Downers Grove Reporter, 1 Feb 1900, p. 6

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Exam-05353541395535”; 3;! Gnomnuaonoauo‘ :qununa H. P, Courtrightéi Sons. Special.atter}tion given to Undertaking, Emhalming and Fu ncral Directing. An elegant new {uncml cat aml all equip ments. Calls promptly answered day or night. Tclephnne. Furnish rigs for Pleasure Driving, Balls. Parties. and Em lerrainmems, Closed Carriages and Carryall; (‘mml horses and careful drivers. Horses boarded Ivy ilu- day or month. ?\ Undertaking and Tin Shop luxl thun, In“: "'l”‘5‘|""' “ill: LHth and lwa Ion] ., .uul .A man that -. up In duh" All unr “nth 000ml“!!! Always on hand for; Bu! Cali-Mud (an Twang/ting ulPipo. the customer one» hears salesmen re "Ming Other Good: uy “In! as good :9 Hughes" but he never hears ughu‘ satesmen “y "hm as Good." '04 300/ 8!. (Quit, Corhr; lmlh high t lav. 'znmls. Guan Boiled and Raw Oils. Turpentine. Dryers, Flllcru Patty. Brushes, Points. etc. Grown! Ind, Ill; and Straw, Grain, Cir Heal, Sail, Pow/m S W p Sllel\\ixr\\'illimue. Prepared Pain!!! 0 O O outsth-znul in. \ spm‘iul pain! In work. No slap-dash misum- lm' all. Covers most, look: but no .! cconomical and full measure Livery and "Inland ave and Rogers Street. Funeral Directing. The Marseilles Manufacturing Co’s The Newton and Fish Wagons Feed Stable. White Leads and Oils. \\'iml Mills Stcrl um! “'00.! ‘\u«l Farm Trucks , Cit Heal, Salt. Poultry Fund a! all (ind: Guaranlud strictly plin- Every sun or overcast Brannon turn- out strengthens his ropuhtion for fur- nishing the but. HII price: are con- sishnt. with firm merit. The East Grovn Lndica' Aid society met at the hon. of In. Joe Work] Wednesday, January 84th, 1000. Thorn wu n good mundane. and much work wu accomplunca. The next Mn; will II. had “mm-nor In. ha. ‘Om'dldny, I'm. M, I”. The LaGnngo Inndolin club will give a musical. at the Baptist church Tuesday evening. February 6th. ‘ H. H. Tractho, who ha been loan- ing piano tuning under H. G. Hodkr, returned to Watcrtown, Win. , Int Tn.- day. Some of our young people “tended the C. E. convention, Q. division. in Chlo‘go, last Tam“ owning. Ilia! Aanls Cfiurchlll visited hero tho latter put of last week. Her homo I: now In Out Park. Miss Allie Stanley has been in Dunn the past week, the guest of her cousin, Mm A. 8. Cole. u A. Woodrufl and daughter Halon, of Joliet, Sundayed with Capt. and Mrs. Rogers. "i” Florence Bates burg Saturday. When 3 two weeks. quite in for a long waving. hank Bumhauad, of Chicago. was t visitor in Downers one day Inst week. Mrs. W. H, Barnum, rho has been J. Klein in uhi ppm; 1: Mg lot of hog. this week. George McNauxbl an in Pullman over Sunday. In. Wm. Sim-Ibo Ind non ar'e upon-iv lag the winter in Florida. Mn and Mrs. N. E. Stinger were Vis- itors at Nanci-villa Sand-y. lit. (i. 009, of North Dakota, visited at Captain Rogen‘ Int Satuniay. Hrs. Hattie Davis Mitchell “slid friends in flaiahurg our Sunday. Him Lou Shaky is visiting minim in Stockton, KM... for a few weeks. . V'nrnlnhes. (“jug ’au'nts. A paint 'for mmmmm m Try nm-u's {nary 200 .1an 00"“. The Baltic Invmly have moved Chicagn. it cach- kind 0! . Hun longest, co Bates went toGales- . when she will visit m WW time. is slowty Im- have moved ‘to Hood's PmoTrE‘m hm mun, mum-lie and liver modidne'. Rina I flu mum-w“. “In. for mlrnloul nuns. It 1mm any out» ulvo. lo- tion. ointment or Us: for Cub. Cor-I. Bums. floOk. Rams. Folomu, ” lcr. sun Rheum. Fun Suns. Chlmnd‘ Illmln, Run Eruptions: Int-INN. tot Pile, ('un mumnhod. Only? n It Built and Mmonson' I Drug Mun. TM SIIOI 0‘ llmnla Ram "an. In! the lawn! In "N.- Ivorl-l Immune the rum- in Hand's Sam-prin- In Wondcrtu! period. permanent. at _,, - mirth.“ ultimo whim“. ll. Im- bcon domommuul reputedly In wary unto tn the mum: and in nuoy fur-lg" vounlnn that Clmmborlnln'u Cough Round, in I rattan: pnvonta- (In and cure for wrong». It. has become "to unlvoml nmody for that alum. I. V. Hahn a! ”bony, W. V3,. only mu what nu Inca add Around the glob. uMn ho urn-n: "I luv. and (,‘tumborluln'n Cough [hand In my ‘ “In”, (or mural yum um nun” wlun port.“ name». \Vo boll-v. that N. In not mfly tho but rough nmmlv, but Hut It In a mm cm. for cmu . It hm mud tho livn at our rllll run I numb" of “mu " TM- r-mniy la for Inla by limb ”momma. its: an .mu u z? e! I 3 N- Don‘t yank-ovum." Cant alt-h which vol-t to m,m,u mic-M? nyumnlm-fihn lat nah holy. they In mmm.m mmmumm ullnolthvluuytotlm «IMO-can?” nu'cw-uuuyswrrs Am you Interested especially in hue- bnll. golf, billiards, drooling, bowling, prize lights. yaChtlog, bicycling or race track newt: Road the Time-dictum ‘and you will know more about. Hun ‘Ihinguvâ€"uny one of them and all of them-Alma your nelghbon will know If they happen to be unfoflun-u‘ nnough lo om". Nu reading 0! this grout. Chlrngo newspaper from tbolr duly plenum. Scott’s Emulsion exclude the air. A contemporary lug- gests that. lue newspaper must be those on which the subscription has been paid. otherwise dampness resulting from win! in “claw" may cause the fruit, to spoil. "or! chug. II no An exchange tells us thut the proper method to keep apples in winter In to wrap them in old newspapers so as to A meeting of the vice presidents of the DuPage CountyAgricutuI-al society will be held on Saturday, February ELM two o‘clock p. In. at the court house, Wheatou, to fix a. date for the 1900 (air, land to appoint superintend- ents of departments. Every ofllcorol’ the assovlalion should be present. Some nice prizes will be given away at. theilremen's murquernde dance on February 18th. A costumer will prob- ably be out from Chicago to furnish the dancers with elaborate and prize winning costumes. The event. will no doubt. exceed anything of the kind ever given in Downers. away. Mrs. Birdie Rose left last week for Atlanta, (1a.. when she will remain through Elm winner. Mm. Holden will make her home with her daughter. Mn. Calla Bush, while Mrs. Rose ls recommend Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep- sin too highly. It has been a grant honest to me. Very truly, Ray Buck- ley. For sale at Bush Slmonson'a. BUCKLZN'U ARNICA BALVE. For Bunâ€"Flu. lot on laplo avenue; 50. 75 or 100 {not In width to sun pur- chuer. Inquire of Goo. Butoman. the Populu Syrup (”taâ€"Gents: her? Dan’s-Winn raw? All do It.) I cannot ~ *w '2! ', I Glovu J:- : Underwear-«a mm; j '1? Shirts, Duck Coats. 1 L; For All Mankind." 3: Suspenders. Telephone 232. J.W. Nash. From 25 cents up. FURNISHI We have another lot of those popular suspen- ders which sold so we” last {all and which will not temain long at this season. '1 he price moves them. S. Hughes and Cd; wm occupy it with a a? Full Page Ad. xi For Men and Boys. In South um and: Hats We can wit you “T; a hat, whethu want style. 00 o; want style. co] quality or price.

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