â€"._..â€"_â€"â€"â€" By WHITE WILLIAMS. .â€"â€"..â€"-â€" DOWN!†GROVE. : Week. EVENTS 0F MST SEVEN DAYS. reticent. adieu-s loch! and Old-Ian! m C! m Whole 'Cl‘ oll'lfllly cone-us to! Our nauseaâ€"sh. Ac- oldest lasers. Hartiord City, Ind.â€"â€"â€"Coolcy'n grain elevator burned. loss $20,000; insur- ance for â€.000. Niles, Michâ€"George Davey. aged 87, a pioneer of Michigan. was killed at Bangor in a runaway. Scranton, Pa.â€"-Cbarles Newcomb oi Conkiing. Ohio, was beheaded on the Delaware, Lacknwanns l Western railroad tracks. Anna, iiiâ€"Agnes Isler, the 10-year- old daughter oi Joseph Meier. a l‘nrm~ or living south oi Jonesboro, died oi :; hydrophobic. ‘ Morinettc, Wisâ€"«Two pelicnns meas- uring 8 ieet irom tip to tip oi wings were killed on Green bay. They "0 the ï¬rst ever seen in this locality. Des liolnes, Iowaâ€"The ilrst time in years the State m: Association made 2 money out oi its annual exhibition. '."hc society took in “3.31315. Wichita, Kanâ€"The county attorney has dismissed the case againu sheriii Cunningham oi Abilene. Tea, accused g , oi the murder oi .lobn Ii. Isolation. ". Richiand Center, Wisâ€"The church 1 trouble culminated at Hub City in the burning oi the church. About a week Ito a bomb was thrown at the build< log. Stockton. Cabâ€"The old hhippec har- vester works, known as the Stockton Car. Machine and Agricultural Works. was burned. The loss is “00.000; in- surance. “5.000. Illwnullee. Wisâ€"Alter nnsnchlng ‘4. the house oi A. .I. Bchuring at flouth ' Illwnuhee burglars sot Ire to the building. hoping to conceal the evi- Ooucm oi their crime. Rochiord. lll.â€"-‘l'be Brown A floo- horo elevators at Cherry Valley, a town ' sis miles east oi Rochiord. burned. j 11. total in- is estimated at irom £10,000 to more. Jelcreoorlile, lod.- In Ranger. who had Just been deed by Police Judge George "all. attempted to shoot the latter. Ir. Hall shot Ranger. inllrling . ‘ a serious wound. Des lclaes. Icwaâ€"M'llliam Justice. ‘ awmlthyhrmer, was tounddeadun- One a Great Woman bridge at llsrwick. believes that Justice was and robbed. lasts, lo.â€"~lrn. Norman 1. Col- ). Colman. es- oi agriculture. is dead at the ...u .... , .. Pr wreck. in which thirteen people were killed. returned a verdict placing the mathmly on Dispatcher King of § 3 s i l I f E Topeka. " Ligonier. ladâ€"Jello Moor. aged 1†years. was buried here. He was the oidmt man in the county. Ottawa. Ontâ€"Am mills oi the Hull bomber Company were burned. buss flu.~. partly Insured. Smith Lake. Minnâ€"Three tramps strum orangutans. us magnum. Hitter Happenings oi' - the Past CASUA LTIIS. Benjamin. Butcher, near here. burned. Loss. â€.000: no insurance. Wilmore, lip-With the exception oi XLIJIIOIE- the store of Joplin 00.. the entire business portion oi this town was destroyed by ï¬re. 050,000. _ Trenton. N. J.â€"I-‘ire broke out in the general store of (i. F. Waldron at im- laystone. about twelve miles irom here, and beiore it was extinguished about $40,000 oi damage resulted. The tire is believed to have been caused by the lesplosion oi gunpowder in Waldron’s store. Wabash, Indâ€"Solomon Helvey was struck and fatally injured by g tall- ihg tree near Kellen. Elgin. Ill. -â€" Contractor John A. Wright was perhaps fatally injured by a tall. It in thought his back is broken. La Porte. ladâ€"The home oi Anton Rudolph at La Crosse. this county, was burned to the ground. Ross Rudolph was burned so badly that she died. Newark. N. J.â€"-Dsniel Kaulther. senior member oi the ilrm ct Kauflher d: Loehenberg. was instantly killed by an engine at the Chestnut street cross- ing. Chippewa Falls, Wisâ€"Five men were killed and three seriously injured by a collision near here on the Wis- consin Central road. Decatur, Indâ€"«William Darwechtér. a young man employed at the large stone crusher oi Calvin Miller d Co. sccidentally fell into the machine and us crushed to pieces. Ashtsbuls. O.-Ailen H. Carroll was killed by a train. Niles. Michâ€"Abraham Iisrlcy. an Med and wealthy farmer oi Sister Lakes. was killed in a runaway. Washington, Iowa.â€"'It is estimated that the recent hailstorm in this vicin- lty caused damage amounting to $300,- 000. flourishing Total loss, FOREIGN. ...â€"- Constantinoplerrcrroub Ber. coun- cilor oi the Turkish embassy at St. Petersburg. has been appointed 'I'urit- ish minister to the United States in succession to lioustapha Tncheln Bey. Borne, 8witeriandr~The cantons oi Giants and Orisons were visited by a severe earthquake shock. accompanied by heavy rumbling. The disturbance was no distinct that it was everywhere noticeable and in many places great blocks at rock tell from the mono- talus. luridâ€"The ministerial organs as- sert that the Spanish inrelga minister. the Duke oi Tetusu. will soon be [suited as Spanish ambassador to France. Athens. ---‘I'be conditions at the peace lilo-d between the ambassadors oi the powers on behsii oi Greece and Teolh i’nehs. the Turkish ioreiga minister. at Tophaacb palace, are universally pronounced by the Greek press to he oacoedlogly onerous. Brusselsâ€"44mins Michel the notori- cne Mash anarchist was npelied item the :lty by the police. liomo.~The newspapers here an- nounce the mignstion oi Signor Ar canto Bronco. the italian minister at laance. ill. Petershorg.-1Vo steamers. the horovitch and lslpitha. collided In the Volga. near Astrskhan. The torm- er mak. tier mm panic-strick- en. jumped into the river. Many rush. ed the share. but forty were drowned. Lenderâ€"A dispatch to the 11mm from sills says that splendid rains have fallen during the last iew days over a wide area. in the Punjab par- tlenlariy the rnlaiali has amounted to several Inches. This nmnres a bonnie- oue harvom. Paris~laior Mme P. Handy. the special mmmtesloner oi the United I"- Areols. Ill.â€"The barn and, sheds at were tween the government and the insurv grand Jury to Investigate alleged viola- tions of the liquor law has been stolen irom the allies of Judge Culver. who was a captain in the 94th Illinois ininntry, is dead at Le Roy. lecd 85. cx-Inelnhcr oi the state legis- lature and a member oi the lndlnnn constitutional convention. is dead. along Bald mountain and In the Pine)- and Little Goose creek country con- tinue to burn almost unchecked. Set. tiers and Crow indlans are trying to prevent the spread oi the flames. northern part oi the county report a hitherto unknown beetle destroying their corn crops. Corn and hunks are destroyed with rapidity and by the acre. leaving an entirely cleaned corn- cob. trsl railroad is back at the purchase oi 15.000 acres oi coal land in Marion and Walker counties that will supply the road with the greater part at its incl and contribute to the Mississippi and Louisiana domestic markets. received a letter from Toronto. Ont, which says that Sir Harry Woolworth Cooper. now in custody there. married hire. Bertha Young's daughter and then sloped irom hinlmer. Idaho. with Ida laud Campaigoi. blgsmy is being investigated. iiardslown, Ky.. ls arranging to estab~ lish the ï¬rst distillery here. is, has brought a breach oi promise suit for 810..“ damages against Ar- thur lchroeder. non of n droggisi. perinteodont oi public instruction. on- tlmates that the new compulsory edu- mtlon law has already increased the attendance oi the public schools at the state “.000 to 30.00% droughts ever experienced in this sec- tion of southern illlnole was broken by a heavy wind. rain and electrical storm Thursday. vero drought in an end in this part oi the country. The cold were predicted arrived also. strangely tstal character has broken out among the cattle near Darwin. south oi here. Tues ierer. are dead and over 300 others are said MISCELLANEOUS. Montevideoâ€"The treaty oi'peace be- sertts was signed today. Congress has unanimously approved the peace con- ditions. and there is general enthusi- asm over the result. Peshawur. ladis.-â€"'i‘be lower Moh- munds, south 0! here. have submitted and have agreed to pay a heavy one. and to surrender their arms. Denver, Colo.â€"-Frsnlt Gardner. capitalist at London. Eng, has bought in this city the patents ior all the world outside the United States tor the manuiacture and sale oi the Wililey ore concentrating table, paying there- for $250,000 cash. Washington.-â€"â€"A private dispatch re- ceived here announces the death at Spring Lake, N. J.. at Mme. Lazo Ar- riaga’. the wile oi the minister from Guatemala. She had been sick for some time, and her death was not un- expected. Kalamazoo, Michâ€"ll. is stated that Bishop Vincent has decided to reduce the presiding elder districts in the Kalamazoo Methodist conference dis- trict from nine to seven. Emporis. Kan.â€"~A petition oi the temperance people asking tor a special Bloomington. lll.â€"â€"Aaron Buckles. Richmond, Ind.-.lames M. Bulls, Sheridan, Wynâ€"The forest tires Palmyra. Winâ€"Farmers in the Birmingham. Ais.«~1‘lte Illinois Cen- San Francisco. Cal.â€"Chlei Lees has The alleged Pclskey, mobsâ€"Orson Parker at in Michigan Quincy. litâ€"Hannah Heather. “.3 Indianapolis. Indâ€"D. I. W. eo- hiaaroutah. litâ€"One at the loudest hieaico. Mo.â€"â€"â€"liala brought the ne- Terre iisule. ladâ€"~A malady at a it is supposed to be the Already liteen animals mined the delegates. DOWNERB GROVE REPORTER. ‘ Willi lillfllll Will [Kill]. Gen. Woodford Speaks Pisinly to Spain. r our commute: ls mlunio. United ltntee lilolstor Credited with flaking a Strong Presentation at the once-omen stem will no Justiï¬ed In Interioring. A dispatch from San Sebastian to the Tempe oi Paris says that in his inter- view with the duke of 'lctuan. Span- ish minister ior foreign aflairs. the U. S. minister to Spain. Gen. Stewart L. Woodiord, did not present any claim for indemnity. but conï¬ned the lntcr~ view to a moderate phrase in the state- ment at the great iniurlcs' commerce and industry had suiiered in the Unit- ed Stntcs through the prolongation of the Cuban war. Gen. Woodiord is said to have added that Secretary Sherman had desired him to declare to the Spam- ish government that it was evidently impossible ior Spain to end the rebel- lion ln a reasonable time. anti. ittrther. that ii the war was continued Cuba would be devastated and at no utility to Spain or to the Cubans. In conclusion. the United States nt’n- later is reported to have insisted cour- teously but llrtnly upon the necessity oi terminating the war, declaring that it it was not terminated by the end_ oi October the United States would feel Justiï¬ed in taking measures to secure the independence of Cuba. Improved Order Knight-a oi l'ytIIae. The third attnuul melon oi the su. promo lodge oi the Improved (lrdcr oi Knights oi Pylhla's opened at Bulli- more. .\Id.. Monday morning. Fortyâ€" flre delegates. representing twcnty- eight states oi the union. worn in at- tendancc. The sggrcgntr membership oi the order in the United States is nearly 6.000. and it has bet-n organism: In twenty-eight states. in nine or which grand Jurisdictions exist. h'rllow Fever ls spreading. The city oi Jackson, bliss. ls dcpopu- lstcd. Its business houses closed. its newspapers suspended. iorly resort of yellow icvrr are announced at Ed- wards. with many suspected cases at various Willis. an embargo has been placed on the railroads oi the aisle and grave apprehensions arc tell that the timed disease has obtained a ioolholtl in numerous parts oi the aisle. Odd Fellows as lprtngloid. Ill. The opening session oi the sovereign grand lodge. Independent Order of Odd Fellows, was held at springneld. lll.. Iondsy morning in representatives' hall. (loo. Alircd Orondorii. past grand representative oi Illinois. called titr- meeting to order. (ior. Tanner wel- '(.‘harlrs A. 'I‘owne oi ed a t'crdit't placing the rcsmoslbllily on Dispatcher King oi ‘l‘opcha. train on the sitimorc s Ohio railway ran Into each other at Helpers Station. Ohio. lteturdsy night. hill oi sewerk. Ohio. and three on. known tramps were killed. PRU NCIIS KAIULANI COMING. States to the Paris exposition oi i000. has arrived here and has had a long interview with lir. Doucher. the minio- tsr oi commerce and industry. to be dangerously nick. Strict oner- nntine has been established. Torre Haste. lnd.â€"â€"‘I'be working time of the 500 men in the Vandsila shop. has been Increased irom eight to “‘ , held up a Great Northern rattle train near here and robbed the passengnn. Atlantic. lows. ~The ministers op- pose the taking at a census. isnrlng lhsr 5" :5 ‘mm " f'llldonca " ‘ W’“"""" °‘ carats. ten hours a day This is the em time c 8 outs , .. - ’= Alhia. lowsâ€"John Steele was em. lioulruse lowsâ€"Because his health the, h." Md. n" un‘hm' 6" "no. im. was poor, Frederick lisltn oi the (innit Limaâ€"important new sold discover- tenoed by a iury to the penitentiary ior llie. Steele murdered his neighbor. house II“ "I." HIM“ lb. I!“ 1.. 3." been made in m Carsbaya Jacob Werner. “" “9‘- ’ district. many gold nuggets have been IAndng. awnâ€"0mm o. 9. ML Chaim. hub-Minn held as the Mod in the Chlliimeyo River among postmaster at ~'-°“ '“ secured them one weighing iosr ounces, use. Two at the men were upland. one oi the robbers being mortally cos will he the guest of honor at the ale-l reunion oi the regiments com- pridag the Ninth army corps LATSIT HARKET REPORTS. “l. Albany. Indâ€"William Stephens. oi wounded. ....â€" . m. Ohio. one am of â€...,“ Amherst. Wis-Ole storm of New- ulnwknxsa mm s, "can...“ vs.- s. have us John inure oi Stockton “out. â€â€˜1‘ r sprinr ...t '- m .t Lima. 0“,, ...]. eom- taught in a saloon and liaison received Com. "0- o ------- . ‘4 log to Albany. hilrlcs which caused his death a“ graft; 2 3white .2: g ,3; H" ‘~‘. Antler-nos, Ind.-â€"lt i said that m- immediately. r , o. ......... . _ ' Huntington. W. ireâ€""Tug" Wilson. CHICAGO- 3'» era 1 the window glam Intteners and utters who withdrew in g M, m The Princess Kalulsni of Hawaii. a detective who had landed m mm Ostlk. col-mos to stile l.“ on.“ and highway-m in the penitentiary floss. sll smles sso one who visited this country in less. and m 1‘33: :Mmmnthgrmrm form . I" "I" 080. '8 Vavllld in an alley Sheep and lambs .. ..... 3.25 06.“ whose pleasing personality made n is- Bellalre, Ohioâ€"Aha I “,0 months' and msdbsgged. He died without re- Oorn, No. 2 .. .3300 .30“ versble impression on all who met her , m “a expending mg . util- Ill-ins mm ~ Wheat, No. 3 red ...... .00 0 .et at that time, has been in Europe since a- un}. ..., m M,- o, ‘ m Shoals. m.â€"â€"mm was, at"... am. No. a .tmo .1“ cm. and has 1m returned on a sec- m m, ,m a“ pm. -m the with involuntary manslaughter. was less .1: and visit. in view at the isrt that ni- m m, 00"“, started ' a. convicted alter a tour days' trial. Bye. No. 1 .. ........ .«g fairs in Hawaii are attracting much at- Del-root. Nob-Three men robbed Buttes- . .ss 0 .u tactics. and that the unseen at that ï¬ll. giving employment to 3. men. the monster here «I tics in govern TOLli'D'C-l. country keeps bet-sell before the pub- she named Kslulani. the daughter of her sister, who had married a Mr. Clog- born. as her heir to the royal title. since which time Kniulnnl has been known as a princess. and has been looked upon by many as the future queen of the Hawaiian islands. royal aunt. her features are more regu- lar. and in her looks and bearing the Caucasian strain has left a redoing much since she left this country ior England. and reports received from the lorney Was Coached in Prison. John Short. brother-in-law oi Noah 'I‘Iso ‘l‘rotlliul useless. New Boarderâ€"“Theron“ such a Barley. instilled beiore the grand iul'! ooniounded racket around here this in the Hinshnw investigation st in- disnspolis that Baney was supplied morning that i didn’t get any sleep sitâ€" or 8 o'clock. What with the cooks croww with drawings oi the Hinshnw house tag. the calves bloating and the dogs at Bellevllle, while in prlson. and that barking, it was just maddening. And he studied the plane and from them was able to locate the turniture in the parsonage. Says the lincro‘ Cause In Just. Charles .I. Devlin. one oi the largest coal mine operators in the United States, declares that the cause of the miners in Illinois was Just and that he would not be a party to a iurther re- duction oi wages, which would reduce the income oi the men below a scant living. Civil Suit Against Hartley. The civil suit against the bondsmen oi ex-Treasurer Bartley oi Nebraska in on. The state will endeavor to recover something over $500,000. which Bartley stoic during his four years as state treasurer. Bartlcy is now in jail in Omaha, under twenty years‘ sentence in the penitentiary. .. w» .u. qâ€"_.r.____.._...__ Steamer iron the Klondike. The long-overdue steamer Excelsior. which leit St. Michael’s. Alaska. ior San Francisco six weeks ago, but was com- pelled to put back to Oonalssltn ior re- pairs. alter having broken two blades oi her propeller. has arrived with six- tycthree passengers and about $2,600,- 000 in gold. Austrian soldiers Killed. Thcrc was a collision Sunday evening ncar Knicsvnrs, Austria. heist-on an express train and a freight train usrry~ ing troops. Four train hands and six soldiers were killed. anti thirty soldiers will probably die from the injuries vc‘ ccived in the accident. German Methodists in hesoiom The twenty-sixth annual session at the Chicago German r-onicrrnt-e oi the Methodist church commented at Ripoh. Wis. Thursday. This ronicronec em- braces the csstcrn hall oi Wisconsin. northeastern lilinols and northwestern Indiana. Sailor-a! Silver Cains. fleeting. At the third dilly'il $411110“ oi the nu. tionsl iron sllt'rr t-antp mo'ellng the speakers were 1‘. B. 'l‘nrsrry oi lit-troll. Judge Tart'ln n! (‘ovlnglom Ky.. hire. Elisabeth ‘l‘llllngltast ni t‘lm'clnntl. Minor-Mild and Charlrs S. llsrtmstt oi Montana. ‘l'rnin Dispatches Ila-ea. The coroner's Jury. sitting In the in- quest on tho Santa l‘o s‘rrt It rmtr Em. porle. Kan. in shit-it lhlrll'fll maple were killed and several injured. tctltrn- tnglnm and Tramps illlad. Two sections oi s west-bound irrlght Engineer Cn- . ‘1:â€"...lif.‘:’.“......._..'.._‘ 1 She is several shades lighter than her WWQ.K$TE'3'MH,I"L meat bonds. Two at them have been Wheat, No. 2 cash as“ 'ic. the movements at the young prin- the Churchill Alden here “I “um-ya. m, No. 3 mm ,. ,3; com will be watched with close stten- trace. The young woman has traveled â€'me extended to Wig. in neigh- LavenwmtI. “ifâ€"“Ill“ J. Dsr- Date. No. I mixed ...... - ,1.“ lion. 1 1 Que W towns " settled it is the ssh. a former prominent chines and ltye, No. 2 each .50 Kainlsnl is the am 0 ex- ea ' ' . public omelet oi this city, was murder. Clove“, Prime mp _ g.“ Lilliuokalsnl. who became queen when various places where she has been stop- opinion ll“ “0 strikers won. ed on hi0 touch near Beaumont. Colo. KANSAS CITY. her brother, Kalskane. died in 1891. ping show that she was as popular ; M yâ€"«lislsterl M metallic, litâ€"William Beers wm Cattle all grades ...... 2.00 05.35 Prior to herelevaticn to the throne she with Europe-nu as with the iew Anteri- the a R.- sentenced to the penitentiary st Chemo: Hogs, '.n We! ________ a,†OMS was known in Honolulu as hire. Do- cans who made her acquaintance. 8hr ..mm at Washing- for attempt“! to my. . train. Sheep “a lambs ______ 2.50. 5.3. minis. 0n nttainnlg the new honors will page some days in Washington. mâ€" 9......" ~ h,- Niles. isletâ€"43W Rules. the 1sâ€" NEW roux. :14 w -,-"-m_.._. Want; .:.~ :1..- -... our aim wheat 3: Com: ""4“ â€â€˜3 °’ °°""""' 30"â€. “0 ween No. 2 red ...... tom. . . - r ‘ lenlean Pollen oloiats Arrested- British Troops Doro-tea. - 1 * Loam Icar- ior seed wheat “:3..." flungâ€: “lam m- Corn, No. 2 ..... . .ss gamma Velasquez. chm of mu“ , _ '30 “I W m '- sthsr‘i: “m... as the result. m Oats. N“ z """"" '35 ot the city at xeslso. Lieutenant cs- vere lanes Friday in a battle with the ' ‘ ! Mm “vâ€. “n“ 09"â€. Ill --Alex a.“ and am 81" DOUIS. brera, assistant chief oi detectives. and rebellious ldohmands ' Hooks grail"... am of this place Cattle. all In“! - ----- ‘00 03.30 Commodsnt lianro Sancho: have been and iorty in the second brigade of Gen. rm“. over a moist matter. Both. Hogs ----- 3.80 04.10 arrested charged with complicity in the su- Bludon Bloods division have eith- m m m asap ....... "Wit†2.00 03.: lynching oi Arroyo. or been killed or wounded. Oats. luggï¬eisï¬w .np to meet as nausea we. natal Train Comato- n wiles-see. mitoses» .33 The CatholicOrderotl'orestsrssn- mm isccsd larlnstte. Wis. so the place at on moody injured Sunday night in ifs . ........ . 3' lhenestannusl meeting. ’I‘.J.Onilen. swroekon tthhicsgo divisionottha â€ifâ€?! :m; a“ lilwsnkss. chmsn' stats chloi Chicago 1. Northwestern road at lil- OIe men was totally and ion! oth- British troops in lndls euiicred se- One hundred speak about 12.000 words a day, you told me yesterday afternoon that there were no noises on the place!†landlord-“There wasn’t at that. till“. if you'll remember."â€"»Boeton 'l‘rsnâ€" scrip. lhaho lots Ions lhoon. Allen's Foot-Ease. a powder tor the feet. ltcures pslniul, swollen, smart.â€" ing test and instantly takes the sting out of euros and bunions. it is the greatest comiort discovery oi the age. Allen's Foot~Esse makes tight-lilting or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure ior sweating. callous and hot. tired. aching tact. Try it today. Sold by all drugglsts and shoe stores. BY mail for 26c in stamps. Trial package tree. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. :3“ _, . Bnio Pledge. _ Customerâ€""l am not yet entirely, satisï¬ed oi the superiority oi your bi< cycle." Dealer-“I'll tell you what I'll do. You buy one oi our wheels, and It you don't say it's the best wheel in the world, before you've had it twenty- iour hours, l’ll buy it back and pay You two prices for lt."â€"-Detrolt Jour- nal. There Is a class of tennis Who are injured by the use oi coffee Recently there has been In all the grocer stores a new preparation called G IN-O. made at pure grains. that takes the place oi coifee. The most delicate stomach receives it with- out distress,and but low can tell it: from coï¬ec. It does not cost over 5‘ as much. Children may drink it with great beneï¬t. 1:. etc. and 35 cts. per package. Try it. Ask ior GBAI‘N'O. its gold is tried by the iurnace. and the bascr metal is shown. so the hol- low hearted irlcnd is known by advert siiy.â€"â€"1iclastsslo. logs lads From I'anr old Carpets. Latest improvement. new method ui_n.akiu reversible rugs irons your old llrussca or in- eralo carpe-ls. with border all around. lfcnd ior circular and pricrs to h. Krona. itli “cub worth Ann. t‘hlcago. lli. According to Jacob's estimate, the Roman empire at the time at Augustus possessed â€8.000.000 pounds oi gold and silver. (J, --.. I'vrmsaentli’t'hnd. Salts oi serves" weal“. y s also ol . lilies a treat herse‘ltuterosi IoodtM "I can ma hallo as t-oeltna on. I. u. sun. . .Esl Aral st. hiladelpbta. r. A public spirited man at Poona Binds. hie. Is having a good newspaper sent at his expense to cirry imlty in the town. . lhellove my pl use at i'iw'r Core rented qaic mesmptlon.--Hn Lucy mils“. â€mantle. Kenn. Der. l'l. 'l'l Conscience is that within t.s that tells us when our aclgbbors are doing wrong. , Sofa-nae ice '1in Cents. Guaranteed lcbacm habit sure, melt" wean mes strong. blood sure. an. 0!. Al; Juggle". The chemical blonds should always patronlso the bleachers at a baseball ...-...... ..al Intro eats-vs new In a constitutional core. Price. 13c. When mirth contra in at the door. melancholy cherries up the chimney. (‘oo‘s «...; ,m; dbl-client. llwillhrvnl nenhl when weeping“ hostesses-ogre. 10"“. The average person is supp-we'd to Ion. ï¬laments â€8;;an "Amusement-gm» the gem-Jen m '1'..- meme". the“. “semen bet". People are known by whale they spend their leisure time. To Care (orientation "revâ€. Take t‘ascerets (‘sady train-"tr. m»: o- "~c. ltc. c. I). iall to cure. smut... "m: â€33;. The bestfltamilyï¬medlclne is large doses of good example. I00 Doses in a is peculiar to and true only oi Bond’s m- rumsndhproototltssnpuioretrvngth and economy. There is more curative powerinabottlooillocd‘senrmpariih than in any other. This tact, with its unequalled record at cures, proves the hmtmodicioeiorsil bleed discmsnh Hood’s â€.23.. newsflash-reformer. Adm.“ Bottle -..W‘ Hood’s Pills .... mm; Vt