Downers Grove Reporter, 8 Mar 1900, p. 8

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mm Works. Work Satisfactory. hut-u... for I" clan-on or 5' building construction. BLICIOUS -' COFFEE. mou- line of coffee: which BIO. untrivaled for their .3111. flavor and money value flow within your reach. It for the H 6.3.1”... CONTRACTOR. {manna AND BUILDER {HAS- VVERT. 53611 Buck W. MORFORD. JOIIIHG WOII’ DONE. in bulk only, at 2°C to we according to varictv ISORIRL PRRLORS, Jim- 81.. mu m vmu.m.».. ”I in ebb-a for no multwnladnul It NEWSPAPER. ;. H. Kaylor. Btopriekor of ..Moss Sold by ”a MGQEFEE called (or and deâ€" Givc me a trial dmp I card or call ”an; that rich dc] uMndouly in the s. The utislacmry all will suit you 'ollowing prices: fl SPECIALTY [god frugal}: _co(- iiifi m 7 no H]. Dr. Cnldwell‘n Syrup l’epnln M cur: any M orCmmle-I Inn. In “on. flick "enamel-e or mom-cl- muhle wha- takm act-0min: m dlrecflmu. Sullrdayl rM-rml (m Down":- nrm-p rm‘d-nu WE GUARANTEE: Furniture and Household Goods Handled with care. Years of experience in our busi. ncss enables us to guaran- tee perfect satisfaction L. K. JOHNSON, Good horses, carriages and careful drivers furnished at low prices. Parties, picnics, etc. supplied. All classes of work in the line of carriage and wagon making done at reasonable rates. Horseshoe- ing I specialty. F ital-class work LIVERY. SALE. FEED d; BOARDING STABLE DR. LOUIS II. MAAS, C.S.HUGHES.CO The cream Inchlne o! loam Timex THE TENDFNCY of lhe period 6 n sun» lum- M thalluplilln of more rapid "Mullin- “13'“ u- \umr «inn» 0“ ~ running II: nIZu‘lu-n-x. “hell \u um I) one ch will an Un- work «9 much {axle CAREFULNESS GENERAL Expressing ‘and General Moving. WIeelerWflsol . Schmidtsm Suite um um 34 w 'nllnn Mn- Ilmmim." Not How Chap, But Now (End BLACKSMITH WAGON AND REPAIR SHOPn GROVE STR EZT. OUR “OTTO. DENTIST (IHH‘AUO h‘fi C.M.LILJEDAHL All our {armer readers should take advantage of the unprecedented rluty hing offer we make this year. which in- cludes with this pnper.the Iowa Home stead, its Special l-‘nrmers' Institute editions, tlw Poultry Farmer and the Farmers‘ Mutuul Insurance Journal. Thm four publication! are the best of their class and should be in every farm house To them we add for local (0(an ly and gem-ml news ourown paper and the Chicagzu weekly Inter Ocean and mnke the price (or the nix for one year .2 ‘35. Never before was no mun-ll sup- erior run-ling matter "Here-1 for sol umll In amount of money. The llve‘ papers nmned which we club with our own are well known throughout the west nm' van-mend themselvu to the render! Favorable attention upon mere mention The llomestend la the grent ngrir'ul' nrnl and live amt-k paper of the west; l‘ns Poultry farmer is the mmt prmtli- l poultry paper for the farmer puhli‘ ‘I in tlw ruuntrr: the menm' Minn ‘ lnulrnnve Julirmul in the flier- puhlh <I in the rnuntn‘; Mu» Farmom' Hutu ‘ huurnnce JnIIrnul is [he sper- ix-I m‘ nut.- m rnrmpn' ronporaflvn “qua 'mmlmul Mu:- fi-m'iul huruwl‘~< Inuit Me millions « Hm mm! [I’nI‘Ii- val |~ ~lh-nflanm fur ”Iv pmnnmm ur good mrmlnc ownr p-nhlidwnl .Ikn .Irr .u;3u ul ll.“ gum! nll'pr J. C. Sherman, the veteran editor of the Vermonlville. Mich. Echo, hu discov- orea tlm remarkablo secret of kéeping low pwple young. For yarn he has nvA aided Nervousness. Sleeplcanm Indig~ onion, Heart tmuble. Consllpflion and Rheumatism, by using Electric Hitters, and he writes: [can‘t be praised [on Mghly. It generalmtimnlam the kidw new, tones the stomach. aids digestion and gives a splendid appetite [I has worked wonders for my wife and me. It's a marvellmn remedy for old pm)- pla‘s complnints." ()nly 50c. m Hush and Sfimonson‘u. Drug Scorn. A Topeka. man lost n smnll opnl set out of his ring and Went to the jeweler to have it replaced. Returning home ‘ he found the losl. gel .md. pulling it. in ‘his mouth for safe keeping, lmrrled back to the jewelet'a m have that set used instead of theuew opal. Rushing into the shore he will: “Say, Iv‘e found the old beg, an don‘t use that new one." He alleupbed to remove the stone {ram his mmnh, gave a gulp“ looked nheephuh. aml said: A“l guess? ynu'll have to u-os the new alone." ‘ That man needed :1 bottle of Dr. C-Id- woll's Syrup Pelwln. Sold by Bush In Simonwn. .4 “Hugh jam! run an \, .u ‘ Rv-Iiedy. He >|'"§ lhe | - lies of {hat medirina lo one on uuhv w r kind, and it gives great uzllhlur' I. In than days of lugrippe then- .- «mum-g Mk.- Chmulu-flaigl's Cnugh ': :nedy to stop the vough, heal up lh ~ re lhnml and lung»; and give relief :uhiu a vet} «hurt time. The uulA - are gruwing‘ and n" who try it are Re' mad with its prumpl :uzlirmxASouti. Chicago Daily‘ Calumet. For sale I); uh Shaun- ‘lure inform» "-1 Hull writes I". ll. Russ «f Winfiv . ' ml. for llru) sun-h 4: In“! x-uugll l - fun") breath, Isleadlly grew woru mulerdoc. tor's treatment. but my u uwgud my to use 0!. ng'~ New l’ «‘3' for Consumption. which mum - ‘y cured me." Cullglu. (fluids. 3- unis, Ln- Gr‘ppe, Pneumonia, [\filll' [1y Fer- ur and all "ML-dime ul‘ ( brash. Tlll‘llil and Lungs um [nNNiI’vi_" . .I Ivy Ihis marvellous mediuinm 5 nul $1.00. I Evvry huuL gual'. Iuâ€"mb . ..l n! lhul.‘ Drug Show 1 Simuum My a We K gmul :uiviNe v writes F. ll. Russ of “'iul'iv [Ind .~u.-l I-zul ruugh I - n i~ -.'m “an ”:0 hm! m.» Inn! 1| 1! il 5x1 Ullwrlllv Iv has waved Ilm lives at nu mml-w ..[ I'm-w- " I .i,. n, ‘nlu In Hush Hm mmu. II has bun dcuomtntrl In u'ury mu. In the union ‘ (an-I’m enunIntl um. I ~ Cough Remedy Ii 3 curl:- fln and euro for cmup. A Hus ""inqu n-mrdy [or I K. V. Finller ul Like-1y, \ repel“ wllul Imp Inn-ll mid [Mlle «II-u hr “dire: " Chutniu-rhhfs ('uuplu Re: (numb hr 3. n I yam: wllh .- OLD PEOPLE MADE YOUNG‘ .‘lu Mar in of n. UNPA RALLED OFFER HAVT'Na‘A GREA: .UN. HIS WIFE SAVED RECONSID l-SRBD. Warm” drug ~ ban-(m: a ‘4 (lulu-II . h rvn I. i‘ for mil, .. my ally « the .med 1 'Ily rays that .-\‘\. m.- IIII” fur .lu- (Mice "nun The Eminent Kidney and Bladder Specialist. SUSAN fl. ROBERTS. M D Sand r" harm». Charla: A. Blanchard. Pr". hum If Miraâ€"{n Wall! Ih mum. There is u dlsease prevalling In thls counlry most dangerous beau” so decep- llve. Mm, sudden deaths II‘O caused by fl‘henn disuse. pneumonia. hem lgllum orapoplexy are alien "re result of “le dim. If kidney trouble I: Allow-d to fines lhe kidney poisoned blood will “lack me vlnl organs. or the kldneyn thermal“: bruk dawn 1nd was ”my oelllryccll. Then the richness ol the bloodâ€"0m Ilhmnen ~leaks on! 1nd lhe suflner hu Br! I‘: Dlnue. the wor}! (arm oLkldgey lroub . Tvnun ln-xin Sq pfvmher 19m, mm. Jann um; ‘34, .‘prl' :Ivl. aml Jn!y 1M. 1900. mm M [he nuwl lhnrmluh, wirlr-nnnkh Dv. Kllma'u Swap-Root the new du- mmy la the Mn specific for kldney. bladdu and urlnnry trouble‘. ll has Cured llwuund! \ol mtly hopelea cues. utter all olhet anon: hive Mled. A! dm 3 m Miran! ad doll-r Ins. A samplo me not“ has mull. nl-o shook lolllll‘ about Swamp and m MI and. AMIâ€" Dr. mac... Wu. H. Y. ml man cu m. A ..Wheaton College.. Money to Loan. WHEA'I‘ON, - . ILLINOIS. Work done In a ”t I or nu county mos Wuu: ucucnn u: muncy WI. w. k on hem Ind name: sent “Gill! “A sum-.2 attack of mrvous prostuticn left my butt in a vay Wink statz. It would palpitatc and finite: 3': tbs dig 5:7“ .., .27."! I was unabh to business. I fried‘scveral rgmcdi-s without Heart cure and pro-gumsiu- whtmlu inour (-oIInny. The pupal." pen-nuulg . unnm h u x x- cunkmu w Cnlifc-I'niu n-n Illr I‘IH'IIIIJ [on Ieavo Chicngo awry neck. Ah through trains will slop M ”mu-en Grove for passengus Iml.m.,; Ink-1h- Lo Duhuqus, 8L l'auL .“Inucrl‘lullh. Killsds City, ”In dun I» nwr I he~ youd. lhgullgv «ix-«km! H “ugh HBespInu-rflr Ivrrllm r. ”H. \l 1 an m Ilcktt “Nice Ior uu_\ lulu-l «ll'allrl‘ m formation. Palpitation widow-l Inner-«l bend", policy In al-' “have. ll: punuliou and u.“ mull c wan!» uml nppnnal u! all A l Wroughh rehab” .uul .u- tin: fluent. VI and. ”no hie-em r5 .uul write (on N l particulars 1 The Intuul Indemnity Company of chimp. Immu- mu... tho but hnlth. DR. \\'. (‘. BARBER. DENTIST, mmrrnx. ILLINUIS. A School for Men and Women bend“, until I bean «sin Dr. Miles’ Hm: are “’th cum! mi wniéié'tel; um‘ I: laid by I.“ dt ’glsls on (nan-la: giftLbofq: be_ue "f m money_b§ck. H!)\\'.\'HN'~ (-ZUH' '. I[.LIVUI\ OFFICE AND RESIDENI'E C. A. PROUT; - SURVEYOR. Maple A rune. nu! door We“ of Sf’llkl‘ "out!“ DR. MILE {\NK lll'lLl'lN'v on one" uollct. w. Weir-:1, Jicknn, Mill. I... I... UuiIle. 1|oSp. I: HEAL EITATE. HGNTING AND INUURANOE. 'Artiflcial 1cm ' (10:11,?!le~Hay and Mrflocerles 0.0.0.... (mm- m no. n~r~ shop 'rm-«un Don nrn unnu- Gov-manta Tum Folâ€"4c. GRADING, IJKAlkAlH". SUI "UTA I! l’ I'l‘fllJt' Have Your Surveys lade by the fii§§§halfl§§§§§i§§§‘ §§§§§I§§ ”gag I)“. .\. \\'. MURRUW, Canned Goods. n: gelsey "ck“ Furnaces "of?" 21.1225”. and Tin Work. GASOLINE ‘TOVIC CL‘ANID AND REPAIRED. Rnnfing, Eave-ttoughing, and General Repaiting Done. Call and got Estimmcs Furnished on Tin Work and Fumacrs. BOUGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGED. COLLECTIONS I AND LEGAL BUSINESS TRANSACTED. I ['nuco-soumr' Eofiinm. cmcmo. cu; ALLEN T. RUSSELL. ,...}.I..l‘:‘.. iii! ‘ 4". 62:6 mafiaâ€"Emmâ€" . M. Hevenor, Hughes Gallup, IIIVNIHIJE. ILLINOIN >1). Gr. GRAHAM i)l€.\'TlS'l' Fire $5 Life Insurance Fruits and Vegetables. Fresh Celery. Baltimore Oysters. l’LAT’I‘lS’i‘l RENTING AGENCY Real Estate L. KLEIN, CONVEYANCING MACADAIIZINH. IHIIVIDINI NOTA RY PU BLIC POLICE MAGISTRATE Ibo-Nun. Ill MEATS. In Quart Cane. mu” "'0 an r 1 Contractor and Bullder: I All work giten prompt and pemmd l ...wniion... DOWNERS GROVE, - - IIJJNOXR Emmi-anon and Ulla 0-5- tho but sunr- dnyol any menu. Oltlplllk July. Aug"! November BM Deni-b". D: DUNE; = OFFICE IN THE COUR'IHOUSEâ€"A'l WHIATON. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT 0F SCHOOLS. .'.'..R '1‘. MORGAN.'.‘. ....Paints and Oils. r I- am! Ind I... Avo.

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