Downers Grove Reporter, 19 Apr 1900, p. 1

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Cup“ paper In .10 yard roll: for 75¢ it I‘m 1 lat-hell. Tatllonmilmpnt 1min}.- hpr M puma nor tanner. 4254 Mabel Mensa" . mm Pam-rm. MSW Ninholsnu Again: Stool. tam: BHravc-a,“ Ada Emu-km... ,. Harem? WeML. Sarah A Ham-ml. Jamil! E flame: Lulu mefllrr.. Ann: Palvm ..... Radio Thnmwm. Pollowi ng Is the report ofime vavlmls mom: i the Downers Grove swhooIs for “I. h of Mum'h : The sodal given by tho Ladlen' Md w-lety M the Memm ohm-rh Al. the hang of Mr. and In. H. W. Martln Homlny night w” a very enjoyable if Ialr. Dosplle the uumlenlng rather than an a goodly Aluminum. Lum-hâ€" ‘ con Ins QTYBI from 55') till 8 o‘vlock. and when the Martins nerve lunch you 3“ your money's worth. Tho lndlcs of the 90(4on gnu their arm! expe- flenm in earning tholr dollars during the put few weeks. Vocal solos wen mum-m by Mrs. Piu-kcrel. or 1.3mm. Miss "arm! and Mrs. "mm. John [)3 (hoot gun a mltnuon ln «mm-t 3nd was enthusith-ally savored. Tho Md scanty hm mmlo nesrly #2!» since the first of Int lk-tnbor. It h .1 very em- clout mulllary nl’ the church, fatal: Tho X Ray- rluh “In a plum-0 ammonia. .lmm In "kHMM‘a Dull Monclny «I‘m. Alumni. tidy may“. I". ”me-I. um! gum! mush- by n (‘M- "[0 china"; "div/end “no puny. l’rtrn worn awarded a! lnlhm: lko‘ Ila-ml lady. May quota. "Mn Ilnnlo KolrmJ, llmulalv. a"! ”mucus: no. and MI. «lmnl lady. "o-I' , “In. Fannie Kennedy. lllmdalo. guru-0|; ludhn gm. Mist More.“ Lane. hm kl: Millie“ lady. Hlmflnnulo. haul. nf porfnmery: heal armed mt. Lyn-o Parr". «Nor. Congo "no: second but drum-ed gent, Arl. Pay. rough rid", box of cigars: mmival gent. Roy John- son. yqllow kid. box at cigars: but «03m. P. A. Honor. "Ins-isle. scat! pin: In“ rlnwn. Willinm Balloons, York Cantu. pun: rum: man. Doll-Is Ruby, Imlh: but farm". neu. Hebnmlgmh. whip. TEACRRIS «my 1.. mm. :3on mn the caucus pmcud to nominal. n andldnu for an bond of «Nation to llll the posi- Hon mm by A. u”. Pdnco. Gopt. J. A. Roman and A. 0. Wine. won nonl- umo-l. An Inform-l billol. VII um.‘ whlrh mulled In Capo. Km, "calv- In: '2" vols: uml )lr. l’rlnco 26 votu. m. u.- lorm-l hum (hpt. Kano, nu nominated. mvlvlng 3‘: vow: to 54 vol” lot Ilr. I‘rlum. g. w. Hogan walla-Ion! J. W. Work, m nomad lulmnll lama-bu o! ”no Mud. Juan Ural-m. In unending u.- mmlnucm. Iam‘od um Mu nonl- MUOI ho mmln umlm by welt-lâ€" ungflwhlclu nnld. and It. Voila, an dawned llno "ash” and an nu- : m uncut-ml. The whool clocuon Will be held at ll». VIII-to lull Rum day alumna". how I! no!" ll 0': low-k X-RAYI "MK DANCE. T. Ramona nominated l). (l. Greham for the position. which nomination was seconded by Capt. 'i‘. S. Rogers. Upon motion Mr. Graham's nomination was made unanimom by M‘clnmntlon. Mr. (lrulmm entered the room at thin time and was informed of the action.‘ liq thanked the i-oucus for tho compil- meat but stated that he must decline the honor. and though he won urged to nrcept the nomination he insisted thlt the rem-M take his declelon no final end nominate mme other candidete. in- timating that he would not quality should he be elected. lle nomineted H. W. Martin for the ponitlon. Other- nominnted wen W. ii. Toweley Ind L. ii. (leaner. Mean. (ieener Ind lertin refund to become cendidntee and on motion W. ll. Towaley we: unenimoue- ly rim-n u pmldent by wclemetion. The who") caucus for the purpose of nominating candidates to fill vacancies on the board of edncation caused by the expiration of the terms of President Graham and Members J. W. Worlay and A. H. Prim-e, wm hold at the Maple avenue school building last night. Mr. Worloy called the meeting word". M. Slusser was chosen In t-hairman and E. C. Walton as accre- tnry and the cam-ml proceeded to nom- Inate a president. UNANIMOUSLY CHOSEN FOR PRES] DENT BOARD OF EDUCATION. N OM I N A'I‘E TOWSLEY . W. Worley Ind Clpt. J. A. Kelmcy Nomfinaged for Members of Boardâ€"~51}. . Princé Delemcql to: Renomirmion. A PLEASINO DOCIAL~ SCHOOL REPORT. SEVEN TEENTH YEAR. «P. 91 35 55 Av"!!! unu- Th. only pine. In {on to buy blue nun. oil Sq at Nuh’n. (Iqmmmt o! n lmufllcient number of stockholders of [he Downon (1va Loan Homestead amnion being firmer-Hol- the transaction of bushels at tho regular ulna“ meetingon April} 10th, the meeting was ndjournod to Tnondly evening. In, 8th, 1900. as o’clock. In the dimtom’ mom of tho hankbulldlng. Allsmcltholdon should “and um meeting. Rev.1'hmnae Anderson. a former pee- tor nl‘ the Baptist church here, is now located la Omaha, where he hes been for the peat eight. years m chew-go of a large and lnfluemlel congregation Ini that city. Hrs. Andemn and children ‘heve been vlsmng here recently with Ir. and Mrs. R. W. Bond end others. Ir. and In Anderson are held In high esteem here for their noble example, Influence and christian work In this mom-unity, end ere very kindly re- memhered by ell former melons. (m L. Bum, Search” Jon nouun, Mont. Benjamin PM“:- WI! notional] hurt Inc Tim-Ida, noon In 3 mum", mi- doak Ir. Prun- Ill ddvlng down Isph umuo. and when near Lyman Ivonne the horn been-n uauunq able. phasing “out and running Away. The buggy wu sun-shod Ind Ir. Pmtls thrown heavily must om of them which "no that khot- oughfare. sex-ml, braking his head and shoulders. June: Morton-d “mu: m his nuisance and holped Mn down town. when he wu taken home h, Gem-go lochcl. An interesting (art In mum-Un- wuh the new «urinal "Ila. which the flurflnglon In shout to put lulu 9-"va Minn Ht. [oak and Pant flound.hy any of Willnp. Mont. Is that for nut» ly the out!" «Ida-re It I"! run through territory unwind by the l’nlk 0d Mat. It the Hun ol‘ tho Louisian- purchn- "I "IN. When Nupohon ‘ Bonaparte. on behalf 0! Franco. sold the territory In In for about 1’! cub u more. he um. elm-uni. In Ms u- do-vor to Annoy Bum-ad. flu: a an. aim: .mp1" ho run pmflmlly giv- lng ”my. “Thou In 13.000 can 'hh'.) Mn boon "jot-uni by "to lulu-lot depart- ment, “d “an. In addition In cum um um. mn' umm um, um ho 19!ch to ”In In: court. (Ion. Maw hollow-1th“ hmnblo mum: an be ‘ncund on an “an n the who“ suntan o! W.ud n- ouch-lot. ho mp, um aloumlno "an”, an mm mmlng Inlon II. anal um nmuvo Um nova-Hy to: I'm-In! foul-IAIN!» by Can-gm urn-l. in low luntuu-n." "an A. D. Slaw. tho com-number In chin! of flu Quad Amy. and (lulu-II 1 Daniel Sloklu. of tho (land Amy. Mu the minor In chug. and no In Washington Wu; an anal dun at tho hm which I- to be lubnmod to the Walden: and to othor logal nu- mom, Won It: pvt-cannon to Com m. TM- Illl be done In | very abort} } “Elton; m In In undo by thoUmnd Army or the Republic to man legis- lfllon providing (or th- cmunn of n poulou mum. of tweak which Is Io put "an", on Ippllcuuonn [or [Damion- reject-d by the Pension onion and Into- flor downbeat. Notwllllsmndlng the unpleasant slate ' ol‘ the weather Tuesday the village election brought out a larger vote than has been polled M. any municipal elec- tion for many years. This was caused ' by the cantons between W.S. Waples \ and E. C. Knenzol agalast I“. ll. Kenui-‘ son and A. G. l’rlnce for seats on the village board of trustees. The adher- ents of each candidate were early in the lleld and succeeded in polling 2‘ votes. The regular cltlzenn’ caucus ucket was elooud by an overwhelming majority. The result. of the election was as follows: ‘ Total vole can! ............................... no F. A. Boat. {or president" Bert C. White. {or clerk.“ G. H. flange. [or "once. . W. s. Wapleu. lor tmulee. E. C. Kunzel. lor "Hum, .. I". H. Keunluon. [or Imam A. ll Prince. fur "nuke. The polls were In (large or D (3 Graham, George lloll'erl. and J. w. 'l‘uckeraa judges, and W. R. Wells, ll. II. Oourlrlghl. aml J. E. K. ltobllu an 1 clerks. A dun-tell to tho Chicago Timon- Harald from Wuhlngton up: OF INTEREST T0 OLD SOLDIERS. Largest Vole Pulled [or Years Broughl Out at Village Election Tuesday. CITIZENS’ CAUCUS TICKET WINS. IMPORTANT NOTICE. HURT IN A IUNAWAV warts DAMIENDS. INTERESTING PACT IWNERS GROVE, DuPAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, APRIL role, his fine tenor vac. Inlay apo- 913"]:qu to the Min! Ill. touch- Ing madman of “IQ melody. The chem wu «vocally “mg. ‘Shlner’s "Crucifixion" wan given by thy choir: of the Communal tad Hothodln‘ churches Fruity night to 3 lug. mdicnce. Tho Mutual compoi niacin m admirably given undor tho dlmtion of Carmel Tuck", who my th. hm solo parts. Loni! Canal, at Chicago, was oxmlloni II flu landing; The Chicago. Burlington and Quincy mama-n0. has docldod for tho pran- ont .0 shufdon It: plan of running “a autumn: using over th. union loop. arm thoroughly man-slag the su- burb-u town: 1nd "tuning to the u- gumont of delegations flu oIncMI‘ concluded that the demand In not in- dmnt enough to warrant the lug. oxpondunre nmry marry out the scheme. The wpnmo mart of the United Staten has decided that the shipper must pay for the one-cont stamp put on oxprns rocoipta Md not the company. Tho express computes have rad the luv In that way over since it was posed md the shipper: have been pay- Ing and will continuotodo so. Another victory for the corporations. Wnlhr 8. Bryan, of the Undonwald and Woodsida estates. hm purchased I 1:!)qu muhlnomd will In" It In "sou-ls wool: If an wulher is fair. Ono man can shear s hundred sheep In I day without tunneling a out. A mom! cutting Is nnnmy, and1 from one-ht" to a pound more wool In obtained on "cry Meet. Downm "(on Is being mum! ov- ary day by hous- mlors. They mm. from Chldtxo, an I good looklng not, and If. filling up the few vacant homes. A law of our ruinous an now hug from one street to another. but nnt mm, on: of town. 2H. m 110 199 11-0 extension of Us. suburban clen- trk: In Wank". Mugs M a mat pm- perl. cum»: of that hum an malt- ln‘ some strong Ind-taunts. and U». oflkflnb seem inclined to ram u». prop- Th Priscilla club will mut'lt the Mn. of Ilsa May Rollo Ran-loll Natur- tlay. Apr" 2!. fl 2:1) p. m. All men- bon In «1qu to In present. In sped“ human will be Inns-Mal. Nov. Ind. saw" work. uva am by m- Iag Quirk In! mun. ston- or “W blu- flqmcoll Moves. "or!" Nodal m making nllmllvo [Mn-s on an mum-Mt nova. A "on! clothing up at 1-th. Id loyu lad Ian-Ix yard» in now In union “the I who» ~woop of “I. KIM 'Mrh hut uvmmvluml during “to put III momma. Florida nit-when!” won ullluu It to «Mn l hm lul weal: In tho Ion! Ink“. lloxn dhln‘ t cont-la n quid or I plat. but. u (muo- Unoml. 1 R. H. Iclnlnu. who hm boon \‘lnlfll‘ Mn mm, In J. l. lion-"In, hon IN put um. Inch. rot-Irma today to Ms homo In lkvonpon. lawn. I". A. Root. In building an uldltlon Md making other Improvomonu an M- mMoum property on "old-n In Kat-p your I'm-Mm: of! flu ground by using m. Adjust-bk cloth. Mn. mp- port, 300 “ch, two rot Me, at. lhllofi. Aurora voted Tuesday In {Ivor of pining n curt-w luv, but. overwlwlm- lugly dofutod the no-llccnu ticket. A Chicago mlllinor will mnko and trim uyllnh hula. Address lllns Du" flood-peed, l'. 0. box 474. vlllugo. "alps for garden mnklngvnnoful thing! for ml tloJHIrudeu. hoes. alien etc. It Mort: a lncholu. A number or lot-at sporlu attended the McGovern-Whit. light at Tuliamall's, In Chicago, Tuesday night. A npociul election will be "Gt'Pfiflll‘y to elect a nuccesuor to M. K. Hush on tho village hoard, MIMI Irene M. Parker was Nailing with friends in “m on.)- ”no latter part of last. week. For Saleâ€"Una six-room house, nearly new: 100 feet or ground. l'rlve, 31,000. H. II. Buhgo. Republican township emu-us M. the Amflwrium Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clook. Try a can or those famousfleneme apples at. lung'sâ€"30c per gallon can. Nash tells of spring hem! and font woar in his new ad. this week. Miss Belle McPherson visiIc-d frlends In lflnsdnle over Sunday. (In-den needs at Nash‘s. White Rose gasoline. Nash’s. Arusnc wall paper at Buck’s. Additional lm-ul'news on "I'll: page. Dollaious‘liona, Java and lllm'lm mr. fee at Muller‘s. TM spool-J min of the Cu. Thruh In; llnchlno company, consisting of twenty-flu can ol thoir manhunt]. noun through this morning u 0:50. making 3 than May bore. The min In Ichodulod to latch Down“! Grown :t am, but In dohyod and did not 9- rlu nnm nun-l, 10 o'clock. A lam 6mm! up u the «pot to witnfl "I. «W. 1’!" an Inn doom“! with am sad bunting, sad 1 and u- mm the cromh wm: popula- Tho popolu person", r Inducted ox- cundonn to Culfornls on the Burling- ton luvs Chicago ovary nook. A" through trains will stop M. Downm ‘Grovo for [Imogen holding ”atom to Dubuquo. 8L Poul. linnnpolh, Knnm City. Omaha. Donor and In» yood. 3m checked through. Hooping-cor berths reserved. Call fl] “chi office for’nny other denim!) inc formation. 1 Ilsa (hm-do mm, 0! Downers (Iron; had quit. An Interesting article In an “gamma 8mm, «1mm... woman sum-ago, in mwer to In intu- viow with In. Cuolinc F. Cot-Mn. presidoul. o! tho Illinois “momma op- posed to flu “tension of sufl'ngo to women, and published In thnt pap» tho pruvioun Sunday. A. Hamlin Knit. the impomnuor. gave III smurf-dune“ u an (langu- ‘ plum-l church Saturday night and" 1 “I. mm of the China» Emu-wot society, which us. well Attended. Ir. Kfirk's clavor representations won much spplnua nnd shunned him a an Artist of run nor! t. 'l'ho mm in“... an mnggntlon or topic: W1. would Interest our cau- unA. W0 stand ready to write up or publish nubjoet Inn" um III, In 0' value to “I. filing. an I home con-n. nlly And I M. locum, fnr social Ami Innings purposes. I To-normw. Apfll mm, an IQ o‘rlork noon. the [Allies Md noel“, arm. lupus-t «lunch win no". I In ml. lunch-on in an store format, occu- pledbyJ. ll. Hos. 11m will In: complete chunxsln m. N" 0! fan. 00 not Ink-It. An “qu1: III held Saturday fur lawnululp whool trust... R. 0. (Earth. wimtumoxpim n this “no. N- nakotd. The vote In mtlnr light, owing tn the “at "Mt thorn mu m ommitlnn to Mr. Curtis. John B. Brynn In! «not. In ammo: do" n In. on the Woo-Nd. oat-to. (mad I post of flying ngulrnln. M In mm mm, of than. mu. Inland! In tho whack Ira-I "my wm ho pm- Mull-d. Wu“ I" A ulcdy locnud bulking tot Ill Donna (hove. Adan-10'0“. IM l’qum butklln‘, China». and M will me you. Me. um you will 1‘". In a fungus. A Can for Rinumwmz-Tho Um). lllooa Purifier. Kidney and IJVOI‘ liqu- Inn»; "00 can nut-om. on. 002". (XII of Mn- A. L m rut-mu u... high-1mm? IL". Woolf-"bola, J. D. luv.“ Ind It. 0. Sta-Io, u. pnpulng to bqu walnut brick will“ In hour of mm pm” on lap!- "out". Mn. Hchnzlo, In. Bhvonwn and :Telfonl Buvonwn of Chlcuo visited with Mm. ll. NcKonzlo'n Jan Mona-y. For Sale or Rantâ€"Elgm-mom hon». nowly pknknd Md point“: M foot of ground. “dc-JUNO; will rent for 09‘ nor mouth. (I. 11. Burn". l-‘nncy Callloruh prunes. the cmam of California fruit, 10c pot pound: other prunes so to so. at Nuh’u. Minn Ethel Edwardu. who mu been Improving for several Jay». umk n turn (or the worm ymurdny. Fora Ilollcloua breaknmt drink try (tonuJavn and Mocha votive: only 1‘00. per pound M. Muller'u. The girls or the S. U. 1.. club met at the home of Miss May 'l‘revetle Snlurv day, April l-l. The Belmonuloll' club in era-Mug a club house on its links west of Dowmrs Grove. I". Mel-win lie-Main; of Chlvago, vis- ited with his sisters and lurmher hero Monday. New Idea May fashion sheow now ready. Call and get one at Muller‘s. Apples In gallon cans. for plan and sauce, BOcenta per mm, m. Rung’s. Allan Burnlmrt was it Nuparvillo via "or Sunday. a U". Family Safety. Tho new county board or nuporvhon No smoke; no morodhn chimney». mot at the court. lwuu In Win-non The heat on In town. only Ne per 3111- Tuesday 1"“! orglnlnd t" V flu 3"" Ion. at C. S. Hughes .1; CHI»: hardware T." numb-rs of “no ncw band In sum. Georg. A. Flanker, Addison: Jacob [92. S. F. llallarlmnzs Mung» In lulu ad. Bender. Bloomingdalo: 0' 0‘ Bartlett. this week. Yuan; T10. lshorvrood, Wlnflold; 'l‘. "you cut to. It won't hurt you. maple and to think eating. hung Mary in their M Am: cm!» and. no utter win. you at. at. i done! Dr. cua‘mr- Byrup Piping 1Yon um um ulnar (it. My» flu, Salmon, M m If nrlulflâ€"DTUWIIIIIK. lug-low Illa mum om'.' I“ I. In“ a «a. Ron-w." by In- H-mm 0- Ann-,Wh. mnov.w_" ”mot. cIoa-d mo mum. no, mu- or 0.0 mm W- q 3111:31- uam's u‘runmv "5‘5““- " “d I“ .‘I ~~~~~ nut. than has. in but!“ CoMnctor John F. Burl. In pro-uh. than If. not I. W 1 tag “not fight by Raunchy night I! W “(M plat mm the "gum renum- rnronblo. Tho m wall llll than." I mmMnery In I" In n-l Install“ and ”Us”. MIII’M“ [connections nuts. The angina ”bung alum lad good tho!“ hood up Ml]. Tho Int-mum: cir- Mood- Mn. 1““ ~‘ on". is g" completed and, for turn! w~ - ‘ on tho carnal». The ac circuit In an»: HI m m completed sad the M” will In pineal to-dty. Tho which work has but» ro- und consider-bl, by tho In! author. but with anything uh accent mumm- the mmnt will be turned on and: mi. mud- flcturdsy night. Tho WNW], Hub nu ”undo, In soul-month” cum-g. It v:- "l’oot'n my," and m to roll all am «wanting fro- lingual: pooh. 11‘. um nu-hor or them. In "The [Ah Country mm [In Pmbâ€"‘ Womwonh. Shelby. South, “4 Cebuano." by In. up: 31. Rhona-4. R‘dlngs from Boo“ Md Byron by In. [on Bradbury wm Inno'od h, "‘Ilodom Poohâ€"Tanya”. Brow-lug 5nd (MI-Ml D. Mt," by In. 0. I, Sari-I. "Woman Pooh of am Bahiaâ€"Browning. lug-low 3nd Chris- unn Ito-tut.” by In. Ham!“ 0. "ml, cloud tho mum. "owl" nun gnu-gamut the my.” and“; m : AI um Introduce a new auburn. urn. It... to Khmd ‘mvm. which will am "0- un Ion, loot pha- haw 1union amen u mm o'clock. stopping at tho ”and O. m st only no morn “upon-u “Nth. no... Thom “U much an Rinaldo. (Iron-uh, [nan-p. none-l Mam-c h h I Intern Hort-n. mum. [hum Bull“. m (Iron and Nmrvfllo. lu Ital." “film“lbui Ilmll wlllboAnron. _. .~__. .. n-.. H Athr Apt" 20“. Du Bum-[unis nu- Imrkn ”owl" Wu. which in Ibo Oll- mu mm- o! a. mod I- :3le by ‘th. “Hon! "an-u». mm." will In mom of at "night MI." than on: to Inn. At um “no the "owl" "all do- wh fro- th. “Ion chun- for Aaron and Minn-diu- mum pt IIQ‘ n'c-loch. Arm 0.. an. I: am mu} It ":56 o'clock. In tad bu Inca-o mom" with “Mr Iluloo-dollumll "almond ud lwdary Manon. H. In, 50 mm to tel hu “Maw" an. touching may “CHINE-DOM“ prime; and dean's”. their hulk, out Mr- would huh I tom ud node of ms... u. I. m- 0! moi-voila- on Mona hymen. who now u- w m Now. I! Nu- m“ u- lhohutpofld wish-0M0. elk-Lona...“ um "um 0m on. hut-dud mu. would Mn I In III houl mun Mama». at town. pl- Ion “a non-alt In was. Iona-on, 'IIO’I hum. undou- mugâ€"m HIMJWINQU. patient-cuboid WWI-M” nu. am an! annual... m 11-“..“21 "on M- IM- M‘?! I worm. Act-laden. I“ «ah: «HIM In mull. ‘ Nujor III. II. Cooper, of Douvor. 0010., will gm M- lllmmbd loctun on the "Cl“! Dwollon"nt the Audllorlun "III (Thur-any ) slumoon Md evening. AM! 19th. for the boa-M of the school book and plotun fund. It)“ 00090! hll wont tray-flu you- !) och-NM n- mmh um. than than people. P‘Innnco â€" llammomhmidt. blur- wood, Cram". Chinsâ€"Bond". l-‘hch- er. Hath. Fun and “Inflowâ€"labor- wood. Cram". llnnmomhmldt. Court mouse and “wandsâ€"Bonn. Blodgou. Null. County furm~8ullom fundu.‘ Mull. Sperm-Hull. Kohloy. Blodgofl. Judiciaryâ€"«Crunch Bond". Fischer. Llamaâ€"Hacker. lhrllou. lkul. Cour ulâ€"Kohloy, llnnmcm-hmldt. llhor- wood. County mppllonnfllodnn. Bartlett, Hull. HAT A WHOLI (IA-BAGS Chairman McCIlntock undo th. [01- lowlng appointments of communes: C. D; Bartlett. and James lcCllnwck ware candidum for chairman. Tho I‘m:- waa elected by a vol. of six to four on thn second ballot. 0n the lint ballot. McCllntock molvod llvo vow. Bartlett flvo vow: tad two suturing. M. Hun. muon; wmla'm Ila-aim; sclnnldt, York; June- lcCIlntock. c. B. Blodgou and l". H. Cramor. Down-n (trove; A. W. tohley. Halo: Thomas Betta. Nupurvlllc. ‘ D \ . ,n - . ‘ " -' , ,1 organise Twain: and Chm]! llc- n man I”- I Clinlock o! Downers Own a Chairman A ' " w' " NEW BOARD or Bahamian um: Q. OWL rum. WIDMAY CLUE LOST WORLD LECTURE. I9. 1900. "mm” Patna. Torodo. (or M! farmer 0! York hump“!- “M‘Wk you-I mid.“ of mam-a1 1"” Sunday, land In you-u. M 1:338:35 [Downer- (iron. land “I ‘m tin-flu tho out in > n-no'n Ito-“ a. " will Mu! nah "I." It...“ Ave-nu. ' lurid-hm“ u tho to. 0! Ir. 'M‘. 3"“! Ann-:2 I“. lot-d II We Marin. ”RALEWJk-nkmn only Punk 'lllul. m Doug‘- noun. Turned-«lbw; and M I. "an” m I mm, by mam: m emu-g. hug-6|. pom". My. of law." am. In ml .3 an In“: O “ um- «Midn- Io m M.“ tuna! m can a.“ II... loud-y u 10'“ fl. ‘0‘ No. I". u. (I. “It”. d 1 WED-fl mumwnr-4 Tho Ohm Ian an.“ mama-Immunoa- mlybo much hob-gnu buoyant-9mm In... anoulthmlMd “ WWI “IN.- N0'."Ml .0! M“: at batman-I'd a.“ mid hon-mound“ 'MW-fm‘u“ u n_.,A our-mum who on Then m now as], lufifl mu, Jul. Thu. "I!“ Handguns. Tu ylor, B. Tnylor. formerly of of Nov York all], did u; mouth of anmm. yuan. Hon-um hush-t um count, In m: nd not“ rum which In- her In... W dull: . Conga-mu Hophlu' h. “ Auronâ€"llopllnl, mm A V , hm boon dl-olvod. In“ ll. Nth-lug. If. WI“ will 5* ' tumor um- Aunt-o, M '1, wanna use or. um i. ' Hopi-In. W a naps It.) I. n August Bonn-o, who u- to "to count, 1-" I... Malamute-tum rm of MT! 0"ng were inform In the York Wain-day. Abnor fitrlokluul. ltd U at. MI homo In 00m} .» “a win formerly I_ m 1: towmhtp Ind van a .. Stricklnnd of Wheaten FROM WM; 5 (my 1

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