Downers Grove Reporter, 25 Jan 1900, p. 1

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an! In! III pom to Mug. on. pbya. and “III ln his cpl-lot the “to h m In “map of mo mm an on In alum) for lb. recognition I! m union. to lo Japan‘s fillings dhchlf‘d‘ nhm’cmhonpmchm up. It. unto Ind “locum-ct to apply tho and m hungry Illlr. Maillot! Mn mum- m mll In III“ in tho price. Militia afoul tom and vol- Ilhfllylhm up an cont-cs An- daman!“ nu.mophdthonpw “I. III manna, me'. new Ia,nl mm. who had has an- ploya hunt-envy for out: you. lat AIl-IOI'I phat. TMJol-m Qua-v.1» an. I! manly: cupping an to [a III: to nuns-m tho Illa. Ed In clinch-rm Johnson mid MOI ban undo to an.“ mocha non-union Inca, 1nd no. and! my Ind [and than will hmmrumy. Stunt» 1nd .0 aawllodM not no on myth. “Walnut-lamin- ”flour Idol-n. Tboyny ‘ III-hot unplan- Inv- m m: I fimutmumamma a...“ M thumb. Ina not mdeohIOhothomm hand-tot Wlm.'h°h"°"‘ W mud that Mr anon-ca nu: ma lbw-Hi “90'9“"? °' Manna-mmmn “- -,'u ”I. AMC 00H. 0‘ "I. W HIM. d-Iud munch to fl-,-'I“ - M "Ion-mon- ploy- 7.. «Mail, towed Olson .1 mom- m“ D"?! mm- .u,“ M “Mike! the union. fl mun” Mill '0' n W‘ nut, to W W I‘M 'I'“ .1. hot-bl “M190" h‘" n .fio not .- salmon, Ind Ir. m «all: “than", sma- It“ in h- '1“. lo pron um Dad-domains». lam firth-rm that the mo 3 vary film-I unlo- !m M tin-old by his employ... my. “and by. Rm up mWnMIhfld-olnuquwou, flud It. Sta-Io I- [dug In tho “lb uni mug than mum m the union m «in. Mr. maul-l hut-g spoke- to un mun an abject. W-. m an owner of In. no. Funk Koetke. who is the chapel del- egate“ the loco! union, states the un- tou’e elde to the strike. According to Me Itory e beck-nuke: named John- eon. e eon-union mm. mm employed ,1: piece of Andy Anderson, a union nun, who wee put In the board-melt- tlg deportneet to succeed A. “Make, e “be Ian. who wee ditches-zed. He like the union men objecud to thle end completed of the pmingi.‘ whloh malted In the union meo‘ etett-g their menace to the men- e‘I-eet. VIII. Streak. Btrmbe. he eeye. net-need to duoherge Johann Ind etotell the [notary wee on open one end he would employ whom he chose. The Mind wee connuelceted to the ne- toe eed the multtee ordered the “like. It. Koetlo up It |e not the Ichth- ol the «lion men to reeort to eey eelewml nee-um. end thet any tenth o! neloe meu using thee-ten- “; language to non-union men to the mount-Mule: men um eon:- m then to qult work end join the uto- ue eheolutely (the. He no:- “Mien eve behaving like [en-fle- ueeulwln coetlene to do so. ll- .nthe-elwmbeeekedootto work, ht let be M or minted. Wh‘ltltfieeeeleof we‘ee paid ed en love he eeld It dug not a "t. w the lee at We Iota, wevele .eet lettuce: wort. ”m-“lflwmulhlmle. Reel-It’d. however. that "do nub- M would be e setter to: [cum roo- mean-mun than! “be-tutor- we- the “to: would be mos-teed antennae-pleat we;- would u- al. It. teeth letther Iteted um ~etltlenweneufleved overt!» Trouble over vuiona matters had been brewing (or several days and the numbers of-me union and the factory people both heve their sides of the may. The “filters claim that. Stnube objected to the tormllon of the union all took coco-ion to discharge union nun end fill their ‘plooee with non. union workmen. A conference was held. with the result that a. strike was ordered by the executive committee of: the union.end Friday noon the men went out. ‘l‘mnblu, sold to be caused by the .mploymont o! non-union men at. Btmho's piano factory. culminated in n It!!!“ by a number of omployes of M cot-blilhlnont last Friday, noon. Nearly all tho union men, about twenty-five In number, want. out, leav- lus only about twelve men omployodt It the factory, and the shops are run-‘ lulu: short handed. STRIKE AT ITRAUBE'S FACTORY. 6m lien Wan: Out My Noonâ€"Both Bide- uhhe Strike Situation. SEVENTEENTH YEAR. DOngERS “Ono of Dr. King-’0 New Life Pills och night for two wall In. put me In my m’ min" wrung D. B. Tutu not of nonpaywwn, Pa. The". the human world for blur. Stomach ad Bov'nh, Pauly 7.36le None grip. Onlyuo It But: a Hanna’s [nut run on Chub-dud a Cough Remedy. Hose“- fin hula “that udidnocomofnyoflnrkind, and it gives gm: mama“. Ia thos- doyn of hgflppo than I: nothing “to Ola-hadn‘t Cough Bondy to atop thooough. heal up men" than and In“ and give who! 1mm 3 my than "no. The union on growing. and at who try n m M with m prompt-cm. â€"-South Glaxo Duly Oslo-at. For uh by Bush A Simon Ian-gar 3mm of tho Pierson drug «cantor-n m that ho is having 1 Bleeping-cumin mud. Call It tick“ one. for any manual I» formation. chny. Omaha, Dam ad ho- 0m" for W holding Mob ‘l'ho popular paladin", concluded on- wrfion to Cantor-i: on tho Darling. Q0- lan Chap "or, we“. All through mm will stop n Downr- reliable Wm wm, No. a, for a”. “.80.! for 0140. Horn I: Men’s «In. for you. The Blob. valuing use!!!” for 06.”. and It In molthobntlluumrht. mm New Yo!!! Mambo». Clover Hill bun-r. Var-mu nuph urn-p. is n 00-an “M m-ol In cmlled. You will and It at Hall’s. flash. b (3.1le but. pm In I “out of push and elkâ€"4M Mn and, and and hour floor puns. Imam: hunt style a In“ I: I0- duh. Nam.“ Light oil at Nash's. Ara-“o In]! PIP" It Buck's. Day {NA-dud all of B. B. Ion-Is Additional Iced sun on M": m Hm lo mt: Inquin II ”tank‘- factory. Bun Email to! HI. "an. Mom 3| Rnh‘l. The only who“. in" to My MI. um oil Is at Rat's. ‘ The locel breach 0! the Chicago , pleeo end omen mekere’ unlon no on gunned here lest Fahd-my. It has a ‘ membership of ebout sixty. end rom- prlue nearly ell the doperlmeote It the (notary. About hell of the uulou workmen heal been leld all during the dull eeeeoo et the factory, hence only ebout thlrty were worklng when the etdke wee celled, end eboul. twenty- llve 0! these went out l-‘rldey. the ML eooe ol the ueloo nee rein-log to strike. The locel breech wlll eppolet A committee to confer wlth the neo- epneet ehortly with e view to edjuet» log the dllereecee. In the bury eeuon ehout seventy-live men ere employed at the rectory. Inch 0! the llnlnhlng led other work lecoelreoted nor to rev- enl o! the employee who employ work- eeee who ere. however. eubject to the ‘noerel eupefloleodeoce o! the factory end my be dlecher'ed by Ilr. Btreube. Bottom, eltereooe Otto Knock. one o! the Itrlkeu. wee era-ted on e wen ‘ run more out by I]. 0. llodler. one a! the eoo-uoloe nee. chewing Knock emh eeleg thruleele. M‘We.'md with theleleetloe of heel Knockp under booth to keep up 'Thet cue wee celled More Juece flrehue. but wee dlenleeed for lock of erhlenre l Mr. Straubo is sleeping at the factory nights and says that his proporty and tho persons of his employos will be pro- tected. Officers now escort the em- ployes to and from the factory to pre- clude any possibility of an attack by the strikers. Mr. Struube states the fact that more than half the men em- ployed at the factory were union men ulutss the allegation that he was agdnst the union. The striker: are being paid amend wmhuve to rsmm‘e their tools from the factory. ' Whether any of the med are taken back or not depends, he says, upon themselves. Horewfore it has been an unwritwn rule 0! the factory nut to rungagea discharged employe or one who leaves. This, he says. the men know. Slnube say: any employs who mmalnl at Work will he amply promoted. He will not. recognlzo any demands from the union and wlll treat with the men solely as indlvlduals. ,llo says the men who went out are mostly the younger element, who are restless and jump at the chance of any excltementv-tlmt; in {not the ringleader really didn't know what. they were striking for pro- vlous to a consulmtlon with the busi- ness agent. HAVING A GMAT RUN. HAD! YOUNG AGAIN. WITH 11:: “SIGMA NT. DOWNERS GROVE, DuPAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. THURSDAY, JANUARY R090. The book is my count“. In hath. political history of mo “OW fur-Mun; : volnm of Information coming mu officers. mm of an monthly, our judicial M, vote of mu :nd counties, short history of tho organs-ion of tho auto, in con- stitution, populauon and other inur- Boning «In. An Interacting and timely public.- tion nulog forth rm. about the southern mus has jun been land by} tho South-m Runny. It Is canal tho "Empinof the Bomb " Ind gin 3‘ mpnhomin ”mm of tho dcvolop- meat of this notion of th. country In ova-yum of It. MN“). The Not conning 101 m ouch of which in “mm, Ind will In you: by null M15 on“ to cont mug-hyd- m J. G. Bonn. 80 Mot. UM In no murmurs ot plum u Downer! (iron tad at mt I! up.- rkwclng mod no. um no» new with the strike prevailing in that, among [inflation-mm. Tho Barnum Rout. will so" hole maker's excursion uchu to push II‘ up west. southwest and northwest at on. much” hm, “gunman ‘ mad trip. Mun um: 21 «by: Iron Mm Mule. All through an lain: stop“ Downers Uron for m Mind for point- boyond Ibo-fl rim, DIM-qua Ill St Paul. Duo 0! sale PM on. and mh. Inch 0th and m, April ad and 17th. The Reporter ha necked 3 copy of the [much "Mao book" with the con- pmnnh of Savoury of sun, In. A. lath Shrub. called on Rural". Moods Mutiny. He is an" later-dd ‘l'loo Wom‘ n (lulld of 8C. AMNDS church will gin a "03m, Island clan chowder alum 8.12mi”. Jun-q 72 from I! o ”clock noon until Cap. -., II lube-calla. J. ll. Runny. All m vulcan- tbn bring 25 cub. Tho uni-moo a loan-l hull was bold In the city In! light Il llllnols lull. corner Ogden 3"an lml Hallm- Mmk A large puny alluded "0- Downcn (Iron. «curling on Ibo opo- cm tall at 3 o'clock this morality. All report an etuoyablo um. Pm!- oyuun dlmt from Halli-on. muchodudunnul the any of ship out. In an" an .1 Hugh. A Unl- lup‘n. hr snmflor to nlom bull J. W. ”Mord m- the contact for "modding mo Intoflor of 0. ll. Pur- ull'l how on flue-log- arumo. A. J4 Cooper has CMP‘. of tin medal work. Hugh! A Co. have on “Malling A "Mr “on til-Whoa." albumin-u- In; ”mum “on. and would be [M In have you m In mum operation. P. Mogul-oil“ Edelweiss no»... laugh and but In m not“. Onion (whom! by Alb-n mehk Dorm “row. Pool olflm box MO. Dul‘uun county will have an dolo- gnto- a! the republican Mule roan.- Ilon. km 0! which um mm. Inn Downer» (trove Iownnhtp. Ila. A. B. Dunn o! Moire-o Park "'0- Ilod with her mother and “qu, In. (3. (1. Austin, 8n, and "rs. llavou. Sunday. Invitation: ll“ out for the mu 0! Min Hal-an Fun and Jona- lr‘oalu o! Kan-mu. wlllch will In nololunlud Fob- mar, 7th. Carriage Aml wagon painting.- flatly and promptly done at Q. “cl-min}- bluhmlm and wagon Ihop. Revival Inleollngx are now in program in the Mellmdhl rlmrcll. They are to continue during next weu-k. Rev. A. H. Rum! M Chicago [we-chad at the Methodist revival Monday night and viniled "lends have. Don‘t fail to attend Col. Hulp's lio- ture at Um Congregational church to- nlgm. Admission free. Here we are again with um pure N. Y. buckwheat "our; the Irr‘t um the murket. .L W. Nash. Will exchange dentistry for hay. oats, g min. or polutoes. Dr. A. W. Morrow. - ' AH kindsol‘ slow repairs furnished on short notice. Lean: orders fit Hertz . Mm "hel s. ' The Senollr floor paints are the best on the market. For sale by Hughes Gallup. Ladies' and gentleman’s tailoringâ€"â€" second floor bunk building. If you want a high grade article buy I: am ofFermhlle pineapple. at Nash's. White Rose gasoline. Nash’s. Try Morrls’ Standard gasoline Try those l-‘uz la) er cakes m. Rnng’ s: also.“ «epics. Mrs. Whedon o! Muywood visited Mrs. Havens yesterday. mIWII uncut-«I'M meal-u week *- neounghg nth mum-who mud name-- It! Mm to nah an «on MI I. any detail. Th. "Much m wmof a Mal uh", cum our, fault: o! dint-mod t Thor!- were u - «mo-4am only hula "sync cuppa mom of the summon who had Ian ‘- um :- 1mm». 0. D. m mm mm m at! ail-Icy. 111 mm. p'menu Prof. louu'u «- ntil-non. nooflomoflbopntm m mlocud. Writ-hm In- Mummies!“ harm to able to “i m mfifim 19mm hm Tho Inks! hat-nu] (Jo-my 0f ChicagoJllilob but tho M m. mun-t rum hum pom, II n- ick-cc. [In wheth- nod and It“ «In wants and 1mm of u". A tho-roughly ”In“. ad net". 13" wand Gm film and am. to" run pane-M 1'». White 0m. ”um-g nu- .- tochuon with cum! m In ONG- go, 9: low m h fur-MI mum Wad no. to ”an dc! ”or in M 0'- M In an", Iowa- m dun Coalition nah how- on up pliauou‘othmt, Or. an... In, 1017 Won Vum mt. Whnomnhfleofpmnnnm Ismail-g tho country you nyl- untold». hummus-mun known-«Mum. Theod- iu-nllofmqmnr‘dn nlnyum Roth-things of ms hm MMnmph-uofm qr.- “.mmmmnfim'm Much-showman“ dmbymvmhwh- hmh‘ Row. J. Hulk Demo! tho 8n.- un "um church. Ohms. M at a». Ital-oil“ chm Might. M. I. B. William who W «In. an noun rah would noun-p m in the o" In“ spring. I! h opt-F Io-nom 3M. 1 I Inlllmflcflwm ”on“. Into! him-r, alm,w ,mnnau-m Iva-o. 180b- ‘muo- In coon-MI lo a. It“... pine usury in! mind M The nonhu- ol 00 Minus! in emu-on Mn moi lots-u- qmndo ball to to hold In Old!“ Ml on the mo! Watt-guru My. helohmlunb by mm M Menu-um. flood III-Bhutan net-nod. Wlnn you Mancunian-Io all IMI route-ah. mug-wan. "ugh-‘00. Mvmmoww Atanyu-oudmmm . . uh- Iu w M hnfi'finfim Hiatu- chm-3‘ bu Md m of mound-l can!“ In um ll‘u. Oln M- uesli. 0h". ll:- Iluy loVou. whol- mum hcr brother, I. I). luv... I1" Oh“ next luck with "M'- at 0th“ Mmlor and OM .0155] plus. The only pan, to to" to w M- wbolo an. In the woolen-0d guolm In "on. All oh. hell; «and. you nbonld find. with him. In Ink! up to} "pun. Ono-o! Anon whoa-u.) pun"- would to ad."- ublo Inpnouunl. The noulux bolwm tho OHM corner and tho Malt baud“; his bail raked uvonl Inches ”d "I. placed unfit-mu». Apia m, public watering fol-Nu Olson Bron. have opened u moo not. In the Alul building, formerly occu- pied by the fruit ”on. Fn-o u thoCougmnuonal church to- uigMâ€"Col. Holp'n akin-Mod locum. “Simon Says Thumb Up." The no“ ooonomlcnl “on to no for all kindl of luol la the volonno hot Nut hold by mm; lochol. I have money to loan on ml can“ seem-My, at. 6 per cent internal. D. 0. Graham. The Monarch manly-mud! punk In gum-unwed strictly pun. For n]. by Hughes Gallup. Fresh Baltimore oysters It John Hue market. Good, wholeeome meat! at lowest prices. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pops": convin- ces you of its merits the lint dose you take. C. S. Hughes 8: Co. huvo a new gon- oral ad this week. Ground food, chicken food. corn. out! etc., at Hughes Co's. 0". Family Safoty. No smoke; no more dlm chimneys. The heat. oil In town. only 140 par 5:]. At 0. S. Hughes Co.'x hardware 'store. 1.c.m,mmmum thvflhmm. I. “we omit-mum of km :ddpuplomjnmhh- w TMMWW‘ “a,“MOo-mmnli mung-mum null-om: hasn't bu may my.“ My ail-ammuni- mmmm,nmamon ill gin-own app“... I: n- denhnlu-y um- and m “tummy to: on poo- flown-phi..."me In. st Bah adamant-salon. an “munching-la.» MOIM‘IIEIMWM munmmmu khfllmm . g a. gr‘Di III. £I§i=3$io;fl ’Osg‘oloip‘lr Saga-.003.- 3.3103. loci-13:38:. Kigxngioql.‘ it: it: {gla‘lsinliii I... Ayatolltoli Alttgraigi in II- 3: r. if. Dialogâ€"orig.- D‘I‘Ei‘QFâ€"ui ittigprouldla. mubammuu'uoni unit-glooliall 0.3.3“ 0 0... not! 633. E. 10:03:08.3...‘93: 43"..32'00 II- .- l2: gout-gag. = no: E. is... .0 1: at. If «on? I... ’- lint-Io: it u Quin-clasp}!!! it; £§iil¢¢o3ii 353.36.}. a :8 last. .8... i!‘nl.t3§ito:§0 Elfi‘agtzuoi 8...... afoot.- .3: all It... 33.352333... ’f‘ Eras .mp1. m, {St-ii '- s . 91.8.3... I... at. {loo-u. iftoi tt‘l‘rffll , 33'... '01“ , «5.83!!! m ., lit-talitlcl’m relief-inn]!!! ‘ iiilalfl' . . .Ivagoo}? A . inn-g3... 1. . I: 6.33.; I “mm-om m tut-mm." 0.0“; um u'thHd-uthb In}. ”lam “In.” howled." no. amt-u, luv-hunched MM" muhhun .Iloutrlub «Doughnut-WWW“..- abandonâ€"0n. on“... one" “Eurythlng con. to hlm who Inna" u: oh! and popular “Non. It It, be, bin ”to union: quuuon In. "Row long an» on. rum" Than It. I [mt my poop]. hit-g "I. III- mm who-"yuan; {or III one» all“, In my their nah-captions. Tho publish.“ I". also Nam-a for pay. Now. thou-m both ”pun prom»: “on, Mun no my do. not up- mnuylun I. Mum-g wlod. ‘Aocodlu to mun-ha. “to up- “v- In «and... to .- “mun; but gnu-um“ fun In on. pup-man. Ion-how. Ind Ibo old mun-um tun-loo! “mam (vo- oothl..puant"nontofl moon-o Inch Ina-r. Mbuiul} thin. 01 Ibo you. bu tho 5'1qu 0! a now pondâ€"m 1m padâ€"tho my hat anal-flavor“ “War-om- IVIRV‘I‘HINO 00“ ll' YOU WAIT mm “midis“: ' Oman Mn moans up." swmnunfi 09min V. All: M Manl- ol‘ Donna Grow. will I" '- m‘lfll UNI“ if ' In" the opportunity 0! Marlo: Col. " W W “0m *4 P. E. Help of Ohloago (louver hls cola _. v. '- "il bum lockin- “filmon fiyl Thumbs wsm’mngm‘?“ J‘ I». : Up" lo-nlght It tin; Cour-gallon! my" . ’ chu'mh. Tun-om" willbofmtoov- Gun "and l «‘7' " cubody and all would call than-elves :zmozr‘x.‘ m; of the opportunity to hul- this noted "h“. (lull-chums a” 7 lootuur. The Ottawa Timon-Bank! on. 0' “l." vloflmi , v-- uyu: “Col. P. E. Holp ll ud bu bun considerable mom a?“ -- ,_ T for you: the most popular loot-u: ln ”fl“, ‘ not. 0‘ m “I. “v 1h. ml. Eh fAlmlgMy Doll-r.‘ 0n Doc-ml»: mo “0 “ ‘Bllnon 8.]. Thumb. Up' and othor Wm. L. E. Kotclmn'ol “I “i bright tople- havo has In favorably him nodlonl tho-lulu“. “1. fl mind and notleod u the work of nation [or than prof-uh“! 0* any putter-m orator now before the “1., Walla gallium ' public." 11.“ high-pried lecture, ow- to I“. . not. to, w ”-3.. I. = lax to the (onto-It, o! llr. A. R month-An “mm “I. “'0’ I“ Bnuorln wnlghl given {no to “no tad melatnoun , pooplu of lhll con-unlty. Cam. and Th. nob wu tur‘ud l. “ h bring dl your fflondltothlunntnol. “I“ ollloo sud WM, m Tho loctuu oomblnu qu. common ' mu ud oloqmnco and will up, I" mfitmm- “firm who “had. PM u the Oongrogl- ' lloud church knight-t. 8 o'clock. Duvlllo. b, m I 0‘ I’ II t ! Inc: â€"I.‘ mâ€"â€"AI_ ___., A, ”A .â€" mam-mm mum-n11 gauze-adam- b-ulh. Dart lov- haunt-90km” mommauohwudouuh patella. by “Illa. “I. th-shvuonhhwbh hound-would many-Ill _ ; skint-Adar.“ “Uh-lug, tuna-M mom-ho ; nulouuuhmlokdm I. no gall-cud “ml to 3 ”my. “I mi.“ *0 I automation-ha to: «Mom‘s-u; It. “a to tho W. - h3,â€"s'.j: A «- dqyu luau m ‘ fl «nu-um». you... I- 3 ml. «a mud about u ' may.“ mfip5; autumn-Inqui- Iufinhbunm clued-mun“... u an lot I... "no. It. ' Macadamia... “that...“ M‘ 9’0”“. Two men. and Dr.” J. I}, ‘ William 0. bowling. - -‘ . ' Green ledloel Dllpealery 0(5 .. ilevo been operetiog in the Nepen'lll‘e (or the put. ' while their when” no; ' one 0! their vioume m ._ r, considerable money “duh. -, . ' { peylng a. note of ”to one MI . , On December 80“). t” _‘ V ‘ With L. E. Ketchun ol “ Q ' ’him nedioel treatment. eeelh _A eretion [or their prolueionel f they succeeded“: getting It. ' ; iv "x toeigaeoote for .00 m ‘ nonthe, in which time the, ' ' teedtoefleoteoune. ‘ The notewee tar-die “ " ca‘o omoe,eud mm W theeeoretuyendtueeeretfl‘lg‘ . Denviile. by the Ilene o! III-k iey, who promptly inbuilt. , onthet hleeoteweeilm 5 ~ pone-ion. Bet Inhabi- . 1: receive thie letter. ‘ " Diamond” nettle-tom Kelohmnto her. “i“ the It“: ml.- ”A“

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