Downers Grove Reporter, 8 Mar 1900, p. 6

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W'F‘E'T‘l m}? M m" Am th- lolunmed-u a! Calcut- h 0 mm: mortality make. the m “an or 634.5 par 1.000 I ”WWme “Lama-mm Lilith-Wham duhâ€"imam '1 null-uh“ “who my unit mot-cu "winndfluhlahu, LHM' ' "m7 "was «nub ”I“. ,- m gun-moral... “Maze-um“ “11mm . Grain-0' 7'! g; Grain-0!; m Hamill,- ELM cl. Tum parilla w.....‘ 1.7 “$3 u: Ear-puma. Band my but! 0! cut-I'm" Am: [lulu-ton. Won. lud- "" TM munch Walt a- burner In new nutty null hon. Sans attempt- have been I“. to Mr 3-1 ply the an. style 0! burner to z hm sene Imp. sun ”other no hr n ha been nought by I. much-nu. II. Da- numm. B. u on. at n- Mllu ill?- lu In an {Madman Ind application 01 the Incandescent [an IM all unt- II‘ systems, and In: It“): mum to 00 French Society of can Enli- neeu . anten- 0: Want. unn- lnx In which limbo! tumble: thl halting flame. While, in II «I! mu. dental under I WM ”we no- dium n brilliant this, It I: not an eco‘ uomlul one; but ll. Datum" plu I: to cm. tho glacial with hydro cabana. In ninth... to nab an ex. tutmttlumflnlhmuuul dupe-fled on the nu: lids and, to 0. [Int without end-z II, In- “: "Mannheim that magma mm 3mm mm "nay um hr the «ma. butthnmgolaglubyhy. Tho Onpu short Lino in mm extru- onun-ry do“: u: hm the ulna- mumhtomnotlcootmm (man. and In loading the mm withmmnuvuy mm dacflpum of th- at“. Writ. to th- Onersl Pit umrmtotthhlflkouuwt L-ko for prhtod bitter about. Idaho. at read It carefully. It will be A mention to you And I share]! ho Hm um end In your "no"! to (In 'nL" ‘ fund-bun ho had I: ““qude and Wynn-vinta- (all mnmmwwawm mu. nun: II“. “t this “than I: n Vllt. u lune-unfit dilate-e9 have“ (arm-s II II- an and 1mm; II the nut. "thum- enflthomtmldoulyumm understand an Inn-unu- We! 5! their tum batman. l nruy bun". mnymdmhuohn total.- ’M In the nu: In! m Th [rt-lanai hm In anoint. «mum 01 mp. all eel-um: o! In patient mum}. Ha mar plan- tlnt budounotm,udwlulm nun lion'tneuflwr-nhgolw- Ind and: o! halt luau-i guin‘ we! a tho mm W cu- al ll- channel-yawn; “Immo- lu of field: nu: ma: "can 00 Mel: or “a: In a. unmet! nun or which has macho! the pol!» lion at dculopment. Than to lo u'uxloun scanning of an m: to: m ‘clenduhrzerthngml'llud' and fervent prayer- 1ht u III! our velop the heavens and lend do!!! wa- ter ‘0 tho minty laid; Th. min- uou tamer lever mm shout all. Ho watches his grown: crop. and n0 day and the hour mm I: NC“. In I. out with NI hoe loading MI new: with water in. can): 1m “in then. - "Everythm mu In the west as: [mu anywhen an. in the United sum north at Tex-um... Potato-I [may yield 500 bushels. to tho syn. and but!” I. now- at W ." rupuuhu wax-wmmmmm’iii Ignh the. pronoun} no mu; mi (run-trim Hui-3'85; lommvnlllmmlnmho, twammumm A. lullâ€"nun It! will no doubt burnt. out rude". He says: Wo I" 90th to publish n u- lna from I pdvm letter In“ by a conch-um who in tee-nu: Mn devoting Ml uno m the man In- W at maul llrllll‘ by Ir- W in th- Iau. HI- vmd por- nlul at tn. adv-hula o¢ cm in- sum mmm DION-I'D ecu-'1" m ‘ I WORLD; mummuuvflm Madmen-pawl. 'I‘DIII of m M II...“ Ml! C.-l'l 0*“ Tu mu 0! nun: Jon» 1 cu... Ila m Ban- mnmea solen- a; m- of u Cm. wu. cum: m Mun. In. Wan-adv by drum. ma. tho ”M M mt In Me a“. an In! hen slightly Pm. III-IL. lulu-t. “It. has act-Id lumen-1.. Wuhmmmnnw. II .4... h...“ run-l...“ ll. w I.“ I‘ll- Aco-c In I“ Bob Punt-1mm Ind Ton Burn, A. Inning pull-ate: nu! sum- hve ken numbed to and II I It“. am It filth-d. lick. wu- )ulled Arnie-mud bout u the x-Iuh don-tâ€" Iv a unh- a-tlnl-y mam our Hues. In (I. but bum. during m mm“ will. he luv riding on - rnilmd vo- nun-n. ’ hands. In "In house mnsmerabla hummus. mun-b of a minor c-hnracur. was {run- ncted. Dunn; conflderation of a bill to Incorporate the Fredrrlrk Dough” Memorial and Illnmrlml mun-Hon the maker and Mr. Bulky of Ten. exchanged sharp words, and the lump llllb‘uterod and ultlmatoly prnvenlcd lbs Hull passage of the bill by 11¢ mundlng the radio; a! (he cum-o.“ hill. The bill m‘to rolled at tho ruldem of no hie Fromm! nouns lu Walnut“ . record of the nil-ninety statement Ila-«y. Inn-h b In the senato Hr. Cum-r 0! Montana dull vigorously with Hm Quay mu. 1- lbo comm a! an explanation u to why In will vote for the former senator from Pennsylvania. nolwnhnundlnl he voted spinal xhx- man; of Ir. Col-hen In the m: mural. The mr approach to the u... a! mum; on the confluence report on (no Imam-ill bill brought out turn npon'heo on till. measure, one by Mr. l-‘ulrhunlsn and the other by Mr. Butler. ; "Bay. In“. 2. 1- the senate Mr, Hoar mm in speech in (“or or the Rating of Mr. Quay. Debate on the Puerib )1ka par“! bin consumed the re!!! at (In: any. The house‘ «I: needy: at a m up from tin president. passed A bill placing in the, president‘s hands all me money counted upon Pin-no Bi- un goods since the Spanish nunsâ€" iion. in be used for the relief of Pm- to Means. Mr. Mann ull.) called up II: contested election case of Aldrich n. Rohbinn iron the Four“: Alanna duh-kt. The democrats attempt“! a mum-m. but II- cau- wu um: u». 136 to 129. The raw I‘ll debated for tho reminder of tho- day. hm]. larch J. In the senate [In union I15 brief on, account at the drain of newsman- uve Eve: of Virginia. Mr. Ross spoke in opposition to wing of M. H. Quay. and Mr. Tell" spoke in criminal of (he I-ontaena- moon upon (In rub :rency hill. A hum u! piivain pon- sion bills were mud. in the house the xhnplaln in his mutation made feeling "(Home to the «loath 0! Ir. Em. It haul Mn intruded to proceed with tho.- Aldrich-Robert: contested election cane. but unanimonn consent was given to mn-nlv the order hortic- Iore mad» and postpone the final voile uniil Tuesday .11 2:10 p. m. Resolu- iiuns on the “MU! at In: lines were adopted. and a rommiuva .wpolntod to attain! Hu- inneral. l- the house the demon-rats SI‘OI’PLI their first victory 02 the session 01: the motion to take up the (’Wlelflkd elec- uon use of Aldrich “.1“me from the Fourth Alabama district. 0:: two nun-ate votes the democrats. can use aunt 1w republican. It. lamb“ of Wyoming and H. C. Smith at m- nn, beat the mum“ upon ‘the «lye-non of (widemlion. AI lune- mnt wu mule to confide: the Loud bill relating to second-ulna mu'l mt- ht larch :0. A bill was united in mm a American resist" to the shin ‘ 'Wlndwntd. In which Lieur. Peary will make an attempt to reach the north pole. fund-y. Ian: I. In th- sen-la um blll providing a form or government for [he men-mu: of "III“ In: passed without division. It. Clay damn-ml a run-ohm] pre- nn-d speech on (In Phillwinu. He Inn-mi (Er Holman of [he Bacon res- olullom, M01811“ in. lo be the policy ‘ol' the United States In turn over lhe Islands (0 the l-‘iliphmi as sum: an A stable government could be “unusual by (hem under the protection u! this country. M the instanu: of m: Pon- ker the I'm-m: kin-an Lam! bin was: made the unfinished business and will he tonsillered us soon as the router- once rayon on the imam-e bill shall have been dhposnd of next Tuesday. It Iru decided to take a final vote on (he conhrenm report on "u- financial bin next Tut-way at 4 p. In. [ Wed-um. In In. t The acute Wynne-l until Thurs- day the vote on 1h: Barnum: govern- ment M". It. Aldrich. chain-min ol the Imam commmee. made an ex~ pluuuon vl du- work at the conlem on the luau-ha! meunure. his lit-lunch! mulling m an unexpecn-d and upmxed debut. Mt. Ill'Lum-ln at South Cun- mn made I speech an the Philippines. He II the first dflnuu‘alle «um: "I «Ia-Ian Ill-sen fur expulsion. The home panned at: Pilgrim Ills-an Iarll bill by a vote a! 172 to 1‘]. 9. Elli. .I flail-K .6" filo-.0 It. a. all Eli will}? it Ii... 0-. l: E:- HuOnioI-n-i u. it III-ca. n LEVIEs'rmEEu PER can Pueflo Rim hrifl’ Bill "a: Fund. ”"1. .”VI Inn-r3. In. In“ Ital.- llnul I'm" Mn. l-‘rlnl Blmlol‘. residing neu- Jeflerxou. m... unnamed to mmmlx calcite Tuesday mm by shoonnx her- ull Ir“) a ruolver. One buual “weighin- breast, L‘Illllll‘ n nun hand. She cannot lh‘e. du'uopn' nu . napalm. The five-story frame stores and flats bulldlng n NM :20 and 222 South Mme Itsâ€"ml. Waukagnn, 111.. known I: the CHI lloune butldlu. was do strayed by fire Sunday nighl, with I Inn of about ”0.000. ‘I'o ‘I’ou Liquor I...- Tim :Ily authorities oi Hnrrishnrg. "L, have Inuit-d R. H. wuu. mm a! lhc American Exprm company, chain: Min. as mm of u:- com- m. with selling whllky wiihont 1 license. Will: had born «mu-m; package» containing whinky from n Inn in Kenn-rt! to parties hur- C. in“: Pay Day- An: urn-M. Work was resumed Monday in me [our depxrtmvnu of the Republic Iron and Steel company‘s plant at. Alexa-r ark, giving o-mploymem lo 000 men 'l‘ha nu-n wan: notified that they will be DIM I‘nlll)‘. This In "In fin! vic- lnry won by lndlunn employee of (In wupany In tho‘lr fight for the tutor-:9,- mcn! u! the state law. It’d-r ll... flu. “In. The tnnwonn w-mn and Gram arrived at San Francisco Monday tram Manila. 0n hum! the steamer tun Gen. Joe Wheeler, his daughter. and Ills. Davin. his niece. Tm Gran! hfofl‘lll 201 Rick soldiers. 67 discharged soldiers and z: (abin passengers. Dur- ing the voyage six 0! the whim-s dink Their mm were brought to port. Not-d llvlpnndé HIE-g Lon Currie. leader of the must. noled band or western dam-rune. aim we disruption of tha June: magma. km- ed by data-“vex Wednesday morning at Maison. Ma. Currie In vmnoed for the robbery at n L'nlon Puma [run neu- Wllcox. Wyn. but June. when Hue «when was nearly ham: lo (hath. ma locomotlve detached from the min. nil run out onto 1 Image. that strur tum being blnwn iith 41w mlte, and the “bass car Rooted at more um- sum , ‘ luv-no for In. Vole-n. An absolute dh‘ome in trauma Ira Prince: Willem: from United Bum Sen-tar E. 0. qucou In th- ‘U'nned Sales Dhtrltt court In Denâ€" ver Mona-y afternoon. The mum-Lu of Mrs. Wok-on sets forth nut she married the senator May 14. 18,0. Sh. chm-gas amnion Without muse from Feb. 27. Is”. and] the urn-sun date. A tenth-t was reached for (he plaumm’1 and a decree was tuna]. It provldod that Mrs. Wolmu shah rmln- 87.500 a year alimony. _ Senator “'olmu undo no defense. lb. .0 .- Anna-o .cvlvu. If“ when nhuu co III II"- m II. 0min MT. ”in: ”more lfld Olin When Barney Wail. cashier of (he Farmm‘ Savings bank at D-‘urminglon. 1 Iowa. opened the door (a the \aui! of the inniimtion Monday morning, it lax. diawremi that robbus had atâ€" ulred entrance to the mail during Sun- day and made I)! with a huge Hum 01 money. claimed to amount to ”7.000 The oillciuis are rem-em. about the nun: taken. and deny that it was 817,000. The omu‘ialn claim the bank will not be seriously (:rlnpled by the 10an u‘ a large amount or gold and silver wan‘ M: unioucheu as. robbers akin; nothing but cumncy. III-Ill m I. lie-III. Du'id )1. Robinson, an Invalid. us burned ‘0 death at Port Huron. lich- Wedneiduy. He haul been xlyk with pneumonia and malarial lever and al- who] [)1th Ind been prescribed for him. Tuesday am: his brolher, W11- lum. urn Mn a vigorous rubbing tun alcohol. and then put film to bed. fasltnlnx the Whine: wound hill lightly. About I o'clock Wmhu vu- avnkcuod by a than or llsht. “I name Quickly. anduwnnm‘ m M- lbnuwr's room was horrified In IIIA‘ him standing uptight in bed in m Illdst of a sheet 01 lumen. The hit was no great. he could not approach. but seizing I bed «mm from his ova bed In tried to mother the pillar o! In. wan-e doing this the burning man then up his arms and fell heav- fly to (In: flout. Where. “in a shrink. he died. The body WIS terrinly burned. 0|.- l-nuuu .OI Iuhcu lull I- .000 .llâ€"‘I‘II m In” III! 0].. Nethnsole. Prowl-tor man at Wunack't then-r II In York. and new“! other: canal-Ind nu held In $500 bond: each for "kl In ”will “Ions by Hui-unto Holt Manny for muduuhs the play "Sanka," Chief of Puuw Devery, .- noon II the decision was announced. ordered the police lo supprm all lut- tler attempts In produce the play. There was no per-(mums u! "Sauna" n Walla-it's Monday night. “SAP"O" IS UNDER "It “I. fl’EIlllI DUPLEX mm? "3;!!!- VIM! 7 W08!" of nun-h. To prevent. Mbemwxbtochulaunh on o! “I victims. Peru". not only ”Mintpmenulh Any nun who Withl perfect mm must be entirely in. {mm cat-ah. Wk 1- won-nigh Influx-n31; Almost Myrna-L Penn. in the only ab- .ol-us Arena-rd known. A cold I. the «I was 01'!!ch with Cult-tn for also years. My mm was 1m MW in my hold. ! tried many remedies .wllw ”all. lWlouvmldafla's. but they we" not able to any“ I [and «mm, Penna. limit the any noun-pen. Altar nun the may far to rack: l was entirely cured. I consider a; lion. Gun Kemlen, . wellâ€"known Justice of the Pram-e, of Chicago. Had Catarrh Nine Yearsâ€"~All Doctors Failed. 'Mfll'. mount. 1,551.. “mi, mu km bu- mm. tnIIyars since I vocal-ed.“ Ion. ceom'a' uni-Iii. bi: when? "II‘I mm». Ind 'EKlII" Ira-I N» M 3.» rom- a humu- nynpm n w. M i To In». 9".â€" Iultlll In Irv-ulna.“ Inca-‘1. m awry AAA..â€" ‘_ ‘ El I. is... launc- lhous 41 Ita- l: at Ill. 3‘! u: 3:! 1!.- .I 34 «a. yang-In. ‘31 3.93:: gala-S1: I .3. 13¢- ?‘I‘o I... In a is . 31 in... ill go 59. 3. S; I’ _ _ .ua-a 11. um I lullâ€"a um All-ru-la-nc Flo-n "no. log-II loud- mu Oil-Ito: Kalil. I6. P'" Imgmm n. â€".....- uua- minus-d thud-Hanni- nil- man «was btfot! jun "-W of lung- run-(no mum Ilal-nda-cdcndhq-I‘n Mann-en uoId M nails-II M M “Id W. "I ”Mum. ll. “CM-7.7: .In-I. ind-Iii 9L9 SOLDIERS 00 HOT .IID II. AIV ”HIV. A nun! m In. to“! SOLID cou: FREE! mac All Intuition should provid. flun- selves with a copy 0! Dr Harlin-uh ken book entith-d ‘Wlnter Cuuni' This book «Insist: 0! seven lectures on mun-h and la grippo delivered .1. Th- H-rtmn Sanitarium. It (WI-ill tho Uni. inform-Hun on the m‘ d caurrhll iii-clues Adda-ac li- m nun. \iolum bun. Ohio. MOflEY m Won't-m (and: IDA l IML‘ro'll Inn-I on Ila mm..- E 51.3.: m um uni-n1. ‘ an. jig-um ur "ml "Ivâ€"Ml

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