Downers Grove Reporter, 26 Apr 1900, p. 10

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wave:- which -Plnkham for .11th ”lung hob. N. was (has; lam. dub. ls Iron, and midi-coy ls lynl, ”Immcauagm II no! t rug; Ilok ls lydla E. ran-f. chollbl’o U lmn'n Tuna-c W In In an. but (that. no say Lion-«unr- Pretoulon Isn't “turd; nature m- or pretends. “ending a clock In one way to In prove an "no. “mm much-u. WWW. AM In. [ml-Mm. I! A man bu no animations It’s my to rennin honest. atom-Mu“. "um um nun-um.“ ltud-unluuxlfin‘gwu *ul 1. {me or tho-Lulu: that m up! to (at pinched. , ”mu, V V incrimim' n- mmm ‘0.” Originality is simply I new wny o! amassing an old (haunt. Who. All In. run. I KL Cum Cam and ”unloa- meI overkill. nm-mmwmullk. XI- muJK-"mmau Three may keep a secret, 1: two of them are dentâ€"Franklin. In Iur [out not. and Mn? Shaka Into your shoes Allen' I Fool- Eue, I. powder for the feet. It ”k. tight or New Shoes feel Dal! C 5 Coma, Bunions, Swollen. Hot awe-flux Feet. At all Drum“: Shoe Stem. 250. Sample sent FR Address Allen 8.0Imated.befloy. N. I”. Nothing Is more surprising that the canines: with which the may are governed by the remâ€"Hume. Smmhhdsl i ”gum! hall I! ql-uu‘plggugg. I“ PAlet'o Economy 1. the poor nur- um. u-Ififififl In. Wlum‘qsrootyh' Imp. In...” Id! 9’.- (Inc. (we. luloreuuhm. “Ian. I“ can can Bil- fizfl' ‘ now-arm mvi'monmu. m...» Mawmmwmmmmmw But the question turned Lizue‘n hluhing {no for a. III-nut file. It had suddenly rounded her at mum Dewenz'e favor d'thh would-he unit- or for her hand Prince Ole-em Sins. hm a natm at the m m m blood III In!“ Ind Ind and horn boyhood h I‘m-a. and W st at. o! a. nun» nt- "Do you know why I didn‘t tell you of Buddy's engagement till I new that I bid was your out hurt? Becaus- I didn't van: to be taken out of pity." "You need never be jaloul o! no my more, Don,” In said, with "not "What of m fllghnc- Prince Clem- out Sing. who your father bid no out you utely 3 present of a cart-In mn- nere mum, at! . champac "elm?" be curled. Instill “I hope," he laid playfully, "that man you never. never would be so cruel In to :1" no a you did old Rod- dy. There! forgive me. sweet. PM I brute to have reminded you of those days 'hen you were Incl: a dear little matte. An you quite sure you no not afnifl of giving your-elf in such a jealous begat :- i an. Lillie? hr ya! know I am jealous." Tia-n work of doom! lm night laying inn lulu m filly fru- the uni I!” (In the git“; but Don read In the" sweet soles-My the ma- len mum; at I bopeuHor higher bond of union. Ind he only nailed col. may ll he held her close Ind re‘ turned her In. um: liberal interest. "Oil. on, may '2 ho uh the Ivy. and nlnys 0mm clone to (Inch other. lay nouns; aver com have" u m!" the mat And when he had placed It on no third flag" of ”Ill-'0 fair had. no repaid him by throwing her arms about It: neck and giving Man the In: my I!- of love. And (In I. hand In unit, and lam-rd "sweet nothing.” In her at «but brush! on color amt" snowy to her lovely than. Lastly be am from his little laser a gold hid. bear- lug I «la-om! ivy mt. nd Imlbod Inside with the single word "Bydand" â€"otndlut-â€" "to Gordon badge nnd noun. "I, will. [Al]. I a. mum” en- an n mu pron I node! Darby and Inn. for, mm m cm have no. who: do I can for anything the?" Don't um flood am“ Mr um In. Mauve (“dam Hu- Ie Md u! down. "ion. 4-,. Don. urn). you um . u I to m. m: nun «mum; and no Ion ammonia-mantle an M I hm that 00-! um nul- It '15!- to you I- m. on not "no“ Si. N». Inn, and put in lunch ml to III: will a "cum (in Balm all than! at I!” ”MI“. It In n no“ mm. for M1: to any I- "a. M or Mr nuolm nylon-Wu of mm; but [on undo um. blind In «"71th but "on uun a! known: to In mm": her heart torn". and that late Mn bud: bad but put no woodman power at nail-c bl- Mm Mo bland. ”You were In! Ilnn Inc. 3 mm Pom-o. mm." be mum Mr. “or. do"! you know. 'ooo my word. I “cold on" bun ntnld to mu 1: pol-um. you would "or loot at such o "moon on m. (or ~you know I on not I hypocrite. “men-I‘m not a good “No! by My want. And. to tell an (talk, I don‘t want to ho om." Do: me from Mr am with I .0- moaury lush on m. rank. “Oh. I am so gladâ€"w glad!" an ex- Chlmed, and there was no mlluktlx the genuine warmth 0! her worm. “You will tell him that when you write. won't. you. Don! And I myult VIII It!" to DI. 0h. Don. I lhlnt DI I. one of the habitat women In (no whol- vorld. flu! [or in camp]. I should nova:- tun loaned to uncu- t" out "no no not our own.“ “And so I. too. pray that you my. though It were only to wince tho de- clining years of a ‘ 18! sinner like my- self. sweet saint." he rejoined. lighllx “And now. my dnrltng. alnco I know your heart In mine. beyond retranlon. I an rlsk to tell you my new: from home today. Th-t (ankles: Roddy In Ibo“! to be cspousod to my sister. DI." "I try to thlnk It II a long, long tlme, Don," she named gravely, “m:- then I never though! at right or wrong. or how beautiful It makes Me if we try to serve God rather than sell 0h." she broke off. with a thrill otremotlon In her voles. "sometime: I pray I may live to be an old womln, just to try to make up for all those wanted years." day-'1’" queried Don, toying with a golden strand of her hair. Her words had tenured his restaurant. Ind calm. "I am very sure that Roddy does not are a scrap nowadays [or me." she lald demurely. nddlng. wlth sweet cou- trmon. "and I am not surprised. after the way I treated Mm. But I was only a thoughtless girl in those days. and 1 know he has forgiven me." "How long ago In It nlnce ‘tboae CHAPTER ILâ€"(ContlnuedJ She looked an In his face with a Ht- flo smile that would hue uppeused a. very martlnet In love. m ommu ”WUUVI . .* fifi$ififiéfifiw®tÂ¥ "ié‘fi’iét‘é :fififéfiéfiéfié 391914 antic secret of love wmthmmm m Mun; He took Illa cloak from the natlve's hull. nd. thrown: It on. stood mnlng with in em to prolong the exam-Ito m of the spell which Ind and- dellly mm upon lllm 'Illd held Mm In {hm The red fireflies were flashing, the perfume of rose and pink olenmler waned from the garden on the hot alt. 0n the m‘smtchlng terrace of the bungalow 1 great adjumt bml. wltn m ma naming under its wlng. was allhdneued against the silvery expanse of sky. From the prickly-mt hedge o! the compound rm anon the melancholy howl of e helm. All neon-cloudy. scene and hour were to be fixed irrevocably upon Don Gordon's memory down to the vet-hast trifle. The moon had risen. and in its clear light her lovely face. with m aureole of golden lulr. shone radiant with its lava he quivering with the pain which thlu moment of farewell brought. Ulfle picked up a silk coveflet from the dim. and throwing it over her shoulders, accompanied her lover to the "and; All too not came the In! moment for Int care-ea and parting irords. far may the red~turhaoed native announced an "Gordon sahlb's horse was at the site as arm-red. Ind his cloak aim, u dew was tuning." A}! bow to“ were to umber ”It comer-um II a bitter-day to cope! "What then. not! maul". would you have It that love mm a sin?“ be (varied. maturing the hand and covering It with lines. "God forbid!" the lawn-rd earnest- ly; "but «rely, lacunae of that love. forxiveu- tho-kl he cum?" “Don't all mum" that Dan M we hop- to be forgiven. forgive and for- get the wrong your movher did you when she brought you up as man's heir. annual)" It was all for mu of you she sinned." "You Int think of me killing Ill-o mm!“ the hours which will hm he hurl to no dint lmlr woman who to soil: to opal n paradise for "u [not mum-l wanderer.“ m. not up bet lime hand to his lips. "I! “(ll-l." be nurtured but "ll. bl.- hn nnmdoml. and tho 'lr h practically our. Thm'n "any ”(th to In nervous about." "0|. Dos. .1 drama. I um" no dnuuu All mm at unu- Magnum to you on (M v”! I and In In! no (rule-rd when my huh" and on Int; In: no- I that lo I: flf'ly II any n In alert-1. OI. Don?" am larch cl. "It you nu" ma Incl to no n ma back by Dean!" an m rlnu Io hm. nu a» mu- III-mu II but minimal bluo rm "Man an Inn I. told an Inn not." In almond no"! "But em :9. child. t don’t up"! In no (not more um um or lnnr tun II the via-1' Rho tuned nah as Mr (Imam: pun. "To-narrow? Ob. Dun. why man you tall the Info" yma ‘orn gum. lo In" no to-nomv?" "You m at] m. my darling. Ian I 3- mu to (no you I: you: mm! by uni-x your father to gm you to no baron we mmmer. l have In 0:. III in I wry mun nun. to: l Mn Jun bad man- In m:- 1 mm an“ at our Dub}: out to pin bu rump to-munow." En. Doll. all-abnorhtd nl mu his nature. in loaded by hot dovuflun. Th0 qulvrt In In: “Her moved her profoundly. "We will nuke n In»; ham. Don. you “d I whatever you In": In Ibo whole “n.3," II“! and. "I ain‘t watt for that. Lune." And t! ht: mastery arm more (mm the dogmttc VIII of the man than Illa 1m- pc-tuoulty or the Ion-r. the-re was no doubt about tats mrnmtnwu. “I! you ever so back hour. It mmt be u my wife; but. Lmla. l wun't promtu- you I would like yuu. I could nut bear It. for I am : Iomolflu wuudmrr m'uv." For answer Dun drew an one more within his mum For to the heart of a Briton. In whatever foreign (-Hme. the sacred name 0! "Home" belong: to the be- loved Bmluh hm Mono, “That sounds almost like getting over a disagreeable duty." she objected. “And I am sure my father won't want me to run away from him just yet-om)! nu this disturbance on the [rennet In over. and he is ready to take me home." "l was only joklux." Don lnlermpud her calmly. “But this remlnda me. love. I shall have to get your father's consent. I suppose. before 1 can ask you to name the happy day? For you know of old I'm no: a patlent fellow. Llllle. I like things to be assured and smooth-salllnx. l stlck to the fine old mum: 1: 'twere well ’lwere done. then 'twere well v-lt were done quickly’." She looked up In her mu lover's face with a plquant. dubtous omne. to accept them; but If it is the custom of me country to give costly things like that as we give lumen; and trifles at home‘w" She stopped. In" Vinylâ€"Inns "And tlm's nothing more betWeen m?" be and. “No. Harry. dour,” she refill“ mun against his atoni- ng; "1 air: at my clog no your- aim Noni Harm-.- All mun. Snobsol (to inhabitant of out-ot- way seaside nannyâ€"“What sort or people do you set down here in the summer?" lnhhluntâ€"“Ob, an mm, zur. There he flue people an' common people. 311' one Just half and halt. like yourself. lur,"â€"~Punch. "on when assured of its nature. claimed that be had no idea that It mum be conveyed in mllk. The fact that parents do not know how chil- dren could have contracted this dis- ease often act as I check upon any eflortn to comb“ it, insisting that an the little onu have not been exposed to this mainly It certunly must be something P188 that all: them. When Hines of this sort breaks out. In a family the only propor course is to have it invatlgated at once Delays are quit: nun to be dlmtrons I! not m1. and in the present condition of mane-1 knowkdge on this subject, then In Insomnia hope of relief it attention is given when the first unmou- of illness manifest them. selvn. ugh canvass at the vicinity n m Manual that 3 dealer II milk Md n. his many a couple of use: of dipl- therlc. Ho profound ignorance ”the cause of no eludrel‘s sickness, and 1M Ip9fld M rant-ela- mount. The summit-"Ky of moss persons who supply Ole Milo vltb (nod and drink is lot sufllciently realized by the «mummy at hm. Not long since I um of calla of diphtheria broke out In A neighborhood. ‘Mc discuss was 0! a very seven type. and. In sav- enn mum. moved fcul mar two or am hys’ illness. It seemed im- plausible. It first. to nae. the com:- um I: I» "fee, but an" . that. He Inuam‘ as I! in mm "M matter on n a Jule; but I: was paulucly annoyed. "‘Pol I! had. in ym'rp trunk!" ”(hind (hm-Io 0"me Irritated toy who to than! «misty on Don) pm. "My daughter would in mm- ond to km mu. Inn! the Inca t Wat-berks! la." n we say In (In norm. you In“ have had none of In “ "Titanium” and Dan mmy. "I an m and to ho "II-M nl In re- vmuud Ion“. us]. I um mntm. l abmld not ban nix-n: IAIN. Io man In! your". I! an only «In In! of M Mu an bum-m nutm- Il poms- Mo II- null n" W .7 w".- " "My do" Mr." urlumm mm mm on. m. WIN! warm}. "If your on mmuwn mu don not Ml yum my «Md "W. “on you must mnlna my Irma mmpokw Yon'vr mm mm- wlt you haven't 3 mm Mom] your any and that your uacln. (‘oloml 00r- dnn. than.” to slim: you your". New. unmm. do you round" ynu am A: I" .u nultablo much (or my um. girl. vim. run an: numb-Ir. In m n hrlmn. Had you m heir o! (3:- dunâ€"3‘ "Stun you NV. Com m In lunch. I rim-M Illa lhnl you um tall a» man." mm Dun. In that «In: «um um mm bun-pd tho on II M- Mm "May I "In why It In wine"; tmpvmlbin?‘ "9"!me lupus-thin. my our tal- luw, though 1 mm: "Hing you no. don't you know?" l! was charnvwrmic 0! Don'- nature mu be in run-1y round to passion: but. one! round, I! In deep Ind Inu- lnu: and by Ibo n-llot that land ro- phn-ed the flush upon bl: (Ice u vu loo "idea! be in moved to union "You my I! |l Impossible your daugh- tvr uhuuw ever be my wife?" Don spoke at In“. with painful dlsdncl- Don‘s check was flushed. and his dark eyes gloved ominously as their glance {allowed the Honda of pale smoke from the cheroot he pulled for several lulu. mes In proud nuance. That he had never contemplated (Talk taln Derwenl'n blunt reluaal of Mn nul: wn very certnln. by the easy assurance with Ilik‘h ho had courted and won LHIIe's own consent. It Vin nearly three weeks since the lover had hidden Lillie farewell. and she It was who was under discussion now. It was Captain Den-went who spoke in that decidedly aggressive tone or decision. and he whom he addressed was Dan Gordon, u they strolled in company dong 3 narrow track by the side of a winding nullah, on their way back to men at the Tlrah camp. hie! " Ah! she ume knew what the Inter- val held In store. "'i'iii we meet again". He spoke mitiy then. as. kissing his hand to her, he resumed his helmet and gnlioped away into the moonlit night. "Tiii we meet again!" She 'Iltted her tear-dimmed eyes to the atar-spangied heavens in a mute supplication that the Father of all would watch between him and her till that day came. He sealed the confusion with a 935' sionnte kiss. and tore hinge]! away. to spring lightly to the saddle. For an Instant he paused on his prancing stead with bar-ed head. his brown eyes bent upon her. and a. smile on his moustached lips. “That I love you." the answered alm- DIY. “and that I only live for you ham to come back to me.” trembling girl In I “daring 0mm "What message than 1 an to th- father. little one?" CHAPTER 111'. “Impossible. my dear sirâ€"impossi- ET. to continued.) buy my liquor him-3mm "The colonel'l been getting the drag on somebody. I m." "Ya; no «idea bu Q m us much. and nobody an no. t- to Edmund BINOI'I Wort. Mr. Edmund Barton. tho goes to London to represent New South Wales during the passage of the common. wealth bill, of which he in part author. is a personal friend as well as a col- league in many fights for the national ideal of Mr. Deakln. who represent- Victoria, so that the twain will speak with one voice. Mr. Barton ie a 5rd: teciloniet an lncieive speaker a skill- iql lnwyer, an excellent convenatlon. aliet. As an instance of his scrupulom sense oi! honor it may be mentioned that before leaving Sydney he resigned his seat in parliament. thinking that the £1,000 he receive: for in delega- tion constitutes him a paid servant d the colony. no IbM u Int-n. Tbo Blackwaier. which ha been niyied the irish Rhine, has been in- cluded in many tourist programmes Wickiov, a run 0! only an hour or in from Dublin. with its inks and bills. has been made easily momma to a. ordinary iourist by good saving of public cars and couches. The lip-ton date character of tourist eutetprisu in developing our imrist industry in ovidenccd by the fact that n genie. oi automobiles is at pm being or- mind to run from Dublin to 1b. Dprgle. The beautiful Lough Gill. in Sligo. and the winding banks of Erna. in Fermanagb, are now visited by hundreds for the oneâ€"generally I stray flabermnnnwbo used to stroll along their shores. as / In run-o 580m a Mac to! 5-6- ogh 'r‘nolt Tm- coal famine "animal In Prune. AHOUI an upmrmnlly (or Alanin- mal n! I" crud" In «m. marten. TM mnl lamlm "ml has "mu In Name and A Mr" put at Europe dab in. um pron-m Ilnlor cud Ila. conn- qmml huh prim o! nll kind. 0! ma In" rallnl vary nmnl INC-"0‘ to Illa cnll manly a! "on world. Th. 0“- union In “va lo ho duo to ()0 war In "In Tmnu’ul Ind lb. Ilrllu ll: (be hand: ml dlurlcu. ll MIG ulna In “ml-Mod In tho IMIIQD'“ Arumy In "up dunno-In of «unme- Iun. w'mn mm and I" run upon to“ an um: lo'mlallon and have been «will; lnrmslul lion mnmmpflo‘ lot we lnal dorado. TM’ nawmmelu n! «vrral Rumpus “Hans I". he! natal tn um prmnpl nvtlon In (no (I- mtlnn of pron-ding (Mir ulna. Th Annual rocl ompm 0! Palm Is mm two-"Hula of the rnnsnnptlc‘. The railroads In Palm manna nan-ll] about L300.” long: the neulimmul etshlishmonls. 6.000000 tons: Ibo mining industry. 3.000.000 tonsâ€"over lull (he onlpnl. M is asserted. hm no. lulhorlutlvoly. that Pram: all [real- ly mum-at Mr output of coal. Tho more amoral opinion In that the roun- try will have to lonk to! her coal mp- {I} to um l'nued sum nod cum lands. who“ more are rich mine: n! untouched. "was Dr. McKane. who lived between Washington and Augusts. .He was a physician 0! the old school. and being also a man of strong religious views. .he was in the habit of occasionally preaching in the rural churches. Physi- cally McKane was a giant. and it he failed to convert a sinner by word at month he was not averse to finishing the argument with his fists; so, need~ less to say, his proselytlng was singu- larly successful. One Sunday. as the story goes, he drove to a neighboring village for the purpose of holding serve tees, and was met as he descended from his buggy by the local blseh- smith. who was the bully ot the com- munity. The blacksmith had heard 0! the doctor‘s prowess. and, regarding his presence as a menace to his own prestige. decided not to let him preach. 'Well. stranger, who be 1'. anyhow?‘ he asked as a starter. plant- ; lug himself in the visitor's path. 111 name is McKane.’ replied the doctor. ‘snd l've come to hold a meeting in the church yonder.’ ‘My name is Bill Williams.’ said the blacksmith. 'snd I'm here to tell 3" that y' can't hold no Ineetln' in this town today.‘ "l‘hat's something we'd best settle immediate- ly,’ said Bchane, with perfect cool- ness, and proreeded to pull 0! his coat. The blacksmith had the advantage of brute strength, but )chane was a skillful boxer. and after a few um passes he saw an opening and knocked his man down. The bully got up rav- lng and was promptly domed agoln. The third time McKane stretched his~ adversary out he Jumped on his chest and began slugging him about the tut-e. ‘llohi on.’ bellowed the black- smith. spitting out a couple of teeth. 'l've goiter 'nuil?‘ 'Do i preach hen today." asked lchsue, landing a still punrh on his nose. ‘l’es! yes!‘ yelled the oer; 'preaL-h all y' want to!‘ 'And will you come and hear me?‘ cnutinuml the doctor, hitting him I trrrii‘lt- llrk iu‘the eye. ‘l'es! I'll comef' ‘Aii right, hmther,‘ said the lighting parsun, rising Jnd wiping his hands; ‘the serrlrm will begin at 10 sharp.‘ The him-Immuti kept his nerd and was on the tmui hem-h. They say he litu- Irard box-arm a clan leader.“ A Round Juno-Ball'- W WM Could moo rat op. sun us». "One 0! the noted unte-bellum chu- meter; of the south." can a Georgia. DOCTOH AND PEEACHIR- COAL FAMINB

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