Downers Grove Reporter, 15 Mar 1900, p. 6

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Er _- “matron. vmch wen not even ”it. and VIII probably terminus gm y. I've had the men removed *fiowaluul nut-manta fl ”and. Unfit Introduction ob- Mmmmnofnmnol m“ clothe- from the owner 0! ,2: h. “Joining plant-flan. Ind. u l t {m ‘0 ”'0‘! by the Mutual IL a” nnd my leave or lune-co. I 1406-: Bprlngfleld." ‘ 'm m was found, uul will {in ”A Ilsa I! dunner Ia Imam-china." ”'3‘, n lull. tell me how u m hr you to Accomplish Ill thin I We lull hour. to: you mum! .hnmhmlouor. You mtto “M ”M Manhunt Darla Ind gun m .- mum; unneccmry Alum Mail In} quantum of fever. Two I? "fit manna-Imam to this story. m h the most muorâ€"ol-hct tone. 1'. .0 low. h-nh mllnn 0! "to Ills. ~ III ape-ht "I dlllgently lu- ‘l'h. whole um: VII moi-ough- ‘mflnlc of John Maxwell. no aloe woukl Inn done every- II M- mer to hop hll friend and: I "Mum. Ind. when I" mm at last have been an:- . Ira-Mai than: him. John “their. He confident! the form- . m. the latter superflunnl; but ' W mung another word he rode .- mt Into the java 0! dunner n!â€" F It mun nnd considered It the M and mm! natunl thing In l u- hm for tho eminently ro- , Doom Bhekwood nil, .- u torch: man, In" been mind an El- Iltnou warms]. Ware n lav-M hum at medium; I In m in the Iron Malnu- at we:- m tho mm would probably end éWrâ€"u both lid“! 1 shall shout “no“. Ir. Human ruin the m- ean-arc If he uku it inw V; mton do not kmv hot or whu It ta ta meet My teacher} II tho houu on. Inch hyphen Ind love." ,. M1 I van you «that an WWIhnl-lnonlyfrom M mm: He was traveling “- l and on the Harbou- with -Wlfl HM I hid tho honor a If! m mandamus. tho ph- vould have been lino-Iâ€" ! u- hm for tho eminently ro- ‘ m to enter the corridor. Be- mounting guard at an m whirl} (minutely I n b be!» Rh". you mud 'lth Florence?" “Does she know your pun? LI not done It her father'l death m. tar l mu. mum“ Mm fit my link climb-t; Ind be- u . Visitorâ€"me mutate . alt . who in summoned if (M wedding. 1101 an In a is ll nut to ammo. In. Huâ€" Ir m. Ind-r II! drun- flbhoo-I : Bundle! to- Ilm stood elm hy the wlndow. l~ly watchln: the work of Ill» h I.- well u the dim llgln of h muted. He could do noth- _Hmu Ilmuon?" and Roland. blanked. You 'mrl‘ln‘up brunt-8min" )g’wmtwmockuevon In “I'll IXâ€"(Oo-unund.) In I“. w m- poI-t at flaw-n continued, In his ' “You. a; “a Will. It u'__‘, ,_,A,,, mdleyoum~ with "an madml who my a "a THE FILE HAD WORKED UNWBARIEDLY. l? loin-mil] In. 00 UH“ Il- W In. an." ATabollbtflu-mdfieGny. "‘m WORD OF HONOR. "é Inn. You In. W" "l “Inducted (ha Ind conceded um mainly about no. The". now I‘ve Inhhod. Try your «mania and m It you an un- out the grating" hand and shoot in "In. and um "stop; Will! My pullence In belng exhausted!" Mnxvell angrlly lnler~ rupled. “Don't bother me lgnln vlth ynur Gormnn sln'neu nm‘l llnnldlty, nr 1‘“ leave you bohlml bolts Ind barn. One can‘t load good (urllme strnlgm on your arms. You must first Inspect l! on all nldnnflsuhjwt l! (U I rrltlml lemlnallnn~ln nr-nrtnln whethwr It in lhnrmmhly klral nml fr» from earthly dross: and nlnanwhlle the Ilgbl. airy thing flutters out of your hunch. In short, do you want to mar- ry F'loronco or not?" "()1 course I do. nutâ€"" "Very well. than, the mulor Is nel- tled. Leave the rent to me. True. In: nhomlnable to expect I but man nm m (In: the bridegroom (mm In» Mind so many Iron burn. but you mun Mn some unusual clrcumnunce con- tacted vlth It. 0110 min; more: 0! mm you have no weapons." “Should I have been mound otherâ€" I'he! I certainly would not In" lur~ renamed with Arm In my man." Th- in bad workod unto-null! I" (In (In, Ind cut through the Inner portion of tin nuns and loosened the rut but tho woo It!" held. wmhn "But that II a partial deception." re- piiod William? "Am I mretly. cl’lfl- Iiy. to ate-i - righl 'hlch wu prom- ised mp openly in the menus at I" the world? Am I to urge Florence to I mnrriago In this terrible hour which rub» her 0! I falherâ€"” noon u you are It liberty. mum: null announce. apparently In (ml mind-don. "at his young nil-tren- hu mddenly disappeared. He In: looked for her In vuln. 01' course. she cu: be only In one plnce. Harri-on wlll rush here u tut u poulble to (rune-to the Attempt ll "Nation. and '0 Oh.“ luv. hlln In our hands. Then he an occupy the place whlch he no klndly selected for you. Ind you on: m hll mnlage conflict-Abe Ilmplalt exrlnnn possible." "No: that In (no anal-tall. And will ensue In unmet-nary air In the house. I lune n honor pill. A: "You mean that we m to clack Mia In M- room?" we on unicorn in the Union army. The follows In eon-unlit coming in throng: to neck protection with us. You were not known to them. or cite they were mum of cumin Wino- emi Harrison. The servant: ere not to be (cared. I’ll undertake to deal withum justice and his companion. So no om in left except your beloved to. lure nativeâ€"and he must he made Such I plan I- am noun when Ed- ind rule. and um summon an the luv-nu m M- III! the Intuit w. ap- pear. He did so jut now. If. m (Inc at my Irmt." "Pub-w. the nanny“! They are only names. Ind not one will mt bl: her “a: you to IOIII plus oi locat- lu. the. mt humble cousin cu hop Whoa-Melton... He can't wholly nun the mm or arty on an buildup: nd. u soon u lha ru- 1: out. you an nun your '“Q'I chill.“ Inunmt. “mammal-Y" “Wimlthlnlmhmphnwfllh wflwnpmwwmaolm You Whitman-"under my elm-un- nuneu. The bride. m III-I'm Anchorman-ammunitn I 60:11 In vinyl-‘10 prove-I. you ax- com this conhunfid Iro- mun. vhlch l aha]! fluuy cut through. It ll Ml! Insert”: char-cur. not u your vending." , “I! "dill-(2" rem Willi-II. 7/ lb kin-L . . um," - hum I! n m N mini Amp-u. Jamâ€"And that am the who.» my 'IIQII you told him mu yan mid Into Mn «ranted? Compl-Innnk Ho fins-cred mechanically. yer lunar. Judge - mun. Comm-lnAnQâ€"a. Me In on an hour! with 1 humor.»â€" Btny Icons. mafia-phlnmm; ”rho. Mllohnmtlmna-um lawman. "Can cata "vim?" wna asked of an old I‘llhnrlnan. ”Why. certainly," waa the reply. "and that remlnda mo of 1 cat I once lrled to drawn that awun uhore, Surely there mun have been hundreds or thousanda of people UM: have drowned mu In the same way. but nevenhelm lhll was an experi- ence of my own. We had a cat that we warned to get rid of, and as humans a way as any to Illll It was by drowning. So I out n couplv o! bricks In the hol- tom 0! an old zraln mark and put ln (hr rat. and NM lhv has up carefully and securely anal wnlkod dawn to the end 0! a wharf and stood there and swung the bag, with tho cat and the hrlrks In It round "Re a allng um" I could glve It a good mam¢n¢um and then lot It :0. and alunx It out. to (all and alnk In thr wan-r. I should any twenly fool. away. I supposed. of mnrao. that that wna tho Inn: of the cut. but the nut mornlng the am thing I saw when I wont out of the house was the rut amlnx on the ver- anda. l auppom the has had a weak spot In It anmpwhrrv. lhn hrlrka were heavy and warp-cornered. and “Angâ€" In the has rnund that way started It morn, and the «It wu douparnle; and wlth the bag that way u matched and tom lu way out and [at to the chart and flawed in way up and tuna uhara. Can a rat nwlm? Why, aura!" The maxinrate leaned back In his chnlr. nuumlng n dlgnlfled uttltudo and n solemn. elk-Ill mun". (To be continued.) A- on [flu-u-.- . story I- Ill-unth- d TM: I‘D-I. "The cPremuny ls put on'. Mr. Har- rl-on told me hlmsell that he wa- compelled to dew!" It [or the present." "Cerulnly, and he wlll probably do to “together; but another person has when hll placeâ€"Mr. Wllllun Roi-mi." "Whit? What dld you call hlm?" "Wllllun Roland. The circumstance- have emlrely changed, Ind unlortu- namely 1 hive not (line to ciplaln them to you In dam". But. In the nine 0! the betrothed couple. I be; 0! you tn perform the wedding ceremony at Mr. Thompson dropped hll knll’o Ind lork and stared It the speaker In the utmost astonishment. “No, on the contrary. the manor concerns I wedding" f‘A business nflasr? Is there a will to he made “Thank you. 1 an: very sorry to dis- turb you, but there In a business mat- tEr to ba settle-l. which ndmlts of In delny." The doctor bowed In the most warming manner, and signrd to the servant, who had Just brought In the dishes. to leave the room. wood!" trled the Judge. “8" down. Unfortunately you have come I Hula late. We hnve had the roast sen-w ed." It ll luau-ibis that an lll-utnrefl The old gentleman only remixed Doctor Blackvood'u absence. Ind m- mired the sense at duty which would not permit him even to appear nt din- nar. He was just giving lain human: 3 dlmm concerning thin distin- guinhed physician. at the lame limo helping himself to I urge piecu 0! must. meat. His iactotuu listened moat dutifully Ind look 1 null larger slice, when the subject of (he con: vet-mum; suddenly entered. CHAPTER x. lenwhllo the finance and III: ckrk were seated at A tollâ€"9pm uhla in the mung-room, vhlch also looked out upon the garden. Edward could not lend the gentlemen, who had uk- ‘el the long ride In win. back In the low Immediately; '0 he had Invited ‘them to dlnner. Mr. Thump.“ could mt Ind words must to express hl- regret and sympathy for the sorrow overhanglng the household, but he saw no renal! why he should not hhvo a canton-table meal on that mount. He thought it perfectly mun-u that Edward should excuse hlmsell Ind m- malh In the during-room. No on could (eel Wendell with the [flat- nlrlchen nephew. but he hlmself db- cuued all the mom eagerly the good lhlngu not before hlm. Ind '11- ably “Wad hy lulu clerk. "YQI. that I- just to your tum!" returned hum". unly. “This than '0 really must run our huh In!“ the will. Ind I! It hlpnenl to land finer than we expect. I: will can us our Hun. You have Armand mt- un In am we Ian no choice. But keep quiet! Hurt-on my com a any moment; "in uhuu will begin. andâ€"yon VIII pk] the princlpcl rol- “I thank you. John!" he cried on- thud-wally Alter hls retreating lrlllld. "You in right. We tin um rule the whole honuhold." “Hm!" all the 31hr. Wally. hum II. I nvolnr Ind Mu I m um! Mule“. “Nov I'll II- ” Ralph.” Willi-n nil-no I nigh at all“ who. he found Ill-u" In. And [on the weapon in his hind. m mmmn‘;. “Mummmw' mummy-yum.“ mutual-x IlmwfldorI-flol www.mnno-n- "Ah. there yml are. Doctor Buck- CATS CAN SWII. ; . flAmma THE mm) In my no '0‘“ nun un- ‘ur (or rue-l! I“ A good Itory is told of an experience of Joseph Jeflereon. the greet actor. A number of yearn ego he nuyed I one- nixht enngetnent in I smell Indian-I town. ewesrlnl ln hie rewrite pert of Rip Van Winkle. In the hotel et which he Itonped was en lrlehmnn “recently landed." who noted In porter and gen- eral l-lllJIIL Judged by the deep and eerioul Interest which he took in the home. he might have been clerk. leeâ€" Iee end proprietor rolled into one. At about 6 o'clock in the morning Ir. Jel- tereon was startled by n viol t thump- ing an hie door. When he trnggled into consciousness Ind renii thnt he hnrl left no "call" order et oillce he in naturally very indignant. But his sleep we- Ipoiled for that morning. eo , he Irene and soon liter awe-red heâ€" i tore the clerk. "See here." he demand- , ed 0! that individual. “why was i called at lhil unearthly haur?" "I don‘t i know, sir," enswvred the clerk. "i‘li , ink Mike." The Irishman 'fll suin- , moned. Said the clerk: "Mike, there I was no call for Mr. Jeiiereon. Why did ‘ ya: dieturh him 3" Taking the clerk by ‘ ; the level of the can the Hibernian 1 fi led him to one side end said in n my:â€" ‘ ,terloun whisper: "He were ehnoring ‘ ioike e hares. air. and Di heerd the h'ye any n how he were unct either Ichlnp- log for iwlnty yenre. no 0i lee to ine- nilf. nee 0|. 'llolke. in n coonflnl nnw him ”in. And "1 yer jnty to {it the myiher out o' yer hon-e inmat- lyl"-Lellie'| Weekly. up What! mut in. W macho-Tel. 1-! think, they can h" aimâ€"WI. Jot-III. “twelve!” med her husband. "But I mar conntad them up nm It III too luc!"â€"â€"Ch1cn¢o Tribune. In “M lint-I. “How mnny ‘Irln dld you snake Ion to before you an Inc?“ denuded In. Vick-Sean u the clan of but long undo. The than II certainly not (It dllhnt when the unoccupied public loin-In 0! Idaho will be entirely ukc- up. I con- dman vhlch II“ be non I-lonun-to to than who delay uklni adv-nun of the ram opportunmu m- clued. Perhaps the ennlest and the but my (0 acquire Informulon I: Iron: tn. Galen! Pnuenxer Agent of the Oregon Short Lino It Salt. Lake cm. from whence mnserutlvely nreparod ”mph- leu descriptive at lrrlntlon math- odl and cont-lulu; roll-bu Inform- (Ion than! 0:. various lot-lulu now open («It settlement. no lulu lulled Perhaps no portion at the Unlan I! now making and: mm progress In Irmulon development. or I. mlunt Io urge I quota of Immigrant: u wanna Idaho. There In millions of unoccupied mm In that lute which «my unit settlement to become u productive as the [-1143 upon the Nun. Ellen: are being put forth by me state nuthormes to bring the advantages 0! these Inndl lo the noun or the eaten: farmer. and the scum nllmds or the «me are mused In (M work. ohoot th- oaaieat and malt all!!!“ work (ha Ira-tan (armor haa moo. in Mali can. tho children “(and to I! under the direction 0: than non-ll. Maumumorlluadoa-al’a work than it com-I io‘ irritation.- Tho mum urine!- in wholly lad!!â€" hmi. aa to man“. He doe-o1 do- md upon it in the but. The ram that internal him la that which Iowa Iowa into tho valley from tho nail- in anon In tho mountain nan-I. The-o nun he dinru into great ‘eaaala which run mumflnoliho {valley about the irrinbio land- and ‘ are upped a! named lateral! by who! are called “lateral." or ash-ditch- which flow (to. iarn in farm and out of which tho brunt iahu tho vain for hia iieida. in ”mu-ache water: of then mountain stream In Miami by the community (I hrnera alon- their mom. uch one holding u an! oham oi flock in ii:- math. can! scheme as he own- um or land. and being entitled in no man: Inche- or water for ovary acre 0! hia moi-thin. This ia the usual plan. But when the communion or the nail canal. owing to engineering dilcuitiaa. la too upen- ain a piece or buaino- for tho farmer to alert]. irrigation companie- under- take the work and build tho canal lain poniooa or the country when largo area- of land are to he reclaimed. Thea irrigation companion: an “eon- ma carrier-I" of water and "mills it loronomlnaiprinwacnpnw Illll in tho i‘armer. Sonatina- (hm Irritation mountain on largo tram under their ditch which they all i- nhaJi form- with the vain right, to aeitlm at a nominal price. par acre. in other inaunma they do no! oil loud at all. leaving that to ho acquirod by th- mtier under tho VII‘IOIII act- oi manna. [Alinaâ€"m um, I'M Infinlp mmnmtu.) mutlcpoophwbomhtb nlnhlqulonnnmmmw- “no-on.“ hnwmplhulm mmtmmddolullmnflr ho malted Inu- nan ol upon-Incl. WOKB UP JOE JEFFERSON. HOW IRRIGATION I. ram.- INO ll IDAHO. mum-mm lIlphu' I. I [inland-IL In cans of premlnu or npnrtmentn when them In dlphtherla the man convenlvnt method of fumlnllon In to drop a small plm-h of nulphur upon A hut move. It lhpre ls one in the room: It more I: no stove In the room, I few will on n nhovol or other cnnvenlent ntensll any be ruffled Into the room and the sulphur dropped on the coals. A mu. experience won enable: my one to commune how much sulphur to burn In car-h mm. A writ" In I contempt-n" who hn recently M“)â€" rued (MI Intern M dillnfectlon In that I! In no! noeosury to fill the mom no full of then sulphur {ulna II to an. I Infloculng (callus. and It II my use I little too III-CI sulphur In med. canning oflomln turn“, (I. door- nd windows any he opened for I mlnma or tun, other Old-focus“ nu be employed. but sulphur has In found to ”man nor! emits II name. It Mug-MW method of disinfection W a. ups“ of an also-II. I population of 1.500.000. the other of 200.000, the mun" clty being the port of the Inger. are null unconnected. American van-hon. clockl Ind sewing muhlnel am finding 1 rend, sale. and Amorlrnn Iplrlu, wine: and been In “ken In quantifies. Thu Chlnm are the Tuna": of the orient. u the Jap- Inm are m (hull. and when they be- enmu brer drinkers. u {My will. lhlnk of the mpply non-many to nullify too.- 000.000 thinly (In-mu. Chin: need! our farm mar-Murry. thrnhlnx mn- chlnn and wanton All the grain und in that ranmry II rolled out on thmhlnx floor: 5nd wlnnoved by huld (an- or the vagrant winds. [uni-sly He first I. .Ilo owl“. kl- larval-on. Ten years 0! railroad building ought io bring at least hit or Chins's popu- lation within reach or our cotton goods and that. without any increase in the per rspiis use ionly Si) of our cotton would amount to $200,000,000. or morn than the loul surplus or union now raised by us for export. Chins lies largely in s zone of severe winters. snd while it has the greatest deposit. of coal. the Chinese hare never yet solved the problem or building healing stores. The introdurilun of cheap Amerlcsn healers into 60,000,000 Chinese homes is one of the possibilities which Ha haâ€" fore our mnnutsuturers. The Chlneso are s nation living in brick hnuses in s lsnd without A hrickmsklng machine, Thousands of walled cities. millions of homes. sll hum. cl brick snd every hrlck made by hand. These bricks srs nude by lsbor costing but no mm per dsy. but still they cost more thus: our mnrhlne made brick with lshor costing Iwenly<ilve times (In! much. Brick msde by Ameriesn mschinel with Chinese lsbor will commsnd the msrkeL Chins lies long used lugs qusniilies of our petroleum it needs our medicines. chsmlcsls sud disinfec- tsnts. It needs wster works and sew- ers. it needs telegraph. telephones snd electric lulu. When the su- seis night closes over ihei land, snd its millions seek their beds in dsrkness. It needs electric rsllwsys. Cities wlih populsilons in the hundred thou-ads. lying but I few miles spsrt. In with- oul. sny nuns oi mmmunlcstion. Two clues only twelve miles span. one with this VII Quietly true. The neond husband. after the mum from thin neon-d wits. Ind become reunited wiih his am wits. The mmiw found the two living together in 8!. Louis uni learned um they won highly ro- lponed people. This Itnnge can ll still under consider-flan by nu pon- slon commissioner.-£L boul- Globe- Democrat. Anu- u can-em Inveutluuon a! all tho tum a. panic: mm Maud thi- clllln on the mad that than ltd been no manila to the second soldier. There-Anon the woman eluted chin for the mutation at the old pen-Ion mated to her on mum! of her first Inn-bud. And stowed by the ueond marriage. To nuke her use In. Innk- ly admitted that the land not ban muâ€" rled to the third man. she nan pro- eecdcdtogetrldonnlnrcmtoa by he: mud mum-go. She «loci-red n was Illegtl. To Hahn-h thll uh. u! tort!) that the mom! husband had liv- lng u the time at the manila a- other vita. from whom he had not boon dlvorced. Invnuuuol Ihmnd that Boonnnorunclvu-nrnloldht III» ‘M m In th- Mill! d 8'. bank and. flu widow owned for n nulonudmn. 3!:thth clnlu no main; n confuhlp no nllo under my. Tho second urn-u wok pluojutbomthoulo'ueodllo mica. It wowed further numb. uld u: that the woman ncdvod m the mount duo from tho dull at the soldier husband to an m With Mr second kahuna the woman lived twelve nan. Then a nonn- llon cool place. The woman wont. to Doom. boom acquittal will 1 lol- diet. OM llvcd with him II M- VIII about ten years, or In!" M- donll. Ro- Ilnnboflng her undone. vul ii. In: Inn-baud. the tow pro-am n alum tornpanllanonnmntotm loco“ talent or third nun with 'MII 3 a mmmuvaoom datum-donating“ um. (llrly mam-u- undue: Mini-“much!“ Ann mmm’mmm Mikado-00mm thm-mmmmIâ€"In “cum“.m Fm RAID '0. A m YANKEE CAPITAL IN CHINA. TIM frtmtlnplm of "M final on!“ In a full Inna douhln page of Mark Twain In mlor. It I- I r. prodmunn o! n maul drawing by EO- oren Shlnn whnu double pm color sketch In I rerun! number at Hm Weekly ntlflrlm wfide gnu-(Ion. TI“ us also uncut Ink-m an Ruth I‘ Blah-Mo, both Illmtnm. ll. Chilton! K. shorter nun '50- I. an I. Mm- oqnlpped for the ”rpm, Wm In this number ‘ monthly a.“ d lit-my nou- Iron [man For $2.50 a yearly unbnrlptlon to Email a PPIM‘" and an of the Bnrmk lndln Portnltn. Berle. [1 lb: 88.. I yearly anbu-rlptlon and the nth! urln of (valve plctum, Berta! B. The flurhnnk Indian Portrnlh which Appeared In nrmh l. Pom-H duflng tho pant your have been to well round by I" who reallu their ulna u :- adnmtlnnnl Ina-mum. and Alan print them for thelr Mum-Ital Ind mum mom. that vu- hue decided to all them [rte In all new nlbmlbanl. vie Brush 1-Ponrfl but. 04:; m thuh "0., Chlugn. Ill. Ont-nu. Probably the Cnthollc Shad“. which prints nu- dlalogue, did not II- tcnd that um and awkward documen- Intn should take II M! a helpful hint: Tearher-Your rpcimtlon mu extreme- ly mod, Jnhnny. The nature's m parUc-ulnrly natural. Where dld ’0. get them? Johnny-mt whnn Teacher â€"Tho (mum‘s. Johnny-I ain't got the gostoom. It‘s hives! When good- In Ibo math an from "I. mllll Ind (Iclorln In II. m "I. In. gunmen are armed Into larv- M It a freight 'xponso which II but ll.- (ILln_-dvgnc- of l'lI! hm! ore‘nl” Tholr "rerun-(IV In: Any-Han or u- pnn tout-puny. or any Inn. Ion-I C child In Chic-go. films- Ind Induury I. {be ung of I” Ivor-«hum nuccua. 'Iho quantity o! [M the remake In mm- une- snub!“ III- In and“ U’IIII Iona. of much-nth. .- gurgdhnl gin Iowa: poulbu can ‘3‘ gapeg .. mu! bunt Mount Inland. o! lllll" dbl-M to m M It hk own “mm, Ina-In by m o.- Icflpllon. Inn-"Mm um! w (In an. Ol'rfioodn ho may upon. I. Ice-mn- of their Inn-1m h m- lnx mom and no" papal-r encl- your, for It not only am long uni um nllrold journey» but I: a nest u... never. It leavu out “In profit at IM ,0. Mn: holes? Fuller. traveler. t me nub-512m Ind thus cllmlnlln m. on. In {our pmnu, auvlnl 1M- amount for the consumer. In ahnrl. h D! 1 gm wholomle nlnra brought to (In Mun. Thu mammoth catalogue "(erred lo h . dlnlgn or ";M‘mnsflaum belch? :fiovll tho I“ hu_|!dlnu ldfign! to ml- in" m .- T‘ho sums. Mutil- 035.35” mm ere-Huh. couslderlnn "an Inn ‘hl m: Inn “refund I" link. not “I numnolh bundlm mum by th- cm! III" on!" Home at ll- Jnhn I. In,“ Company at (things). For «no-thin! n «Maw fin- nny bu been ll mun-p. III I. . nun-ll any. they Iupplkd their ion In the nearâ€"h towns. Inch 10-! III-hum: than flel Th" m u- nu- lnz merchandis- dlr-d to an M n whole-ah ”Ica- uaroughout I... um- od suta‘ 30m 7‘" m “M! m" m gnu: Mogul-II ylth lair-(Id um- no. A. the Main [hand III. 0 IN to Inn-u tho lilo of IM- at. man. unm today It unwed. 1.. utm- lnud as. «moan. m. Iowan Indo- III. Wait Inlo g cu‘un evrryljflu Inn on u; rum ,..,.‘_ -_ photo-mph)! ": fill-Into many it til! goal- In Illul‘l colon. brind- un (I. Hen colm' ulna of cumlm Tine employe- at tho treasury m then naked to write shall-r dips. Ind tho tour lpeclnonn of much: wlth amule- of the found no.” or- mmumwtmrum II hundwrltlu. And the“ gentleman In Internet! thumolmfonrwflhn cu guilty of the luxury. Con-Mm Which one? When the unvar- ol no four expert: were necked. It was loundmumhdmfmmw the forget. but um no two nu man the limo man! The suspend cloth [I [all on duty at his duh. ummkmdlmmdtmnnu- ”amuummmmfl- umhynmuurychrthymd Whamumwwfivm of John Brown." and M m I!“ tmamam.'1mm' ‘ mummuummm III thatuumolchhukodllufor - app:- o: M. md'rlunl. How. mmgunpocmon'muh‘ wnnnnmarmm“h!”m" salmon-Imam“!- n Th. “1on giant-ulna hou- ou at "I. munwnmno m

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