Downers Grove Reporter, 1 Feb 1900, p. 7

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y e “ :nd introduced to the public ' u to 17. when n. in ex ' 'fi.‘ am"! of Northern and Tom tmwfllb onjlmd to in: the ‘ a . hiked otucw seaport of ‘ W Land Cu. 185 Madison St, mating an Nuflhern Manager, inflamed with lam-n: at Inquiry. Ihw ll. not Won. ’ A Mum! invalid called on a local W for an examination. The ”I! lad: m diagnosis and gave the u prescription. charging him Bonn tune Ward they met. h 00 stunt. “Wail," said the doctor, “in am! looking a hundred pet cent W. in: medicine, (ml: a little cupâ€"sin. was Just it“ you guided." “m." replied the ”mam. "alter l l’ ‘1-..“â€" ’3. yo; no is: dil’t mm: m us In! in?" 0-10, cm "W. tuna-W. My Hair to lune h. filled. I0 I v medlelnc,"-â€"Porflnud 0:; canâ€"“('- Ii. .u. ”â€"- ..â€"vâ€" 7,. , , "Colonel, the inwrview 1 week at Springfield is of infinite Importance to me. I will be perfectly trunk with you. I suppose you know the relation in which I stand to Mr. Harrlson'a family." A »- .,L.___ CHAPTER u. The young once:- seemed to laws expected this refusal. He advancatl a snap nearer and dropped the strictly ton-ml tone used hardware. ., -A lulu-v . ”The wealthy owner at the neighbor- ing plantation; our most hitter enemy. Yes. t have heard at It. It was and that you were engaged to his daugh- ter. and at the outbreak of the var nude 5 ucrlflce for your convictions." nrA~AA £CI. uuu u- wâ€"v -_~_VV, nude 9 sacrifice for your convictions." "I did not. make it; it was breed upon me. Mr. Harrison broke my en- gagement to his daughter. without. per- mitting me even an exphnnflon. The outbreak of hostilities prevented In! hastening to my fiancee. l was forced w- .. .._, to join my regiment. The letters I sent remained unanswerad. 1 do not even know whether they reached her Mada. For months I uttered the tor- uâ€"w tute- at uncertainty. This morning an accident revealed that. )liu Harmon. who, I supposed. had long aince fled to some place of safety, was sun In Springfield. it In the last. the only pos- sibility of obtaining any certainty. i beseech you to grant it." -_ ,_- The colonel“. eyes rested with evl- dent sympathy on the young man, who in tndeod his {warm}. And whose “Newsstand emotion showed how keenly ho wflcwl Iron 1th state 0! uncertainty; but he shook Mn bud. no: unhnllltod. inn um guarantee that "urban. um um hu occurml, will not not In you not!!! In once: u: “Even should 1 ml you the lave o! “and, Ind you "any the Dbunm m enemy'- ii mums. mt. b m laughterâ€"no nu annll .. out! and can?” "Everything I! podblo I- then “no. Surely you an: know his chlt- 1cm." L}; vim him." “We cm hove no; but I my; pet“ threats-s I.“ you no null W ‘3 . -‘_A -l] "We 'III now .u, .m- w." grave pet“ threatens you than: I! been 1mm Ala his twe- touch-conflict. magnum mud-alumni. Prof-bl!“ wink-anon. mun-mum . . . . tum-em!" us; W , “Mudflatmdmm. Ya: hue barely three hour: at W4." "A uncle one would mace to: the convention on which my viola {th‘ mWâ€"Imtmymwt" l “Bob-nun. With cation, It mwmuommm‘vmm MMWymmMny. lmmmmwm" “nu-«mu» m ,__‘_â€"A inu and deliver you A 1'31, J; the Blue and the Gray. DYE m I332: ”111mm by Ruben Boater‘- Sofi- YOUR WORD 0' Horton. by eight o’clock this evening, I shall believe that he I» either dead or dis- honored." . u ,k _AA mu; . “Believe the former! u I am alive at that. hour, I will be here." “Then xoâ€"on your word of honor." "On my word at honor." wmum saluted and left the room. The colonel sued after him a few secondl, then said in law (one: “Poor boy! X would :en tunes rather have sent him to meet the enemy than Into thla‘ temmauon." “VI-v. »-. William's eyes flashed. but they met his commanding omcer's gaze. stead- may. . .4 - __. All-«n CHAPTER lll. An Unexpected Visitor. It was the afternoon at the some day; The sun was iowar in the went, but the heat had not yet lessened. and all the blinds In the spacious mansion of Springfield were closed. The ex- tendve came had. as yet. been spared ‘ the demtation of war. It was in the‘ immediate vicinity of one of the Drill. cipal recruiting-stations in the South and owed it to this circumstance alone that, tor the present at least, it could Mord its tnmatoa absolute safety. A pleasant dusk tmn'aded the alt- ting-room, whose doors opened upon the wide terrace. The glaring sunlight Mn the garden outeide could not and His way into the apartment. whose doorways were protected by blinds and curtains; and a little fountain. whose Jet rose amid a circle oi tropical plants, dimmed lilo cool. glittering drops through the sultry atmosphere. A young girl of perhaps eighteen III in" reclining in n rocking-choir. flu little heed with It: wealth of dark hair nu flung wuriiy back. her eyes were cloned. and the long black luha (and n chow contrast to the pretty but was-hot puud me. Her thin whit. dual. which. though intended only (or hone-want. nu trimmed with ml lune, humans! with the wally furniture of the room. In (he dreamy twflght. the dulnty vhltmrobed lgurc was u alumnus a one at (he fragrant blossoms noddhg over Hm edge a! the tonntain. One of the am hauling into the In- terior of the bonus was willy opetmd. ‘ and an old negro appeared on me ? thmhold. . Noiaelesaly cloning It again, he cau- tiously unmatched his young minim, but she stated from her light. slumber and an erect. . _ - 4.. 14.;â€" nun u-I‘ ‘ ..... _ "What. u u, Ralph? Does my father run In?“ "No, ms. mate: a um “loom but Hr. fill-rim has come buck and uh it he an me man mom." "manta" The young bay has!- uted a mount. than. linking his her rm attitude, she can funny: "bet ‘ W 'Iumw; and directly on“. in you: an. ago-looting, but with W m mom. “no. is my nuclei" he {ltd “‘0'“ -A- I"- u: .... ___.,, 1’. "What I hand man the man outside did not «and very emanating. 1- ho tone?“ “1 far so." replied mot-em. toms. "H. In! n Md night. and m u:- cmua wann- In sun-mane. He fell. mu hour m, and I used thoop- Wt! to m a mu. rent." ; Mum Btu-rm: drew up a our {Inn an «ion. ‘ “menu In it 1 disturb you. I hue just come from me «my. ly mend, cumin Wilma. gum-3M m; and the 1nd“ of tho panels, with the other with”, will arrive at tho nmlnted use. All the maturation: are made. no that the wedding can take place this mtg." A .14.” fmmh‘l' ran through thO unu A slight tremor ran [nmugn mus 31m fume. and theta VII 0 {and m In her voice at Ihe asked: Want it be?" ‘1 wt to nu granted It. Bun» ,HMW.’ . (1.: ”IMMwmmmow 'uunmcum M ”nu or oelfmlom mum. weeks. Who! Is the use o! no: near huts! Why should the woddlns take place beslds my father’s stabbed?" “Because It ls your tntner’s Inst wlsh and will, as you know from his own . “9!» He wants to know that you will be sale and sheltered in a. husband's srms when danger “sails us. and he has my promise that I will protect you and Ms property to my last breath." “As soon as It becomes yoursâ€"l don't doubt it." Edward's brows contracted augrlly. ‘ A dark frown shadowod his face. “What does that mean. Florence? Do you doubt. my love? You know that lt ls bestowed on you alone, not. your estatea, which. In the storms at war, may be destroyed. like so many which have already been ruined. You must trust me. I shall certainly not soc-o rlflce you to any prlnclpls, as others have done." The allusion was distlnct enouyh. Florence's head dumped, but he: tone betrayed rising indlsnntlon, as she m- Killed: “Was I sacrificed? You say so, and so does my (other. but 1 have never heard it from Wlulsm's lips, and you were always hls enemy. I cannot un- derstand his giving up the struggle so quickly, not even making an attempt to change my New“, and sometimes I ‘W"‘ She did not finish the sentence, but her eyes, which tested with unmistak- able suspicion on her cousin‘s team-es. expressed the thought which she am n L .L H‘- .u‘.‘ an not utter in words. But there was no change in his countenance, and the an- swer mus equally unmoved and cold. “Surely. you read the letter in which he broke with your lather! Was not that plant enough? He knew the price that would enable him to masons you. ll. would have cost Mm only a. single word to call you his; yet, instead. he delivered a political leclure on manly honor. duty, conviction and the rent of the set phrases. Well. he tollowed hi- conviotion andwsat'e you up." The young girl’s pale lace began to aim. .nd her lips were ckneiy com- [HI-u. “u nu. "7- .7 pruned. This win the soul which bu! conquered her nuisance, rotted h" Into the net bond; It produced In er- !ect no'. \ "Ya. he an m up," Ila "vented, bitterly. “Well-1 have dun mm “9' m“ "AM who! you yu mu 0! an new! You have bean undid um no. 51mm. many undid. s an (and! to he” tron your up. that that cum nun hold the nut pines In your heart. an: only mun duly won you mount to my um. Bo u no! l mu ‘rmlun the rink. «on with this unlo- mt. I will capo with this "rug“! 01min, who doo- not know what kw. In, who has ncnr fell (In full win 0! guanine pan-Ion. For me, no pm I: too mm for lha M14! or poo- . . “nu...- .n â€"â€"Iâ€". , â€"_ that stood Nirvana us. wen It «on what I held highest: W I: you . .__.l you} love.” Then was rally 3 tom!) 01 nnulm 93-qu {a an words. nd tho ardent pm which nun! on the you; w: mod that Edi-Id Harmon was not mlu s new gun or munch. Moreno. unmmmgly In“ the band 50 mumdmnum mew-shalt- 11me under u. that] o! nun l-flln. who;no fund. for whom no vote. II her heart pus-dad. yet who «crud to almost amount-I power out her. A ' Comm. Workman roman; King hm. an nhl Ian-hunk o! northwestern Ingram. which in (a be converted into a miâ€" donce suburb of St. Jomflh. have un- earthed a prehistoric cemetery. The n...- ranâ€"‘u â€" r. _ running of a mm of dwaris, not allied with any tribe known to ham inhab- ited this territory, and unaccounted (m by indinn legendary. repose on the summit at King hill‘ A (saute re. markgbhz in its-nit and «specially marked in conneann with the dimâ€" ish remnants of prehistoric man loud in this summit is the discovery of A -‘ 7 -1 - human wines, evidently those of a giant, probably more than seven feet all and bi; boned. 10', flat mas. with small Intelligence and maker! “In! nmmsillea. (mamas-nod up ;l€h emu Intelligence and manta ulna! propensities, (manna-had this Heavy 5n: and strung, ven- ‘uw .. V .â€" but “made. Btu-tells“, unusual 3:11;, 7.017111” in the comâ€" mm mm of tad". the planning -, 7 4-1.4 (- g melon- nâ€"uw- vâ€" _, of children. were 6%“ “ mvn~cmmo RM mu- m. (can: [an out. “Whenever she aka no to do m- thing," 90“!qu Ur. leeks, pan- flvdy, "I 11‘!!! go and do‘it. uh n tool.” "Yes." sum fin. Hacker, who m- penod along in time an mama“ bun. “whenever I ask you to do anything .. “L, A . ‘ ..# wucnuvm . w"- -~â€" you alwsn so and do fit Ii chlclgo Tribune. he a fool."- In" What In Wnncod. Gunnerâ€""I have here n wontâ€"J lhsm o! the Houseâ€""l can't read." Gunner-"But your children-w" later of then Houseâ€"“‘1 have no ch11. than (Maugham), nothing buc a can“ Gunnerâ€""Well, you mm mm to throw at ti: on ”. H0 ell» uanun-u. ..-_,, - mm m um" at “u “L". H. From the Chicago News: Wee...â€" took the book. "I umund your MD! has been very sick In me want out?" no“... In mu mm. on. mm mm n O up. mud not. HI: hum: ll all Wen-mum Inmmnunn'rnmdunm-t x can 1-1 win 1°“ (To be continuum) 1â€" {Jun} datum Ill ‘.~ you and "u”; : seven mne- Inner “aw” You VIII not tree-1 mulls- ” “W m' wlnlc I h “a be unrivaled with I on the moon, usd with norm some! roam SW 1 The ground is hidden benuth 0 mass of jungle grass, swan! (rm and terngli bowed under a weight 0! mois- ture. nod this forest is droory. damp and cold. any: the Nations! Review. It is h-iiiy country,and you hear the notes or the dinerent birds echoing and de- ceiving you. They are all high. piping sounds, save now and then when a thud~tnud like a thunderbolt seem: to strike the earth. it is u frightened wai-l lam or wuunipy, who is leaning, paus- ing to listen, and leaning on again over the green coating of the earth. Now you have a lyre bird batora you. Doubtioss he is not more than twenty :ym‘dfl ahead, (or him sound seems to rise under cover 0! your gun. which. with very nervous hands, you are hold- ing before you. But that Mrd is 3‘ ma- caiiy ventriioquist. knowing how to pitch his voice and send it in any - uA :. «hurl-aw flow ll. our Inn-u in. other luau un- vv.-- -_- , direction. Never mindâ€"«he is singing. move on toward him. Take head of your surroundings and co the weight of your lootlnli. Should you tall tool a! some rambling vine or put down your foot too quickly. the lyre hlrd will gather up his music Ind hls tall and you will hour him no more. You must stand still as death, and wait. it needs be, half an hour tor his second performance. When he is well on with it you may go on, too, lot his own ex- citement. and the sound of his own voice will kill out all other sounds. and he will not hear you stealing on him. He is disporting himseli on a mound of vegetable mold mm or six tent in diameter. which he has earthen up. Around him are long grussea and terns. through which he has made holee into which he can dart. at will to elude his enemies. Above is one cleer branch on to which he will leap when lnatinct tells him he is safe from horn. Here he will pemh nud plume himself previous to winging his flight to some other play or feeding ground. By “aiding every obstacle and pansâ€" in‘ breathieuly i. never the hush einger lovers his note you have mun- ued to nteoi almost upon him. There! to. hi: mutual all. having peacock. lilo out not men of nodding [rm :5 its owner eourtenlee to the ground and cluture and cell- nnd nhrloka u it he vere “uremia; e multitude on the ground before him. lie in only imitat- in I tribe or him! cocimtoo- (you would near there were It lent (arty roicce to charm). Sow he la nullnx half A clown boilhinie. and the nut ireunl there in n long-drown «muck- ing wund which you may put down u "11- nude or n [ailing bunch,“ the «nil of the "whlpwruker" u tru- number). i l i GENERATION 0' DOLLS. my“ mu- only on“ n In! In Japan. The» noel important Intlnl of tho year in “I. murmur of the homes. mull glrl in known :5 the "doll': lrui." an iho Bunion Herald. It my in n nnrprine in young Americans In know um Japanese children may , not play niih all lhnlr (on n I“ “IBM. Indeed. in HM old fnmlliou than an fnlnillon of dolls. handilnry pon- noulonn Illch are kept. in the m.- urool lnclouro imonn an the noâ€"down, 1 II the ml at the Jayne-a dwelling. ‘ In the xii-dawn are stored the (anally inn-um. Anything too vnlunhla (oi rlnl the chances of are. Family dolls (om pan 0! the collation. Dnllles lhnt once belonged to moth". aunt. grind- mother or even (rpnbmndmmhu are nnwlu-d (rum the goâ€"dnwn year ‘ um year on the dolls' festival. to be ready {or the girls’ (am. it in any to ‘ under-land Ihy dolls last (ram 593- ‘ emlion to pnnrniion in Japan. If they are only played with once a year the danger oi hrnnknxa in lossened to the minimum. Thvse dolls are an oh- )oct lesson in cminme. and so dressed vlih striri mgard to historical acm- ruy. The emperor and empress.prlme mlninint. cabinet ofllrer. dancers, sol- diers dalmio (or none). swank, nlnin citizens and even I relgncrn an careâ€" fully dragged in appropriate costume. The dnlmo doll in siiflly armed. in black hair is arranged under I conical can lied under its chin. Blch brocade. sun with silver and gold lhrrad lam part of the splendid costume. Grant pnlnn nrn expended in linking the dolls’ {entirnl a success. nu- !- nn Act-l all-Ito. 8“ than An other lncll Won.- “ you m not satisfied with this nappy weather just. pocket your planet. You an choose from the fol- mm kinds a! wanker: You wlll b0 notched on lemry by s burning sun seven tune- mm nun the tropwu. v.- ‘m not men an Neptune. with You will not heels on Neptune. mm ’00 “met our wlntefl cold. You wlll be I’ll-lulled with «ensuing drought on the m, end drenched. perm”. will: norm somethlng like our own on lam You would Ind on Jupiter a searching nail and terrific storms of melding runâ€"- raln pet-hops ol llquld mettle Instead of water. Nowhere would you and green hllls. It you wanted holly you would have to put up wlnl retl leaves! an Juplter the shrink- ing that melee mouthing and valleys In: herdly commenced. and you would and «st hot level plums and sending lame and seen. On Mars. It you weigh on earn: 140 pounds. you would welsh only 70. and could sklp lightly and merrily on its surface; on Jupiter your weight would have met-eased to 350 pounds, and on the can your legl would be crushed under your own welsh: ol lwn tons. ‘~ THE LVRE BIRD. p}.- Ina co Wot-o. pow'r KICK- m: IS A ROTHSGHILD- SON OF .“ and Bolt 0! the [flat at to um- I rm. '- ”(I-ml Nptnnflu And "In: 1 h Banal-cw: cu Balance- What John Jacob Astor was to the American side 0! the late wnr with Spain. Liunei Walter Rothschild l! ambitious 01 becoming to the British side or the war in South Attica. V133 the millionaire in battle. You!!! Rothschild is the son and hair at lbs first Baron Rothschiid. and la member or parliament tor the minivan di- vision at Buckinghamshire. He was born in 1868, and was educated at. "I0 University of Bonn and‘ Magdalena college. Cambridge. He is (mucus in LIONEL ROTHSOHILD. I naturallst. and [maps the finest existing prn‘ale roileflion of zoolog- Imi aim-churns. Hls museum 1: 1mâ€" uuml at 'l‘rinx park, Mu residence In llvrtfurdahlru. Mr. Roma-hints wealth ls enormous. 0n bin usemmc museum ulnm- he :wuuh not 105» than $100,000 annually. Ills tmmvnuo human can ables him In 1n- 1: most gong-roux beneâ€" {au-lur to his luvorlle science. INS , A , __.._..nv mun-any. ablrrs him In be in most gong-mu» beneâ€" {actor to m» (uvorlle Idem-0.1“! gm: to llw natural hhuory dannmenv. o! the lirmnh museum have been un- __.n. “a. | or the "rum: museum have been «flunk-d. lh- hut {mummy pure!) wn' valuable voila-(Iona Inc] has wnlud (ht-m In (In: undo-ml mm In unlrr to prevent them from in; (in-ml Brit-In. “Nu Hum-I- Ivy-u- Dh- pow-â€" PturIIr-l MI- I)! all [In- nu-umpluhmrnl- "0de In Inu- llmm'r. probably war- flu but o! nuI'h [Imdlrul lat-null u that a! A number at hlrulu M the ”ma! "am" Muml W‘mnurum lxrm'y. n7- Fur- uI and turn-m. 'l‘hru erratum I" Ir-Mmul to carry manta Io and from IN (mm lI-rrIc-r mum! and Aunt» Lmd. Nu! Zulau-l. um! um Irma mu "pond"! no much um II bu now bnwvme n wry lmwrhlfl mean: of III- Irrumnw lwwoon Ibo Inhaluums 0: lb» Ialnml and Inolc luv-lulu and hunk nus» mumvgnnns In Ihr clu. AI Iho Hum o! Ilw "rwk «I "on “an" ‘ Walrnupa on :Iw Grant lmtrlrr Island. 1 II I)! Inm- day‘a III-(ow an" n! In- mmnmr rurrml nu- mplul and NH! fan gave rlso In ma plgmngr-n nyl- ilfim. Al firm but a In: lvlrdu «no Ivulahlc far "In pwrptm. hm In It". I“?! Iho lmrrasln: pnpulnlnm on um Island. ll um- lonml mx-rgury m ro- entntrr In» loallwrwl army. MM II the ' prawn! Iima lnrg» nnmlwnl ol mes- sagu Irv ohm; um from (no, Inland In tho molmpolls and Vi" VH’I‘I, fly INA mum. In "In flnl plan, 2; per rum" was rImrgc-a from u" lslsnd lo Inc 1113' and whrn .1 team at birds hml hem Iralmwl In n; (m Auckland lo Ihe Island. mmsagcs were an“ in I "N. "I In. and llu- W395 to ma our Vern redmpd la id. each. 'l’lm rum 0! Inc exln expense lrom Auck- - land to (he Island Is (he dimcully ex- ‘ perlemrod In yum; birds to leave I!“ . M0] on [ht-Ir journey across the In". “‘10 museum for the Island are amt ‘ from Ille- rlly anvr lo a. m.. as the la- _ lmul ls often ennloped in a log all!!! - that hour. 8mm! Idea of the diagram 1 um «mm lhe blrda deliver men - t4..- AL- M Iran-u. u. "u ..-. inmi to the Island is the dillicuity ex- perlemrd in gutting birds to leave the city on their jammy across the vain. No messages for the island are sent from the- rity :iivr to n. m.. as the is- V lnmi is ofttn onnioped in n log alter ‘ that. hour. Slime idea 0! the dispatch with whit-h tire birds deiiver their messages may DP gained from the (not that they average ihmi weather and head winds uleu into consideration) from sixty-tire to seventy minutes. which Joni-nay in about tiny-sent miles. on bird will carry u may as tour messages at a time. The lies- has” Ire 'rittea on than pa- per tuuarto_size) with carbon not. the tissue paper being perforated down etch side, and on being tallied in genial with the [”320an stamp. which secures the minty ot the message. The W are thou wrapped round the pigeon} leg 1nd covered with a waterâ€"proof legging. This protects it 1mm we: in use of bad weatheri or from the bird pecking a- ‘w on. mac. (Dill!!! ll um“. â€"...‘. .fi _ 7 stamp. which secures the privacy or the message. The W are then wrapped round the pigeon} leg 1nd corered with a waterâ€"proof legging. This pmtecta it 1mm wet in one or had weather, or from the bird pecking it on during transit. To open the mes‘ sage the receiver cuts through the per- foration. There are just 100 bird: en- used in the sewn-e. At hath termini the usual trap for homer: is used. on entering which the tires in“ back and strike un alarm This notifies an at- tendant.. who removes the messages. and the bird is permitted to enter the main loft. "flyâ€"#â€" nrmehn Ind [moments In Canning. i A bulky hmncho tried to dispute me right of way on the Santa Fe tracks with a locomotive or rather with two locomotives, for there were two oi them coming into tnwn together from Palmer Lake. The broncho had crossed the track, hm. considering the rnllroad more to his liking returned to the track and tqok up a position heâ€" tWeen the rails. This position was as- sauuad or the two locomotives, hut . the broncho bravely stuck to his post until it was too lute to retreat. He was knocked out or this world in “out ' ‘ fl“ _,_.-_. but a 1m. -Colondo Brim AUSTRALIAN PCOEON POST. FAMOUS BANKER HELP BRITAIN- :hamshlre. He was was educated at. the In and‘ Magdalene c. He is (amous a: lnqucutly pure bu-ml at “so It... myâ€"u. II n has 9'" muwnm ma Inn

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