Downers Grove Reporter, 18 Jan 1900, p. 4

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5g! "'0- I‘M m MW. slotâ€"(0001.31...- .I no. pl. .llzial - ill... a! 3. a: to! .- 313.0... If: 5. as!!! «I [tiles-.fliaoa. . a! J It‘d-=19... I50... ‘9 .l‘I-olufofilf 131. k .r. hut-«5:15:15... .8. :I. ,f 3-13! mo: ulnn‘? W, ?..§339E - I: 1 gimmick-no a...” u. «Io-Q “ , , «smile-crib ser- '_ hbfld-M I. i 3 El. ,7!- I! I to: Ed sari I. KIDS. fut-5.3. F .r. E.- i. - ill-alo- Fo. Fan .2 .- of i. at!!!- u... .l. :1 a... tilt-3:9! 9:3 3... In :t'iIi-ul i. ._ ’lolllri 'rlll’ H!- to. I 3. f “tyrant-1.35.513 .. ‘ blink-3133...}... it!!! ll... 9:3. 2. .r. {I .0 «(113a a. E- 02.33... I r 1320- 3, F. I... 31:7... viii-33.30.. run to: 3'03; 5 luau-mm. Spoil-got'l'umev'n m c- Bnnlov Cano- tho Chic-g: Mun Bum Cu".- in lat-mm In”!!! mks. Tho I.“ shadow cl ”‘0 Heater Cullen h- ““270,“ nod infill-ll] Old «2 m Fad Bum of Chile-go hi! been Wily mentioned as a undid.“ {or qbb tic-sum. It I. stated am he is one «Ramona» men in the am for the ~’ ”idea and will secure a strong following hm 000k county. He is well lmovm Wheat the mm Ind will make a ' , spot! thawing: Mulln.dchin' hunting“ n‘vglm and Ian- 0.- Mllflmhthjldwm II In...“ I W to film-o 1-6. A.M.Cnl¢,-b~ tot-um nunâ€"ammunmmhm “film‘s-n “wink-bu.“ -I ”my plum. nu, fill Ian... WI. In lamina n Quincy In! um. .- “lb-h mu mun-lion at NW!“- On hot up tho mun ol doublo taxation .4 ”and n you-m. Io nlkn now ”My chunk- an (boo-calm hag-album. m p, "I; h: u M. ballot The mtul‘ou All. y'all“ can-Inu- on It. lac-um o! 3 I'll Id... .10 out. In... no“ d‘wwaudm and m II It. full-Imoflb l... [Mb . "pup y-u. Aldo In. than-l m and hump! daun- In April. It; W. A. Northalt. (he prawn! lieuten- Illpvm “the ulna, in u undid.“ it mm and h audio. out M- g» to It. npubllan pun "Ming Mo “they. The Inner In which be bu W Ibo dullu 04‘ him «like In: been Maidens-d than Ice-I to be“. M Oflllol flu! be In! named Ibo tu- ml or. nuniullh-u. AI ya: ho WI] has the Gold In him-c". 0", npubllosn editor la llllnola will be my I. the meeting will be one of the “out bald “ace the formation a! Ilu‘ ‘ u a. P. 0. n Downer- vaa, Ill. nun-emu claim all! matter. 8hr Md Hon-dd, and Ibo president ouhu ”album Editorill A-ociutiou, Inn is- land Ill oflcinl all [or the million tu “I3 tho Grind Puma Hotel in Chicago Q. Tull”, February 6, when it. is hoped The um oenlnl oommmoo at a meet- Ilghold In Chicago last Saturday changed {be late of the mu npnhlican convention ff.- Aprll 10m to "by 8th. The early 1|...“wa duignuwd w” because 0! I Wheaten that notion-l delegates Ibo!!! be elected sixty days in Id mace ol lb union“ convention, when thirty days no .u am no reqnited. I! m I VIM“!- m ‘ - - Ami-to Edlwr. On Anyone look at die present condit. III of our principal streets and fail to mm la. the noes-Ill, of paving them? Main, Curtis, Maple avenue, and in fact every chat in the village no veritable mud llnla and nearly impassable. Yet then: Ill than who dew-wane public Improve- mb and object to having them made. M w. 0.71%., editor or the Dwight __" ’EREPO RTE R. u an“ elm Ill“ miim. ml ”It‘ll-V CHI "I ADVAICI. J. C. Sherman, the veteran editor of the Vermoutviile, Mich. Echo. has discov- ered the remarkable secret of keeping old people young. For years he Inn] uv~ oided Nervousness. Simplex-mess Ind lg. eetion, Heart trouble, Constipation and Rheumatism, by using Electric Bitten, end {be writes: Itcun't be. praised loo highly. It generally stimulate: the kill. neye. tones the stomach. aide digestion end givee e IpIemlld appetite it luu worked wonders (or my wire and me. lt'en mervelloue remedy for old peoâ€" ple's complnlnu.” Unly Mlv. at [lush and Simonwn'u. Drug More. We wish to notify the vilifiens of this county that we have secured the agency for Dr. Culdwoll‘s Syrup Pepsi" ‘tho great. cure for constipation, indi- gestion, sick headache ayd stomach troublé, and guarontee it to (in as rec- ommended. We always keep the best drugs on hand and solicit a can, prom- ising the very best, of everything, I I want to lei. the people who suil'er ‘(rom rheumatism Ind sciatica know that Chamberlain‘s PalmBaim relieved me after a number of other medicines and a doctor had failed. It is the best linimentl have ever known of.â€"-J. A. Dodgen, Alplmreitn, Ga. Thousands have been cured of rheumatism by ihis‘ remedy. One application relieves the pain. For sale by Bush Simom‘on. In“. tumor: mamctnrer, businen or profendonnl man, is influenced in this sound manor, Ind every one (um be of alliance by being fully ptepued to un- nwer the questions or the ceuaut taker. lo. .7. [m can I,“ local“. mm. up!» country on be nude. Amor- icnnl an more interested jun at this mm in having pl] the int! before than than it any [mvlnnl am in our biliary. Wc- If. u the beginning of a new on. Every T0 WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. OLD PEOPLE MADE YOUNG. It Mo on tho stand-I'd ofquollty (or all competitors far “3:. lootithmy yours. The otro cot claim any competitor can make lo that his oof’ea is: "just no good no Arbuckloo’.” Yours truly, Bl‘sn ls Smoxmx. 1'" mm It“ lo. 7:. Wm' Mamba. Arb'uckles’ moi"!- The boot om. I. Arbuckloc'. The onsy ’f‘:;?»~a :1; buy In Arbucklu'. The right thing I. to Insist on having Arbucklu'. "smut. "mm m o! Inn-ht. «Iona nun. In: ”It on 10000.! at I an m an- nd 10 Oil-III. "In-Mum AIM "I”. V _,,, _‘ ”r, gawk .mm ww- â€" “I" v! '0; Jug." 710. W 7'. lo ””0,- L A Hmw,,m‘3 {If [M33 r.) i Three “IUQWIH L L ra . .. . .‘ "mu pun lu-d mum mum Qahup, pink. .4 ., C an ml mm :1 "pt-.1». “ “mar ‘ ..., " " "rxlr ‘ ‘ "Jun. luau. Baum. bra Gum! I!“ mafia! urfln'. Ih‘nl 2w " . ‘ in “ , .. J7... .. liesl cuvflw in ”It uurh Ht»! 754: to: at all klmln. ”an at: («a hi all kinda. "Cr-I 54w lea m 1H kind».. llruuu J: l‘iu- um liuuorln . All delivered lrro nf chann- lu Downer-o l Icon may. ....... luyr} map. Llruc bulk Iluml. \v huh- kiceJalmu. ... 53:11”. pfnllt's . The allention 0! families buying Monthly Supplies Specially Sollciled. Leading well‘known articles of ev- ery day use, DO\VN TO DATE. Any article in the trade at thelow- est price quoted in any market, and many articles in large quantities A complete wholesale stack at whglnsalo prion A1 m5 “ma \\'nnn-»da_r~ and Saturday» Groceries andProvisions nauso’flw M? pH Ilver. and cure blllousncs:x,slck huaducbe. jaundice. nausea, lndlgL'b momma. They are In- valuable m prm-unt A: mm or break up a fever. Mild. gum". wrinln. they are worthy your ('(lbllfldl'lll‘t'. Pun-1y wvgpluhhn Hwy (mu m. l km by '1’th~nnx'dquuru-umcn. l’rh-v. 2:.~.:~.1 -*‘ e U: hv mail of ('. I. Hut-rm L. G. SCHOFIELD. "Two Facts K55“ A”: M mom A" 9 mm ‘ h“. "I kâ€" _/ )m‘dtz‘v: I: WQ.'I 1 .m 0 pm- «a '"Q N»! ' ‘ b‘xie' I'm v [ THREE coucwééfifl I"; Mum-I min. 70:: Mouton. “"1 W l, A lo. 83 h) a. H II I): 1.1:; g L‘s! MI: :9 sail MIME m dlhflm'zza. wmcmsigmlmwm % M UC’Iâ€"I BELOW. “0.7.. All“, FM 7"" Honouring 1’ two. 1:17.37!) ILLS\ pm "vet. and cure headache. jaundice. Linn. etc. They are In- ’lo. 94. A Moe afloanas. «any! and yrs m‘ .‘n M In u.“ . m , mm- WA“ [intranet-'3' Wr!l“' - bunt. llil I. b.0010» int.“ . R. “null. -m Jihad}: 1". Hi I! ‘0:er . . mammalian.“ g I"! 91110? rm: .J - v- 0'41. Ind mm m. he W Ian. 1-:. J 08 01.08631 Y: 0331‘ 1 hr F‘tah (- .1~' 1".‘1ounu. TM! In. . noww. In! .1! im’hyfitj B; AWEflTUr 0‘ IONI.’ 1:; THE G'J'mv lam.“ I. . NIM(-m‘ [m - ‘ 90-!an -- ”m . ' Dnum'mnmumumu. s. 1.5:? n . Va , n. w ‘Jouthlyl’llnlcuudbylmlllla'l'uu mu. ML. :':3Ix':zl"‘\l'l'll'::5?Q(:w:;n¥‘udm""'u Tunis firm u RECOMMENDED A~o summé‘i'eeo BY ; CHICAGI} HOTEL in Connection, "°2:f€o‘.?£a 322;. fififififi$fi$fififi$fififi§$fifiwfi*fifi Boned Trout ...... 15 Run»; Pu 5 Ram". Ve.’ .15 Boiled Ham . Salt Mach-rs Frlod Patch. . Roast Beel...,....15 Small Small. ..... l5 Veal Calla!“ . Mutton Chops "Ixs “'1 3'me B{::‘.°:..':‘i::;.;,;;-::;: Eudlcharlety of Good Wholrsmne Fund Properly Cooked. .11 Moderate Prlr Ladle-‘and Gentlemen s Tonal Rum-n. will: Hot and Col-I Water and nlher Conveniences. Path-en Service. Seating Capacity 700. nun-nu rut rm. . Veal Pot Pie.. .. . Pork 1nd Buns. Soup....... . Heel Tongue 15 Puddiuc'l‘. . . Pork Chops ......... l5 Whitefish... . .. Breakfast Bacon... .lS Fried Porch... . . Hall Pork. llrulled..15 Sail Mackerel. Fried Sausage ...... IS Fried Buns. .4... Lake Tron! ......... 15 Scrambled Eggs... ~ pm M g N fiREozisi: 19le mm £3: A flSPsflRm'TF‘ETE” Burcky 8: Milan. WHEN IN GHICAGB Y0" MUST EMT u ;' ffl'flhf Ema m -.""" ' TH‘Efiaav Insunme THE UNDER GARMENIS FREEDOM Faam Rusr Spurs . F‘. HALLER. . '- .ohla. An Mbmnofmuumhd: ,. . E"; q... ”genial mm. ‘ ‘0 -.r v: «138' nun-cud mum M A'iumm M. . ”g... may ohm hum w nmy. . new «I Mum-nil.- uni-Inn! Curl. mm .v--. u M: h. :AcWELOn. I.) ( 2.; w manner: In“! . , ms The "(In a. "‘1; t. ‘ 91mm." ‘ A ‘17” M! NH." tall -' I .- fi'x 3:14 Sweet." I‘m - I mun I" . .34 me‘ mm "500”" “I‘m cipl‘. ol 5 cell "-1 mm «amp-filth“ c urn-r: rm [mm :v"\ wt Arhnckht' '1"L)«9t. ”y l r3" . Baked Whitsflsn Boiled Trout. Fried Patch Roast Beef ....... Small Steak..... \ cal Clfllfiln . 91mm .. u. .x ,w vv ,. .. vvl I Flower Plum-vs. 'MMnsmemmwm "I Ladies and ,Gentlomen’s “ml. M H- "mu- Fflflvnlowhw ”am It (“ll 91"" I It u “r'nnnwlnfl “mu COW of f "I! «an, I“ l‘) dot-mm m Imm ”a o! Avhuelhl Noll you-”ll on v a“ comma-pad Cal.- lltm at In. 0 rlppno cl1 AMH'lI-n-vh-Qc. \ No. 70. MO and “It AND THE BEST PLAOi l0 TH! ....................... 5 ’u-ny cow- on mu m a! all ‘m out-mil. Every m ova-Am.- I alumnu- nun. no man 7 inches hm. mu m Inv'm rang-amn- Amm- m.» proportions-Cy can It. ”Mum-flan” sun. I“ 13 man. u! no. mudAm-‘mm A m. m a n p. d Amtâ€"4mm“ he.“ mmmxmmmnmmm Dana-rim. Earn van h HI!!! .1 Pork Chops. . . . . . . Breakfast [Ia-mm. Sal! Pork. Broiled Fr'u'd Sausage. . . . Lake Tram. . . Roast {\lnuou Ruust l’urk .‘ Rum“ Ve.’ll.... poneglrflam .. ‘HMAMB'MC‘I 354, I“, 158 and I60 mam fl. IQ. II TM "no Pray-r. ‘estaurant .15 2:318. um no I o :12! -r.- «Av; gm " -9132: Mutton Pot Fig.1: VeaI Pot Pie. . ... ...l5 Pork 1nd Betas .. “'hiteflnh. Fried Porch Salt Mackerel. Fried Buns” Scrambled Exp. ..... IS ‘t-Ihgodcrage Prices. j! Tl‘, 35:3 ii.yi gig. nonu- l".- Ih nubâ€"1:07; 9m l. .um: 3:11 p. a tu- no cum-1:02: 9:9 it‘s. 1:3; My. - BOARD or EDvCATIOI. WI Sammy Icahn late. I}. II. No- :up‘ ,-n' N’h-fiu. . Iii-m .m‘ i in?“ Inn hair, snail-II. 29h Ive-II can“ ’1 s. m ...A how u: mm. AIL-.51».- huh“ ‘. I.‘ , [man-um": D'n-l- II M. .0. Tu.- Curb ...... D‘. II. Inlu. m Ann... ‘..,I'.A.ll rum-mm c.3n...«.. .. .‘ ..... 17' I .cum Iiilk' "I [It Pfizer, .. . . L‘ hunt" I I! n“ ....... Tam-min mac-mm 3;.FA:.".‘...."1"€'.'.'.';w It". \‘N (-1th I‘Mkv. U ‘ . ‘ Incl-l. M. K "Viki-J W In”. ll. (It-ORIGIN .. . . All-w Mia flu- In. .m .. .. 1' gnu-cum. ml at m Nppdqgml wnn We" Col-I, Mat. Tun-urn. Din-um" and Ur: 'uuuy Jun-hm ... Hut-"h ‘mll' .0!" MM In! 'l'ldly 1'“ Im‘ “H 3. am; 1. w; h.;;‘.‘.'."-r"én::}'.'n"o"3 80cm. 1, . Frank Hanan-awn N. G. H. . maniaâ€"1B7; Rec. sec VICTORY COUSCIL uo ROYAL DRAG!!! lect- first and third Tue-thy ova-II [- Wotkml hall. J. Ii. Bunny. Anion. In Col-ell. Pctihu. MAPLE CAI? W N. W. A. It“. II G. A. Khan on the “mud and (aunt nun- day «minus 0! cull month. mum-g “w burn any”: Velour: J. W. Bud». V. C. Ii. Bar-shin. dark. MAPLE GROVE LODGE 519 I. 0' P. um: um and third Wad-“day- ol Ola. ; month. \‘iallllg Knigh- “mil-lg Irvlu‘. ‘ 318$:auuahrwl.c. C. E. J. W. .l. of . a . ”\VSERSCHNWK TENT. So. “2 III‘MO u! lbw Mun-alum. Mew. would and hunt Wnlur-day- m an. numu: in Carmlu‘u hall, I' t.‘ Gull-p, Commander. W. 1.. Hana. loo- qml “run-r ADIEh‘ LIBRARY ARSOCIA‘I‘ION. “- bruy building on Curllu um. I." In! 1mm In and: nun-III II I p a. gun. J. mum. Pvt-ideal. ”within-pt. uwxlwu mm": LOAN MID l0 nyQ‘IIA‘y-lilallg. Jon lam-c. r3. aucmmtwntnnu-f _ .7 .0... “av. s. uvuur. all l- U. U. I. U Mum evcr - Monday evening I. In" CC!- u'al block. Viv tin. bruthcncordhllyluvmd. Prank “nun-awn N. G. H. l". Lentil-nan. DOWNERS GROVE LODGE 33 Lo. um. Meetin own hgll on tint and thlni l‘rL danol each month. Visiting bruthon III-n wnlcome. C.B.Blodgett W. M. A. J. Cm... Suntan. OWNERS GROVE LODGE 750 I. 0. 0. 7. Meet: even- Mmdar --.â€"x.... I- n.-n n... ... .... . uo. mu nan. mcels mom 1‘ and {onnh Thursday! of the month. Vblh In; «um-ad“ alwaya welcome. '1‘. S. Rona. Commander. Chan. Carpenter. Adj-mt ,m,‘ __..‘ _... -. ... .. -wu V second and (am: Tuesday of ml: no. in Masonic hall. Visiting numbers than welcome. Mn. (5. Mortal, W. M. Mil. hub E. Hall. Secretary. NAPIER POSTMG A.R. Meets "filial-l U every s‘ecoud'iua (all; '11‘7|d?y '3an; each moulll. Visiting btelhenen cordial: i:- vhod. Ben C. While. W. M. 15.0. Vim-III. Secretary. VESTA CHAPTER 242 0. E. 3. Km ucund and (um. Tun-dau- M ....n. ...._n. ”film”. GROVE LODGE 824 A. F. AI A. even' second and l'nrlh Irrhla. V.ASSOC!ATION: GERMANâ€"R". Rick- erl.l’aslor. Service: Smut 1! 10:3) I. I and 7:45 p m. Sunday Seoul 9: I -. Yul. lel' Alliance 7:00p at. Pnycr null. W Madly evening at 7:45. ROTESTANT EPISCOPAL. SI. Audna'n MIuslunâ€"Rev. W. Reed Cross. Rich». 8.:- rlce Sunda at 3:30 . Sunday school It 2:30 p. m. . S. Wap as. Supt. GERMAN LUTHERANâ€"Rev. l. .1. my". Pastot. Seflicu every other Sunday I! I m In [he Congregauonal chuck. Bull” hool herons service. T. MARY'S CATHOLICâ€"Rev. F. Cland- nlewlcx. Rector. Mass every Sud” Im- :1 Sand Ivo'clock. Every rack d” lot-ll; ll So'cluck. ‘ [male school at 12 m. Prayer not“. Wad... day eveni at 7-00 Baptlut Union gilt!” It 6:159:11. nfimim‘ Union auzwpu. ' D’Vlee’aéuna; "ai'ioa‘s 5 E3331 We 9cm 2* I an. Pmetwa-g M. mummputot. Scnlcus'rm'ln It a a. u-ald'lp. at. Sunday School n 131:. “ Prayer meeting Wain-d .3 1:“ Bauer“: League Sunny «mi. 1",”. ‘ CONGREGA'I‘IONALâ€"Rn. Ell-Libby lor. Rani on Sand n 10:63 ”h '13” :1. Fund” School nu In. Pr: running mud-yawn!“ a! 7: 45 Chihua- lulu- vor Sunday evening at 6:00. APTISTâ€"Rev. G. C. Moor. Pallet. 8“ vlcu Sunday at was I In and 1m) - .- 'rnoms'r EPISCOPA . MIR. 959m. Pasgor. Sanka-‘82:;- D OWNERS GROVE DIRECTOR‘- ‘5?!” ‘ TOWMIIIP ’bnvcnn. mum: onlcnn. ”.9 Ant»: P .33. ram. _ D 0 Fauna" cmmn‘ orrwus. xvi 9mm llachol M K. filth-M- .“' I”. 203'...“ 09 Pun-gm

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