Downers Grove Reporter, 18 Jan 1900, p. 2

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“mmm gummy “Mum mem_ “ gm" luvsâ€"cc. nun,- . 0"! w- â€"-â€"â€" v" a ram: Ill". hand bin-ell a nu Mia-cc at his not mall-ton. Ky.â€"M “ham. Knot! cot-o. Rn. Wale, mu M and kill“ In. Inclu- Interban- no Mud a ham III. "all then mum Ink-Ida. Rance-um cum. Io- ol 8‘!â€" m Crlcpl. the “nu-(um lunu sum and [other m. in mm to {our yan‘ mm. In! for the than 0! jewelry tron flung..- MI.- I- Ana-ll nl l‘ 4 2%; 5: i2? 3;} s :25 i‘iii‘ 3mg? maié g: :égg I? E :9 “3%. 3 E 5 ‘E i ,. 5: #1:? 53 E 3 A‘ .r Moc.ouououuoouonnl “ loan! all“; Almost we only new. Allowed to 1 pain mainly tron _ Wraith w British Ionrcu alum to tho finial outerlc tour. the manual -An_‘ Lâ€"j - .‘_‘w_â€"â€" -7 , m thlt follow. u detect!" mod mud Insular: condition. Ao- mu to the bulletin the death: (tom educate in den. White’l tom tor 2: ll: days preceding the battle o! it!» Snturdq were thirty- threo‘ and hunt day “ported num When the British public and: the W one. bulleunlnz this new: no Wu also the! In wunnted In II n In “mutton of thy m" .1, not «petite dtntton ot' (Ion. WWI my. No doubt hundreds of fill an on down wtth tin lava, and flu-munduceun 1mm: bytlu V M. which In- low hated nay-II" an. The strum throughout [an been ._., non men thus with“: unto. 1_ it tho mm. Inductance my be tied '7 _ntothotroquentnmouhou-. but ' 130 m udluwe in am, a- 1 . main-Int. Much otthottm‘ > I“ Dam: in tranche or burrows. V . W luck valet, AM truths... tot ‘ com tram tho outside. I30 tho mu nu out of tobacco. 'Mncttotood.u|ueeultyto GIL-own. He can all! without It. ht II t late of cox-aunt amnion. m indie-m that tho Tn»- that u tell filled. 7'0 no: mum an be new . Thou m m adventur- mdy to ocean I beau M a «mm mm, and tho luau of England. Tb. low In (M1 to use): the nun. m m law-h m up: m (to alum: "and. (I. In mullet In mu Atria m. M of we nm '0' 8°" me: Im been u an "IBM m mam. Tho molt mined" .u Illa In a. world In In tho W top-hue. m (to I?“ amt an... Inn in“ m- m" of m mun m‘ .M mnuntmtunlur‘ -, no nu ma. mu‘ 0! m and egg: CE: :14 'E If! ‘2 E : non In!" or Ill ““15 recruiting for the Boer all! h m put. of the world, an '0“ a a. ”new It the from 0! labor-- 4” “mad Ioldhn of Man! II- TOPICS VIII Vm.mltllaameemhm mummtmotmm. .mmmâ€"rmonm. 3. Dub. at Wt. 101:. for mmman-nlm EMWMI macaw churn-I, lichen Run, an any set- uer, fell dead. Nu Yorkâ€"MI Choral! In de- ddd to mm for his nun mm with "KM" loony at man“. N. J. m. Ianâ€"Am in m- m for the mum of a. 11-- ehm Institute 0! Technology I: Met Gov. M Woleou. Vmur. n. c.â€"-m load m II!- on tho Grant mm mum In to column m "IO from South New Chain“, fifeâ€"The creditor! at the Inn Archbishop Purcell deemed to petition the courts (or the maul of the m. at the ante. PIMI’IB. FLA-Ability to la- euro bun-3m eon! ll silent: gun-flue. lo ocean-lath; the sham do" oi me of the manufacturing concern I- m Schuylkill valley. wanindahnmordI-mm Coh-Ma '- m-Illq\ In no tun-ht d the Wine "on: m chi-a to no lath-chm- for $8.0..- Mice Allen, eon-alder cl an up! gun! at m. I! “I‘- clluol. [cub-A. 1‘. Mr. Inor- uy and lull-g dancer-t. d“ M link-II. ltd 7‘ "‘1"- haw-m. It 03-“. o! the Mr m cum. m tum-bled Inna cum and [other m. m cum to {our ”'5' Dm’ nut M m net: at Muir! frol- Caunte- Cdla! ll A’fll of I... enumâ€" Illâ€"am 30"" M m mm Dandy Dull-m :8 DII- tmllu. um- m- lm- 1'" I“ Is“ mm!“ locum llolhr I“ not u 3 do. MI. to “mm. mm. “klâ€"Nor Ila-c. and 01. a round um. inc-d that“ u the Mine. at It. not mun-two. Inn-M "MI“- xuu county. in. weak! "I" M an kill“ In. Incl-d: [merma- uo mu I» am MI. "I" “In mnnuo. [Idsâ€"Tho bl] Mal-l bout 0! no Indian 0" Tut Lila coup-y n- m-I by In. to- MIDI“ II“ In, lamb of mum-m: oil. The min-aw Ion ll "2.0m; II- Ill-cl. Iliumâ€"Nun amino. loam Ind no“ of their content. were bur-0d. The ion on building not flock will rent mm. with Imrâ€" not of 010.650. Kun- Clty.â€"l-‘Iro loan for I.” In placed I! mm by the In de- unmt Autumn-m or this mu. “1.“ m on MIMI-u and 3m. “4. on cam“. Butte. Moanâ€"doe “clinch and Jo- seph Nun-ll. working In the Column- Puma mlne, um Instantly killed by the uploalon of 5 him that hid hung Anna. Illâ€"In. Adolphus Henley m struck and Inn-any killed by an Illinois Conan! pan-anger truly Nuhna, N. H.-â€"Alouo Blanchard. Ma wlta and William Mooney were burned to death In the two-room board aback II which they lived. ten miles northvut o! lhla city. PEORIA. Onta. No. 3 while Corn. new. No. 2........ Wheat. No. 2 red . Corn, No. a 0am. No. 3 white. Halon. Witâ€"While new" In no Cloreneed, prime cub. . NEW YORK. Wheat. No. 2 cash” Corn. No. 2 lulled. . om. No. 2 mixed" Wheat. No. 8 red ...... Oats, No. 2 white...... Corn. cash, No. 2 mixed Cattle, all crades....... Hop. all (rude. ......... Sheep ma hmhs........ Sheep 3nd lunbl 2.! KANSAS CITY. Corn, No. 8 white . Oats. No. 3 white. Cattle. 31! miles . ..... 02.10 0.... Hon. common to prim 2.00 04.“ Show and 11an ..... . 2.26 out; What. No. 8 M . ..... .86 o .99} LATEST MARKET“ REPORTS. mscnuannous. [by In Ink-He. CASUALTIES. CRIHI. 8T. IOU [8. 4.25 33550 .fl .62 O .68 .2436 .2936“ .2955 ‘60 06.10 ,25 64.57% ,50 06.00 31560 .2360 @6410 94.67% 06.35 15% .415 .Zd'fi .24“, .17 .8155 All partial In the Germ mam lama In stuck on mammary for milling member: who voted W the and MIL mm the decision of the arbitration cannula In the Vanuatu sum fleeting Brasilia territory. a...» m If! now tumbled. film's mutton (or war are I" can. In Sibel-tn. a clone to the (:03de nah-cumin "WI-PI. A ‘d m m ' u III! III the alt-In govern-en! for tho ’3‘ nonhu- era-m '- m. n. a, 940.00. nae-unity for M a. om from abroad have and the muu- of run mu. m A-nl- and" 0' A'"“'“ “n” M' m with”. , torn: and lumen! WIM- no. ennui a too which will exceed $100.0“. n. u canon a... my than l- 0-.- A buns In the bending of the Union Icahn o! an!“ urban! board urn Tram!" convoy at Council III-ls, charged with accepting trim to: 1m. 'nlcb crud to adjoining land- mun: contacts. - There was n «HM-ale in Pam-- M m m'“"" Inn. has. 1 [Men province In the Inland 1'“ "“‘0" "WW" ""9 mm“ 0! 811mm. 'bkl caused the death of he «no! to postpone the due of sale twenty-one nuns. convention from April to to lay I In 7.711%“an I Lon-um :- mm deference to the mull-Quest. or "no wm m I... Am primary law. Interstate commerce con-Imam has . I n I f ' and mm to Amend the law um! “I ' make no «formant possible. Aflhmqhnmflnn "- Inn- of I'll-Io. Tlo MA-Qflfll Napluu com my": “on. "um: nd on pond. lat loot-ow. M. won mm by In. The loan will run Inlo the I It. Cum ml. ). from cont-iii” wo- appropriations. n’onod urn-i. do- §lcimy Intoniuiion bill in no Ion-l. munmmumldaiiiinm confide-Mio- ‘l‘m. Rad-tia- «mu ailing I” mm" at min for lulu-auc- "mm to no mm of no mi Mm 0m! Bru- Oh and United mu- whlcl pun-id 'JIM m m- uiidiu. uni-c or Ilium-ins note an one Mr vessel "on um mm m of day «not». «I to mm- at District of Col- ambit bud-an. Incl-v. un. ll. Thwamn-atdthom II dob-u an vuiou Phiiiniu "solu- tion. It. may" concluded hi- Wb bogu- lni week. vignmfly It- lacking the administration. It. Wol- cot: replied. looting m Dakot- m- in. Con-Manual ol the Inneial hill the. mound. Ir. 11mm nook in amino. lo "are. I resolution tor the uppotutmt at a special committee at nine number: to Investigate tho rehttotu M the urn- ury o! the tmmry wtth cert-In New York mttonnl bunks. Ind tho treme- tlou nhtlve to the file of the New York auto-thou». Ir. Dawn (nu. PI.) objected on the ground that the resolution uhould so through the box In the regular In. He then naked minim consent. but Mr. [lookin- tnv.. Ill.) objected. Adjourned until loud". Jan. )5. III-Mu. Jon. u. The acute was not. In melon. In the house It. Sumer (dem. N. Y.) presented (or immediate consideration “Ill‘l’v «In. 1!. The senate listened to a debate on the Philippines between Mr. Lodge and Mr. Pettisrew. the former urging ll publicity on all matterflonnectcd,’ ith the issue and the latter bitten-1" at- tacking the administration. Heard Mr. Stewart in opposition to the cur- rency retorm bill. Passed the bill conferring additional authority upon the director of the census. Passed the bill increaaipg to 82,500,000 the limit. of cost of the new] lndlanapolia public bowling. Adjourned to Monday. Jan. 16. ' , ' ham Putnam“! nmx- III. Adan-k- melo- to: It. falls: II III. run..- .Inuâ€"JA-lt. 01m 0! NI' Inahupolu Paulo mum-g. TALK 0" FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Week's Proceedings in tho Sonata and House. The house was not in session. Ame-mm. RAILROAD BRIDGE Afl‘ FREE! BLOWN L'P BY THE BOBRS. mm.m. THE BOEBS A8 BRIDGE DESTROYERS. 'c 'u. “IN“ MEE, me we mm mm m Newmundhad. and territory In M- ria from magma. Dam H. Iain of Richmond, V... the oldest (antenna genenl, died It m-ée calamities npproved the rm to [Ive Cub-n tenets mm in Ameri- m and mu AM Mat-nun can! bill ”moved by the home committee; hm amwflneu $140,030,000. M mno- u Ina-volt. Rambling: laden In Washington as and to ("or new. Roosevelt for the vice presidency. m In. In" “as 0m! Imm- In slid to live bought no Krupp [um um were supplied mctwoyanmwmdin mum Emm- mm. My my... to much. In Elwood. Incl. I") up". at n Huey-une- were nun-ed to 1 am can 0! diphtheria through I‘m-co of the practice of the dunno. 1‘. W M‘- Uni. Planternrrfiuonlbcwmkol the In“ hunt I. Indy have m portend. I“ active mm will u coco is m to rul- 03.80.00. md '- “In Mucus-0. Tho “not: (WIM Journal. the on. rm nubile-n oral. pm!“ a me" In will-h Oar. Edvard Stolen! h pm- posed a I flec-pmldenml nun- “all I‘. In“ In... 1'30 Mutton. Topek- l Santa Fe nanny company has muted the con- ductors and bralem mt anon-u pnctlully to a I; not con! Incl-nu In ulna. can-Ik- than to: on"... Andrew ('lmule I'm probably are- un Ottumvn. Iowa. with s 850.000 llbnry. He notes It comlulon-I an: the clty [Ive 85.000 a year to mlnmln the limitation. lieu... [bk-u cue-go run-my. Inhale between the Imam-um at Mkblun um Chicago on municipal ”manly of um! nut-n run run by (M tamer. thch (“and print- control. m when «use: wm ’oemnd t9- he? Ann-sitcom Munro! Indium ‘I'o lam Europa]: Agxmion. There is talk 0! a combination of South America :0 resist Europcun a:- grmlon. Kruger Avmla to Bauhau- Presldent Kruger has Issued :\ proc« lamatlon calling upon all hurghers 1c take up arms and march to the trout. Bond Haul {or Robin". At Owensville, a small town ten miles east of Princeton. lnd.. the prl- vale bank of McGlnls, Teal Co. was entered and about $15,000 l currency secured by the robbers. Dull: of Monitor llero. Lieut. Samuel Howard. U. S. N., the pilot and last 01 the officers and crew or Ericsson's monitor during her on- gagement with the confederate iron- clad Merrimac. died at Washington. hunch-on“. Col. Bull-rd. with the Thirty-alum infantry. moving in three columns from Calnmlra. with two tuns. nttacked ten companies of insurgents strongly intrenched on the Santa Tomas road. They resisted stubbornly, making three stands. Twenty-tour or the rebels were killed and sixty prisoners were taken. One American was killed and two omcers slightly wounded, M Will Isl. m huderdnlo county. was Minted. ”Mr-COL George W. lulu, pran- M of the Hm Ward National hull. III tan and by W of m curacy In" mg no wt to- their none} the «my. collided, km- lng We: Inmtly. Gunner '1: killed at! Catcher mum. recover. Oxford. liar-New. reached here of n amm In at Taylor. te- an"?! aunt): of hero. on the mind: Central min“. The names swept I“! my store In the little town. Alton. Illâ€"The my mail 0! Alton adopt“ a resolution of My for the 30:11 In their in with Instant Butler. Intâ€"While mu Met Purimâ€"Tine Mr and mm of the paper Ll Caricature. who pubâ€" lished 1 mm gnu-Iv auricular“; Queen Vicious, were mined at the marge of winging public morals. wmingm.â€"Conmu Prince Introduced - bill in the house axing for In appropriation a! lot lens in: 3100.000 (or a summon! Moan building it Sterling. m. Dam. Wr“m'“ ”Mon. om of the nod. mines! Hm: In the I'Mteil Stun, died. He was born “A England in 1328. He has been trier o! no laconic grand lodge of Colorado 82;." "' """ """“"' "W 1355.“; n. nuns... 4.. New Voltâ€"lum- \‘n Wyn um I f: '7 ' “M” d the. W a“ the nsolullon ot “av-nth, wlu the l g: “h m I '0“ jaw». of the Tuna-l In their It.” In. mil?" ’00". lot Indus” «opted In In III-kin! 3 mm m 'm :de: use-My. mind ”about no. Mil.-1‘t¢-nu ms were fatally " Inlet“.- at a. It... turned .1 the hurling of the village at I It If“ (a Jakmow. mt Iahlll. In" amt“, 00-0 Chasmâ€"Burgh" entered the club- VIII lava. m, It h ”- you the «am of n In llore of Button [icicle I: m. l III-I and." 'm m cloth and elmllu woflh 81,000.! Mill?! and. blowing one- the we, look 0‘00 '{mm ‘ “I «hum In «many. Ir. mm. VII-oi In M amy- Sioux City. Ionâ€"00v. sun. on be Inn at the auto. outta! m for the there In has named "Cyan," In View am smut any! colvlcflon o! the Illnkm n In colic cm I! 0! Jon 1 Ramon. The total mum «C may 1!. sum. '1“ ll- m ”wanna. an um one. it '- W mack Poht. OILâ€"Three chfldm or #03. 3-an 1- M "a” 3""““°""~ It. ‘8“ 1’ I m n'a- a In ennui um If. Inn-m ? :gisii i gii§§¥ E: Vere drum nus gnu-g on the Lincoln”: New Yorkâ€"lum- \'n Wyn up.» I the resolution ct “my-nth, with ml people of the Tnuv-l In their I‘ll! tor Incas." «opted In In hump! use-My. nmmm. lo.~lundnw Cal-awe In: ow to gm (:hlmcouu 025.00. [or a ”hue library build!“ I! (In cny will ”mm ID. m- ud $3.00. an- un": tor run-II; nun-1n. Connie“. "tr-Th mu board 0! pin-u, ll It: naval null-g ducted mm.- A. Dyche, Bra-sun, HW‘ LonIsrmc. Ky. flu. Mary Theo- bold. and 5:. tan burned In «nu. ma Im- dauxlmr. Lucinda. and 28, In In badly burnt-d file cannot live. by the “photon of I lump. Jolm. m.»Ml mm of IM ml nul- 01 flu» Illinois steel company have ro- nunml wort urm a shut-down at two month. to make repairs. About 350 not wen- ulwn wort. Chllllwlhr. .\lu.vaho Nelson Knmu "autumn-m association has I’m-n organ- iud luv Hu- murmur of cm'uu :2 ”(lb mac-m urrr the 3n" 0! Nahum Kim“... the musical author of "lion Boll." Burélou .\n rplolomlr o! grip rm wind the turn. and mo monamy lull “(mutt WWW; Ohlo Judge I'mll granted a {Impomry Injunction mlrnlmnu lhl‘ mayor and my clerk from uvllluu the city natural mm plum In livrlln "mm- m [or 3:28.00». Pan saidâ€"Char!" l-J. Mun-mm. lur- morly l'nllod 3mm mum! II I’n-uma, left he" on board Ilw Ilmmer Kouulx (or Naple- on MI was home. Boston. Ilan».â€"- Hal-my J. Imarllmnn. turmerl; [In-Mdcnl or the Duluth a Wlnnou-u Railroad mmpnuy. ls d'ud II the an o! 65 y.nmt Spr'ngflold. lll.â€"~Tht- (My coundl. by a nmmimoun vote. mum a resolution extrmllng their nymmmy m the Boers In their vrmlu tar. Wushlngton~€onaul Sklnnar at Marseilles rcporm that the olive cmp in Italy. France and Spain In [mu-u- cally n tallun and Wm hardly rack 30 per rout of the average. Bunnieâ€"John J. Albright announced to the board of directors of the Buflalo Fine Arts academy his intention to present to the city an art gallery to cost about 8300.000. New Yorkâ€"The tmnsutlamk- swam- ahlp Hues have Increased their passen- ger rates between“ New York and Europe. owing «5 expected heavy trav- el during the Paris exposition. Lewiston. lIl.â€"â€"The Fulton county: grand jury, in session here, returned an indictment holding William R ' Thomas of Vermont on a charge of murdering his moiher-ln-iaw, Mrs.’ Jane Fowler. last May. Adelaide, South Australiaâ€"Jr)“: bu- bonk- plague patient is recovering. and no new cases are reported. ,__..__v .â€" Viennaâ€"In the Kludno coal dist'rlc'. In Bohemia a general strike of miners began, and only 180 of 11,000 men are at work. Rio Janelro. Brazilâ€"The bubonic plague ls otficinlly declared to be only sporadic in this city. Record at lllpuonlnzl or Much or Lune lmporunw {rum All Parts at "w (”villa-d “‘orldâ€"l’rlcou III l'llfln l’l‘o‘ dum- |u “'cauru Inn-lull. COMPLETE N EWS SUMMARY. Items of General Interest Told in Paragraphs. mm Wills OHHEWIEKI Alk-Jlm W. B. Icâ€" lthmcmmm-_ «Immune-180nm Icon- llui tho American Monthly lu- , view oi Itovlowo very mini old hip- .inl reading. in mo politleol you it bemoan ioirly not-county. in no omi- dontlol you will thio ho non imo than in mo. with the any input- {oot problem emtod by tho ooootry‘o m colonial doiloo.‘ in Dr. illow'o 'Mitoriol annoy at tho month. in tho iimriy mnlrilmiod inlutoo. lo tho do- !portmto mlowios too ottor nop- ' sum: hundrod thouooodo o! Aur- ziooo oi Ibo world. tho olort no“! Iodo ouch month o in” old ooounto pnooototloo of tho poiiiial oowo. with oblo aloe-onion oi too oeooo-lo ood oooioI ooootiooo wiico on loin- ooiioz ovoryhody. no MW" humour-ontolo- at tho Ml coodldoioo and othor oototio loot- onoor ot a. hour who public tour- oot lo anoint lo toooo mu. Tho your-yo! oi corn-t history to too hot Mamm- oi out loot! to not too ”out nun-mm ol tlooo w. to A right «mm-om of own tlnoo. loci ooo‘o m not": owl. not Incl-or io iiiootniod with out”, o Ioodtod ti-oiy pletotoo. so“. am Wflfim' Cemnduflnl from m nlmmflmI-Mdm :puumdnu ”mammal-u. j _' '1'”. to. The advent at the ”an “a Izmir: Mica-m nut h (to Goliath mm. .7, minim-twin M imbue‘otmmdm‘ Ir. frauds Willo- In not amy- tkre it In mid "Cynic.” II. n colic open by View Hm m m m. “Afr-0' “AM33113A3 ‘wno an Injured by the use a! col”. Recon", um. nu been placed In all .the grocery store: I new premium . oiled GRAIN-0. made of pure grains. . "an! “In the place at cola. Tho molt ,doucnu stomach receive: It without alum, ond but low can tell II. from mice. It does not cut over coo-Ion") _ on much. Children may drink It with .m: 15 cent- nnd 25 out. _ per Duh". Try It. Ask [or GRAIN-0. l on m: mun-u. \ . It in rather curious um while em president to whom the project at udd- ‘ing to the white house Itu boon mn- .tionod has been tutor-bio to men I thing. not one has given his eon-ant to the introduction of a mu to: that Dur- ~ nose. President McKinley nu mt- - 1y requested Senator Canal: to 20- ? noum his intention o! uttering men . a mu. _J The new Ibo-m an Inn. Ill and ham or. m «was. Juno- loam cm to and?“ fill-all. minim-amu- [boom and‘unlng the roots und new. .13 directed, means the «Human or disease gems from the blood. the menace of which cause 1-]: madam. [inducing stomach. liver, any and , bowel complaints. j M?) VIII 'I'O EVERY-00?. .. The microwave end anemic-l nub. Ill here proved beyond the cue-unfl- n doubt the presence of dilute mm in the blood. dilating in mm m [ Appear-once, according to the nature 09 ‘the disease. Anything relating it. [their presence, or. better still. “All? 1 removal is consequently of interest to 1 our readers and we theretore cell at- tention to a very interesting little book, recently published by H. R. Zuzel a; Company, in which the use that clearly demonstrates the «use of these little enemies at mankind. I30 lives a practical home treatment by which. without impairing the health of ~ . the smallest child, they can be re~" moved from the system. An thil book- let will be mailed tree to any reader " or this paper, together with n ire. sample or enough roots and herhl {or : two weehe‘ home treatment. we advise nil to make application at once i! 71'1"“: in II. R. Znexel 00.. P. 0. Box 381. Shehonan. Win, encioein. in their letter one two-cent stamp to W the ‘ Wine on the free sample. Follow the rules of health laid down in this Gouda: a Mel’é “mu-mot”.

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