“a“ .- 'oulll't Lu. 1,).4-‘un. Bthel " It?" in 5 you k as: mum He. even 00 n ‘ an. “but I just could- W anon. : purer!» n on! (met who was In the habit at ï¬lm I“! was set before him. its no questions, dropped into a at. for diam. The walm gave Mm an at: '8 m lid of dishes mod for dinner a h. The old gentleman began at ‘ I. o! the hill of bro and (â€dad a; that in can until he had cov- “ M one-mm of n. Then In an I. "tar and, conï¬dentmlt the space- an the an! _ a: ï¬nger said: "Look ' two: from m: to am. Cu! 1 manna-r Ind eat on to 17" F V . Th: she of the any will be 1am to «me. n um pm. is man. 8. and at those only 3.000 'm be Gen. Wood's plan for A genenl no «can at the number 0! Ameflmn WI Cub. vm be generally com- ma). It noun be especial†popuâ€" lar with the Cuban menacing. for h contemplates replacing many of the bum“ mum-n with natives of the MIC"! . 80".. 'Im 0.. Pk! Janina". vile. It In «M. m her tau-band everywhm .i mu a! carrying Mm food vb"- miomy h. luau“: (our that. â€activate“ In the "yo! In. Pin meertnnhomrriesn cinch to the (cum! and “he: I turn. "my. .1 : gn- while be In am- I... Ema-mum Dutch gen. our: eon-mm: In In nurh oxaollent “I the British VIII have dlflculty II roach!" Pretoria. ans-2318mm in mm mu. Ida'- Allan nun, in «Ger an n ï¬ll lot mph bat-om I unmet to 00 hum: of no "wk my. v- wu- -v. ..V- ban the tltle of "the angel of Montank." Congress may be re~ lied upon, now that the question In More It, to do the proper flung in the premises; and. whether it de- termine. to express Its appreciation or III: Gould‘s patrlotlsm and unselï¬sh devotion by : vote .01 thanks or by a. mum medal. the American people will heartily lndorse 1t. There is not!» he too good for Helen Gould, one 0: America‘s brave women. ammu "I PLAGUE. Tho homing at the Chlnm quarter at Honolulu lo my out tho bubonln M II. n ammo hm probably atâ€" Mn wan. And no loul un- m ud maul public wand no". mum ml In providing “Mmudtlonvlom (Mute- ty at no my no. It accessory than u “the at am Iona. can (In an.» Inter Oct-n. It In hoped um Mull win on m M an (In hurled Wu-u ---<~ r~ ,, . I mat“ on com "um uny British tote. in lost In battle nlnco All-urn in Ill]. lawn have proved to be non tomldwlo than bayonet-{ind M Ind mom human“: than cold "I. An" (MI upon-In lac-on pol- dhly 0m, Balm um count to Gum'- J A-“Ln \ooooooooooococoons-colon! oosomm- AND Inss aouw Helen Gould is the Florenue Nuhtv tussle or the Spanish-American war. That her services were not so long In ‘urluau and did not. Involve as much venom] sacriï¬ce as (hose or the noble Entilshwoman was due to the shorter duration of the war and the tar more limited ï¬eld for benevoknt effort. Her patriotic devotion to the care of the dck Ioldieru brought back to New York from the troplcnl malaria 01 Cuba won for her from Uncle Sam's “v"-.. Henry C. Caldwell 0! Arkansas. who is being prominently menlionrd in con- nectlon with second place on the demo- muc ticket, at d the old lo; schoolhouse 111 V n nuren county. Wis- cousin, In which Han. E. 0. sun-rd, u-lmcenwt-govcrnor of the auto, lama! his A B C's. Mr. 513mm! ls bells talked of as Mr. MrKlnley'l panâ€" llblo running-male. Thus two were not IAIONm m IAIYSIII. One of the cardinal belle!- vlth which Eulnd nu ted Into tho Tran» VIII m In that the Boer. would not chad tho bayonet. That balm coat 0. 8111!“ {0 per «m a! (halt at» mm {om ll 89km log. aid to b. ..,.“‘L _v., _, â€Mirth-l tine human! I- of doubt- ful mum In IIP'IDd mu m: II a. mm; mm In (no mm o! Nam. It 1‘ within the range 01 possibilities am the two principal vice-presidential alumina: thin year will remember «ch otï¬ar as old who-flmales. Judge only ottoman. but ware strongly attuned to each other, and tor years rm cullod chums. wagon-oooooaouatooooom‘ CURRENT TOPICS "LEAR†AND CALDWELL. â€munwmum V. wool" CUBA! PLA.‘ W lath-My I. Dad. George Manner. who was taund unmuoctom tn the bathroom or Ms Apartment: at Grand Raptdy. mm. on flan-lay with his brother deal! In a bathtub of hot water. died Wednes- day. An examinatmn of Max body slam I heavy hmhto in tho small at Ma back two large humon- on the to; and another hush-t an his {001.How these injuries wens received deepen: the mystet'y as no evidence: at the strngxte were tound in the apartments occupted by the brothers. and there na-hothlnk In the hot bathroom to range the bums. A theory has been advanced of murder and suicide. but as yet nothing has peen discovered substantiate it. Echo I'm-tun Home III-II. rm destroyed the Echo Mountain house on Mount Love near Ins Ange- Res (3a).. Hindu. There were lanyâ€" ï¬ve guests, all of whom escaped unin- jured, and n muoflty were :ble to save most of their elects. The loss in estiâ€" mated nt $100,000, and there was but m Aug-1m e: um I. zen-bu been acquitted of the chars. 0! aluminum; l. Judet. the mutual! director of the Petit Journal .-J-A $900 Insurance. 561nm Some time ago )1. Jude: published letters reflecting on 2013- mher, and the mm published an at- u was annoyed during the six hum: of the mflaxraï¬on. For a whim flu» business serum! of the an «n throu- rnod sad me «(In force at the ï¬n! department was pressed into non-Ire for flu- ï¬rst â€me In the history 0! the city, In "(Ming Nu- flamn om man was killed. one fatally Injured and night 00mm seriously hum. an on him. nm Man. I. 9!. Inch. Fm- gutted (nut MIAMI-u Mntks In the not": end of the rpm" hushmu sen-Non 0! 80. 1mm Sunday mgm. The mien" n! the Mamet-n large ra- lall nubihflumrnu were destroyed and fully Mum» (Mm stores were more or lr-sn nrimmly damapd by ï¬re or ma- "‘1‘. It is oonmvatlvely 9leth that u lent â€sum war": of proper- Commandant Alhmm annulu- that the no" artillery has fund. In? I long way. to whine the num- unor- nlly "mud. "n my- "Iry and W!) sin-m “ (he mm» a! Comm. and M In doubtful If no mm wpn Injured "7 than. Thu rlnrmrn in IN! minuln Ir- mnmnl for mom mm: than dld the nth mlny In (m noun. Ilinnuor- Ln- llcqulring BAH-bare to Tulle “at I Lie-nun ll Gut-Inad- The ï¬ght over the Minnesota barber law, requiring all barbers in that state to have licenses. which has been bitter- 1)' Waxed [or two years. ended la the Minnesota Supreme court Monday In a victory for the law. George A. Zane 0! Minneapolis refused to take out a li- cense. was arrested. and his case car- ried to the highest court. Justine Brown decided that the law is a pro- tection from disease so easily spread by unclean burbem. and the requireâ€" ments of the law in this regard are not unreawuable. it is held that the pub- lic is interested in the mnintvnance oi cleanly barber shops, where the pat- rons are sale from disease, and there is just an nnu-h necessity for this law as there is for those regulating tin- prar-tlce of dentistry. lav, medicine or plumbing. VENEZUELA Is Tiiioun. In!- an amm- «hub. (‘ommnndnnt “but!“ of Um Boer army nu mum: to a tripod u Mamie- hur‘ crllrlnlnx [lion-It": book. wlln I‘hlrh In ill-unor- nnrdln‘ Ina dona- lr ram 0! moth-n: nrllllrry. Ila nay»- “Iny helm-n ymtcnlny w» hullrrml Bull" and wort-My ï¬rm a nlnxln am". What an arm»: mus In no! worn-y the name of "Man. om of 100 mm; llml by the mm» mu Ion "Mom-11. Thno "can mnft‘ uproar Hum dum- no." larauukn‘ unou A letter from Caravns. Venezuela. My: that. after nearly a year oi cou< iinuuua revolution. the country in once more tranquil. The revolt. led by (Jon. Jon Manual Hernandez has been mp- pmsfll. and the inll'r hun fled to Co~ lombln. where he will probably re- IIIIIII an exile. President. (lion-Inna Cuim is prrparing I pmiumatlon at 9"". which hr inn-min to iune about Ftb. i. All hm. [hm political pris- oners have been rnle'mwd. Enusm m ammo mm. mm: Bur h Bum Illu- A dispatch to the Standard from Mao and says HIM. I dlumcelul scene oc- curred in the hull rln there ilunduy‘. Twelve thousand spec tors witnessed j a struggle between a smull manner and an old lioness, a large bear and a. powerful bull. The hull soon terrlbly gored the panther and lioness. The . bear gave the bull more trouble. 1: re- - celved terrible tusslugs and a number 1 01' had wounds. from which the blood ' flowed freely, before It gave In. The epecmtors were so enthusiastic over the bull's vlt-tory that they scarcely noticed the reports or a gun ï¬red by a keeper, to gnarl the beasts when at. ‘ ï¬rst they did not show tight. Twenty persons in one at the gullerles were seriously wounded by slugs. One last both eyes. and another one eye. The keeper was arrested. The three gored animals dled only auer many hours or suflerlng. i an“ nun-a - rimtmr. a warn. and 3mm TEGAL mm ENDS. mn- un- Sunni-Cd to W from _ Gen. Lord Roberts, a few days ago. Informed the military mthoflflea at Preterm that Commndant Pram-inn of the Tnnnut army had been wounded mm m I primer in the hum]: of the British, um tint one of his Ion Ind ham unwanted. He add- dlmufldnotmmmmso but. u claw. Ind asked when he would and III. A_ rely ha been . . M tutu w Morn to an to W flat, than It can u! The (rind. of )Ir. l‘mcbol will unto every elon to 03pm" Mn nllyl‘f. â€one, will in mind by than um I lemurs "can! olemd for the arm: nd conviction 0! the man. if the month; was m mull of I mnnplrn- c], as they conlend. It is roman-la in new the fact: will come out. They p on the principle that one man can keep a me. but several no not. They predict that heron the mailer is net- tled mere will be urns! "rats. and the names of seven! high oflcials Ire mentioned in this connection. Ian-l not for nun-y. Ir. (higher. lmm-Il will be held Thursday from one of the church" in Franklort. Tho "mains wlil be de- posited in a null. (or natural months. and (ht-n interred in a lo: among Ken. STATE TROOPS GUARDING THE BUILï¬lNG TO PREVEXT 318811330 0!“ LEGISLATORS. A noun In In cirrulauon (om-M that art-In of the morr Hulom memo"! 0! (ho Contact Intros arr ll-nonod It convenient point: around an united ground. [or [he Minx-n of Imflflflll- In; Our. Taylor an mm In M venmm from Mn plum o! "Huston tn the ex- muu bunMnu. Mr. Taylor in «port- In; “MI. and In M- mm'rmr-nln (very precaution um ha uh". Tim-Its have the Man made Inlnu Adek-n. Cou- nr and Wary-Else: Sunburn. Gov. Tnyor In bellowed to be In dug-r. and It may he amoral any: bum no "alum out of (he 91N‘IIHVG building. “on. '09 Ana-uh. Franktort, K52, tei.: The death of Gov. Goebel Saturday night, though not unexpected, came as a shock to friends and toes alike. and has greatly added to the difï¬culties or the situa- tion. Much wild talk is being indulged in by the bitter partisans at both sides, and many threats of reprints and counter reprlsals are being made. Lieut.-Gov. Beckman. who was sum- moned and sworn in as governor to sucreed Mr. Goehel {More the latter's death was made public Saturday night, is credited with being firm and cool- headed. and is said to have the au- herente of his party to the controversy well in hand. His ï¬l‘ï¬l afllciai act was the issuing or an prwlamatlon appoint- ing Gen. Castieman to the command at the state militia. and ordering all armed men. including those militiamen loyal to Gov. Taylor's cause to lay down their Irma and disperse to their homes. By this act be virtually deâ€" clares all men found bearing arms. ex- cept under the command of Gen. Casâ€" "emu. outlaws. um I: the tour“ an with him and will be warm; Mm in the prosecution of (be men so captured b! the hundndn of common appointod ll! Ml mm". marshal. ha In tn ‘ pann- unn lo Imu- Ill Important adv-nume- fly!" cun- nun-rd. Gov. Taylor um n-mum- um! up In the "can!" one" In the null,- bmmu under I navy guard 01 mllum. DEATH OF SENATOR GOEBBL It Has Resulted in New Complications at Kentucky’s Capital: IlllJTlA COMPANY WITH GA'I‘LINU (H'N READY FOR AFTION. I DOWNEBB GROVE L .>Â¥UD.â€".2uv~ .FKOnâ€"lZ‘GE t...‘.F_nâ€"<U HP<P¢ .PKOhvâ€"Z<¢u .P< UMDOI .FflDOO â€1h. mum Imam Danâ€!- The scale committee of the operator: and miner: held a long session Wednesday, adjournlng without an- nmmclng what had been accomplished. it 15 understood the operators 1711'! re- linquish the posltlon that the mic must be made on the more! screen hull, just us the miners lute named to nï¬ndon the mot-thawing bash for Ohio and Indian mm mm. will how out. however. and a Would not be mm If m m of I eta-1N can remind 130 In an mo. nan-Inn- run I. mk- Cinrinnafl. Ohio. “Ingram: Thirty tum dem'mti. mamhors of ma Km- tucky 'Pflslnluro. Includinu eight nea- ators. arm-«d hp" Sun†night, pr» annalny to avoid arrest Ivy ma repub- Hnn wrxoanmoM-Irms at the! Km- mrlty [moral asaomlrly. It Is said «My (our drmmnuc sol-mum! and an rwmntamâ€"ps ten In" at l-‘runflmt â€u numlwr mmvient to convene the loutulllo. Ky†«L: The renal). “an manna-r» or Ilu- gran-l “notably arrived Im-r aundny tum-moon and hrld ronrvrwnx u with nâ€"(lmx tummy and HM min-r Mummy: for tho rrpuh- urnns In 1hr o‘lovllnn mmnt. MI 0! “If lfllflmlrr‘ M: Ln latc- trains [or landnn. mu. m ‘- hm: poim 0m. Tay- lor nunnmrd m xohfl'll mum-2y. m men Tun-dun Acmmpnmul the“ m-rv "\I-rll mum-raw: members. who uiocbnrul (hm (hr-y ma M are to sub- Jofl (ht-Inuit“ tn nrmr. )lr. anthnm. vhr dommmur gm- 9mm. and an hzs Indus. Arr also Mn. Inning romo {mm )‘nnklofl Bundny awning and il In mid npml Mgh nmhmm' um my: [mama Io try to nubn-h their Mate government hm. whore the)“ will hate u least no» "re protection. l'gislnture than. tucky‘s disiinguislv'd dead at the slate cemetery horn. ~Il has been decided to take the body to Covington, Mr. Goe‘ bei's home. Monday evening on a spe- cial train. The body will them He in state at Odd Feiiows' hall Tuesday. it will be brought back here early Wednesday morning and lie in state in the bail mom 0! (ha Capitol hotel until 10 o‘clock at night. cured enough mm lo Iorm 1 battalion at (Manny. whtrh would report at cum to (‘nL (‘. f" "Inï¬ll. vommndnnt of tho Loumlllc loulon. or the PI!“ Komurky raglan-m. now on duty at Pnnkwrt. “Mn mam] where he would 3v! arm.- and ammunition. (‘u-n. Cum-mun nuzzuufly rt-mnrhed. "W. already haw- Ihvm Mon-«l burly." The funeral services will be held at noon Thursday. ln necomlance with Mr. Guebel's wishes, the sorvlces will be simple. Ministers of several de- nominations wlll take part. Commltâ€" tees of democratic members of tho house and swnatc will accompany the remalns to Covlngton and back again. c-ouamno'u I'onluou lo Donut. There is some doubt as to whether Gen. Castleman has necepted or de- cllned the ofï¬ce of ndjutant-genernl. It ls known. however. that he or some one else has been enllstlng men (or the democratic state guard. Gm. Castle- man admllted Sunday nlght he had se- Alto-pt lrlluli (IAKII l" I'ESIIKID. I. Anon Legion-mu I.) I0- ault In â€M.“ At A meeting of the Chrcngo new; mac â€location resolutions war. outed cum; on conxren for the re- N d! the u: 0!) medium m“. (sum. Thommunmm To roe-I Ammflellk cm; An appendicitis club is being organ- ized in Cleveland. Ohio. Only those who have suffered tram appendicitis and have a_surgeon's certiï¬cate to show that they hue undergone an op- eration are eligible to membership. Dr. can» seem-u In". Dr. J. C. Castro, charged with arm at Terre Haute, mm. succeeded in get- “ng out of 12-." late Wednesday even in; on 36,000 bail, furnished by “up lives. Hwy. rat. I. t‘lvlmborlln nmkr tn Pam-mm 01% Plano; war ls just and death; that the pantry ls In dang". although all. nation ls sorlons. Illllnn In reply out war was unmnmkpdlâ€" The Tlmn any: mmm of BIIHPV'.‘ rrmslnx Tnnln "dn mt â€om nlmgothn turntable. and have hat I: yet Mn mpmrlml by any nun thmltatlvv wwldonmfâ€"Atlon. Pmnrll "M ovarwlwlmlng Infantry form to son! Norml‘s Pout and prrvem n pov- slme retrml. nt‘ Burrs. l'nrls row": that. far will demand artnltratlml.w sums of [ndla may for Hrltlnh we: ms.-«â€"Detalls ot "atarrr's Slammer: «emitâ€"4km. Wmlzato‘s rnmlitlon t‘rflit-OL Swazls wlll roslsl nmr lnva- slob. In. de Luna! I'M-m. le nary «kmrlmr-m has Iren nou- flod by (‘3le that m» gunhnat Leia dc Luzon has bran Manon in commhmon at Hongkong. This ‘9 mm M uw Spam In!) shim sunk by Dewey. SM has been practically "bum at Honxkong. The "an de (â€aha and Don Juan d» Austria will soon he [flared In commission at Hongkong The Isla de Luzon ml) 30 to the. Phillpphm. num- sac-r 'rroura mace. Arbuclflc Bros. have advanced their prices of sugar to mrroapond with the American Sugar Raining company, and have shopped selling at the old wives. WW IN 80““! MRIGI. Friday. Fah- 9:. Gen, KIn-Iu-m-r'n rigid renwrshlp l'lmlillnom’ to lump (in-at BrIIInn In the dark rt-gnrding mIIItnry operauonn In South Afrira. ('onso'quenfly the pub- lic h; (ml Mlh ruumra. among which aw: Roquvat by [AH'II Roberta {or 90.- 000 aIIdIIIunul (room. mm. Ulllk‘l’ "sum arm“ the ‘l‘uxvlu and In mule. (‘npums by (It-u. From-h or so» Hoar: at .omt- unnamed palm. (:«u. 'I‘urker. In r-unmmnd o! thw Klmlwrlwy MI"! (on-0‘ rnprrmilng )Iovhuhn. Should the ropum-d demand Im- 90900 more mm b» mum-mud It I: wk! eunuch» Hull ma) Iw Inc-cusmy. l-‘mtu umrcn- cu Mumm-u ('(Iluwl n damn-II shuwlng (‘01. Humor In» in Ham-mun. Jun. :06. (him m-nmlnaly «prcmtng n! ma rumm- II-ul IIo- Imu n-IImw-nl Matvklnp. hunt-y and fluidly. ’35 0-3. l'nofl'll had upon» "I" Iluller rrmsm Tum-In almu- 'I‘rIthuul'n arm. man-h- um Iomml Anton â€umv‘ll. from I'Mrh man! In uw-r nm-n numlry In â€my mum. mIIIr may ha In program Drnmu‘ nun ram rum-In! mm! WhIIo 1‘ rrIIM'mI, MMbuvn'u Innrth'uy and m M dun In My lurk M Human!“ Imam In flunk or make 'mMnI awn-k. l‘nu- ml MAI-rum Ann-ml In Now York. mu whim] h) CHI‘I‘HII Trunwunl IIImIlIotI. mmnry Mm" my war prawn «In- fvmu- In In In I u mmnurml mm n" lurk. 9m" In [allyumim hoop [Iona man-mod n! xnrrIwn‘u mnwmrnm Au-Irru drvsml In mum. an; Mmd 0|! uw unn- In â€HWMILN‘. Ikmw ame- IDHHWIHMI urn-um rm-rulu m mu [hum Immler. Ram mm Truman! (mm «"th and In In" bun Mnmwd. "In (‘nmIIIw KIrIIIund an hunk-nu Irv- DIM-1| In, â€mm "mm. In": M In“!!! 5-20 at we: hunch. 9mm- Ium nIurmI-h no" Rom-hurt. Ml quit! M Indy-mun Bamnlay. Buller Lost Over ‘,300 New in Spion Kap Battle. cherul nun" lla- Agnin Crossed um Tugeln with Paula" :11 “allowing LIIIyImHIIâ€"th. From-Ia (upturn 800 "up" at l‘xmumml Point. REQUEST 90,000 MORE TROOPS Buiicr's losses QM'C‘ell 1,300; mys- tery as to his plans. but belie! that he will again attempt relief of Ladysmith illt'l't‘JSOS; Boer losses at Spion hop we’re 53 killed and 1'10 woumlml.~P¢-tition signed by 40,000 Rliss'litlt woman asks President McKin- ivy to offpr mediatiousâ€"L‘upe Town re- ports tlmt Matt-king was relieved by Plumer‘s forces one week ago:â€" Snunlah government prohibited pru- posvd pro-Boar mass meeting in Bar celnnuxâ€"rlnurvnw Marques report; that Boers may tium Klip river and flood Lmiysmlth.~â€" Debate in commons on war was dull,~-British losses rcâ€" portul to date. 9.6%. Tlmricny. Pub. l- anm's are circulating in London that Gen. Buller has ngaln‘ crossed the Turin. Dt'flflHi‘ news. from South At- rtca ts. scan-c. From Mr. Wyndhum's statement in parliament it appears the British tort-es engaged in the Trans‘ vwl. including 18.000 “it‘ll on the wu)’: number 213.000. (ll'ilit'ihnl of the gov- ernment is umtinunl in the house or comm-ms. but the Infliriuls show no inâ€" rliuatinu to throw light on the conduct of tho} Will‘. not MI 0! Tu nu. “'aduflday. Jim. lla- Agnm Crossed um 31. '4MW'7 Biggest ling m Ina World. The biggest egg In the world is now in London. and will soon be oflered tor sale. It was found buried in the sand in Madagascar by natives. The egg. known to naturalistg us the Aepyomla maximus, measures nearly a. yard in circumference and over a. {not In length. Its cuhival c-apaclty is equal to nearly six osu'ivh or 150 hen's egg. Sneclmcns at this gigantic egg. the flu- ea! measurement or which Is double that o! a large uslrlcll. while the cubic is eight times as great. have occa- sionally been met with In London and have brought as much as 8350 apiece.â€" Loudon Chronicle. 1 ’ PRESIDENT KRUEOER AHEAD. Pretoria. Transvnl. South “flu. Doc. 1. 18â€. Messrs. Swansm: Rimming Cute Complny, Chicago. 111.. U. S. Lâ€"Oenâ€" nemeu: Your last lhlpment and con- mumcauon received. I an very much pleased with the Information which 1097 have go )Indlg giro? Inn. A.._ .n---A A- In; w _.-.‘.., ‘-.-._ JV“ II â€"V~V Hem lud enclolcd bank draft an the mount. 0! £112 10:. (or which send me twenty-ave (25) gross 0! Hanson'- "5-DROPS." Bhlp same a baron-o in order um than may be no delay. a this medicine will In greatly needed before It. macho. an. The lut shipment I: almost disposed of. as the medical department or our may use. large quantities. This order a enun- Iy for use In the ï¬rm]: in on. or the mmâ€. 3 wall aun- my a! “Sâ€"DROPS." (“other with other medicinal. wu captnml by the Eu;- Illh. width in I um! ton to our men. The Ramon. won't. do it “all. I an. mmltully 1mm. PETER nus. â€FDROPS" In tho moot govern! meme IDOID. l-‘m from ovum nu puma, Iatmleu. II II a perfect cut. [at Rheumatism. Set-Ila. Near-ma. mill-'91“. mum-u. Altman. (hunt, L- Urlvpe. Neuralxlc "Mum. eta. Lu e um mum (300 dam). flu. or I no (3) mum [at â€.60. Sample Miller 25 unit. SWANSON unmmn'lc mm!) (20.. m to m K. uh BL. Chlcuo. Ill. flailing in the wfl-standsufl. H you are ml! and strong day by day uh blood supplies :13 (id: of «gar. If you an ill, the blood is wrong and carries inc-veg. tng quantities of diseased gmns. You anâ€" no! change Nature, bu! you can aid her by taping the blood pure. Hood's Sandpa- n’lla does this as mulling else can. 8; sum to get Hood's. because I have been told (but our success on the battleï¬eld In duo to I certain extent to the use or “oâ€"DROPS" Rheu- matic Cum. which has nlleved I“ wanted a great deal of locating among our men from Rheum-um Neutrals“ and other acute â€In. «and by exposure. Your “trDflOPS†II n [096 u I _’l‘r_luuvual_ soldier! _ A woman It mun llllmmmd by Ina: aha-mp“!!- than by what no n Cold. ï¬ll M