every reason to hope that Germany will do no for a promise of compensation. even if made at a dis- tut date.“ Mon-l Ink-Mo to Imalty. John C. mm. one of the moat prom- inent cltlmn of Dlvenport Ion. for forty yarn, committed suicide loudly by shooting Muse". The far that hi; vigorous phnlell Ind mental power: had been mull-ed by an lttnck of hen pro-mien this summer led to M: ruh' Kahlua! "an no" Print-en: Knlnhnl. who has just ntâ€" tnined her mnjorfly, will return to; Have" in October. nfler an absence of' ion yearn In England and on the ron-. unont. She his hopes of being Inda queen of the present inland republic' It attention mu. PM, In LII-Mr ramp. The coming season In ”w lamb" camps In llchlgan wlll he a retard- brvnker ln acllvlly. There Ill! be three more ramps It Gonhlc. employ- lng at least l50 men. Wu” ln the lumber woods 'lll be from 20 lo 30 per cent hlglwr than last season. Men are, very mm. TIM tom [ever has amen (ho m- 1 her: of "no revenue marina mun, 111m M "be crew of the mafia? Pam; 'Mrl not the goldhden «and Portland A! Dutch harbor, deserted and “I"!!! {or St. Mic-bar). They stola a ban from the Norman A-oflun (‘ommrflal Comm-w. rot-Ind the «on-- room M "no Perry and boldly wont out, on the open an (or a 700-th mm, to St. Mic-Mel. Resolution we" adopted «Ill-l up- on (ovum (or ma nppoinmrnt o! l tummy mmlnmv A con-am" in Ippnlntnl to urn thin nu". The convention nun adjmarled. A . Joint C‘. and": (‘M- fun“... .0 luau-'0‘ AWN-I. M Thur-an": nos-Ion Joseph 0. Non- drlx of New York vu cloctod president of "or American nanlon' Anon-lulu. For that vtn~prnldmry ma candida!" "to Frank W. Tracy. president 0! the Fir" mllmul hunk of smegma. "L. And (mm H “II-Mil. pro-Moo! of the flute «than hunk of them“. Hr. Rand] was eluted by a role a! 206 10 no fat Hr. Tracy. Nt-nbrr train unplml at the inuulu. The Lulu- I~Tn-- mun“ «mm-d In!" [M wound conch. It wn'a "HM. mm mm u-nnont. Tm rnxlno Vila Will Imo I whim um: um,- In! [mm in track Fat-l Wreck n im' out-um- of LII... ”Illa. A score at excursioniuls were Injurtvd In a runway smash-up ux mzso Friday night In the uuluklrls u! l.lma.0hm. M. Iona! three of [ht-m nn- ouwrwd to die. The wreck at new )um-liun The wrwk Ol't‘llrlv-l su Ihe lunrllun u! the Lima Nurtln-rn and Im- [alu- Erin and Wralern finds in the (-Jslrrn "mum o! In" «In: .\ Lulu um- !rl'luhl t-rnuhml "nu :\ Lima Nordic-m spec-tn! pun-nan «mm carrying a 'nrw numln'r n! MrurnquMs uu :holr re- turn In-ru Tnh-dn. Thr Lake Eric .1)- Nun u'us hunch-u on "w Hark :m'l ludly dvnmllnlu-d. and un mzwhm M, the Lima Norflwru wc-rc uwawlvz'm'vl, lh-llvl lmlnn “vrr hurrtnl In the rum» and all phnh-Ixms In Lima INF :urnu-d [mo non-Ira Durlng the morning the women's headquarters at 2.30 Delaware avenue 'wore tux-many upenmi. (‘ommanderâ€"ln-Chiet ('larkson's ar- rim] 1“ his quarters at the Iroquois hotel and his reception constituted the first event or the week at the out-amp- mem. The illnminatlons were displayed and; the visitors were delighted with their gorgeousuess. Dozens of bands were on the streets playing old war tunes, and the citizens came out by the hunJ dred thousand to enjoy the pageant on light and color and rhythm. The ehlct eveni ur the proceedings; proper was the formal openlng of Camp Jewell. a! A o'clock. There was u splen-g 'dld parade at clvlc bodies at nlght and. a public recoptlon to Major T.S .Clark- non. commander-ln- cniel' . Old soldiers poured Into Bumllo by. ghe thousands Tuesday. They came td the G. A. R. encampment by regiment: and battalions, by corps and divisiona‘ hrgo Attendance of the ow Soldier-H Cllllonl of Bull-Io \‘oty :nlthI-sâ€"y tlc In Their necemmu ~l€nurnouli Pan“..- SUCCESSFUL REUNION SURE. Annual Encampment of the G. A. R. at Bufi‘ala. I VHERMY GHIHER' AGAIN: EXCURSIONISTS ARE HURT. ELECT A NEW YORKER.

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