Downers Grove Reporter, 8 Feb 1900, p. 3

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tor Ind MB in in 0" his future- could The young girl was suddenly startled MID Mr reverie by a broad bright bu Ill filahine.1"he blinds of the glu- Ioorl Wing out upon the terrace Ind “1" opened. and a man appeared In CHAPTER IV. At lat. the outback of the war inr- Iished the long-desired rumrtunity (or en open breech. Harrison imposed condition: yhich he knew the young oflcer would never Mrept and, on his refusal, withdrew his promise. in this my he had a Iemhlanre of justice on his side, and Roland's refusal van de- ocribed under the moat hnteini colon. Florence was neither energetic nor In- dependent. She had been brave an ion; as Willing: stood at her side and ‘ ohe was me of his love me] protec- tion. Alone the was nnnhle to contend with her lather and Edward. and now end Edward's paealonnte enireaties. (or the latter was determined to secure her hand at any cosi. At last, eup- jodng herself deserted by the man she loved, she yielded to these creatures ind gave up her resistance. Nevertheless. far the flue, fir. Har- n-ol. conquered by the tours Ind ol- trowel of Ms oily child, yielded. though with reluctance; Edvard, who had just returned [mm a long jour- ney, loud lat-cell confronted filth I not splat which his nerve Jealousy w“ powerless. But he knew Dov to Int-um his influence over his uncle, C“ met meal to stimulus his aver- sion to the 1103- -In-luv who had been tweed upon him. tuber. who had long inn-mini to uni her to his uni-mew and would hear a! no other martian. Ne rrmsldanrl the young am": who had war: In: daugh- can love Is an Insole"! Intruder. who VII destroying the ppm-r of his house- hoid: and lie political oplnlons of the two DPI. which torn strongly opposed to etch cum; also thrvatpned dang". Ewn 1h!» brief period of bliss had an In! run a «run-4m. Hhc wan obliud lo umqurr .1 nrrJudln- M Mr folio-col Hu- [man's u-rluul Ilium The waur leaped and plnulml. Tm- !ngrnm-e of the "um-rs stoh- softly and sweet]; to her. Whik- lu'r eyea mm-banL-atly IOHOWHI the falling drops. tm-iz' muttering and tho tru- grum-o wuv. 5| dreamy Imu- ut' m-mom- Immw «hon: her and MI hu-r bark Into HM partrvthln lm-t y-mr. whlrh at first hull srnmtrml hu-r m mm-II haupl- an», only tu bring purl: hitter uuflor‘ In. “Hope? You know as well as I that It is only a question at time a short addition to the davs a! lire.1lic plu- aicinns haw lett. us no doubt, on that score. But I won‘t detain you from the sit-k-mmn now. Farewell! i shall hope to see my unrit- in but! an hour." He kissed her imnd again, and left the rucm. Finn-nu remained alone. Sim. too, had risen. and now, siuwly approach- !ng the fountain. bout nver its basin. The sultry lair oppwsnmi hm till her breathing almost l'uiloi. Perhaps it was aim-o the burden uf arc-ml at tlw: coming hunts and the tmtuliug ill" cialun him-t; they must bring. “As soon as he wakes. I am ex- pecting the doctor. He promised to comé tuward evening and bring Decim- Biackwomi. who in to reach the city this morning. Perhaps he can give "As you please. Am! when may I ueé my uncle?" "Not now. I must 30 to my father. The captain will excuse me I! l recelve him later." “Thanks! And now one favor more! Captain Wilson asks permission to [my his x'espez‘ls to you. Will you receive him ‘!" Edward raised her hands to his lips and r069. CHAPTER 1".» ((Yontlnual.) "I believe you, Edward." she said. In a low tone. “I will be ready this m'enlug." . QHIS WORD OF HONOR in A Tat. AI flu- DI. ._ 4...! 1.. f'... m 3.!!! . .l. .116. . at) a SHE STARTED FOR SHE RECOGNIZED THE VOlCK Copyright. IBM. by Robert Runner's Sous A Tale of the Blue and the Gray. BYE. wmvm ‘ with which to begin her story. Edward returned and unused on the uranium In utanlshment. a: lo cur m ctr-Inger chafing the m 3111': III! In Mllhrty In in m. It“ In: She wu to be spared the necenlty. While sun struggling to and the word- The list words expressed the atmout tenderness. lle belleved Io Impllcluy in the loyalty at bl: fiancee; and lhg~ A sudden fem awoke In her with the memory of what Ind lupuened and was yet to come. Wllllun must know It. yet the could not force her llpl m utter the contenlon. to «hwy this donbt "mt I took the Gammon: ride here. But you will now believe in m and my love, In! Florence, u 93me n I trust you; Will you not?" "No. Florence, no!" William I.- mlnomly answered. "I did not cm you up, and never will. u long an brnth remain ln my body. I kno' that we IN parted for the mm, the there can he no thought of mmlngn while I am serving in the lfnlan "any. It would be expecting the Impossible from your (“her it I were to m bl. con-em before the war In over. But my fear was not vain Hut the effort wrmld be nude to wrest you tram he, that «tangent-at and dlstnut would (mm between us will. I was absent. You have doubted me, I ace. and n n: “Well, 1: last you made your choice promptly enough! You uttered the re- InnY. nthâ€"gave m up." ”Your rather» not you. What mner aanwer could I make to his aha-flu! dam-ad? Either he never new .9, or he could not have set such a rhnice before rueâ€"or he knew lay daemon In Advance, and my "fun! III to ml 1 Dev-ration on which he had m. dammed." "You am not? You have not sent nu- a finale llne during an Ion] munlhu at our separation? Yuu have run onu- nxlomplnl lu ulmlo- the watch net on your mowmt-uu? You you mum haw known that l “mm make our) Mun to not“! you lldlnp n! ma." William. Mm was .tlll hauling her In clmm ombrm-o, suddenly released lwr and fill‘pmd 'bzu-k, [ “i could 'not hau'ien to you," replied William. "My regiment was one of (he first to roreive marching orders. Not a day. not an hour was grnoied m9, and every man-ii increased the dis- ium-c between us. You know what it (-0st me to submit to this iron necesv siiy: my lcimrs told you." "Your letters? You wrote to me?" "Then you did not receive them? I unwound ii when no answer came. yet I siill trini i'i‘lrl‘y "loans or communiv raling with you. Florence, Ma have lwen simnminiiy treated. i have never inui one lino from your hand.” "From uw'.‘ I did not write." said iv'im'rm'v, in a low. heuilntlnx (one. “Have you mine at last? Why have you left ma'nlone so longâ€"so endlessly long? ] despalred of your return." Florence clung Mosely to him, I! It seuking protection. Everything that had tortured her vanished in her lover‘s presem-e. In the delight of see- !ng him. and she eagerly exclaimed: The rt-proarh was to", but at the den. instead of using the maln en- tranco, and now. unannounced, hur- riedly (mined the drawlng-mom. The young lady lnvoluumrily took a step toward the table, on which stood a bell. "Florence!" She started. for she recognized the mic», then the features, and with a cry or mlngled four and joy she held out boll: arms to hiuL "Willlam!" ‘ lie was already at her slde and‘ clasped her passlunately In 11!: arms. exclaimlng with a deep sigh: "Thank heaven! At least I have not Inst you!" Boyâ€"~Wb‘y, daddy all you wen I hon-M MIé-Pulth. Capt. Brown (indignantly)~Mt tho Enfluh! What. an aunt m tint Into your head! ”min In“. Boyâ€"You are going to am “in“ the English, can you. Cunt. Brown? recut in 165‘. On Juno 1!. I700. It again roll. no In (732 the ma were used. with uni materials, In cut. in; the "King of Bells." It!" to he teen In lion-0'. Th!- ben I. Inne- teeo feet three hapha- Mn. mm “and tho margin sixty feet lm‘ Inches. welsh about 4G,“! mull.‘ Ind m stunned value In" new aid-e. in It Inst 8300.000. 80.. Inn‘s Dell, aim in )Iolcow. I. forty feet lilo inches ll circa-(cream. sixteen and a half inch” thick. Ind weight 127.- 830 pounds. The be". a! China rut {next to than of Raul. In use. ll Penn there are seven hem. nth II ”M to watch 120.00. mm. The weight of the leading nut bell.- of ma world are u followl: "Gmt Bell at lion-ow.“ “3.732 pounds; st. Inn's. 31mm 227.830 math: Polls. 120,- we pounds: Henna. 40.2” pounds: mmtz. Bohemia, 40,000 pounds: Rou- en. France. 00,000 pounds; St. Plul'l. Loam, 38,470 pounds; "Bl; Ben.” Westminster, 30,358 pounds; “antral, 28,500 pounds; St. Peter's Home. ; 18,600 pounds. [ Om. lath. In the manufacture of (mt hem ’anu has altan taken the la“. The "Glam." which "I us! ll lou- mw In the sixteenth century. weighed 283,000 pounds. and u rewind un- ty-fnur net to Mu; It. It was broken by mm. hon 3:- “pm. but wan "That fit I No! A shaman! Ihndet!" "MI Willi-It “Speak. “mice! De- fend mum"! You one I do": be line one word of (Manic-may." (To be mun-cl.) ”l thin I ran nxplnln u. M In! I and only no. your father‘s moo-l. nflrrwanl on my 0"! auborlly; but "In I ‘1! simply exercising my nun, for you til! remember (In: (hm week: no you consented to bacon. my wife." Willlnu Itarlrd but. TM. cold- Moodad «hock-Mun! mpldoly destroyed his ”I'm-ad for a no- mcll; hm Flor-mm untamed in col- autumn: "Edward! You did mu?" Ne turned to her mm a "the“, "nllflYl-d manner. "Who Ml: you no?" nixed Mind, mlslly. "The mm: in In I: haudx." "I know Ind mum! more the might be unable to you." Inlet- ranted (In yawn. one". rolmlu Human and tyrant-Mu bill. “I Just lac-n] from Mm Martha that not one at my Intern I“ reached Mr hands. though I and Mary prmuuol. "or “the: cannot have “lulu“. ohm (or nonm- he hu be“ on a nick- M; yet In Intttauc bu been nrrkd cm which I m with (nimble distinct. am. Pull-p- l dull ugly to no right puma If I uh you an Intona- uoo. You will. 0! roar-o, dawn" "Yuu don't lt‘fll (o be aware of what In: lupwned many. Mr. Ro- mad. I am compel!“ to "flora you at H; l‘â€"" Ho put his arm around the weeping alrl. um um movement, the gum vonadence will: which he asserted tho rlglm o! A betrothed lover. enraged Human In the utmost; his hands clenched u I! ha Inland to Iur the couple apart. and bl: voice wundod noun, llama: stifled. “I had no thought of this." he um III-Pply moved. "My pour maroon-o!" Her valve was choked with tears. \leum “stoned In perplexlly; vul- ew-r wrath he had cherished ngnlnst his (ulurr fallmr-tn-law, this 110V! disunued him. “My rather Is “I, William." she ujd gently; “has been very III (or months. During the last. few weeks Ms diseue has assumed I dangvrous phase, and ynsterdny the doctor prepared me for the worst.” But Florence. who had anxloully noticed the rising wrath at me two mm, now Interposed. "WI" you prevent Roland. threateningl)‘. “My uncle wul hardly be disposed to recognize your clafim. At my rate. You must torego an Interview with him." “Do I owe an account to you? You seem to he usurplng the place of the master or the house. Mr. Harrison. I regret that I cannot acknowledge it; (or I. too, have a son's privilege here, and will ape-k only to the father at my betrothed bride." pose 2‘" "No, indeed," he said, answering the last question. "So far as I am aware. the Union forces hu-e not, reached Springfield." ‘Yet I am here, as you see.” "On lmsme son. And tor what pur- Edward had already regalned hls selfâ€"control. He Instantly perceived whnt threatenvd hlm and the peril lu- volved by hls rlval’s unexpected ap- pearance. A few hours later, the latter would hava had no power to cross his path: but now he must face the danger. and Harrison was not. the man to shrink and glve up the game as lost. Might deceived 11k): but ml the You“ ofllcer. with a. sudden movement. turned toward him, Hun-1m name back, exclalmlngly furiously: "Mr. Rolandv~ls It you?" “Certainly," replied the other, coldly. with a gloomy glance at the man whom he had long recognized as his toe. “You probably did not. expect to find me here?" nowxnns «nova nnfigonmnn. It?" demanded f U flee-devil rum. and nloou ht“ worm noun. 1; ,hgnermt to new. Gluten . hve the strangest uni of ”petite: The! W no for any! new!- when fool. Every winter they ten nloncnnpndveentoueadendnn » flick. When the repute: Inve gorge. (leanin- tley lie lor-ant and teen to he eternally unified. After I In : he been on I long mm: he an. 1murran-ttonegool. rem never drill min. ! weer, no not. .0 God.’ He aria the wee,- he repent; But aim awhile the old serpent at In- toxiantn feet- the thirst craving: «a the result in the periodical (runner-d can never be trusted. A“ that a clerk he to do in to numb). M; n en- gineer’s Ind on the throttle to tren- hie once, a madman on the not to mi once, and you cry. 'lnko m‘. mic fly. the leper-e. room for the level-I, they drink. they drink!’ "Statistics give III the most wound: in; figure; There are tmhy cum in the manufacture and ale o! inton‘ ants oneseventy-Mth of the Ameri- an race. mucous,” h spent 1 nnnualiy for. nation] "not m i I hhv'e been told over 50,000 m di- reetly or indirectly are am their Hie nit min for gamma-MW (Ir-all (It htr um mi 01‘ Cleo- ”mm-ever» Mn- n the mumddetof my tea. Mer- m,a-Indoesnothvowuflfl- lovedmtmene'm-yymhnhm- "on. were :ll annoyed by [he ner- penl'u We. The mulled ball In American mtg-manila, was ulna! beam the (In! 0! the United state! Bennie was a ans-hm. "The not! :vful carnage of the civil nut in muted by the We») of the eon-and!" (Ia-em. who has . ennui. A war! on explode I mmrler maul-e In cum (In It ham 1 men unplug. Tho her the mil-en the quicker u can he destroyed. no dying Claric- m- me tin mt hem. van, The n- tmhvamem-e.h!outonm lemhunflthlatd.lmflm nttonflllue'iohveluntam II the union. load.“ "noun nuns. Seam: a. Pro-(ks, Coleridge. Mar Alma Pm. Loci B)- m, mm.- Pm. Adda-m. non-r firnke. Wnlpoio. hunter. Cater“. Ct- oero. um Antony. and but: of (I. loading In all women of III. coal- "Lenoir the first: The Intoxlcltln; has poison: a mln'l brain. We md with amazement how a bot constrictor can kill and station down I call or kid or deer five times the roptllo'l nu- unl Ila. But every country boy Inn “on the “no phenomenon upon I smaller scale. A mate with cum! hardly larger than your can thumb cu .m chm lo a trox. and than. (nun; the hind Ian at Ibo no- lo-‘ gather. by suction :1wa our-now In: 0mm non. Then, I! you loud the u.- Inko a fur hours In". or m him up by (he-nu and my bill llh I I'M), out o! the mouth of that late III! Jump II: Iraq A: well Ind alum-N .- I“ Jon-h IM van:- lll (hm an In!“ tho lulu-n.- mn N. M. Not only on. but no..- Il-u In. and (Iron Ind tour. w I not. mm of «In hm. an In wont-04 II this fly and con. out um lone Um no a an. III Mr- Iu nu In! Liverpool n4 In car- ting. IIOOI at In I'll. | Huh nth ultvrlukdnmthamd.anout at m Ml“ n4 topped a to“ to Hill It lb. usualt. “Wham ion (in serpent 0! Into!!- canu In in and) nu cannon- nmmo? We hear Ila bl. In our! Wu" hall; I. m In on. Ill-ha out 0! ll“ every palm moduli; v. cent H out. 3-0.. the m blou- W o! m Dunlap- slur and no cy- m learn at no [any-M It carâ€" (0 to u bone nary-hm. And (N but to lone too good for It: In- u l } “The King sends for a glue or wine. 3nd then before the horrified eyes or ‘his beholden. in verbal pictures, he drawn out or the cup‘u depth the ion. [hinting coils at I hissing. gleaming- eyed, fatal-tanned destroyer. n he says: 'Who hath woe. who hath sorâ€" tow. Who hath contentions. who hath babblings. who hath wounds without cause. who hath redness of the eym They that tarry ions at. the vine, they flat so to seek mixed wine. book not than upon the wine when It is red. when it .iveth its colors in the cup. when It moveth itself arlght; at in! it blteih like a serpent and :tlnzeth like In adder.’ waves stagger and fall like u drunk- nrd. King Solomon preaches his teln- perance sermon in a banquet hall. The Princess and Princesses, Govern- orl, Generals and merchant. leaders are gathered together. The talk arm! to we question whether or no n h rlght to drink fermented grape juice. ! "When God Almighty hurled his coll‘ damnation at the Garden 01 Eden's am he could do no worse than make Satan wrlggle and hiss. 'And the Lord said because thou hast done this thou are cursed above all cattle and above every beast or the tleld; upon thy belly thou shalt go and dust thou shalt eat all the days of thy lite, and I will put enmity between thee and the' woman. and between thy seed and her need; it shall bruise thy head. and thou shalt bruise his heel.’ As David made the waves stagger and {all like u drunk- on. . DRUNKENNESS THE DISCUSSED. 'l‘ A LM'AGE’S SERMON. “ ”at It In“. Like I Dorm: Ind allfl'Ilh Mk. III Add-t" â€"â€" french (III-9hr :53:3'.' III-dull gumm- tur Drlnk. SUBJECT 23" F ohm- 1 i! i at: a. Man? I rm 1..”le win: you. lhvchanlmmm. mn-nyanhmmm mi km tiered I out. “than mHhumW'mu ummmmln mm _ Namath-(In nit-Io.- m-y an m Sum. Ion-.3 gol- clen, anon. no flout-1451 ' Al- erlcnn linden-r1. no (It Alone:- nllbr, herein-t. nu Maser. The main» com. the ill- In" “- pel; the hymn the "It. Isn't an Tho-nun of you». who m not Ill gum and ten-mu n In. amply lot that em dour-I rn not I. mm mm And when '9 and tho ner- eint IN”. with a m Bible‘- II no at": unl- the hull. m with ll- toxlcum. h It to to mind 1: (In! n are trying to an the heathen by utmlmtlnc than? ”A chart “the Mom '0 arrived ll 01mm. India, a culinary ml mm In the public man. who: a I Iohunnedn m I ~ , I «ll-In“ n allot out“ {nigh lg'liloh ‘ 1m; min ne'er"! at qumfi‘u ‘ ma thnio‘nlgun' m‘orm not, A Comm. gum (gt no um ‘ [0‘ mo mm. 'dlp.‘ Wing-ho. u‘g mm. and um uvhl‘ “Cry-6w nvé to III dWI’fiylnfi.‘ IQ ya I -n ot‘tlh, Mr Ills II‘M cup at!“ m menu! in I! blood. m In ulna tar may [0+ din-m" of flu. rm 6 yhi oq ‘16 and n "Mild! the audio. of (m .u. no... Done cum .0.“ he, 95M: ‘yiyman fang: 11.5- I "So-n (Inc an. I. Revlon ell]. one of (hose mu. children can!“ lone no may pull: of beer. ml "-0 tipping I Mule III-cell. that he at last Dara-c "Honk-ted m (all do.- I eelhr. and a couple of inn um II- dnd Indy n: land. In" elm by an Go (on, Into an at our [real emit] not mums. I“ Ill ()2 poor In". tables. m cm! W In (“Immunizatbvtlofi- m o! the adder: In. of human- bnedl all the alum II the «1-1-1! "Co-q, m; 6 o'clock Ilium In biotin. «and u the and door: a (to gnu ‘lflofm. M In (I. and“! out! II Lunch. “on an no not. sickly. mumpun yuou ml- in;- ‘Iu lhelr 1m varlly “on; Their clothes I" I: run; their not. ll" Only. um plan iron. They hold by no hand no 0H “'1' In at owl-m n men by com dirty "Mo- which mid dim-re an In hml. II III. mmloflntkmtmm etc-um have no lane. to «noon-a. to Mic-nu. b Dec.- th new can. not that m of II- daun- Im as long a In- evil trump Inl attuned. I "But I an“ “sinuous not all] dalmy tho bond at Ibo [Ian], M! III-o ll. lumen of (M bone. wu- I Il‘hly In. nun. II. Muck. III "In. a. bloc-om. no mnn- mu. III lu-Mc with a. crash. A III III! In I Had huh“. I loflu II- lter. Ind hllhful In. all“ III you“ a! mu nun M; 5." III mum III II. Ilmlou, In I fund will In- come I It“. "lesson the lecond: The lnloxlcu- lng lung polsona n mnn'l hurt. I! would not he so and If every um I drunk-rd wanted to to to destruction he could go nlone; every tune a sport-- man shot '1 bird some other mother bird would fly to the helpless nest and had no warm and can for the or- phans; every (line 1 deer Ina kllled by I no: cumtrlclor some cluel- deer would nurse the la" unlll me "Ill. one ll able to lake care of ham"; ll‘ levery lllno a woman In poisoned by I cobra the dylng Immoral could I"! her baby out 0! danger and some Inu- ly Joseph would (In for the boy II (he Nlun-no carpcnlet M I“. Ilry the Vlr‘lu, and the lulnl can», when the dean went louh and Herod ‘Ilcw all (In chlldnn lull won II Both“- lun and In all the con-u (Donal tro- no nun old and under. mil" to lb. the which he had dlll‘ully ll- qulml ol (In vlu nu.‘ "The Inborer'a drunken plight ll beat expressed In the vivid word- at David Swlng: “The saloon In the poor man’s bank. and his wllc‘l rm are the commute; o! deposit.‘ Do 701: wonder the uylums. the hospitals, delirium tun-em. and the lnuno cry. 'It bunch like a serpent and it "lunch like an adder.‘ "But. with all these nwl’ui facts or how much the serpent o! the text CIII swallow down nnd not regulate, the money expended for intoxicants in tho ‘ least part of the evil. When a million- aire merchant has in Income of $150,- 000 a year he cannot possibly drink more than a few thousand dollars at the most. But the chie! trouble II with the brain. The liquor tunnel unhnlunce‘ the Judgment. The mind is no helotted and heclouded the head of the firm. cannot think. He buy: good. he never Would have bought heiore. He enter! into wildcat speculations. Ho “Ill-Ill! his customers; he lose- hil temper when he ought to be kind. und in yield- ing when he ought to be ilrm. tuna, for every twenty-eight Valera; ill Colorado. for every thirty-um vo- ters; in Oregon. for every nay-eight voters; in California. for every thirty- Ieven voters. and in all of the Intel east at the Mississippi the “on“ III ‘I saloon for every 108 voters. Today so powerful is the liquor interest tint it owns every ballot box. every outo‘ and legislative hail. from the notional capital down to the smallest common- wealth. No presidential candidate ex- cept that of the Prohibition party dam antagonize the great “my oi‘ “loon- keepers for Kent 01 committing politi- cal suicide. mam ”lull-Ii m the orplonuol of t“ [I Wyoming‘s!“ * "4 mm] ufi In! piling I“, wellflnlm ' V a stoma u' mu" duo aim _ ‘ ' exploration at mm 'H‘ yielded nimble m m hi it! Icicle no ine- the hu- no 'r more into Ar’ei" vim m H by Math: 6! contain Mr- ma - SSn'S plan 0! find-gall I m C. :'m Dori-libero» Air-u Iofl_ ‘oot, no immune get-reel rm: Jone: Led. no loin-n tnrctlc expedition; vile! OM Antwerp our (to 1” pg, brought hope a he and may minim Ina / in: m deep on luv . _ the Compile-l Society 4 . at under constant m ; w'dleqnlpifia ' ' . Id “Mitch-oth- Neverwutbeulu-o'DQO mmudoovefl-qulnd vennbmllltiodanbflhh blunkmlnmmdth world...” no.8d0flfln A“ [unreal-dim 5 fmnammmform . Pfifylonllo-Ilnn 3: [on mm Ila “lulu“.- 100"" ”I“ In. I- II “In“ poem» I“ ”if"! tun-I'- all 0‘?» ; pkdgo.|ln l wm'ugnum ynycmudlouhma-I. A ‘tollnllnloglutnmlhlh m mum-muck“? 'mm Ion-uh. II VI. In 6!. ol tum. A On at In” [one to the, Illa It. I“ light tho "I. Nlflll IQ I.“ than fru- tho ulnar- no .1 I. nob-o- nc-lu envied I. ll .0 (be to! and I“. (I. lilo d "h m drunk- 0'0" 0! Call. In "In, '0 In our "I NI. the dalmylu m d It in. which 'n “MM.“ um“ mum "to .- I040?! 30 o-oonunmggxnomon ml.‘ "la-Iota ml umcmlnmlw luv. ml-mmamldm mlkhmolmrmmlfl- "u h m noun-nu. mu- if lmlluullctlunfiommz minimum '0‘: m . W‘ X huWUM-otlnlovi MD! a. Incl ny on. also. lot! I com from !» M an I m d In at" n alool. m 0.. MI. untorlmfidmhfl- other. than now". m “can a“ noun. “III a! last the Vick ""1 I. Imolk‘ulcl. . "But u l mum and low.“ lllloun ground; I um! I. I worldly mu. Do you ll" ninety-In got me 01 Ill tho uneâ€" nl the country all N W "09nd? like In p ’09... (9 35.13:. E ly Inluoum at but 5.000.“ d the 12.000300 Voton. We loll I. balnm or power. TIM cum- poop]. mm! and mutter. u m “P loan «and. nhouldcr to shoulder. '0- men mm not. your mum m and IOfll realm they “on" m m (or any undid-u unio- In In W- cd himself In Velcro-o. to Ito M_ .l "In (ha next plum we mm look. to the women to aid In In III. Mt work. France. I. Will-I'd Ill loll. I? spot-ta In the moat honored um d thll century. By moral m “I. the power 0! mounting the bunk non mun. you women unit MID. the [rut bum In tho-vorld'l uln- uon II to he touch! an the ballot .08. The church today directly or IM' - “my bottle In mouse“ «my: “piano: more than u um. "‘But. you lay. ‘Iome of our milky: tore do not believe in punching I-e pennee.’ Do you know why? Nil-‘5’: our minister- drink. I eon. will“? I! in this chain. Tho Ilium:- WT rem-e. to umk upon the m; caution in either I could or 0.0 he himuil is unwilling in mm his pet ein. The church which on. forth with the Bible in on. mu m: e) to lose It. nun. ad the m m on- body will follow the chm “ m crlee tor the mother also». All song of Zion and the Leah. M M lc chonu lung above the Mill”, Bethlehem, the lullaby of I!!! ll _ Nazarene curpenter’l shop. in! _ the miracle. n u bin um I!“ churchee ue opened {or the (not H Defence meetings. and the Duluth III; plnuorml echo with the finding ’0! use temperance pledge. "How are we ”In; to M this poisonous reptile of "it!!!“ First by putting our faith in Mm God. Travelers tell us um aqua ed serpents no «my Inwiai music. When an nuke clam ‘! [In to pin And an. tho coin”! any backward and mud. 1'an 91 tonne will «no to mum-.1, E}. no can. M m m ‘. would I!» his own wlhflll/ child. murder M- «I W hut drink ho mm mm m we going bread that”! MIMI In reference to the hum duel hnoth like u serpents“ m an adder!" M? III. In t m for "or own drink.

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