Downers Grove Reporter, 15 Feb 1900, p. 3

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vrk. lid "Arrest this girl!" M. said. sternly, and keep her under guard until such time a she and! for me to confess her halt!” "That will I never. though I die In firm!" was the defiant reply. as tho 3M. who had entered bowed 1nd weep- liz, ruled her head proudly and Mad out with the gunner: like a m cm. An nu but: in the kitchen at tmmmmmwm run- ammmmmomw. wak-Wmnm Gen. Washington nave a signal. and instantly an Irmed guard of addicts fmdefl. “No. no!" mtortcll the trembling girl. "no one must sun"! In It not attach that l have dared to come into I Hal's an u: tell of the deed to in- sure am: for the designer thereon Now mt I have warned your excel- lency, per-It me to mm: from your dmhgnlshed presence." “Spock. and too am you trifle not with .9. Nu, child. do not fear! I! van you my be true. not you, but the (alter 'Io planned the dastardly dead, than Mot!” "Mm. matron! Blessing?" asked Washington. in M: storm-st manner. “The poll 'll! be poisoned!" "Hot do you know this?” demanded thc gnarl]. In the tone which made his soldier- qnall when they hard It; mum that tau. 0! the mountain and no no.0.” cfied Betsey. “but H' = no” of m pea he served at table onlbemebegnd beseech you, I". not to m of them!" "Al.” laughed the pact“. "ymr have lost or forgotten in order from the Mayan. flare Indeed I: a ne' "futon of the mat-In nd the BRINGS 1'01! HITHBR?‘ claim 'm he a m "grubby, o! 'Iich you me vety loud." mow. 11mm ammmuwnn “W!" eoumnndm Wunlnnou. limb. "Your excellent: will In! mum plus mm! the rum: brim In mun-y?" "Ho. do you loot INK. slrl?‘ ”led Wuhln‘m. and surprised. Thus command. the bean Mr “on. "0- Ibe now your accuracy 1- to “In VII. mm] clan of your com- Il’d. under and?“ It In a nutter of history that an. Wank-non never alumina nu- nun- plell detail 0! Irmy news. also um (mums o! (be “calm! luminance were brought to him in the moat m- ml way. Instead. then. of human It the apparent mmnpflon of “III vowing girl. he bade bar let! him overruns. wont-Ins hnr Inn-null! (ton punishment la use her new we: lol u want: u ”If "twinned. “l mum hither to save your excel- lenc)": life!" run the startling to- mom». ”Now. Mistress {ilexslnsz."sa|d Wasn- lngton. in his lendost manner. "tell me What luring: you mum. and what your errand may be?" Washington had a tender heart. and he was greatly dish-01mm by this un. usual scene. . The orderley soon returned. usher~ In; in a girl so young she appeared like a cull-l. and Indeed acted like one. (or no sooner did she stand in the presence or the gum man than she tuned his handâ€"that hand of stalwart pmporltonaâ€"nnd dropping on her knees kissed It with the ardor of a devotee. Meanwhile the tears streamed down her taco In plteous torrents. and her form shook with mama-3.4m! emo- llons. "Aye! I am a true soothsayer! Cry- Iug. is 31w? Show her in. Huldlast. and see that the slum! trouble her not I. Ilsdoum my own judgment In alv- ing audience to “wagers in these troubloua times. It mnyhap that Miss- tress Blessing prove a. trnltur in dis- guise." "It It please your excellent-y. she Is Well favored, as far as 1 could know from her crying, for she Is In sore trouble." "Be‘sey Ann Blessing?" repeateu Washington, with a momentary show of irritation: "who Is she. and why may she not. deter her business ml the mormw? ! warrant me that her lover In a prisoner of war. and she ls ready to swear that. he la u luy‘ul Whig! What think you. Holdlalt?" "A young woman who calls hex-sell BetaeyAnn Blessing would have speech with your excelleucy." “Am the cum-- wt boron your The summer or the year 1776. when the American army was stationed In New York, the commander-lawman Gen. Washington, was lndulglng In a brief resting spell after dinner when he was approached by an orderly. who nluteu and said: BETSEY BLESSING. Hr. that an an In Ill-cur. '1'!” I'm-t man. on «mm I: Ill .‘11 mm of W nil. nun-uni: m- caunn. an m PARTOOK EAGERLY or THE PEAS. lover, alter tut-lug Mm Into a patriot. nnd Wuhlngton Minna" can any the bride. How much he knew re- malned his own secret. but am: pen never afterward mead hl- table or Vere alluded to In his convemtlon. And In I!" minutes by the watch It lay and In their MMIL A serum was next ion! out by the commmkrilrchld on n peculiar er. rand. He returned, bringing win hi. I live and particularly alive chicken. which pal-look eagerly of the dish of Tim: Washington will (or mum: meaning. who rum with I den-It "gm In her eye. and can [inn um sent 0! honor u Mr hours right haul. She took It rm. 3 dignity um railed forth confining and admiring ruminants Soldier. an pmnbtally pliant, and those 0! " 76" were no exception to the rule. i I! WI-blmou can allow-t Im- EM- ml all It that hl-lorlc dinner. the nu In not two- rmrvlod. Tm u: and! arm luau-Ion M weighty All": with Ila ml. lad he on close Illa-non lo the VII-1h M h- lm hlu. N In an. flown". till“ (it "got-Mn were smut that be lulu n7 nun-Ion In IM too-L When Il- llv'oflle "south. a at» at grue- I'II. In uncured. h MAI-M at» Indian. and up. all was meal, m- .nrted I. n lam] mks: "Thom ls death II the putt" A ml Quite-ell nan-d; the mats. who were In hm uniform. dmv‘ lhelr Ivonh. and nut-Im- o! "IN-all1 lo the tnltofl" were heard on otnyi The youth mm! It". urn-bung About I" bell; ulr In '0" Ind war. "I! you would Miriam m. min )ourul! In you Nor pump.“ whin- md Macy‘s mm Ibrmmh Im- h-rnd window far “on hlqn. "A him rm ho may {or your ml: 1! you In Iron or suspect“. and. Hum. I! yam do“ him: clock. you an no W" Inn: of ulna!" "H-l-uâ€"l! titanic-rt! The do“ It may. KMD hurt mull the momv. then I VIII mylr" mic-“c "IN In this pkk-n-bnck on my roan home. It is told In the to" um ”one: An- Bin-In: In "round {or I up]! Keep up your com-3e. Ivonne-rt!" an": of a N'rvlng-nlnn Ioitorml In and made his way nnnbun'n-(I m tlm grut nreplaw, when he lint-overall tho .‘skll- letu In whlrh the vexutulnlon were mn- merlng on the hearth. When he came to that one contululnz the man In dropped In a landfill or male cumu- mant Ind [usually took him departure. "In an! appearance VII mulur lha window at that room In vhlch 31mm. 81mm; wan lacumrntnd. Betsey Ann Bbsslng named her PEALE'S PORTRAIT. I'h'.‘ LI‘J'S “hull IINUTON 'l‘l'n Vac-"vhf. nan. The ban or c nae-mun mm on an (ninja 88 (o the mum; “It a m Mantel; 75. TM. represent-ft ll!- Icmce a! mu mu It :m-u. ' 'Doar M. Montaigne: 80 and: ll- terested was I In the Peale mu of Waahlngtna now In your W that, after seeing It. I flatten Vet-amen In order to examlne one Ivy the .3. artist wnlca' has been In the gallery for a great many years. and Van [III to and that your nortralt. according tn a1)- jmlment. ls superior to It both It execntlon of the figure and the accu- am‘lea. the latter tn the. Vernalllea on. hula; all the appearance of having been palnted by another than that of Weale. The Vemlllea portrait la na- signed; your: bears the art‘lat‘l lim- t’nre. I hope. as you tell me Its destini- .tlon ls Amer-lea. that It rm 3 perma- nent nestling plate In a mtbllc film. and it now mum to In that a most fitting one would he Haunt Venom l m always happy when l aee "waves" at our early Ilstory rescued from lo- and deatrnctltm and findlnz a home In our country. where they may be al- ways seen and fully appreciated and atlmlred.‘ " in Folmmty. It!“ by our Park In“, .\I. Mom-mun. This "lam. mt any mm m I. the ma 0! un- ors In Fuels. hold I. column]. and “the?” they knew me work to be a. norm": 0! an Ann-Inn natal. ail not knov It to he I portrait at our II. mart-I w-shinmou. II. mum. II "sling the work In "A may that m pin-hm: was ornlncdlo be minced '1 Don Jlllll Hiram". Sunfish Illallter to the l'nued sun- I. 1779. In con- necflnu wlm Gen. Washington] prel- cnce In Philadalpnh. WI": Peal. painted seven or eight Ill-Hu- par Inns, we rounder th- one in a" pa- spas-ion the M n-ple he praised. ‘and falling to find (be 81th mm ‘0! nimnllng or mtoraflon. We I)" [rune that our mm" In the only am having an ”plums o! nfllst and mm.- um). Mm man; the pot- Inn m In our agent moved the Me- ture ha Pam. and we quote rm. 1 later written by I well-known ela- notsseur. G. A. how. an mum "mm of the late Will” H. mum at Pnfladelphla. the “mom conson- gem: "Rama: to your Ina-firm II [Chr- Ovm- In the poflnu a! On. Imam. In by Charles mm flak. M II om- Wn. we will mm am (In "UIHI‘ wu punt-sod In Wham, alum lho woman an been nine“ in the okl «no homo Charla “our! Mm o! Inn city. (he not“ upon 0- llutorlml pahllnl. bu amen-I many very muons and IIIMPIUD‘ IIâ€" mm mural" u. Anon. out! Ilhmu In. "an In pound on m {m Hut (In mlnnu I: not an onst- nl {mu Mo. but a mum. on o! afl- eul mam made by (ha urn-t nod m to! thirty [MM-u oat-I. at um an In Nan In [armor "and that m 011ng pal-mu I- am "mt. no. nonovnr. II ”manna. 31qu- In win; or the mun pm ol II. III! Thomas Henna. (hm-(owl. um I- In unlit-ll mum. “I plan" an mum-OM at auction .1 Mary l’nu leKnl In laid at no. (blooming Mn mum at (M my a m- uch". M' olend for cab to Pin-downs. the following I: n "- Infl Im- a mutant-Inflo- man. by Dir-«Inf mm Im- Tm I. luv-by M m- Amhl Art Quotation: has naturally Iurmw massif-Mo alltnuon (mm In connollunn QM Vllllotl to the lull. parlh-ulnrly u "an plating has been hung In “I pron-t bouillon It": In! announced ohm In View of "I pun-Duo lot “.000 by an my tron Ibo Auoflcan An uncen- “on or New You. II: present owner. Philadelphu. opposlle the old "be!!! hell. or the large full-lens": portrait at Washington, wmvh I: and to I." been palm” by the noted Philadelphia mm. Charla: Wilmm Peale. In 1781. : now‘xm anon: "noun rum m bum m Went BM public 0cm] bill“ in; at Manon 110;, in ma bi’II‘_Mynor-tu,_ "fl.“ W um. mm m' bum In“ w pic-n It to reported at noise that ex-Oahâ€" uor Durban. a former rcyubllcan. m wont into the sflver republican mm in It”. It: now trying to secureli'c‘ il- Want a the state «renown: can'â€" vemhu for the senator-rm. to menu; Senator MD. ERITISH ARTILLERY CROSflNO THE LITTLE TUGBLA mm UN- DER FIRE; I'D-null]. I“ ll. Answerlux n. quenllon In "re house of wlumolu. George Wyndham. pur- Ilnmentury uevrctnry ol the war other. Dated [but In madman lo the 180.000 troops In South Am“. monuoned In It speech recently made by Man. the gov- ernment darned to and seventeen mom hummus or mmun and 1.000 you» mnnry. mkln‘ a total for Illa mum: at ovrr 30.000 men and fur the 7m luxury of 8.000. The man In South um. In added. would than I». “H.000 sleuth”. ochImvc o! Ilrk and woundâ€" ed. Ali-IQ?!“ nnuUu-r gum-Non. Mr. Wyndham um um ma ummn um Inn at the Bmlnh army in: Intâ€"mg. but It "a nun-rum ho- mny or lla- up" ll Pnlonn. AI lo their protection I. am (In 1mm» ww‘ Pretoria. Ir. Wyndham um nu- gw ‘ era-mu In“ that In «In ullununn 0! Ian! Rob-m. (kn. Hulk-r In bomb“ II: own. mull»; to the Man rc- poru A. adv-m n! In mom mar. IIII rub);- the lady-mu Imam In momma ‘mh hlm. m. loom up lo Tum loan “13de 131. (him In summoned ll- mlm DOII' flimlnmu. but Ms no! In“ Ml (mop tor an adv-nu Inward (be or- uu lllm. no": In (M- Uolnburx district Mn hon bombard-II by 00.. mm. but they In" necked [9-0.- WM and an nunâ€"Inn the ob tau". um. I. no" In London II to m unmoun- M (In. larval-H‘- Inn-g not Mum‘s Indoor Inn-r on... but "I! “Inuktitut: In moon. I. Survey mum-c Int-d numu' mu- PIICI “In In III" mlnuiw In: It. mm» war on". "comm". Feb. 1- The British columns are putting "themselves in motion in all parts 0! the South-African war new. A coin- blned attack upon the fibers appears to be in progress. Gen. Boiler has galned a footing on the plateau north or the Tuselu alter two days' hard hahtlng. On the fur western border Lord Methuen has begun a turning movement against the Boer rlght. while Gen. Macdonahl threatens the ‘ Boer hank. thus relievlng the pressure ‘on Lord Methuen'e front. 1.0m Rob- ertsi who. according to an lniormnnt in close touch with the war alike. is in the middle of the theater or war, he! begun the march on Bloemfontein. The Boers have taken the initiative against Gen. Gainere. attacking two at his po- sitions at Steritstrootn. It really looks In though the general forward move- ment so long talked of was in progress. Gen. Buller'u third attempt at relieving Ladysmlth absorbs attention. Hi: losses. as mentioned by one torreâ€" spondent. are 250. The only telegram iron: Boer sources asserts that one of Gen. Bullcr's attempts to seize' the lords failed. Imt they admit that he has lodged tort-cu on one home. 'l‘hree thousand more milltln have been or- dered to prepnn- ior embarkatlon. . 1- Which mu I!- lay Inch Indy- u-mrâ€"Ilrmlh hull-Inns lad-tu- “an flow-runaat‘l Poll:y~â€"Arblun!lol Tllked 0!- BULLER REPORTED FLANKING. latest News from the Segue of Con“? ct- "If WAR II 80an mm A DIF'ICULT UHDIITAKINO. mum-n a man hug-u. I! II uni-clad” w no" Manon-a nu M- of the Immune A: Wfln law mummy firm to M m ”I Minnie. KL. new flat Iii Ill mum“ II It Wu fl‘ mm pm 10 gamut , . , ' 22 Ext-um“ mnumrn Inland Ill ('uy, Main. on: aw flel gold union. "an! .0 lab! lag“. Yunnan-II. 0M0. Feb. ..~T.°I‘ undl ol cmuu and mu tro- Ila surrounding (an no and con-Cry no“ [Mann m nullmle of R. John'- Epluoul church. when Ibo body of Nujor Jahn A. In... In: In um. «r manure by nlmnry guards. 1'). salad out“ «tutu-nu “a My n- pnurd la "n- vnllhh of (I. cum. which no but no“ mama": «:0- mm with nummu Incl-p. It nu fold“ I“!!! With (I. M comm, ua "moon-twain“ In“ a! mu. "I'M "(I tho I.- nml "ll-jot John A. Lona. III. 0. a v." TM cash! "I m mud. TI": pmhulon "f Ionl "'50.! Ill "(floral-Irv. Om: In“: of Amr- lran mu” m. pillows 0! field! um other ran sud mum»! lover! Mm roman-d Ibo mm a! m and clam-My In the tuna mm ohm-no.1. Io-dly. '05. a. 0mm! announwmont having been made that Lord Hubert. is personally In vummnnd ot the British torm It Mulder rlvor. them In rec-on to expect Important developments In the cun- pulgn In South Atrlcu. An early tn- vulon ut the Orange Fm State um: Imminent. Hoblrk‘n and Human nun. whlrh the Boers took nonunion or flaturdny. have been react-um by the Drill-ll. The Boots um phoned out. There an bun A heavy homo lnrdtucut of Kimberley. The In of the non his gun It mendn) lu- ln-on very trylnx. Death rule cool”. mouuly hluhl Manue- 0mm. sat-uh! “a Sunday. t‘oh. Io ll. Joubcrt has sent 6.000 men um: Tunis. probnbiy to outnank Boiler. Boers also hold position south 0' Co- ienso. Roberts arrived on Headm- river and forward movement i. ex- pected. Boers outflnnkod British mat Rensbnrg. Boers threatening Pictor- mnrlizburx. Sheiiing of Kimberley continued. Kimberley has been living on home flesh slum Jan. 8. The Times says war teachm inadequacy at British hm) forms to Pmpim'u needs. Germa- capiml said to control railroad (mm bologna Bay to Trazuvanl. Mgr. Joli- vet, Catholic vicar in Trunnvaal. nyl Boers treat priests well. Hulier'a third failure to raiieva ladysmith an." al falling of spirit» throughout the Brit-‘ kill em uiro. } mum.» who into In M or the tom at union's Mn. N daned it Alter I bombard!!!“ b7 Bat cannon and mum! acres. the Mt river to their former wanton. 'fllo Neueslo Nachrichten of lalpolc Irish a special dlspatch from a. correspond- ant who claims that. General Bullcrl' third attempt to rolleus udylmlth has completely tailed. A Door 6139!“): asserts that on Tuesday 2.000 Brit~ lsh soldiers named toward Galen-o from Chieveley to create a dlvoralon in favor at General Bullet, but that "any were quickly driven back. Colonel Plumer's Muteklng relief force, accord- ing to 3 Pretoria dluutcls. "I re- pulaed at Rum-its: by the Bonn Fri- day. Feb. 2. anum 13 only .‘ few miles south of Gabqronea, showing that Plumer has made little progress nlnco Inst heard tram. General Gamer. lu- atrongthened, his outposts by driving back the Boers at Pen Hock and Byrd's river. mu m m. mm mum" at “W“ “Wham.“fl hunflhm' , ”tool-0 w I. Ian- lulu, on low In..- uutorhl mm to II. dragon which not mur- 1 per Dona nu: mm.“ In". § § 3 Lfii. § 5 g 5 I E x l unmummmwu'ufi Wmoklwln: mt ' . . on Ithelflhdflotlfl.‘ _' weir. We m up. to . w log home the nut on. I“ N N no contort-ole tor the , : nook. W. the. him [out _ ‘ to Amide. no that" could)“ mu mud. than when ‘1‘” down to the man. ail ‘ « getting up the outlaw _ dubbing on the In new?“ . monremem-om , .. noble: only tor the all! m at. mm o: home. no tum fl.- , hot-allude! ammmwu um took core o! then-elven. Th, 0! two otoblee emu-1: and '31:. ‘to‘olntoloo ooldflmvl .g would not do it, but and 0‘] :' prune the coldest night we I“. looked I: nor: on mm 5.. , 4 I cm [a an rode but all! ”I? Had count ten mounts l he: of thelr dream I"! then hove doubled their H ‘ Ind. and doubled their mind... o mot doe] more. All at In of. putatively out at debt and In ly bl. crop to thrill “(I M o tut price. not I ex‘poot '- on“ well contented a lot o! I: to be loud from MI.- Klondike. My son bought two mode olivin- to the note, and when '0 WW H Nod some barley we (wad M II- utud o! kiln: two Mod-Io tho one. It no tom" hourly Ive woody m you ought to have ueo Illa hitch . 7 ' mu up make for town to: :99 mole my: 1nd ml. to: to" M II. m non. I cannot say how I: till 0“. All lunaylsmlnunll- nnd tale- “ cm W lwlnb. to! b We located]!!! I“!!! _.' Alberta. 1 a maxi that I m not alumna SENATORIAL OOUMIIVa AVOID DANG... ‘u r, , d, t“! mum“. ‘ all”

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