Downers Grove Reporter, 8 Mar 1900, p. 7

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Hammad-a! 5â€"mâ€" She who fan: would guide must seem On follow. No mun NM" or skak unle- In mama mu Hana ll believlng that the unexpect- ¢d wlll happen landlinmofla "um mm!“ PA- “A ‘u That the Men. or bum in u) be eon-cm of none I...“ “I“ umum-puuuqm- humus. Ilka-mph». tan. Thu m "mu: 0! Volumes Inc can £3,000,000. Farmers in hearty every northwest- ": sate are pinning nul trees along with their peaches ’and pears. and Ira milking the hillsides. where nothing an will (mm. (or nut orchards. In. iii-Sb. suc' ’ iii; an... I. all“ . unn- ling-nu, mn- Il-fl cum-mm Rum A- may as 4.000 dale: have been blind o- : single palm. Bowue the lury o! the panem. man. cofltht "lap on : 35c mlquodiaq, MAW Ymdottototdnmwdl' ' law-sow. “rush-4:31.00 hating“! it tick-gnu: “@figtk “if; (at: This testimonial should help. St. Jacobs Oil Half 90.03 won't do! A “ may cure’ cough medicine won ’8t do. If It will “perhap_s" do its Work. it’ s Worse than W0!t!ll¢$$. If it s good, it’ 5 Worth ten tunes its price. Do you know whcrc to draw the line between thc goodandthebad? NONE SUCH “'8‘!" I wonder“! remedy lor @301 bought a 6511th I! can‘t was'enli cured. I think it h the mmzonderfnl cough min-1a mr hourâ€"1.. ”wa, Nuington. on. May 3. 12199. rivet-l .e at oil-e. Mom I had Nd "Mun [hr-I Ind-II- I prim CIR Hie SORENESS STI FFN ESS When cul‘ Got?“ nun 137. )'£fim.xu norm up unack- I [on work like VIII-p- In.“ M mun. Wankenn WI: The proposal to extend the Chit-m damage run-eel up the north bunch to harm. on u to drain that city. I: Interesting m- Mcnta of this vim. Wining-In sawâ€" axa In pun-mm 14h Ik-hlpn Ind dun-(Ir; the Imr amply 0! 14h! Fare-t. Highland Pnrk and other ”Int-4 It I. ma am the clan- neI should he attuned :- fur m n this city. A In' connection bum [In Inn-ad mu chm-ml at m v.1 I. I'm an (trust the Wake- ‘II an: ruins. (‘hlugo MIN: Kavnrd B. Dray-or, former pruldmt of 1h» hunk of E. S. Drenr 1 (‘o.. and arlmunm of thr West Park Board, '3. Ibund guilty of withholding from his humor in lrmnrer 83!¢,M o! the Wm Pull land. The Jury fixed Ml punishment It a term In the penltnntllry‘ If.” loath. I! M Quincy telegram: A pro-Boer mm- Ing nu held In Tuner hall. In an. clty. It was IWEd by m (hm 1500 claims. lam John A. Duh» huh presided. Ind Adana-e- were made by Rnbbl It app-(Mn, luv. “Liner Inch»! 3mm “man I'd- gempu and luv. Winn- Mink": and others. Roomma- of nap-tiny lor the Boers m adopted. mg- m D. A... n I»... Nrflold cab-nu: Judge ”my 0 Adam died It In: home In m. any thl- morning mar In mac- n! more "an no ”In. Re m um guitar from (bl. outrun. mm "as to mo. and wuuniembotoflhemnrtov tlllm during Governor PIM'I Maln- mnuon. He lures a Irldnw 1m! 0m dunno”. has been unnamwd no no oflm on duty either on the fence or in tho yard ls permltwd lo Ion-e. The out- side tower men and the drlror of the freight wagons are the only excep- tlona. No lqmam In or will be penaltâ€" ml away from “In. luntltutlnn. ThPre are now over 1.400 inmates in tho- re~ formawry and as ms mull ls very large it In carefully fumlqterl. Bulb“ Vin-m Landau-In Kind. Sycamore lelvgmm: nun»! Corry. the 19-year-old son at W‘ H. Corey of Malta. was arrldenmlly kllled while he was out with hlfi gun In hum rah- lms. He was nundlux In the box of a bob sled, when 1hr sudden surfing of the horses pitched hlm min! the end nip. In [Mn way the gun wan dlsrharxvd, Tho mu loul struck him la the side and mud hls death. l-All'u l- Run-om. Poncho, 111.. (chm-In: Tm cues of smallpox have bun found In the II- Hnoh sum mIomnmr. Ind arm precauuun is being (sign by the oil- cials to “ppm-n the damn. Both the prisoners In Mom-:11 and their sur- rounding in men that there Is no dau- ker of m spreading The Institution to speak, For two hours he pleaded lor the lives of the nine defendants. Judge W. W. Clemens and Stnte's A:- torney Fowler, or Williamson county, maria arguments for the state. Attor- ney S. 1!. field. or Duqnoin, made the closing appeal for the day. Judge W. W. Clement, of Marion, the first speak- er, rei'emd to the prejudice against ‘ the colored race. He said slave own- ers whipped the neuron (or not work- ilx. and white miners klllod them beâ€" ‘ cause they did work. an rand 3 gm: deal of law on scihictenae and con- 'spincy. and condemned labor organi- zations. He ultl the union- were hn'edern oi nnnmhy. L. 0. Whitnel, of Vienna. wu the next wanker. He slid ho was not here to throw bouquets at the jury. but to assist them in ur- rlvinx It a just nudist. He fluid the jurynten were trying these men for the killing of Rev. Floyd; that the evi- dence was conclusive that none of them had anything to do with It. He mid More they could convict. I con- spiracy must be shown. or it must he proved that these men were accesso- ries. This had not been demonstrated to the Jury. Sute's Attorney Fowler 0! Willinmmn county followed. He said he had been charged with pene- «ution of the defendants. but such was not theme. Mr. Fowler implored the jury to do their duty. and In: would be satisfied. S. H. Reid at Duquoin was the last speaker. He said the pronou- lion had taut-ml the dorm with not having Kelly‘n would here to prov.- her son vans at home when the killing was done. He would tell than tho reason. She was It home with null- pox. contracted from Bmh's heal-on. He said Judge YoungbioodJn his open- ing sutnnent L0 the jury. had laid down Ive propositions. Reid defied Judge Yonnghiood to show- thnt n nin- gie one was proud by the "Kent-e. He asked what hem-r time could have been selected tor the noun)“ to burn Carlinviiie. While thp twelve were raising I. riot at tho donut. in tho south end or town. 200 Brush m on the north could bur mum in nnd laid the Lawn in ashes. “mill. C-u laud. Vlennn, Ill, cormspondgnce: Twelve address: to the jury were made in (he Cinervme riot case. When court convened Ill 1:80 p‘ In. the court room In crowded with speculum, as it was known that Hon. L. 0. Whnnel was WI- eâ€"o “Mute-n Ico- nt Yul-n, II" lit-vied m Cm. AWEEKIN ILLINOIS. "CORD OP HAPPENING. FOR QEVEN DAVS. lull-r. In“ an! mull-u Adar-I It. Jury. innnm rnxlnm c-n tall byfin find" of Mn who when lhrr-‘I A lure. loam. Wanton-l arm-HmMn-«mll n mura- ms or Milan-nos W unm- flon. ll dogs "I. m In": mocha»- Im Cl nun. Ind Inuit b‘o fnnovcd nub fully wllhmn (area or Ihockv Only vegan”. lnxntlvo llmfld be In“. I (VI-mm: (rundy , hunk: which you donating-Moran” mul- molt urn-nun. mum and «hour. at “I Inn-thou. "mm: an "an only ”alumna. lath-r tin. and not only main the liver lluly, ro- am. lab-trudlnun In the bacon. on an no alum-n. bu kill all ‘0".- ot tb- uln In ! holy‘ nun»- Driven! .0 M! u euro. Buy and try (‘Jmmn Qoâ€"dnf‘ Yal’l and :hu firsnvn‘ngttl “as“ mu m XI: my ' . u I .nl. . Caught-{3.100. findhc.arm mm mm some for mm and rm um. Adanâ€" SW Rowdy (,1. Chem: Intro-l. Cam; In York. TM- h an ADI‘ARB‘I' (Ib- lct. Mg‘u 0! tin my mum. our“: Inn tho m .39... - an" «- Tina'- A menu Ion-o more? 01:. little mew In the M. mchlnn (at. a Mlle loom Ind the rim. “manta- clm: and rem-cl m work moody: nun-manuals”: MAN’S MECHANISM lag, [It‘ll Wand Pho‘u Cm tor'Do-n (u and 'Hqâ€"ln . K-t. England. In. a. unwo- But m m Ire pmof spin“ the flutter: or - pretty mu. To m- A Coll) I. ol- ’1'. fits [Ax-Mm llm-o mini-e 'I'uhleu. All Gm Maul no any“ h MI. locum an. SW.0mo’n-knnmoumm 30m nuke. I'm an em; other: no Inordlnntely fond ol’ nut. Power In over stealing from the many to (he furu<Wonden Phillips. Thai. inky-mung. instruct“. and Mean publication, The Gran Emma World, scans to improve with each issue. not. only in nu cabled mun. but in its growth 01 clrculutlan and advertising paimnnge, the lane 0! January 25": being 21,000 copies A publication containing in: muriiorious fat!!!“ 0! the 0mm Round World should bo encourngvd. Weomn Linc. "Thu arm-m blur nod" loam (lilo-so duly 0:30 p. n. nth-u San nudge!) the m or thin! day. and no. Ansel-s an: non» In. No chat. at an All “a all»; an. Bum mun. m burr an, Wm: hunt. "Th but mum-r “The Paula line.” have. Chic-m dull: 10:30 1:. I. with malnu- overy Thu-II”. All mu sell tickets v!- Cflelco l Barth-Went- m n'y. For “I [animation and Il- hntntod pamphlet Ipnly I. W. B. Knish-3m. 2 HM Avenur. Chitin, Ill. 011m a promising market. in an new tutu-e to: Ana-m minimum of then mods. provided um the! m mm: nude for th Jun-cu true. The mum mnlnnont I: am “I: me: be wide and roomy, baa-nu In cmldlnnd (he and“: um! don much ma shoe- hitherto imported have filled to give nil-hello: mm ne- glect of this malt-non! In eon-truc- uon.â€"-4l'hllldellph ma. put at the root. lost of the [again VI: Chic-so. Halo-Wm Ind m Send to me your mbscrlptlon, null and large. and I will and up mount m In. C. C. de Vllflzrs. Cm Tm. the honorable treasurer o! m committee 0! the Amanda hold. no In upended under that IN. 1 Jul ”.000 on Feb. 23. mo. GEORGE W. VAN SICLEN. Amman: Truman. No. “I Bmadny, New York W. 'eb. 2|, 1900. Annun- than I. *m' Anton; the "lbw-do Junie” a de mum! is rapidly growing for foreign boot. and shoes. Janus, teem-dimly. In the name of the Africander bond, on behalf of the citizens of the South African republic and their noble Ill}. the Orange Fm Sun, I appeal to in Americans to show their sympathy with the brave people who are now, in the words or John Hancock. liter ally altering I" that the: lava, I“ that they are, and III thn they hope to be, upon the alur 0! their country. fighting to the death the urbane- :Ild Imposition of the great Brill-h empire. In order to roman tree lld Independnnt. u did our American Intention in 1176 and 181:. THERE WILL BE N0 norm WOUND!!!) ON THE BRITISHâ€"AIRMAN HOSPI- TAL SHIP. “But Inn-t neither the law nor the duty at the subject/term“. and what. moreover, agrees in every respect with all principles of religion and humu- Ity, la the olefin; of help to the wounded. to the widows and the orphan." "Win! my, 'Illt cu, ve cola-lg] Attic-mien do In on; sorrowful (Inc? Join In the work at virtue with It: cannons? The luv Ind our duty as British subjects Korma thls. even should other circumstlnces not oppose such u course of actlon. A pullout upon! at no malno- ol AMCIIGBY II‘ Bond mm a! puma-en! m I.“ It Cs” To". Oct. no. nos, signed by loan. H. l'. DeWnl: Jon-9h N. Holman. J. H. Hotmpyt. Thou-l P. Turn: and D. .l A. Vu Zyl, 'hlcb an among an: things: 7 ‘IIIICAI Inn-n. imp-nun awn-cm. CALIFORNIA. 8mm lupin |n land. lam tad nil-um had II (mt- d 10 to no nem- mg (to milk I- a. m unusu- Inn Man. 99 M led“.- tth mm d A- A» mun-n... Al lnwtor at «book bu been givâ€" lu In the Hun-aluflnn - unleade- of “to leading “bowlers“ of MI “quaint- anep. The Ihnwda-t of all tho n- Iwm an. {m u an In." boy. who wu and to sin m mm which for- lmlo - III to hurry two wlm. Wltb OI! I moment's plnlo he mud: “No m- m: an. two mum'- . .1 rhoule Ila "Tm ML «- . I. My lm'fiumhutm l'n l y r "m fin “"010!th I'D-I with th- remrl um be m '1“an .- l W when m out” w Mu.” the-Ir morn-euth- m urine-Me. ~1'1no "It! th- Hour. In. [Angina hon-nth. Two ordinnry Moe young women in n luau-hunt“: [on um dbl-hum out of the church the «her by for bmklnx Into Ingmar n n solo-I my" meeting. This 'Il emu" h- docoronu. but. than n In um flheboygln. Wis” Ind say am you not a trial package of {Swedish EI- Ieuoe of Life. 1111!; Ill] he went you by null And In Inge 9mg}. lo con- alum ol the mrtitnl thin belch-ted hon-chow remedy. A 24mm nun, lilo-Id be enclosed h: your hue!- to pay “a postage on this Iron staph Olâ€" Untua I- it}: in. u: .91" g In}: new Ila b.9150 'Svniâ€"iull fiéfiecfia .... viii... 0:86 lull; _ kit! Mars Sun-dish Ewan. is so well known that pmlnbly quite t number of our mains are nlmtly using it. but. this make-s no dlflmm-r. as a {m "In! package will b0 sent to awn-rm: who "it“s. Do not noglw-t In (1-0. in your applicuion n (max Th» brat 5y in m nltdnwn tl-In minute. write- one: to“. B. Zaogel (70.. l'. 0. Box 83!, I'll: m. mum-nu. mai- duhu-n unlo- um. Mad-CM a- flu Intent. It tone- up tho-much .l at“. nu IMHO: work: I- Ch. Evert-d has mu. uni-no- elect upon mot-ouch. thunk-dugout“. aura try-um; It makes ncw. rich blood. reguluu tho hurt Ind kidney: in! dd- tho body of .n wute m. It also ind-am - gentle pen-ninth». than muting ("on and cognition. Rheumatism. barluche and inc-duh. billounm “d m unwinding-um npidlyourcd. umllu-n dim-sol wont-n. No one nerd (I'm-hie the.- nlvu to doubt whether this My will do an (hear things. for you on but I free trial puck-g: first and no what it do" for you. wish?" Accraâ€"“l want to phi Euler. m that Bernhardt Ind um mu m phyla; the role." Hangar- “on. at» my ndvlea and pll’ maid”: father."â€"Jumd. A" ll- lou Dhlroublo loath. or 1hr I’m In [In Nut“. 1n the South. they are the pleas-ut- est and most agreeable. The mes Ind shrubs put forth their buds Ind now- ers; early vetcllbles and mm: we ready tor mm, III In fact ufl nature seems to have awakened tron If: win- ter sleep. The Louisville t Nuhvluc Ballroud Company ruckus the and“ Spots at “In South. and ill“ on the nu: ma mm Tuning! a! latch and April sell round-trip nets“ on all ma- emu point- in Ten-cue. Auk-a. Georgi: and We“ Florian. u about lull rgtu. Write (or Meg-I} _o! excunlm m 1-. Bid 161.21. En m 0‘ gym. Inn. All, or J. K. fudge”) A.. Cut)“. 1“. 9mm [noun-menu no oflered to Ill rinses of business and mutation! men. Call on nearest act“ "on: for tlchets Ind tee um they road I": the 3.. C. R. t N. Ry.. 11:0. 0. miner. A. G‘ P. t '1‘. AL. Cad-r Rapids, In Bo. Duh. for descriptive unto: About Balding and Wflmnt. nu... mm m our line now hum; bum hon Worthlp‘ton to Hurdwlck. Minn. I. I.) s. ll 0- Above in. W m mum. and :1 Ian. win to ID“ u I ohmmofluuflloln’nflho- thin line In MI. Ilium-on “4 South Dillon, north of Ind Mild” Shell Rock, Athoa Crank; and Wnnrly. Vint- to Ir. John Down. Amen-g. 11.. for full Inform-lion that“ link Hill and Lawn, Ion, he now in": on our Armstrong-Inlhcrvfllo line. of to )lr. Thus. H. Brofim. Sioux Fplll. Theatrical MARCH AND APRIL The [mt blood purine: Zugfl‘n awn-dish Bun-no. of Life is to be ‘1'. an, {m to render- of “III Hungerâ€"“What do you m 7 ' am at d Ira-dun vim «(an an mum], b m an! W humid-uh.“- “hi5; Ilium of Women flu Moan! m‘"'mw.:... “1:“ We an “lain-IE n-l-tol In this was Mann-“rd influ- urn-II qu'l at "tor-cake not uh uv mm In 1 mm D “I'- “anal-b.7530. mgcascswhenphysldmandaflckcfafl. , 1;?“ Sum Hands 8 Years cm; Psi-Sol Innâ€"Wanam- f-uMhâ€"m. One Night T reatme V. I. U. cum. N0. I05. uni-um . 3.3

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