Downers Grove Reporter, 15 Feb 1900, p. 2

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m an OIAIIIII. “pm“. “It". Think my tut-um mymutuanauua i bmmhtm-uuuuonu [‘«mmum-m-dnmmu ‘2‘ In “a I. Inc will unl- cron- €., Manna Scum Inn um “Natl (“Wannabe-ovum The a": of Ellen. Oreu Ian tried an t to mankind flannel the! Min; of Inflation by other “the or the country. A larxe pert of “I debt 0! Salem wan recently re- mm on the popular-loan plan. some- that alter the manner of m. national ' Wat's popula- lon to secure _ hit (or the prosecution ot the Spun. [lib-Alum war. The Belem plea hll'feetnnl. however, which mlle‘ it . Whig to the pin pursued by the 3 M lorerument In placing .lu ; holds among the people. The rotund- ‘ _-ln'¢bondlot thlcnyotsuomlrel ”@263“ banal. penbleonorbe- tenyeln ulna-on the date of en'om $50 to 8600 In lbs-hence.“ The interest In mlble h Ellen. team of u some outside W near. The lune vu lub- e‘erlhel tour “use over. The ladle-t i‘i and am an «aviation. an! an m d n m. m. um cum not for an. m a. aunt lib m. My menu: that one b to. w a. but um one cu in nu mend about (he But Ms mm b in. lo “rod and died "Undo ”mm. Tami-normal “mil-I. Hhondmnotno To a (ho public faithfully when on an. to be 1 mm roar-do and neighbor. to be who In council. “all! m In friendship, and mile in the he... to “Joy the warm ”action at tho min of 0119': late. nu! ma w .00! a! m mm baud“, um to die a. In a! tour more mu! an honor- 3 RimlAu w. filo-ms. mu: the mum; 0: “Uncle Dick" Tho-m. Indium [out In grand old nu. um the country lost I "unsan- mm of the high”! (no or manhood It: public Illa bu produced. I! In I “Count Notification of mu nation's “Menu that It bu nude men Ilka Nu. III Chicago Imam]. m Inn a benefit“! Influence on the local government. A: I,“ u on the We themselven. Who- were filled am. It m- “bend to In further bond-Ir [I II n mum; I'll] Do. the out- m bold- ol the city of saw no: will all distributed among the if" ' “fitooooooooouo-oooooool gonna-nu mlclrn. mm fill.“ "I. II Mid LO.”! 1. I'd CM ragga-3553... 213.909.3136; East- luring-C!!! brace-II. .glggfio agharilivgs 6131;. gain-33.3.3333... .5333? . I fielEIQ-S-zgla: 58838139.! 7.33.! H : 3.3.133 328.3:- .. _ . girlré.1iugonw§i: III M D‘- d m A I in d u-Imrml mm ”uni It In": 8““, They In“ that (In. no can mm. the 9mm: Hoeruldfmnmemm lotus mm”. The W. m an" in death. he“ a mm. at v wait?!“ In man my I- the mm. Tb. India o! the Wuhln‘wn alum amt-non ham 1m: hum no" but 3pm! for contributions toward the m-plaflo- at an mm! for (I. Wail-3m nun. vhlch In to lo pn- nou‘ In mu am; no Pam «- poddo'. Tho mm Mn" In M fully paid to! all land- ." In ban-I u: ‘tnut about «Io-In" no can at a. men. but 0-va mound damn I" um Medal. and It I. maiden), "ported that the pdruuk Woman of Annie will In” In um lulu" bo- ‘ fun u. an Inn! m m mmmu or ‘ Ila nut-o In hm. -h In hit-I. cl tilting no u- ' gin w .wunmgton. "‘ the gem or In- ‘ an 8109.!!! mm be Jory noun Ill- lulpo-fluo In the [hut o! In. Aunt. Roland B. ”omen: has been found cum, 0! mania: in tho first degree (or cumin. a» donut o! In. m: by ‘ mum at pol-on mingled with homo- ultur handed {or Harry Gullah. 11).)an "mum! n: verdict mm, light. The trial or lemma I'll Ion- qunul lo a degree and calm). la the nul- ot criminal Jud-prudence In tho Unlud Bum It. opened Nov. 19. um. uni concludod Feb. )0. mo. and 0015* the “c 0! New York ”00.000. MOULINEUX FOUND GUILTY. PEORIA. 0gb. No. 3 that...“ .24 O Wheat. No. 3 rod...... Com. No. 2 ..... Oau. No. 8 ram ...... mt. No. 2 can..." Cara,No.zmIm...... Oats, No. I mixed.... R70. No. l ash........ Clovermd. prime cub. What, No. 3 rod...... 0‘“, No. 2 vhlta..... Corn. cub, No. 2 mixed cm». m man..." Ron. I" undo-......" Sheep and limbs ....... Sheep and “mum...” 2 ST. LOUIS. memo. Mus, All am......“. N .0 Hon. men to prim. 8.5 0‘. Sheep m hubs. 0,50 on to What, No. 1 rat..." J! Rye,No.zcuh........ .54 Con. No. 8 white...... 88 am. No. 3 white ..... . .uuo .2! Out... No. 8 white ...... Butter . . . . Mun-ma... mm hunks? 3mm; NEW YORK. MILWAUKEE. .23 86.59 04.80 00.85 J2 .31 .71 .70 .81 lummumm-uauuu Hutu-adult!“ WM nan-m lull-r. Ir Allen: nun- lutluu WWW .13 .24 no "maul-«alumin- in. macaw mic-Mlle“ ‘mdmmn‘mum m "common-nun»- mm «and 00 0mm nova-cu mmw-mdm II- man. luminosity-Ila 1"!- mm an: (I. day I: dunn- “ o! no laud-l hm. Ilr. Alla mum II. morn. mu m n- ubile-n nny vim mum mu m In mic on u-uuu- m nun um u n:- how mm. 110 loan piled no alpha-ac m eon-uh: Immuon um. 01mm 83,143”. “Duluth"! u u «no Wro- comllmo. [Mutual In M!- tory duo-aloe at Plum“ «nun and in In loom Macs. m1 tu- un Mu one) by In. W In hm d (to ammo. I. m Mm no" Mioc- ot 1'» "mo lusty. HAP EIIOWING THE MITIONB OF BRITISH OPENER “.9 ALONG TIH'. ORANGE FREE STA" BOUND‘ RY FROM KUBUHIHJSY TO LUM- “IT”. Wednesday. to». 1. In the senate the feature was a 1m between Messrs. Devon! and Pettixrew over I letter from President. Schumann o! the Philippine commission, read by fire New Yorker. flatly denylng a state- ment mule by the South Dakota sena- tor during the deba‘e some time ago 3 that be (Schumann) "had tried to bribe the insurgents and lulled." Senators, Btu, Turner and Allen spoke against, the tunnels! hlll end Mr. Veal. clan-ed Ill amendment pmvldla; that the neo- retnry of the treasury shall luvs pre- nlred ”00,000,000 01 tree-an notes, to be known In "bond treasury noun." which shall he mu legal tender (or an debt- end which shall he loaned by the meter: of the nanny to ear hotly who my deposit United 8mm bonds for them. the note to hear the .3315- .314 1.8. . 23 .3938! 8 zlggdan .- 3: nil-ll no .3353: an}. v9.0... 5.6 3‘ a. coach bouts me numcm my. PENDING Wuk’: Proceedings In the Saints - and Home. may (humming a. my cl M“ II. AN UPâ€"TOâ€"DA‘I‘E WAR MAP. Mom nun-n son mos. Wt has been Med at Bedlam. (30.. W the unmanned atom m- m, for sum dam by John D. Ian)! as administrator of the mm at Albert Can. on: m killed Jan. 14. my this can whfle at m In on: I! a: War: whines m M I. he Mac; at final-co babes: mm a the ultimo-94.184 April “or W m due for the am to In tout! when Jim um tad 1m Corbett. The dung: from Ian! 16 in me at. the instance of the m: up. who hug-1m on an extefision of the In which to heme amazed. Corbett will shift In training quarter: from momd to In Rahal, cal. Vane-III). nun!“ In a. M I Jon I). lam-cl, tor-my a man; [whole-lo m o! Intact-e. m. wild That”. It. Inn-ch m as of no but "on 0! II. can older Mun-en. novumanM- phm. Gamay. In nan. and am to Hun-kn loam sixty nun nu ma vile. who m I). Alana Hauler. of Mn. h and. nd to m In at their In tlfldm except at. In. H. 0. Frank. W In my my hal- nts. be m I director a! the m- all flu [mi-ne- my. and for magma flea Mutual". min national mm B. was em- amutkwhlmut mum. 'n'd («than foapny. A! m Inn-m mmunx of Hm Knnrm Blue Labor porn-u at Topeka W040"- du afternoon no nun-mm Mil mu "opted by Ibo minty. «Mm proH-Im for the mflsmuon II: no mam «I all may (mama; to Hum. A mm ”but, "bur-um: N" I” also “00ml u the notation o! the mm- m. A lost-bu" «autumn in: mud by the society to am. "an m at both um. In, the an 3.3% tame. L A. W. Jon-on; actuary of It. «My. who mu u» «(Hr-n an. «chm! an .n numm nun- “ have "and “a would pm. uh (My tulle. no out, IDIIIIOI of (In (rut «cum. to «chad, In «on m utter-math; tad-n WWI, All m C! the hilt“ MI! mm rch II! with hlu but In vim window «mu» «was: how an pI‘h'ml ~. Winclmm: on «m out-ml- o! [M hm «- Moro Ma tau." (use In; how ”I" shoot)" cm- dam. Upon m. C'O‘Hvu- ”on In. Howard wu "mum. TM ml. bu mun-d a "human. OOIIculmn M a lulu; any und- to Ili- llolllu'l Arron. John Lewis Howard. um 15-year-old son. who is dying with consumption at Mlddleboro. Ky.. sent for officers Thursday. 3nd to them confessed that he and h!- mother. Mrs. Amman How- :rd. killed his father. Thomas Howard. who was mysteriously murdered he yen: ago. He described how his mother arranged the table so that hit TELLS 0F KILLING HIS FATHER. h lent-y «rm. II I Buy. ; The iamlne in indie is rapidly 3w coming worse. It threaten; to ecllme the lust disaster of this nature and to outrun the government's renounce. Al- ready 4.000.000 penan- ete receiving teller and a steady increase in this number is to he expected. Deaths from starvation are becoming frequent. as- peclnlly in Rejpuianu. The population of the western Deccan ls demorallzed. “any. panlc~sirlcken at the outlook, are noeklng to. the relief works, al- though they are not yet destitute. The advent of (amine refugees to Bombay cliy aggravates a situation that is a]: ready serious owing to the prevalence of the plague. smallpox and other on" ldemics. The deaths in the city Tues- day numbered 408. the highest daily mortality on recon}. 4.000.000 RECEIVING BELIEF. lI-lloln 1.4:. not mu. miniâ€"- ,fi‘ poo: moved in calm from Andor- oon to Home. Dispatcher H. N. V031 nu simulated A. R. Green. of Homo a: Mo first animal. The om of Supt. Hm And flee-Mont Horn Crow- fotd mo 129:»;ka on tho tor- mlnlo here to loot mm complotlon and Within '3' M non wool: {night- mu m will to mm m Am an um «- m mam b: axed. eonvided on the testimony at am and Jana (hide. the Inner in! whom, 963- ‘ tuned for "to. m minded MI tentlâ€" 1 mm. Mfmmhcttbatmwn‘ rut-Ii by the 1mm: county friend: of mum-,theremld Buchanan;- am telldadonnemk. and "mutualâ€"loom thali- Mulch. Wham-Mule! 00m. cool my“ aim hm. ”tummmhfly m llaidemm-nnu- him on n revolver all m It- llg “my at the m. Innis! moi: m the nm with deadly an. put- um; um m). Into the m or In boa ran: n «a Mono. AMIâ€"~A mm: M between Jan liking-um. n «mud. and Ian Owl (can mania! of Penman. tmphalnthcmmmdtlo mu. city. win (In um um mid. on: nae-mad. h a peace- nk Inner. to can a "mu tor lunchâ€"Tho [Milli Railway com- efllunla fl. droâ€" m Ina-Io Ivy m- pzvudeal. II “mm It wok» 0! "w hm; lull- m M the hardware trust a. the [1”.- ml man cm». and m-rml cm on o! the princiml cabinets u! "be muo- 1’- I'mlu "w Tint. nun-mm ‘rhn "ml-nun»! rou- wnmm o! uw :«kmihrrn ladlnun erml Marin-un- Umhun' assoc-111mm mm- mod (Mn urn-"norm In tho muons lm‘u tum-lunch ball. um! was calla! to «hr by l’rmlmml W. H. WW cl \‘lmom I‘m-ml now mulber- um elmal. Dmimllnn humvnn down from "u- mmkrm pm at the mm. A mnlullnn wan cam-m! by the urn!- dn! and mlupml by tho «mumm- rhnglu llu- sumo n! "no man-um from (My Seaman Indian. um“ Marvin"- umwlnunn to "no Indium1 Rem! flammw ammunn. An ld~ liar Juan curl-ud- Wnbarh-Ror Jones. (mum-tor at Nollie Berg" 0! Gilead. unrilln‘oai of this «its. last July. who escaped "am the Miami county Jail. was captured min at iioann, lllhs O'OIIVIU'. within four miles or wiivro he kldnaped Ilw girl. Jonas. nth-r leaving the h". walked in! mimic-villi nothing on but ironwor- und shirt. iilruuxii I ran at mmi uni In ii tinny min. and at I «Work min mornin'x mined in lu- qu-n ‘ ‘in M (in: immo oi Syivmw: liar. ii-i [old My he was Nriiic IL’Wfifl'H uhâ€" dm'ior and had mmymi i‘mw Jail. nmi Iirpi. on the ham. This. morning ii» waited in nwinn. min-re. cosiwmi-iy Milan-mi. hr :uw himuii‘ up. .innn. who ran mu iu-I'm-r air! on in wuiii- rru indium. narrowly Clmnfll lynch- ln: when iw Vial brought hurls. ‘i‘iu- uirl iiun urn-r rniwrui hum her irrnimrni .xnci Iiil air. Notre Dame-Gen. W. A.'Oimotcad. M. D.. the oldest man ever ordained to the United States. has just been re- ceIVed Into the priesthood ot the Ho- man Catholic church at Notre Dame. Father Olmstead was a colonel in the federal infantry during the civil war and was hrevctted general [or bravery. His mu- ral-0rd is an unusually excel- lent one, and he is much esteemed by the G. A. R. men throughout thermio- try. At present he is head 0! the Notro Dame 0. A. R. post. The post is composed entiroly or men who be- long to the congregation of the Holy . Cross. Father Corby. chaplain at tho‘ Irish brigade. was the first head 0! the post. it has many valuable war trophies. the most prized of which. per- haps. is the list; at the lrtsh brigade. Tho esteem in which Father (”Instead is held is shown by the interest mut- , tested lnhis ordination. Bishop O'Gor- than anointed. Many prominent mem- ‘hero of the order of the Holy (trout were around the altar. among them Dr. Zahm.Pt-eeltlpnt Murrimy and Father: l-‘ltte. Spier. Burns. Cavanaugh and auntie. Two younger numbers of the order. T. Hennessey and l-‘. Biro. were ordained with Col. Dims-toad. one of tho three prlmtu will be installed as pastor oi the Hungarian parish recent- ly organized in South Bond. Wu- Your.“ Now a Printâ€"Gnu. W. A. alum-n Reel-tad use. a. ram: hand of Ibo Ron-In Cations Church at loin Dunn. Int. Huh-unit]. A WEEK IN INDIANA; RECORD OF HAPPENINGS F0“ SEVEN DAVE. to lent- Ibo ml. It lot a no '- not. In a. tan. Lady (In “cater to Man-- Can't m cm as I at in man has? Attendantâ€"Could you not In ”11“,”!fo luv-mm” 1 could not be seen We“! 'rony 0" ' A. am My lately and Pram-c sum 0! Yale... ten-no no" In.- lvnaquc'lalytm W uhmmwummum 2.411311131203413 gamma “but at Ibo “on when upon. win and mm did not «In. arm I“ norm-I. TM" II u new And "only In on. man; up down town 1|ch IM- (Ilr to .00. enjoy 5m: mum u I: 1.- M10. at (M Ind of Onl- vouoa my on the all! com 0! Tu». A unmet!" natural nuanced harm nlmly um: no "mun doth. um. and Ami-ah m but: coo-meld. The [own-m In to doom dunno- Buy. mum n u- lool mun! Into Ito M [nu n“ ”‘2" '7.’ "man“ " «you ‘on MI can. an Duluth adj-gabl- In to tho lpfiumnuMhl-io'ii WQAJM ' ' A Halted amount of lurk will to (mend In (be white. In a tu- dul. Ind uuhocrlptluon I‘m to ranked by tho l’mm Co. [or unra- u 36 pt? stun. I "all, do not know a! a mat-v mu- nch-u" Imminent um am. with (in pron-poet u! no largo and lo certain dlfldcndt It Is a ran chnncu. Appllculou from every slate In the unlon I: well u (m nanny lorelxn countries. lave been received by the Peron: Co. here, (or permission to or- ganize local commles to make and sell 'l‘rlpler quuld Alr. and ll. In the pulley or the Parent Co. to dlspou or their rlghl: la the several state: and abroad to compnnles o! huh lluancbl Mnndlng. rewnlns I large controlllng Interest ln ouch uuhsldlnry campnny. ‘lluu the stockholder. at the Parent Co. will Mom Ibo owners of a m- :nrlty o! the stock In all Unem- mlnor communes. and nwlve enormmu dlvl- dendl In consequence. Tbls ls the am pulley (hit was pununl w suc~ \ "Null, by the I'll-um Bell Telephone 100.. and all Ibo world knows the pe- umlnry results. The use ol’ "quulul Mr" to.- "(rigor- nllng purport: alone wlll bring In many nullllonn to the Trlpler 00.. In every mtrlgerallng plant wlll evenl- unlly adopt u bm‘aufle o! It: superlat- lly In every way to that ol the mount may; at refuge-rating. and la economy A: well. its use In an economical power to! navigation, for stationary engines. ior nu Immune: requiriu large and ‘ cheap porter. is iuliy snared lacuna oi the extreme chunneu with which it an be made by the Triple:- process. 1nd already very many hm users 0! power an inquiring oi the Triple! Liquid Air Co. In to ranking Armp- menu [or its use at their wot-kl. Nu- Ina-on: applications for such minim wmiinrocomlngintoihoCon- my'n New York oilco. No. 11 B‘wny, daily. But tin-o gentlemen lure de- cided in not consider thus. propane lions until alter the inninliniion oi tho plant: which ihey are now putting up 9} in. Paris Exposition and in Damion, New York, Feb. 5,1000. Averyxreatdealhubeenmdul [:er About "Liquid Air" And CM wonder has been that up bathe prelent time no one has. an m- u the xenon! public is aware, succeeded in introduc- in. it. n III active mmerciel neat. ‘ so to speak. it has been looked upon rather as e curiosity than as some- thing oi real commercial impomnee. At least. that is what i had supposed until I. few days no. But Just re- cently it has been demonstrated to me and to many others here in New York. that. the marvelous inventions 0t Pro- ! r Chas. E. Trinler are being estu- Y put to the most important nnd practical uses. At this very moment It the Triple: Works and Laboratory. in West 891}: street. this city. "Liquid Air" is being made in lam quantum daily at a very small con. and it is being sold to all the lending I: pull: in "Greater-Wow York," w in; use in: already nrorcn or the highest va ue. mhl~flm mun-won.

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