Downers Grove Reporter, 8 Mar 1900, p. 1

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om. LI l A In! (:0 Ell]. 9 u Imm- The minute: of tho Iut renal" and “journos! meetings were run um! ap- proved. Th- roporlu ol villa“: mllofl- or And villm mnumr wan rend nml onion-d pineal on "In. mum omlnlnco Nn. 88. pmvhling for the mymanl of certain rlnimn, run and Md vru I. follow": an. learn! I Igor. . Th. villnza snornsy was instructed todnw contract with Engineer Chap- Innn for supsrvlsion of the electric 113M. plum. during construction (or .150. ho (a piss on mnteflsls and machinery snd be present .n. “In! uni. bolero accept-nos ol tho plant by vll» Isms. Upon proper motion bosrd sd- journod. mm- C. Wm"; Clerk. Dowan vasJil.‘ 'eb.5u3,1000 \ Thsngulsr muting fcr month of February wu called to ordsr by Pm- ldoandlnp Roll all noted present Trustees Hughes. Mm hel. Pears-ll. Prinu. nnd Woolforshelm, Absent. Trustee Bushi It was moved And carried that new catch huin be pm. In at. pumping nu- llon by street commissioner undnr the lupervlnloll of Tmatoc Woell‘ersheim. Attorney Slumr spoke ol necessity of having commute-y nppolnted to up prove mnkrlnl and nppllnm-os entering Ink) the construction ol‘ Ilectrie light plant and and". bill]. Upon motion of Trustees Prince Ind Noel-cl. President. (inllup was designated as the pemon to audit all bills for payment. after be- ing pulsed upon by Consulting Engin- o-r Chnpnnn. upon proper motion a new concrete floor wan ordered leid In the old boiler roam at. pumplng station to conform to holler room- of electric plant. It was moved not! carried resolution I). put upon "A pangs. Said resell» tion mu then put upon passage and curried. Thou voting ayo were Trua- hos Bush, Hugh”, Penman. Prince and Woell‘cnhekn; nay. MocheI. Reaolved. that the nut ol‘ the presi- dent and village attorney in giving the Globe Light "out On. notice of the clocuon of the village to terminate the lighting contract. with said company :0 tall. eflect on Fob. 15, 1900. be and the same hereby is approved and con- The following msolution was then mounted nud rend: The following tpplicuuons for posi- _tiona at the electric lighting plant won Ind; C. W. Singleton! as elec- tdclln; W. E. Dowel-aux u llccmod on- [taunt-1 E. Ruler u flnmgn. _ , and. find curried. President Gallup ap- pointed a. committee confining ol‘ Trusts-s Bush. Puma“ and Mochel to investigate applications with view to employing a practical electrician, also to investigate manor of rates iobe charged (or lightn. _ Euiaw u. Sfl BISSSSEENEEfiflg W H Merl: WSCIrrme Gallup I: was moved and carried that claim ordinance be put. upon its pat-sage. Ssh! chin: ordinance No. 87 was man put. upon it: passage; than voting age was Trustees Bush. Hughes, Mocha). Pam“, ‘Prinoo and Woolfonhelm. Nay: none. egg-ab On motion of Trash-u Hugh” and Penn“ the plans of uworagc lilo at pumping union was ordd'red ell-aged w connect with tile in Belmont street instead of nilroad property as recoup mud-d by Engineer Chapman. Geo llulfcn M slum: . L‘ C Carnahan. Ben C “'hilt_ ‘ "fillet \ '4 iamu emu In k "can am; a w. VClflm ordinance No. 8? providing for the payment of certain «lain-n was "ad and Its an I‘ollow.~: 1 1; you" Down-n Um". "L, Jul. 1. lmk Th. nxulu manna: I'or month of January, 1000. In- I'IIIed m ardu- by Cloth White. No quorum bung pm out baud adjourned to Monday aven- tng. Jun. 3. 1900. Downers vao, “L, Jun 8. 1000, TI“ adjourned ngular muting tor tlumoum of January was called to on!" by thlenl. Gallup. Roll call noted pro-ant. Tram Bush. Hughes, Pam". Prince, Woolleruhoim and Iochel. The minutes of list regular Inle‘ing nun mud and approval The report of village lr-asun-r was "Id Ind «mined plum! on Me. A petillon for plumber‘s license wa- md [mm Myron K. Bnmson. II. was moved and unwind [lecithin be gmnled upon filing proper ham] and pnying (no. VILLAGE BOARD PROCEEDINGS. sawâ€"“n. u ..uu- u nuu-u-u. Upon motion of Truth. Phat". a Inc-of nl! Ltr 01 SEVENTEENTH YEAR. BE" Guiana, Villagg Clerk. DOWNE R s GROVE RE POR'FE‘ m ho 137 31 14 a 501i) "Una M ”It KIng‘n New Life rm. ant-h night for two weak: but put me In my mna' aglln“ writa- D. H. Tur- ner nf Dnmpuytpwn. PL. They‘ro the benln um world (or Llur. Btomuch Ind Bough, anly mun. "our grip. Only Me n Bulb ‘ m-omon’g Drug Econ. The whim of“EnglislI Gullah-uh” Inn dincnmed I‘mm vnrionn points at the meet- ing of the Wednefldny club held in the human: (:mve clnhtoomn ymlerdny .a- "noon. Music opened the program. Ke- nponmlo roll call were quotation. from “St-wen Lump- M' Art-lineman." In. L. B‘ Flak-h" had in her topic “Woman Amhilmlnre « Nar'ich. Pelmborongll. lou- " "(loll-in Arehltectanmk, Can- lerhury nnd Litthfleld," In I'll-tuned by Mn. Lilh B Prince. “Ran-MM. And Modem Awhilectun *Cbnrch of 8!. Flu], Catlmlrnl nf St. Alban," elm, WM the subject of a paper by Mrs. KHz-huh Sneknledn. “Salishnryâ€"smnehengefiloâ€" Ilg‘mn of the llrnldn,” win the cloning pn- pot The next mint meeting will he held Much 2lnt. The ”Inject will ht (um-d. An evening medium In when-led for the no" lntnro, with n demnpflmn ln-tnm on “lingual: Scenery." .4". it“ hnmr a! San"! Cult. l-‘uu munlhn III". nun-eon Aria Jami 4 am- day Malawi. The beautiful drama. "A Debt. of Honor." will be presented by the Down- ers Grove Dramatic club at. the Audi- }lorlum next Tnemluy evening. March ‘ 3th. The club is relienming the plgy Illgently and will be ready on the «waning of presentation (0 give the nmoollieetperformnnre they have yet athempbed. The piece is replete with comedy, pathos and stirrlng situations, and the cast, composed of the best tal- entin the village, is fully competent. by training and natural adaptability to interpret the In" sense M the play. Following is the cast of charm-ten nml ayuop-ls: Ga-nvral Mark m- a horny! II|{ (.‘ulpau lergnr} €:rin-ru-~l.:-uu'>. prh-au- urn-u" John Browning ,Fred [nuts ah?! Anglia . .M M Coral Smith . Mm: .uie Illauchard an'sl. EN-urlt' , Hlfi-n‘n hntlrr.. Ollh‘ I I'Irn'w \ . . 3-1!" I "II hlrrul Math: “I pul I'cd hm "all. M. h â€"â€"In Inu- m . .. William Lawson ACT I. ~»Th0 lik'n Manda". Kr" York City. ACT ll Th: lllr at Sam: Crux. all San Ihm‘L‘n 0M_ "Elan-r: Ten Y an \ ar I'o-dm Mummyâ€"HI: Huh!" GI n A “’1" nlrfl-l Iva-her § Dr Gar 'a hururnn of "I! Mada“ r It. was moved and carried t'ml presi' dent have 500 copiea ol quarantine regulations printed and placed in hands of health ollk-em fur distribution. Upon proper motion Imnnl adjourned. M. K. Brsu. Village Clerk pro tem. An ordinance providing for the lie- ensing of electricians run than read. It was moved and carried that ordin~ no. he put. upon its puss-3v. Said on durum was then put upon Its llassage and carried. Trustees Bush. Hughes, loch-l, Pam". Prince and Woelfer- nhoiln voting aye; n-ys none. Tho plank-Ho bond or Hymn K. 895nm W” "ed a.“ “mud. Upon proper motion l'mldcnt Gul- lup nppolnmd a committee consisting o! Trustees Prinm. Min-Incl. and Hughes to confer wHII the bank onivinla In re- gard to the printing of electric hands M. the axpense o! the village. Downers Grove, In, Feb. 9th, 1900. The adjnunml regular meeting from February 5m mu called to order by Presideutflallup. Clerk White being absent Trustee Bush was appointed clnrk pro tem. Roll call noted present Trustees Bush. Hughes. Dlochel, Pearsnll, Prince and Woell‘ershelm. Fire Marshal! Davis appeared before lhu board and made request [or a num- ber of improvements henefltling the "re department. Upon proper mution nutter was referral“) Slrflel and alley committee with pmver to act” Upon proper muthm board mljourmd to meat Friday evening. February 9th. new 0. WHITE, Clerk. SAM claim ordinance No. 88 was then put. npun its passage and carried. Thou voting aye warn Trustm Pou- Stll, Hughes, Mocha], Prlucn Ind Woul- huh-In; any: none. I. L. Blackburn being present. stated that ho would like no have this baud act. in regard to agreement made with members of a former board for deedlng t porliun of his lot on Uuslhu ulnar, m the vlllage fur street purposes. It. was moved and carried matter be rain-red b0 Itreel mod alley committee with power to am. II. I!“ moved and carried that. claim ordinance be put upon It: Image. I! l Wan-Heroine":- his t Gall. , “If” It 1’: 1 kn Chapman Emanuel Bnui ....... u lv‘gmwn t Mental-In Bank in! Eon g Whiu THE WEDNESDAY CLUB. MADE YOUNG AGAIN. A DEBT OF HONOR. Frank him-Inf DOWNERS GROVE, DuPAGE COUNTY. ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, MARCH 8‘ H. Kim? Immu- Next Sammy morning and owning, u. the Methodist church, thl subject of mission In m b. mounted by two men who have hid gnu-noun expurionoo. Ono ape-her, ROY. J. F. Clumy, ha- been (mm-d for the pun. "In. yum In the “Inland utmt mission. Chicago. Tho other npc-lur-ona of the able“ men of the donomlnnuonâ€"Rov. B. 0. Jack- son, I). 1).. padding old-r o! (Imago dintflcl. in for ton your: "mainland- ont of min-Ion- In South Amado; Mr. Clancy wu tornufly pub! M Lamont. nhowlng hl- no". in n oomplcnool unnu- In fighting “ramble; B. will upon In tho morning and Dr. lube. will arc-oh I. “0 oval... A meeting will be held at Cnrponhr’n hull Sunday altornoon. MAI-ch 10, It 2 o'clock. for the purpose of eonuiderlng nutter of organizing n locnl lodg- of tin Rnthbone Slalom. All ladies who no either wlvm. mothom. ulster: or d-ughtcm ol’ Knights of Pythlu tn eligiblo for number-Mp And In re- quuted to be present. Put (Innd‘ Chlol’ Dr. 1!“th D. Mitchell 0! Ann‘ on will upon): It "I. mung find u- pllln the honofltu of the order. Tho Staten]: an suxllluy o! the Knlghh of Pythlu. The Fourteenth District. Senatorinl committee met at the (Inn Northern hotel in Chic-go Tuesday and llxed the date Ior holding the senatorial conven- tion. The due decided upon was Fri- day. Ilny 4th. Ind Aurora. WIS selected as the place. The convention will can- veue at. ll o'clock in the opera house. Kane county has I‘ll delegates and Du- I’Ige county fl. divided as follows: Addison 3, Bloomingdale 2, Wayne 2. Wlnfleld 5, Mllwn 0. York 5. Downer- Grove 11. Male 3, ancrvllle 4. Tlmro will be a mum meeting in the Methodist. church next. Monday night in the interest 0! lampernnce and the enactment and enforcomenl o! I noâ€" Iicense ordinance. Judge l). (l. (ira- lmm will preside. Reproununivo cilia zens will speak. Tlm organization of‘ a temperance votan’ luguc wlll be considered. All citizens who favcra wisely pmgrenive ndminintmtion ol’ villnge all‘nirs by experienced 1nd tem- perate buxinm men are invited to be present. The Knights of Pythius will enlar- tain their members and prospective candidulen at a masquerade dsnco in their lodge hall Friday evoninz. Ilamh m. The'occnaion will be a sort of cale- bmtion over the passing of the century mark in membership of the local lodge. With the recent addition; the lodge has a membership of over one hundred. Charles W. Ingnlls, of Naperville, was here yesterday. Mr. Ingnlla has pur- (:th , an old [£ij glgng qt thus place, and will start a now paper than to I). called the Nupervillo Hamid. Tho first number will appear next week. Hrs. D. D. Bag-her and daughter at- hmled the reception given by the Al- locinted Young Wunan’s clubs of CM- cago at the home of Mrs. Potter Palmer on Friday last. The Cungmgnlioual Ladies Aid So- ciety will serve a hot dinner In the church basement lonigm. Thursday. “Arch 8, from 6 to 8 o’clock. Henry Selig is remodelling the inâ€" terior or his barber snap and will make two rooms. His dnughhu will an- gage in me millinery business in one of the rooms. Miss Com Escher was one of a party of thirty young ladies from the Art insnlule who participant In Isleigh ride Mondny afternoon. Ilr. um! Mrs. Henry Lehman of [Ace will soon become real outs of our vil- lage. They lave fen Mrs. Daven- port's place. No. 3 t Curtis: street. The Knights of Pylhias conferred several degm on quite A lump}: of candidates last. nigh L Iliss Grams Walker, of l‘lnnsmouth, Nah, is in Chicago taking humus m stouogmphy. Mrs. Helen Darwin Ion for Ogden, Utah. last night to take a aituation as n trimmer in a millinery More. E. H. Prince returned from Joplin, 310', last Saturday winning. [in re- ports good business In that mlning dis- trici. ' Ilr. Ind Mrs. Frod Jones have return ad from their visit at Lincoln, lll. Ills: Edith (Ir-hum visited friends in Ev-nswn the lore part. of-thc week. “A Debt. of Honor" In. the Auditor- ium next Tuesday evening. S. A. Lvmaniu employed with Elec- trician Slot!» In wiring hams. Donne's Grove wnn lh. loco: of 1shout. the sauna sporting populnuon 0! anorth, who can" u unnatu- and nudflon in the col-brand homvrnclng on. n! Zolnlngar vs. Halal-r. Sour-l month- Agu John annlngor And Jon Hanzlu hu'l n hm hm from anor- ml. to Downer: Grovo and return. tho chin bolus m n Ildn. Ir. "dial-r Ilnnlng Ind Ir. Zflnlnger lowly loo- Ing Ml Mo. Recently - nun to noour the money «In commenced hymn Jun- hca (Dr-hum. of Donna. (Iran, the (Hal taking plus. Iut FM”. Afar hiring the testimony of tune-u- null manna of counul tho court an of tho optnlo- lhlt th- phlnllfl could no. new". boon-no ho Md no. man um thnuoncyhul pan-ad "0an of the museum Into the M of an Modal. 0- 514. but wade. cud In u-Iw- favor and (In ”lunar-allow.” A crowded house greeted the Oaks Drum-Ne club Saturdey evenlng on their appearlnce It the Auditorium under the aunpicon of the Down“! Grove club. A two-pun. prom-m WI! given, the club presenting “The Doc- ior" And "The Baron's “Inger," wlth Ilr. end lire. J. K. O‘Neil In the prin- clpfl parts. The former Is a delight iul comedy, which won the approve] of the audience, Ilr. O'Neil II “0'03!- Ieghnu" being oupecillly clever. The second pert we: not received with furor. I want to let the peopl- who sulfu- I’rom rheumatism and sciatica. know Nut Chlmberlain'n Pain Balm roll-ved ms after a number of other modlclou and a doctor had luilqtl. It is the but Iinimenll have ever known «ILâ€"J. A. Dodxon, Alphnntu. Ha. Thou-ands have been cured of rheumatism by this remedy. Una uppllcltlon rollovu tho pain. For sale by Bush Slmonmn. The second lecture given by In, Rose Barium)" on “Facts Women Should Know" was enjoyed by I num- ber of Indian Sulurday «furnoon. 8h. lectures every Tuesday nflnrnoon from 2 untll 4 o’clock at tho Masonic temple in Chicago, and lnvlm I" Downers Grove ladles to attend. No admlmion charged. Thom who have seen "A Debt of Honor" My that it is a benutlful and stirring drama and resemblen tho I'nm- ous “Arizona” In many respects. Tho plny may he mu at the Auditorium next. Tuesday night. Sabbath Iervicen at the Conga”- uonal church: Morning, “The Recov- er] of Jews. the Christ." Evonlng, “The Dndly Cigarette." All boys in- vibed. Good munlr. Carma Tucker will-ing. hmught the middle of the rout int; high favor Imh pqdestrhnnx Huidmlch 0 Schushr. beloved hus- band or Emilia fichuater (no. Arnold), died recently at Ma homo hour Shanty. Iowa. Dav: P. Blodxalt “poem to lava for San Francisco In the courno o! a month to take a [noxnion with the American Sled a Wire 00. on the can... IA. E. Singlelerry "turned In! 1nd: from Ibunlnesa trip to l’ittshurg and other points in the east in the Internal: of his llrmâ€"Mnsmu, Lewis Co., bro- ken. Everym. wax mule to fool ml: and lolly this week. The tmchnroul The dlxhn that were left. at the Audi- wnum Iflar the banquet were taken to the home a! In. H. w. Martin, on Grove street. Hertz Mochel are wiring tllfll‘ hardware store for electric llghll. Tummy-live lumps will be mad. County Supiarintendont Morgan was how Tuesday and visited the whoola. accompanied by Charles B. Hodge“; The “Fund": Club" will hold “a flfll; meeting Saturday. March 10. M. the home o[ In: Inn Hall. Ill Wash- ington final, at 2 p. m. William Simubc In about $0 whip I cnrload or young cattle to his farm In Hunilton county, County Superintendent at School: Morgan visited (ha m-hools hero Tum day. “ l havo money to loan on real «ht: murky, at a per vent inter-st. D. G. Fred. Schindler I. confined to "I. houu with his old complaint. “than. The grand jury is in union It Whol- ton this wank. My. Ind In). Hugh Paul, of Chicago. ”JIM here over Sunday. J. J. Reilly has bun ill [or the pan “not. J. 3. Not: claim to .nnounco to his (armor pntmnn "ml he has cloud out hll groan, nuulnm,lnd Idaho- (01th than! for the patronm ox undo-i hlu‘ All who no ind-laud 00 MI- I" mac-M to all and nut. In- nodlau summon: of than manta. Tho Burlington Bonk wtll I.“ hono- Iuiu‘n ucnriol Ilckou to point. In tho '0“. mun!“ and north-at u on Intel-- am. pm .8.“ hr the mad Mp. mm. no“ :1 any: (to. A. J‘ Lundbor; dalru to Announce Ms nmovsl from ”I. bunk building to Hughu’ hlrdinro atom, whm ill or- dm MI, be In". Wiring done It tho Iowa-v. possible prim. and he gunni- hu than to be In low I. prim mode by 0h. villus nloctrichn. ‘mol .10. All through but ltd. no, u Dow-a- are" for pun-m “and for poll‘- My.“ M Hutuwoquulomlul. Du.“ yachts-afloat“. I... “. “WWI-11M A thing of bounty In a joy form-or. Our umplu of Wu" Paper jun. 30 M 0! lnth-x ever sun In town. and tho prim will nurpdu youmhoy m lochup. Cull and uh C. Fl. Hughu about It Hughes (- G-llnp desire to make spool-I mention of their dellcionn chm. They haw; I" kindsâ€"Educ», brick, Limburger, Ind the very but Nu! York full cream choose an the mnrkot. Shirt utiul’wuon- that's what. you have whcn you we" the "B ind B Rad Llno." They’ro different from thou you and on shop nhelvm. 1nd jun. I trifle Inna In price. J. W. Nash. solo mm. Hv-ry sun or overcoat Brunmn turn! out strongman his npuhflon (or luv- nlshhm the bani. Ills price: In con- sistent with two merit. D. 6. Graham bu haul Manlu and I“ rmuuu for execution of will: and his Ind yarn of succmtul expcrlunco In thll lino. Give him a call. Charm mnnlhla. Ilm HApplnmâ€"lhe (lanolin: move!- Iold by C. 8. Hughes will do much to add to the happincnn of your homo. Quick Meal Ind szal. isn't it. surprising how cheap C. 8. Hughes in selling his Wall Paper? And tho plthrnn Ire bountiful um! “I. quality ol paper I0 good. Hughes Unllup have put In I stock of pnlnla md oilsâ€"tho Hanan-h mdy mixed Ind Souour Iloor punts. ‘ has-hournoor pun: aromatic on the mullet. For Isl. by Hughes Gallup. Will “clung. denuury for hay. out], gain. or poufioqs. Dr. A. W. lorrov. Tho bond of uporviwn had a mo!- lnx lul Wodnosday to we“ on tho qml- tion of granting the ohctrlc Hilton! o atrlp of 11nd dong the north side of Mn mnrthom grounds for mud pnrpom A resolution was Introduccd to "gut al- focl And In Informal ballot ukén. tho majority of the nuparvlaon preunt voh lug against. the mutation. It mm- to In the unflmenl o! the supervisor- th-t the cou nbousu grounds wor- dood- od to the county (or courthouse pul- ponn, and “mi they luv. not. the right to givo nwny any part thereof for ailm- pnrposu. 'l‘lnre Iron nin. calm-whorl preocnt, and the month}; in culled {ol- the apron purpose of getting an em prosalon from th- unlnlnrn on tho question or granting or raj-cling. to «curing "n mun-mu! Hum whoa they an In in W for I“ article- Iluud. '1 Tho mm:- or punctual-3 lb ”1 nuck, at. th- umping chm...“ by H. H. Wooilcnhdiu, In. 7 sad It was vohd um that-nob. chum! (or “25, to b. «and 4- fly “may 3'. tin lighting will . ‘ '2 ‘Th- pen-don «mud M a. ,3 poop}. of th- war. “was 0'” chm-g tho old hull In OI‘IIQOI : VIII-go Md Ink-d ill-bud II'M' prim-n: dunno. “than” to the nu.» commit“ with m not. AlbanJuowl-k, u. Inn-u a m Dr. Cnldwoll‘l Syrup Pdpsin convln~ cos you of It: merits the III-M. doooyou Artistic Wt" paper at Buck's. Try MorrIn' Sandi“! Kaolin. Additional loot! nun on fifth plgo. Plum to rent; lnquln M. Strauho’o fwtory. Blno flama oil for Mu. nun. do". at. Nash's. Tho only place In town to buy blue “an. oil is at Nuh'n. K. linger at. al. Fonclo-ure.â€"Joha Urlvo- VI. Ann mum. Smith 0% II. Fomlonumâ€"Funan and Hemhlnu' Bank vs. thn H. Rolnnnr It. «I. Fore- closure. â€"John (ll-Ava vs. Charla. Ward at ll. Fomlonure.â€"Hlnnnh E. Elma; vs. Sophia Cranky at al. Pouch-uh. ~Illry Ann Paul vs. Ella. F. Schoflold. Fonda-urn. Tho Much term of the elm-All court manned u Wham» Maud-y, \vflh Judg. thop pmldlng. The follow- ‘lng en.- 0! lulu-on to Down-n Grov- lnlgnntu u. on the dock-t: Th0 Pboplo at. II. n. Frank Zimmerman. Viol“- flng liquor lamâ€"Funk H. Bun-toad Vt. Carolin. I191": Griffith. vi. :1. Bill. â€"Tho Chlugo T1,“. and Trust Co., I oorpontlon. "who. A. C. Due-t. do- wned. vs. Wm. '1'. Root. Tl‘lplfl on tho cumâ€"linnl- H. Prlnoo VI. Frank E. layer at. al. Fomlowre.â€"Joha Unn- n.Ann mum. Smith or II. Fomlonunâ€"Funun and Icmhlnu’ Bank “A thn H. Ronni-r It. «I. Fore- All numb"! war. '1'... >_ oval-3 at $0th ‘ villi]! baud. loll can-ll fit lau- d tho minutes of In. _ ' upon- of vllh‘g 0.0a. _ (on chunk-of an Msflfl mmwum ' on hum at last and. 01 MP“. 01.000; 088-4131”. human: Iund, “9117'. n u- now: and would my . muo- or A. J. Lame. (a! ‘ ’ ol-n'llleouu by Mel“. out rum-Mag aunt-cm and; ' An ordinal“ to uh “I MIC .. ' «nun-non neatly M h It: 1“? REFUSE 1‘0 GRANT LAND. WITH THE MERCHANTS. MARCH CIRCUIT COURT. flu world-Md. {no for I“ cum It wry-u. my chart-Ivy! "on. olntmnt or hall for M u Burnt, Dom. Dora. '0'“, M! hr. 3.“ Bhutan. Pour Inn. . Hanan, 5H. Imp“: m Pn-n. Cur. mind. M N Rush lndam'l Dru.” ' None. h but, .lv. It "I. one. of J.- I “tor Pothmmflfi Down-n0” I". PAH!“ drug: on bad and Dolls“ I all. m mu m. vary but of floating. w. with to now, as. «Ia-ad} Huh county um In h." “I“ ~ Igonoy for Dr Olldwoll'nlyrlp mi tho no“. can for eon-“mm, sullen. lick find-Mn I“ m." troublc, and gum“. It to do Q ‘-~ ommondod‘ '- llnyl tap 1h ' ‘ One lump. The lamp. The: ‘IIIpIn Four lamp-I five lamp-1.. . [M [II per can . - ‘ nour nth»! or a cunt pout-m power lump par hour. with Io dilemma for prompt pun-M: . 0n aux-aluminum. "lanai; ~ 0.. hula o! “lo nan. lime-In .- 0.- km. M 7me no 3”“ ”h n. hm. at now £12.50. .. rue-n" a» m um. ollllflnrovcru. nun-u! ’ Light consume": will 5. MIN“ 1 make-dung]: of CI! on man. ‘ mlnsmum ml. of ".00 per .0!“ t. " b. ”uhllnhod on ID“? rum. " 3 ANhoug‘h a. mum- at not com-Incl clock-lo mm- " ‘ _ posed to n boa donut-I, I“; an «jut-mm occupied uncanny-n of the board'- an. Tunas, dual-5' 5nd eon-flan“. ‘hch-iol on M h- hmtluxudcoupllabd topiovuh- , dulgod “3.. Sam- mmhon um I“ " should-mam of ch. nu nu, "a.- oth-n fnvored It. 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I!” suck In. th- pumping new...” hyfl H. Wooilcnhdiu, Iv- md It was vobd um that-nob. chum! (or magnum hub name, 3'. tin lighting pull Til-MO!“ talented M T0 wuou :1- un calculi, nucxuln Aim mu - Your! mly, Dv- I’ll?" 110110: To TWA“

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