Downers Grove Reporter, 4 Jan 1900, p. 7

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93.. mil Mere this coupon end lites hornet stsnlpe to the J. C. More» LoweiLMnhyoo viii receive in return s c of the anti Century Yearost’sok. Mismtuortilnsq' timeout. “lint s imam bookcopioosiy 'iiiesirstetl. soil sold for 5 cents 'on'sli news-mods. (We sin-ply siiow you the two cents you Ipeed‘in poetry: for sending.) Greet men have written lot“ the YestBoolt. In itisslitnnieti sp the progress of tile lgtil cen- ' lot]. In etch important line of work and thought the gluten 'Visg specisiist he recounted the events sod silt-noes oi tile~ past century and his prophesied whet we may expert of the next. Amos; tile most noted of our contributors ste : Secretory of Agriculture Wilson, on Mn; Senator Chauncey I. Depew. on Politics; Russell Sega.” Fla-non Thomas Edison. on Elec- tricity; Dr. Madison Peters. on Io- Idon; General Merritt. on Land War- are; Admiral llicliborn. on Novel Wells's; “Al” limlthmn growl; eth .383 a Complete review the whole I‘d human endeavor nod progress. Engi'mirie it hastiieliy ssd Wield, iiilettstel snti the whole sales to invsieehie hook oi reference. unequaled eny~ where'iorthe-osey. ”Lana-Minnelli!“ We've Ico- “on ‘ Ilelbowrno Weekly Times: Nurse (in mg heehendlâ€""A beautllni ten- pownd hnby. sir!" Young unshnnd (getting things lined in his exeltrmentlâ€"“Glorlooe. All I e tether or n mother?" The l” edition oi the Columbia ”I War is on the some generel plo- no at tote years. which line proved no entirely enlistnriovy thnt it in em- otdend one of the lrst necessities on thonennde ot desks. it Is a memoren- dun pnd smnnrtt tor the days or the “ ‘I ' . yenr, end. incidentally it supplies relu- " “ note intorntlon on the subject or ‘ it, In hieyrles. The Pope Mtg. VANDERBD’II‘. HERMIT ‘ MEMBER OF PAflOUS FAMILY 0N MOUNTAIN PEAK. Lives in n lonely- Cottage nod line tor His Friends Bpidore and dimples: Thingsâ€"Il- la no floppy no (Inn in lee "In [anon lion-e. Once a year old .lohn Vanderbilt or Hessnllopi'. Csi.. comes bareiooied down the mountains to Lower Summit. and buys a mess of course cornmeal. This he packs up the steep slope to his but. to term his main food supply for a twelvsmonth. Cooked with water in hoe~cniles flavored with sasâ€" nai'rns root. it forms strange enough (are for a wealthy member or the rich- est family in‘ America. Old John Vanderbilt went to tile Hexanllovt. or Witch‘s Head moun- tain. msny yenrs ago and bought it JOHN VANDERBIIJ‘. ' tumbledown brick dwelling at consid- erable else. which. anuiit' or its con. dition. was sold to him with seyci’oi: nerve of elitiosl worthless mountain land tor use. it stands on the top at the mountnin. scorned by doll-u“ iolinge trons observation though no oheert'er ever posters that may save out oi mriontty. end the nearest neigh- bor. Mr. Willinm Renault-cit. “W‘s e mile sway. Mr. John Vanderbilt henrs well his nmre then to yours. lie is erect and vigorous. nearly six loot hilh. end been re striking resonihtsiire to the old Commodore Vemicrhiii. at whom he is n reletive. lie is not e recluse; he goes oiten to the poet- oiliree ul iron llill. Wssoergrns anti Lower Henson. receiving melt at the [armor attire and sending it train the letter. ill.- hilyn supplies end pert rush. its line tnortgegsn on houses in south iiothlehem nntl res-elven rentnie tron: property In New Brunswick end Bound lirool. N. .i. The lot-me town is the source or the powertul t nder- bilt tensity. the enriy home 01 the old mm 930?! “PORTR- - A QBNIRDUB OFFER. In this age of nggreeeive competi- tion the not in often overlooked that in every business transnction. lam or smell. roputetion in st stoke end ”I“ only such measures as are based upon honor nnd integrity will, in the long run. lend to the net-row road oi sum. Of late papers have been full of "hue sample" advertisements, end as a rule enough only was sent to rep- resent one or two doses, hardly suin- ciont to get a taste or the remedy. M. B. anel la Company. ostubiishod in Shoboygan, Win. since 1882. believing that the public is sick of this kind oi treatment. otter to send to any or our readers enough roots and herbs, with full directions for two weeks’ home treatment, tree of an expense; all they require is that parties writing to them tor n free sample enclose in their lot- ter one twoscent. stamp ’to pay the postage on the sample. it any or our tmdsrs are nihicted with rheumatism. headache, stomach. bowel. liver or kids ney complaints, they should send for a tree ample at once. addressing their letter to iii. ll. Zsegel (In, P. 0. Box 881. Shehoygan, Win. and like others. once again enjoy the blessings of good health. . Russia-n Wnnt Typewriters. The latest Russian intorlnntion re- ceived tndicntes that n considerable modification oi the lmperinl Russian lnw attesting the use or typewriters in that country is about to take place. Hitherto the use at this machine has been restricted to such indivimtnls u could ohtnin special permission. as it was tenrcd that the general use at this apparatus would greatly facilitate the machinations of tho Nihilistic element. Foreign business houses were littlest the only ones mulling n llbenl use of the typewriter. 0! into years. hon-ever. Russian industry and commerce have extended st sot-h rapid rate and the educated element itrniinhle tor the par pone et correspondence is rclnuvoly so small. that the Russian government has nt lent admitted the necessity oi needing to the wishes or Russian mer- chnntn. 0! course. this means n con- eidcrshlo extension or American trsdo. a...” ,1 Ln l'wetv. ‘l‘eus. The progress of the contraction work st in Porto, Tens. the tutors grunt deerwster shipping point It the heed ot navigation on Galveston Be! on the Gull or ilexieo. is progressing invornhly. The whnrven nnd switch- ing turtle ere nearing completion end the work on the streets and on the eewernpo and writer systnins Is now under wey. Ilr. I. it. Holmes, the gel- eral mensgcr oi the Le Porto improve- ment Company end the Le Porto “that! end Chenoel Conipsny, is per- eoneliy euperinteudiug the improve- ments. Ilr. Noll-es melee hie bend- onnrtere oi the Sylven Hotel end vie- itors to he Porto during the nest sin weeks end hetero the time or the first mm Ln Ports sale. which will he to l‘ehrnnry. lees. should intro- duce themselves to lie. iloliles end el‘ low hi- to ertend to the. teeilitiee tor getting a thorom o nding or the euditionn surrounding I4 Porto enterprises. in the col roustltuliunu It is like: internally in doses trout neurons to Send tor circulnrsnnd test neveienituoaisrrh in.t.hts unite-at the {inlet “1! in d wit-W “I In nnrnhlo. Faro insole. and liked 315 out! by caution!!! “W” tmtmcnt. pronounced is dense has plum-n setsrrh to be neonstltuo tionni dim. nlid thenvloio toggles;- counti- I totioull treatment. Hell's Cote . ri- moturcd by F. J. Cherie o 00.. Toledo. git). lycune on the moi-hot. eteoepoontul. it. sets directly upon the b endmnoonssurtuuesoithosyswm. ‘l‘heyo i' one hundred dollars for our case it to in town t‘ J cnnfiosyi'flgmt“ ' ' ‘ mun om Sold bv brunch". T-‘ic. , lilii'sl‘emllt- Pills arc the best. . Tho ("season From Lite: Newspaper Menâ€""l should like to telegraph home that. the commanding general is an idiot." Censor~“i regret to inform you that we can permit the transmission ot no military secrets." lane‘s Family lodiolno. Moves the bowels each day. . in order to be healthy this is necessary. Acts gently on the liverand kidneys. Cures sick hcutlncllo. Price 2:1 and Me. When the Boers migrated from Cape Colony to the Transvaal they were forced to clear the way by hiiling 8,000 lions. illithsr "mugngmlgl' end Suit» tum tor luv-lid- end lionlih Kenton. llmrptwe fiend ran in nieinlid rm ruii tutor-sellout. Address . I. ‘l'eirloonuin. “rumor. last Les \‘enns. K. I. No situation. however wretched it seems. but her some sort 0! comfort landing it. 2.: OK]? cunts ‘I‘IIAT 00" cons. untied Drama quinine 'rsblete removes the reuse thnt prMum Lit Urine. ll. w. urovc'li nignnturu is on eel-h box. the. Chinese scholars claim that iron swords were in use in their country 4,000 years ego. Pino'o Cure for i'onsnllption in tho on cough motile-lilo used in my honed-d). . Alright. utillnhurg. Pm. Dec. ll. ‘Ri. 'l'nngier is n city without vehicles. Donkeys lire usml tor transportelion. huddle-tend“. ltwitihveain snug-k)“ .nnn-yluq‘elsn. "unknown-Le. 'Zr’n. Pacing home are not looked upon with tutor in clmtiurntnl Europe. Mr." rem-w in" i . Mfi.;§'§:‘£l§l‘tm.m'l Toronto line. nccording to the an- aennor‘e returns. 192.907 people. lice-ten tor night duty. win-”An as. m». tl-nl. News thwwe end Mot-e e uni-u Denguer-ertnnunmtjihic u . _ Prescott. Win. has a lt-yoar-old licensed lirl pmchev. Amtmvoiw-Ildlm is It. I. leown‘n Iran-d Mg“...- The-«elitewehevethe-orewe any hove. AMERICAEXFS so. * t , i\| mm (in; ”v.1 \ Botanical Kidney-I T": TABLETS A ' The Entire Country is , . Hartford. l‘onn., will send it tor Ive Z-eent sta- . "WWW" MM~E_.‘__ in his wny John Vanderbilt is n 7 Wealthy nelsliven sometimes eneble kindly Inn. A greet spider has eaten n use to dent in totem. its web nrrt- Me doorway: he stance on entering thnt its home any not be destroyed. A low children er» In an STAR no “muss-15..-: . ' ' fiat/“mate. vii: i Klonsvs, Liven Alto Bowets (mugs THE System law“ ; Freeman: 'vwl other": - Isn'r'o or Ewe. «"3391 _ 'efiw-sâ€"nnsansnru-nr. only friends. ehiet nmong thesis being timer Kunsni‘nn. son or e tar-er ilv. in. on the only rond thnt nppruehel the piece. Elmer keeps n metnl look. out down the rond. end when strang- ers eporoneh the boy sen-porn through the woods to worn Ilr. Von. derbilt. lfleleul Pewtnl Ionic. The annual report ot the third ne- etetnlit postmaster garters! connin- etrong testimony in fever of the. nor esty nod racism-y at the postal service. writes Willinln [-1 Curtis in the Chi- cngo itemvd. During the pest tint-oi rose the postmentern of the United 8mm and their snnintnntn bandied 8196.66.15“. or which $96.92!)!“ wss receipts tram the sole of more. boxes. money orders. etc.. end the beinnce wits dishirsed for various expenses. at this We sent the enti‘re lose to the government try hirslnry. Ire. bad debts. embezzlement end sit one or forms at «releases end dishon- esty wen only ”9.358. I doubt it on private. m. book or coronation. or soy institution in the world that re‘ ceives nnd disburse money, can show so good n record. and yet we keep telklng shoot the inefleieney nod cor- ruption ot the public service and other evils of partisan appointments. it may be said. too. that the customs collec- tions end the business of the interns! revenue once will show similar evi- dence of honesty end eihclency in our public service. -â€"___.._._._._._ Menu so. use. or me. Samuel Greeley. n comminskm mer- chant of Chicago. testified before the National lndnntrtni Commission in lesion in thnt city. that n combine- lion at five wenithy grein men. of which Philip D. Armour is the direct- ing genius. control the price at term- ers' products. it is Armour who has concocted the foremost competition de- stroying cornblnetion in the West. He one dirtnte his rats 01 freight on my railrond in or out of Chitngo. This combinetion between rsilronds nod ele- vntor operntorn hnn practically killed competition in the grain market in the West. end has left its more with n monopoly of the merket. By hoard- ing immense qenntitiss ot grnln in the met center it lies given rise to tho wrote-ton” beer speeuietor. whine“ busineee'itistohnm-srdownthe 'l'hene examples where in the ‘rith- notice eren‘t eny good." writes n boy. 'Whntl went to know is. it i trnde my knife tor n top and six .nrhlen. nod then trnde the top for n month organ no the ninrhies tor en epple end e Jewlhdrp end then est the sprite. how Inch do I Innhe.â€"8irny Stories. fry onto-Qt ‘l’ry onto-ct Ask your grocer today to show you n pneknge of ammo. the new toad drink that tnken the piece or codes. The children my drink it without in- )ery as well no the nduit. All who try it. like it. GRAIN-o has the rich sent brown of locks or .lnvn. but it‘ll mode from pure mm. and the most dettente stomach receives it withont dtetrem. One-tonne the price or codes. no. end the. per package. Sold by nil greet-n lawn-dim. . son “I using (Denial-Me end he never Mount so settetnetory.""flrs. c. . Derrnnt. solemn 0L. Mean. to. “I been tnkew (Tenants and cheerfully more“ thorn to all my (ti-rode." Its. O. 1. Onawell. Frugality, Pl. “(foretold are Inc tor I'll-rm nod truism end ere nor-ant. to take." In. In? l7ii{r‘i.rniw¢ssfi Intro. guguhornnfl Ind "not! oceresrim I 1! than sit you recount-earl them to he." I}. . in”. (:or. Idend end ltnllrnnd. lend- Wk. I. "You can all odd mm. in lot of “swamp"!!! L‘smrets will m or cure." Eunice J. Imnh. Rich Valley. "i have weed Cements: there in noth- b-lter for m all lines." Best). P..- 2'... Knhhtntnwn. Ira. 'Vamrets ere all right. “flan"?- ‘1'»?“"".‘."’"'t"s'.‘mn it”- . I y it; won , . 515.2" mom-w 0...." " r' so so or r m The ere better than any mm 1 '33 Dell." In. I. lacelle. lawn. to any list Cocon- ....... We...“ “mayors! new. N. r. a...» figflfiilf’ivmaf‘h’ifi'" “id'gfg'czfirw w We can Ill'th’e“ 51.3““ M- e the shove. 'lyrtlofloehlon writes test see is m C now living surrounded by npiondora" 'Isnppoeeshe’suits newellkpetti- calfâ€"Pro- World‘s Conic. . . “ Kemp’s 6331mm will at once. to your tad. nod get I enmple bottlemfree. 801d 1: zsand ”court'hottlen cost me: ee- layn are dam ' * “ “WI-hm mum: Wamâ€" Whitmtdflmmto‘flnl?‘ Voice from the Crownâ€""Belt Iel'll Colt.” The onestnntly tnermstng huts. SUBSTANTIAL PROFIT * ****** it 5...]: rc:r.:.- - cam-e _helew.and us .. an..." ...-o-... , AKI THE 1" soul-Is is antllnn. ms

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