Men’s SERMON 3M "ham-am mot history that Mention ml to noon «at in the â€Inhabit-6'8 lam -;. Wmuthonnmtummt. 11".~being.theol1ynodootadnmon. ’†.lmthu'tmnmm â€at for and!†the llru. I "‘3Ԡd“3|fle,htltmno¢mlllâ€" 1a!- snowman-aneu- â€Mmmdmmlndw- ‘ maummummonm ‘, memmmmhmu‘ .lmorotnmmm ‘ .. V. ym - mmcntmaum ,g‘, manna-on and Nov 1 _mm%btflflfl "Let God be true, but every man a ilar." Romans 3: t. . The Bflile needs reconstruction nc- cordins to lame inside and outside the v pulpit. it is no surprise that the world ‘ bombarda‘ the scriptures. but it in analog to ilnd Christian ministers picking at thin in the Bible and deny- ‘ ing that until many good people use ‘ Iott II the log about what parts or the Bible they ought to believe. and what poi-ta reject. The helnousneno omino- ing fault with the Bible at this time is moat evident. in our day the Bible is mailed by ocurriilty, by misrepreeem utlon, by iniidei scientists. by all the; vice of earth and all the venom orb perditiou, and at this particular time even preachers oi.’ the gospel (oil into line of criticism 0! the word at God. “i. it makes me think oi a ship in n September equinox. the waves duh- lng to the top of the amokeotnck. and the batches tnatenod down. and man! pbophesying the laundering oi' the ntumer. and at that time some or the crew with axes and saws go down into the hold or the ship, and they try to law oi! some n! the planks and pry out some at the timbers because the timber did not come from the right (areal! it doea not new: to no n commendable business for the crew to be helping the winds and atormn outaido with their axon and aorta in- aide. Now. thin old goapel ahlp. what with the roaring of earth and hell nmund the atcm and stern. and mutiny on deck. is having a wry rough voy- age. but l have noticed that not on of the timbera haa atartod. and tho cnptnin anya be will one it throuh. And i have noticed that heeiuon and counter~timhcr~hnoo an built oi Lebanon cedar. and one in going to weather the pie. but no credit to than. tho nuke mutiny on deck. When i an prdeaaod Chriaiiana in this particular day iinding iauit with tho acrlptnm it Innke- me think at n tortuo- tortilloally bombarded. and the taco on tho ramparla. instead 0! awaiting out and loading the guns. nnd helping tau-n up tho ammunition iron: the maualne. are trying with unhar- to pry out tro- the wall cow Iain hint-ha ol alone. banana they did not coma iron the right quarry. on. man on tho ramparta. hotter Igiit back, and lgnt noon the common may. lnatoad at trying to main brunt-nan in the nail. While l oppo- tnta elongation at the aertpturu. i shall give you my manna tor Inch oppoattion. "What!" my noun or in. innoiogicnl evolution- “ Ibo-a braina have been nddiod by too long brooding over the. D7 Dania and Spencer. “yon don't now really believe all the story at tho Oar- dnaotlden.doyoa?" tonal-ac- ulnalmainnomroaaain-y garden loot aunt-or. "not." my they. “yon don‘t really believe that the out and moon stood nutr- Yea. and it I had atnagtn enough to «rate a on and moon i could male then: atnnd null. or oanao. m Mrnctlon ot the aura ran an it mid appear to stand atlll. "not.“ they any. "you don‘t be- llne that the whale avalloved Jonah?†Yon. and it I m otroag enough to man a whole I maid haro II â€III- «them mam h mamammy. II no and entry. «Mutations»: Metal-cl 018:. minnow-henna! onu- III: at MW Thurs.“ no!" to ,m m mmdeDMMdâ€"rï¬ nnmmuyunmnm molt-Immamnoflyue .mrmmdfl- mm mmnnflahumkm “nan-ruminant.- mam prophet. lam; to man- Io ext! III. If be won an Invent! man! “not.†any no. “you don't really believe an: the water van tmal Into the?“ Yes. 1m .1 can, u was: now u can lwui Into who with u Mum-n d «net-In “a mood! "ant," they ny, "you can really Mk" In! lam an n (m- aul mu the prints at In an!" YCI. and I thin that the In: tho II “I. m Inuit at mu. In wielding no clue wonâ€! I u- M u no mum at mama-ruminantâ€...- "manor-mm.†II. Anc'od Utah's-on o! (In 'M‘I’Ulfllfllfl'l 0! I05. I and Ila-l at tho Waudollp FAULT FINDER .WITH WORD 0|“ 00D. mus-mmqw 1’9. “An. 35!} THE utmmm-m withoutlnpura mm. mum In My henflwlnhbnteJMm. The 01‘ TM dam-Imo- at mm mun-add!“ l mags." â€.mmzmmwm. «mm nJMMMIPH fl mmmMMm “aWMM- mmmnmm Mummmm MHW Wmmdflnmwm m mmmmmmmmwmwam www.mmmmmmmmw mn the MI!) “an" the Scrip- Bali. list. I all ma to no el- nmllon ol the acrlpunu mua lilo mull“ “dent-cle- no «ulna ol the mile In" “noun-lei no em null. A duel hook m" on.†pro- duce cruellyâ€"4| “can book will mm uncle-nu [‘0ch In 3 vlc- um. on at I" Christendo- nl out ol all no can. fetch II a mu- vlon In" In Inn W to anally, or “on III. In ha .04- lam by m- iook. am no on; One ol the Dell lI-llln l our in", “.mllednmlmm‘ Nahum-momma: «gunman-gonadsâ€: nthcymllu-blybwtm mummlhlm ‘oulymmcmum ell! vi. anal-t spell her lm chm ville he! lather Muller. “mew-cal Maumlkltflm-II- muthmflyhtlnma "no. Tum-Ammu- (WAR-alumni» Mth-onmupmm manna-mumm- lummhuelmlnwlleh cmma.mueammmmo mauvmcm'nm;n mmlwapdnumuidm- Not only heve all the ettcmpte to de- tract from the hook letled. hut en the ettempte to add to It. â€any ettempte were made to edd the epochryphet hooke to the Old Tuumeet. The male" 0! Trent. the enod of Jeru‘ eelem. the htehope or “two. ell de- cided that the epochryphel hoohe Duet he added to the 01d Tenement. "They must my In." eetd thoee leereed nee: hut they eteyed out. There te not eh Intelligent Chrtettee Ine- todey thet em put the Book at leceeheee at the Book at Judnh heetde the Book 0! leeleh or Roueee. Then I greet my held: "We must heve hooks edited to the New Tenement." end there were eutettee end mule end ewe-0m erltten eed eluted to the New Teete- met. but they heve elt telle- out. You eeeeot edd eeythtu. You eee- eot eehtrect nythlu to the dtvteely hrotected heel Ie the pneeet ehene. Leteouederetoteyhteheedeeelt wtth the Ieteettoe ot detreettu the: thehoekoeeeettesouteeyottheee 50'! line. , 1 en eteo ovooeee to thle m alumnae ot the eerlptune for the lectthettemtaeeemtehe- cone eon-emulate. eee nod eee hoty eee eoeeeeretee. they [the the heoheettte. thenyettoleeenee or vene- eteuenlehee tot hen-eel:- rtlteJhrcoeeeeeettee toMMhotl- eeee at nu. who weete the mhte chem leer at he heve Ieheftted nutty Bthlee. Thole Bthtee m In ‘ nee tmty. tony. lily. when. e hee- dted yeere Ie the met-thee. To“! tehe dove thue natty mhtee. eed led out “there en eey eheptm vhteh here heee «need by teed peeetl or pee. eed It In eey nemee yee eee led the m: â€â€˜l'hle thence te lot It tn feet" There hee heee plenty ot meeuy eerie. the test hell we- tery printety to emflme the Blhte. De m hec- eey eeee e! eech exper- nun? me let your creeetether gun It to you ththet. no «A let your tether [In It to you? * Nearly all the other old books are mumiflod and are lying in the tomb: all old libraries, and perhaps once In twenty years some man comes along and pick: up one or them nnd blows the dust oil. and opens it and linda it the book he does not want. But this old book. much or it forty cénturlea old. stands today more dlsculaed than any other book. and it challenges the admiration of all the good and the ï¬nite and venom and mo animosity and the hyper-criticism or earth and hell. 1 Appeal to your common sense. It a book so divinely guarded and pro- tected in its mum shape. must not be in just the way that God wants it to come to us, and it it pluses God. ought it nol. to please us? ‘ down throunh the one" Thirty-nine hook-01m Old Tenement thouundn oly rem Thirty-nine now. Twen- ty-eeven hook: or the New Testament 1.600 years ago. Twenty-seven book- of the New Teetnment now. Munich. tor wickedneu, mu turned out o! the church in the {second century. and in hie assault on the Bible and Christian- ity. he incidentally gives 3 analogue ot the books or the Bible-that cota- losue corresponding exactly with our: ~testlmony given by the enemy or the Bible and the enemy 0! Christianity. The catalogue, now Just like the cata- loxue then. Assaulted and spit on and torn to pieces and burned. yet ed~ hering. The book today. in 300 inn-1 Suï¬sm. confronting tour-llama o! the human race in their own tongue. Four hundred million copies or it in ex- istence. Does not that look as it this 000k had been divinely protected, as God had guarded it all through the centuries? Sancho-0.30... alumna-“hum an Instrument which he think will to dmtmuneawnlummn their mm- 'In mun mm. It haMcvuud-nmh,wulamot annmummmm m; wuumnuuum an en ummm nm,mhqu~m m the Mn on than. mitt Io lat the primer: at '12.: my“. and. "â€"Nev Man 1‘! Dono- nudtlchdn‘flnmmm wort! ‘Vcry won. Ilr; very wall. ml' steal-ed the mm Indium. m. may. he am. "When Ilko eo-II hotlolewon’tdoltmtom!“ at: an the «has, tum-3m to iii Mend, 'ahe an no to m -â€"‘ 71». never and that: 2. up. tenor. 'Ro', me to n,’ I an. ‘01- nctlry that In. cunn- told you In my: to her husband! the mural no manly: “Inna m ballad. 'tlat he and no meatlo- van": 0! mole-flu m.‘ ‘BII the «an I! n In “on wordy I Its-bud. m l ncInw-m-«mhuum no Mun-u cm II. "I had :- mull-r not In court “0 other day," aid a lawyer. "An old lush-:- and Calm»- w cut lilo A row will his landlord about Ion. repairs and refused to pay In mt. The landlord was I may lime ex‘ool‘ loge prone-or. totally “vernal II no ways at the world. and be wu'l-pn- dent enough to and word that to would have the (null: «mu. m lhel called to discu- It My. l-lo emerged mum 'lwrderrnd Illd (In In Ind m not In! Cull-In, who told u- m Inna-J would do u- no hm. upon the «null at which I. had walml {at his return. wu- Cnllalnn «me In to manly un‘ ‘lln "that n heating. The old [M- In I“ In wile were no smut“. mlnmndfortkMu-u. ‘no ugly hut-re o! the use was ho 1!- lead clan of the man In kn Ia aller m. u an. at when n! on tho and the lulled the mam- My mlmnucwwepohtblnlmhl world It. the her Iain! m toy-cl “sleuth-II mum-d â€from! them ll their stab-flu. m l was mint puma. I In!!! antho- lnto mm‘ "Damn! m- m Cm“ Pann- you could at". tho can. or m vu- ln WI â€ï¬‚an lilo." Perhap- yol SW D Into an on umm- a! calm an! clan-n a. torn- uul (In "an cl the Maine. cl Plldlu nd mm Such u tunnel-at would m not In Manon In the mun-nary. [In ithmvudnm-wmnm'fo- pon- to mum “on m of Insult-“aqua to W the no“! clam a! um an." 0! 00d. i tell you at this point in my all- couree tint a man who doe. not like this hook, end who is critical In to it! contents. and who in ehocked end out- nzed with ite description. has never been soundly converted. The hill! on at the hands of Preebytery or Die- covacy does not always change n mun heart. and men sometimes get into the pulpit as well he into the petite"? having been changed radically by the noveroign grace of God. Get your heart right and the Bible will be H!“- Tne trouble is men'e neturee no not. brought into harmony with the Wore 0! God. Ah! my friends. enumâ€" tl_on o! the heart in whet is wanted. , You cannot make me believe thni. LII. scriptures. which thie moment lie on the table of the purest end beet men and women oi the one, end which we" the dying eolece of your kindred pene- ed into the ekiee, have in them I telnt which the etronseet nicroecope ol hon- leet criticism could mite vielhle. It men ere uneontrollnhio in their indignation when the lntexrity or wire or child in nailed. and induce Ind inrore u far on poeeihle onenee violence under each provocation. whet ought to he the overwhelming and long mum thundere oi condemnation tor eny he who will eund in e Christi-n mu end uni] the more then virgin purity of ineptretion. the well beloved deal- ter of do" Bloom“ the Bible! You night he well no to the old picture ulteri- In breeder: end in Venice end in [one end exnurute the old peintiue. Per- hnne you could ln'd e loot ol um Anaelo'e "Leet Judgment" thi. Ill“ he improved. Perhene you mid throw more ante-elo- Into Rnnheel'e â€I.- doene." Perle" you could out more I can easily understand how D009". brooding over the description of un- cieanness in the Bible. may set morbid in mind until they are as full 0! it u the wings and beak and the noun-ii and thc claw of a buzurd in full of the odor: of a carcass; but what is mm in not that the Bible be dilinucted. but that you. the critic. have your mind and heart washed with ell-belie acid! 6 nlsnreito, you undeuunduilt lusretto. When s has having man to do right rslis inch into W and gives up his integrity. the Bible does not say he was overcome by the fascination of the festive board. or that he surrendered to eonvivislitlol. or that he became s little test in his habits. 1 will tell you Whit the Bible “Y8: “The dog is turned to his own vomit again, and the sow that III washed to her wallowing in the mire." No cilding oz iniquity. No ssrlsnds on a death' dread. No poundlnl stay with ssilver mallet at iniquity when it needs an iron sledge hammer. WM than old mmmmu A NINACINO AOIUIANOI- . mm 0107! annual. [Illnldflv'llmMfllfl nmywmmi- “h“ mum-nan! Inï¬nite-fl. Wmh mt for ‘04. ï¬lm-.- unemndmreummww floI-ucldeun arm I1"- author. amt 3mm. 'fll “0 h"- at merchant mulls 09 “I hid {II mllmmdh E .... mm .mmmm mam mam? mmmmm _Wmmmm.mmmM.mmmM mmumnmmmn uni-ed, drllmmflmhmm labored My m «y In opal-g n vein at m. ulna a.“ Mums: Next winter “in: Hilton opened nn olco for nun-yin: in Prescott. and did n inlr balm Her nothod o: unhlna nnnnyn Ill liked. and tho ulnar. had mldnncn ll Im- mu-ontn or the n!- on o! own. She Inn to null in Puncou. but when npriu opened her nuthnniun for mounting vnn ro- uted by the new her brother ant her thnt he had (email our in than Hnln malo- tho hut-loohlng nurtur- onn MI in the wholn tnrrliory. Iinn Hilton cloned hot nnnny olon nnd noni non-n tho country to than Inn with hot uncln, nnd neon-paid by the ununl eo-plglnont o! inch-non m can, ontlt. 1‘hn Hmnn llnln IIIII' union wnn tho lent m in the nonthwnnt nt that unionlnr “In. ‘l'ht ninon in in duh Ind qnnrtn "no nilunndolthncoloudotimnnd amt: all. non north of Ian. One. than lino Hilton not nhoni undylu the “in," oi the ind. It In I ntr‘nnu condition at nlnlrn In roch. Only in" mm could not m uncut oi the pic mu tn- the name. indications. For mhn tho you; wo-nn Ill" Ind hot htothn (tn-rd m- Iornln; nnul "CID" over tho Han-n Hnln rochn nu lon- on man. Invmi mining clni-n nan iocntnl. n“ then followed m5 at lnhw. nnunni vntehlnlno- nni con- nidnrntlon In to 'hnt cm. VI. north owning. Kenny nll tho old had on- pcricnad ninnn «it tho lorrid‘nnd dry radon. bulletin. lhnt the. mid never ho nnothor mum nine hand than. Inn fllltol 'nn mined. ho'm'. ihnt the led.- in which nhc hnd opened n chl- vnn nnithc n nhni- low pocket not I uh which mid noon pinch ant. Her hmhor III-noel with hernni mt'iihnn-nilnr-y new Iinuntonooniceiki at Spadra.'Cal., and become 5 proa- peetor tor golden wealth anon: the mountains near Phoenix, Aria. The next atternoon after she arrived there aha went forth with a geological ham~ mer and a large bottle or acid in hnnd to learn about the rock (Mutations in the mountains of the Olin valley. The aixbt o! the trim little woman, dreaeed in short woolen skirts. heavy ahoea, and an immense aunbonnet, trudging along at the aide of her two donkeya. both laden with the usual camp out- ï¬t or blankets. pickuaea, pnna. skillet-r uldirona, has: at rations, and cnrpet‘ ‘ sacks of clothing. and (allowed in pro- cession by her his brother and her uncle, each accompanied by n laden donkey. was 3 night that ha remained distinct among the hundreda of aimi- iar scenes in the memory oi the wee- tntor. When the cooler autumnal weather come the young woman and her brother and uncle proapeeted over the mountains. The next winter the achool teacher-prospector and her com- panions went to Globe, Ariz. It was at that time the moat notoriona commun- ity in the territory. Hundreda of had charactersâ€"men who robbed, musin- ated. ahot and stabbedâ€"bad ruahed there. But that did not deter lliaa Hil- ton. There were but two other women In Globe that winter. Bile an" ahe was treated with kindneaa. end on many occasion the courteay ehown her in n rude waylhy the queer old ehnrnetere. who had lived on the bor- dera oi civilization, wan aimoat tench- “It. mas Jennie Hllton. a school teacher at Rlalto. Cnl., has mode a fortune In a Klondike gold Inlne. She bought a claim last May tor 81,000. whlch - do, or so no she telusod 840.000 tor. Old miners say there Ire mllllonu in It. In 1892 Miss Hilton gave up her school SCHOOL TEACHER STRIKES A FORTUNE IN THE KLONDYKB- (all. I†ll. Worth Iliumâ€"Ill- Jmh nmo- In I I'm“ Won-I fllmrâ€"SII- Bcp- I’m-null; Dom Idl- Ago- 4 AGIRLINGOLDMINB "subtotal. have naased from Indian melon intotheheeviaaotahen Francisco man, Hr. Luis Main. Ian the Ban Francisco Examiner. They were taken from the dead body of a Yanui Indian. an ordained priest. or "mantle." who was shot by leatean regulars during the last insurrection o! hie tribe. These sacred booka reveal the religious belieta and ceremonies ot the Yaquis. The maestro to whom they belonged was one at a band or lndtan maranders that had been devastating the country as they pasaed through it. and commit- ting all hinds oi atrocities while on their way to join the remainder oi the tribe. The maestro had apparently lorgotten his priestly calling. tor he was ï¬ghting with the utmost ferocity when killed. Atter he tell the holy ecriptures were tound by a soldier next to his murder-loving heart. The unea- tro was an artiat at considerable imag- ination and technique all his own. an his conception oi Christ on the croaa. at. John. St. Gregory and the Deity shows. His ideaiiantion ot the aaeen- sion. the victory of the croaa over sin. and doomsday is pathetic in its crud- lty. A draped cloth over the eroas to repl’eeent the wrapping of the body of Jesus in myrtle and olive leavea be- iore laying him in the aepuicher, ac- cording to‘St. John. it: to, proves that the maeatro moot have been a student. It is to be hoped that it he has reached heaven the archangeis “khael. Gabriel and Raphael have (or. given him for his outlandish portraita oi them. Father Domini oi the Jesuit church, to whom these books were submitted ior inspection. ' says that such drawings were never author- llod by the head of the church, and that onlesa one hnew the latin meal by heart it would be almost impoealble to attempt a translation or interpret» tion of the book containing it. The tnaas seems to him to have been tshen down while liataning to the prieet. the words are diaeonneeted. ayiiablee be- ing Joined to the wrong words and pro- dneing a our jumble. The Spanish hook is a iitt e better. but ooeam’oaaiiy a word occurs which in hnown oaly to the understanding or the Yachts. Both volumea are not tooetber with ta- Iaite name. and pale-taking eare. are written and printed with a 9-. every stroke of which evideeceaa labor vet love and reverence tor the taah. The frontispleees. in red and blaeh tah. are “tearinlly and woadsrtully made.“ 'l’heeeverot'oaelaotgaudyredealieo. bond with black and red cotton din l: E :1; ii? a: iii? g'iii! I"; iigézr, ii semi ‘ N wings-duos. Thane. udmum.-tmtm atom-Am “mm-I. Inamm-«mmm mama-mm-mm In uhnmrdumuaotm Int-cmnmllmuhouIQ-t mammmmm moggvnmuum mm- mm otmllflmhd urban-m- manual-one. Ion madam-contact“. ‘Mluyotuulhr- lulu! pun. Chg-lur- Join-l. noun". mmmmwmnlnm W10 lover (I. meiotic-oo- chdnlomtu-lmulumm uncut; utmmummn-o mMntMthvhï¬-dml‘ “cum-emu“ 'I'Io; mtmummmmd mmumnmcmm 5555 «inducing-ulna.†Two or m not: null"- volume- mucus Ismail mun. UU'IOAL PITCH. “a... In". Bloc-llama, [ILâ€"Thom, manned nth-flu... ‘ mm by the pan-n! ‘ mud-mnuumm. my.†a at new. mom us «4 Mn- ‘00 to... I! H for int mum-M. W Gaul Oil-II- amid. m. awn-m. om; ., Room may laud Jammy. Inuk- demo. at m A. Jul-I. I'D be no“ Ito-nun! coal-Ii I. .5 nm Inn-try. [an a! that. “1:1,, two mm. um man- I'm ‘ - a. mu. u mum W I. mu. mm «m, “I at“ nlhtod an of m Nun! sum. 0! honorably anew-u: In... M} - mum. and um “I ' ' III"- mv: Donni- luI I. an ad lulu mm:- 1. . moan and w 1:. non». m ‘ mm. Into-d my. «n. ma}; mull†am In w «nun-t “mu 7 ‘ u manifested In !llll all! to!†' of the sum board at “Itâ€! . . um the may lupus“ and of eI-DOI hero war. rally “Ibo!“ $3 mlld mm mm a» aloe-n mt * pared hero loll 0cm “or.“ been toll, my cum, and “not now am. Dr. Johllfll. M. the state bond. mm mm cloud and Ill church "Mo-M V public scallop nupqndod. but 4 “91 local board of hullll no and“ that '- lt “unnecessary to uhmm. “on other lion 3 rlzld mt!!! fl‘ ’ all «new: Maul. Ml loco! elm are. um the about II Iuollpol. and many doubt W it Dr. Johnna bellevoo llu tmflo ml," ‘ II II In promnnd It. Ho M the lovers! can In lllo city. . local board wlll noel-nu wontâ€- oou who love moved from tho ck lend Imllpox. and I! II. "at." Q vlll pron lama I doubt. ll“. “my" a trouble II not udlpox. . I em from annual“. Itontleolï¬oZ }Il.:-po!fld9fgblol county. Dr. C. a. New at W" in: boon nut to Down Ind Dr. 1, , “Spam willntomW "mam nnd m that I“ m Mutton! are taken to mt Chg ,. Mom or mun! cm of . unnpu wont III nllal In. _ McLean county. It nu It ' , '._ seven] on“ o! m a!†In: summer “a u was , _ it had boon “millâ€! " Cuu o! Iuppoud mum been (ll-owned a TM “Bonn or it